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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Petrography of the Permian-Triassic Coal-bearing New Lenton Deposit, Bowen Basin, Australia

Coffin, Lindsay M. 05 April 2013 (has links)
The Bowen Basin is one of the most intensely explored sedimentary basins in Australia and hosts one of the world’s largest coking coal deposits. This study focuses on the Lenton deposit in the north-central part of the Bowen Basin and targets the Rangal Coal Measures, which are the youngest (245 Ma), most areally extensive and least structurally deformed coal measures in the study area. Six lithofacies were identified from detailed bed-by-bed logging of two cores and stratigraphically-upward comprise peatmire deposits of the Permian Blackwater Group overlain unconformably by braided fluvial strata of the Triassic Rewan Group. Coal-bearing strata of the Blackwater Group form a large-scale drying up sequence showing a change from permanent to seasonal waterlogged conditions related to the onset of regional uplift. Sedimentation was then terminated and a regional erosion surface formed by uplift related to the Hunter Bowen Orogeny. This, then, was overlain by braided fluvial strata of the Triassic Rewan Group.

Rekonstruktion der spätpleistozänen und holozänen Landschaftsgenese im Guapi-Macacu Einzugsgebiet, Rio de Janeiro, Südostbrasilien

Kirchner, André 30 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Südostbrasilien war während des Spätpleistozäns und des Holozäns beachtlichen Klimaschwankungen unterworfen, die vielfältige geoökologische Konsequenzen zur Folge hatten. Mit der europäischen Kolonialisierung setzte überdies ab dem frühen 16. Jahrhundert eine anthropogen verursachte Degradation ein, welche zu massiven Veränderungen des Landschaftssystems führte. Trotz einer längeren geowissenschaftlichen Forschungstradition in der Region ist der Kenntnisstand über die Auswirkungen der natürlichen und anthropogenen Veränderungen auf die Geomorphodynamik bis heute vergleichsweise gering. Bereits existierende Vorstellungen zu dieser Thematik erscheinen darüber hinaus zumindest ergänzungswürdig und müssen entsprechend des aktuellen Forschungsstandes erweitert werden. Um einen Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Forschungslücken zu leisten, wurden im Rahmen der hier vorliegenden Arbeit bodengeographische und fluvialmorphologische Untersuchungen im südostbrasilianischen Guapi-Macacu Flusseinzugsgebiet durchgeführt. Im konkreten soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob und wie sich klimatische und anthropogene Veränderungen auf die geomorphodynamische Stabilität der Region ausgewirkt haben. Neben dem wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinn können daraus gesellschaftlich relevante Informationen über zukünftige Umweltveränderungen abgeleitet werden. Zur Beantwortung solcher Fragestellungen werden in den Geowissenschaften Paläoumweltarchive genutzt. Wegen seiner naturräumlichen Gegebenheiten kommen in der Region dabei lediglich Böden oder fluviale Sedimente als Geoarchive in Frage. Folglich widmet sich der erste Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation der Bodenverbreitung und -genese im Vorland der Serra dos Órgãos-Gebirgskette. Neben der feldmethodischen Aufnahme ausgewählter Bodenprofile wurde dafür auch auf klassische physikochemische Labormethoden zurückgegriffen. Die sich daraus ergebenden bodengeographischen Befunde lassen große Übereinstimmungen mit bekannten Arbeiten aus anderen tropischen Regionen der Welt erkennen. So ist der erdoberflächennahe Untergrund an erosionsgeschützten Standorten aus stark verwitterten, (gelb)braunen Böden oder Bodensedimenten aufgebaut, welche fossile rote Bodenhorizonte und/oder einen farblich heterogenen Kristallinzersatz überlagern. An vielen Unterhängen konnten darüber hinaus teils mehrgliedrige, junge Kolluvien beschrieben werden. Um geomorphodynamische Aktivitätsperioden ausweisen zu können war v.a. die zeitliche Stellung der Hangverlagerungsprozesse von Bedeutung. Feo/Fed- und Mno/Mnd-Verhältnisse sowie geomorphologische Feldbefunde erlauben zusammen die Unterscheidung zwischen älteren und jüngeren Hangsedimenten. Die jüngsten Unterhangkolluvien konnten aufgrund eingebetteter moderner Keramik und Holzkohlen sicher in die neuzeitliche Landnutzungsperiode gestellt werden. Insgesamt ist das Archivpotenzial der Böden und Bodensedimente im Untersuchungs-gebiet jedoch gering. Die formulierten Forschungsfragen zu den Folgen von klimatischen und anthropogenen Veränderungen auf die Geomorphodynamik können damit nur unzureichend beantwortet werden. Einen Fortschritt könnten zukünftig evtl. Lumineszenzdatierungen bringen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die an fluvialen Sedimentsequenzen in der Region durchgeführt wurden. Diese sind über weite Strecken aufgeschlossen und können daher vergleichsweise einfach studiert werden. Arbeiten zum Aufbau fluvialer Sedimente und Ableitungen über Paläoumweltbedingungen sind in Süd- und Südostbrasilien bisher äußerst selten und darüber hinaus ist die chronologische Auflösung meist nur unzureichend. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde zunächst aus 13 chronostratigraphisch bearbeiteten Einzelprofilen ein spätpleistozänes und holozänes, fluviales Standardprofil für das Guapi-Macacu Einzugsgebiet abgeleitet, welches sich aus vier deutlich zu unterscheidenden Fazieseinheiten aufbaut. 44 14C-Datierungen liefern hierfür ein solides Zeitgerüst, so dass gesicherte Aussagen über das Verhalten des Guapi-Macacu-Systems während der letzten etwa 13.000 Jahre möglich sind. Zwar stellt auch das fluviale Standardprofil kein hochauflösendes Paläoumweltarchiv dar, jedoch kann daraus ein wissenschaftlich wertvoller Erkenntnisfortschritt über die Geomorphodynamik im Untersuchungsgebiet abgeleitet werden. So weisen die Ergebnisse auf mehrfache Wechsel in der Fluvial- und Hangdynamik hin, die mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit durch großklimatische Veränderungen hervorgerufen wurden. Störungen der thermohalinen Nordatlantikzirkulation lösten an der Grenze zwischen Pleistozän und Holozän sowie am Übergang vom Mittel- zum Spätholozän eine Südwärtsverlagerung der innertropischen Konvergenzzone (ITCZ) aus, wodurch sich die Südatlantische Konvergenzzone (SACZ) während der Sommermonate mit dem Südamerikanischen Monsunsystem (SAMS) verbinden konnte. Im Untersuchungsgebiet wurden dadurch feuchtere Bedingungen und gehäuft Starkregen ausgelöst, welche zu geomorphodynamisch aktiven Phasen führten. Vor allem in steilen Hanglagen und unterhalb größerer abflusswirksamer Felsflächen fanden phasenweise erhebliche Bodenabträge statt und ältere Hillwashsedimente wurden an den Unterhängen akkumuliert. In den Talböden sind die natürlichen Instabilitätsphasen durch grobklastische Schotter (Fazieseinheit I, ca. 12.800 cal. BP) sowie mächtige sandig bis kiesige Sedimente (Fazieseinheit III, ab ca. 4.700 cal. BP) dokumentiert. Bei einer vergleichsweise nördlichen Position der ITCZ, während des Früh- und Mittelholozäns, herrschten im Untersuchungsgebiet hingegen trockenere Klimabedingungen, welche zu geomorphodynamischer Stabilität führten. Diese Stabilitätsphase ist durch einen Hiatus bzw. feinkörnige fluviale Ablagerungen (Fazieseinheit II,zwischen 6.600 und 4.300 cal. BP) in den Flusstälern belegt. An den Hängen wurden zeitgleich sehr wahrscheinlich Cambisole gebildet. Mit der europäischen Kolonisation setzte zu Beginn des 16. Jahrhundert in Südostbrasilien die sukzessive Zerstörung des Atlantischen Küstenregenwaldes ein. Zuckerrohr- und Kaffeeplantagen etablierten sich und es wurde großflächig Brandrodungsfeldbau praktiziert. Dadurch wurden die Böden zeitweise entblößt, was in Verbindung mit den ergiebigen Niederschlägen erneut verstärkte Abträge zur Folge hatte. Die korrelaten Sedimente der nutzungsinduzierten Bodenerosion sind in Form von holzkohlehaltigen Unterhangkolluvien und Auenlehmen (Fazieseinheit IV) erhalten geblieben. Die 14C-Datierungen aus den Flusssedimenten belegen einen verstärkten anthropogenen Einfluss in der Region seit maximal 250 Jahren. