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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes avancées d'optimisation par méta-modèles – Applicationà la performance des voiliers de compétition / Advanced surrogate-based optimization methods - Application to racing yachts performance

Sacher, Matthieu 10 September 2018 (has links)
L’optimisation de la performance des voiliers est un problème difficile en raison de la complexité du systèmemécanique (couplage aéro-élastique et hydrodynamique) et du nombre important de paramètres à optimiser (voiles, gréement,etc.). Malgré le fait que l’optimisation des voiliers est empirique dans la plupart des cas aujourd’hui, les approchesnumériques peuvent maintenant devenir envisageables grâce aux dernières améliorations des modèles physiques et despuissances de calcul. Les calculs aéro-hydrodynamiques restent cependant très coûteux car chaque évaluation demandegénéralement la résolution d’un problème non linéaire d’interaction fluide-structure. Ainsi, l’objectif central de cette thèseest de proposer et développer des méthodes originales dans le but de minimiser le coût numérique de l’optimisation dela performance des voiliers. L’optimisation globale par méta-modèles Gaussiens est utilisée pour résoudre différents problèmesd’optimisation. La méthode d’optimisation par méta-modèles est étendue aux cas d’optimisations sous contraintes,incluant de possibles points non évaluables, par une approche de type classification. L’utilisation de méta-modèles à fidélitésmultiples est également adaptée à la méthode d’optimisation globale. Les applications concernent des problèmesd’optimisation originaux où la performance est modélisée expérimentalement et/ou numériquement. Ces différentes applicationspermettent de valider les développements des méthodes d’optimisation sur des cas concrets et complexes, incluantdes phénomènes d’interaction fluide-structure. / Sailing yacht performance optimization is a difficult problem due to the high complexity of the mechanicalsystem (aero-elastic and hydrodynamic coupling) and the large number of parameters to optimize (sails, rigs, etc.).Despite the fact that sailboats optimization is empirical in most cases today, the numerical optimization approach is nowconsidered as possible because of the latest advances in physical models and computing power. However, these numericaloptimizations remain very expensive as each simulation usually requires solving a non-linear fluid-structure interactionproblem. Thus, the central objective of this thesis is to propose and to develop original methods aiming at minimizing thenumerical cost of sailing yacht performance optimization. The Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) is therefore appliedto solve various optimization problems. The original EGO method is extended to cases of optimization under constraints,including possible non computable points, using a classification-based approach. The use of multi-fidelity surrogates isalso adapted to the EGO method. The applications treated in this thesis concern the original optimization problems inwhich the performance is modeled experimentally and/or numerically. These various applications allow for the validationof the developments in optimization methods on real and complex problems, including fluid-structure interactionphenomena.

Análise isogeométrica aplicada a problemas de interação fluido-estrtura e superfície livre

