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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Movement patterns, stock delineation and conservation of an overexploited fishery species, Lithognathus Lithognathus (Pisces: Sparidae)

Bennett, Rhett Hamilton January 2012 (has links)
White steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus (Pisces: Sparidae) has been a major target species of numerous fisheries in South Africa, since the late 19th century. Historically, it contributed substantially to annual catches in commercial net fisheries, and became dominant in recreational shore catches in the latter half of the 20th century. However, overexploitation in both sectors resulted in severe declines in abundance. The ultimate collapse of the stock by the end of the last century, and the failure of traditional management measures to protect the species indicate that a new management approach for this species is necessary. The species was identified as a priority for research, management and conservation in a National Linefish Status Report. Despite knowledge on aspects of its biology and life history, little is known about juvenile habitat use patterns, home range dynamics and movement behaviour in estuaries. Similarly, the movement and migration of larger juveniles and adults in the marine environment are poorly understood. Furthermore, there is a complete lack of information on its genetic stock structure. Such information is essential for effective management of a fishery species. This thesis aimed to address the gaps in the understanding of white steenbras movement patterns and genetic stock structure, and provide an assessment of its current conservation status. The study adopted a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating a range of methods and drawing on available information, including published literature, unpublished reports and data from long-term monitoring programmes. Acoustic telemetry, conducted in a range of estuaries, showed high site fidelity, restricted area use, small home ranges relative to the size of the estuary, and a high level of residency within estuaries at the early juvenile life stage. Behaviour within estuaries was dominated by station-keeping, superimposed by a strong diel behaviour, presumably based on feeding and/or predator avoidance, with individuals entering the shallow littoral zone at night to feed, and seeking refuge in the deeper channel areas during the daytime. Conventional dart tagging and recapture data from four ongoing, long-term coastal fish tagging projects, spread throughout the distribution of this species, indicated high levels of residency in the surf zone at the late juvenile and sub-adult life stages. Consequently, juvenile and sub-adult white steenbras are vulnerable to localised depletion, although they can be effectively protected by suitably positioned estuarine protected areas (EPAs) and marine protected areas (MPAs), respectively. It has been hypothesized that adult white steenbras undertake large-scale coastal migrations between summer aggregation areas and winter spawning grounds. The scale of observed coastal movements was correlated with fish size (and age), with larger fish undertaking considerably longer-distance coastal movements than smaller individuals, supporting this hypothesis. Given the migratory behaviour of adults, and indications that limited spawning habitat exists, MPAs designed to protect white steenbras during the adult life stage should encompass all known spawning aggregation sites. The fishery is plagued by problems such as low compliance and low enforcement capacity, and alternative management measures, such as seasonal closure, need to be evaluated. Despite considerable conventional dart tagging effort around the coastline (5 782 fish tagged) with 292 recaptures there remains a lack of empirical evidence of fish migrating long distances (> 600 km) between aggregation and spawning areas. This uncertainty in the level of connectivity among coastal regions was addressed using mitochondrial DNA sequencing and genotyping of microsatellite repeat loci in the nuclear genome, which showed no evidence of major geographic barriers to gene flow in this species. Samples collected throughout the white steenbras core distribution showed high genetic diversity, low genetic differentiation and no evidence of isolation by distance or localised spawning. Although historically dominant in several fisheries, analysis of long-term commercial and recreational catch data for white steenbras indicated considerable declines and ultimately stock collapse. Improved catch-per-unit-effort in two large MPAs subsequent to closure confirmed that MPAs can be effective for the protection of white steenbras. However, the current MPA network encompasses a low proportion of sandy shoreline, for which white steenbras exhibits an affinity. Many MPAs do not prohibit recreational shore angling, which currently accounts for the greatest proportion of the total annual catch. Furthermore, EPAs within the juvenile distribution protect a negligible proportion of the total available surface area of estuaries – habitat on which white steenbras is wholly dependent. Despite some evidence of recent increases in abundance in estuaries and the surf zone in certain areas, white steenbras meets the criteria for “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and for “Protected species” status on the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act of South Africa. The species requires improved management, with consideration for its life-history style, estuarine dependency, surf zone residency, predictable spawning migrations and its poor conservation status. The multidisciplinary approach provides valuable information towards an improved scientific basis for the management of white steenbras and a framework for research that can be adopted for other overexploited, estuarine-associated coastal fishery species.

