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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fully coupled 1D model of mobile-bed alluvial hydraulics: application to silt transport in the Lower Yellow River

Huybrechts, Nicolas 10 September 2008 (has links)
The overall objective is to improve the one-dimensional numerical prediction of the fine and non-cohesive bed material load in alluvial rivers, especially during high intensity episodes during which sediment beds are strongly remobilized. For this reason, we attempt to reduce the major inaccuracy sources coming from the alluvial resistance and bed material load relations needed to close the mathematical system. Through a shared parameter called the control factor m, the interactions occurring in alluvial rivers are incorporated more deeply into the mathematical model and more particularly into the closure laws: bed material load (SVRD, Suction-Vortex Resuspension Dynamics) and the energy slope (Verbanck et al. 2007). The control factor m is assumedly related to the Rossiter resonance modes of the separated flow downstream the bed form crest. <p><p>To further improve the representation of the flow-sediment-morphology interactions, a fully coupled model approach has been naturally chosen. In this work the terminology fully coupled means that the three equations forming the system are solved synchronously and that the terms often neglected by more traditional decoupled models are kept. <p><p>The feasibility of the new closure methodology has been drawn up by reproducing numerically the silt-flushing experiment conducted by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (Y.R.C.C.) in the Lower Yellow River (LYR) in Northern China. The objective of the silt flushing experiment is to reverse the aggradation trend of the Lower Yellow River which, in the last decades, has become a perched river. The numerical simulation specifically reproduces the silt-flush effects in a reach of LYR located in the meandering part of the river. This reach (around 100 km) is delimited by Aishan and Luokou hydrometric stations.<p><p>Since the SVRD formulation has been developed from flume observations, the law has first been confronted to river datasets. The confrontation has revealed that the SVRD law becomes less suitable for fine sediment fluxes (ratio of water depth over median particle size > 5000). Therefore, a modified equation SVRD-2 has been built to enlarge the validity range.<p><p>The suitability of the SVRD-2 equation to predict fine sediment fluxes has been tested on data available from several hydrometric stations located in the meandering reach of the LYR: historical observations and measures collected during the flushes. The SVRD-2 has also been compared with relations specifically calibrated for this configuration. The comparison has pointed out that the performance of the two formulas is similar, which is encouraging for the SVRD-2 approach as it has not been calibrated on those data. <p><p>The closed equation system has been written on its quasi-linear form and is solved by a Finite Volume Method combined with a linearized Riemann algorithm. The numerical model has been checked up on two test cases: deposition upstream of a dam and the aggradation experiment conducted by Soni 1975. <p><p>As it is not yet possible to predict dynamically the value of the control factor m, a possible solution would be to extract its value from the measured data at the inlet cross section. Unfortunately, the necessary data are not measured locally. Moreover, a uniform value of the control factor m may not suffice to reproduce the flow along the whole reach. Therefore, it has been proposed to work temporarily in the reverse way. <p><p>From the comparison between the numerical results and the experimental data, a time evolution of the control factor m has effectively been extracted and it has been shown that it varies along the reach. At Aishan, the evolution of the control factor m corresponds to the evolution expected from the data analysis previously conducted on other data sets: the value of the control factor m decreases during the flush as it tries to reach the optimal value m=1. The time evolution at Luokou behaves differently to the one at Aishan, but remains in agreement with m evolution patterns observed historically for the river section flowing round Jinan City walls. For Luokou, the highlighted differences may come from three dimensional effects coming from the meander bend upstream the station.<p><p>Generally, the results obtained for the hydraulics, the sediment transport and bed adaptation are encouraging but still need improvements and additional feeding from the experimental data. The results for the concentration and therefore the bed elevation are very sensitive to the value of the control factor m as it influences most of the terms of the bed material load equation (SVRD-2). <p><p>The major remaining difficulties are, firstly, to deal with the rapid transients for which the model is less suitable and, secondly, to improve the prediction of the value of control factor m. Before paying more attention into the transients, enhancements concerning the flow along the reach (initial condition and discharge rates during the first days of the flush) must be conducted in priority. Indeed as the prediction of the bed or the cross section evolutions depend directly on the quality of the prediction of the sediment concentration and the hydraulics, one should first improve these aspects. To perform this study, more information about the water levels or sediment concentrations is necessary at some intermediate stations. One solution is to lengthen the studied reach, upstream to Sunkou and downstream to Lijin, totaling a river length of 456 Km.<p><p>A more entire signal of the energy slopes and the associated bed configurations at different stations would enlighten how the control factor m evolves along the reach during the silt-flush events. <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Modélisation des échanges dissous entre l'estuaire de la Loire et les baies côtières adjacentes / Modelling of dissolved exchanges between the Loire estuary and the adjacent coastal bays