Tonin, Mateus Guimarães January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver uma formulação numérica baseada em Análise Isogeométrica para o estudo de problemas de interação fluido-estrutura (IFE) em aplicações envolvendo corpos rígidos submersos, onde escoamentos incompressíveis de fluidos Newtonianos com superfície livre são considerados. Propõe-se o emprego da Análise Isogeométrica por permitir a unificação entre os procedimentos de pré-processamento e análise, melhorando assim as condições de continuidade das funções de base empregadas tanto na discretização espacial do problema como na aproximação das variáveis do sistema de equações. O sistema de equações fundamentais do escoamento é formado pelas equações de Navier-Stokes e pela equação da conservação de massa, descrita segundo a hipótese de pseudo-compressibilidade, em uma formulação cinemática ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangean- Eulerian). A consideração da superfície livre no escoamento se dá tratando o fluido como um meio bifásico, através do método Level Set. O corpo rígido apresenta não linearidade na rotação e restrições representadas por vínculos elásticos e amortecedores viscosos, sendo a equação de equilíbrio dinâmico resolvida através do método de Newmark. O esquema de acoplamento sólido-fluido adotado é o particionado convencional, que impõe condições de compatibilidade cinemáticas e de equilíbrio sobre a interface sólido-fluido, analisando ambos os meios de maneira sequencial. A discretização das equações governantes é realizada através do esquema explícito de dois passos de Taylor-Galerkin, aplicado no contexto da Análise Isogeométrica. Por fim, são analisados alguns problemas da Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional, de onde se concluiu que os resultados obtidos são bastante consistentes com os fenômenos envolvidos, com as ferramentas exclusivas da Análise Isogeométrica, como o refinamento k, melhorando a convergência dos resultados. Para escoamentos bifásicos, verificou-se que o método Level Set obteve resultados bastante promissores apresentando, entretanto, uma dissipação numérica excessiva. Propõe-se, para estudos futuros, a elaboração de esquemas numéricos que conservem melhor o volume da fase líquida do escoamento. / The present work aims to development of a numerical formulation based on Isogeometric Analysis for the study of Fluid-Structure Interaction problems in applications involving rigid bodies submerged, considering incompressible Newtonian flows with free surface. The use of the Isogeometric Analysis allows unification between the preprocessing and analysis steps, improving then the continuity of the base functions employed, both in the spatial discretization and approximation of the variables in the system of equations. The fundamental flow equations are formed by the Navier-Stokes and the mass conservation, described by de pseudo-compressibility hypothesis, in an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangean-Eulerian) kinematic formulation. The free surface consideration of the flow is handled treating the fluid like a two- phase medium, using the Level Set method. The rigid body considers nonlinearity in rotation, and restrictions represented by elastic springs and viscous dampers, with the dynamic equilibrium equation being resolved using the Newmark’s method. The solid-fluid coupling scheme is the conventional partitioned, which imposes kinematics and equilibrium compatibility conditions on the solid-fluid interface, analyzing both mediums in a sequential manner. The governing equations are discretized using the explicit two step Taylor-Galerkin method, applied in an Isogeometric Analisys context. Finally, some Computational Fluid Dinamics problems are analysed, from which it was concluded that the results obtained are quite consistent with phenomena involved, with the unique tools of Isogeometric Analysis, such as k-refinement, improving the convergence of the results. For biphasic flows, it was verified that the Level Set method obtained very promising results, presenting, however, an excessive numerical dissipation. For future studies, it is proposed the elaboration of numerical schemes that better preserve the volume of the liquid phase of the flow.

Modélisation analytique de la réponse d’un cylindre immergé à une explosion sous-marine / Analytical modelling of an immersed cylinder’s response to an underwater explosion

Brochard, Kévin 12 July 2018 (has links)
La conception d’une coque de sous-marin est cruciale pour son opérabilité et la sécurité de l’équipage, mais également complexe. En effet, les ingénieurs doivent prendre en compte à la fois la légèreté, la discrétion acoustique et la résistance de la coque à la pression d’immersion et aux attaques extérieures. Les explosions sous-marines représentent une menace de premier ordre pour l’intégrité de la coque, dont le comportement doit être correctement analysé. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur le développement d’une méthode simplifiée, basée sur des formulations analytiques, pour étudier la réponse mécanique d’un cylindre profondément immergé à une explosion sous-marine. Le but de cette méthode est de fournir aux ingénieurs une estimation rapide des dommages subis par la coque cylindrique, leur permettant de simuler un grand nombre de scénarios d’explosion. Dans ce travail de thèse, le modèle de la corde plastique sur fondation plastique est repris et adapté à l’étude d’un cylindre immergé soumis à un chargement explosif, pour lequel les effets de pression d’immersion et d’interaction fluide-structure sont à prendre en compte. Une modélisation simplifiée de l’interaction fluide-structure est couplée avec le modèle de corde plastique sur fondation plastique, en considérant d’une part les effets de la pression d’immersion et d’autre part le raidissage circonférentiel du cylindre. Des expressions analytiques sont développées pour calculer l’enfoncement de la coque ainsi que son énergie de déformation plastique. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à des résultats d’essais et de simulations numériques, ce qui permet de valider progressivement la méthode simplifiée, mais aussi de mettre en évidence ses limitations. / The design of a hull of submarine is crucial for its operability and the safety of the crew, but also complex. Indeed, the engineers have to take into account at the same time lightness, acoustic discretion and resistance of the hull to immersion pressure and to environmental attacks. Underwater explosions represent a first-rate threat to the integrity of the hull, whose behavior needs to be properly analyzed. The works presented in this thesis concern the development of a simplified method, based on analytical formulations, to study the mechanical behavior of a cylinder deeply immersed subjected to an underwater explosion. The purpose of this method is to give engineers a fast estimation of the damage undergone by the cylindrical shell, allowing them to compute a large number of scenarios of explosion.In the scope of this thesis, the model of the plastic string on plastic foundation is picked up and adapted to the study of an immersed cylinder subjected to an explosive load, for which the effects of immersion pressure and fluid-structure interaction are to be taken into account. This simplified model of the fluid structure interaction is coupled with the model of a plastic string resting on plastic foundation, by considering on one hand the effects of the immersion pressure and on the other hand the circumferential stiffening of the cylinder. Analytical expressions are derived in order to calculate the final deflection of the shell as well as its energy of plastic deformation. The obtained results are compared with results obtained with numerical simulations, which allows to validate gradually the simplified method, but also to highlight its limitations.

