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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de tratamentos térmicos nas propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas em liga odontológica à base de níquel-cromo. / Influence of heat treatment on the mechanical and metallurgical properties in the dental alloy nickel-chromium.

André Rocha Pimenta 25 November 2009 (has links)
É crescente a preocupação com o desenvolvimento de materiais adequados a trabalharem interagindo com o corpo humano. Diversas pesquisas têm sido realizadas no desenvolvimento de biomateriais aplicáveis na odontologia, este empenho é justificável pelo grande número de intervenções cirúrgicas para extração de dentes realizadas em todo o mundo. Durante o processo de fabricação de reconstruções dentárias, que utilizam sistemas metalocerâmicos, é utilizado um tratamento térmico que tem a função de promover a adesão da porcelana ao metal. Entretanto, sabe-se que tratamentos térmicos podem alterar a microestrutura do material metálico, modificando suas propriedades. Este trabalho avaliou as modificações causadas em propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais da liga à base de níquel (FIT CAST-SB) utilizada para fins odontológicos, quando a mesma é submetida ao tratamento térmico para adesão da porcelana (denominado de queima). A liga foi inicialmente fundida através da técnica de centrifugação e cera perdida. Posteriormente, um grupo de amostras (grupo TT) foi submetido ao tratamento térmico de queima para adesão da porcelana e o outro grupo (grupo F), permaneceu apenas submetido ao processo de fundição. Os grupos F e TT foram submetidos a ensaio de tração. Nos grupos F e TT, e no material como recebido pelo fabricante (grupo CR), foram realizados ensaios de microdureza e caracterização microestrutural, esta ultima através da técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os grupos F e CR foram submetidos à análise química quantitativa (em um espectrômetro de emissão atômica) e semi-quantitativa por um sistema de Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) acoplado ao MEV, sendo que esta ultima técnica também foi aplicada ao grupo TT. A técnica de tratamento digital de imagem foi aplicada às micrografias dos grupos F e TT, para a determinação de possíveis modificações quantitativas nas fases presentes, antes e após o tratamento térmico. Todos os resultados dos ensaios foram submetidos ao teste de hipótese nula (H0), para a distribuição t de Student. Concluiu-se que, para as amostras testadas, o limite de resistência foi superior ao fornecido pelo fabricante, respectivamente 559,39 e 545,55 MPa para os grupos F e TT, contra 306 MPa do fabricante. Enquanto o limite de escoamento foi ligeiramente inferior, 218,71 e 240,58 MPa para os grupos F e TT, respectivamente, contra 258 MPa do fabricante. Os resultados de microdureza ficaram entorno de 70HV, superior aos 21HV fornecido pelo fabricante. Pode-se afirmar, com 95% de confiabilidade, que não houve variação nas propriedades mecânicas e na microestrutura (quantidades de fases presentes e tamanho) antes e após a queima para adesão da porcelana, para os corpos de prova testados. A microestrutura da liga, quando observada em MEV no modo elétrons retroespalhados (modo BSE), é formada por uma matriz de estrutura dendrítica e coloração cinza, uma segunda fase interdendrítica de coloração branca e aspecto rendilhado, e precipitados de coloração preta, apresentando também porosidades. / There is a growing concern with the development of suitable materials for interactive working with the human body. Many searchs have been carried in the development of biomaterials for odontology applications and this dedication is justifiable for the large number of surgical interventions for tooth extractions in the entire world. During the manufacturing process of dental reconstructions, which use metal-ceramic systems, a heat treatment is used to promote adhesion of the porcelain in the metal. However, it is known that heat treatment can change the metallic materials microstructure, changing their properties. This work evaluated the mechanical properties and microstructural changing of the nickel base alloy (FIT CAST-SB) used in odontology, when the alloy is submitted to the heat treatment for the porcelain adhesion (demented of firing). First the alloy was cast using the technical of centrifugation and lost-wax. After that, one samples group (TT group) was submitted for porcelain firing heat treatment and another group (F group), remained only cast. The F and TT groups were submitted to tensile test. The F and TT groups, and the material as received by the manufacturer (CR group), were submitted to microhardness test and microstructural characterization, this latter using scanning electron microscopic. The F and CR groups were submitted to quantitative chemical analysis (atomic emission spectroscopy) and semi-quantitative by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) in the MEV, and this last technique was applied to TT group too. The digital images process technique was applied to micrographics of F and TT groups, to determine the changes in the material phases before and after heat treatment. All results were submitted to the hypothesis test of Students t-distribution. For the samples tested, it was concluded that the tensile strength was higher then the manufacturer information, respectively 559,39 and 545,55 MPa for F and TT groups, against 306 MPa informed by the manufacturer. However, the yield point was slightly lower, 218,81 and 240,58 MPa for F and TT groups, respectively, against 258 informed by the manufacturer. The microhardness results were about 70HV, higher than 21HV informed by the manufacturer. It was concluded, with 95% of confiability, that there was no mechanical properties and microstructure (percent and size of the phases) changes, before and after porcelain firing, in the specimens used. The alloy microstructure, when observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in backscattered electron mode (BSE mode) is formed by a matrix with dendritc structure and gray color, a second phase interdendritc with white color and lacy appearance, and black precipitates, and porosity are also found.