Khojasteh Pour Fard, Iman 15 December 2015 (has links)
Les estuaires sont des zones à l’interface terre-mer au coeur de la question du devenir des apports continentaux drainés par les grands bassins versants. L’objet de cette étude est focalisé sur l’estuaire de la Loire et ses zones adjacentes (i.e. baie de Bourgneuf et le Mor-Bras) situés dans le nord-est du Golfe de Gascogne. C’est un environnement soumis à l’influence significative de la marée qui se propage en amont de l’embouchure à plus de 100 km, de forçages météorologiques de moyennes latitudes donc hautement variables qui induisent en particulier des débits fluviaux pouvant varier d’un facteur dix. Cette variabilité est étudiée à l’aide d’un modèle numérique et des outils de description de la circulation qui permettent de mieux cerner les temps de séjours et de transits des eaux continentales dans l’estuaire et vers les baies riveraines. L’approche s’appuie sur un modèle en grille structurée mais dont la malléabilité pour décrire la complexité du domaine à simuler est donnée par le caractère non orthogonal des mailles employées pour la discrétisation. Le choix d’un système de coordonnées optimale (covariantes ou contravariantes) est discuté puis implémenté dans le code MARS-3D. Ce nouvel outil est qualifié et validé sur des cas-test puis implémenté en conditions réelles sur un domaine à la géométrie particulièrement accidentée. Les simulations reproduisent très finement la dynamique du grand panache de la Loire et confirment sa très grande variabilité spatiale et temporelle que décrivent partiellement des observations à haute fréquence et ponctuelles ; elles permettent de décrire les chemins privilégiés des masses d’eau à travers les sections de références choisies. / Estuaries are key areas in between land and ocean which play a major role in the spreading ofcontinental runoff drained by large watershed. This study focused on the Loire Estuary and its adjacentbays (i.e. Bourgneuf bay and Mor-Braz sea) all located in the north-east side of the bay of Biscay. It isinfluenced by the large tidal wave that propagates upstream the mouth on more than a 100 km, by highlymid-latitude meteorological forcing that may not only induced High variability in the circulation driversbut also on the river runoffs that may vary from 1 to 10 from early spring to late summer. This Highvariability is studied thanks to numerical simulation and tools dedicated to describe the circulation withsynthetic index such as transit time and mean age of water. The approach lies on a numerical modeldiscretized on a structure grid which constraints have been relaxed to better fit the fractal coastal lineusing non orthogonal grid cells. The optimal coordinate framework (co or contra-variant) have beendiscussed, and implemented within a pre-existing code (i.e. MARS-3D). This tools was validated withtest cases and implemented on a domain with a particular complex geometry. The numerical simulationscatch very accurately the dynamic of this large plume at least as it is described by available in situobservations. This numerical solution allowed to exhibit the main path of water masses through the areaand from place to place and their variability according to the main forcings.

Les lâchers morphogènes : définition, expérimentations et protocole opérationnel de mise en oeuvre / From flushing flows to (eco)morphogenic flow releases : evolving terminology, practice, and integration into regulated river management