Étude du couplage aéro-mécanique au sein des moteurs à propergol solide / Aero-mechanical coupling inside solid propellant rocket motors

Cerqueira, Stéphane 23 March 2012 (has links)
Les Moteurs à Propergol Solide sont le siège d'instabilités de combustion qui se manifestent par des fluctuations de la pression interne et, en conséquence, de la poussée induite. Les phénomènes oscillatoires observés résultent d'un couplage entre l'acoustique de la chambre de combustion et une ou plusieurs instabilités hydrodynamiques de l'écoulement interne.Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à l'étude de l'écoulement induit par injection pariétale en géométrie axisymétrique. Plus particulièrement, on se concentre sur l'interaction qui peut avoir lieu entre cet écoulement et une structure : les Protections Thermiques de Face.Une étude expérimentale reposant sur le montage gaz froid VALDO de l'ONERA, modélisation représentative des MPS P230, a permis d'examiner l'influence d'obstacles, rigides et en élastomère, sur les instationnarités de l'écoulement. Le caractère instable de l'écoulement induit par injection pariétale est alors confirmé et le rôle primordial joué par les PTF sur les fréquences émergeant au sein de l'écoulement a été identifié.L'analyse de stabilité linéaire de l'écoulement, conduite en approche globale, permet l'étude de sa dynamique en tant qu'amplificateur de bruit. Les m¶mécanismes mis en jeu dans l'instabilité de l'écoulement induit par injection pariétale ainsi que son interaction complexe avec la couche de cisaillement issue de l'obstacle sont analysés. La réponse de l'écoulement à un forçage harmonique est alors examinée à la lumière des résultats expérimentaux.Cette étude a été complétée par une approche numérique de l'Interaction Fluide-Structure sur une configuration jugée critique. Une étape préliminaire à la simulation multi-physique est l'élaboration d'un modèle réaliste du comportement des PTF en élastomère. L'identification et la prise en considération des mécanismes propres aux élastomères dans la loi de comportement est ainsi détaillée. Les résultats issus des simulations sont confrontés aux résultats expérimentaux et rendent possible la validation d'un scénario de couplage dédié à l'Interaction Fluide-Structure au sein des MPS. / Fluid Structure Interaction of an inhibitor with the internal flow induced by wall injection was studied in an axisymmetric cold flow apparatus. Experiments were carried out over a wide range of injection velocities in order to underline how the obstacle not only modifies the mean flowfield but also its entire dynamic behaviour.The resulting instability (from the interaction of the unstable shear layer with the Taylor-Culick flow) exhibits a significant shift with respect to the Taylor-Culick instability and therefore emphasizes the strong impact of the inhibitor on hydrodynamics.The mecanisms responsible of such behaviour are studied in this thesis with the help of global linear stability analysis and multi-physics numerical computations.

Estudo experimental do fenômeno de vibração induzida por vórtices em cilindro rígido livre para oscilar com dois graus de liberdade. / Experimental study on the vortex-induced vibration phenomenon for rigid circular cylinder free to oscillate in two degrees of freedom.