Trends in fish community structure and recruitment in a temporarily open/closed South African estuary

James, Nicola Caroline January 2007 (has links)
Long-term interannual changes in richness, abundance, diversity and structure of the fish community in the temporarily open/closed East Kleinemonde Estuary, Eastern Cape, are described and the recruitment success of two estuary-dependent marine species assessed. In addition, laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the possible role of olfaction in the recruitment process of an estuary-dependent marine fish species. Multivariate analyses of the annual marine fish communites identified two distinct groups with more species recorded during years that succeeded spring (September to November) mouth opening events than in years following no mouth opening events in spring. Interannual community stability (IMD) and seriation (IMS) also increased from the ‘other’ to the ‘spring’ years. These results highlight the importance of the timing of mouth opening to the marine fish community in a temporarily open/closed estuary. This study also made use of long-term records of daily mouth state and linked them to the recruitment of distinct year-class cohorts in two spardis with contrasting lifehistory characteristics. Lithognathus lithognathus only recruited into the estuary in years when the mouth opened between late August and January. This was linked to the limited spawning season of this species and its inability to enter closed estuaries via wave overwash events. In contrast, recruitment by Rhabdosargus holubi juveniles appeared to be uninterrupted and was not determined by the seasonality of mouth opening. This species dominates the marine-spawning component of the East Kleinemonde Estuary and its success is attributed to an extended spawning season and its ability to recruit into estuaries during both overwash and open mouth conditions. Attraction of postflexion Rhabdosargus holubi larvae to estuary, surf zone and river water was also measured using a rectangular choice chamber. In two sets of experiments, conducted during peak recruitment periods, larvae from both the surf zone and estuary mouth region selected estuary water with a significantly higher frequency than sea water. Larvae collected in the mouth region showed a stronger preference for river water than those collected in the surf zone, thus suggesting that these fish are more attracted to freshwater influenced nursery areas once they have entered the estuary than those in the surf zone. Larvae collected in the marine environment also selected surf zone water with significantly higher frequencies than estuary water or offshore sea water, thus confirming the importance of the surf zone as an interim nursery area for postflexion R. holubi.

Dynamique et fonctionnement des herbiers marins dans un complexe récifal anthropisé (île de la Réunion, océan Indien) / No English title available