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat gezeigt, dass Klima- und Nutzungsbedingungen das geomorphodynamische Prozessgeschehen in der Vergangenheit steuerten. Für die Zukunft sind eine Häufung von Starkniederschlägen und ein wachsender Nutzungsdruck in der Region prognostiziert. Die Ergebnisse aus der jüngeren Erdgeschichte lassen vermuten, dass es dadurch zur Landschaftsdestabilisierung verbunden mit großflächigen Hangrutschungen kommen wird. Diese werden v.a. in besiedelten Regionen sehr ernstzunehmende Naturgefahren für die Bevölkerung darstellen. / A growing number of publications from southeastern Brazil points to significant climatic and subsequently substantial geo-ecological changes during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene. Additionally, the European colonization led to anthropogenically triggered landscape degradation since the early 16th century. Even though there has been a long-term geoscientific research tradition in that region, the impacts of these changes on geomorphodynamic processes are not well understood so far. Existing concepts dealing with these topics need to be improved according to the current state of research. Hence, this doctoral thesis attempts to partly close this gap of knowledge. Therefore, pedological and sedimentological investigations were carried out at several outcrops within the Guapi-Macau river basin, SE-Brazil. Especially, this work aims to answer the research question if and how climate changes and increased human impact affected geomorphodynamic stability of this region. In addition to its scientific importance, this topic is of high relevance for the prediction of future environmental changes as well. Geoarchives are used in geosciences for the reconstruction of Quaternary palaeoenvironments. Due to local geographic conditions, only soils and fluvial sediments can be used as palaeoenvironmental archives in the study area. Consequently, the first part of this thesis deals with soil distribution and soil development in the foreland of the Serra dos Órgãos Mountains. Standard field descriptions and physicochemical laboratory methods were applied to characterize the regional soils. The results show that these soils have great similarities with other tropical regions of the world. In the study area a standard soil profile contains of a strongly weathered, (yellowish)brown soil horizon or hillwash sediment, covering a fossil reddish soil horizon and/or a heterogeneous weathering mantel. Additionally, relatively young colluvial soils can be observed in many footslope positions. To identify phases of geomorphic activity, the temporal evolution of hillslope deposition is of great importance. A combination of Feo/Fed- and Mno/Mnd-ratios as well as the assessment of the geomorphic position of the sites allowed a relative distinction of older from younger hillslope deposits in the region. In detail, whereas youngest colluvial layers developed during the modern period of land use intensification, could be identified by embedded modern pottery as well as high amounts of charcoal, a further distinction of older hillslope deposits was not possible with the applied methods. Furthermore, often their preservation state is not sufficient so that their potential as archives for palaeoenvironmental research is very limited. However, future luminescence dating would be an option to establish a late Quaternary chronology of hillslope deposits. In the second part of this thesis, investigations of fluvial sediments of the region will be presented. They are exposed over longer distances of the river courses in the Guapi-Macau catchment so that they could easily be studied. Comparable works on the architecture of fluvial sediments are very rare in SE-Brazil, and furthermore their palaeoenvironmental interpretation often remains doubtful due to insufficient age control. Based on chronostratigraphical investigations of 13 fluvial exposures a latest Pleistocene and Holocene standard profile for the Guapi-Macau catchment were developed. The investigations revealed four different facies units that are clearly distinguishable from each other. 44 14C-datings provide a reliable time frame for the reconstruction of the Guapi-Macacu river system during the last approx. 13.000 cal. years BP. Although the fluvial sediments are discontinuous and thus do not offer high resolution proxy data, important findings concerning geomorphodynamic processes could be extracted from them. The results point on multiple changes of the overall geomorphodynamic conditions, very likely triggered by large-scale climate changes. Disturbances in the thermohaline circulation of the northern Atlantic caused a southwards shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary as well as at the transition from the Mid- to the Late Holocene. Consequently, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) was connected with the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) during summer, producing periods of intense precipitation over large parts of southeastern South America where the study area is located. Especially at steep slopes and below larger areas of bare bedrock phases of geomorphic activity periodically appeared. Significant amount of soil were eroded, and older hillwash sediments were deposited on the footslopes. In the floodplains, coarse grained gravels (Unit I, approx. 12.800 cal. BP) and several meters of planar or cross-bedded sands to fine gravels (Unit III, after approx. 4.700 cal. BP) document periods of natural geomorphodynamic instability. Due to a more northerly position of the ITCZ, the study area was obviously drier and geomorphologically more stable during the Early and Mid-Holocene. This is documented by a hiatus or fine-grained deposits (Unit II, from approx. 6.600 to 4.300 cal. BP), respectively. On the slopes probably (yellowish)brown cambisols developed simultaneously. Since the European colonization starting from the early 16th century large areas of valuable Atlantic rainforest were destroyed. Instead, sugar cane and coffee plantations were established, and slash-and-burn agriculture became a common land use practice. Soils were exposed and prevailing strong rains led to high rates of soil erosion again. Correlate sediments of this man-made soil erosion are preserved as charcoal-containing hillslope colluvium and fine-grained floodplain sediments (Unit IV). Radiocarbon ages from the fluvial loams point on increased human impact for the last max. 250 years. The present doctoral thesis demonstrates that climatic changes and human impact strongly affected geomorphodynamic processes of SE-Brazil during the past. There are predictions of a larger frequency of intense rainfall events and increased land use pressure for the future. The presented results from the geological history suggest that landscape destabilization and large-scale landslides could be direct consequences of such changes. As seen already today, especially in highly populated regions this could be serious natural hazards which can affect human health.

