Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fluid modeling"" "subject:"tluid modeling""
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[pt] O crescente uso de modelos integrados de produção (MIP) na indústria de petróleo como solução para representar o potencial de uma jazida se justifica pelos atuais cenários encontrados para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos, caracterizado por baixos preços de venda do petróleo e conceitos de produção de alta complexidade. Esta abordagem, em que diferentes partes de um sistema de produção são integradas, permite ao usuário um entendimento detalhado das interações entre reservatório, poços e rede de escoamento, e facilita a detecção de gargalos e consequentemente a otimização do plano de explotação. Neste contexto, é fundamental obter uma modelagem satisfatória do fluido em todo o sistema de produção. O modelo deve honrar tanto o escoamento no meio poroso, isotérmico, quanto o escoamento nos poços e dutos, que precisa ser caracterizado em várias temperaturas. Além disso, o modelo deve ter tempo de simulação adequado. Uma maneira criteriosa de modelar as propriedades de um fluido é através do ajuste de uma equação de estado (EOS). Uma EOS detalhada com 24 componentes determinada por cromatografia gasosa e EOS simplificadas com 14, 9, 7, 6, 5 e 4 pseudocomponentes foram geradas para avaliar este problema. As EOS foram usadas para representar as propriedades PVT em um MIP e ao final foram comparadas as respostas das EOS simplificadas e detalhadas, a fim de estabelecer resultados adequados com um tempo computacional adequado. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o uso de EOS excessivamente simplificadas, apesar da melhoria no tempo computacional, podem gerar resultados insatisfatórios em modelos integrados de produção. / [en] The growing use of integrated production models (IPM) in the oil industry as a solution to represent the potential of a field is justified by the current scenarios found for the development of new projects, characterized by low oil prices and high complexity production concepts. This approach, where different parts of a production system are integrated, allows the user to have a detailed understanding of the interactions between reservoir, wells and gathering system, and facilitates the detection of bottlenecks and consequently the optimization of the exploitation plan. In this context, it is essential to obtain a satisfactory fluid model in the entire production system. The model must honor both the flow in the porous media, isothermal, and the flow in the wells and pipelines, which must be characterized at various temperatures. In addition, the model must have adequate simulation time. A rigorous way to model the properties of a fluid is by adjusting an equation of state (EOS). A detailed EOS with 24 components determined by gas chromatography and simplified EOS with 14, 9, 7, 6, 5 and 4 pseudocomponents were generated to evaluate this problem. The EOS were used to represent the PVT properties in a IPM and the responses of the simplified and detailed EOS were compared, in order to establish an adequate results with an adequate computational time. The results obtained show that the use of excessively simplified EOS, despite the improvement in computational time, can generate unsatisfactory results in integrated production models.
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Direct numerical simulation and two-fluid modeling of multi-phase bubbly flowsBiswas, Souvik 03 May 2007 (has links)
Results from direct numerical simulations (DNS) of multiphase bubbly flows in vertical and horizontal channels were compared to averaged models of multiphase flows (two-fluid model etc.). The data from the direct numerical simulation were also used to calibrate and improve the averaged models. Steady state laminar flow in a vertical channel was analyzed first. Results from direct numerical simulations are compared with prediction of the steady-state two-fluid model of Antal, Lahey, and Flaherty (1991). The simulations are done assuming a two-dimensional system and the model coefficients are adjusted slightly to match the data for upflow. The model is then tested by comparisons with different values of flow rate and gravity, as well as down flow. Results agree reasonably in the middle of the channel. However, for upflow, model performs poorly near the no-slip wall. To better understand the flow with rising bubbles hugging the no-slip wall, detailed direct numerical simulations of the problem were performed in three dimensions. Deformability of the bubbles was found to play a significant role in the flow structure and averaged flow rate. Finally, the transient buoyancy driven motion of two-dimensional bubbles across a domain bounded by two horizontal walls is studied by. The bubbles are initially released next to the lower wall and as they rise, they disperse. Eventually all the bubbles collect at the top wall. The goal of the study is to examine how a simple one-dimensional model for the averaged void fraction captures the unsteady bubble motion. By using void fraction dependent velocities, where the exact dependency is obtained from simulations of homogeneous bubbly flows, the overall dispersion of the bubbles is predicted. Significant differences remain, however. Results suggest that bubble dispersion by the bubble induced liquid velocity must be included, and by using a simple model for the bubble dispersion improved agreement is found.