Cuvillier, Alexis 01 December 2016 (has links)
À l'interface bentho-pélagique, les herbiers marins présentent une multitude de rôles écosystémiques. Historiquement, les scientifiques et décideurs de La Réunion se sont focalisés sur l'écosystème récifal. Néanmoins, des prairies monospécifiques à Syringodium isoetifolium sont présentes de manière pérenne (3 hectares) au sein du complexe récifal de l'Ermitage / La Saline (côte ouest). L'objectif principal de cette étude était d'apporter les premières données sur l'écologie de ces herbiers marins. Ainsi, une approche pluridisciplinaire a été développée : 1. L'étude de la dynamique spatiale du paysage herbier sur 65 ans (dès 1950), et à l'échelle saisonnière (2013-2015) qui a permis de définir le rôle majeur des forçages hydrodynamiques et de l'eutrophisation. 2. L'analyse de la productivité de l'écosystème herbier et sa réponse métabolique face à des apports nutritifs, révèle des bilans métaboliques opposés (autotrophie/hétérotrophie) en fonction des conditions environnementales, ainsi qu'un rôle de tampon sur les flux de nutriments. 3. Des analyses isotopiques (δ13C et δ15N) ont permis d'identifier les sources de matière entrant dans l'écosystème et alimentant les réseaux trophiques associés aux herbiers. L'étude a permis d'établir un lien trophique entre Holothuria leucospilota et les herbiers marins ainsi qu'un rôle essentiel dans le maintien des populations de poisson herbivores récifaux. 4. Des enquêtes locales ont révélé une méconnaissance de cet écosystème malgré leur potentiel économique et écologique. À la lumière de ces travaux de thèse, la prise en considération des herbiers marins dans la gestion du milieu marin réunionnais est nécessaire. / Located at the benthos-pelagos interface, seagrass beds have many ecosystemic roles such as coastal protection or biodiversity. Historically, scientists and decision-makers at Reunion Island have been focusing on reef ecosystems. However, for several decades, monospecific (Syringodium isoetifolium) seagrass beds have been observed (3 hectares – 2013) within Ermitage / La Saline reef (West coast). The main objective of this study was to give the first data on seagrass ecology at Reunion Island. Therefore, a multi-disciplinary study was developed. First, seascape ecology of seagrasses is analyzed at decadal (since 1950) and seasonal scales (2013-2015). Physical settings (swell) and eutrophication were driving factors on the spatial dynamics of seagrass beds. Second, seagrass community metabolism and response to nutrient loads (nitrate and phosphate) show variations in metabolic budget (autotrophy to heterotrophy) and make seagrass beds a nutrient sink following the environmental conditions. Third, stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) identified sources of particulate matter entering the ecosystem and fueling food webs. The trophic roles of seagrass beds are assessed for echinoderm and herbivorous fish communities. This study highlighted a trophic link between seagrass and Holothuria leucospilota, and proved some species to be heavily dependent on seagrass ecosystem (Leptoscarus vaigiensis, Siganus sutor). Finally, interviews showed a lack of knowledge about this ecosystem despite crucial economic and ecologic roles. Considering their major functions, seagrass beds have to be considered in future management of the coastal marine systems at Reunion Island.

Functional responses of fish communities to environmental gradients in the North Sea, Eastern English Channel, and Bay of Somme / Réponses fonctionnelles des communautés de poissons aux gradients environnementaux en mer du Nord, Manche orientale, et baie de Somme