César Monzu Freire 02 April 2015 (has links)
O fenômeno de vibração induzida por vórtices (VIV) é um problema fundamental dentro da Mecânica dos Fluidos e um exemplo importante de interação fluido-estrutura. Esta tese investiga fenômeno de VIV quando um cilindro rígido, submetido a escoamento uniforme, está livre para oscilar na direção transversal e alinhada com a corrente incidente. A tese foi estruturada ao redor de sete perguntas relacionadas ao fenômeno de VIV: 1) O fenômeno e os resultados experimentais são repetitivos? 2) Como ocorre a transição entre ramos de resposta? 3) Qual é o papel da inércia da estrutura oscilante? 4) Qual é o papel de sua rigidez? 5) Quais são as frequências naturais mais importantes da estrutura? 6) Quais padrões de esteira se desenvolvem para VIV com dois graus de liberdade? 7) Quais são os efeitos do movimento na direção alinhada com a corrente no processo de formação e desprendimento de vórtices? O fenômeno de VIV é estudado de maneira experimental em uma base elástica pendular capaz de oscilar com o mesmo momento de inércia e frequência natural nas duas direções. Os experimentos de VIV foram realizados em canal de água recirculante e com diferentes condições de inércia e rigidez. A técnica de velocimetria por imagem de partículas foi usada e permitiu identificar diferentes padrões de esteira de vórtices. Verificou-se que o VIV é repetitivo a nível de amplitudes médias e frequências dominantes. A transição dos ramos pode ocorrer de maneira intermitente ou com histerese. Os parâmetros de inércia e rigidez da estrutura são capazes de mudar o regime de oscilação e, para algumas condições, suprimir as vibrações alinhadas com a corrente. Dentre os padrões de esteira observados, um deles não havia sido relatado na literatura e é definido nesta tese. O novo modo de emissão apresenta dois vórtices com circulação oposta e elevada intensidade emitidos por ciclo. A influência da direção alinhada com o escoamento está relacionada a dois efeitos: a velocidade relativa entre o cilindro e o fluido, responsável pelo aumento da circulação dos vórtices na esteira, e o ângulo de fase do movimento nas direções alinhada e transversal, capaz de mudar o processo de formação dos vórtices. / Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) phenomenon is a fundamental problem of Fluid Mechanics and a typical example of fluid-structure interaction. This thesis explores the VIV phenomenon for a rigid circular cylinder immersed in a uniform fluid current. The cylinder is free to oscillate in two degrees of freedom (2dof): in-line and cross flow. The thesis was structured in order to answer seven questions regarding VIV: 1) Are the phenomenon and its experimental results repetitive? 2) How do the branches transition occur? 3) What is the role played by the inertia of the oscillating structure? 4) What is the role of its stiffness? 5) Which are the most relevant natural frequencies of the structure? 6) Which are the vortex wake patterns developed in VIV 2dof? 7) What are the influences of the in-line movement to the process of vortex formation and shedding? The phenomenon is experimentally investigated using an elastic base similar to a pendulum and able to oscillate with the same moment of inertia and natural frequencies in both directions. All the experiments were conducted in a recirculating water channel facility and with several combinations of moment of inertia and stiffness of the structure. Particle image velocimetry provided visualization of different vortex wake patterns. The phenomenon is repetitive in terms of its mean amplitudes and dominant frequencies. The transitions between dfferent branches can be hysteretic or intermittent. It is shown that both the moment of inertia and the stiffness of the structure are able to change the regime of oscillations and, for some cases, suppress the in-line movement. Among the different vortex wake patterns observed, one has not been reported previously in the literature. The new wake pattern shows two large vortices with high and opposite circulations shed per cycle. The influence of the displacement in the current direction is related to two different effects: the relative velocity between the incoming flow and the structure motion, responsible for the increase in the net circulation shed in the vortex wake, and the influence of the phase angle between the displacement in the in-line and cross-flow directions, capable of changing the vortex formation process.

Modelagem vibracional de transdutores de ultra-som piezoelétricos pelo método de elementos finitos. / Vibrational modeling of piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers by the finite element method.

