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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise biomecânica de dentes restaurados com retentor intra-radicular fundido, com e sem férula / Biomechanics analysis of restored teeth with cast intra-radicular retainer, with and without ferrule

Poiate, Isis Andrea Venturini Pola 11 December 2007 (has links)
O objetivo foi avaliar a influência de variações no formato da férula dada por núcleo estojado sobre as tensões desenvolvidas na raiz em um modelo tridimensional de um segundo pré-molar superior submetido a quatro condições de carregamentos: cunha, alavanca vestibular, alavanca proximal e torção. Seis modelos foram confeccionados a partir das dimensões médias obtidas na literatura. Um deles representou o dente hígido, e outros cinco dentes restaurados com coroa e retentor intra-radicular fundido: um simulou núcleo simples, sem férula (E2A0), e em quatro modelos variou-se o tamanho do espelho (E) em 1/3 da espessura da parede radicular (E1) ou 2/3 (E2) e a altura (A) da férula foi equivalente a E1 (A1) ou a E2 (A2); ou seja: os modelos E1A1 e E2A2 tiveram 45º de inclinação do bisel da férula. Todas as estruturas foram consideradas homogêneas, isotrópicas e lineares elásticas. Os resultados permitem afirmar que a férula não parece necessária para melhorar a distribuição de tensões e que, exceto para o caso de carregamento longitudinal (que demonstrou ser o menos danoso), o cimento ficou submetido a tensões que justificam sua fratura e a dentina apresentou tensões de tração compatíveis com fraturas longitudinais (com início na crista óssea), especialmente para a alavanca vestibular. / The aim was to evaluate the influence of variations in the radicular ferrule format given by the casing core on stress developed in the root in a three-dimensional model of one upper second premolar submitted to four load conditions: wedge, vestibular lever, proximal lever and torsion. Six models were built according the average dimensions obtained from the literature. One of them represented the sound tooth, and other five restored teeth with cast radicular retainer and crown: one simulated simple core, without ferrule (E2A0), and in four models the mirror (E) size was varied in 1/3 of the radicular wall thickness (E1) or 2/3 (E2) and the ferrule height (A) was equivalent to E1 (A1) or E2 (A2); or be: E1A1 and E2A2 had 45º inclination of the ferrule bisel. All the structures were considered homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic behavior. The results allow to affirm that the ferrule doesn\'t seem necessary to improve the stress distribution and that, except for the longitudinal load case (that demonstrated to be the least harmful), the cement was submitted to stress that justify his fracture and the dentine presented compatible tensile stress with longitudinal fractures (with beginning in the bone crest), especially for the vestibular lever.

"Influência do modo de ativação do cimento resinoso e de cargas cíclicas imediatas na resistências de união entre porcelana e dentina" / Composite shrinkage stress as a function of specimen dimensions