Mclean, Matthew 13 September 2019 (has links)
Il est essentiel de décrire la dynamique spatiale et temporelle des communautés de poissons pour comprendre le fonctionnement et les services des écosystèmes marins. Cette thèse a utilisé des données de surveillance scientifique à long terme pour caractériser les réponses fonctionnelles des communautés de poissons aux gradients environnementaux en baie de Somme, Manche orientale et mer du Nord. Les trois écosystèmes ont connu des hausses de température associées à une phase de réchauffement de l'oscillation multidécennale de l'Atlantique, ce qui a eu des impacts rapides sur la structure des communautés. Dans les trois écosystèmes, les réponses des communautés ont été médiées par des traits associés à l’habitat et à l’histoire de vie. Dans la mer du Nord et la Manche Est, les espèces pélagiques étaient les plus sensibles, ce qui s'explique probablement par leur mobilité et leur dispersion plus élevés. Cependant, au-delà de l'habitat, les espèces à stratégie démographique r (faible taille et âge à maturité, faible investissement parental, etc.) ont eu des réponses environnementales plus rapides. La pression historique de la pêche semble d’avoir rendu les communautés plus sensibles aux changements environnementaux en augmentant l'abondance relative des espèces pélagiques et à stratégie r. De plus, comme ces écosystèmes se sont réchauffés au cours des 30 dernières années, les réponses des communautés ont été caractérisées par une augmentation de la préférence thermique moyenne, ce qui suggère que le réchauffement climatique favorisera des espèces mieux adaptées aux conditions chaudes et que les espèces ayant des cycles de vie rapides seront les premières à répondre. / The ensemble of biological, geochemical, and physical processes that occur within ecosystems is driven by the interplay between biological communities and the abiotic environment. Explaining the spatial and temporal dynamics of biological communities in relation to environmental conditions is therefore essential for understanding ecosystem functioning, and ultimately for achieving sustainable development. In marine ecosystems, fish communities are key to ecosystem functioning, and fisheries provide livelihoods for over 10% of the world’s population. However, understanding the processes structuring fish communities remains difficult because community structure varies with both natural environmental fluctuations and, increasingly, human pressures. Effectively managing fisheries and marine ecosystems under global change therefore requires better characterizing fish community dynamics over time and space and disentangling the underlying drivers and mechanisms. While fish ecologists have traditionally relied on species-based approaches (i.e., taxonomic approaches) to study community structure, trait-based approaches (i.e., functional approaches) are increasingly used because they can provide better insight into community assembly and the mechanisms driving community responses. To meet this need for a better understanding of biodiversity dynamics, the present thesis took advantage of long-term scientific monitoring data to characterize the functional responses of fish communities to environmental gradients in the North Sea, Eastern English Channel, and Bay of Somme. All three ecosystems experienced temperature rises and oceanographic changes associated with a warming phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), which rapidly impacted fish community structure. Consistent biological responses were observed across the three ecosystems despite their different spatial scales, demonstrating that fish communities were affected by environmental change through bio-ecological traits associated with habitat preference and life history. In the North Sea and Eastern Channel, pelagic species were the most responsive and contributed largely to community dynamics, which is likely explained by their greater mobility, higher dispersal rates, and fewer habitat requirements. However, beyond habitat preference, species with r-selected life histories (e.g., low size and age at maturity, low parental investment, small offspring) had the fastest environmental responses whether or not they were pelagic, likely due to their rapid population turnover and generation time. Importantly, the way these species’ responses shaped community structure depended on environmental context. R-selected, pelagic species rapidly declined in the Bay of Somme and Eastern Channel, but rapidly increased in the North Sea. This likely reflects environmental suitability, indicating that after the phase change of the AMO, the Eastern Channel became a less favorable environment for these species, while the North Sea became more favorable. Thus, species with high mobility and fast life history cycles appear capable of rapidly tracking environmental conditions, shifting in abundance in response to environmental suitability. Additionally, as these ecosystems have warmed over the last 30 years, community responses were characterized by increases in mean thermal preference. Importantly, the amplitude of community changes was partially determined by communities’ initial structure and redundancy of bio-ecological traits, showing that community responses depended not only on environmental changes but also on biodiversity itself. Lastly, while fish community responses were consistently associated with climatic changes, historical fishing pressure on large-bodied, demersal species appeared to render fish communities more sensitive to environmental changes by increasing the relative of abundance of pelagic and r-selected species.

Utility of Macrophyte Habitat for Juvenile Fishes: Contrasting Use in Turbid and Clearwater Conditions of Maumee Bay, Lake Erie

Miller, Jacob William 24 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

L'effet des enrochements sur l'utilisation de l'espace par les communautés de poissons dans les Basses-Terres du Saint-Laurent

Asselin, Joanie 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Desconexão longitudinal de habitats em riachos neotropicais: ictiocenose sob influência de tubulações / Longitudinal disconnection of habitats in neotropical streams: fish assemblages under the influence of culverts

