Spelling suggestions: "subject:"footwear aindustry"" "subject:"footwear anindustry""
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An industrial strategy for the South African footwear subsectorIsmail, Faizel 03 1900 (has links)
There is an emerging consensus amongst economic policy makers that amongst the most important development problems facing South Africa today are the extremely high unemployment levels (estimated at 40% of the formal labour force) and the need to satisfy the basic needs of South Africa's population (ie, food, shelter, clothing and footwear etc). There is also agreement that in order to achieve these twin objectives it is necessary to obtain positive and increasing economic growth rates. The question of how these high and sustainable economic growth rates can be achieved has spawned an intense debate about South Africa's future growth path. This debate about South Africa's economic future after Apartheid is based on differing evaluations of the opportunities offered by the country's current resource endowments and the constraints inhibiting growth (Moll, 1991a, 1991b; Kaplinsky, 1991; Jordan, 1991, Levy, 1991). Some writers1 have argued that a low wage, labour intensive export strategy is the only way that South Africa can rapidly create employment and meet the needs of international competition (Moll, 1991a). Moll therefore argues that increasing the demand for unskilled labour will benefit the poor most. To compete successfully internationally on the basis of low wages (as Moll suggests) is only possible by increasing relative poverty, resulting in increases in absolute poverty, it has been argued (Kaplinsky, 1992). The recent literature (Amsden, 1989; Wade, 1990) on the success of the East Asian NICs (particularly South Korea and Taiwan) strongly refutes the neo-classical view (Little, 1979; Lai, 1983) that developing countries should grow by exploiting their static Comparative Advantage (CA), that is, exploiting the availability of abundant cheap labour. These writers (Amsden, 1989; Wade, 1990) argue that developing countries can move up the value added chain - making it possible for them to pay relatively higher wages - by selective intervention in the market A recent World Bank study (Levy, 1991) analyses the potential of South Africa's manufacturing sector to move on to a dynamic labour-demanding growth path. In analysing the potential of the Garment Sector (the most labour-intensive sector), Levy (1991) argues that South Africa's international comparative advantage lies in the mid- to-upper end of the world garment industry and expanding expons from this sector will increase employment and allow "moderate increases in real wages". In this paper we develop Levy's proposition - that a labour-demanding expon strategy is possible in South Africa for the Garment subsector - for the Footwear subsector. This study will focus on the Footwear subsector for the following reasons. This is a mature industry which is well-established in South Africa. It still remains labour-intensive and well suited like the garment subsector for a labour demanding growth strategy (Levy, 1992). It has a well developed infrastructure in South Africa. However the relative performance of this sector in comparison to that of countries at similar levels of development (the NICs) has been poor (discussed below). It is striking that Footwear has been a leading export sector for the most dynamic, Developing, as well as, Southern European economies during the 1970s and 1980s (Taiwan, Korea, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Portugal, China). Two sets of questions arise from the above discussion. Firstly, like the manufacturing sector as a whole, the performance of the South Afi can Footwear subsector has been unspectacular during the 1970s and 1980s. Why has ihis been so? What is the capability of the Footwear sector to supply the domestic market and to compete internationally ie, export? What are the implications of this for industrial policy? What incentives have been supplied to support the development of this sector and how effective have they been? What incentives will be required to advance the restructuring and development of this sector? What institutions exist in support of this industry and how can these institutions be developed and extended? Secondly, as South Africa develops a more outward oriented manufacturing strategy, it will have to understand the changing nature of international markets and international competition. How have these markets changed? What is the new basis of international competitiveness? What are the implications for South Africa? The objective of this study is to attempt to answer these two sets of questions. The second set of questions will not be answered in any detail in this study, but will draw extensively on a study undertaken by the author (see Ismail, 1992). Previous attempts at developing an analyses and strategy for the industry have been inward oriented (see Van Wyk's IDC Report, 1988) and ad hoc (BTI, 1990). Whilst Sid Cohn's Strat Plan 2000 has gone furthest in developing a systemic approach to the footwear industry, his focus on subcontracting as the main (labour) cost cutting measure has only served to gloss over the underlying inefficiencies of the industry in the management of raw materials and production. We provide a brief summary and critique of these strategies below before presenting a summary of our argument.