Witzel, Marcelo Ferreira 12 September 2001 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência das dimensões do corpo-de-prova sobre a tensão de contração de um compósito em sistemas de teste com compliances conhecidos e em um sistema hipotético com compliance zero. A distribuição das tensões foi avaliada através de análise por elementos finitos. Cilindros de vidro com 2, 4 ou 6 mm de diâmetro foram fixados nas garras da máquina de ensaios (Instron 5565). As alturas dos corpos-de-prova foram definidas ajustando-se a distância entre os cilindros (0,5, 1, 2 e 4 mm). Um compósito quimicamente ativado (Bisfil 2B, Bisco) foi aplicado entre os cilindros. A força máxima após 30 min foi dividida pela área da seção transversal do corpo-de-prova para se obter a tensão nominal (MPa). A partir dos valores do módulo de elasticidade do vidro, diâmetro do cilindro e força desenvolvida, o valor da tensão nominal experimental foi corrigida para estimar a tensão que teria sido obtida caso o sistema tivesse compliance igual a zero. Estes valores foram utilizados na análise por elementos finitos. Alturas menores geraram maior tensão nominal apenas nos diâmetros 4 mm e 6 mm. Houve uma correlação linear direta entre tensão e fator-C. Porém, o efeito de borda ficou evidente nas curvas dos dados agrupados por diâmetro. Não houve relação entre tensão nominal e volume de compósito para todo o conjunto de dados. A correção da tensão resultou em valores mais altos e ampliou as diferenças de tensão entre as alturas. A simulação por elementos finitos evidenciou pronunciado efeito de borda em situações de alto confinamento e os valores da tensão máxima de Von Mises foram mais altos do que a tensão nominal 9 corrigida em qualquer condição experimental. Foi possível concluir que as dimensões do espécime influenciaram os valores de tensão nominal. É possível inferir que a eliminação do compliance tornaria esta influência mais evidente. Existe um pronunciado efeito de borda neste tipo de ensaio, principalmente em condições de alto confinamento. / The objective of the present study was verify the influence of specimen dimensions on polymerization shrinkage stress of a dental composite in testing systems of known compliance and in a hypothetical system with zero compliance. Stress distribution was evaluated using finite element analysis. Glass rods with 2, 4, or 6 mm diameters were attached to a universal testing machine (Instron 5565). Specimen height was defined by adjusting the distance between the rods (0.5, 1, 2 or 4 mm). A self-cure composite (Bisfil 2B, Bisco) was applied between them. Maximum contraction force after 30 min was divided by the cross-sectional area of the specimen in order to obtain nominal stress (MPa). The corrected nominal stress was calculated using the elastic modulus and elongation of the components of the system, together with the force registered during testing. Corrected values were used in the finite element analysis. Shorter specimens generated higher nominal stress only for the 4 mm and 6 mm specimens. There was a direct linear correlation between stress and C-factor. However, the effect of boundary restraints became evident when data were grouped by diameter. No correlation was found between nominal stress and specimen volume. Data correction for compliance amplified the differences in stress produced by different heights. Finite elements analysis revealed an accentuated boundary effect in high confinement groups. Maximum Von Mises stress was higher than corrected nominal stress in all groups. It was concluded that specimen dimensions influenced test results. Eliminating the influence of system compliance made the effect of specimen 11 dimensions on stress more evident. Boundary restraints have a strong influence in test results, mostly in highly confined conditions.

Determinação analítica da correção de hélice em um par engrenado devido ao efeito da flexo-torção. / Analytical determination of the lead correction in a gear mesh due to bending-torsion effect.