Mariano, José Roberto 19 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:13:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Roberto Mariano.pdf: 761006 bytes, checksum: 1ff3542b379bbf2cc1b28957af1d8d39 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The insertion of culverts in streams may cause habitat degradation, changing patterns of migration and dispersal of species, causing deterioration of biological diversity over time, favoring the disconnection of the habitat. This study aimed to evaluate the fish assemblages between the upstream and downstream segments of box and circular culverts in neotropical streams. Specifically we intend to analyze the composition and structure of the ichthyofauna and its possible spatial patterns, as well as the occurrence of spawning. Sampling for fish fauna were carried out monthly between November 2009 and October 2010, with various fishing gear such as gillnet, sieve, rod and castnet. Samples of ichthyoplankton were conducted between October 2009 and March 2010, with plankton net. During the period 2220 individuals were collected, with 901 fish in segments of circular culvert and 1,310 fish in segments of box culvert, belonging to 33 species. Catches were similar in both upstream and downstream segments of the circular culvert, whereas in the box culvert the fish abundance was just over in the upstream segment against downstream. The Characiformes dominated with a larger number of individuals in the upstream stretch of both culverts. On the other hand, the Siluriformes were abundant in the downstream stretch of the circular culvert, with similar abundances among the sections of box culvert. The richness and diversity of species differed among the sections of circular culvert (higher value in downstream), while values were similar to portions of the box culvert. The most abundant species were Astyanax altiparanae, A. paranae, A. fasciatus, Ancistrus sp., and Hypostomus sp., but with differences in the occurrence of the latter two species: these were more abundant in downstream segment of the circular culvert, and similar in sections of box culvert. The ichthyoplankton sampled was very low, with records of 36 eggs, 05 juveniles and 03 larvae, especially in the downstream section of the culverts. The ichthyofauna obtained distinct patterns among the culverts and in particular between the upstream and downstream sections of circular culvert. The data presented here showed that the circular culvert seems to provoke more limitation to fish movement, acting as a barrier to the species, especially for the Siluriformes, which reflects the variations that exist in abundance, richness and diversity of species. This indicates the need for further studies in neotropical streams intercepted by culverts, aimed to assemblies of fish and their movement. Such studies may subsidize the responsible sectors for the implementation of these structures to propose possible solutions to improve the habitat conditions, adapting the engineering biology of the species. / A implantação de tubulações em riachos pode causar a degradação do habitat, alterando os padrões de migração e dispersão das espécies, gerando deterioração da diversidade biológica ao longo do tempo, favorecendo a desconexão do habitat. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência das assembléias de peixes entre os segmentos de montante e jusante de tubulações quadrada e circular em riachos neotropicais. Especificamente pretende-se analisar a composição e a estrutura das da ictiofauna e seus possíveis padrões espaciais, bem como a ocorrência de desovas. As amostragens para a ictiofauna foram realizadas mensalmente, entre novembro de 2009 e outubro de 2010, com diversos apetrechos de pesca como rede, peneirão, caniço e tarrafa. As amostragens do ictioplâncton foram realizadas entre o outubro de 2009 e março de 2010, com uma rede de plâncton. Durante o período foram coletados 2.220 indivíduos, sendo 901 peixes nos trechos da tubulação circular e 1.310 peixes nos trechos da tubulação quadrada, pertencentes a 33 espécies. As capturas foram semelhantes nos trechos de montante e jusante na tubulação circular, enquanto que para a tubulação quadrada a abundância de peixes foi um pouco superior no trecho a montante em relação a jusante. Os Characiformes predominaram com maior número de indivíduos no trecho a montante de ambas as tubulações. Por outro lado, os Siluriformes foram abundantes no trecho a jusante da tubulação circular, com abundâncias similares entre os trechos da tubulação quadrada. A riqueza e a diversidade de espécies diferiram entre os trechos da tubulação circular (maior valor a jusante), enquanto que os valores foram similares para os trechos da tubulação quadrada. As espécies mais abundantes foram Astyanax altiparanae, A. paranae, A. fasciatus, Ancistrus sp. e Hypostomus sp., porém com diferenças constatadas na ocorrência das duas últimas espécies: estas foram mais abundantes a jusante da tubulação circular, e similares nos trechos da tubulação quadrada. O ictioplâncton amostrado foi pouco expressivo, com registros de 36 ovos, 05 jovens e 03 larvas especialmente no trecho de jusante das tubulações. A ictiofauna obteve padrões distintos entre as tubulações e em especial entre os trechos de montante e jusante da tubulação circular. Os dados aqui apresentados evidenciam que a tubulação circular parece exercer maior limitação ao movimento dos peixes, atuando como uma barreira para as espécies, em especial aos Siluriformes, o que reflete nas variações existentes na abundância, riqueza e diversidade das espécies. Isso indica a necessidade de maiores estudos em riachos neotropicais interceptados por tubulações, voltados às assembleias de peixes e sua movimentação. Esses estudos poderão subsidiar os setores responsáveis pela implantação dessas estruturas no sentido de propor possíveis soluções para a melhoria das condições dos habitats, adequando a engenharia a biologia das espécies.