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Grau de maturidade da gestão e práticas ambientais: estudo das empresas do setor de componentes para calçados no RS, SC, e SPMarchalek, André Luiz 21 December 2017 (has links)
A gestão ambiental empresarial tornou-se um dos principais tópicos de estratégia de negócios, objeto de estudos para a academia e uma necessidade para empresas, em especial para aquelas que possuem alto impacto ambiental. Este ramo da administração empresarial se desenvolve em estágios evolutivos nas organizações, chamados de graus de maturidade da gestão ambiental, e são relevantes para a verificação e compreensão dos esforços empreendidos pelas organizações empresariais em relação ao meio ambiente, auxiliando o direcionamento e orientação de recursos no sentido de alcançar a excelência ambiental. Para ajustar suas operações e resolver suas dificuldades em relação ao meio ambiente, as organizações adotam práticas ambientais que podem estar relacionadas com o grau de maturidade da gestão ambiental. Analisando a relevância do tema, a pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar o grau de maturidade da gestão e práticas ambientais pelos estágios evolutivos reativo, preventivo e proativo das empresas de componentes para calçados no RS, SC e SP. Realizou-se pesquisa aplicada, com características descritivas, utilizando-se abordagem quantitativa, realizada por meio de um survey com um instrumento de coleta de dados desenvolvido para esta finalidade e aplicado a uma amostra de 269 indústrias do conjunto de empresas selecionadas, obtendo-se 28 respostas válidas ao questionário enviado. Os dados foram analisados por intermédio da análise de correlação, por meio do software SPSS statistics 21, para verificar relação entre a gestão e práticas ambientais. O grau de maturidade foi verificado a partir da pontuação alcançada em escala de 1 a 5, medido pela média harmônica das respostas em cada bloco de questões do instrumento, correspondentes aos estágios de maturidade, de acordo com as características da gestão ambiental. Os resultados obtidos a partir da análise indicam que o grupo de empresas obteve pontuações com o estágio reativo com 3,76, o preventivo com 4,11 e o proativo com 2,85 pontos, caracterizando as empresas em estágio preventivo com tendência proativa e demonstrando a permanência de elementos de estágios evolutivos anteriores em posteriores. A relação entre estágios evolutivos e práticas ambientais adotadas foi analisada pelo coeficiente de correlação estatística e obteve significância de 0,699, indicando relação significativa entre ambos. Para trabalhos futuros, sugere-se a realização de pesquisas em empresas de outros setores de atividade industrial e ampliação do número de empresas, bem como estudos focados em gestão ambiental e seu relacionamento com áreas administrativas. / Corporate environmental management has become one of the main topics of business strategy, object of studies for the Academy and a necessity for businesses, especially for those who have high environmental impact. This branch of business administration develops in evolutionary stages in organizations, called degrees of maturity of environmental management, and are relevant to the investigation and understanding of the efforts made by business organisations in regard to the environment, assisting the direction and guidance of resources towards achieving environmental excellence. To adjust their operations and solve their difficulties in relation to the environment, organizations adopt environmental practices that may be related to the degree of maturity of environmental management. Analyzing the relevance of the topic, the research aimed to investigate the degree of maturity of management and environmental practices by evolutionary stages reactive, preventive and proactive components for footwear companies in RS, SC and SP. Applied research was carried out, with descriptive characteristics, using quantitative approach, accomplished through a survey with a data collection instrument developed for this purpose and applied to a sample of 269 industries of the group of companies selected, with 28 valid responses to the questionnaire sent. Data were analyzed by means of correlation analysis, using the software SPSS statistics 21, to verify the relationship between the evolution of environmental management and environmental practices. The degree of maturity has been verified from the score achieved in 1 to 5 scale, measured by the harmonic average of responses in each block of questions of the instrument, corresponding to the stages of maturity, according to the characteristics of the environmental management. The results obtained from the analysis indicate that the group obtained scores with the reactive stage with 3.76, proactive with 4.11 and preventive with 2.85 points, featuring the preventive stage companies with proactive trend and demonstrating the permanence of elements from previous evolutionary stages in subsequents one. The elationship between evolutionary stages and environmental practices adopted, was analyzed by statistical correlation coefficient and achieve significance of 0.699, indicating significant relationship between both. For future work, it is suggested to carry out research on companies in other sectors of industrial activity and expansion of the number of enterprises, as well as studies focused on environmental management and it's relationship with administrative areas.