Avaliação fluidodinâmica e processo de co-combustão de resíduo de casca de acácia negra com carvão mineral em planta piloto de leito fluidizado borbulhante

Linhares, Felipe de Aguiar de January 2016 (has links)
A preservação ambiental e o uso de combustíveis fósseis para geração de energia têm estimulado a realização de pesquisas na busca de alternativas para a redução das emissões de gases poluentes como CO2, CO, SO2 e NOx. O uso da biomassa em sistemas de co-combustão em leito fluidizado é mencionado como uma destas alternativas. O presente trabalho utilizou biomassa residual da indústria de extração de tanino, o Resíduo de Cascas de Acácia Negra (RCAN), em conjunto com carvão mineral da Mina de Candiota – RS com o objetivo de estudar a fluidodinâmica entre diferentes composições destes materiais em sistema de leito fluidizado com areia em escala de laboratório e em uma unidade piloto. Também foi realizada a avaliação dos parâmetros operacionais e das emissões dos gases gerados na co-combustão das misturas em planta piloto com reator de leito fluidizado borbulhante. Durante a fluidização no sistema de escala laboratorial, os valores da velocidade mínima de fluidização, Umf, variaram consideravelmente com o aumento da concentração de RCAN no leito em relação à fluidização utilizando-se somente o carvão mineral Da mesma forma, a queda de pressão, ΔP, diminuiu com o aumento da concentração da biomassa no leito. Nas operações de co-combustão em planta piloto, as misturas de carvão mineral e RCAN necessitaram de menores porcentagens de excesso de ar (99,7% a 65,2%) no reator em comparação à queima apenas de carvão mineral (108,4% a 107,5%) para que se atingisse a temperatura de operação do leito. Em particular, a condição de maior quantidade de biomassa na alimentação pode se observar a menor porcentagem de excesso de ar (50,8%). Ainda, a co-combustão do RCAN com carvão mineral favoreceu a diminuição das concentrações de SO2 nos gases gerados em mais de 90%, mantendo as emissões em níveis aceitáveis conforme os limites de emissão estabelecidos pela resolução CONAMA Nº 436, de 22/12/2011 e Resolução SEMA Nº 016 de 2014. / The environmental issues brought by the use of fossil fuels for power generation have led to the development of research in the exploration for alternatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases or pollutants such as CO2, CO, SO2, and NOx. The biomass use in cofiring systems with fluidized bed has been mentioned as one of these alternatives. The present work used biomass waste from tannin extraction industry, Black Wattle Bark Waste (BWBW), jointly with coal for the purpose of studying the fluid dynamics biomass mixtures with coal and sand in different proportions of the materials in laboratory scale fluidized bed system. Also, operational parameters and emissions generated in a cofiring pilot plant with bubbling fluidized bed reactor were evaluated. The fluidization tests performed on a bench scale showed that the values of the minimum fluidization velocity, Umf, varied considerably with increasing concentration of BWBW compared with the fluidization of coal. Likewise, the pressure drop through the bed, ΔP, decreased with increasing concentration of biomass in the bed. In the cofiring operations, coal and mixtures BWBW required smaller percentages of excess air in the reactor (99,7% a 65,2%) in comparison with the pure coal (108,4% a 107,5%) burning to obtaining the bed operating temperature. The burning of the mixture with higher amounts of biomass in the reactor feed had the lowest percentage of excess air (50.8%). It was also evidenced a decrease of SO2 generation in more than 90% for the flue gas generated in the coal with BWBW cofiring keeping emissions at acceptable levels in comparison with emission limits of current legislation CONAMA Nº 436, from 22/12/2011 and legislation SEMA Nº 016 of 2014.

