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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigations into the role of mPIP, the mouse homologue of hPIP/GCDFP-15, in innate host defense

Nistor, Andreea 25 April 2008 (has links)
mPIP is a mouse homologue of human PIP/GCDFP-15 which is an established marker of both malignant and benign pathological conditions of the mammary gland. mPIP gene expression has been identified in both lacrimal and salivary glands of healthy mice and the mPIP protein has been detected in saliva. The mPIP protein has been found to bind oral bacteria, showing the highest affinity for streptococci, suggesting a potential function of mPIP in the non-immune host defense in the mouse oral cavity. Since the exact functions of mPIP are still unknown, we examined the roles of mPIP through both in vitro and in vivo studies, specifically to address the possible role of this protein in non-immune host response through modulating the oral flora. The in vitro studies were primarily focused on elucidation of the consequences of interaction between mPIP and oral bacteria, in particular to examine whether mPIP plays a role in bacterial aggregation. The in vivo studies addressed the roles of mPIP through the analysis of an mPIP knockout mouse model generated in our laboratory. Following confirmation of the null mutation, the delineating the phenotype of this model was pursued through morphopathological analysis as well as examination of the impact of the lack of mPIP on the mouse oral flora. The null mutation in the mPIP knockout mice was confirmed by both the gene and protein analysis. Histological analysis revealed lymphocytic proliferation in both the submaxillary and prostate glands of the mPIP knockout mice. In addition, both quantitative and composition differences in the oral flora of mPIP knockout mice were identified when compared with wild-type controls. Specifically, a higher proportion of the oral bacteria of mPIP knockout mice were found to belong to genus Streptococcus and certain genera were found to be absent from the oral cavity of these mice. The effect of knockout mouse saliva, which lacks mPIP, on the aggregation of oral bacteria was compared to wild-type mouse saliva. Our data suggests that mPIP contributes to saliva-induced bacterial aggregation. While oral flora has multiple functions, including protection against infection, mPIP might play a role in the non-innate host defense through modulating the resident oral flora in the mouse. The identification of lymphocytic proliferation in submaxillary and prostate glands of mPIP knockout mice suggests that mPIP might also interfere with lymphocyte activity, playing a possible immunomodulatory role.

Anàlisi de les plantes i de la fauna vertebrada a la vall de Furiosos (Montnegre, Serralada Litoral Catalana)