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Proposta de um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais para o setor calçadista de Franca-SP com vistas à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos / Proposal of a model of industrial waste management to the footwear industry in Franca-SP based on the Nacional Solid Waste PolicyBreda, Francisco de Assis 20 April 2016 (has links)
Criado inicialmente com a função básica de proteção aos pés, o calçado tornou-se um objeto de desejo e um acessório essencial de moda. Entre 1950 a 2015, estima-se que a produção mundial passe de 2,5 bilhões de pares produzidos para 25 bilhões de pares por ano, crescimento bem maior do que a população mundial. O couro, principal matéria-prima para a confecção de calçados, caracteriza-se por gerar grandes quantidades de resíduos ao longo de toda a cadeia produtiva. Especificamente na indústria coureiro-calçadista, o problema concentra-se nos elevados volumes de resíduos gerados na atividade produtiva, podendo causar desperdícios e grandes volumes de resíduos a serem descartados, envolvendo, principalmente, questões financeiras e ambientais. Países como Alemanha e Estados Unidos possuem legislação específica sobre a gestão de resíduos desde os anos 1970. No Brasil, depois de mais de 20 anos de tramitação no Congresso Nacional, em 2010, foi instituída a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, que reúne princípios, objetivos, instrumentos, diretrizes e metas, que deverão ser adotados pelos governos nas esferas federal, estadual e municipal, bem como pelas empresas com vistas à gestão integrada e ao gerenciamento ambientalmente adequado dos resíduos sólidos. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais para o setor calçadista de Franca-SP com vistas à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. O desenvolvimento do modelo teve como ponto de partida um estudo bibliográfico sobre o assunto e, na sequência, por intermédio de uma pesquisa aplicada, conseguiu-se, em um primeiro momento, analisar a situação atual para compreender o modelo de gestão de resíduos vigente e realizar uma pesquisa de diagnóstico dos resíduos industriais do setor. Tal pesquisa possibilitou verificar que atualmente, esses resíduos, são enviados em sua totalidade para aterros sanitários, possibilitou também sua quantificação e cálculos dos custos envolvidos para transporte e destinação. Na sequência, realizaram-se estudos sobre a viabilidade técnica e financeira para tratamento térmico desses resíduos e a busca de benchmark no setor. O estudo também proporcionou uma contribuição de caráter mais prático e/ou gerencial ao recomendar diretrizes para a elaboração de um plano de gestão integrada de resíduos industriais para o setor, e uma proposta de gestão compartilhada dos resíduos industriais entre a entidade de classe e as indústrias calçadistas, com vistas à eliminação de envio desses resíduos para aterros. Dessa forma, contribuiu também para a elaboração do Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos do município em questão. Nesse sentido, após as análises e desdobramentos das etapas anteriores, foi possível propor um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais, bem como demonstrar sua viabilidade técnica e financeira. Tal modelo foi denominado \"Modelo de Equiparação de Custos com Eficiência Ambiental\". / Initially created with the basic function of feet protection, the footwear became an object of desire and an essential fashion accessory. Between 1950 and 2015, it is estimated that the worldwide production expanded from 2,5 billions to 25 billions of pairs a year, an increase much higher than the worldwide population. The leather, the main feedstock for the footwear manufacture, is characterized by generating large amounts of waste throughout the production chain. Especially in the leather-footwear industry, the major problem is concentrated in the big volumes of waste generated in the productive activity, which can lead to wastage and big volumes of waste to be discarded, involving several financial and environmental issues. Countries such as Germany and United States of America have specific legislation concerning the waste management since 1970. In Brazil, after more than 20 years being analyzed by the National Congress, in 2010, the National Solid Waste Policy was established, gathering principles, instruments, guidelines and goals, which must be adopted by the federal, state and municipal levels of government, as well as by the companies, following the integrated and adequate environmental management of solid waste. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to develop a model of industrial waste management to the footwear industry in Franca-SP, according to the National Solid Waste Policy. The starting point of the development of this model was a bibliographical study about the subject, followed by an applied research. In a first moment, it was possible to analyze the current situation to comprehend the current model of waste management and to perform a diagnostic research of the sector. This research enabled us to verify that currently, these wastes are entirely sent to landfills, and also allowed quantification and calculation of the costs involved for transport and disposal. Afterwards, studies were performed to investigate the technical and financial feasibility of the thermal treatment of this waste and to search the benchmarking of the sector. The study also provided a more practical contribution as it recommended a guideline to elaborate a plan of integrated management of industrial waste to the footwear sector and as it proposed a model to be shared between the industries and trade unions, with the aim of eliminating the landfills as a destination of this waste. Therefore, this thesis also contributed to elaborate the Municipal Plan of Integrated Management of Solid Waste in the aforementioned city. Accordingly, after the analysis and consequences of previous steps, it was possible to propose a model of industrial waste management, as well as to demonstrate its technical and financial feasibility. This model was nominated \"Model of Costs Equalisation with Environmental Eficiency\".
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Proposta de um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais para o setor calçadista de Franca-SP com vistas à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos / Proposal of a model of industrial waste management to the footwear industry in Franca-SP based on the Nacional Solid Waste PolicyFrancisco de Assis Breda 20 April 2016 (has links)
Criado inicialmente com a função básica de proteção aos pés, o calçado tornou-se um objeto de desejo e um acessório essencial de moda. Entre 1950 a 2015, estima-se que a produção mundial passe de 2,5 bilhões de pares produzidos para 25 bilhões de pares por ano, crescimento bem maior do que a população mundial. O couro, principal matéria-prima para a confecção de calçados, caracteriza-se por gerar grandes quantidades de resíduos ao longo de toda a cadeia produtiva. Especificamente na indústria coureiro-calçadista, o problema concentra-se nos elevados volumes de resíduos gerados na atividade produtiva, podendo causar desperdícios e grandes volumes de resíduos a serem descartados, envolvendo, principalmente, questões financeiras e ambientais. Países como Alemanha e Estados Unidos possuem legislação específica sobre a gestão de resíduos desde os anos 1970. No Brasil, depois de mais de 20 anos de tramitação no Congresso Nacional, em 2010, foi instituída a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, que reúne princípios, objetivos, instrumentos, diretrizes e metas, que deverão ser adotados pelos governos nas esferas federal, estadual e municipal, bem como pelas empresas com vistas à gestão integrada e ao gerenciamento ambientalmente adequado dos resíduos sólidos. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais para o setor calçadista de Franca-SP com vistas à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. O desenvolvimento do modelo teve como ponto de partida um estudo bibliográfico sobre o assunto e, na sequência, por intermédio de uma pesquisa aplicada, conseguiu-se, em um primeiro momento, analisar a situação atual para compreender o modelo de gestão de resíduos vigente e realizar uma pesquisa de diagnóstico dos resíduos industriais do setor. Tal pesquisa possibilitou verificar que atualmente, esses resíduos, são enviados em sua totalidade para aterros sanitários, possibilitou também sua quantificação e cálculos dos custos envolvidos para transporte e destinação. Na sequência, realizaram-se estudos sobre a viabilidade técnica e financeira para tratamento térmico desses resíduos e a busca de benchmark no setor. O estudo também proporcionou uma contribuição de caráter mais prático e/ou gerencial ao recomendar diretrizes para a elaboração de um plano de gestão integrada de resíduos industriais para o setor, e uma proposta de gestão compartilhada dos resíduos industriais entre a entidade de classe e as indústrias calçadistas, com vistas à eliminação de envio desses resíduos para aterros. Dessa