Design tools for enriching the ceramics forms aesthetically by experimental treatments during and post firing / Analyse rétrospective et comparatiste du traitement des surfaces céramiques anciennes pendant et après cuisson : modélisation des glaçures

Gohari, Mohammed El 24 September 2012 (has links)
Dans les arts plastiques, le concept de la beauté doit être associé aux techniques sous-jacentes. L'artiste doit choisir et maîtriser ces techniques afin de les appliquer à l'art en vue d'atteindre les résultats esthétiques visés. Une approche scientifique de ces techniques a un rôle important dans l'amélioration de leur application dans les arts plastiques. Les céramiques et poteries sont un domaine complexe où les réactions chimiques et les propriétés physiques des argiles et des glaçures doivent être prises en compte. Dans ce domaine l'histoire de la science était un guide utile dans une telle recherche. Pour les céramiques, les réactions chimiques se produisant à la phase haute température du processus de cuisson déterminent essentiellement l'aspect final de la surface du produit. En conséquence, changer les conditions de ces réactions (profils de température, la nature de l'atmosphère du four) était une bonne méthode pour obtenir de nouveaux aspects de surface. L'atmosphère du four pendant et après la cuisson permettait de contrôler, dans une large mesure, l'aspect final des produits céramiques, et cela dépend à la fois de la conception et de la mise en place du four. L'étude de l'histoire des techniques céramiques, dans différentes civilisations, a conduis à un aperçu des techniques de cuisson. La compréhension scientifique de ces techniques a mené à des stratégies en vue de modifier la conception du four et la pratique de la cuisson. / In Plastic arts; with the concept of beauty there are also techniques, artists choose between these techniques for apply art works matching with aesthetic viewpoint. As well as science have important role in improved applied arts and fine arts techniques. In ceramics and pottery we are confronted with the chemicals reactions and physical properties of clay and glaze which have deep roots in human history, so history techniques will guide us in this research. In ceramic, chemical reactions need high temperature as condition to exist (Firingprocess), and that have main role in determined final appearance of surface treatments for ceramics forms. When the chemical reactions and physical properties which happen in firing process are responsible of final appearance and aesthetics treatments of ceramics forms, the changing of reactions conditions was used for achieving new treatments for ceramic surface beauty. The atmosphere of kiln during and after firing process whom decide the final appearance for ceramics forms, presented as technique for modifying kiln structure as afactor of enriching aesthetics treatments for ceramic surface. The history and science of ceramics techniques in some civilizations was studied to understand some firing techniques and its roles in ceramic surface esthetics. These provided evidence with experimental study to design a new kiln which can be used as a tool to enrich ceramics forms aesthetically

Kotel na spoluspalování plynů / Boiler for Co-combustion of Gaseous Fuels

Mandelík, Ladislav January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to design the co-firing of blast furnace gas and coke-oven gas. First, the stoichiometric calculation for the gas mixture was made. It is followed with the determination of basic measures of heating surfaces and with their thermal calculation. The part of the work is also the drawing documentation of the boiler.

Náhrada fosilních paliv ve velkých energetických zdrojích / Fossil fuels substitution in large combustion plant

Hájek, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The thesis aims at current issues of using renewable resources here in the Czech Republic, mainly on biomass co-firing with fossil fuels in large combustion plant. The introduction provides an overview of systems for biomass co-firing. Further the using of optimization for solution problem of integration biomass fuels into existing large combustion plants and planning its operation conditions is presented. The main point of this thesis lies in creating of a user interface for modeling and optimization tool. Its functionality will be proved by solving a case study involving the analysis of possibilities for replacing fossil fuels due to the limited availability of coal in the market.