Silveira, André Rodrigues Garcia da 27 January 2016 (has links)
O foco do presente trabalho é estudar a intensificação da pressão de contato entre os dentes de duas engrenagens cilíndricas de dentes retos, que ocorre por causa do deslocamento dos componentes de um redutor de velocidades. Essa intensificação ocorre inclusive em um redutor fabricado sem quaisquer erros de usinagem ou de montagem. A correção de hélice é uma usinagem realizada na superfície do dente da engrenagem que compensa os deslocamentos dos eixos e engrenagens, devido à flexão e à torção, e os deslocamentos dos dentes das engrenagens, devido à flexão e à pressão de contato. Foram estudados efeitos importantes para essa correção de hélice em um redutor de velocidades. Com isso, foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico que calcula a correção necessária para diminuir esse intensificador de pressão de contato em função dos deslocamentos citados acima. Esse modelo analítico foi comparado com um modelo analítico da literatura e com o software comercial RIKOR®. Os resultados de correção de hélice propostos são similares aos da literatura e do RIKOR® com exceção das bordas das engrenagens, aonde existem algumas divergências. Posteriormente, foi desenvolvido um modelo sólido de engrenagem com o perfil evolvente e com as correções de hélice calculadas analiticamente. Este modelo tridimensional (3D) foi elaborado usando os softwares SolidWorks® e Inventor® e simulado por elementos finitos por meio do software ANSYS®. Verificou-se que as três correções de hélice - a proposta, a da literatura e a do RIKOR® - realmente diminuem a intensificação de pressão de contato no flanco do dente da engrenagem. Por fim, foi possível visualizar que a correção proposta nesta dissertação é 3% mais efetiva que a proposta pela literatura e pelo RIKOR® para o caso analisado. / This work will study the contact pressure intensifier between two spur gears teeth, which exists due to the displacement of the components of the gearbox. This effect occurs even in gearboxes manufactured without any machining and/or assembling errors. The lead correction is a machining operation conducted at the gear tooth surface that compensates the displacement of shafts and gears, due to bending and torsion, and the gear teeth displacement, due to bending and contact pressure. Factors that are important to the lead correction in gearboxes were studied. An analytical model was proposed in order to evaluate the lead correction necessary to diminish the contact pressure intensifier as a function of the displacements mentioned above. This analytical model was compared to a literature one and to the commercial software RIKOR®. The results of the proposed lead correction are similar to the literature and RIKOR® ones, although there are differences at the borders of the gears. This work also describes the development of a solid model of the gears and shafts with the involute profile and the lead correction evaluated analytically. This model is tridimensional (3D) and was designed using SolidWorks® and Inventor software. It was simulated using finite element analysis software ANSYS® and it was possible to verify that the three lead corrections - proposed, from literature and from RIKOR® - diminished the contact pressure intensifier at the gears tooth flank. It was also possible to verify that the lead correction proposed is 3% more effective than the other ones for the case analyzed.

Análise da transmissão e distribuição de tensões aplicadas em próteses totais convencionais reembasadas com diferentes espessuras de forrador macio / Analysis of Transmission and Distribution Voltages Applied to the Conventional Denture relined with a liner Soft