Emilio Carlos Nelli Silva 24 June 1993 (has links)
Apresentam-se as bases teóricas do Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF) piezoelétrico, e a sua aplicação na modelagem de transdutores de ultra-som piezoelétricos, que consiste na determinação das características vibracionais (frequências de ressonância e anti-ressonância, modos de vibrar e coeficiente de acoplamento eletromecânico), obtenção da curva de admitancia, análise transiente da estrutura piezoelétrica sujeita a uma excitação pulsada e análise da influência da variação das constantes piezoelétricas do transdutor com o raio. Utilizando-se o MEF aplicado a acústica obteve-se o campo acústico gerado pelo transdutor operando em onda contínua, bem como iniciou-se o estudo da propagação de ondas num líquido, analisando-se as ondas geradas pela excitação pulsada de um pistão plano em contato com o fluido. Os modos de vibrar e os valores de frequências de ressonância obtidos para um transdutor, foram comparados com os resultados experimentais. / The theoretical basis of piezoelectric finite element method (FEM), and its application in piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer modelling is presented. Among these applications we have the calculation of resonance and antiresonance frequencies, vibration modes, piezoelectric coupling coefficient, admittance curve and transient analysis of piezoelectric structure excited by a short pulse. By means of piezoelectric FEM the influence of variation of piezoelectric constant with radius is analysed. It is discussed three kind of functions (linear, cosinoidal and Gaussian). This technique is called apodization. The acoustic filed generated by the transducer operating in continuous wave (CW) was calculated by using FEM applied to acoustic, considering the fluid-structure coupling. The study of wave propagation in liquids is started by using FEM, analyzing the waves generated by a plane piston in contact with the fluid, excited by a short pulse. For each case discussed above, all boundary conditions and hypothesis assumed in the construction of finite element models are discussed. Although the models considered are circular transducers, the concepts acquired can be expanded to other geometries. The vibrational modes were visualized by means of a laser interferometry technique (ESPI), and the admittance curves were measured by using an impedometer. These results were compared with the FEM results, and the models precision was discussed.

Efeito da geometria e do material nas vibrações não lineares de cascas cilíndricas ortotrópicas / Effect of geometry and material on the nonlinear vibrations of orthotropic cylindrical shells