New Insights into the Spinal Recurrent Inhibitory Pathway Normally and After Motoneuron Regeneration

Obeidat, Ahmed Zayed 29 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Control of the Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Motor

Merrifield, David Bruce 21 May 2010 (has links)
The permanent magnet switched reluctance motor (PMSRM) is hybrid dc motor which has the potential to be more effect than the switched reluctance (SRM) and permanent magnet (PM) motors. The PMSRM has a both a salient rotor and stator with permanent magnets placed directly onto the face of common pole stators. The PMSRM is wound like the SRM and can be controlled by the same family of converters. The addition of permanent magnets creates nonlinearities in both the governing electrical and mechanical equations which differentiate the PMSRM from all other classes of electric motors. The primary goal of this thesis is to develop a cohesive and comprehensive control strategy for the PMSRM so as to demonstrate its operation and highlight its efficiency. The control of the PMSRM starts with understanding its region of operation and the underlying torque production of the motor. The selection of operating region is followed by a both linear and nonlinear electrical modeling of the motor and the design of current controllers for the PMSRM. The electromechanical model of the motor is dynamically simulated with the addition of a closed loop speed controller. The speed controller is extended to add an efficiency searching algorithm which finds the operating condition with the highest efficiency online. / Master of Science

Network mechanisms of memory storage in the balanced cortex / Mécanismes de réseau de stockage de mémoire dans le cortex équilibré

Barri, Alessandro 08 December 2014 (has links)
Pas de résumé en français / It is generally maintained that one of cortex’ functions is the storage of a large number of memories. In this picture, the physical substrate of memories is thought to be realised in pattern and strengths of synaptic connections among cortical neurons. Memory recall is associated with neuronal activity that is shaped by this connectivity. In this framework, active memories are represented by attractors in the space of neural activity. Electrical activity in cortical neurones in vivo exhibits prominent temporal irregularity. A standard way to account for this phenomenon is to postulate that recurrent synaptic excitation and inhibition as well as external inputs are balanced. In the common view, however, these balanced networks do not easily support the coexistence of multiple attractors. This is problematic in view of memory function. Recently, theoretical studies showed that balanced networks with synapses that exhibit short-term plasticity (STP) are able to maintain multiple stable states. In order to investigate whether experimentally obtained synaptic parameters are consistent with model predictions, we developed a new methodology that is capable to quantify both response variability and STP at the same synapse in an integrated and statistically-principled way. This approach yields higher parameter precision than standard procedures and allows for the use of more efficient stimulation protocols. However, the findings with respect to STP parameters do not allow to make conclusive statements about the validity of synaptic theories of balanced working memory. In the second part of this thesis an alternative theory of cortical memory storage is developed. The theory is based on the assumptions that memories are stored in attractor networks, and that memories are not represented by network states differing in their average activity levels, but by micro-states sharing the same global statistics. Different memories differ with respect to their spatial distributions of firing rates. From this the main result is derived: the balanced state is a necessary condition for extensive memory storage. Furthermore, we analytically calculate memory storage capacities of rate neurone networks. Remarkably, it can be shown that crucial properties of neuronal activity and physiology that are consistent with experimental observations are directly predicted by the theory if optimal memory storage capacity is required.

Efeito da atmosfera de sinterização na resistência de união da porcelana com ligas de níquel-cromo e cobalto-cromo / Effect of firing atmosphere on metal ceramic bond strength of nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium

Alves, Luciana Mara Negrão 11 February 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de dois diferentes ambientes de sinterização (vácuo e argônio) sobre a resistência da união metaloceramica (RUMC) envolvendo diferentes ligas de metais básicos (Co-Cr e Ni-Cr) e uma porcelana odontológica, através do teste de flexão de três pontos, conforme preconizado pela ISO 9693:2012. As ligas estudadas foram Co-Cr: Remanium e Keragen e Ni-Cr: Verabond II e uma liga experimental “SR” . Foram obtidos 80 corpos de prova em forma tiras metálicas medindo 25 X 0,5 X 5 mm. Para esse ensaio, portanto, o número de corpos de prova foi o produto de 4 ligas x 2 condições de atmosfera de sinterização x 10 repetições. A parte metálica de todos os corpos de prova após a fundição foram usinados e jateados com óxido de alumínio (150μm) e a seguir tratados como preconizado pelo fabricante. O corpo cerâmico, com o auxílio de uma matriz, foi confeccionado na área central da tira, 8,0 X 3,0mm, apresentando 1,1mm de espessura, sendo 10 corpos de prova em cada ambiente de sinterização para cada tipo de liga. Os corpos de prova obtidos foram submetidos aos testes de flexão de três pontos na Máquina de Ensaios Mecânicos (EMIC) com velocidade de 1.0mm/min. para determinação da RUMC. Os valores da carga de ruptura obtidos em quilograma-força (Kgf) foram convertidos para Newton (N) e a partir disso foi calculado o valor da RUMC para cada corpo de prova, considerando o coeficiente de elasticidade de cada liga e a espessura exata de cada corpo de prova. Os dados obtidos (MPa) foram submetidos à análise estatística (ANOVA) e Bonferroni. A Análise de Variância indicou diferença estatisticamente significante para os fatores de variação ambiente (P=0,00), liga (P=0,009) e entre as interações ambiente de sinterização e liga (P=0,000). Na sinterização a vácuo as ligas Keragen, SR e Verabond II apresentaram maiores valores de RUMC do que o argônio. Para a liga Remanium, não houve diferença entre a sinterização em argônio e a sinterização a vácuo. Dentre os grupos sinterizados no argônio não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as ligas. Entretanto, no vácuo a liga Remanium apresentou menor valor de RUMC do que as demais ligas, que não apresentaram diferença entre si. Os corpos de prova, após os ensaios de flexão, foram submetidos a análise em microscopia optica, MEV e EDS para avaliar e registrar tipo de falha que sofreram. De acordo com a MO, houve predomínio de fraturas mistas. Os corpos de prova de Co-Cr (Remanium e Keragen), independende do ambiente de sinterização, apresentaram uma fina camada de óxido no corpo cerâmico, o que foi comprovado pelo EDS, com maior presença de íons Cr nessas regiões, já os grupos SR e Verabond II, apresentaram maior quantidade de opaco aderido em suas tiras metálicas. A MEV comprovou os achados da MO, onde foi possível encontrar grandes ilhas de material cerâmico nas ligas de Ni-Cr. A sinterização em argônio influenciou negativamente a RUMC dos pares metalocerâmicos confeccionados em Ni-Cr e na liga Keragem / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different firing atmosphere (vacuum and argon) on the metalceramic bond strength (MCBS) involving different base metal alloys (Co-Cr and Ni-Cr) and a dental porcelain through three-point bending test, as recommended by ISO 9693: 2012. Co-Cr alloys studied were: Remanium and Keragen and Ni-Cr: Verabond II and an experimental alloy \"SR\". 80 specimens were obtained in metallic form strips measuring 25X0.5 X 5.0 mm. For this test, therefore, the number of specimens was the product of 4 x 2 alloy sintering atmosphere conditions x 10 replicates. The metal portion of all specimens were machined after casting and sandblasted with aluminum oxide (100μm) and then treated as recommended by the manufacturer. By using a matrix, the ceramic body was made in the central area of the strip, 8.0 x 3.0 mm, it was made 1.1 mm thickness, 10 specimens in each sintering environment for each type of alloy. The specimens obtained were tested for three-point bending in a universal testing machine with a speed of 1.0mm / min. to determine MCBS. The values of the tensile strength obtained in kilogramforce (kgf) were converted into Newton (N) and from this the value of MCBS for each specimen was calculated, considering the coefficient of elasticity of each league and the exact thickness of each specimen. The data (MPa) were subjected to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and Bonferroni. The analysis of variance indicated statistically significant difference for the environment factors of firing atmosphere (P = 0.00) and alloy (P = 0.009). There was a statistically significant difference in the interaction factors for firing atmosphere x alloy (P = 0.000). In the vacuum Keragen, SR and Verabond II alloys showed higher MCBS than argon. To Remanium, there was no difference between the sintering in argon and vacuum. Among the groups sintered in argon there was no statistically significant difference between the alloys. However, the vacuum Remanium showed the lowest RUMC than other alloys, which showed no difference between them. The specimens after the bending tests, were subjected to analysis in optical microscopy, SEM and EDS to assess and record type of failure they suffered. According to the MO was predominantly mixed fractures. Specimens of Co-Cr (Remanium and Keragen) independende the atmosphere firing, showed a thin oxide layer on the ceramic body, which was confirmed by EDS, with greater presence of Cr in these regions, since the SR groups and Verabond II, presented more opaque stuck in their metal strips. SEM confirmed the findings of MO, where it was possible to find large islands of ceramic material in Ni-Cr alloys. The sintering in argon negatively influenced MCBS metalceramic of pairs made of Ni-Cr alloy and Keragem