Lima, Juliana Bisinotto Gomes 08 July 2011 (has links)
Os materiais resilientes ou macios para reembasamento de base de próteses são utilizados na clínica odontológica com a finalidade de proporcionar maior conforto e eficiência mastigatória aos pacientes que utilizam próteses removíveis totais e que por situações específicas não suportam uma prótese removível total convencional com base rígida. Atualmente é muito utilizado nas próteses removíveis transicionais, para minimizar as pressões sobre implantes que se encontram na fase de osseointegração, além de proporcionar ausência de lesões traumáticas e condicionamento tecidual durante o período pós-cirúrgico; em casos de rebordo alveolar atrofiado; irritação crônica superficial possivelmente devido à pressão do forame mentoniano; rebordo em lâmina de faca; após radiação terapêutica dissipando as forças oclusais, entre outras. Assim, é objetivo deste estudo analisar por meio do método de elementos finitos tridimensional a distribuição de tensões aplicadas na prótese removível total reembasada com forradores macios em diferentes espessuras e consequente transmissão a mucosa e ao rebordo, definindo a espessura ideal de material reembasador. Os corpos-de-prova constituirão-se em modelos projetados de mandíbula desdentada com uma prótese total apoiada sobre o rebordo. São 6 modelos: modelo 1: prótese removível total apoiada diretamente sobre o rebordo sem material reembasador (caso controle); modelo 2: prótese removível total reembasada com 0,5mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 3: prótese removível total reembasada com 1mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 4: prótese removível total reembasada com 1,5mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 5: prótese removível total reembasada com 2,0mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 6: prótese removível total reembasada com 2,5mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo. Uma força de 60N foi aplicada ao longo eixo dos dentes das próteses, sendo de mesma intensidade bilateralmente e simultaneamente. Após a execução dos teste e análise dos resultados verifica-se que a adição de apenas 0,5 mm de material reembasador (modelo 2), diminuiu em 10% o pico de tensão, ocorrendo diminuições menores com o aumento gradual da espessura de material reembasador. Dentro das características do presente trabalho, a diminuição dos picos são menores do que 1% entre os modelos 4 e 5, sugerindo que para mandíbulas com boa adaptação da prótese, superfície óssea lisa, sem espículas, nichos dentários ou outros fatores semelhantes, não é significativo uma espessura maior do que 1,5 mm de material reembasador . Um resultado que sai desse padrão se refere ao modelos 5 e 6, onde o aumento de 2 para 2,5 mm de espessura do material reembasador promoveu um aumento nos picos de tensão. Diante das características in vitro deste estudo conclui-se que uma espessura de 2mm de material reembasador é o suficiente para amortecer as forças mastigatórias. No presente estudo, espessura maior que 2mm promoveu tensões à mucosa e ao rebordo. / The soft or resilient materials for relining denture base are used in clinical dentistry in order to provide greater comfort and chewing efficiency of patients which use removable dentures for total and specific situations as they does not tolerate a removable prosthesis with total conventional rigid base. Currently it is widely used in transitional dentures, to minimize the pressures on implants in process of osseointegration, while providing no traumatic injuries and conditioning tissue during the postoperative period, in cases of atrophic alveolar ridge; superficial chronic irritation possibly due to pressure from the mental foramen, edging knife blade, and after radiation therapy dissipating occlusal forces. The aim of this study is to analyze through the three-dimensional finite element stress distribution applied in full removable denture rebased with soft liners in different thicknesses and consequent transmission to the mucosa and the edge, setting the ideal thickness of relining. The samples used in test form in models designed for edentulous mandible with a denture resting on the edge. There are 6 models: Model 1: Full removable denture supported directly on the alveolar ridge without relining (case control), Model 2: Full removable denture rebased with 0.5 mm thick relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 3: total removable prosthesis rebased with 1mm thickness relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 4: Full removable denture rebased with 1.5 mm thick relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 5: Full removable denture rebased with 2.0 mm thick relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 6: Full removable denture rebased with 2.5 mm thick supported on relining the alveolar ridge. A force of 60N was applied to the long axis of the tooth prosthesis, with the same intensity bilaterally and simultaneously. After execution of test and analysis of results shows that the addition of only 0.5 mm relining (model 2), down 10% peak tension, smaller decreases occurred with the gradual increase of the thickness of relining. Among the features of the present study, the decrease of the peaks are less than 1% between sections 4 and 5, suggesting that mandibles with good adaptation to the prosthesis, bone surface smooth, without spines, teeth or niches other similar factors, it is not a significant thickness greater than 1.5 mm relining. A result that comes out of this pattern refers to models 5 and 6, where the increase of 2 to 2.5 mm thick relining promoted an increase in spikes. The features of this in vitro study concluded that a thickness of 2mm relining is enough to absorb chewing forces. In this study, thickness greater than 2mm must transfer tension to the mucosa and alveolar ridge.

Análise das tensões resultantes da verticalização de segundos molares inferiores utilizando mecânicas segmentadas - um estudo pelo método dos elementos finitos /