Salvà Catarineu, Montserrat 19 July 2000 (has links)
. L'objectiu principal de la tesi és analitzar la biodiversitat i riquesa d'espècies i demostrar la relació entre la fauna, la vegetació i l'home a la vall de Fuirosos, així com relacionar els elements biòtics amb els factors litològics, geomorfològics, climàtics, edàfics i antròpics. Des d'un punt de vista metodològic, es va pretendre posar en pràctica un mètode d'estudi corològic i cartogràfic de la flora vascular i de la fauna vertebrada. També es van dissenyar diferents mètodes de mostreig per a l'obtenció de dades estadísticament comparable. La recerca es va desenvolupar al massís del Montnegre, a la serralada Litoral Catalana. L'àrea és de 48 km², situada 41º39' de latitud nord i 2º33' de longitud est. Aquesta zona inclou tota la vall de la riera de Fuirosos i quatre valls més petites que li són veïnes. L'àrea d'estudi està situada entre tres comarques: el Vallès Oriental, la Selva i el Maresme. Els municipis on es treballa són Sant Celoni, Fogars de Tordera, Sant Iscle de Vallalta, Sant Pol i Tordera. Gairebé tota la zona és dins el Parc Natural del Montnegre i el Corredor i està protegida pel Pla Especial de Protecció (1989).La vall de la riera de Fuirosos és una de les més característiques del vessant vallesà del Montnegre, les seves aigües tributen a la Tordera, que desemboca a la Mediterrània, entre les poblacions de Blanes i Malgrat. Aquesta riera esdevé interessant perquè gairebé porta aigua tot l'any, els mesos d'estiu queda seca menys en el curs superior. Els anys de gran sequera l'aigua es manté als embassaments i en els trams anteriors a aquest. Fuirosos es troba en els dominis de vegetació de la sureda, de l'alzinar i de les rouredes. Però a la zona investigada també trobem plantacions de pins i d'eucaliptus que fan evident una explotació forestal més o menys intensa. La presència d'espècies espontànies mediterrànies, eurosiberianes i d'espècies indicadores de l'estat de la vall -bioindicadores- fan de la vall un punt idoni per posar en pràctica un mètode de treball biogeogràfic on s'integri la vegetació i la fauna vertebrada. Les aportacions principals de la tesi han estat, en primer lloc, reconèixer quins són els factors físics i humans que intervenen en la distribució de la vegetació i de la fauna. En segon lloc, l'elaboració d'un catàleg de flora i de fauna de la vall de Fuirosos: sobretot a partir d'un treball de camp sistemàtic. En tercer lloc, s'aporta la cartografia corològica de les plantes vasculars i de la fauna vertebrada més significativa, amb base UTM d'1 km de costat. S'ha demostrat que són els quadrats UTM de la carena del Montnegre, on el relleu presenta les seves màximes pendents, on es donen els nivells més baixos de biodiversitat i de riquesa. A la carena dominen les rouredes i les castanyedes, ambdós boscos caducifolis afavorits i la majoria aprofitats per l'home, per treure la fusta. En general han estat els quadrats per on circula la riera de Fuirosos i la Tordera els que donen un valors més elevats de riquesa i de diversitat i si tenim en compte que és on hi ha els camps de conreus més grans, també és on es dóna més abundància d'espècies de fauna vertebrada. / . The main aim of the thesis is focused in the biodiversity and the species richness and in the relationship between fauna, vegetation and man in the Fuirosos valley.The research was undertaken in the Montnegre massif, in the Coastal Catalan Ranges in Barcelona province, Spain. The study area is 48 km², located at 41º39' North and 2º33' East. Almost the entire zone is included inside the Natural Reserve of the Montnegre and Corredor and it is protected by the Special Plan of Protection (1989).The Fuirosos valley is one of the most typical in the "vallesan" area of the Montnegre massif. Its waters drain to the Tordera, which ends at the Mediterranean Sea, between the locations of Blanes and Malgrat. Fuirosos is under the vegetation domains of the cork oaks, evergreen oaks and oaks. However, in the study area there also exist pine and eucalyptuses plantations that make evident more or less intense forest exploitation. The main thesis contributions have been, in first place, to recognize which are the physical and human factors that intervene in the vegetation and fauna distribution. Secondly, the elaboration of a flora and fauna catalogue of the Fuirosos valley: basically obtained from a systematic fieldwork. Thirdly, the chorological cartography of vascular plants and vertebrated fauna most significant, using a 1 km side UTM grid. It has been demonstrated that in the UTM cells that belong to the highest area of the Montnegre, the lowest levels of biodiversity and wealth of flora are found. In this area oaks and the chestnut-trees are dominant, and both are favored non-perennial forests from which man has taken advantage in order to extract wood. In general, they belong to the cells where the Fuirosos River and the Tordera River flow through, which provide higher values of wealth and of flower diversity. Bearing in mind that it is in this area where the largest agricultural fields are found, it is also the cells where the major abundance of vertebrate fauna species are found.

Taxonomy and phylogeny of endosymbiotic ciliates (Ciliophora: Trichostomatia) occurring in herbivorous Australian marsupials

Cameron, S. L. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Population and behavioral ecology of water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator)

Ahmad, A. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Seed dispersal syndromes and the distribution of woody plants in south-east Queensland's vine forests

Butler, D. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

The reproductive ecology of the Australian freshwater turtles Emydura macquarii signata and Chelodina expansa

McCosker, J. R. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Biological Effect of Supplementary Feeding on Wild Birds: Case study Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) in Brisbane region

Ishigame, G. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Optimal Monitoring and Harvesting of a Wild Population Under Uncertainty

Hauser, Cindy Emma Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Optimal Monitoring and Harvesting of a Wild Population Under Uncertainty

Hauser, Cindy Emma Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Optimal Monitoring and Harvesting of a Wild Population Under Uncertainty

Hauser, Cindy Emma Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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