Loire, Rémi 06 September 2019 (has links)
Au fil des siècles, de nombreux cours d’eau ont été régulés par des barrages pour assurer différents besoins tels que la gestion des inondations, la production d’énergie hydro-électrique, l’irrigation, l’approvisionnement en eau potable, etc. Aujourd’hui, dans le tiers nord de la planète, 77% des cours d’eau sont concernés par la présence de ces ouvrages et de très nombreux ouvrages sont en cours de construction ou prévus dans les prochaines décennies. Les impacts des barrages, notamment ceux dont les réservoirs sont les plus volumineux, sont aujourd’hui bien connus. Leur influence, plus ou moins prononcée, peut notamment affecter les crues (débits, fréquence, pointe et durée), ce qui entraine de facto une modification de l’occurrence du « débit morphogène » naturel dans les tronçons situés en aval. Il en résulte une morphologie et une dynamique fluviales modifiées, avec des Incidences sur la biologie et les usages. Afin d’améliorer, voire de restaurer le bon fonctionnement des milieux aquatiques et rivulaires, il est de plus en plus souvent demandé aux gestionnaires de barrages de générer des débits élevés, dits « morphogènes », depuis leurs ouvrages. Ce travail de thèse s’est attaché dans un premier temps à clarifier les concepts de débits, lâchers et écoulements « morphogènes ». Il a été proposé une nouvelle terminologie s’intégrant dans le contexte plus large des débits environnementaux et des débits écologiques (environmental et ecological flows). Dans un second temps, les précédents travaux et les expérimentations menées sur la Durance, la Selves et l’Isère, ont fourni des éléments pour construire une méthodologie de mise en œuvre de lâchers morphogènes dans le cadre d’une gestion adaptative. Cette méthodologie opérationnelle repose sur une série d’étapes successives découlant d’un diagnostic préalable. Elle permet de déterminer les paramètres nécessaires au dimensionnement, d’identifier les contraintes et de définir les résultats attendus (compartiments visés, ordres de grandeurs des processus, etc.) pour évaluer l’efficience de l’opération. Enfin, grâce à la mise en œuvre d’indicateurs de déclenchement, elle fournit des éléments d’évaluation pour décider de renouveler, d’améliorer ou non le lâcher. / Over the centuries, many rivers have been regulated by dams to meet various needs such as flood management, hydropower production, irrigation, drinking water supply, etc. Today, in the northern third of the planet, 77% of watercourses are affected by dams and a very large number are under construction or planned in the coming decades. The impacts of dams, particularly those with the largest reservoirs, are now well-known. Their influence, more or less pronounced, can affect floods (flow, frequency, peak and duration), which results in a change of the occurrence of the natural "channel morphing discharge" in the downstream reaches. The result is a modified river morphology and dynamics, with impacts on biological communities and uses. In order to improve/restore aquatic and riparian environments, dam managers are increasingly being asked to generate high flows, known as "flushing flows” or “ecomorphogenic flows”, from their dams.This thesis focuses initially on clarifying the concepts of discharge, water release, and "ecomorphogenic flows”. A new terminology has been proposed that fits into the broader context of “environmental flows” and “ecological flows”. In a second step, previous works and experiments carried out on the Durance River, the Selves River and the Isère River provided elements to build a methodology for implementing ecomorphogenic flow releases as part of adaptive management. This operational methodology is based on a series of successive steps resulting from a preliminary diagnosis. It makes it possible to determine the parameters necessary for designing releases, identifying constraints and defining expected results (target compartments, orders of magnitude of process, etc.) to evaluate the efficiency of the operation. Finally, through the implementation of trigger indicators, it provides evaluation information to decide whether to renew, or improve releases or to replace them with other management actions.

The physiological effects of flushing ewes on ovulation and embryo survival

Averill, R. L. W. January 1952 (has links)
Prolificacy in sheep, under most types of flock management, may exert an overwhelming influence on profitability. Three major classes of sheep farming are found in New Zealand, namely Extensive farming, on high country and droughty areas where wool is the chief product, Store sheep farming, on harder hill country, where income is derived from sales of both wool and surplus stock, and Fat lamb farming, in the easier and improved areas, where sales of fat stock almost exclusively dictate the size of the income. In all three types, ewe fertility is of paramount importance. This investigation was undertaken as a pilot attempt to demonstrate, with more accuracy, the source of, or reason for, the additional lambs which result from flushing ewes, in as far as this practice may increase both ovulation rate and subsequent mortality or merely reduce mortality in developing ova at some as yet underdefined stage of early pregnancy. The nature of the experiment was such that a study of the time-relationships of ovum loss and embryo mortality at various stages in early pregnancy could be made. Thus the matings of 225 ewes in two separate mobs were observed and slaughter dates were measured for individual ewes from mating times. By this means a considerable collection of both field and laboratory data was made available for a study of comparative individual and group reactions to the flushing treatment applied.

Development of a Variable Roller Pump and Evaluation of its Power Saving Potential as a Charge Pump in Hydrostatic Drivetrains / Development of a Variable Roller Pump and Evaluation of its Power Saving Potential as a Charge Pump in Hydrostatic Drivetrains