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Investigation of Cryorgenic Nitrogen Injection Under Supercritical Condition Using Tabulated Real Fluid ModelingZaihi, Abdullah 04 1900 (has links)
This work intended to model the cryogenic nitrogen spray under supercritical conditions using tabulated real-gas fluid properties. To investigate the effects of various equations of states (EoSs), four tables were generated using different EoSs such as the idea gas (IG), Peng-Robinson (PR), Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK), and Redlich-Kwong-Peng-Robinson (RKPR). For validations, the tabulated fluid properties using the CoolProp library were taken as the baseline case. The modelling results demonstrated that all the real-gas EoSs predicted similar spray features except for the IG EoS, which significantly underpredicted the density gradient and led to less intense jet diffusion and shorter penetration length. Of the four EoSs, the PR EoS exhibited the best agreement with the baseline case. Furthermore, the effect of ambient pressure on the spray development was also examined, ranging from the subcritical to the supercritical conditions. A highly diffusive and longer jet was observed under supercritical conditions (4 and 5 MPa). Thereafter, the effect of ambient temperature was also evaluated. It was found that the higher chamber temperature led to a more rapid decrease in density due to the better evaporation process, which resulted in a longer jet breakup length.
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Effects of sub-grid gas turbulence on the meso-scale hydrodynamics of fluidized gas-solid flows / Efeitos da turbulência sub-malha do gás sobre a hidrodinâmica de meso-escala de escoamentos fluidizados gás-sólidoMouallem, Joseph 17 October 2018 (has links)
Filtered two-fluid models used to perform large scale simulations of gas-solid fluidized flows of industrial risers require closures for filtered parameters such as filtered and residual stresses, and interphase interaction forces mainly effective drag. Closure models for those filtered parameters may be derived by averaging over results of highly resolved simulations with microscopic two-fluid modeling. This work is a contribution in that context. Recent models for filtered parameters have been written as functions of filter size, filtered solid volume fraction, and filtered slip velocity. A recent study showed that macro-scale variables like domain average solid volume fraction and gas Reynolds number also significantly affect the filtered parameters. In the current work, in addition to these filtered and macro-scale variables, the effects of two new variables over the filtered parameters are investigated: filtered solid kinetic energy and sub-grid gas turbulence. It is shown that the filtered solid kinetic energy should be accounted for in the concerning correlations, thereby improving accuracy. Regarding gas turbulence, literature shows it has no significant effects on the motion of high Stokes particles. Extending on literature, this work investigates the sub-grid gas turbulence effects on meso-scale structures formed of high Stokes particles. Results showed that sub-grid gas turbulence has no significant effects on the meso-scale structures and corresponding filtered parameters. The open source code MFIX was used for all simulations. Ranges of dilute concentration of solid and gas Reynolds number typical of riser flow regimes were considered. A modified two-fluid model with microscopic formulation was used. The sub-grid gas turbulence was generated by means of a forcing function procedure which was implemented in the physical space, over the gravitational term of the momentum conservation equation of the gas phase. First, numerical simulations of the gas phase alone were performed, accounting for literature available data, in order to set a turbulent gas field and calibrate the turbulence intensity. Then, the forcing function was introduced in to the two-fluid model and various gas-solid flows were simulated. While the current results show the necessity of accounting for additional variables in the filtered parameter correlation, they also make it clear the necessity of further developments that are required in the search for better accuracy. / Modelos filtrados de dois-fluidos usados em simulações de grandes escalas de escoamentos fluidizados de gás-sólido de risers industriais exigem fechamentos para parâmetros filtrados tais como as tensões filtradas e residuais, e forças interativas interfases, principalmente arrasto efetivo. Modelos de fechamento para estes parâmetros filtrados podem ser gerados a partir de procedimentos de media aplicados sobre resultados de simulações altamente resolvidas com modelagem microscópica de dois-fluidos. Este trabalho é uma contribuição neste contexto. Modelos de fechamento recentes para parâmetros filtrados tem sido formulados em