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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação e quantificação de ácidos graxos em frutos amazônicos com potencial farmacológico via técnicas cromatográficas / Identification and techniques via chromatographic quantification of fatty acid in fruit with potential pharmacological amazon

SILVA, ALEXANDRE E. de S. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A região amazônica apresenta grande quantidade de plantas perenes, com particular relevância para as espécies frutíferas. Os frutos amazônicos são conhecidos pelo seu grande potencial energético e são usados como fonte de alimento nas grandes regiões do país. Dentre esses frutos, destaca-se o açaí, fruto do açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea Martius), a copaíba (Copaifera officinalis L.) e a castanha do Pará (Bertholletia excelsa). Esses frutos são importantes para o desenvolvimento agroindustrial da região amazônica. Os mesmos contêm na sua composição proteínas, fibras e ácidos graxos. Os frutos possuem ácidos graxos são usados na área farmacêutica, com finalidade clínica e dermatológica. O projeto tem como objetivo apresentar técnicas analíticas de caracterização e quantificação dos ácidos graxos presente na composição oleosa dos frutos e descrever a ação farmacológica. Esses ácidos são o oléico, linoleico e palmítico. As técnicas analíticas com características de quantificação deverão gerar informações confiáveis e interpretáveis sobre a amostra, sendo o critério de avaliação denominado validação. A validação foi estudada neste trabalho, visando ter confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade nos resultados. Os processos analíticos com características de identificação e quantificação aplicados nesse projeto são: a cromatografia a gás acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CG/MS), a espectrometria de massas Tanden (MS/MS) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector ultra violeta (HPLC/UV). Os resultados demonstram que os três frutos amazônicos comtem ácidos oléico, linoleico e palmítico em proporções diferentes potencializando seu uso em aplicações farmacêuticas, específicamente em tratamentos dermatológicos. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Efeito da radiação ionizante em diferentes tipos de farinhas utilizadas em tecnologia de panificação / Ionizing radiation efect on different types of flours used in bakery technology

Christian Alexandre Heinz Melsheimer Teixeira 30 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações causadas pela radiação ionizante em diferentes tipos e quantidades de produtos ricos em amido (farinhas de trigo, de mandioca, centeio, trigo integral, polpa de banana verde e milho) nas características reológicas, tecnológicas, físicas e de textura. As amostras foram irradiadas em fonte de 60Co, com doses de 1, 3 e 9kGy, e taxa de dose 2kGy/h. Foram estudadas a energia de deformação e a extensibilidade, para farinhas de trigo forte e fraca e observou-se o comportamento das características reológicas um, cinco e trinta dias após a irradiação. A característica tecnológica estudada, por até 1 mês após irradiação, foi a atividade enzimática das farinhas de trigo forte e fraca irradiadas. As características físicas: altura, peso e perda de umidade e textura de fatias de pães confeccionadas com a substituição parcial (30%) da farinha de trigo por diferentes farinhas irradiadas foram estabelecidas. Os resultados mostraram que com o aumento da dose de radiação houve uma diminuição no valor da atividade enzimática, principalmente a 9kGy, desta forma não haveria necessidade do acréscimo de melhoradores enzimáticos na elaboração de pães. A altura, o peso, e a perda de umidade dos pães apresentaram diversos comportamentos dependendo do tipo de produto utilizado na sua formulação em substituição à farinha de trigo. Com o aumento da dose de radiação aplicada, houve um aumento na altura dos pães, bem como, diminuição da perda de umidade para a farinha de trigo e farinha de trigo contendo 30% de farinha de banana verde. Do ponto de vista tecnológico, a atividade enzimática não foi negativamente afetada pela radiação. Considerando as características estudadas, a aplicação da dose de 9kGy seria recomendável visando a produção de pães de forma. Embora o processo de irradiação seja geralmente aplicado na preservação da qualidade higiênica de produtos alimentícios, a irradiação de farinhas induz algumas características tecnológicas benéficas para seu uso na produção de pães. / In this work, an evaluation of the changes caused by ionizing radiation in different types and quantities of products rich in starch (wheat flour, cassava, rye, whole wheat, green banana pulp and maize) on rheological, technological, physical and texture characteristics was studied. The samples were irradiated in a 60Co source with doses up to 10kGy, and dose rate about 2kGy/h. It was studied the force and the extensibility of strong and weak wheat flours and the rheological behavior was observed for one, five and thirty days after irradiation. The technological characteristic studied for up to 1 month after irradiation, was the enzymatic activity of the irradiated, weak and strong flours. The physical characteristics: height, weight and moisture loss and texture of loaves made with a partial replacement (30%) of wheat flour by different irradiated flours was established. The results showed that with the increase of radiation dose there was an increase of enzymatic activity, especially for higher doses (9kGy). These results corroborate for the understanding that there would be no need of addition of enzymatic improvers for the bread confection. The height, weight, and loss of moisture from the products developed with different substitutions of flours used in the formulations, showed different behaviors. With an increasing of the radiation dose applied, there was an increase in the height of the loaves, as well as a reduced loss of moisture on the products developed with substitution of 30% of the wheat flour with irradiated wheat flour and pulp of green banana flour. From a technological standpoint, the enzymatic activity was not adversely affected by radiation. Considering the characteristics studied, the dose of 9kGy would be recommended seeking the production of loaves. Although the irradiation process is generally applied in the preservation of hygienic quality of food products, its use on different kinds of flours used in bread production may induce some beneficial technological characteristics.