Argenta, Ana Larissa Dal Piva 13 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-10-21T20:53:51Z No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 01.pdf: 20230731 bytes, checksum: 56aa4f90641e87e6081a5e3e9319bd24 (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 02.pdf: 10802505 bytes, checksum: 4e34e2a114366cce38898dda48f31144 (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 03.pdf: 14680983 bytes, checksum: e7a40859c186d5c2130a3debfec64edd (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 04.pdf: 11913507 bytes, checksum: 73e7928267b0b902da703843e18b2919 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-10-22T19:05:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 01.pdf: 20230731 bytes, checksum: 56aa4f90641e87e6081a5e3e9319bd24 (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 02.pdf: 10802505 bytes, checksum: 4e34e2a114366cce38898dda48f31144 (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 03.pdf: 14680983 bytes, checksum: e7a40859c186d5c2130a3debfec64edd (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 04.pdf: 11913507 bytes, checksum: 73e7928267b0b902da703843e18b2919 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-22T19:05:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 01.pdf: 20230731 bytes, checksum: 56aa4f90641e87e6081a5e3e9319bd24 (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 02.pdf: 10802505 bytes, checksum: 4e34e2a114366cce38898dda48f31144 (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 03.pdf: 14680983 bytes, checksum: e7a40859c186d5c2130a3debfec64edd (MD5) Dissertação - Ana Larissa dal Piva Argenta - 2013 - Parte 04.pdf: 11913507 bytes, checksum: 73e7928267b0b902da703843e18b2919 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Circular cylindrical shells are widely used structures in several engineering areas and have great capacity to withstand both axial and lateral loads. However, they may present a complex dynamic behavior. Thus, a detailed study of the behavior of cylindrical shells subjected to different loading and support conditions as well as the influence of material characteristics and geometric relations evaluation is justified. In this work the influence of geometry and orthotropy on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of orthotropic simply supported cylindrical shells subjected to both axial and lateral time depending loads is studied. To model the shell, the Donnell nonlinear shallow shell theory, neglecting the effects of shear deformations, is used. It is considered the shell in three different situations: empty, filled with static fluid and subjected to internal flow of incompressible and non-viscous fluid, whose motion is isentropic and irrotational. The radial displacements are described as an expansion with eight degrees of freedom which satisfies the boundary conditions. The Galerkin method is applied to obtain a set of nonlinear equations of motion, which are in turn solved by the Runge-Kutta method. A detailed analysis is performed to study the influence of material orthotropy and geometric relations such as length-radio (L/R) and radio-thickness (R/h) on the natural frequencies, critical loads, critical flow velocities, post-critical paths, frequency-amplitude relations, instability boundaries, bifurcation diagrams and resonance curves. Obtained results display the strong influence of both material orthotropy and geometric relations on the linear and nonlinear behavior of the shells and, depending on these characteristics, the shell can display softening or hardening behavior. / Cascas cilíndricas são estruturas com diversas aplicações em várias áreas da engenharia e têm grande capacidade para resistir a carregamentos axiais e a pressões laterais. Entretanto, são estruturas que podem apresentar um complexo comportamento dinâmico. Assim, um estudo detalhado do comportamento das cascas cilíndricas submetidas a diferentes condições de carregamento bem como a avaliação da influência do material e da geometria se justifica plenamente. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a influência da ortotropia do material e da geometria no comportamento dinâmico não linear das cascas cilíndricas ortotrópicas simplesmente apoiadas e submetidas a carregamentos axiais e laterais variáveis com o tempo. Para modelar a casca é utilizada a teoria não linear de Donnell para cascas abatidas desprezando-se os efeitos das deformações cisalhantes. Considera-se a casca em três situações distintas: vazia, preenchida com fluido estático e submetida ao escoamento interno de fluido incompressível e não viscoso, cujo movimento é isentrópico e irrotacional. O deslocamento radial da casca é descrito, de maneira geral, por uma expansão com oito graus de liberdade que satisfaz as condições de contorno. O método de Galerkin é utilizado para obter o sistema discreto de equações diferencias não lineares de movimento, que são resolvidas através do método de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. Uma análise detalhada é realizada visando observar a influência das características do material e das relações geométricas comprimento-raio (L/R) e raio-espessura (R/h) nas frequências naturais, cargas críticas, velocidades críticas do fluido bem como nos caminhos pós-críticos, relações frequência-amplitude, fronteiras de instabilidade, diagramas de bifurcação e curvas de ressonância das cascas. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar a forte influência que a geometria e as propriedades dos materiais exercem no comportamento linear e não linear das cascas cilíndricas ortotrópicas e, dependendo de certas características, verifica-se que a casca pode ter comportamentos com ganho ou perda de rigidez.

Análise numérica bidimensional de interação fluido-estrutura: uma formulação posicional baseada em elementos finitos e partículas / Two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction numerical analysis: a positional formulation based on finite elements and particles