Towards a cost-efficient & standardised monitoring protocol for subtidal reef fish in the Agulhas ecoregion of South Africa / Towards a cost-efficient & standardised monitoring protocol for sub-tidal reef fish in the Agulhas eco-region of South Africa

Bernard, Anthony Thomas Firth January 2013 (has links)
Under the growing demand for marine fish resources, and the apparent and expected impacts of global climate change, there is a need to conduct long-term monitoring (LTM) to ensure effective management of resources and conservation of biodiversity. However LTM programmes often suffer from design deficiencies and fail to achieve their objectives. These deficiencies stem from the fact that insufficient consideration is afforded to the design phase, with programmes selecting methods that are not suitable to address the objectives, or are not cost-efficient, compromising the sustainability of the LTM. To facilitate the establishment of LTM programmes along the southern coast of South Africa, background research needed to be conducted to identify which methods were most appropriate for LTM of reef fish. This study presents a detailed field-based assessment of the suitability and cost-efficiency of monitoring methods for long-term monitoring of reef fish in the Agulhas Ecoregion of South Africa. The approach adopted to identify the method, or suite of methods most suited for LTM, involved (i) the selection of methods considered suitable for LTM, (ii) the individual assessment and optimisation of method performance, and (iii) the comparative assessment of the fish community sampled by the different methods. The most suited method(s) were then identified as those that provide the most comprehensive assessment of the fish community and had the highest cost-efficiency. The research was conducted between January 2008 and 2011 in the Tsitsikamma and Table Mountain National Park (TNP and TMNP, respectively) marine protected areas (MPAs) within the Agulhas Ecoregion. The methods selected included fish traps (FT), controlled angling (CA), underwater visual census (UVC), remote underwater video (RUV), baited RUV (BRUV) and remotely operated vehicles (ROV). The individual assessment and optimisation was conducted with the FT, UVC, RUV and BRUV methods. The assessment of the FT method aimed to identify the optimal soak time, and whether or not the size of the funnel entrance to the trap affected the catch. The results identified that larger funnel entrances caught more fish and soak times of 80 minutes produced the highest catches per unit effort. However the data were highly variable and the method detected few of the species typical of the region. Fish traps were also associated with high levels of mortality of fish post-release. The assessment of UVC strip transect method involved directly comparing the precision of data collected by researchers and volunteers using a novel double-observer technique (paired-transects). The results showed considerable error in both the volunteers and researchers data, however the researchers produced significantly higher precision data, compared to the volunteers. The distinction between researchers and volunteers was not evident in the data for the dominant species of fish. For all observers, the abundance of a species in the sample had a significant influence on its detectability, with locally scarce or rare species poorly detected. UVC was able to sample the majority of species typical of reefs in the region, however it appeared plagued by observer and detectability biases. The assessments of RUV and BRUV were conducted simultaneously which enabled the assessment of the effect of bait on the observed fish community. In addition the optimal deployment time for both methods to maximise species richness and abundance was determined. The results showed that BRUV, and to a lesser degree RUV, were able to effectively survey the reef fish community for the region with a 50 minute and 35 minute deployment time, respectively. Baited remote underwater video was especially good at detecting the invertebrate and generalist carnivores, and cartilaginous species. On the other hand, RUV was more effective at surveying the microinvertebrate carnivores. Remote underwater video was characterised by higher data variability, compared to BRUV, and was ultimately considered a less cost-efficient monitoring method. Comparative methods assessments were conducted during two field experiments with the FT, UVC and BRUV methods in the TMNP MPA, and the FT, CA, UVC, RUV, BRUV and ROV methods compared in the TNP MPA. The objectives of the comparison were to investigate differences in the fish communities observed with the different methods, and to determine the power of the data to detect an annual 10% growth in the fish populations over a period of five years. The results from the method comparison were in turn used to conduct the cost-benefit analysis to determine the efficiency of the different methods at achieving monitoring objectives requiring population data from multiple trophic and functional groups with the community, and from species of fisheries importance. The results indicated that FT, CA and ROV were ineffective at monitoring the reef fish community, although CA appeared to provide valuable data for the dominant fisheries species. Both CA and FT required minimal initial investment however, the variability in the data translated into high annual monitoring costs, as the required sampling effort was great. The ROV required the highest initial investment and was identified as the least cost-efficient method. Underwater visual census was able to adequately survey the bony fish within the community, however it did not detect the cartilaginous species. Underwater visual census required a large initial investment and was not cost-efficient, as a many samples were required to account for the variability in the data. Remote underwater video provided a comprehensive assessment of the reef fish community, however it too was associated with high levels of variability in the data, compared to BRUV, reducing its cost-efficiency. BRUV provided the most comprehensive assessment of the reef fish community and was associated with the highest cost-efficiency to address the community and fisheries species monitoring objectives. During the course of this research stereo-BRUV has gained considerable support as an effective reef fish monitoring method. Although not tested during this research, stereo-BRUV is preferred to BRUV as it provides accurate data on the size of fish. However, the initial investment of stereo-BRUV is over three times that required for the BRUV. Although it is recommended that a baited video technique be used for LTM in the Agulhas Ecoregion, the choice between BRUV and stereo-BRUV will depend on the specific objectives of the programme and the available budget at the implementing agency.