Lon, Luís Filipe Siu January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Dirceu Barnabé Ravelli / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio do método de elementos finitos (MEF), as tensões produzidas nos dentes e ligamento periodontal na verticalização de segundos molares utilizando mecânicas segmentadas. Foi utilizado o software Rhinoceros 5 para modelar um modelo tridimensional de uma hemi-mandíbula direita com os dentes, exceto o primeiro molar, ligamento periodontal, osso trabecular e osso cortical à partir de um biomodelo e de informações do banco de dados do CTI Renato Archer. Os braquetes, tubo e fios ortodônticos foram construídos segundo as dimensões de objetos reais por meio de engenharia reversa. Foram simuladas a verticalização do segundo molar utilizando cantilever simples (modelo 1), cantiliver duplo (modelo 2) e alça de correção radicular (modelo 3). O modelo mandibular, dentes e os acessórios ortodônticos foram unidos para a geração da malha de elementos finitos. A simulação da mecânica e a obtenção dos resultados foram feitos através dos softwares Hypermesh, Optistruct e Hyperview da plataforma Hyperworks 2017.2 (Altair Engineering Inc., Troy, MI, EUA). A análise dos resultados foi realizada pela distribuição das tensões principais nas estruturas avaliadas, Os resultados mostraram que o cantilever simples produziu maior extrusão do 2º molar inferior. O cantilever duplo e a alça de correção radicular controlaram a extrusão do 2º molar, porém, mostraram uma tendência inclinação da coroa para vestibular. Nos dentes anteriores de ancoragem, a coroa do can... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the stress and strain produced on the teeth and periodontal ligament in the second molar uprighting using segmented mechanics through the finite element method (FEM). The software Rhinoceros 5 was used to model a three-dimensional model of a right hemi-mandible. This model had teeth, except the first molar, periodontal ligament, trabecular bone and cortical bone obtained from a biomodel and the CTI Renato Archer's database. Orthodontic brackets, tube and orthodontic wires were modeled according to the dimensions of real objects by reverse engineering. The second molar uprighting was simulated using one single cantilever, double cantilever and root correction spring. The boundary conditions of the model, teeth and orthodontic devices were determined to generate the finite element mesh.The mechanical simulation and the results were performed by Hypermesh, Optistruct and Hyperview softwares from Hyperworks 2017.2 platform (Altair Engineering Inc., Troy, MI, USA). The results were assessed by maximum principal stress and strain. The results showed that the one cantilever produced greater extrusion of the lower second molar. The double cantilever and the root correction spring controlled the extrusion of the second molar, however, it showed a slight tendency for buccal crown tipping for the second molar. The canine crown had a greater displacement tendency with one cantilever at anterior anchorage teeth. The second premolar had a greater... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Análise da transmissão e distribuição de tensões aplicadas em próteses totais convencionais reembasadas com diferentes espessuras de forrador macio / Analysis of Transmission and Distribution Voltages Applied to the Conventional Denture relined with a liner Soft