Zavadinka, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Predložená doktorandská dizertačná práca (ďalej len práca) sa zaoberá rozsiahlou analýzou valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom a predikciou výkonových úspor dosiahnutých aplikáciou navrhnutého valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom v hydrostatickom pohone vybraných mobilných pracovných strojov. Teoretický rozbor princípov fungovania valčekového hydrogenerátora a teória jednorozmerného simulačného modelu sú popísané v prvej časti práce. Na základe odvodenej teórie je vytvorený simulačný model, ktorý je vhodný na predikciu priebehu tlaku v komorách valčekového hydrogenerátora, síl pôsobiacich na valček a na predikciu vnútorných únikov vzniknutých skratovaním rozvodovej dosky, ktoré majú priamy vplyv na objemovú účinnosť valčekového hydrogenerátora. Simulačný model bol úspešne použitý pre optimalizáciu rozvodových dosiek valčekového hydrogenerátora a vhodnosť simulačného modelu potvrdili následné merania Práca obsahuje aj analýzu síl pôsobiacich na vodiaci prstenec, ktorej výsledky boli taktiež potvrdené meraním. Analýza týchto síl môže vylepšiť v konečnom dôsledku parametre budúcich tlakových regulácii. Práca ďalej obsahuje základné porovnanie použitých tlakových regulácii. Všetky uskutočnené merania potvrdili, že valčekový hydrogenerátor s premenlivým geometrickým objemom s testovanými tlakovými reguláciami je schopný úspešne pracovať v hydrostatickej prevodovke. Druhá časť práce analyzuje potenciál výkonových úspor valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom pre dve mobilné aplikácie - teleskopický nakladač s hmotnosťou 9 ton a kombajn s hmotnosťou 20 ton. Analýza vyžaduje jednorozmerný simulačný model hydrostatického pohonu s teplotnou predikciou hydrostatickej prevodovky. Dva rozdielne koncepty variabilného doplňovacieho systému hydrostatickej prevodovky sú porovnané so štandardným doplňovacím systémom pre pracovný a transportný režim oboch vybraných typov vozidiel. Simulácia pohonu vozidla s valčekovým hydrogenerátorom s premenlivým geometrickým objemom vo funkcii doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora a obtokovou clonou potvrdili vyššie úspory iba v prípadoch, kedy rýchlosť doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora bola výrazne vyššia a prietok cez obtokovú clonu do skrine hlavného hydrogenerátora zabezpečil dostatočné chladenie. Najvyššie výkonové úspory boli dosiahnuté s premenlivým preplachovacím systémom, ktorého prietok sa menil podľa požiadaviek hydrostatickej prevodovky. Záver druhej časti práce sa zaoberá metodikou dimenzovania veľkosti doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora.

Exploring the feasibility of seawater flush toilets for rural, coastal areas

Conroy, Kristen M. 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The feasibility of rainwater and stormwater harvesting within a winter rainfall climate context: a commercial building focus

Viljoen, Nina Susara 18 November 2014 (has links)
Cape Town, South Africa, falls within a winter rainfall region, making it difficult to assess the feasibility of rain- and stormwater harvesting. The reason for this is because the region’s high water demand period coincides with the low rainfall summer season, thereby limiting the availability of this alternative water resource when most needed. During this study, rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing purposes, collected from roof surfaces, was practically assessed by means of inserted flow meters at a pilot study site in Kommetjie, Cape Town. The combined and single system roof- and land surface runoff yields and savings of commercial buildings within the Kommetjie business area, were also theoretically assessed by making use of a mathematical roof- and land surface runoff model specifically developed during this study. The statistical testing of the hypotheses statements relating to the pre- and post-harvesting savings at the pilot study building, compared against the average actual municipal water usage, were performed. Hypotheses testing were also performed in order to compare the theoretical rain- and stormwater runoff yields for the commercial business area against the average actual municipal water consumption. The conclusions drawn from this study indicated that valuable potable water, as well as related financial savings, can be achieved within a winter rainfall region, thereby making rain- and stormwater harvesting a feasible option for commercial businesses in Cape Town. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

The feasibility of rainwater and stormwater harvesting within a winter rainfall climate context: a commercial building focus

Viljoen, Nina Susara 18 November 2014 (has links)
Cape Town, South Africa, falls within a winter rainfall region, making it difficult to assess the feasibility of rain- and stormwater harvesting. The reason for this is because the region’s high water demand period coincides with the low rainfall summer season, thereby limiting the availability of this alternative water resource when most needed. During this study, rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing purposes, collected from roof surfaces, was practically assessed by means of inserted flow meters at a pilot study site in Kommetjie, Cape Town. The combined and single system roof- and land surface runoff yields and savings of commercial buildings within the Kommetjie business area, were also theoretically assessed by making use of a mathematical roof- and land surface runoff model specifically developed during this study. The statistical testing of the hypotheses statements relating to the pre- and post-harvesting savings at the pilot study building, compared against the average actual municipal water usage, were performed. Hypotheses testing were also performed in order to compare the theoretical rain- and stormwater runoff yields for the commercial business area against the average actual municipal water consumption. The conclusions drawn from this study indicated that valuable potable water, as well as related financial savings, can be achieved within a winter rainfall region, thereby making rain- and stormwater harvesting a feasible option for commercial businesses in Cape Town. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

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