forma, contribuiu também para a elaboração do Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos do município em questão. Nesse sentido, após as análises e desdobramentos das etapas anteriores, foi possível propor um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais, bem como demonstrar sua viabilidade técnica e financeira. Tal modelo foi denominado \"Modelo de Equiparação de Custos com Eficiência Ambiental\". / Initially created with the basic function of feet protection, the footwear became an object of desire and an essential fashion accessory. Between 1950 and 2015, it is estimated that the worldwide production expanded from 2,5 billions to 25 billions of pairs a year, an increase much higher than the worldwide population. The leather, the main feedstock for the footwear manufacture, is characterized by generating large amounts of waste throughout the production chain. Especially in the leather-footwear industry, the major problem is concentrated in the big volumes of waste generated in the productive activity, which can lead to wastage and big volumes of waste to be discarded, involving several financial and environmental issues. Countries such as Germany and United States of America have specific legislation concerning the waste management since 1970. In Brazil, after more than 20 years being analyzed by the National Congress, in 2010, the National Solid Waste Policy was established, gathering principles, instruments, guidelines and goals, which must be adopted by the federal, state and municipal levels of government, as well as by the companies, following the integrated and adequate environmental management of solid waste. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to develop a model of industrial waste management to the footwear industry in Franca-SP, according to the National Solid Waste Policy. The starting point of the development of this model was a bibliographical study about the subject, followed by an applied research. In a first moment, it was possible to analyze the current situation to comprehend the current model of waste management and to perform a diagnostic research of the sector. This research enabled us to verify that currently, these wastes are entirely sent to landfills, and also allowed quantification and calculation of the costs involved for transport and disposal. Afterwards, studies were performed to investigate the technical and financial feasibility of the thermal treatment of this waste and to search the benchmarking of the sector. The study also provided a more practical contribution as it recommended a guideline to elaborate a plan of integrated management of industrial waste to the footwear sector and as it proposed a model to be shared between the industries and trade unions, with the aim of eliminating the landfills as a destination of this waste. Therefore, this thesis also contributed to elaborate the Municipal Plan of Integrated Management of Solid Waste in the aforementioned city. Accordingly, after the analysis and consequences of previous steps, it was possible to propose a model of industrial waste management, as well as to demonstrate its technical and financial feasibility. This model was nominated \"Model of Costs Equalisation with Environmental Eficiency\".
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Consumer behaviour in the football boot industryDettmann, Emanuel January 2011 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of
Master of Technology: Quality, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / Football boot manufacturers can have an advantage over their competitors if
they gain knowledge about the purchase decision-making process of their
consumers. It is significant that marketers understand the important criteria of a
consumer’s purchase decision. This study aimed to investigate consumer
behaviour in the football boot industry, to support football boot manufacturers
with information of the purchasing behaviour of their consumers in order to
establish product development and novel marketing strategies. The objective of
the study was to identify expectations of survey respondents in terms of the
factors which influence their purchasing behaviour of football boots in the
federal state of Bavaria in Germany.
In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, a quantitative study was
conducted by means of self-administered questionnaires. A sample of 400
questionnaires was administered. The respondents were purposively selected.
Conclusions and recommendations were thereafter drawn from the literature
and the findings of the study.