Ocorrência do 7-cetocolesterol e efeito de processamentos térmicos sobre sua formação em camarão-rosa ( Penaeus brasiliensis + Penaeus paulensis) ou Efeito de processamentos térmicos sobre ocorrência do 7-cetocolesterol ( Penaeus brasiliensis + Penaeus paulensis) / Effect of thermal processing on the occurrence of 7-ketocholesterol in pink- shrimp (Penaeus brasiliensis Penaeus + paulensis)

Andréa Figueiredo Procopio de Moura 16 December 1999 (has links)
o colesterol, como um lipídeo insaturado, está sujeito à oxidação levando à formação de óxidos biologicamente ativos, capazes de desencadear processos aterogênicos, mutagênicos e cancerígenos. A presença de luz, calor, radiações ionizantes, ácidos graxos polinsaturados e a exposição ao oxigênio desencadeiam o processo oxidativo do colesterol. Durante o processamento térmico e subseqüente estocagem, os alimentos são submetidos a vários destes fatores, levando à oxidação. Os moluscos e crustáceos, além da presença de polinsaturados, apresentam níveis elevados de colesterol, possuindo portanto, um grande potencial para formação de óxidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de óxidos de colesterol em camarão-rosa fresco (Penaeus brasiliensis e Penaeus paulensis) e a sua formação durante o cozimento e a fritura. O 7- cetocolesterol foi utilizado como indicador da oxidação do colesterol, por ser formado em maior quantidade e nos estágios iniciais da oxidação. Nossos resultados relataram a ocorrência de 7 -cetocolesterol em amostras comerciais frescas de camarão-rosa (P. brasiliensis + P. paulensis). O 7 -cetocolesterol livre quantificado apresentou concentrações que variaram entre 0,185 e O, 366µg/g, com valor médio de 0,230µg/g. O processamento térmico do camarão-rosa fresco, de um modo geral, levou a uma diminuição nas concentrações de colesterol e 7 -cetocolesterol livres. Essa redução foi bem maior na fritura do que no cozimento, e mais acentuada para o 7 -cetocolesterol do que para o colesterol. A fritura foi o processamento que provocou maior alteração na composição lipídica do camarão. A redução nas concentrações de colesterol e 7 -cetocolesterol livre em camarão-rosa processado foi relacionada com a eluição destes compostos nos meios de processamento. Este fato foi confirmado pela presença destes dois compostos na água utilizada no cozimento e no óleo de fritura. / The cholesterol, as a unsaturated lipid, undergoes to autoxidation witch results in the production of cholesterol oxides that exert a ride range of biological activities such as atherosclerosis and mutagenicity and carcinogenesis. The light and oxygen exposure, heat-processing and polyunsaturated fatty acids presence can accelerate cholesterol oxidation. During the cooking and subsequent storage, foods are exposed to a several of these factors, taking to the oxidation. Because of the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the high leveis of cholesterol the mollusks and crustaceans have a great potential for oxides production. The objective of this work was evaluate to occurrence of cholesterol oxides in fresh pinkshrimp (Penaeus brasiliensis and Penaeus paulensis) and their formation during the boiling and deep-frying. The 7 -ketocholesterol was used as a \'tracer\' of the degree of cholesterol oxidation, due to its fast and continuous formation and this relatively high amounts with respect to the other oxidation products. Our results showed the occurrence of 7 -ketocholesterol in fresh commercial samples of pink-shrimp (P. brasiliensis + P. paulensis). The amount of free 7 -ketocholesterol found in raw samples was 0,185 to 0,366 µg/g, with average of 0,230µg/g. In general, cooking of pink-shrimp decreased the free cholesterol and 7 -ketocholesterol concentrations. That decrease in frying was higher than in boiling and was more pronounced for 7- ketocholesterol than for cholesterol. The frying was the cooking that result the highest alteration in lipid composition of shrimp. The reduction of free cholesterol and 7 -ketocholesterol concentrations in processed pink-shrimp was related with elution of these compounds by the cooking medium. This fact was confirmed by presence of cholesterol and 7 -ketocholesterol in the boiling water and in the frying oil.

