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Effects of Slab-Column Interaction in Steel Moment Resisting Frames with Steel-Concrete Composite Floor SlabsHobbs, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Composite construction is widely used worldwide and is undergoing significant technological development. New Zealand is part of this development, with new beam options incorporating multiple unstiffened web openings and new deck profiles supported by extensive testing. However, one area where relatively little research has been undertaken is in the interaction of the composite slab with the seismic resisting system under lateral loading.
In order to provide important new information in this area, a series of full scale beam-column-joint-slab subassemblies were tested at the University of Canterbury. Specimens tested had moment end plate connections and different combinations of deck tray direction, and isolation of the slab from the column. An additional test uses a sliding-hinge type connection to assess the effect of the floor slab in this type of low damage connection.
In these tests the lateral capacity of the seismic resisting system was increased by up to 25% due to the presence of the slab in contact with the column. The increase in capacity is 10% greater for decking running in longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction as a result of a more substantial full depth slab bearing on the column. The floor slabs of the subassemblies with the slab cast against the column all showed a higher level of damage than for those with the isolated column and the post ultimate strength degradation of the subassemblies without special detailing was significant. The subassembly with a section of full depth slab surrounding the column also exhibited a higher capacity but with an improved post ultimate strength degradation. All moment end plate subassemblies sustained drifts of up to 5% without significant strength loss.
The sliding hinge joint showed little signs of damage under testing to 5% drift. Some inelastic deformation of the connection and beams was noted above 5% drift.
Results from both testing and numerical modelling have shown that the current methods used to design these systems are conservative but within 15% of the values observed. Further testing and modelling will be necessary before any meaningful changes can be made to the way in which these systems are designed. Recommendations have been made regarding the placements of shear studs in plastic hinge zones and the provision of slab isolation around beam-column connections.
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Uma formulação do Método dos Elementos de Contorno com três parâmetros nodais em deslocamentos para placas delgadas e suas aplicações a problemas de engenharia estrutural / A boundary element method formulation for plate bending analysis with three nodal displacement parameters and its application for structural problemsOliveira Neto, Luttgardes de 18 December 1998 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma nova formulação direta do Método dos Elementos de Contorno (M.E.C.) para análise de placas, utilizando a teoria de Kirchhoff, admitindo três parâmetros nodais de deslocamentos para sua representação integral: deslocamento transversal e suas derivadas nas direções normal e tangencial ao contorno. Dois valores nodais são usados para os esforços, momento fletor normal mn e força cortante equivalente Vn. Desta forma são escritas três equações integrais de contorno por nó, obtidas a partir da discretização da placa, segundo a forma usual do método. A vantagem mais perceptível desta formulação é a possibilidade de se fazer a ligação da placa analisada pelo M.E.C. com elementos lineares, representados por três valores nodais de deslocamentos que passam a ser compatibilizados diretamente, para a análise de edifícios. São apresentados exemplos numéricos da formulação e das ligações para comprovação da formulação. / The aim of this work is to present an alternative formulation for plate bending analysis, using Kirchhoff\'s theory, in wich the boundary equation for displacements and its derivative in tangential and normal directions to the boundary for each boundary node are used. The efforts, according to Kirchhoff\'s theory, are the normal bending mn and the equivalent shear force Vn. This formulation is adequate for the analysis of plates coupled with flexible colunms and beams because these structural elements have three nodal displacement values at its nodes. Many examples of single plates and buildings slab are presented using the formulation proposed in this work.
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Namų dekoravimo centras "Orfis" / House decoration center "Orfis"Vanagaitė, Rosita 02 July 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe projektuojamas statybinių medžiagų centras, Šiauliuose, Metalistų gatvėje, su prekybinėmis patalpomis, sandėliu bei buitinėmis – adminitracinėmis patalpomis. Aprašomas sklypo planas, pastato patalpų išplanavimas, kontrukciniai sprendimai bei inžineriniai tinklai. Suprojektuota 18 m metalinė santvara SN-18, parinkta 5,6 m ilgio dvitėjo profilio sija SI-5.6, suprojektuota 5,94 m ilgio gelžbetoninė perdangos plokštė PP 594-120-22. Sudaryta perdangų montavimo technologin÷ kortelė, perdangų montavimui parinktas automobilinis kranas. Sudaryti pagrindinių konstrukcijų darbų kiekių žiniaraščiai ir pagal juos sudaryta lokalinė sąmata. Paskaičiuoti administracinių – buitinių patalpų šilumos laidumo koeficientai, šilumos nuostoliai. Pagal šiuos apskaičiuotus duomenis parinkti šildymo prietaisai. / In this work, there is a centre of building materials that is being designed in Siauliai, Metalistu Street. It consists of trading rooms, warehouse and domestic – administrative rooms. Description of the plan of the plot, layout of rooms, construction decisions and engineering networks. Designed 18 m metallic truss SN-18, selected 5,6 m length HEA-beam SI-5.6, designed 5,94 m length reinforced floor slab PP 594-120-22. Made out of floors installation technological card, for floors installing selected truck crane. Formed sheets of quantity of main constructial workings and accordingly formed local estimation. calculated administrative – domestic rooms heat-transferring coefficient, heat ranges. According to the calculated data, heating devices were chosen.