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Petrography of the Permian-Triassic Coal-bearing New Lenton Deposit, Bowen Basin, Australia

Coffin, Lindsay M. 05 April 2013 (has links)
The Bowen Basin is one of the most intensely explored sedimentary basins in Australia and hosts one of the world’s largest coking coal deposits. This study focuses on the Lenton deposit in the north-central part of the Bowen Basin and targets the Rangal Coal Measures, which are the youngest (245 Ma), most areally extensive and least structurally deformed coal measures in the study area. Six lithofacies were identified from detailed bed-by-bed logging of two cores and stratigraphically-upward comprise peatmire deposits of the Permian Blackwater Group overlain unconformably by braided fluvial strata of the Triassic Rewan Group. Coal-bearing strata of the Blackwater Group form a large-scale drying up sequence showing a change from permanent to seasonal waterlogged conditions related to the onset of regional uplift. Sedimentation was then terminated and a regional erosion surface formed by uplift related to the Hunter Bowen Orogeny. This, then, was overlain by braided fluvial strata of the Triassic Rewan Group.

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Petrography of the Permian-Triassic Coal-bearing New Lenton Deposit, Bowen Basin, Australia

Coffin, Lindsay M. January 2013 (has links)
The Bowen Basin is one of the most intensely explored sedimentary basins in Australia and hosts one of the world’s largest coking coal deposits. This study focuses on the Lenton deposit in the north-central part of the Bowen Basin and targets the Rangal Coal Measures, which are the youngest (245 Ma), most areally extensive and least structurally deformed coal measures in the study area. Six lithofacies were identified from detailed bed-by-bed logging of two cores and stratigraphically-upward comprise peatmire deposits of the Permian Blackwater Group overlain unconformably by braided fluvial strata of the Triassic Rewan Group. Coal-bearing strata of the Blackwater Group form a large-scale drying up sequence showing a change from permanent to seasonal waterlogged conditions related to the onset of regional uplift. Sedimentation was then terminated and a regional erosion surface formed by uplift related to the Hunter Bowen Orogeny. This, then, was overlain by braided fluvial strata of the Triassic Rewan Group.

Rekonstruktion der spätpleistozänen und holozänen Landschaftsgenese im Guapi-Macacu Einzugsgebiet, Rio de Janeiro, Südostbrasilien

