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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodología para hipervisores seguros utilizando técnicas de validación formal

Peiró Frasquet, Salvador 29 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The availability of new processors with more processing power for embedded systems has raised the development of applications that tackle problems of greater complexity. Currently, the embedded applications have more features, and as a consequence, more complexity. For this reason, there exists a growing interest in allowing the secure execution of multiple applications that share a single processor and memory. In this context, partitioned system architectures based on hypervisors have evolved as an adequate solution to build secure systems. One of the main challenges in the construction of secure partitioned systems is the verification of the correct operation of the hypervisor, since, the hypervisor is the critical component on which rests the security of the partitioned system. Traditional approaches for Validation and Verification (V&V), such as testing, inspection and analysis, present limitations for the exhaustive validation and verification of the system operation, due to the fact that the input space to validate grows exponentially with respect to the number of inputs to validate. Given this limitations, verification techniques based in formal methods arise as an alternative to complement the traditional validation techniques. This dissertation focuses on the application of formal methods to validate the correctness of the partitioned system, with a special focus on the XtratuM hypervisor. The proposed methodology is evaluated through its application to the hypervisor validation. To this end, we propose a formal model of the hypervisor based in Finite State Machines (FSM), this model enables the definition of the correctness properties that the hypervisor design must fulfill. In addition, this dissertation studies how to ensure the functional correctness of the hypervisor implementation by means of deductive code verification techniques. Last, we study the vulnerabilities that result of the loss of confidentiality (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) of the information managed by the partitioned system. In this context, the vulnerabilities (infoleaks) are modeled, static code analysis techniques are applied to the detection of the vulnerabilities, and last the proposed techniques are validated by means of a practical case study on the Linux kernel that is a component of the partitioned system. / [ES] La disponibilidad de nuevos procesadores más potentes para aplicaciones empotradas ha permitido el desarrollo de aplicaciones que abordan problemas de mayor complejidad. Debido a esto, las aplicaciones empotradas actualmente tienen más funciones y prestaciones, y como consecuencia de esto, una mayor complejidad. Por este motivo, existe un interés creciente en permitir la ejecución de múltiples aplicaciones de forma segura y sin interferencias en un mismo procesador y memoria. En este marco surgen las arquitecturas de sistemas particionados basados en hipervisores como una solución apropiada para construir sistemas seguros. Uno de los principales retos en la construcción de sistemas particionados, es la verificación del correcto funcionamiento del hipervisor, dado que es el componente crítico sobre el que descansa la seguridad de todo el sistema particionado. Las técnicas tradicionales de V&V, como testing, inspección y análisis, presentan limitaciones para la verificación exhaustiva del comportamiento del sistema, debido a que el espacio de entradas a verificar crece de forma exponencial con respecto al número de entradas a verificar. Ante estas limitaciones las técnicas de verificación basadas en métodos formales surgen como una alternativa para completar las técnicas de validación tradicional. Esta disertación se centra en la aplicación de métodos formales para validar la corrección del sistema particionado, en especial del hipervisor XtratuM. La validación de la metodología se realiza aplicando las técnicas propuestas a la validación del hipervisor. Para ello, se propone un modelo formal del hipervisor basado en máquinas de autómatas finitos, este modelo formal permite la definición de las propiedades que el diseño hipervisor debe cumplir para asegurar su corrección. Adicionalmente, esta disertación analiza cómo asegurar la corrección funcional de la implementación del hipervisor por medio de técnicas de verificación deductiva de código. Por último, se estudian las vulnerabilidades de tipo information leak (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) debidas a la perdida de la confidencialidad de la información manejada en el sistema particionado. En este ámbito se modelan las vulnerabilidades, se aplican técnicas de análisis de código para la detección de vulnerabilidades en base al modelo definido y por último se valida la técnica propuesta por medio de un caso práctico sobre el núcleo del sistema operativo Linux que forma parte del sistema particionado. / [CA] La disponibilitat de nous processadors amb major potencia de còmput per a aplicacions empotrades ha permès el desenvolupament de aplicacions que aborden problemes de major complexitat. Degut a açò, les aplicacions empotrades actualment tenen més funcions i prestacions, i com a conseqüència, una major complexitat. Per aquest motiu, existeix un interès creixent en per permetre la execució de múltiples aplicacions de forma segura i sense interferències en un mateix processador i memòria. En aquest marc sorgeixen les arquitectures de sistemes particionats basats en hipervisors com una solució apropiada per a la construcció de sistemes segurs Un dels principals reptes en la construcció de sistemes particionats, es la verificació del correcte funcionament del hipervisor, donat que aquest es el component crític sobre el que descansa la seguretat del sistema particionat complet. Les tècniques tradicionals de V&V, com són el testing, inspecció i anàlisi, presenten limitacions que fan impracticable la seva aplicació per a la verificació exhaustiva del comportament del sistema, degut a que el espai de entrades a verificar creix de forma exponencial amb el nombre de entrades a verificar. Front a aquestes limitacions les tècniques de verificació basades en mètodes formals sorgeixen com una alternativa per a completar les tècniques de validació tradicional. Aquesta dissertació es centra en la aplicació de mètodes formals per a validar la correcció del sistema particionat, en especial d del hipervisor XtratuM. La validació de la metodología es realitza aplicant les tècniques proposades a la validació del hipervisor. Per a aquest fi, es proposa un model formal del hipervisor basat en màquines de estats finits (FSM), aquest model formal permet la definició de les propietats que el disseny del hipervisor deu de complir per assegurar la seva correcció. Addicionalment, aquesta dissertació analitza com assegurar la correcció funcional de la implementació del hipervisor mitjançant tècniques de verificació deductiva de codi. Per últim, s'estudien les vulnerabilitats de tipus information leak (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) degudes a la pèrdua de la confidencialitat de la informació gestionada per el sistema particionat. En aquest àmbit, es modelen les vulnerabilitats, s'apliquen tècniques de anàlisis de codi per a la detecció de les vulnerabilitats en base al model definit, per últim es valida la tècnica proposada mitjançant un cas pràctic sobre el nucli del sistema operatiu Linux que forma part de l'arquitectura particionada. / Peiró Frasquet, S. (2016). Metodología para hipervisores seguros utilizando técnicas de validación formal [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63152