Validação do sistema de análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle em um serviço de comissaria aérea / Validation of the system of analysis of hazards and critical control points in a flight attendant service

Ligia Hiromi Uegama Ferreira 04 April 2007 (has links)
A indústria de comissaria aérea é uma atividade com grandes riscos que afetam diretamente a saúde do consumidor, sendo um desses o tempo, entre 150 horas e 200 horas, decorrido entre o preparo das refeições e o seu consumo. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi validar o sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (HACCP) implementado em uma indústria de comissaria aérea com a finalidade de prover melhorias na inocuidade das refeições servidas a bordo. A presente pesquisa foi composta pela análise de 4.899 laudos de refeições, 1.920 laudos de mãos de manipuladores e 1.200 laudos de superfícies que apresentaram resultados de ensaios microbiológicos realizados durante o período de 1998 a 2005. Os ensaios microbiológicos realizados foram a determinação da população de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos, de membros da família Enterobacteriaceae, de Staphylococcus aureus, de Bacillus cereus além da pesquisa de Salmonella spp. Observou-se que após a implantação das medidas de controle, houve uma significativa melhora na evolução da porcentagem das refeições classificadas como \"Seguro\" (Classe A), de 45% no ano de 1998 para cerca de 85% no ano de 2005. O maior número de alimentos em não conformidade com os parâmetros internos da comissaria aérea em estudo foram os pratos frios que, por sua vez, foram os principais responsáveis pelos resultados insatisfatórios para o período em questão. Tal fato pode ser justificado pelo maior número de manipulações a que esses pratos são expostos e ao uso de ingredientes crus e pré-cozidos. O aumento significativo no número de refeições consideradas \"Seguro\" para todos os tipos de pratos mostra que quando as medidas implantadas são efetivas e devidamente fiscalizadas, o sistema HACCP mostra-se útil no controle da disseminação de microrganismos patogênicos veiculados por alimentos. / Airline catering is an activity with high risks that directly affects the health of consumers. A cause of concern in this activity, among opthers, is the time elapsed between the preparation of meals and consumption 150 to 200 hours. - which may allow the growth of undesirable microorganisms. The Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a system that, when properly implemented, provides conditions for the control of pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of the present study was to validate the HACCP implemented in an airline catering industry in order to improve the safety of the meals served on board. This study consisted of the analysis of microbiological reports (4,899 reports on meals, 1,920 on handlers\' hands and 1,200 on surfaces) from 1998 to 2005 comprising pre-and post-HACCP implementation periods. The microbiological assays determined the population of mesophile aerobic microorganisms, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureusand Bacillus cereus. Salmonella spp. analysis were also carried out. After control measures were implemented, a significant increase was observed in the percentage of meals classified as \"Safe\" (Class A) -from 45% in 1998 to about 85% in 2005. The highest number of meals not satisfying the standards was found among the cold dishes. This was accounted for by the fact that they need more manipulation and they are prepared with raw ingredients or cold pre-cooked ingredients. The meaningful increase in the number of meals classified as \"Safe\" for all kind of dishes showed that when the measures implemented are effective and properly inspected, the HACCP system is useful to control the dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms transmitted by foods.