The results showed that quality and brand names were the major influential
factors in the purchase decision. Adidas was the most popular brand, followed
by Nike and Puma. Citing satisfaction with their purchases, consumers were
brand loyal and repeated purchases occurred.
The research recommended that football boot manufacturers need to invest
constantly in its development and quality management program in order to meet
consumers’ expectations and international standards.
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The role of total quality management (TQM) in improving quality and organisational performance in footwear manufacturing organisations in KwaZulu-NatalInderlal, Ashwin 05 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree
Master of Technology: Quality, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Total Quality Management
(TQM) elements of Leadership, Customer Focus, and Employee Involvement on
Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance, as well as the relationship
between Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance.
A questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample of 32 footwear
manufacturing organisations in the eThekwini region of Kwazulu-Natal. Confirmatory
Factor Analysis was used to verify the reliability and validity of the measuring
instrument. Regression and correlation analysis was developed to test the
relationship between the TQM elements, Quality Improvement and Organisational
The TQM elements used in this study were Leadership, Customer Focus, and
Employee involvement. The findings of this showed that Leadership and Customer
Focus had a positive influence on Quality Improvement. Also, Leadership was found
to have a positive influence on Organisational Performance. In addition, a positive
relationship existed between Quality Improvement and Organisational Performance.
The results of this study could provide valuable information to managers of footwear
manufacturing organisations in identifying those elements that have a positive effect
on improving quality. Hence, allocating resources to these elements would enable
footwear manufacturing organisations to enhance the performance of their
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The industry attractiveness of the South African footwear industry : a productivity perspectiveForster, Eugene Friedrich 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has been integrated into the global economy since the abolishment of the apartheid era in 1994 through a rapid programme of trade liberalisation. Its footwear industry illustrates the effects of these policies on companies and their real output, employment and wage payments, which are among the most important channels through which the market forces (supply and demand) affect poverty in a developing economy.
Exporting has been driven by trade liberalisation, but the restructuring of companies to keep up with technology and the effect of cheaper imports from the East have been the main reasons for a substantial fall in total employment, while manufacturing has stagnated. Labour productivity has increased with better production methods and some innovation, which had a positive effect on wage payments to workers in this labour-intensive industry.
South Africa has not been isolated from the world recession that began in 2008, therefore manufacturing – the second biggest sector in SA – has been in free-fall this year, sliding by double digits on a year-on-year basis. The footwear industry’s attractiveness is therefore seen as moderate, but with potential once the economy starts growing again.
A factor that needs to be taken into account is the exchange rate of the South African rand, which has gained more than 20 per cent to the dollar so far this year. This has been the main reason why the fall in exports has been larger than that of imports. These lower imports also highlighted weak consumer demand. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vanaf 1994, met die beëindiging van die apartheidsera, het Suid-Afrika se toetrede tot die wêreldekonomie voortgesnel danksy handelsintegrasie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse skoenbedryf is ’n tipiese voorbeeld hiervan, en maatskappye in die bedryf getuig daarvan deur werklike uitsette, werkverskaffing en loonbetalings wat die belangrikste vorme is om markewewigte (vraag en aanbod) in a onderontwikkelde ekonomie te bevredig.
Uitvoere is die gevolg van hierdie handelsintegrasie, maar vele maatskappye het agterweë gebly om tegnologies vooruit te gaan. Tesame met goedkoper invoere uit die Ooste, was dit die vernaamste rede vir werkloosheid in die skoenbedryf terwyl produksie gestagneer het. In sekere gevalle het werkers se produktiwiteit verhoog as gevolg van beter produksiemetodes en innovasie, wat ’n positiewe effek op die salarisse en lone van werkers in die bedryf gehad het.
Die wêreldresessie in 2008 het Suid-Afrika ook negatief beïnvloed, veral die tweede grootste sektor, naamlik vervaardiging, wat tot dubbelsyfers gedaal het op ’n jaar-op-jaar basis. Die skoenbedryf word gesien as ’n gematigde bedryf om in besigheid te doen, maar met heelwat potensiaal wanneer die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie weer begin groei.
