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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the Antigenic Composition and Differential Incorporation of Host Membrane Proteins into Murine Leukemia Virus by Flow Virometry

Maltseva, Mariam 29 September 2020 (has links)
Traditionally, viral particles have been primarily analyzed as a whole population according to their biochemical, genetic, and biophysical properties. Here, we describe single particle phenotypic analysis using surface markers found on Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) by flow virometry. We used this technology to show differential incorporation of host surface markers between wild type MLV and glycosylated Gag (glycogag) deficient MLV. Moreover, we analyzed differential uptake efficiency of host proteins between two cell lines and primary lymphocytes. We hypothesize that the phenotypic profiling and quantification of antigens on the surface of individual viral particles will provide crucial information on the identity of the infected parental cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the MLV accessory protein glycogag is associated with the upregulation of surface antigen incorporation during assembly and release. Aside from possible evolutionary implications of glycogag, we demonstrate presence and varying antigenic composition on the surface of MLV viral particles reflective of the cell phenotype that they were released from.

Uncovering the Complexity of a Simple Retrovirus: A Study of Glycosylated Gag and Flow Virometry

Renner, Tyler 13 January 2020 (has links)
Murine leukemia virus (MLV), classified as a gammaretrovirus, has been studied extensively to enhance our understanding of the biology and replication of retroviral infection. Typically referred to as a simple retrovirus, its usefulness as a model is highlighted owing to its minimal genome. The genetic material for MLV was thought to only code the basic and essential defining features of a retrovirus. Through the understanding developed from the use of simple retroviruses, the clinical and research communities were immeasurably more prepared to combat the more complex and decidedly infamous human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Interestingly, a scenario of convergent evolution has directed MLV to encode an accessory protein, termed Glycosylated Gag (gGag), that shares functionality reminiscent of several HIV proteins. Herein, I present a dissection of a novel function of this enigmatic protein, paired with an improved understanding of the biology of MLV that was revealed by the development of small particle flow cytometry performed on viruses, also known as flow virometry. Initially, we elucidated that gGag is responsible for the resistance of MLV towards the restriction factor murine APOBEC3 (mA3). I showed that even endogenous mA3 from primary cells exhibited an enhanced enzymatic activity towards MLV with mutant gGag proteins which have lost glycosylation sites. In our following study, I illustrated that these mutants displayed a reduced viral core stability, the severity of which was correlated directly with susceptibility to mA3. These results are in line with the hypothesis that viral core stability and APOBEC3-susceptibility are directly linked. Furthermore, I showed for the first time that unprocessed gGag was associated with viral particles released from producer cells in the orientation of a type I membrane protein, with the structural regions directed within the viral core. This may be the direct evidence of how gGag improves capsid stability, a mechanism which is still unresolved. On the flip side, gGag as a type II membrane protein was observed exclusively on virus-like particles devoid of detectable envelope glycoprotein (Env). This marks a potential new function for gGag in the context of infection. Given the ubiquitous necessity of an optimized core stability for any virus, combined with the overlapping function of gGag with HIV accessory proteins, continuation of this work represents an as of yet clinically unexplored avenue for the development of HIV therapeutics. At the same time, in order to characterize individual viral particles, I played an instrumental role in developing the technique of flow virometry within our core facility. I illustrated that the Env of MLV does not significantly accumulate on extracellular vesicles (EVs) and acts as an effective marker for viral particles. With this evidence in hand, the enumeration of MLV virions was made possible. By correlating this information with an absolute viral genome determination, I was able to estimate the packaging efficiency for MLV in a quantitative manner. This information suggests that roughly 80-85% of MLV particles are missing their essential genetic information. These findings may implicate the disease progression of MLV infection may be enhanced by the use of defective-interfering particles, a theory that has been suggested for HIV. This work highlighted the fact that flow virometry is uniquely capable to discriminate viral particles from other cell-derived membraned vesicles in a highly sensitive manner. Overall, my work has unveiled new complexities of a simple retrovirus, while laying the groundwork towards both diagnostics and therapeutics for the ongoing battle with HIV.