Avancini, Giovane 09 April 2018 (has links)
Problemas envolvendo interação entre fluido e estrutura são desafiadores para a engenharia e, ao mesmo tempo em que abrangem dois meios com características físicas distintas, demandam uma descrição matemática para cada um deles que seja compatível, de forma a permitir o acoplamento. Assim, este trabalho apresenta uma formulação em descrição Lagrangeana para análises dinâmicas de sólidos, fluidos incompressíveis e interação fluido-estrutura (IFE). Nos problemas de IFE é comum a estrutura apresentar grandes deslocamentos, o que torna imprescindível considerar o efeito da não-linearidade geométrica. Levando isso em consideração, é empregada uma formulação do método dos elementos finitos (MEF) baseada em posições, cuja aplicação em análises dinâmicas de estruturas em regime de grandes deslocamentos vem se mostrando bastante robusta. Já no âmbito da dinâmica dos fluidos, sabe-se que uma descrição Lagrangeana acaba por eliminar os termos convectivos das equações de Navier-Stokes, dispensando o uso de métodos estabilizantes nessas equações. Por outro lado, a dificuldade é então transferida para o uso de técnicas eficientes de remesh, preservação da qualidade da malha e de identificação do contorno, uma vez que os fluidos podem deformar-se indefinidamente quando submetidos a forças de cisalhamento. Assim, uma combinação do método dos elementos finitos e do método de partículas é utilizada, onde as forças de interação entre as partículas de fluido são calculadas por meio de uma malha de elementos finitos que é renovada para cada passo de tempo. Por meio de técnicas que reconstroem automaticamente o contorno, é possível simular problemas de superfície livre que sofram severas alterações e, até mesmo, uma eventual separação de partículas do domínio inicial, representando, por exemplo, a formação de gotas. Por fim, o sistema de acoplamento entre o fluido e o sólido é simplificado devido a ambos os domínios serem descritos através de um referencial Lagrangeano, não necessitando de métodos para a adaptação da malha do fluido de modo a acompanhar o movimento da estrutura. / Problems involving fluid-structure interaction are challenging for engineering and, while involving two different materials with distinct physical properties, they require a compatible mathematical description for both solid and fluid domain in order to allow the coupling. Thus, this work introduces a formulation, under Lagrangian description, for the solution of solid, incompressible fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction (FSI). In FSI problems, the structure usually presents large displacements thus making mandatory a geometric non-linear analysis. Considering it, we adopt a position based formulation of the finite element method (FEM) which has been shown to be very robust when applied to large displacement solid dynamics. For the fluid mechanics problem it is well known that a Lagrangian description eliminates the convective terms from the Navier-Stokes equations and thus, no stabilization technique is required. However, the difficulty is then transferred to the need of efficient re-meshing, mesh quality and external boundary identification techniques, since the fluid presents no resistance to shear stresses and may deform indefinitely. In this sense, we employ a combination of finite element and particle methods in which the particle interaction forces are computed by mean of a finite element mesh which is re-constructed at every time step. Free surface flows are simulated by a boundary recognition technique enabling large domain distortions or even the particles separation from the main domain, representing for instance a water drop. Finally, the fluid-structure coupling is simplified due to the Lagrangian description adopted for both materials, with no need for extra adaptive mesh-moving technique for the fluid computational domain to follow the structure motion.

Etude d'un problème d'interaction fluide-structure : modélisation, analyse, stabilisation et simulations numériques / Study of a fluid-structure interaction problem : modeling, analysis, stabilisation and numerical simulations

Delay, Guillaume 31 August 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude d'un système d'interaction fluide-structure. Nous en traitons de nombreux aspects allant de sa modélisation jusqu'à l'étude de sa stabilisation et de sa simulation numérique. Le premier chapitre du manuscrit aborde la modélisation du système ainsi que l'existence de solutions fortes en temps petits. Le fluide est représenté par les équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles. La structure est déformable et dépend d'un nombre fini de paramètres. Nous obtenons ses équations en appliquant un principe des travaux virtuels. Le système d'équations final est non linéaire. Nous prouvons l'existence locale d'une solution à ce système, dans un premier temps sur le système linéarisé autour de l'état nul. Puis, nous prouvons l'existence de solutions en temps petits au système non linéaire grâce à un argument de point fixe. Le deuxième chapitre traite de la stabilisation par feedback autour d'un état stationnaire non nul du système présenté dans le Chapitre 1. L'opérateur de feedback est déterminé à partir de l'analyse du problème linéarisé autour de l'état stationnaire et de la résolution d'une équation de Riccati. Le résultat de stabilisation portant sur le système non linéaire requiert des données petites et est obtenu par un argument de point fixe. Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur les aspects numériques de ce problème. La construction de l'opérateur de feedback correspond à la version discrétisée de celle proposée dans le Chapitre 2. Le système fluide-structure est simulé en utilisant une méthode de domaines fictifs. / This PhD thesis deals with the study of a fluid-structure interaction system. We are interested in several aspects such as modelling, stabilization and numerical simulation. In the first chapter of the manuscript, we show the modelling of the system and prove the existence of strong solutions in small times. The fluid is modelled by the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations. The structure is deformable and depends on a finite number of parameters. The equations are obtained with a virtual work principle. The final system of equations is nonlinear. We prove local existence of a solution to this system, first on the linearized system. Then, existence of solutions in small times to the full nonlinear system is obtained with a fixed point argument. In the second chapter, we prove feedback stabilization of the problem around a non-null stationary state. The feedback operator is computed with the solution to a Riccati equation obtained by the analysis of the linearized problem around the stationary state. The stabilization result holds on the full nonlinear system and requires small data. It is proven by a fixed point argument. In the third chapter, we focus on the numerical aspects of the problem. The feedback operator used corresponds to a discretization of the feedback operator of Chapter 2. The solution to the full nonlinear system is computed by the use of a fictitious domain method.