Validação de metodologia para análise de procimidona em morango e determinação de seus resíduos na fruta \"in natura\" e produtos processados / Validation of methodology for procymidone analysis in strawberry and determination of respective residues in the fresh fruit and processed products

Fabiana Cerri 05 December 2008 (has links)
O morango utilizado pela indústria alimentícia tem seu sabor e aroma bastante valorizados e apreciados, quando comparado com outras frutas. Entretanto, é um produto muito delicado e altamente perecível, exigindo, assim, o uso de técnicas adequadas de colheita e pós-colheita. Para manter sua qualidade e quantidade de produção, observa-se um aumento do uso de agrotóxicos para minimizar prejuízos causados por pragas e doenças do campo. Porém, os pesticidas podem deixar resíduos persistentes nos alimentos e o seu consumo in natura ou industrializado pode ficar comprometido, colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a influência do processamento de morangos, como, minimamente processado, geléia e polpa frente aos resíduos do fungicida procimidona. Em experimento de campo foi aplicado o produto Sumilex 500 WP nos seguintes tratamentos: A testemunha (sem aplicação); B uma única aplicação de 300 g p.c. 100 L-1 água (150 g i.a. 100 L-1 água) e C 3 aplicações sucessivas de 300 g p.c. 100 L-1 água (150 g i.a. 100 L-1 água), com intervalos de 7 dias entre elas. As amostragens foram iniciadas no dia anterior a aplicação do tratamento B (-1 dia) e aos 0, 1, 3, 5, 10 e 15 dias, sendo amostrados frutos in natura, para posterior processamento, como minimamente processado, geléia e polpa. O método de análise consistiu na extração dos resíduos de procimidona com acetato de etila, limpeza do extrato (clean up) feita por cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho molecular de alta eficiência - GPC e determinação quantitativa feita por técnica de cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplado a detector de captura de elétrons - CG/ECD. O método analítico apresentou recuperação em torno de 85,5% com desvio padrão de 7% e limites de quantificação de 0,00076 mg.kg-1 e detecção de 0,00023 mg.kg-1. Os valores de procimidona encontrados em morango não excederam o LMR (3 mg.kg-1) estabelecido pela legislação brasileira, em qualquer um dos períodos de coleta das amostras. Nos tratamentos que receberam aplicações no campo (B e C) os níveis de procimidona decresceram no decorrer do tempo, tanto para o morango in natura como para os produtos processados de morango. Os valores de meia vida de degradação foram de 7-8 dias para ambos os tratamentos. Não houve redução significativa nos níveis de resíduos encontrados no morango in natura, assim como para os obtidos na polpa e minimamente processado. Porém, uma considerável degradação de procimidona foi observada no processo de cozimento, apresentado pela baixa concentração de resíduos na geléia. De maneira geral, a procimidona apresentou maiores níveis no morango in natura e menores na geléia de morango (produto final). / The strawberry used by the food industry has flavor and aroma very valued and appreciated when compared to the other fruits. However, it is a very delicate and highly perishable product, demanding, therefore, the use of appropriate techniques of harvesting and post-harvest. To keep quality and quantity of production, there is an increase of pesticides utilization in order to minimize damages caused by pests and field diseases on the field. However, the pesticides can leave persistent residues in the foods and their consumer fresh or industrialized may be impaired, putting the consumer health at risk. Thus, this work aimed to investigate the influence of the strawberries processing, as, minimally process, jam and pulp front of the waste of fungicide procymidone. In the field experiment, was applied the Sumilex 500 WP product according the treatments: A control (without application); B - a single application for 300 g c.p. 100 L-1 water (150 g a.i. 100 L-1 water) and C - 3 successive applications for 300 g c.p. 100 L-1 water (150 g a.i. 100 L-1 water), with intervals of 7 days between them. The sampling started in the previous day of the last treatment application B (- 1 day). Other sampling were carried through 0, 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 days, and sampled fresh fruit, for further processing, such as minimally process, jam and pulp. The analysis method consisted in extraction with ethyl acetate, cleaning of the extract by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and quantitative determination by gas chromatograph with specific detector of electron capture (GC/ECD). The analytical method presented recovery around 85,5% with errors of 7% and the quantification limits of 0,000076 mg.kg-1 and detection limits of 0,00023 mg.kg-1. The procymidone values found in strawberry did not exceed the maximum residues limits (3 mg.kg-1) fixed by brazilian legislation, in any periods of harvest. In the treatments that received application on the field (B and C) the procymidone levels decreased in the course of the study, as fresh strawberry as for process product of strawberry. The half-life values of degradation were of 7-8 days to the both treatments. There was no significant reduction in the residue levels found in strawberry fresh, pulp and minimally process. But, a considerable degradation of procymidone was observed in the cooking process, showing by low residues concentrations in the jam. Overall, the procymidone showed higher residues in fresh strawberry and lower on strawberry jam (final product).