’n Belangrike faktor is die wisselkoers van die Suid-Afrikaanse rand teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar, wat met meer as 20 persent toegeneem het. Dit is die hoofrede vir ’n groter daling in uitvoere as invoere. Laer invoere beklemtoon ook die swak verbruikersvraag.
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Reestruturação produtiva e indústria: a produção de calçados nos municípios do CRAJUBAR - Crato, Juazeiro do Norte e Barbalha - na Região Metropolitana do Cariri - CE / Productive restructuring and industry: the production of footwear in the municipalities of CRAJUBAR - Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha - in the Metropolitan Region of Cariri CE.Bacurau, Ricardo Mota 11 March 2019 (has links)
Ao nos deter ao longo da trajetória acadêmica sobre o tema da industrialização, nasceu o interesse por estudar a indústria de calçados, como uma forma de compreender a realidade do Ceará, também as novas configurações do espaço geográfico cearense produzidas a partir da atividade industrial. O nosso objetivo principal foi verificar como o processo de reestruturação produtiva influenciou na dinâmica da indústria de calçados na Região Metropolitana do Cariri cearense, principalmente a partir da década de 1980, quando estava em curso um processo de reestruturação mundial do capital, influenciando diretamente na implantação de políticas econômicas por parte do Estado visando modernizar o processo produtivo local. Focamos nosso estudo nas empresas do polo calçadista localizadas nos municípios Crato, Juazeiro do Norte e Barbalha. Trata-se de um conjunto de micro, pequenas, medias e grandes empresas estabelecidas nessa região por ser um tradicional espaço de produção de calçados desde a segunda metade de século XIX, decorrendo daí a sua relevância para a economia, produção e organização do espaço geográfico da região e de todo Estado do Ceará. Metodologicamente, as pesquisas de natureza empírica aliadas ao contato com a realidade foram a base para a construção deste trabalho; realidade essa, aprendida, estudada e pesquisada, ao longo de toda uma vivência acadêmica, a qual tem sido fundamental para dar conta dos registros, dados, indicadores e outros subsídios essenciais para o entendimento da realidade regional. / Over the course of the academic trajectory on the subject of industrialization, the interest in studying the footwear industry was born as a way of understanding the reality of Ceará and also the new configurations of Ceará\'s geographic space created from industrial activity. Our main objective was to verify how the process of productive restructuring influenced the dynamics of the footwear industry in the Metropolitan Region of Cariri - Ceará, especially since the 1980s when a process of capital restructuring was happening in the world, directly influencing the implementation of economic policies by the State in order to modernize the local productive process. We focused our study on footwear companies located in the cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha. It is a group of micro, small, medium and large companies established in this region because it is a traditional shoe production space since the second half of the nineteenth century, resulting in their relevance to the economy, production and organization of Cariri\'s geographical space, also for the entire State of Ceará too. Methodologically, empirical research, allied to contact with reality, was the basis for the construction of this research; a reality that has been learned, studied and researched throughout an academic experience, which has been fundamental to understand records, data, indicators and other essential subsidies for the understanding of regional reality.