A self-verifying theorem prover

Davis, Jared Curran 24 August 2010 (has links)
Programs have precise semantics, so we can use mathematical proof to establish their properties. These proofs are often too large to validate with the usual "social process" of mathematics, so instead we create and check them with theorem-proving software. This software must be advanced enough to make the proof process tractable, but this very sophistication casts doubt upon the whole enterprise: who verifies the verifier? We begin with a simple proof checker, Level 1, that only accepts proofs composed of the most primitive steps, like Instantiation and Cut. This program is so straightforward the ordinary, social process can establish its soundness and the consistency of the logical theory it implements (so we know theorems are "always true"). Next, we develop a series of increasingly capable proof checkers, Level 2, Level 3, etc. Each new proof checker accepts new kinds of proof steps which were not accepted in the previous levels. By taking advantage of these new proof steps, higher-level proofs can be written more concisely than lower-level proofs, and can take less time to construct and check. Our highest-level proof checker, Level 11, can be thought of as a simplified version of the ACL2 or NQTHM theorem provers. One contribution of this work is to show how such systems can be verified. To establish that the Level 11 proof checker can be trusted, we first use it, without trusting it, to prove the fidelity of every Level n to Level 1: whenever Level n accepts a proof of some phi, there exists a Level 1 proof of phi. We then mechanically translate the Level 11 proof for each Level n into a Level n - 1 proof---that is, we create a Level 1 proof of Level 2's fidelity, a Level 2 proof of Level 3's fidelity, and so on. This layering shows that each level can be trusted, and allows us to manage the sizes of these proofs. In this way, our system proves its own fidelity, and trusting Level 11 only requires us to trust Level 1. / text

Model Checking Systems with Replicated Components using CSP

Mazur, Tomasz Krzysztof January 2011 (has links)
The Parameterised Model Checking Problem asks whether an implementation Impl(t) satisfies a specification Spec(t) for all instantiations of parameter t. In general, t can determine numerous entities: the number of processes used in a network, the type of data, the capacities of buffers, etc. The main theme of this thesis is automation of uniform verification of a subclass of PMCP with the parameter of the first kind, using techniques based on counter abstraction. Counter abstraction works by counting how many, rather than which, node processes are in a given state: for nodes with k local states, an abstract state (c(1), ..., c(k)) models a global state where c(i) processes are in the i-th state. We then use a threshold function z to cap the values of each counter. If for some i, counter c(i) reaches its threshold, z(i) , then this is interpreted as there being z(i) or more nodes in the i-th state. The addition of thresholds makes abstract models independent of the instantiation of the parameter. We adapt standard counter abstraction techniques to concurrent reactive systems modelled using the CSP process algebra. We demonstrate how to produce abstract models of systems that do not use node identifiers (i.e. where all nodes are indistinguishable). Every such abstraction is, by construction, refined by all instantiations of the implementation. If the abstract model satisfies the specification, then a positive answer to the particular uniform verification problem can be deduced. We show that by adding node identifiers we make the uniform verification problem undecidable. We demonstrate a sound abstraction method that extends standard counter abstraction techniques to systems that make full use of node identifiers (in specifications and implementations). However, on its own, the method is not enough to give the answer to verification problems for all parameter instantiations. This issue has led us to the development of a type reduction theory, which, for a given verification problem, establishes a function phi that maps all (sufficiently large) instantiations T of the parameter to some fixed type T and allows us to deduce that if Spec(T) is refined by phi(Impl(T)), then Spec(T) is refined by Impl(T). We can then combine this with our extended counter abstraction techniques and conclude that if the abstract model satisfies Spec(T), then the answer to the uniform verification problem is positive. We develop a symbolic operational semantics for CSP processes that satisfy certain normality requirements and we provide a set of translation rules that allow us to concretise symbolic transition graphs. The type reduction theory relies heavily on these results. One of the main advantages of our symbolic operational semantics and the type reduction theory is their generality, which makes them applicable in other settings and allows the theory to be combined with abstraction methods other than those used in this thesis. Finally, we present TomCAT, a tool that automates the construction of counter abstraction models and we demonstrate how our results apply in practice.