função de tamanho de filtro, fração volumétrica de sólido filtrada, e velocidade de deslizamento filtrada. Estudo recente mostrou que variáveis de macro-escalas como fração volumétrica de sólido e número de Reynolds de gás médios no domínio também afetam significativamente os parâmetros filtrados. No presente trabalho, além dessas variáveis filtradas e de macro-escala, os efeitos de duas novas variáveis sobre os parâmetros filtrados são investigados: energia cinética filtrada do sólido e turbulência submalha do gás. Em relação à energia cinética filtrada do sólido, mostra-se que a sua consideração refina as correlações em questão, contribuindo assim para melhor acuracidade. Com relação à turbulência do gás, a literatura mostra que não tem efeitos significativos no movimento de particulados de elevados números de Stokes. Acrescentando à literatura, este trabalho investiga os efeitos da turbulência sub-malha do gás sobre estruturas de meso-escala formados de particulados de elevados números de Stokes. Os resultados mostraram que a turbulência sub-malha do gás não tem efeitos significativos sobre estruturas de meso-escalas e parâmetros filtrados correspondentes. O código aberto MFIX foi usado para todas as simulações. Faixas de concentração diluída de sólido e número de Reynolds típicos de escoamentos em risers foram considerados. Um modelo modificado de dois fluidos com formulação microscópica foi utilizado. A turbulência sub-malha do gás foi gerada por meio de um procedimento de \'forcing function\' que foi implementado no espaço físico, sobre o termo fonte gravitacional da equação de momentum da fase gás. Primeiramente, simulações numéricas da fase gás foram realizadas separadamente, levando-se em conta dados disponíveis na literatura, a fim de gerar um campo de gás turbulento e calibrar a intensidade de turbulência. Posteriormente, a \'forcing function\' foi introduzida no modelo de dois-fluidos e vários escoamentos de gás-sólido foram simulados. Enquanto os resultados obtidos mostram a necessidade de consideração de variáveis adicionais para correlação de parâmetros filtrados, também deixam claro a necessidade de desenvolvimentos mais aprofundados na busca de melhor acuracidade.
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Modeling and model based fault diagnosis of dry vacuum pumps in the semiconductor industryChoi, Jae-Won, active 2013 11 February 2014 (has links)
Vacuum technology is ubiquitous in the high tech industries and scientific endeavors. Since vacuum pumps are critical to operation, semiconductor manufacturers desire reliable operations, ability to schedule downtime, and less costly maintenance services. To better cope with difficult maintenance issues, interests in novel fault diagnosis techniques are growing. This study concerns model based fault diagnosis and isolation (MB-FDI) of dry vacuum pumps in the semiconductor industry. Faults alter normal operation of a vacuum pump resulting in performance deviations, discovered by measurements. Simulations using an appropriate mathematical model with suitably chosen parameters can mimic faulty behavior. This research focuses on the construction of a detailed multi-stage dry vacuum pump model for MB-FDI, and the development of a simple and efficient FDI method to analyze common incipient faults such as particulate deposition and gas leak inside the pump. The pump model features 0-D thermo-fluid dynamics, scalable geometric representations of Roots blower, claw pumps and inter-stage port interfaces, a unified pipe model seamlessly connecting from free molecular to turbulent regimes, sophisticated internal leakage model considering true pump geometry and tribological aspects, and systematic assembly of a multi-stage configuration using single stage pump models. Design of a simple FDI technique for the dry vacuum pump includes staged fault simulations using faulty pump models, parametric study of faulty pump behaviors, and design of a health indicator based on classification. The main research contributions include the developments of an accurate multi-stage dry pump model with many features not found in existing pump models, and the design of a simple MB-FDI technique to detect and isolate the common faults found in dry vacuum pumps. The proposed dry pump model can pave the way for the future development of advanced MB-FDI methods, also performance improvement of existing dry vacuum pumps. The proposed fault classification charts can serve as a quick guideline for vacuum pump manufactures to isolate roots causes from faulty symptoms. / text
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Μοντελοποίηση και έλεγχος ρευστοδυναμικών συστημάτων με χρήση έξυπνων υλικώνΚωβαίος, Ιωάννης 11 August 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή έχει ως στόχο την ανάλυση και έλεγχο ρευστοδυναμικών συστημάτων χρησιμοποιώντας έξυπνα υλικά όπως πιεζοκρύσταλλοι για τον σχεδιασμό επενεργητών.