Efeitos do processamento sobre a disponibilidade de carotenóides, fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante em quatro cultivares de batata doce (Ipomoea batatas L.) biofortificados / Effects of processing on the availability of carotenoids, total phenolics and antioxidant activity in four cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) biofortified

Carlos Mario Donado-Pestana 04 October 2011 (has links)
A batata doce (Ipomoea batatas Lam) é um alimento considerado rica fonte de carboidratos, fibras, minerais, vitaminas e também antioxidantes como carotenóides, compostos fenólicos e antocianinas que contribuem na pigmentação natural das raízes de diferentes cultivares e cuja bioatividade tem sido associada com a proteção de células e tecidos no organismo prevenindo e reduzindo o risco de doenças crônicas. Recentemente tem sido despertado interesse pelo desenvolvimento de raízes de batata doce de polpa alaranjada, ricas fontes de carotenóides, como estratégia aliada na solução dos problemas de deficiência de vitamina A no mundo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as concentrações de compostos carotenóides individuais, compostos fenólicos totais e a atividade antioxidante de raízes de quatro cultivares de batata doce biofortificadas cruas e processadas mediante quatro tratamentos térmicos comuns, usando as técnicas de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, ensaios Folin- Ciocalteu, DPPH e ABTS, respectivamente. Adicionalmente foram feitos medições dos parâmetros de cor usando o sistema Hunter de medida na matéria prima. Todos os cultivares avaliados apresentaram altos teores de carotenóides, com predominância do All-trans--caroteno, sugerindo alta atividade estimada de vitamina A. O cultivar CNPH 1194 apresentou teores consideráveis de carotenóides. Os compostos fenólicos totais variaram entre os cultivares e os processamentos. Os tratamentos térmicos favoreceram, na maioria dos casos, diminuição significativa dos compostos bioativos avaliados, bem como da atividade antioxidante, sendo que a estabilidade destes compostos aparentou ser um fator dependente do cultivar. Houve correlações significativas entre os valores de cor instrumental e os carotenóides, assim como entre os compostos bioativos e a atividade antioxidante dos diferentes cultivares a níveis de 1 e 5%. / Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, vitamins and also antioxidants such as carotenoids, phenolic compounds and anthocyanins which provide cultivars with distinctive flesh colors. Recent epidemiological evidence suggests that antioxidants have health-promoting properties that may reduce the risk associated with chronic diseases. It has been recently awakened interest in the development of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, rich sources of carotenoids, such as an intervention strategy of combating vitamin A deficiency in the world. This study was conducted to evaluate the accumulation of individual carotenoids, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of roots of four cultivars of sweet potato biofortified raw and processed through four common heat treatments. Techniques of HPLC, Folin- Ciocalteu, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydazyl) and ABTS assays, respectively were used. In addition measurements were made of color parameters using the Hunter system in raw material. All cultivars evaluated have high levels of carotenoids, predominantly All-trans--carotene, suggesting a high estimated vitamin A activity. The cultivar CNPH 1194 showed significant levels of carotenoids. The total phenolic compounds varied among cultivars and heat treatments. The heat treatments favored in most cases a significant decrease in bioactive compounds as well as the antioxidant activity and stability of these compounds appeared to be a factor dependent on the cultivar. There were significant correlations between the values of instrumental color and carotenoids, and bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of cultivars to levels of 1 and 5%.