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Prekybos centras "PRISMA" Pakruojyje / Shopping center "PRISMA" in PakruojisKulnytė, Almina 29 August 2012 (has links)
Šiame bakalauro baigiamajame darbe suprojektuotas prekybos centras "PRISMA", kurį numatyta statyti Pakruojo mieste esančiame sklype.Pirmoje dalyje aprašoma pastato sklypo planas, pastato charakteristika, jo konstrukciniai sprendimai, bei inţineriniai tinklai. Taip pat pateikti atitvarų šilumos perdavimo koeficiento skaičiavimai. Konstrukcinėje dalyje suprojektuota surenkama gelţbetoninės perdangos plokštė, metalinės sijos 12 m ir 6m ir viena pasirinkta gelţbetoninės kolona. Technologinėje dalyje pateikiama gelţbetoninių kolonų montavimo technologinė kortelė. Aprašomas mechanizmų parinkimas. Kolonų montavimo kokybės kontrolės reikalavimai, taip pat pagrindiniai saugumo technikos reikalavimai. Brėţiniuose pateikti darbų ir darbininkų pareikalavimo grafikai. Ekonominėje dalyje pateikti darbų kiekių ţiniaraščiai ir pagal juos parengta Pastato lokalinė sąmata su mechanizmų ir medţiagų ţiniaraščiais. / In this final bachelor work there is the designed shopping centre "PRISMA", which is foreseen to be constructed in the free plot of Pakruojis.First part consists of brief description of the plan of the plot, building characteristics, its construction solutions and engineering networks. In addition, there are calculationsof coefficients of heat-transferring walls. In the constructions part, there is a designed collectable reinforced floor slab, 12 m and 6 m metallic beams and one chosen reinforced column. In the technological part, there is given a card of reinforced columns estimations. Selection of mechanisms is also descripted. What is more, it consists of requirements of column construction’s quality control and main technical safety. Throughout the drawings there are demand graphs of works and workers. Economical part consists of sheets with quantity of works, and accordingly prepared local estimate of building with sheets of mechanisms and materials.
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Viešbutis "Grafas" Baisogaloje / Hotel „Grafas“ in BaisogalaMarašinskas, Mantas 01 August 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe projektuojamas viešbutis numatomas statyti, Radviliškio r., Baisogalos miestelyje, R. Žebenkos gatvėje, su konferencijų sale ketvirtame aukšte, restoranu pirmame aukšte, gyvenamaisiais kambariais, apželdintu stogu - terasa virš trečio aukšto denginio, liftu ir pagalbinėmis patalpomis. Aprašomas sklypo planas, pastato patalpų išplanavimas, konstrukciniai sprendimai, bei inžineriniai tinklai. Suprojektuota 14,7 m metalinė santvara SN-147, suprojektuota 12 m ilgio, 2 m pločio monolitinė gelžbetoninė perdangos plokštė, ir suprojektuota kiaurymėta nepertraukto formavimo gelžbetoninė perdanga PK640-120-26,5. Sudaryta eksploatuojamo apželdinto stogo įrengimo technologinė kortelė, perdangų, santvarų montavimui ir kitų medžiagų tiekimui parinktas ratinis kranas DEMAG AG 155. Nuo pamatų iki dalinės vidaus apdailos sudaryti darbų kiekių žiniaraščiai ir pagal juos sudaryta lokalinė sąmata. / The hotel designed in this thesis is projected to be built in Radviliškis district, Baisiogala town, R. Žebenkos Street; it includes a conference hall in the fourth floor, a restaurant in the ground floor, guest rooms, a terraced roof over the third floor roofing, an elevator and the utility rooms. It describes the plan of the plot, the layout of the premises, the structural solutions, and the engineering networks. Designed a steel truss SN-147 of 14.7 m, designed a monolithic reinforced concrete floor slab of 12 metres long and 2 metres width, designed a reinforced concrete slab of a hollow core continuous formation PK640-120-26.5. Made a technological card for setting the terraced roof, a truck crane DEMAG AG 155 was chosen for assembling slabs and trusses and providing other materials. The sheets for the amount of work from the base to the partial interior finishing were formed and according to them, the local estimate was given.