The ichthyofauna associated with Taylor's salt marsh, Kariega estuary (Eastern Cape), South Africa

Booth, Tara Loren January 2009 (has links)
The spatial and temporal patterns in the ichthyofaunal community composition and structure in Taylor’s salt marsh and adjacent eelgrass beds (Zostera capensis) in the Kariega Estuary, was investigated every two months between May 2006 and March 2007. Total ichthyofaunal abundances and biomass in the salt marsh ranged between 0.55 and 21.7 ind.10m-2 and between 0.03 and 1.9 g.wwt.10m⁻², respectively. There were no significant spatial patterns in the values evident (P > 0.05 in all cases) although seasonal trends were marked, with highest values consistently recorded during the warmer summer months. Investigations into the community structure showed that the ichthyofaunal community within salt marsh was composed almost exclusively of juveniles of estuarine dependant (category II) species, mainly juvenile Mugilidae (<20mm SL) that comprised up to 83% of all fish sampled. Hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling did not identify any distinct spatial patterns in the ichthyofaunal community within the salt marsh. The absence of any spatial patterns in the community structure could be related to the absence of any significant spatial patterns in the physico-chemical (temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations) and biological (water column and microphytobenthic algal concentrations) variables within the salt marsh (P > 0.05 in all cases). Temporal shifts in the ichthyofaunal community structure within the salt marsh were, however, evident largely reflecting the breeding cycles of individual species within the sub-region. Within the adjacent eelgrass beds, total ichthyofaunal abundances and biomass ranged between 8.4 and 49.4 ind.10m⁻² and between 2.9 and 94.5 g.wwt.10m⁻², respectively. Once again there were no distinct spatial patterns in the abundance and biomass values evident although seasonal patterns were marked. In contrast to the salt marsh, within the in the eelgrass community, there were a large number of adult individuals recorded. Again category II species, the estuarine dependent species, were numerically and gravimetrically dominant. The dominance of category II species reflects the marine dominance of Kariega Estuary. The remaining estuarine utilisation categories did not contribute significantly to abundance or standing stock totals. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the salt marsh and eelgrass beds represented two distinct habitats within the Kariega Estuary. Within the salt marsh, the family Mugilidae were numerically dominant contributing 83% of the total catch. Within the eelgrass beds, the sparid, Rhabdosargus holubi and representatives of the family Gobidae contributed 36.3% and 33.9% respectively to the total catch. Estuaries with a wide range of microhabitats have been demonstrated to support a more diverse ichthyofaunal community. Shallow water habitats in general are important areas for juvenile fish within estuaries. Taylor’s salt marsh provides an alternative shallow water habitat, occupied by a distinct ichthyofaunal community composition, with increased food availability and decreased predation pressure, for a wide range of fish species.