Yufei Guo (11798366) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<p>The United States is ranked third for global pork production as well as first in pork exports according to the USDA Economic Research Service in 2019. The majority of the commercial pork production in the United States applies some form of confinement system with environmentally adapted facilities. However, with information and easy media access to the US consumers, news and reports on different farming practices and potential issues in the animal industry have come under the spotlight. Consumers are becoming more interested in knowing what goes on behind the scenes of the commercial animal industry and where and how their food is produced. Whether it is due to personal beliefs, ethical concerns, novelty-seeking, eating experience, or choice of lifestyle, consumers are demanding diversity in their meat purchasing options. Although the commercial pork industry has shifted to fewer and larger farms in the last 40 years, small specialty farms such as heritage breed pork are on the rise to form a niche market. Large Black pig is a pasture-raised heritage breed originating in England, and it remains one of the rarest British pig breeds. Due to differences in husbandry, pasture-raised Large Black pigs consume a relatively high forage diet compared to corn-based diet used in commercial swine production. Although heritage pork has been lauded to have unique and superior quality, enhanced eating experience, and is often sold at a premium price, there are very little data on pork quality of Large Black pig compared to Duroc-sired breeds which are commonly used in commercial pork production. The purpose of this study is to fill the dearth and investigate differences in pork processing characteristics between commercial Duroc-sired and Large Black genetic lines fed high forage or commercial diets.</p><p> The study contained a total of 50 pigs: 25 Duroc-sired (DS) and 25 Large Black sired (LB) pigs. After all the pigs were weighed, the pigs were randomly assigned with heavy and light weights as blocks to two dietary treatments: Fiber (FIB) and Control (CON); and the feeding trial lasted a total of 126 days. There were 14 Large Black pigs fed fiber diet (LB FIB); 11 Large Black pigs fed control diet (LB CON); 14 Duroc-sired pigs fed fiber diet (DS FIB) and 11 Duroc-sired pigs fed control diet (DS CON). Pigs were fed either a control Corn-Soybean Meal-DDGS based diet or a high fiber diet with wheat middlings and dehydrated alfalfa meal replacing corn and soybean meal in the control diet. Diets were fed over six 21 days phases with fibrous ingredient levels increasing from 8.5 to 30 percent of the diet with sequential dietary phase from 1 to 6. Pigs were harvested at a common age with some variations in body weight between genetics (DS 125 ± 2.23 kg, LB 99 ± 2.28 kg; <i>P</i> < 0.001). Individual batches of 80% lean : 20% fat sausage patties with seasoning (136g per patty) were made from the shoulder of each pork carcass. PVC packaging was applied to each batch of sausage patties. Fat smear was noted on day 0 with a fat smear scale of 1 (excessive far smearing) to 8 (clear fat particle definition). Color parameters that include lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*), and lipid oxidation (2-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) due to retail display effect were measured at days 0, 3, and 7 by placing packaged sausage patties under the retail display lighting. Boneless bellies were removed and weighed (fresh weight) from each pig and measurements for belly thickness, length, and firmness were recorded. Fresh bellies were injected to 110% fresh weight, thermally processed (62°C), and cooled (1°C internal temperature). Cooked weight was obtained before slicing. Belly processing yield was calculated as a percentage using (cooked weight / fresh weight) x 100. Adobe Photoshop was used to perform visual image analysis for bacon slice length (SL; cm), slice area (SA; cm<sup>2</sup>), and slice lean area (LA; %), one 0.64 cm bacon slice was obtained from 25, 50, and 75% distance respectively from the blade end of each cooked bellies for the analysis. RStudio (1.2.1335) was used to analyze data with breed and diet as fixed effects and least square means separated at (<i>P</i> < 0.05).</p><p> Results showed that only diet was significant for patty fat smear (<i>P </i>= 0.0104), CON patties had better particle definition than FIB patties. Difference for patty color L* (<i>P </i>= 0.0051), a* (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) and b* (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) were found for days of retail display. Breed was significant in L* (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) and a* (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) with DS patties being lighter and less red than LB patties. Days under retail display (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) and breed x diet interaction (<i>P </i>= 0.0014) were found in lipid oxidation. DS CON had the least amount of lipid oxidation throughout retail display time. Breed and diet were significant for both belly thickness and length. LB (<i>P </i>= 0.0263) and CON (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) bellies were thicker than DS and FIB bellies respectively. DS (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) and CON (<i>P </i>= 0.0045) bellies were longer than LB and FIB bellies respectively. A breed x diet interaction (<i>P </i>= 0.0527) was observed in belly firmness and LB CON had the firmest bellies. Processing yield was found to be greater in DS bellies (<i>P </i>= 0.0014) than LB bellies. Breed effect had a tendency (<i>P </i>= 0.065) on SL, DS slices were longer. CON had greater SA (<i>P </i>< 0.0048) than FIB slices. DS slices had significantly higher LA (<i>P </i>< 0.0001) than LB slices.</p> The study provided novel insights into the differences in processing characteristics between the DS and LB genetic lines as well as the effect of diet on each breed. Results such as thicker and firmer belly, lower LA in LB were expected since LB is a minor swine breed that has not undergone intense genetic selection for percent lean meat. Overall, each breed had a better product when fed their accustomed diet (FIB for LB, CON for DS) such as less lipid oxidation in sausage patties for DS CON compared to LB CON. Although LB fits into the niche market of heritage breed pork, future studies in management systems, processing methods, and genetic improvement should be considered to improve product quality to better meet modern consumer demands.