Dynamics of a viscous incompressible flow in presence of a rigid body and of an inviscid incompressible flow in presence of a source and a sink / Dynamique d’un écoulement incompressible visqueux en présence d’un corps rigide et d’un écoulement incompressible non visqueux en présence d’une source et d’un puits.

Bravin, Marco 24 October 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les propriétés des écoulements de fluides qui interagissent avec un corps rigide ou avec une source et un puits. Dans le cas d'un fluide visqueux incompressible qui satisfait les équations de Navier Stokes dans un domaine borné 2D, les solutions faibles de Leray-Hopf sont bien comprises. L'existence et l'unicité sont prouvées. De plus, les solutions sont continues en temps `a valeurs dans L 2 (Omega) et satisfont l’égalité d'énergie classique. Plus récemment, le problème d'un corps rigide en mouvement dans un fluide visqueux incompressible modélisé par les équations de Navier-Stokes couplées aux lois de Newton qui décrivent le mouvement du solide a également été abordé dans le cas où des conditions aux limites sans glissement ont été prescrites. Des résultats analogues concernant les solutions de Leray-Hopf ont également été démontrés dans ce contexte. Dans ce manuscrit, nous étudions le cas de conditions aux limites de Navier-Slip. Dans ce cadre, le résultat d'existence pour le système couplé a été prouvée par G'erard-Varet et Hillairet en 2014. Ici, nous montrons que les solutions sont continues en temps, qu'elles satisfont l’égalité d'énergie et qu’elles sont uniques. De plus, nous montrons un résultat d'existence des solutions faibles dans le cas d'un fluide incompressible visqueux auquel s'ajoute un corps rigide dans le cas où la vitesse du fluide a une partie orthonormale d'énergie infinie.Pour un fluide incompressible non visqueux modélisé par les équations d'Euler dans un domaine borné 2D, le cas où le fluide est autorisé à entrer et à sortir de la frontière a été traité par Judovic qui a introduit certaines conditions limites consistant à prescrire la composante normale de la vitesse et de la vorticité entrante. Dans ce manuscrit, nous considérons un domaine borné qui possède deux trous. L'un d'eux est une source, ce qui signifie que le fluide est autorisé à entrer dans le domaine et l'autre est un puits où le fluide peut sortir. En particulier, nous établissons les équations limites vérifiées par le fluide lorsque la source et le puits se contractent en deux points différents. Le système limite est caractérisé par un point source/puits et un point vortex en chacun des deux points où les trous se sont contractés. / In this thesis, we investigate properties of incompressible flows that interact with a rigid body or a source and a sink. In the case of an incompressible viscous fluid that satisfies the Navier Stokes equations in a 2D bounded domain well-posedness of Leray-Hopf weak solutions is well-understood. Existence and uniqueness are proved. Moreover solutions are continuous in time with values in L 2 (Omega) and they satisfy the energy equality. Recently the problem of a rigid body moving in a viscous incompressible fluid modeled by the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the Newton laws that prescribe the motion of the solid, was also tackled in the case where the no-slip boundary conditions were imposed. And the correspondent well-posedness result for Leray-Hopf type weak solutions was proved. In this manuscript we consider the case of the Navier-slip boundary conditions. In this setting, the existence result for the coupled system was proved by G'erard-Varet and Hillairet in 2014. Here, we prove that solutions are continuous in time, that they satisfy the energy equality and that they are unique. Moreover we show an existence result for weak solutions of a viscous incompressible fluid plus rigid body system in the case where the fluid velocity has an orthoradial part of infinite energy.For an inviscid incompressible fluid modelled by the Euler equations in a 2D bounded domain, the case where the fluid is allowed to enter and to exit from the boundary was tackled by Judovic who introduced some conditions which consist in prescribing the normal component of the velocity and the entering vorticity. In this manuscript we consider a bounded domain with two holes, one of them is a source which means that the fluid is allowed to enter in the domain and the other is a sink from where the fluid can exit. In particular we find the limiting equations satisfied by the fluid when the source and the sink shrink to two different points. The limiting system is characterized by a point source/sink and a point vortex in each of the two points where the holes shrunk.

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