Kirchner, André 26 May 2014 (has links)
Südostbrasilien war während des Spätpleistozäns und des Holozäns beachtlichen Klimaschwankungen unterworfen, die vielfältige geoökologische Konsequenzen zur Folge hatten. Mit der europäischen Kolonialisierung setzte überdies ab dem frühen 16. Jahrhundert eine anthropogen verursachte Degradation ein, welche zu massiven Veränderungen des Landschaftssystems führte. Trotz einer längeren geowissenschaftlichen Forschungstradition in der Region ist der Kenntnisstand über die Auswirkungen der natürlichen und anthropogenen Veränderungen auf die Geomorphodynamik bis heute vergleichsweise gering. Bereits existierende Vorstellungen zu dieser Thematik erscheinen darüber hinaus zumindest ergänzungswürdig und müssen entsprechend des aktuellen Forschungsstandes erweitert werden. Um einen Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Forschungslücken zu leisten, wurden im Rahmen der hier vorliegenden Arbeit bodengeographische und fluvialmorphologische Untersuchungen im südostbrasilianischen Guapi-Macacu Flusseinzugsgebiet durchgeführt. Im konkreten soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob und wie sich klimatische und anthropogene Veränderungen auf die geomorphodynamische Stabilität der Region ausgewirkt haben. Neben dem wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinn können daraus gesellschaftlich relevante Informationen über zukünftige Umweltveränderungen abgeleitet werden. Zur Beantwortung solcher Fragestellungen werden in den Geowissenschaften Paläoumweltarchive genutzt. Wegen seiner naturräumlichen Gegebenheiten kommen in der Region dabei lediglich Böden oder fluviale Sedimente als Geoarchive in Frage. Folglich widmet sich der erste Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation der Bodenverbreitung und -genese im Vorland der Serra dos Órgãos-Gebirgskette. Neben der feldmethodischen Aufnahme ausgewählter Bodenprofile wurde dafür auch auf klassische physikochemische Labormethoden zurückgegriffen. Die sich daraus ergebenden bodengeographischen Befunde lassen große Übereinstimmungen mit bekannten Arbeiten aus anderen tropischen Regionen der Welt erkennen. So ist der erdoberflächennahe Untergrund an erosionsgeschützten Standorten aus stark verwitterten, (gelb)braunen Böden oder Bodensedimenten aufgebaut, welche fossile rote Bodenhorizonte und/oder einen farblich heterogenen Kristallinzersatz überlagern. An vielen Unterhängen konnten darüber hinaus teils mehrgliedrige, junge Kolluvien beschrieben werden. Um geomorphodynamische Aktivitätsperioden ausweisen zu können war v.a. die zeitliche Stellung der Hangverlagerungsprozesse von Bedeutung. Feo/Fed- und Mno/Mnd-Verhältnisse sowie geomorphologische Feldbefunde erlauben zusammen die Unterscheidung zwischen älteren und jüngeren Hangsedimenten. Die jüngsten Unterhangkolluvien konnten aufgrund eingebetteter moderner Keramik und Holzkohlen sicher in die neuzeitliche Landnutzungsperiode gestellt werden. Insgesamt ist das Archivpotenzial der Böden und Bodensedimente im Untersuchungs-gebiet jedoch gering. Die formulierten Forschungsfragen zu den Folgen von klimatischen und anthropogenen Veränderungen auf die Geomorphodynamik können damit nur unzureichend beantwortet werden. Einen Fortschritt könnten zukünftig evtl. Lumineszenzdatierungen bringen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die an fluvialen Sedimentsequenzen in der Region durchgeführt wurden. Diese sind über weite Strecken aufgeschlossen und können daher vergleichsweise einfach studiert werden. Arbeiten zum Aufbau fluvialer Sedimente und Ableitungen über Paläoumweltbedingungen sind in Süd- und Südostbrasilien bisher äußerst selten und darüber hinaus ist die chronologische Auflösung meist nur unzureichend. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde zunächst aus 13 chronostratigraphisch bearbeiteten Einzelprofilen ein spätpleistozänes und holozänes, fluviales Standardprofil für das Guapi-Macacu Einzugsgebiet abgeleitet, welches sich aus vier deutlich zu unterscheidenden Fazieseinheiten aufbaut. 44 14C-Datierungen liefern hierfür ein solides Zeitgerüst, so dass gesicherte Aussagen über das Verhalten des Guapi-Macacu-Systems während der letzten etwa 13.000 Jahre möglich sind. Zwar stellt auch das fluviale Standardprofil kein hochauflösendes Paläoumweltarchiv dar, jedoch kann daraus ein wissenschaftlich wertvoller Erkenntnisfortschritt über die Geomorphodynamik im Untersuchungsgebiet abgeleitet werden. So weisen die Ergebnisse auf mehrfache Wechsel in der Fluvial- und Hangdynamik hin, die mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit durch großklimatische Veränderungen hervorgerufen wurden. Störungen der thermohalinen Nordatlantikzirkulation lösten an der Grenze zwischen Pleistozän und Holozän sowie am Übergang vom Mittel- zum Spätholozän eine Südwärtsverlagerung der innertropischen Konvergenzzone (ITCZ) aus, wodurch sich die Südatlantische Konvergenzzone (SACZ) während der Sommermonate mit dem Südamerikanischen Monsunsystem (SAMS) verbinden konnte. Im Untersuchungsgebiet wurden dadurch feuchtere Bedingungen und gehäuft Starkregen ausgelöst, welche zu geomorphodynamisch aktiven Phasen führten. Vor allem in steilen Hanglagen und unterhalb größerer abflusswirksamer Felsflächen fanden phasenweise erhebliche Bodenabträge statt und ältere Hillwashsedimente wurden an den Unterhängen akkumuliert. In den Talböden sind die natürlichen Instabilitätsphasen durch grobklastische Schotter (Fazieseinheit I, ca. 12.800 cal. BP) sowie mächtige sandig bis kiesige Sedimente (Fazieseinheit III, ab ca. 4.700 cal. BP) dokumentiert. Bei einer vergleichsweise nördlichen Position der ITCZ, während des Früh- und Mittelholozäns, herrschten im Untersuchungsgebiet hingegen trockenere Klimabedingungen, welche zu geomorphodynamischer Stabilität führten. Diese Stabilitätsphase ist durch einen Hiatus bzw. feinkörnige fluviale Ablagerungen (Fazieseinheit II,zwischen 6.600 und 4.300 cal. BP) in den Flusstälern belegt. An den Hängen wurden zeitgleich sehr wahrscheinlich Cambisole gebildet. Mit der europäischen Kolonisation setzte zu Beginn des 16. Jahrhundert in Südostbrasilien die sukzessive Zerstörung des Atlantischen Küstenregenwaldes ein. Zuckerrohr- und Kaffeeplantagen etablierten sich und es wurde großflächig Brandrodungsfeldbau praktiziert. Dadurch wurden die Böden zeitweise entblößt, was in Verbindung mit den ergiebigen Niederschlägen erneut verstärkte Abträge zur Folge hatte. Die korrelaten Sedimente der nutzungsinduzierten Bodenerosion sind in Form von holzkohlehaltigen Unterhangkolluvien und Auenlehmen (Fazieseinheit IV) erhalten geblieben. Die 14C-Datierungen aus den Flusssedimenten belegen einen verstärkten anthropogenen Einfluss in der Region seit maximal 250 Jahren. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat gezeigt, dass Klima- und Nutzungsbedingungen das geomorphodynamische Prozessgeschehen in der Vergangenheit steuerten. Für die Zukunft sind eine Häufung von Starkniederschlägen und ein wachsender Nutzungsdruck in der Region prognostiziert. Die Ergebnisse aus der jüngeren Erdgeschichte lassen vermuten, dass es dadurch zur Landschaftsdestabilisierung verbunden mit großflächigen Hangrutschungen kommen wird. Diese werden v.a. in besiedelten Regionen sehr ernstzunehmende Naturgefahren für die Bevölkerung darstellen. / A growing number of publications from southeastern Brazil points to significant climatic and subsequently substantial geo-ecological changes during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene. Additionally, the European colonization led to anthropogenically triggered landscape degradation since the early 16th century. Even though there has been a long-term geoscientific research tradition in that region, the impacts of these changes on geomorphodynamic processes are not well understood so far. Existing concepts dealing with these topics need to be improved according to the current state of research. Hence, this doctoral thesis attempts to partly close this gap of knowledge. Therefore, pedological and sedimentological investigations were carried out at several outcrops within the Guapi-Macau river basin, SE-Brazil. Especially, this work aims to answer the research question if and how climate changes and increased human impact affected geomorphodynamic stability of this region. In addition to its scientific importance, this topic is of high relevance for the prediction of future environmental changes as well. Geoarchives are used in geosciences for the reconstruction of Quaternary palaeoenvironments. Due to local geographic conditions, only soils and fluvial sediments can be used as palaeoenvironmental archives in the study area. Consequently, the first part of this thesis deals with soil distribution and soil development in the foreland of the Serra dos Órgãos Mountains. Standard field descriptions and physicochemical laboratory methods were applied to characterize the regional soils. The results show that these soils have great similarities with other tropical regions of the world. In the study area a standard soil profile contains of a strongly weathered, (yellowish)brown soil horizon or hillwash sediment, covering a fossil reddish soil horizon and/or a heterogeneous weathering mantel. Additionally, relatively young colluvial soils can be observed in many footslope positions. To identify phases of geomorphic activity, the temporal evolution of hillslope deposition is of great importance. A combination of Feo/Fed- and Mno/Mnd-ratios as well as the assessment of the geomorphic position of the sites allowed a relative distinction of older from younger hillslope deposits in the region. In detail, whereas youngest colluvial layers developed during the modern period of land use intensification, could be identified by embedded modern pottery as well as high amounts of charcoal, a further distinction of older hillslope deposits was not possible with the applied methods. Furthermore, often their preservation state is not sufficient so that their potential as archives for palaeoenvironmental research is very limited. However, future luminescence dating would be an option to establish a late Quaternary chronology of hillslope deposits. In the second part of this thesis, investigations of fluvial sediments of the region will be presented. They are exposed over longer distances of the river courses in the Guapi-Macau catchment so that they could easily be studied. Comparable works on the architecture of fluvial sediments are very rare in SE-Brazil, and furthermore their palaeoenvironmental interpretation often remains doubtful due to insufficient age control. Based on chronostratigraphical investigations of 13 fluvial exposures a latest Pleistocene and Holocene standard profile for the Guapi-Macau catchment were developed. The investigations revealed four different facies units that are clearly distinguishable from each other. 44 14C-datings provide a reliable time frame for the reconstruction of the Guapi-Macacu river system during the last approx. 13.000 cal. years BP. Although the fluvial sediments are discontinuous and thus do not offer high resolution proxy data, important findings concerning geomorphodynamic processes could be extracted from them. The results point on multiple changes of the overall geomorphodynamic conditions, very likely triggered by large-scale climate changes. Disturbances in the thermohaline circulation of the northern Atlantic caused a southwards shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary as well as at the transition from the Mid- to the Late Holocene. Consequently, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) was connected with the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) during summer, producing periods of intense precipitation over large parts of southeastern South America where the study area is located. Especially at steep slopes and below larger areas of bare bedrock phases of geomorphic activity periodically appeared. Significant amount of soil were eroded, and older hillwash sediments were deposited on the footslopes. In the floodplains, coarse grained gravels (Unit I, approx. 12.800 cal. BP) and several meters of planar or cross-bedded sands to fine gravels (Unit III, after approx. 4.700 cal. BP) document periods of natural geomorphodynamic instability. Due to a more northerly position of the ITCZ, the study area was obviously drier and geomorphologically more stable during the Early and Mid-Holocene. This is documented by a hiatus or fine-grained deposits (Unit II, from approx. 6.600 to 4.300 cal. BP), respectively. On the slopes probably (yellowish)brown cambisols developed simultaneously. Since the European colonization starting from the early 16th century large areas of valuable Atlantic rainforest were destroyed. Instead, sugar cane and coffee plantations were established, and slash-and-burn agriculture became a common land use practice. Soils were exposed and prevailing strong rains led to high rates of soil erosion again. Correlate sediments of this man-made soil erosion are preserved as charcoal-containing hillslope colluvium and fine-grained floodplain sediments (Unit IV). Radiocarbon ages from the fluvial loams point on increased human impact for the last max. 250 years. The present doctoral thesis demonstrates that climatic changes and human impact strongly affected geomorphodynamic processes of SE-Brazil during the past. There are predictions of a larger frequency of intense rainfall events and increased land use pressure for the future. The presented results from the geological history suggest that landscape destabilization and large-scale landslides could be direct consequences of such changes. As seen already today, especially in highly populated regions this could be serious natural hazards which can affect human health.