Juliana Bisinotto Gomes Lima 08 July 2011 (has links)
Os materiais resilientes ou macios para reembasamento de base de próteses são utilizados na clínica odontológica com a finalidade de proporcionar maior conforto e eficiência mastigatória aos pacientes que utilizam próteses removíveis totais e que por situações específicas não suportam uma prótese removível total convencional com base rígida. Atualmente é muito utilizado nas próteses removíveis transicionais, para minimizar as pressões sobre implantes que se encontram na fase de osseointegração, além de proporcionar ausência de lesões traumáticas e condicionamento tecidual durante o período pós-cirúrgico; em casos de rebordo alveolar atrofiado; irritação crônica superficial possivelmente devido à pressão do forame mentoniano; rebordo em lâmina de faca; após radiação terapêutica dissipando as forças oclusais, entre outras. Assim, é objetivo deste estudo analisar por meio do método de elementos finitos tridimensional a distribuição de tensões aplicadas na prótese removível total reembasada com forradores macios em diferentes espessuras e consequente transmissão a mucosa e ao rebordo, definindo a espessura ideal de material reembasador. Os corpos-de-prova constituirão-se em modelos projetados de mandíbula desdentada com uma prótese total apoiada sobre o rebordo. São 6 modelos: modelo 1: prótese removível total apoiada diretamente sobre o rebordo sem material reembasador (caso controle); modelo 2: prótese removível total reembasada com 0,5mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 3: prótese removível total reembasada com 1mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 4: prótese removível total reembasada com 1,5mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 5: prótese removível total reembasada com 2,0mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo; modelo 6: prótese removível total reembasada com 2,5mm de espessura de material reembasador apoiada sobre o rebordo. Uma força de 60N foi aplicada ao longo eixo dos dentes das próteses, sendo de mesma intensidade bilateralmente e simultaneamente. Após a execução dos teste e análise dos resultados verifica-se que a adição de apenas 0,5 mm de material reembasador (modelo 2), diminuiu em 10% o pico de tensão, ocorrendo diminuições menores com o aumento gradual da espessura de material reembasador. Dentro das características do presente trabalho, a diminuição dos picos são menores do que 1% entre os modelos 4 e 5, sugerindo que para mandíbulas com boa adaptação da prótese, superfície óssea lisa, sem espículas, nichos dentários ou outros fatores semelhantes, não é significativo uma espessura maior do que 1,5 mm de material reembasador . Um resultado que sai desse padrão se refere ao modelos 5 e 6, onde o aumento de 2 para 2,5 mm de espessura do material reembasador promoveu um aumento nos picos de tensão. Diante das características in vitro deste estudo conclui-se que uma espessura de 2mm de material reembasador é o suficiente para amortecer as forças mastigatórias. No presente estudo, espessura maior que 2mm promoveu tensões à mucosa e ao rebordo. / The soft or resilient materials for relining denture base are used in clinical dentistry in order to provide greater comfort and chewing efficiency of patients which use removable dentures for total and specific situations as they does not tolerate a removable prosthesis with total conventional rigid base. Currently it is widely used in transitional dentures, to minimize the pressures on implants in process of osseointegration, while providing no traumatic injuries and conditioning tissue during the postoperative period, in cases of atrophic alveolar ridge; superficial chronic irritation possibly due to pressure from the mental foramen, edging knife blade, and after radiation therapy dissipating occlusal forces. The aim of this study is to analyze through the three-dimensional finite element stress distribution applied in full removable denture rebased with soft liners in different thicknesses and consequent transmission to the mucosa and the edge, setting the ideal thickness of relining. The samples used in test form in models designed for edentulous mandible with a denture resting on the edge. There are 6 models: Model 1: Full removable denture supported directly on the alveolar ridge without relining (case control), Model 2: Full removable denture rebased with 0.5 mm thick relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 3: total removable prosthesis rebased with 1mm thickness relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 4: Full removable denture rebased with 1.5 mm thick relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 5: Full removable denture rebased with 2.0 mm thick relining resting on the alveolar ridge; Model 6: Full removable denture rebased with 2.5 mm thick supported on relining the alveolar ridge. A force of 60N was applied to the long axis of the tooth prosthesis, with the same intensity bilaterally and simultaneously. After execution of test and analysis of results shows that the addition of only 0.5 mm relining (model 2), down 10% peak tension, smaller decreases occurred with the gradual increase of the thickness of relining. Among the features of the present study, the decrease of the peaks are less than 1% between sections 4 and 5, suggesting that mandibles with good adaptation to the prosthesis, bone surface smooth, without spines, teeth or niches other similar factors, it is not a significant thickness greater than 1.5 mm relining. A result that comes out of this pattern refers to models 5 and 6, where the increase of 2 to 2.5 mm thick relining promoted an increase in spikes. The features of this in vitro study concluded that a thickness of 2mm relining is enough to absorb chewing forces. In this study, thickness greater than 2mm must transfer tension to the mucosa and alveolar ridge.

Development of finite element analysis of magnetic resonance elastography to investigate its potential use in abdominal aortic aneurysms