Στο Μέρος Ι, εκτιμάται η απόδοση μιας πρωτότυπης πιεζο-υδραυλικής αντλίας με χρήση Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων. Η συγκεκριμένη διάταξη αποτελείται από ένα έμβολο και δύο παθητικές βαλβίδες με συχνότητα λειτουργίας μεγαλύτερη των 100Hz. Το αναπτυχθέν μοντέλο πεπερασμένων στοιχείων λαμβάνει υπόψιν την συμπιεστότητα του ρευστού, την περιορισμένη διάδοση του κύματος πίεσης, τυρβώδη ροή και αμφίδρομη αλληλεπίδραση ρευστού-στερεού των βαλβίδων. Με τα αποτελέσματα των προσομοιώσεων υπολογίστηκε η απόδοση της αντλίας και ακολούθησε παραμετρική βελτιστοποίηση κύριων παραμέτρων της βαλβίδας. Έτσι, έγινε εφικτή η λειτουργία σε υψηλότερες συχνότητες (500Hz) με βελτιωμένη απόδοση. Στην συνέχεια, μελετήθηκε ιδεατό σύστημα με ενεργές βαλβίδες ώστε να αναπτυχθούν τεχνικές ελέγχου του χρονισμού των βαλβίδων. Οι προσομοιώσεις έδειξαν σημαντικά περιθώρια βελτίωσης με ενεργές βαλβίδες, ενώ ανέδειξαν την σημασία της διάδοσης του κύματος, ιδιαίτερα κατά τον συντονισμό.
Στο Μέρος ΙΙ, προτάθηκε ένας πρωτότυπος επενεργητής, βασισμένος στην εκμετάλλευση του συντονισμού του ρευστού. Αυτή η προσέγγιση επιτρέπει την μηχανική ολοκλήρωση της αντλίας μέσα στον επενεργητή, ενώ απαιτείται μόνο μια βαλβίδα υψηλής συχνότητας σε αντίθεση με υπάρχοντα συστήματα όπου απαιτούνται δύο (εισαγωγής, εξαγωγής). Ο πρωτότυπος επενεργητής μοντελοποιήθηκε με απευθείας διακριτοποίηση των εξισώσεων Navier Stokes με συμπιεστότητα και εξήχθη ένα μοντέλο χώρου κατάστασης. Παράλληλα με το μοντέλο πιεζοκρυστάλλων και της ροής της βαλβίδας ολοκληρώθηκε το μοντέλο του επενεργητή, ενώ τα βασικά στοιχεία του μοντέλου επιβεβαιώθηκαν με πειραματικά δεδομένα. Επίσης επιβεβαιώθηκε η αρχή λειτουργίας του προτεινόμενου συστήματος του επενεργητή με πειραματικές μετρήσεις. Στην τελευταία ενότητα της διατριβής αναλύονται βασικά στοιχεία με στόχο την βελτίωση της λειτουργίας του επενεργητή. / The present PhD thesis has a key object the analysis and control of fluid dynamics systems taking advantage of the smart material properties like piezocrystals for the design of actuators.