Ambientes de sedimentação continental da planície costeira de Bertioga (SP): evidências geológicas e geomorfológicas de neotectônica / Continental sedimentation environments of the Bertioga coastal plain (SP): neotectonic geological and geomorphological evidence.

Abreu, Marco Henrique Meletti de 16 February 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa está inserida nos estudos referentes à evolução quaternária dos ambientes costeiros do litoral do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). A planície costeira de Bertioga, com extensão de aproximadamente 45 km, largura máxima de apenas 6 km e profundidade de até 100 m na parte central (presença de um hemi-gráben), é um exemplo de evolução morfotectônica e eustática, que resultou numa configuração geológico-geomorfológica complexa (Souza, 2015). Ela reúne todos os tipos de ambientes de sedimentação (Unidades Quaternárias - UQs) comuns em extensas planícies costeiras, a saber: (a) marinho-praial - praias atuais (Pr), cordões litorâneos (LHTb) e terraços marinhos holocênicos (LHTa), e duas gerações de terraços marinhos pleistocênicos baixos (LPTb) e altos (LPTa); (b) estuarino-lagunar e paludial - planícies de maré atuais (LOL) e depressões estuarino-lagunares holocênicas colmatadas, que evoluíram para ambientes paludiais atuais (LCD); (c) fluvial - terraços aluviais, barras fluviais e depósitos de leito e de planície de inundação holocênicos a atuais (LHF) e pleistocênicos (LPF), e planícies de depósitos mistos (aluviais e de colúvios de baixada/corridas de detritos) holocênicos a atuais (LMP). Vários estudos ambientais e que envolvem direta ou indiretamente aspectos sedimentológicos têm sido feitos nessa planície costeira, abordando os seguintes temas principais: mapeamentos geológicos, geomorfológicos e pedológicos, geocronologia, hidrogeologia, neotectônica, fitossociologia e florística (vegetação) e riscos ecológicos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os indicadores morfotectônicos nos depósitos continentais na planície costeira de Bertioga - SP, baseada na análise e compilação de um amplo conjunto de dados disponíveis. Os parâmetros escolhidos foram: diâmetro médio e grau de seleção (em mm e em phi) dos sedimentos, depósitos e solos associados, identificação dos padrões morfotectônicos. Bem como a aplicação de técnicas em Geoprocessamento, para a extração automática da rede de drenagem. De maneira geral, os parâmetros granulométricos das UQs estudadas estão distribuídos da seguinte maneira: diâmetro médio - varia entre silte médio (5.74 fi) até areia grossa (0.33 fi); grau de seleção - varia de muito pobremente selecionado (3.24 fi) até muito bem selecionado (0.30 fi).Em relação aos solos associados nos ambientes fluviais e mistos são, Neossolos Flúvicos, Gleissolos Háplicos e Tiomórficos, Cambissolos Flúvicos e Háplicos. As altimetrias dos depósitos quaternários variam de 0 a 13 m. As características principais de cada UQ são apresentadas a seguir. LHF (altitude: 2-5 m) diâmetro médio entre 3.40-3.10 fi; grau de seleção entre 0.38-0.87 fi; NA entre 0,5-1,2 m; grãos sub-angulosos a sub-arredondados e lisos. LPF (altitude: 7,5-10 m) diâmetro médio entre 4.79-0.32 fi; grau de seleção entre 0.35-3.23 fi; NA entre 0,5-1,5 m; grãos arredondados a sub-arredondados e lisos. LMP (altitude: 5-7 m) diâmetro médio entre 1.08-4.37 fi; grau de seleção entre 1.99-2.41 fi; NA entre 0,2-1,1 m; grãos angulosos a sub-angulosos e lisos. Os resultados obtidos em campo e laboratório são apresentados iniciando-se pela caracterização da área de estudo, através das unidades geológicas quaternárias, que por sua vez são considerados exclusivas para o litoral paulista, justificando o objetivo desta pesquisa, assim, são apresetandos resultados e considerações que procuraram integrar as etapas estudadas. Assim, podemos então entender que são muitos os fatores que puderam ser interpretados a partir dos resultados gerados a partir da análises em geoprocessamento, principalmente ao analisarmos canais fluviais e suas diferentes formas de análise. Nesta etapa procuramos reforçar que as anomalias de drenagem apresentadas, nada mais são do que fortes indicadores tectônicos ou neotectônicos, quando usamos a abordagem sedimentar, no período quaternário, reforçando como a visão da paisagem, vista pela geografia demonstra uma dinâmica ilustrativa,procurando facilitar as metodologias de análises do ambiente. As evidências granulométricas das alternâncias de energia dos agentes de transporte, águas fluviais e pluviais, promoveram o deslocamento e a deposição dos sedimentos, corroborando para a delimitar espacialmente essas unidades geológicas. Com as expedições em campo, foi possível identificar, antigos leitos de canais de rios em diversos setores da planície. Sequencias de camadas de sedimentos arenosos, nas frações areias grossas e muito grossas, intercalados com grânulos e alguns fragmentos de madeira, identificados nas coletas dos sedimentos em laboratório, evidenciaram o traçado dos antigos terraços e planícies de inundação desses paleoambientes fluviais. Percebe-se que as investigações sugeridas implicam na aproximação da escala de trabalho para a melhor compreensão das relações do relevo, geologia estrutural, sedimentar e áreas afins ao conhecimento geográfico. Isso aplicaria talvez em diferentes análises locais, onde então o conjunto seria mais bem compreendido com uma boa densidade de levantamentos, porém para atingir tais ideias caberá então a novas perspectivas de análises científicas geográficas. / The present research is part of the studies concerning the quaternary evolution of the coastal environments of the coast São Paulo state (Brazil). The coastal plain of Bertioga, with an extension of approximately 45 km, maximum width of only 6 km and depth up to 100 m in the central part (presence of a hemi-graben), it is an example of morphotectonic and eustatic evolution, which results in a complex geological-geomorphological configuration (Souza, 2015). It covers all types of sedimentation environments common on extensive coastal plains as (Quaternary Units - QUs), namely: (a) marine-praial - current beaches (Pr), sandsptis (LHTb) and holocene marine terraces (LHTa), and two generations of low (LPTb) and high (LPTa) marine pleistocene terraces; (b) estuarine-lagoon and paludial - current tide plains (LOL) and colmated holocene estuarine-lagoon depressions, which evolve to current paludal environments (LCD); (c) fluvial - alluvial terraces, sediments of riverbanks and holocene to the latest floodplain (LHF) and Pleistocene (LPF), mixed sediment plains (alluvial and lowland colluvial deposits /debris courses) holocene to the latest (LMP). Several environmental studies that embrace direct or indirectly sedimentological aspects in the coast plain approach the following mean matters: geological, geomorphological and pedological mapping, geochronology, hydrogeology, neotectonics, phytosociology and floristics (vegetation) and ecological risks. The study aims to present the morphotectonic indicators in the continental sediments of Bertioga coastal plain, based on the analysis and compilation of a great data set available. The baseline studies chosen were: average diameter (in mm) and selection degree (in phi) of sediments, deposits and associated soils, and the identification of morphotectonic patterns, as well as an application of techniques in Geoprocessing for an automatic extraction of the drainage network. In overall, the granulometric baselines of the studied QUs are distributed as follows: average diameter - varies between average silt (5.74 fi) to coarse sand (0.33 fi); selection degree - varies from very poorly selected (3.24 fi) to very well selected (0.30 fi). Concerning the associated soils in fluvial and mixed environments they are, Fluvial Neosols, Háplic and Tiomorphic Gleysols, Fluvial and Háplic Cambisols. The quaternary deposits altimetry varies from 0 to 13 m. The main characteristics of each QU are presented as follows: LHF (altitude: 2-5 m) - average diameter between 3.40-3.10 fi; selection degree between 0.38-0.87; NA between 0.5-1.2 m; sub-angled to sub-rounded and smooth grains. LPF (altitude: 7.5-10 m) - average diameter between 4.79-0.32 fi; selection degree between 0,35-3,23 fi; NA between 0.5-1.5 m; rounded to sub-rounded grains. LMP (altitude: 5-7 m) - average diameter between 1.08-4.37 fi; selection degree between 1.99-2.41 fi; NA between 0.2-1.1 m; sub-angled to sub-rounded and smooth grains. The results obtained in the field and in laboratory are defined by the description of the study area, by means of the quaternary geological units, which are considered exclusive for the coast of São Paulo, thus, justifying the objective of this research, the results and considerations presented aimed to integrate the steps studied. Therefore, we can observe that there are many factors that could be interpreted from the analyzes results in geoprocessing, mainly when examining channels and their different forms of analysis. In this phase we tried to reinforce the drainage anomalies presented, they are nothing more than strong tectonics or neotectonics indicators, when we use a sedimentary approach, in the quaternary period, stressed by a landscape view seen by geography, it demonstrates an illustrative dynamic, seeking facilitates the methodologies of environment analysis. The grain size evidence of the energy alternations of transport agents, fluvial waters and rainwaters, promoted the sediment displacement and deposition, corroborating spatial delimitation of these geological units. With the expeditions on the field, it was possible to identify old river channel beds in several plain areas. Sequences of sandy sediment layers in the thick and coarse sand fractions, interspersed with granules and some wood fragments, identified in the sediment collection in laboratory study, evidenced the tracing of old terraces and floodplains of fluvial paleoenvironments. It is noticed that the suggested investigations imply the approximation of the work scale for a better understanding of the relief, structural and sedimentary geology relations and areas related to geographic knowledge. This would, perhaps, apply in different local analyzes, where the set would be better understood with a good density of surveys, but to reach such ideas shall be necessary new perspectives of geographic scientific analysis.