The ichthyofauna of the Wilderness Lakes System, Western Cape, with particular emphasis on alien fish species and their establishment success

Olds, Alexis Amy January 2012 (has links)
Freshwater fish species have been introduced into freshwater systems around the world, primarily for aquaculture, ornamental fish trade and sport fishing. Their introduction into estuarine systems is uncommon however, instances do occur and their establishment success and impacts on these estuarine systems is not well documented. The extent of invasion by four freshwater fishes in a RAMSAR listed estuarine system, the Wilderness Lakes, Western Cape was investigated. This thesis determined the relative abundance and distribution of alien fishes in relation to the native fish biota, their establishment success in the system, what factors inhibited their establishment and whether the introduction of alien fishes negatively impacted the native fish biota. The distribution and abundance of fishes were assessed primarily using fyke nets, seine nets and gill nets in each of the lakes, interconnecting channels and the Touw Estuary. The fish fauna was made up of euryhaline marine species comprising 46%, native estuarine species comprising 18%, catadromous species comprising 7% and freshwater alien species comprising 29% of the total biomass sampled. A total of 26 species were sampled in the system, three of which were considered alien; Oreochromis mossambicus, Gambusia affinis and Cyprinus carpio, and Micropterus salmoides were not sampled but confirmed in the system. Establishment success was determined by evidence of: a sustainable breeding population, a wide distribution, abundant in the sampling area, and all size classes of fish sampled. Gambusia affinis and Oreochromis mossambicus have been recorded in the system for a minimum of 13 and 26 years respectively. They were widely distributed and highly abundant and are established in the system. Micropterus salmoides was first recorded in the system in 1985 but abundances have remained low with fish appearing to be limited to Island Lake and Langvlei. Reproduction appeared to be limited by higher salinity and these factors indicated that this was a casual species which relies on repeated introductions for population maintenance. Cyprinus carpio spawned successfully in 2010 and was widely distributed but abundances were still low with a total of 15 fish being sampled throughout the system, and was thus in the establishing phase. As these are considered freshwater alien species, the physico-chemical parameters in the estuarine environment inhibiting the establishment success of the alien fishes were investigated. Gambusia affinis and O. mossambicus were not limited by the physical environment, and while O. mossambicus cannot tolerate temperatures below 11⁰C, temperatures only dropped below its tolerance for a total of two days between February 2010 and February 2011. Cyprinus carpio and M. salmoides were restricted by salinity in Rondevlei and Langvlei but could tolerate salinity in Island Lake and the Touw Estuary during closed mouth phases. While adults appeared to tolerate the salinity in the system, egg and larval development could be affected thus reducing the viability of the population. The abundance of alien fishes did not negatively impact the abundance of native fish species. The interactions between the native and alien fish biota tended towards biotic acceptance where, as alien abundance increased so did native fish abundance. The impacts of the alien fishes on the native fish biota were assessed by comparing the fish community from a study completed in 1985 to the findings of this study. From these two studies there were no apparent negative impacts on the native fish biota and the fish community composition would most likely be structured by estuarine mouth opening events.

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