Efeito dos métodos de síntese e sinterização na densificação, estrutura, microestrutura e condutividade elétrica do galato de lantânio / Effects of the synthesis and sintering methods on the densification, structure, microstructure and electrical conductivity of doped lanthanum gallate

Reis, Shirley Leite dos 17 July 2014 (has links)
O galato de lantânio contendo substituições parciais de estrôncio e magnésio (La1-xSrxGa1-yMgyO3-δ) apresenta estrutura tipo perovsquita e alta condutividade para íons de oxigênio. Outras características desta cerâmica são o extenso domínio eletrolítico e a baixa condutividade eletrônica. É um material promissor para uso como eletrólito sólido em células a combustível de óxido sólido que operam em temperaturas intermediárias, devido sua alta condutividade iônica e estabilidade em uma ampla faixa de pressão parcial de oxigênio. Neste trabalho, a composição La0,9Sr0,1Ga0,8Mg0,2O3-δ foi preparada pelo método convencional de mistura de óxidos a partir de diferentes rotas e pelo método de complexação de cátions. As amostras foram consolidadas pelo método convencional de sinterização e por sinterização rápida. Pelo método de mistura de óxidos foi possível obter a fase ortorrômbica do LSGM, mas não foi possível eliminar as fases SrLaGaO4, La4Ga2O9 e SrLaGa3O7, independente das condições de sinterização utilizadas. Precipitados de óxido de magnésio foram observados nas amostras preparadas pelos dois métodos de síntese empregados identificados apenas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As densidades obtidas foram superiores a 97% da densidade teórica em amostras sinterizadas a 1450 °C/4 h, para os materiais preparados por mistura de óxidos. Amostras preparadas por método de complexação de cátions e aquelas consolidadas por sinterização rápida apresentaram menores valores de densidade. Grãos de tamanhos micrométricos foram obtidos para os dois métodos de sinterização. Amostras calcinadas a 1250°C apresentaram maiores densidades e maiores valores de condutividade iônica dos grãos e dos contornos de grãos, quando comparadas com as demais amostras. / Lanthanum gallate with partial substitution on La and Ga sites (La1-xSrxGa1-yMgyO3-δ) has perovskite structure and high oxide-ion conductivity. Other properties of this ceramic material comprise a relatively wide electrolytic domain and low electron conductivity. Doped lanthanum gallate is a potential solid electrolyte for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells due to its high ionic conductivity and stability in a wide range of oxygen partial pressure. In this work, the composition La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ was prepared by the conventional method of mixing of the starting oxides followed by different processing routes and by the cation complexation method. The ceramic specimens were consolidated by conventional sintering and by fast firing. All specimens prepared by solid state reaction show the characteristic orthorhombic phase of lanthanum gallate and SrLaGaO4, La4Ga2O9 and SrLaGa3O7 secondary phases, independent on the method of sintering. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy coupled to scanning electron microscopy evidenced that all prepared specimens contain MgO grains precipitated along the grain boundaries. High relative densities were obtained for specimens prepared by solid state reaction and consolidated by conventional sintering at 1450 °C/4 h. All specimens exhibit micron sized grains independent on the sintering method. The highest values of relative density and ionic conductivity were obtained for specimens calcined at 1250°C.

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