In Part I, the performance of a prototype piezohydraulic pump is estimated using the Finite Element Method. The specific setup consists of a piston and two passive valves with an operating frequency greater than 100Hz. The developed Finite Element Model takes into account fluid's compressibility, the limited pressure wave propagation, turbulent flow and Fluid Structure Interaction of the valves with the fluid. Simulation results were used to calculate the pump's performance and a parametric optimization of valve's key parameters is performed. Much higher operating frequencies (500Hz) with improved performance is achieved.
In the sequel, studies on a ideal active valve system are undertaken and control techniques of valve timing are developed. Simulations revealed the potential benefit from an active valve system and also revealed the importance of accounting wave propagation phenomena, especially during resonance.
In Part II, a novel fluid actuator based on the exploitation of fluid resonance is proposed. This approach allows the integration of the pump within the actuator, whereas only one high frequency valve is needed, in contrast with existing systems where two high frequency valves are needed (inlet, outlet). The novel actuator is modeled using a direct discretization of the compressible Navier Stokes equations and a state space model is derived. Along with the piezoelectric and valve flow model a complete model of the actuator is formulated. The key components of the model are verified with experimental data from a prototype actuator. Also, the concept of the new actuator is proved by experimental measurements. At the last section of the thesis key aspects of the systems for further improvement of the actuator are proposed.
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Effects of sub-grid gas turbulence on the meso-scale hydrodynamics of fluidized gas-solid flows / Efeitos da turbulência sub-malha do gás sobre a hidrodinâmica de meso-escala de escoamentos fluidizados gás-sólidoJoseph Mouallem 17 October 2018 (has links)
Filtered two-fluid models used to perform large scale simulations of gas-solid fluidized flows of industrial risers require closures for filtered parameters such as filtered and residual stresses, and interphase interaction forces mainly effective drag. Closure models for those filtered parameters may be derived by averaging over results of highly resolved simulations with microscopic two-fluid modeling. This work is a contribution in that context. Recent models for filtered parameters have been written as functions of filter size, filtered solid volume fraction, and filtered slip velocity. A recent study showed that macro-scale variables like domain average solid volume fraction and gas Reynolds number also significantly affect the filtered parameters. In the current work, in addition to these filtered and macro-scale variables, the effects of two new variables over the filtered parameters are investigated: filtered solid kinetic energy and sub-grid gas turbulence. It is shown that the filtered solid kinetic energy should be accounted for in the concerning correlations, thereby improving accuracy. Regarding gas turbulence, literature shows it has no significant effects on the motion of high Stokes particles. Extending on literature, this work investigates the sub-grid gas turbulence effects on meso-scale structures formed of high Stokes particles. Results showed that sub-grid gas turbulence has no significant effects on the meso-scale structures and corresponding filtered parameters. The open source code MFIX was used for all simulations. Ranges of dilute concentration of solid and gas Reynolds number typical of riser flow regimes were considered. A modified two-fluid model with microscopic formulation was used. The sub-grid gas turbulence was generated by means of a forcing function procedure which was implemented in the physical space, over the gravitational term of the momentum conservation equation of the gas phase. First, numerical simulations of the gas phase alone were performed, accounting for literature available data, in order to set a turbulent gas field and calibrate the turbulence intensity. Then, the forcing function was introduced in to the two-fluid model and various gas-solid flows were simulated. While the current results show the necessity of accounting for additional variables in the filtered parameter correlation, they also make it clear the necessity of further developments that are required in the search for better accuracy. / Modelos filtrados de dois-fluidos usados em simulações de grandes escalas de escoamentos fluidizados de gás-sólido de risers industriais exigem fechamentos para parâmetros filtrados tais como as tensões filtradas e residuais, e forças interativas interfases, principalmente