Yiwen Bao (8232060) 06 May 2020 (has links)
<p>Fruits play a necessary role in the human diet, and their cultivation is important to the prosperity of any country worldwide. However, fruit waste generated in large quantities in agricultural value chain is normally used to feed animals or directly disposed to landfill, ending up with low economic value and a heavy environmental burden. Agricultural waste that contains significant amounts of bioactive compounds can be utilized as byproducts and valorized through bioactives recovery. Conventional bioactive compounds extraction includes intensive uses of organic solvents and also has relatively low efficiency. Therefore, an environment-friendly alternative with higher extraction efficiency is needed. Cold plasma can convert gaseous medium to a highly reacting state with low energy cost, generating reactive species that are able to disrupt cell structures as well as modify material surfaces. This study has developed an innovative cold plasma-assisted extraction technology to enhance the recovery of bioactive compounds from fruit processing byproducts. The objectives of this study are to examine the effects of dielectric barrier discharge plasma on fruit pomaces, in terms of (i) surface microstructure and properties, (ii) extraction efficiency of their bioactive compounds, and (iii) bioactives composition and nutritional value of their extracts.</p><p>High voltage atmospheric cold plasmas (HVACP) generated with different working gases (air, argon, helium and nitrogen) were applied on tomato pomace (TP). In addition to creating ruptures on TP epidermal cells, HVACP treatments were found to decrease the water contact angles of tomato peels and accelerate the drying of tomato fruits, indicating the formation of more hydrophilic surfaces. Helium and nitrogen plasmas-treated TP showed increased PC extraction yields by 10%, and all HVACP-treated samples exhibited higher AA and changes in their phenolic compositions.</p><p>Grape pomace (GP) from red wine production was treated by helium-HVACP for different time periods (5, 10 and 15 min). Similar cell structure disruption and surface hydrophilicity enhancement were observed, and the effects became more significant as treatment extended. HVACP treatment also increased the total phenolic content in GP extracts, by 10.9−22.8%, which contained a higher anthocyanin concentration and showed an improved AA (16.7−34.7%). Furthermore, competitive effects of HVACP treatment on PC extractability enhancement and their degradation were observed.</p><p>The results of this study have proved that HVACP-assisted extraction successfully improved the extraction efficiency of bioactive compounds from fruit pomace and enhanced the nutritional quality of their extracts. This novel technology is a promising method for valorizing different agriculture byproducts into functional food ingredients and nutraceuticals with high nutritional values, which thus can bring significant economic benefits to the agricultural, food and nutraceutical industries.</p>