Tectônica e sedimentação na Bacia do Camaquã Central (RS): exemplos do Grupo Guaritas e do Grupo Santa Bárbara / Tectonics and sedimentation in Central Camaquã Basin: the Guaritas Group and the Santa Bárbara Group

Santos, Mauricio Guerreiro Martinho dos 19 May 2010 (has links)
As relações entre tectônica e sedimentação são fatores primordiais na compreensão geológica de sucessões sedimentares. Por sua vez, o estudo de depósitos fluviais pré-silurianos representa um desafio a esta área do conhecimento em consequência da ausência de interação entre rios e plantas terrestres que ocorre nos depósitos fluviais recentes. A Bacia do Camaquã (Ediacarano a Eocambriano) apresenta extensas exposições que possibilitam neste presente trabalho a discussão da sedimentação sob o ponto de vista de um modelo tectônico definido. Através da análise de fácies sedimentares e arquitetura deposicional, a caracterização da unidade estratigráfica basal do Grupo Guaritas (Eocambriano), a Formação Guarda Velha, um espesso pacote sedimentar de depósitos fluviais, levou à reconstituição das características do ambiente de sedimentação, considerando-se a influência da tectônica sin-deposicional e de fatores climáticos. É interpretado um estilo fluvial entrelaçado com grande variação de vazão, alta taxa de aporte sedimentar e grandes dimensões. Diversas estruturas de deformação sinsedimentares de reologia dúctil originadas por sismos são investigadas como indicadores da atividade tectônica sin-sedimentar e correlacionadas às informações de fácies sedimentares e elementos arquiteturais para caracterização do ambiente deposicional, revelando uma bacia com intensa atividade sísmica penecontemporânea. A caracterização dessas estruturas leva ao questionamento sobre o caráter efêmero do sistema fluvial proposto em trabalhos anteriores para a Formação Guarda Velha. Um importante evento reconhecido através da análise de estruturas rúpteis e responsável pela discordância angular entre os Grupos Santa Bárbara e Guaritas, é caracterizado por falhas transcorrentes e oblíquas geradas por compressão NE-SW. As evidências da intensa atividade sísmica sin-deposicional são correlacionadas ao evento regional distensivo com 3 NW-SE e posterior à compressão NE-SW, atribuído ao evento de subisidência responsável pela deposição do Grupo Guaritas. A Bacia do Camaquã apresentou também intensa atividade tectônica após a deposição do Supergrupo Camaquã, notadamente com eventos transcorrentes deformacionais, distintos dos eventos distensionais formadores da bacia. Notadamente foi reconhecido um evento de deformação transcorrente principal na região com direção principal de esforços WNW, estruturas de direção E-W com cinemática destral e estruturas de direção NNE apresentando cinemática sinistral. Este evento foi seguido então por uma distensão NW, que por sua vez precedeu um evento compressivo com direção principal de esforços NNE a N-S, responsável por estruturas com cinemática contrária à do evento transcorrente principal. Finalmente, foi reconhecido um evento de deformação com falhas predominantemente normais geradas por distensão NE, interpretado como de idade cretácea. Desta forma, as evidências coletadas no presente estudo da Formação Guarda Velha revelam intensa atividade sísmica sin-deposicional relacionada ao evento regional distensivo com 3 NW-SE e concomitante a deposição em planícies aluviais com predomínio de carga de fundo e grande variação de vazão, durante a subsidência inicial do rift continental eocambriano do Rio Grande do Sul. / The relationship between tectonics and sedimentation plays a primordial role in the understanding of sedimentary successions. On the other hand, the study of pre-Silurian fluvial deposits represents a challenge due to the lack of interaction between land plants and river systems which characterizes post-Silurian environments. The Camaquã Basin (Ediacaran to Eocambrian) presents extensive exposures allowing investigations of sedimentary environments under a well defined tectonic model. Through the analysis of sedimentary facies and depositional architecture, the geological characterization of the basal stratigraphic unit of the Guaritas Group (Eocambrian), the Guarda Velha Formation, a thick sedimentary strata composed of fluvial deposits, provided the recognition of the sedimentation environment, considering the influence of sin-depositional tectonics and climatic factors. A braided fluvial style with great discharge variation, high sedimentary load and large dimensions was identified. Many seismically triggered ductile sin-sedimentary deformation structures found in the area bring information about the tectonic activity during sedimentation and were correlated using sedimentary facies and architectural elements analysis in order to describe the depositional environment, revealing a basin system dominated by an intense contemporaneous seismic activity. The characterization of these structures lead to a questioning about the until now accepted model of ephemerous channels for this fluvial system. An important event recognized by means of brittle structures analysis was identified as the origin of the angular unconformity between the Santa Bárbara Group and the Guaritas Group which is characterized by strike-slip and oblique faults generated by a NE-SW compression. The intense sin-depositional seismic activity evidences are correlated to an extensional event with 3 direction NW-SE, which post-dates the compression and was responsible for the subsidence of the Guaritas Group. The Camaquã Basin also records an intense tectonic activity that occurred after the deposition of the Camaquã Supergroup, markedly deformational strike-slip events. The most important event recognized on the studied region had a mean WNW stress direction, with E-W structures showing right-slip kinematics and NNE structures presenting left-slip kinematics. Following this event a NW extension followed by a NNE to N-S compression were recognized, the late showing structures with reverse kinematics to the mean strike-slip event. At last, a NE extension event originated normal faults dated of Cretaceous age. Conclusively, the Guarda Velha Formation here collected data reveals an intense seismic activity related to an extension event showing 3 NW-SE concomitantly to a bed load-dominated aluvial plain deposition and great discharge variability, during the initial subsidence of the Guaritas rift (Eocambrian) in southern Brazil.