Hollis, Lyam Mark January 2016 (has links)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a form of cardiovascular disease whereby a change in the material properties of the vessel wall results in a localised dilation of the abdominal aorta. The primary risk of AAAs is rupture with mortality rates close to 90%. Whilst surgical intervention can be performed to repair AAAs, such procedures are considered high risk. As a result, surgery is only performed upon AAAs that are considered likely to rupture. The current method of prediction is the diameter criterion, with surgical intervention performed if the diameter of the AAA exceeds 5.5cm. Research has demonstrated that this is a weak method of predicting rupture and as such other methodologies are sought. One promising method is patient specific modelling (PSM) which involves the reconstruction of individual patient AAA geometries from imaging datasets, and finite element analysis (FEA) to calculate the stresses acting on the AAA wall, with the peak stress typically used as the predictor. A weakness of this methodology is the lack of patient specific material property values defined in the simulation. A potential technique to address this limitation is magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), an MR-based technique which utilises a phase-contrast sequence to characterise displacements caused by shear waves induced into the tissue by an external mechanical driver. An inversion algorithm is used to calculate local material property values of the tissue from these displacements. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the capability of utilising MRE to obtain material property measurements from AAAs that could be incorporated into PSM. To achieve this an FE method of modelling MRE was developed. The influence of modelling parameters upon the material property measurements made using the direct inversion (DI) algorithm was investigated, with element type and boundary conditions shown to have an effect. The modelling technique was then utilised to demonstrate the influence that the size of an insert had upon shear modulus measurements of that insert using DI in both 2- and 3-dimensions, and the multi-frequency dual elasto-visco algorithm (MDEV), an extension of DI combining information from multiple frequencies. Meanwhile a comparison of the modelling technique against an MRE scan of a phantom showed that whilst measurements made from the two techniques were different at low frequencies, they became similar as the frequency increased. This suggested that such differences were attributable to increased noise in the scanned data. FEA of MRE performed on idealised AAA geometries demonstrated that AAA size, shear viscosity of the thrombus and shear modulus of the AAA wall all influenced the accuracy of MRE measurements in the thrombus. Meanwhile MRE scanning of a small cohort of AAA patients had been undertaken and phase images investigated for signs of wave propagation to investigate the capabilities of the current MRE setup. Phase images were dominated by noise and there was no wave propagation visualised in any of the AAAs. This thesis demonstrates that the current MRE setup is not capable of achieving accurate measurements of material properties of AAA for PSM. Visualisation of wave propagation in AAAs is technically demanding and requires further development. A more fundamental concern however is the size dependence of the inversion algorithm used and the inability to consistently make accurate measurements from AAA geometries.

Modelling of high pressure instruments and experiments using finite element methods

Fallas Chinchilla, Juan Carlos January 2018 (has links)
The study of matter at extreme conditions has been of great importance for modern society. A correct understanding of materials and environments subject to high pressures and temperatures enabled the development of car and jet engines, manufacture of goods, energy production and space travels among other human milestones. Discoveries in magnetism, geology, chemistry, and crystallography have been reported in literature as well, illustrating relevant contributions of this research area. Science at extreme conditions constantly requires to innovate instruments and characterisation methods. Sophisticated proficiencies are needed to explore and reproduce conditions of interest for this field. Since the 1990s, high pressure instruments for neutron scattering have boosted the study of compressed matter. The design and subsequent improvement of the Paris-Edinburgh (PE) press and toroidal anvils successfully impacted this area, currently being the most extensively used instrument for high pressure neutron scattering, commonly used for pressures of the order of 10 GPa. Recent incorporation of toroidal anvils made of Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) has opened new experimental possibilities. Neutron transparency and mechanical resistance are key properties of this ceramic material. At this point it is essential to understand ZTA anvils design and working conditions in order to increase experimental capabilities and access new frontiers in compressed matter. Computer-based modelling technique Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been a recent ally for instrumentation design and optimisation. Phenomena such as mechanical stress, deformations, and thermal distributions can be modelled in an object, gathering information regarding its mechanical stability, behaviour and failure. Although this method is popular in industrial and engineering design and applications, it has not been widely employed in high pressure research due to scarce information in material properties under extreme conditions, as well as in innovative ceramics and metallic alloys introduced in these types of scientific devices.