Effect of Poor Sanitation Procedures on Cross-Contamination of Animal Species in Ground Meat Products

Chung, Sunjung 28 May 2019 (has links)
While the presence of ≥1% of an undeclared species in ground meat generally used as an indicator of intentional mislabeling as opposed to cross-contamination, the actual percent of undeclared species resulting from cross-contamination has not been experimentally determined. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of sanitation procedures on the crosscontamination of animal species in ground meat products, using undeclared pork in ground beef. Pork (13.6 kg) was processed using a commercial grinder, then one of three sanitation treatments was completed (“no cleaning”, “partial cleaning”, or “complete cleaning”). Next, beef (13.6 kg) was ground using the same equipment. For “no cleaning,” beef was ground immediately after pork without any cleaning step; for “partial cleaning,” the hopper tray was wiped, and excess meat was taken out from the auger; for “complete cleaning,” all parts of the grinder were disassembled and thoroughly cleaned with water and soap. A 100-g sample was collected for each 0.91 kg (2 lb) of beef processed with the grinder and each sanitation treatment was tested twice. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to quantify pork in ground beef. For “no cleaning,” the first 100-g sample of ground beef run through the grinder contained 24.42 ± 10.41% pork, while subsequent samples contained

Feasibility of soy protein isolate electrospun nanofibers decorated with metal noble nanoparticles as a possible biodegradable SERS platform

Cindy Carolina Mayorga Perez (9114224) 10 March 2022 (has links)
<p>Detection of pathogens, toxins, hazardous chemicals, and allergens in the food industry with reliable, sensitive, efficient, and rapid results has increased the demand to develop innovative diagnostic tools. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensors have demonstrated to detect a wide variety of analytes using nanomaterials like metal nanoparticles. Concerns of synthetic materials that can affect the environment with disposal of sensors have opened the possibility of fabricating SERS sensors with biodegradable materials. Fabrication of electrospun nanofibers from natural polymeric materials such as soy protein isolate can be used as a SERS platform. In the first part of this research, the characteristics of SPI solutions blended with NaOH and polyethylene oxide (PEO) such as PEO Mw, zeta potential and viscosity as well operating parameters such as voltage (15, 20, and 27 kV) were studied to evaluate the best solutions for a nanofibrous SERS platform. Characteristics of electrospun nanofibers, such as surface wettability, fiber diameters, and morphology using SEM, helped determine the most feasible fibers for decoration with noble metal nanoparticles. Fibers fabricated with 12 wt% SPI + 5 wt% PEO (0.1 MDa) + 1 wt% NaOH solution showed the smallest fiber diameter and highest water contact angle measurements. Glutaraldehyde (GLA) was added as a crosslinker to partly increase nanofibers hydrophobicity. These nanofibers were decorated with Au-nanostars and Au@Ag-NPs suspended in 90% butanol and in water. Partly hydrophobic nanofibers decorated with Au-nanostars and Au@Ag-NPs in butanol showed the most feasible results for a SERS platform due to smallest fiber diameter and higher water contact angle. In the second part of this research, decorated SPI nanofibers were evaluated to study its feasibility as a SERS platform for detecting bisphenol A (BPA), a toxic chemical present in food packaging materials. However, SERS spectra were difficult to obtain due to CCD overflow (excessive number of photons) at all laser powers on SPI nanofiber mats. Optimizing other Raman spectroscopy parameters such as the exposure time and the number of averages could enhance the SERS measurements. The fabricated SPI nanofibers in this research showed that hydrophilic and partly hydrophobic nanofibers mats could be used for decoration with metal nanoparticles by suspending the nanoparticles in a hydrophobic solvent. Hydrophilic nanofiber mats with nanoparticles in a hydrophobic solvent open a new strategy for developing another type of SERS platform.</p>

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