arrasto efetivo. Modelos de fechamento para estes parâmetros filtrados podem ser gerados a partir de procedimentos de media aplicados sobre resultados de simulações altamente resolvidas com modelagem microscópica de dois-fluidos. Este trabalho é uma contribuição neste contexto. Modelos de fechamento recentes para parâmetros filtrados tem sido formulados em função de tamanho de filtro, fração volumétrica de sólido filtrada, e velocidade de deslizamento filtrada. Estudo recente mostrou que variáveis de macro-escalas como fração volumétrica de sólido e número de Reynolds de gás médios no domínio também afetam significativamente os parâmetros filtrados. No presente trabalho, além dessas variáveis filtradas e de macro-escala, os efeitos de duas novas variáveis sobre os parâmetros filtrados são investigados: energia cinética filtrada do sólido e turbulência submalha do gás. Em relação à energia cinética filtrada do sólido, mostra-se que a sua consideração refina as correlações em questão, contribuindo assim para melhor acuracidade. Com relação à turbulência do gás, a literatura mostra que não tem efeitos significativos no movimento de particulados de elevados números de Stokes. Acrescentando à literatura, este trabalho investiga os efeitos da turbulência sub-malha do gás sobre estruturas de meso-escala formados de particulados de elevados números de Stokes. Os resultados mostraram que a turbulência sub-malha do gás não tem efeitos significativos sobre estruturas de meso-escalas e parâmetros filtrados correspondentes. O código aberto MFIX foi usado para todas as simulações. Faixas de concentração diluída de sólido e número de Reynolds típicos de escoamentos em risers foram considerados. Um modelo modificado de dois fluidos com formulação microscópica foi utilizado. A turbulência sub-malha do gás foi gerada por meio de um procedimento de \'forcing function\' que foi implementado no espaço físico, sobre o termo fonte gravitacional da equação de momentum da fase gás. Primeiramente, simulações numéricas da fase gás foram realizadas separadamente, levando-se em conta dados disponíveis na literatura, a fim de gerar um campo de gás turbulento e calibrar a intensidade de turbulência. Posteriormente, a \'forcing function\' foi introduzida no modelo de dois-fluidos e vários escoamentos de gás-sólido foram simulados. Enquanto os resultados obtidos mostram a necessidade de consideração de variáveis adicionais para correlação de parâmetros filtrados, também deixam claro a necessidade de desenvolvimentos mais aprofundados na busca de melhor acuracidade.
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Étude expérimentale et modélisation de la dynamique spatiotemporelle de décharges nanosecondes impulsionnelles en contact avec l'eauHerrmann, Antoine 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre la physique des décharges électriques impulsionnelles produites dans l’air en contact avec une solution liquide. Des impulsions haute tension (amplitude 8 - 20 kV et largeur de 100 ns) sont appliquées à une pointe placée 10 – 1000 μm au-dessus de la solution. En utilisant des diagnostics électriques et de l’imagerie ICCD, l’influence de différents paramètres expérimentaux (distance pointe-liquide, amplitude et temps de montée de la tension, conductivité électrique et permittivité diélectrique de la solution) sur les propriétés de la décharge à la surface de la solution a été étudiée. Afin d’approfondir la physique de ces décharges, surtout la propagation à la surface du liquide, nous avons développé un modèle fluide 2D axisymétrique pour trois espèces : électrons, ions positifs et ions négatifs. Le modèle consiste à résoudre les équations de continuité ainsi que l’équation de Poisson tout en considérant la photo-ionisation. Nous avons démontré que les décharges se propageant à la surface sont de type streamer. Les résultats expérimentaux et ceux de la simulation montrent qu’une augmentation de la permittivité diélectrique induit une réduction de la tension de claquage et accélère l'initiation de la décharge, mais diminue la distance maximale de propagation à la surface de la solution. L’augmentation de la conductivité électrique a induit une production plus intense de charges à la surface de la solution et une réduction de la distance maximale de propagation. La polarité de la tension est également examinée, révélant des tendances similaires pour les décharges positives et négatives en termes de variation de permittivité et de conductivité. Cependant, la décharge négative se propage moins loin à la surface du liquide et ne permet pas la formation de filaments en raison d'une charge d’espace trop faible. Enfin, nous avons exploré la faisabilité d’un modèle fluide 3D tenant compte de la photo-ionisation stochastique. Le modèle a bien reproduit la formation de filaments