Production, quantification et détection des coronavirus

Savoie, Christopher 08 1900 (has links)
Les coronavirus tels que le SARS-CoV-2 représentent un danger pour la santé publique, mobilisant la science pour le développement d’outils. Considérant les risques du SARS-CoV-2, celui doit être manipulé en laboratoire de niveau de sécurité 3, limitant la recherche. Le coronavirus OC43 représente un modèle utile manipulable en niveau de sécurité 2, mais peu de méthodes standardisées existent pour celui-ci. La première partie de cette étude consiste au développement de modèle de culture cellulaire pour la production et la titration de OC43. Mes travaux démontrent l’utilité des lignées MRC-5 et HRT-18 ainsi que la sensibilité de la titration par Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 50 Immunoperoxidase Assay (TCID50-IPA). La seconde partie emploie une méthode de pointe en virologie qui n’a pas encore été démontrée pour les coronavirus, soit la virométrie en flux. Celle-ci permet la quantification absolue de particules virales, ce qui est un avantage aussi bien pour la recherche que pour une potentielle méthode diagnostique. J'ai ainsi développé une méthode de purification et de concentration du coronavirus OC43 pour permettre son étude en virométrie en flux avec un bruit de fond négligeable. Un marquage efficace de ~99% des particules virales a été démontré avec les marqueurs Syto 13 et Syto 62. De plus, le marquage par un anticorps contre la protéine S permet de d’évaluer la présence de virus. Finalement, les nouvelles méthodes développées ici permettront des études plus poussées sur les coronavirus. / Coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2 represent a danger for public health, mobilizing science for the development of new tools. Considering the risks of SARS-CoV-2, a biosecurity level 3 laboratory is required for their studies, which limits scientific research. The coronavirus OC43 represents a useful model that can be safely manipulated in biosecurity level 2 facilities but existing methods to study this virus are not well standardized or optimized. Therefore, I firstly developed a cell culture model for the production and titration of OC43. My data demonstrate the importance of the cell lines MRC-5 and HRT-18 and the sensitivity of the titration method called Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 50 Immunoperoxidase Assay (TCID50-IPA). Secondly, I explored a cutting-edge virometry method called flow virometry which allows the absolute quantification of intact viral particles, which is advantageous for many studies or as a potential diagnostic tool. I hence put together a protocol to purify and concentrate OC43 for this application with minimal background noise. Moreover, labeling the virus with Syto dyes (Syto 13, Syto 62) is very efficient with ~99% of viral particles marked. Furthermore, an antibody against the S protein of OC43 can mark the virus efficiently enough to evaluate the presence of viral particles. Finally, the optimization and development of these methods for coronavirus will enable further research.

Analyse des protéines du tégument par virométrie en flux et protéomique des capsides nucléaires du Virus Herpès Simplex de type 1 (VHS-1)

El Bilali, Nabil 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of viral and cellular factors on the nuclear egress of human herpes simplex virus Type-1 (HSV-1) capsids