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Uma formulação do Método dos Elementos de Contorno com três parâmetros nodais em deslocamentos para placas delgadas e suas aplicações a problemas de engenharia estrutural / A boundary element method formulation for plate bending analysis with three nodal displacement parameters and its application for structural problemsLuttgardes de Oliveira Neto 18 December 1998 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma nova formulação direta do Método dos Elementos de Contorno (M.E.C.) para análise de placas, utilizando a teoria de Kirchhoff, admitindo três parâmetros nodais de deslocamentos para sua representação integral: deslocamento transversal e suas derivadas nas direções normal e tangencial ao contorno. Dois valores nodais são usados para os esforços, momento fletor normal mn e força cortante equivalente Vn. Desta forma são escritas três equações integrais de contorno por nó, obtidas a partir da discretização da placa, segundo a forma usual do método. A vantagem mais perceptível desta formulação é a possibilidade de se fazer a ligação da placa analisada pelo M.E.C. com elementos lineares, representados por três valores nodais de deslocamentos que passam a ser compatibilizados diretamente, para a análise de edifícios. São apresentados exemplos numéricos da formulação e das ligações para comprovação da formulação. / The aim of this work is to present an alternative formulation for plate bending analysis, using Kirchhoff\'s theory, in wich the boundary equation for displacements and its derivative in tangential and normal directions to the boundary for each boundary node are used. The efforts, according to Kirchhoff\'s theory, are the normal bending mn and the equivalent shear force Vn. This formulation is adequate for the analysis of plates coupled with flexible colunms and beams because these structural elements have three nodal displacement values at its nodes. Many examples of single plates and buildings slab are presented using the formulation proposed in this work.
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Nosná železobetonová konstrukce bytového domu / Load bearing reinforced concrete structure of apartment houseRoček, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the structural solution of selected parts of load bearing structure of apartment house - floor slabs of 1.PP and 2.NP, deep beam and its supporting column. The analysis is made by Finite Element Method, deep beam is solved by Strut-and-Tie model. The elements are designed and assessed according to valid standards.
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Monolitická železobetonová nádrž / Monolithic reinforced concrete tankKollárik, Adrián January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with design and assessment of all supporting parts of cast-in-place reinforced concrete tank. The thesis includes a technical report, static analysis, drawing documentations, construction proces and visualization. The drawing documentation consists of shape and reinforcement drawings of supporting parts.
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Statické řešení nosné železobetonové konstrukce rodinné vily / Static solution of bearing RC structure family villaNeužil, David January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis describes design of reinforced concrete structure for family villa. Building is situated to the slope. Only chosen parts of concrete structure was designed and checked for ultimate limit state. Building consist of basemen and two floors. Part of second floor is cantilevered. Cantilevered part was designed according to vertical deflection. Building foundation consist of waterproof slabs. Walls in contact with soil are considered as waterproof, as well.
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Ubytovací zařízení / AccommodationGrbálová, Lucia January 2022 (has links)
The subject of the master’s thesis is elaboration of the complete project design documentation of accommodation. The object is designed as a double-star boarding house with stables and a caretaker's flat. It is situated in the village Pružina-Chmelisko, on recreation grounds. The object of the boarding house is divided into three above-ground floors and one underground floor. The roof structure is designed as a gable roof. The stables are single-storey buildings with partially used attic above the caretaker’s flat. The roof structure is gabbled. The carrier system of the boarding house consists of clay blocks and a monolithic, reinforced concrete floor slab. The stables’ carrier system is designed as a wooden joist floor, ceramic fittings are slated for filling. Within specialization is the solution of fire safety assessment of both buildings, thermal technical assessment, assessment of acoustics and lighting of the boarding house.
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