dans le cas d'une polarité positive et une structure uniforme pour la polarité négative. Aussi, l'augmentation de la conductivité et de la distance pointe-liquide réduisent la vitesse de propagation de la décharge positive et peuvent l’arrêter avant la formation des filaments, comme observé expérimentalement. / This thesis aims to better understand the physics of pulsed electrical discharges produced in air in contact with a liquid solution. High voltage pulses (amplitude 8 - 20 kV and width 100 ns) are applied to a pin placed 10 – 1000 μm above the solution. Using electrical diagnostics and ICCD imaging, the influence of various experimental parameters (pin-to-liquid distance, voltage amplitude and rise time, electrical conductivity, and dielectric permittivity of the solution) on the discharge properties at the solution surface has been studied. To deepen the understanding of the physics of these discharges, especially the propagation at the liquid surface, we developed a 2D axisymmetric fluid model for three species: electrons, positive ions, and negative ions. The model involves solving the continuity equations as well as the Poisson equation while considering photoionization. We have demonstrated that discharges propagating at the surface are of the streamer type. Experimental and simulation results show that an increase in dielectric permittivity induces a reduction in breakdown voltage and accelerates the initiation of the discharge but decreases the maximum propagation distance on the solution surface. Increased electrical conductivity induced more intense charge production at the solution surface but also reduced the maximum propagation distance. The polarity of the voltage is also examined, revealing similar trends for positive and negative discharges in terms of permittivity and conductivity variation. However, the negative discharge propagates less far on the liquid surface and does not allow filament formation due to too low space charge. Finally, we explored the feasibility of a 3D fluid model accounting for stochastic photoionization. The model accurately reproduced filamentation in the case of positive polarity and a uniform structure for negative polarity. Also, increasing the conductivity and the pin-to-liquid distance reduces the propagation speed of the positive discharge and can stop it before filament formation, as observed experimentally.
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Effects of inter particle friction on the meso-scale hydrodynamics of dense gas-solid fluidized flows / Efeitos da fricção inter-partículas na hidrodinâmica de meso-escala de escoamentos gás-sólido fluidizados densosNiaki, Seyed Reza Amini 21 November 2018 (has links)
Gas-solid fluidized bed reactors are widely applied in chemical and energy industries, and their design and scale-up are virtually empirical, extremely expensive and time consuming. This scenario has motivated the development of alternative theoretical tools, and two-fluid modeling, where gas and particulate are both treated as interpenetrating continuum phases, has appeared as a most promising approach. Owing to the large domains to be resolved in real-scale fluidized bed reactors, only filtered modeling approaches are feasible, and closure models become necessary to recover sub-grid effects that are filtered by the very coarse numerical grids that are imposed owing to computational limitations. Those closure models, which in hydrodynamic formulations account for filtered interphase momentum exchanges and filtered and residual stresses in the phases, can be derived from results of highly resolved simulations (HRS) performed over small size domains under refined numerical grids. One widely practiced approach consists of applying two-fluid modeling under micro-scale defined closures, generally known as microscopic two-fluid modeling. This approach includes microscopic closures for solid phase stresses derived from the kinetic theory of granular flows (KTGF), which accounts for kinetic-collisional effects only, and is adequate to dilute flows. Otherwise, the conventional KTGF does not account for interparticle friction effects, and its application to dense flow conditions is quite questionable. In this work a literature available modified version of KTGF is applied which also accounts for interparticle friction, and highly resolved simulations are performed for dense flow conditions in order to evaluate the effects of friction over relevant filtered parameters (namely effective drag coefficient, filtered and residual stresses). Ranges of domain average solid volume fractions and gas Reynolds numbers are considered (macro-scale conditions) embracing dense gas-solid fluidized flows from suspensions up to pneumatic transport. The MFIX open source code is used in all the