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Proposta de um sistema de produção enxuta para o segmento calçadista / Proposal of a lean production system to the footwear industryYoshino, Rui Tadashi 07 July 2008 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma proposta de modelo genérico de sistema de produção enxuta (PE) para o segmento calçadista. Esta proposta procura atender aos novos paradigmas de atendimento a demanda, que tende a se voltar a uma alta variedade de produtos, com lotes de produção cada vez menores. Para a elaboração do modelo, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas, levantamento de empresas que já adotam o sistema de PE e visitas a 10 empresas brasileiras do segmento que já vêm utilizando conceitos de PE. Nestas empresas foram realizadas entrevistas utilizando um questionário e um sistema de avaliação de maturidade no uso de 13 elementos de PE, identificados previamente na literatura técnica. O objetivo destas visitas foi verificar a factibilidade de uso destes 13 elementos, identificando-os como melhores práticas adotadas por estas empresas. Desta forma, observando a forma de utilização destes elementos, foram construídos alguns modelos de referência, que servem como sugestões iniciais para o projeto de sistemas de PE para o segmento calçadista. Estes modelos, além das melhores práticas observadas, consideram também sugestões do autor da pesquisa, em situações em que as empresas ainda não viram a viabilidade ou oportunidade de uso de alguns dos elementos considerados. As análises em relação a essa pesquisa foram feitas segundo a percepção do autor desse trabalho, treinado nesta ferramenta e de profissionais de empresas que utilizam o sistema de produção enxuta. / This thesis proposes a generic Lean Production System (LPS) model to the footwear industry. The model takes into account the new paradigm of demand fulfillment, that is, low volumes and high variety of products. The model was elaborated using a literature review and 10 case studies in the footwear industry. Data was colleted by means of interviews, questionnaire and maturity evaluation system containing 13 elements of lean production identified by the literature review. Firms were visited to ensure the feasibility of use of these 13 elements, identifying them as best practices adopted by these companies. In this manner, observing how these elements are used, some reference models were built and they serve as a inicial suggestion to the design of a LPS to the footwear industry. These models contain the observed best practices as well as suggestions of the author in situations where the companies did not use some elements yet. The attribution of grades was done by the author and professional of the firms.
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A integração de processos na cadeia de suprimentos e o desempenho no serviço ao cliente: um estudo na cadeia calçadista. / The supply chain processes integration and the customer service perfomance: a study in the footwear industry.Hilsdorf, Wilson de Castro 14 December 2006 (has links)
O processo de globalização e a revolução digital têm trazido novos desafios de competitividade às empresas. Um desses desafios é a mudança do foco da gestão organizacional para toda a cadeia na qual cada empresa se insere. A gestão da cadeia de suprimentos (supply chain management) requer, entre outros aspectos, a integração dos \"processos-chave\" de negócios ao longo dessa cadeia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a relação entre a integração de processos ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos e seu desempenho no serviço prestado ao cliente (customer service). Para tanto, a abordagem utilizada para a pesquisa de campo foi do tipo exploratória, tendo como objeto de estudo a cadeia calçadista da cidade de Franca, a qual constitui-se em um exemplo consolidado e de resultados concretos já obtidos de uma cadeia setorial, além de inserida no mercado internacional pela sua forte tradição exportadora. As evidências obtidas permitiram concluir que o desempenho da cadeia calçadista de Franca no serviço ao cliente está relacionado diretamente a integração dos processos de atendimento de pedidos, gestão da demanda e desenvolvimento de produtos ao longo da cadeia, envolvendo não apenas a integração com clientes, mas também com os fornecedores críticos a montante da empresa focal da cadeia, no caso os fabricantes de calçados estabelecidos na cidade. Pode-se constatar ainda que esse desempenho está relacionado também a existência de competências internas nas organizações estudadas, nos processos identificados. / The globalization process and digital revolution have been brought new challenges for organizations competitiveness. One of these challenges is the change from organizational management to supply chain management. The supply chain management requires, among other aspects, the key-business processes integration along the chain. This work has the aim to identify the relationship between processes integration along the supply chain and its customer service performance. In order to achieve this aim, a exploratory research was conducted, having as focus the footwear chain located in the city of Franca, that constitute itself a consolidate example of supply chain with good results and strong presence in international footwear markets. The evidences obtained allowed us to conclude that the performance of Franca footwear chain in the customer service is straight related to integration of order fulfillment, demand management and product development processes, encompassing not only the integration of shoes manufacturers with customers, but also with critical suppliers upstream the chain. It still can be concluded that this performance is related also to the existence of internal competences in the organizations studied, referring to the processes identified.
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