Estudo de preparos e da forma da infraestrutura na distribuição de tensões em prótese parcial fixa /

Yamamoto, Eron Toshio Colauto. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o comportamento de prótese fixa de três elementos confeccionada em Zircônia e dos dentes suportes quando são utilizados diferentes preparos dos dentes suportes e diferentes formas da infra-estrutura. Simulou-se a ausência do segundo pré-molar superior e realizou-se preparos do tipo ocluso-proximal, proximal-ocluso-proximal, preparo para overlay e para coroa total nos dentes suportes. Utilizou-se dois tipos de formato de conector, o convencional e em forma de arco. Os modelos tridimensionais foram realizados em softwares CAD Rhinoceros® e 3D Studio Max®. Os modelos tridimensionais simularam uma secção da maxila na região entre primeiro pré-molar e primeiro molar e foram compostos por osso medular e cortical, ligamento periodontal, dentina e esmalte. Foi realizada análise de elementos finitos, as análises de tensões foram processadas no programa Ansys®. Os resultados foram apresentados por meio de mapas de cores de tensão/deformação, com a distribuição de tensões e valores numéricos. Os diferentes preparos dos dentes suportes não influenciaram na distribuição de tensões nos dentes suportes. O preparo de coroa total foi o único preparo que diminui a tensão sobre a infra-estrutura. O formato do conector foi significativamente diferente. O conector em forma de arco distribui melhor as tensões na infra-estrutura do que o conector convencional / Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of three elements fixed partial denture made of three elements made of Zirconia and support teeth when use different preparations of the support teeth and different forms of framework. Simulated the absence of the superior second premolar and the support teeth preparation was occlusal-proximal, proximal-occlusal-proximal, overlay preparation and full crown. We used two types of connector format, the conventional and arc-shaped. The three-dimensional models were made in Rhinoceros CAD software and 3D Studio Max. The model was composed with maxillary first premolar and first molar, cortical and medullary bone, periodontal ligament, dentin and enamel. Analyses of stresses were processed in the program ANSYS ®. The results were presented in color maps of stress / strain, with the stress distribution and numerical values. The different preparations of the support teeth didn't influence the stress distribution in supppot teeth. The preparation of full crown was the only preparation that reduces the strain on the infrastructure. The shape of the connector was significantly different. The arch-shaped connector was better than conventional connector in the framework stress distribution / Orientador: Clóvis Pagani / Coorientador: Eduardo Galera da Silva / Banca: Eduardo Shigueyuki Uemura / Banca: Rubens Corte Real de Carvalho / Banca: Pedro Yoshito Noritomi / Banca: Daniel Maranha da Rocha / Doutor

Graphically Driven Interactive Stress Reanalysis for Machine Elements in the Early Design Stage

Terdalkar, Sachin Sharad 18 August 2003 (has links)
"In this work a new graphically driven interactive stress reanalysis finite element technique has been developed so that an engineer can easily carry out manual geometric changes in a machine element during the early design stage. The interface allow an engineer to model a machine element in the commercial finite element code ANSYS® and then modify part geometry graphically to see instantaneous graphical changes in the stress and displacement contour plots. A reanalysis technique is used to enhance the computational performance for solving the modified problem; with the aim of obtaining results of acceptable accuracy in as short a period of time in order to emphasize the interactive nature of the design process. Three case studies are considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the prototype graphically driven reanalysis finite element technique. The finite element type considered is a plane stress four-node quadrilateral based on a homogenous, isotropic, linear elastic material. The first two problems consider a plate with hole and plate with fillets. These two examples demonstrate that by changing the hole and fillet size/shape, an engineer can manually obtain an optimum design based on the stress concentration factor, i.e. engineer-driven optimization process. Each case study considered multiple redesigns. A combined approximation reanalysis method is used to solve each redesigned problem. The third case study considers a support bracket. The goal is to design the cantilever portion of the bracket to have uniform strength and to minimize the stress concentration at the fillet. The major beneficiaries of the work will be engineers working in product development and validation of components and structures, which are subjected to mechanical loads. The scientific and technological relevance of this work applies not only to the early stage of design, but to a number of other applications areas in which benefits may accrue. A company may have needs for a rapid analysis and re-analysis tool for fatigue assessment of components manufactured slightly out of tolerance. Typically this needs to be carried out under a very restrictive time scale."

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