simulations, which are performed over 2D periodical domains for a unique monodisperse particulate. The HRS results (i.e. meso-scale flow fields) are filtered over regions compatible with grid sizes in large scale simulations, and the relevant filtered parameters of concern are derived and classified by ranges of other filtered parameters taken as independent variables (filtered solid volume fraction, filtered slip velocity, and filtered kinetic energy of solid velocity fluctuations, which are referred to as markers). Results show that the relevant filtered parameters of concern are well correlated to all of those filtered markers, and also to all of the imposed macro-scale conditions. Otherwise, interparticle friction showed no significant effects over any filtered parameter. It is recognized that this issue clearly requires further investigation notably regarding the suitability of the markers that were assumed for classifying the filtered results. The current work is intended as a contribution for future developments of more accurate closure models for large scale simulations of gas-solid fluidized flows. / Reatores de leito fluidizado de escoamento gás-sólido são largamente utilizados nas indústrias química e de energia, e o seu projeto e escalonamento são virtualmente empíricos, extremamente caros e demorados. Este cenário tem motivado o desenvolvimento de ferramentas teóricas alternativas, e a modelagem de dois fluidos, onde gás e particulado são ambos tratados com fases contínuas interpenetrantes, tem surgido como uma aproximação muito promissora. Devido aos grandes domínios a serem resolvidos em reatores de leito fluidizado de escala real, apenas aproximações de modelagem filtradas são viáveis, e modelos de fechamento tornam-se necessários para recuperar efeitos sub-malha que são filtrados pelas malhas numéricas grosseiras que são impostas devido as limitações computacionais. Estes modelos de fechamento, que em formulações hidrodinâmicas respondem principalmente por trocas de momentum filtradas entre fases e tensões filtradas e residuais nas fases, podem ser obtidos de resultados de simulações altamente resolvidas (SAR) realizadas em domínios de dimensões reduzidas sob malhas numéricas refinadas. Uma aproximação largamente praticada consiste na aplicação de modelagem de dois fluidos sob fechamentos definidos na micro-escala, genericamente conhecida como modelagem microscópica de dois fluidos. Esta aproximação inclui fechamentos microscópicos para tensões da fase sólida obtidos da teoria cinética dos escoamentos granulares (TCEG), que considera apenas efeitos cinéticos-colisionais, e é adequada para escoamentos diluídos. Por outro lado, a TCEG convencional não leva em conta efeitos de fricção interpartículas, e sua aplicação para condições densas de escoamento é bastante questionável. Neste trabalho aplica-se uma versão modificada da TCEG disponível na literatura que também leva em conta fricção interpartículas, e simulações altamente resolvidas são realizadas para condições de escoamentos densos visando avaliar os efeitos da fricção sobre os parâmetros filtrados relevantes (coeficiente de arrasto efetivo, tensões filtradas e residuais). Considera-se faixas de frações volumétricas de sólido e números de Reynolds do gás médios no domínio (condições de macro-escala) abrangendo escoamentos gás-sólido fluidizados densos desde suspensões até transporte pneumático. O código aberto MFIX é utilizado em todas as simulações, que foram executadas sobre domínios periódicos 2D para um único particulado monodisperso. Os resultados das SAR (i.e., campos de escoamento de meso-escala) foram filtrados sobre regiões compatíveis com tamanhos de malha praticados em simulações de grandes escalas, e os parâmetros filtrados relevantes de interesse são calculados e classificados por faixas de outros parâmetros filtrados tomados como variáveis independentes (fração volumétrica de sólido filtrada, velocidade de deslizamento filtrada, e energia cinética das flutuações de velocidade da fase sólida filtrada, que são referidos como marcadores). Os resultados mostram que os parâmetros filtrados relevantes de interesse são bem correlacionados com todos os marcadores, e também com todas as condições de macro-escala impostas. Por outro lado, a fricção interpartículas não mostrou efeitos significativos sobre qualquer parâmetro filtrado. Reconhece-se que este aspecto claramente requer investigações adicionais, notadamente com respeito à adequação dos marcadores que foram considerados para classificação dos resultados filtrados. O trabalho corrente é posto como uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento futuro de modelos de fechamento mais acurados para simulações de grandes escalas de escoamentos gás-sólido fluidizados.
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