Geology of the fluvial deposits of the Colorado River Valley, Central Texas

Weber, Gerald E. (Gerald Eric) 08 November 2012 (has links)
Terrace deposits along a 40 mile segment of the Colorado River between Austin and Bastrop, Texas, are mapped in detail. The following deposits have been delineated (lowest to highest): Floodplain, Sixth Street Terrace, Montopolis Terrace, Capitol Terrace, Hornsby Terrace, Asylum Terrace, and Delaney Terrace. The Hornsby Terrace deposits and the Montopolis Terrace deposits were previously unrecognized. A program of mechanical analysis was conducted on samples taken from the terrace deposits and the floodplain. Cumulative frequency curves of grain size from five samples collected up to 15 miles apart from the Asylum Terrace gravel, are distinctively grouped--different from all other samples. Cumulative frequency curves from five samples from the Hornsby Terrace gravel also plot in a close grouping distinct from other samples. Over short distances where abrasion is not a dominant factor it seems that grain size distribution may be useful as a means of correlation of terrace remnants. Analysis of the lithologies of these samples indicate that the Hornsby, Asylum and Delaney Terrace gravels are practically without limestone clasts, in a drainage basin that is, presently, composed dominantly of limestone. This suggests that the Commanche Series in the Edwards Plateau region was not extensively exposed but was covered by the Gulf Series at the time of the formation of these terraces. The Manor lag gravel, an upland gravel in the thesis area, is thought to be the remnant of a high terrace deposit of the Colorado River. All terrace gravels except the Capitol and Montopolis Terrace gravels are thought to be the result of lateral planation by a stream at or near grade. The Montopolis and Capitol Terrace gravels are thought to be the result of a lengthy episode of lateral planation by the Colorado River accompanied by slow degradation. / text

Tectônica e sedimentação na Bacia do Camaquã Central (RS): exemplos do Grupo Guaritas e do Grupo Santa Bárbara / Tectonics and sedimentation in Central Camaquã Basin: the Guaritas Group and the Santa Bárbara Group

Mauricio Guerreiro Martinho dos Santos 19 May 2010 (has links)
As relações entre tectônica e sedimentação são fatores primordiais na compreensão geológica de sucessões sedimentares. Por sua vez, o estudo de depósitos fluviais pré-silurianos representa um desafio a esta área do conhecimento em consequência da ausência de interação entre rios e plantas terrestres que ocorre nos depósitos fluviais recentes. A Bacia do Camaquã (Ediacarano a Eocambriano) apresenta extensas exposições que possibilitam neste presente trabalho a discussão da sedimentação sob o ponto de vista de um modelo tectônico definido. Através da análise de fácies sedimentares e arquitetura deposicional, a caracterização da unidade estratigráfica basal do Grupo Guaritas (Eocambriano), a Formação Guarda Velha, um espesso pacote sedimentar de depósitos fluviais, levou à reconstituição das características do ambiente de sedimentação, considerando-se a influência da tectônica sin-deposicional e de fatores climáticos. É interpretado um estilo fluvial entrelaçado com grande variação de vazão, alta taxa de aporte sedimentar e grandes dimensões. Diversas estruturas de deformação sinsedimentares de reologia dúctil originadas por sismos são investigadas como indicadores da atividade tectônica sin-sedimentar e correlacionadas às informações de fácies sedimentares e elementos arquiteturais para caracterização do ambiente deposicional, revelando uma bacia com intensa atividade sísmica penecontemporânea. A caracterização dessas estruturas leva ao questionamento sobre o caráter efêmero do sistema fluvial proposto em trabalhos anteriores para a Formação Guarda Velha. Um importante evento reconhecido através da análise de estruturas rúpteis e responsável pela discordância angular entre os Grupos Santa Bárbara e Guaritas, é caracterizado por falhas transcorrentes e oblíquas geradas por compressão NE-SW. As evidências da intensa atividade sísmica sin-deposicional são correlacionadas ao evento regional distensivo com 3 NW-SE e posterior à compressão NE-SW, atribuído ao evento de subisidência responsável pela deposição do Grupo Guaritas. A Bacia do Camaquã apresentou também intensa atividade tectônica após a deposição do Supergrupo Camaquã, notadamente com eventos transcorrentes deformacionais, distintos dos eventos distensionais formadores da bacia. Notadamente foi reconhecido um evento de deformação transcorrente principal na região com direção principal de esforços WNW, estruturas de direção E-W com cinemática destral e estruturas de direção NNE apresentando cinemática sinistral. Este evento foi seguido então por uma distensão NW, que por sua vez precedeu um evento compressivo com direção principal de esforços NNE a N-S, responsável por estruturas com cinemática contrária à do evento transcorrente principal. Finalmente, foi reconhecido um evento de deformação com falhas predominantemente normais geradas por distensão NE, interpretado como de idade cretácea. Desta forma, as evidências coletadas no presente estudo da Formação Guarda Velha revelam intensa atividade sísmica sin-deposicional relacionada ao evento regional distensivo com 3 NW-SE e concomitante a deposição em planícies aluviais com predomínio de carga de fundo e grande variação de vazão, durante a subsidência inicial do rift continental eocambriano do Rio Grande do Sul. / The relationship between tectonics and sedimentation plays a primordial role in the understanding of sedimentary successions. On the other hand, the study of pre-Silurian fluvial deposits represents a challenge due to the lack of interaction between land plants and river systems which characterizes post-Silurian environments. The Camaquã Basin (Ediacaran to Eocambrian) presents extensive exposures allowing investigations of sedimentary environments under a well defined tectonic model. Through the analysis of sedimentary facies and depositional architecture, the geological characterization of the basal stratigraphic unit of the Guaritas Group (Eocambrian), the Guarda Velha Formation, a thick sedimentary strata composed of fluvial deposits, provided the recognition of the sedimentation environment, considering the influence of sin-depositional tectonics and climatic factors. A braided fluvial style with great discharge variation, high sedimentary load and large dimensions was identified. Many seismically triggered ductile sin-sedimentary deformation structures found in the area bring information about the tectonic activity during sedimentation and were correlated using sedimentary facies and architectural elements analysis in order to describe the depositional environment, revealing a basin system dominated by an intense contemporaneous seismic activity. The characterization of these structures lead to a questioning about the until now accepted model of ephemerous channels for this fluvial system. An important event recognized by means of brittle structures analysis was identified as the origin of the angular unconformity between the Santa Bárbara Group and the Guaritas Group which is characterized by strike-slip and oblique faults generated by a NE-SW compression. The intense sin-depositional seismic activity evidences are correlated to an extensional event with 3 direction NW-SE, which post-dates the compression and was responsible for the subsidence of the Guaritas Group. The Camaquã Basin also records an intense tectonic activity that occurred after the deposition of the Camaquã Supergroup, markedly deformational strike-slip events. The most important event recognized on the studied region had a mean WNW stress direction, with E-W structures showing right-slip kinematics and NNE structures presenting left-slip kinematics. Following this event a NW extension followed by a NNE to N-S compression were recognized, the late showing structures with reverse kinematics to the mean strike-slip event. At last, a NE extension event originated normal faults dated of Cretaceous age. Conclusively, the Guarda Velha Formation here collected data reveals an intense seismic activity related to an extension event showing 3 NW-SE concomitantly to a bed load-dominated aluvial plain deposition and great discharge variability, during the initial subsidence of the Guaritas rift (Eocambrian) in southern Brazil.