Khadivjam, Bita 08 1900 (has links)
Le virus de l'herpès simplex de type 1 (VHS-1) est l'un des agents pathogènes humains les plus anciens et les plus efficaces. On estime que 3.7 milliards de personnes dans le monde vivent avec le VHS-1. Le virus persiste à l'état latent dans les neurones sensoriels, réapparaissant occasionnellement sous la forme d'une infection lytique qui endommage l'épithélium. Même si le VHS-1 provoque une maladie bénigne connue sous le nom de feu sauvage dans la majorité des cas, l'infection peut entraîner des conséquences catastrophiques telles que l'encéphalite et la kératite chez les personnes immunodéprimées les nouveau-nés. Compte tenu de la présence généralisée des infections à VHS-1, le virus représente une menace potentielle pour le système de santé. Le génome à ADN du VHS-1 est protégé par une cage protéique appelée capside. Bien que l'assemblage de la capside du VHS-1 et l'encapsidation du génome aient lieu à l'intérieur du noyau de l'hôte, les étapes finales de la maturation doivent être achevées dans le cytoplasme. Ainsi, pour la sortie du noyau, le virus a développé un mécanisme connu sous le nom d’enveloppement-déenveloppement-réenveloppement. La première étape de ce processus est principalement régulée par le complexe de sortie nucléaire (pUL31 et pUL34) et entraîne le bourgeonnement de la capside alors enveloppée dans l'espace périnucléaire. Par la suite, le déenveloppement de ces capsides périnucléaires et leur libération dans le cytoplasme seraient largement modulés par la kinase virale pUs3. Ce processus est sélectif, car les capsides remplies d'ADN (capsides C) sortent préférentiellement du noyau au détriment des intermédiaires viraux sans génome (capsides A et B). Cependant, nous ne savons pas pourquoi les capsides C sont favorisées lors de ce processus. En aval, le virus mûrit, recrute de nombreuses protéines puis acquiert une enveloppe à partir d'un compartiment cytoplasmique. Il sort ensuite de la cellule sous forme de virions enveloppés matures. Outre les facteurs viraux mentionnés et quelques protéines hôtes, l'implication de nombreuses autres protéines virales et cellulaires dans cette voie n'a pas été entièrement caractérisée. Pour élucider davantage ce processus de sélection de la capside C, nous avons profité de l'analyse MS/MS des capsides nucléaires du VHS-1 pour définir les facteurs hôtes et viraux spécifiques à chaque intermédiaire de capside nucléaire (Chapitre 2; Article 1). Nous avons trouvé deux protéines virales (pUL42 et pUL46) et sept facteurs de l'hôte (glycogène synthase, quatre protéines différentes liées à la kératine, fibronectine 1 et PCBP1) qui étaient spécifiques des capsides C matures. Fait intéressant, toutes ces protéines semblent posséder des fonctions qui ont le potentiel de médier la sortie nucléaire préférentielle des capsides C. Par conséquent, l'analyse fonctionnelle future de ces protéines pourrait nous fournir des informations inestimables sur la sortie nucléaire actuellement énigmatique des capsides du VHS-1. Les travaux en cours d'un collègue de laboratoire avec lequel je collabore impliquent PCBP1 en tant que modulateur de la sortie nucléaire (mémoire de Mackenzie Thornbury). Nous nous sommes ensuite concentrés sur un ensemble de données protéomiques déjà existantes des virions extracellulaires matures, qui a identifié jusqu'à 49 protéines hôtes incorporées dans le virus, y compris une hélicase à ARN humaine appelée DDX3X qui s'est avérée être un modulateur actif de la propagation virale (Chapitre 2; Article 2). Nous avons remarqué que cette protéine se déplace vers le noyau tard lors de l'infection, coïncidant avec la majeure partie de la sortie nucléaire virale. Par conséquent, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que DDX3X serait impliqué dans la sortie nucléaire virale. Nous avons découvert que, tardivement au cours de l'infection, pUL31 interagit avec DDX3X au niveau du noyau. Nous avons également constaté que DDX3X stimule de grandes agrégations de capsides virales matures dans la périphérie nucléaire. Fait intéressant, la redirection de DDX3X vers le bord nucléaire dépend de la présence de la machinerie de sortie nucléaire virale (pUL31, pUL34 et pUs3) et de capsides matures. Enfin, nos données ont montré qu'en l'absence de DDX3X, les capsides C s'accumulent entre les deux membranes nucléaires, probablement à la suite d'une incorporation inefficace de pUs3 au site de sortie. Ces résultats ont élucidé une nouvelle fonction de DDX3X et pourraient ouvrir de nouvelles voies passionnantes de recherche pour développement d’antiviraux en ciblant cette hélicase à ARN cellulaire. / Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is one of the oldest and most successful human pathogens. It is estimated that 3.7 billion people worldwide are living with HSV-1. The virus latently persists in sensory neurons, occasionally recurring as a lytic infection which damages the connected epithelium. Even though HSV-1 causes a mild disease known as the cold sore in majority of cases, the infection can have catastrophic consequences such as encephalitis and keratitis in immunocompromised individuals, newborns and, more rarely, in immune competent adults. Considering the widespread presence of HSV-1 infections, the virus poses a potential threat to the healthcare system. The DNA genome of HSV-1 is protected by a protein cage called a capsid. Although HSV-1 capsid assembly and genome packaging take place inside the host nucleus, the final steps of maturation must be completed inside the cytoplasm. Since the large diameter of these viral capsids (~125 nm) far exceeds the 30 nm cut-off of the nuclear pore complex, the virus has evolved a mechanism known as envelopment-deenvelopmentreenvelopment. The first step of this complex process is mainly regulated by the components of the nuclear egress complex (pUL31 and pUL34) and results in the budding of enveloped capsid into the perinuclear space. Subsequently, deenvelopment of these perinuclear capsids and their release into the cytoplasm is thought to be largely modulated by the viral kinase pUs3. This process is selective as DNA-filled capsids (C-capsids) preferentially exit the nucleus compared to genome-free viral intermediates (A- and Bcapsids). However, it is unclear how C-capsids are preferentially selected for the nuclear egress. Further downstream, the virus matures and recruit numerous proteins onto the viral capsids and acquire an envelope from a cytoplasmic compartment. It then exits the cell as mature enveloped virions. Apart from the mentioned viral factors and a handful of host proteins, implication of many other viral and cellular proteins in this pathway have not been fully characterized. To further resolve this process of C-capsid selection, we took advantage of MS/MS analysis of HSV-1 nuclear capsids to define host and viral factors specific to each nuclear capsid intermediate (Chapter 2; Article 1). We found two viral proteins (pUL42 and pUL46) and seven host factors (glycogen synthase, four different keratin-related proteins, fibronectin 1, and PCBP1) that were specific to mature C-capsids. Interestingly, all these proteins seem to possess functions that have the potential to mediate the preferential nuclear exit of C-capsids. Therefore, future functional analysis of these proteins might provide us with invaluable insights into the currently enigmatic nuclear egress of HSV-1 capsids. Ongoing work by a lab colleague with which I collaborate implicates PCBP1 as a modulator of nuclear egress (memoir of Mackenzie Thornbury). We then focused on an existing proteomics data set of mature extracellular virions, which revealed 49 virus-incorporated host proteins, including a human RNA helicase called DDX3X that we found to be an active modulator of viral propagation (Chapter 2; Article 2). We observed that DDX3X relocates to the nuclear rim late during infection, coinciding with the bulk of viral nuclear egress, and leading us to hypothesize that DDX3X is involved in the process. We discovered that, late during the infection, pUL31 interacts with DDX3X at the nuclear rim. We also found that DDX3X stimulates large aggregations of mature viral capsids in the nuclear periphery. Unexpectedly, redirection of DDX3X to the nuclear rim was dependent on the presence of the viral nuclear egress machinery (pUL31, pUL34 and pUs3) and mature capsids. Lastly, our data showed that in the absence of DDX3X, C-capsids accumulate in the perinuclear space, likely as the result of inefficient incorporation of pUs3 to the site of egress. These results have elucidated a novel function for DDX3X and may open new and exciting paths to produce antivirals by targeting this cellular RNA helicase.

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