Análise cronológica e pedológica de uma topossequência na planície fluvial do médio Mogi Guaçu / Chronological and peedological analysis of a toposequence of the Middle Mogi Guaçu river fluvial plain

Celarino, Andre Luiz de Souza, 1984- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Sérgio Bernardes Ladeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T07:37:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Celarino_AndreLuizdeSouza_M.pdf: 6577902 bytes, checksum: d76059e9c39490c344571bfeab4259c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O rio Mogi Guaçu apresenta, no trecho próximo a Estação Ecológica de Jataí, em Luis Antônio-SP, elevada sinuosidade do canal e inúmeros meandros abandonados causados pela migração lateral e posterior avulsão do curso principal. Essa situação proporcionou uma configuração específica para os solos localizados no terraço e na planície aluvial do rio. Para entender melhor a morfopedogênese desse local, foi feita uma sequência de perfis e tradagens para a investigação da continuidade lateral dos horizontes pedológicos, para depois serem realizadas análises químicas, granulométricas, mineralógicas, micromorfológicas e datações. Identificou-se horizontes ricos em matéria orgânica que ocupam toda a várzea e antigo terraço fluvial, que estão se desenvolvendo sobre um depósito residual de 130.000A.P, conforme datação realizada em um dos perfis. Esses horizontes possuem gêneses diferentes. Um deles, classificado como hístico (H), se desenvolveu preenchendo um antigo meandro abandonado, enquanto os horizontes acima dele, compostos por uma sequência de horizontes A húmicos, foram depositados posteriormente em ambiente de maior energia do rio, num dado momento onde ele já tinha incidido seu talvegue em alguns metros e se deslocado no sentido contrário ao de sua planície aluvial. Esse horizonte foi enterrado por sedimentos aluviais e a preservação da matéria orgânica foi eficiente, apesar de apresentar menores quantidades de carbono orgânico que o horizonte H. A mineralogia mostrou que a Caulinita é o mineral predominante na fração argila, apesar de ocorrerem também Gibbsita e VHE. Esta última seria resultado de neoformação, indicando atual situação de drenagem livre, ou, sua presença é de origem alóctone. A micromorfologia mostrou feições redox ainda preservadas na base do perfil 3, porosidades fissurais associadas à processos de perda de água pela superfície e grandes diferenças granulométricas entre os perfis apresentados, a principal delas se refere à diminuição latente do grau de seleção dos grãos do esqueleto no sentido da vertente para a planície aluvial. As razões molares apontaram para descontinuidades no horizonte 2A em P5 e P3, e entre os horizontes Ah e H, no perfil 4, mostrando distintas condições de pedogênese dentro dos perfis. Os processos de formação desses horizontes estão ligados à migração lateral do rio Mogi Guaçú e incisão do seu talvegue, que proporcionaram condições redutoras para o acúmulo de matéria orgânica, resultando em momentos de maior e menor acúmulo. Com as datações foi possível propor a cronologia da formação do paleoterraço e da planície aluvial nos últimos 130.000 anos e dos solos associados, no entanto, as considerações feitas a respeito da influência do paleoclima e de fatores estruturais não são conclusivas, devido à dinâmica geológica e geomorfológica da área, que é bastante específica / Abstract: The Mogi Guaçu river, near to Estação Ecológica de Jataí (Luis Antônio-SP), shows high sinuosity on its channel and many abandoned meaders caused by lateral migration and main course's avulsion. This situation is responsible by a specific configuration for the soils which are localized at terrace and at the river's alluvial plain. For a better understanding of the local morphopedogenesis, a profiles' sequence and some boreholes were made in order to investigate the lateral continuity of the soil horizons, and then perform chemical analysis, particle size distribution, mineralogy, micromorphology and datings.This process enabled the identification of horizons rich in organic matter which fills the lowland and the old's alluvial plain, which are developing above residual deposits of 130.000B.P, in according to the dating of one of the profiles. These horizons have different genesis. One of them, classified as histic horizon (H), developed filling an older abandoned meander, while the horizons above, compound by a sequence of humic A horizons, were deposited later on high energy river environment, at some point where it has been cut its thalweg in some meters and moved away of the alluvial plain. This horizon was buried by alluvial sediments and the preservation of organic matter was efficient, despite of showing lower amounts of organic carbon than H horizon.The mineralogy has shown that Caulinite is the predominant mineral in clay fraction, although Gibbsite and HIV also exist. HIV may be the result of neoformation, indicating an actual situation of free drainage, or, its presence is allochthounous. The micromorpholy has shown preserved redox lineament on the bottom of profile 3, porosities associated to water loss processes by surface and big granulometric differences between the profiles. One of the biggest differences refers to the grain selection's reduction of the skeleton in the direction of the slope to the alluvial plain. The molar ratios indicated gaps on 2A horizon in the P5 and P3, and between Ah and H horizons, on profile 4, showing different profile conditions of soil forming. The formation process of those horizons is linked with lateral migration of the river Mogi Guaçu and incision of its thalweg, which provides reducing conditions for the amount of organic matter, resulting in higher and lesser moments of accumulation.By datings was possible propose paleoterrace and alluvial plain formation chronology of last 130.000 years and associated soils, although, the considerations made about paleoclimate and structural factors influence aren't conclusive, due to geologic and geomorphologic dynamic of area, that is much specific / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia

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