Certification of a Tool Chain for Deductive Program Verification / Certification d'une chaine de vérification déductive de programmes

Herms, Paolo 14 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de la vérification dulogiciel. Le but de la vérification du logiciel est d'assurer qu'uneimplémentation, un programme, répond aux exigences, satisfait saspécification. Cela est particulièrement important pour le logicielcritique, tel que des systèmes de contrôle d'avions, trains oucentrales électriques, où un mauvais fonctionnement pendantl'opération aurait des conséquences catastrophiques.Les exigences du logiciel peuvent concerner la sûreté ou lefonctionnement. Les exigences de sûreté, tel que l'absence d'accès à lamémoire en dehors des bornes valides, sont souvent implicites, dans lesens que toute implémentation est censée être sûre. D'autre part, les exigences fonctionnelles spécifient ce que leprogramme est censé faire. La spécification d'un programme est souventexprimée informellement en décrivant en anglais la mission d'une partie du code source. La vérification duprogramme se fait alors habituellement par relecture manuelle,simulation et tests approfondis. Par contre, ces méthodes negarantissent pas que tous les possibles cas d'exécution sontcapturés. La preuve déductive de programme est une méthode complète pour assurerla correction du programme. Ici, un programme, ainsi que saspécification formalisée à l'aide d'un langage logique, est un objetmathématique et ses propriétés désirées sont des théorèmes logiques àprouver formellement. De cette façon, si le système logiquesous-jacent est cohérent, on peut être complètement sûr que lapropriété prouvée est valide pour le programme en question et pourn'importe quel cas d'exécution. La génération de conditions de vérification est une techniquecensée aider le programmeur à prouver les propriétés qu'il veut surson programme. Ici, un outil (VCG) analyse un programme donné avec saspécification et produit une formule mathématique, dont la validitéimplique la correction du programme vis à vis de saspécification, ce qui est particulièrement intéressant lorsque lesformules générées peuvent être prouvées automatiquement à l'aide desolveurs SMT. Cette approche, basée sur des travaux de Hoare et Dijkstra,est bien comprise et prouvée correcte en théorie. Des outils devérification déductive ont aujourd'hui acquis une maturité qui leurpermet d'être appliqués dans un contexte industriel où un hautniveau d'assurance est requis. Mais leurs implémentations doiventgérer toute sorte de fonctionnalités des langages et peuvent donc devenir très complexes et contenir des erreurs ellesmêmes - au pire des cas affirmer qu'un programme est correct alorsqu'il ne l'est pas. Il se pose donc la question du niveau de confianceaccordée à ces outils.Le but de cette thèse est de répondre à cette question. Ondéveloppe et certifie, dans le système Coq, un VCGpour des programmes C annotés avec ACSL, le langage logique pour laspécification de programmes ANSI/ISO C.Notre première contribution est la formalisation d'un VCGexécutable pour le langage intermédiaire Whycert, un langageimpératif avec boucles, exceptions et fonctions récursives, ainsi quesa preuve de correction par rapport à la sémantique opérationnelle bloquante à grand pas du langage. Une deuxièmecontribution est la formalisation du langage logique ACSL et lasémantique des annotations ACSL dans Clight de Compcert. De lacompilation de programmes C annotés vers des programmes Whycert et sapreuve de préservation de la sémantique combiné avec uneaxiomatisation en Whycert du modèle mémoire Compcert résulte notrecontribution principale: une chaîne intégrée certifiée pour lavérification de programmes C, basée sur Compcert. En combinant notrerésultat de correction avec celui de Compcert, on obtient un théorèmeen Coq qui met en relation la validité des l'obligations de preuvegénérées avec la sûreté du code assembleur compilé. / This thesis belongs to the domain of software verification. The goalof verifying software is to ensure that an implementation, a program,satisfies the requirements, the specification. This is especiallyimportant for critical computer programs, such as control systems forair planes, trains and power plants. Here a malfunctioning occurringduring operation would have catastrophic consequences. Software requirements can concern safety or functioning. Safetyrequirements, such as not accessing memory locations outside validbounds, are often implicit, in the sense that any implementation isexpected to be safe. On the other hand, functional requirementsspecify what the program is supposed to do. The specification of aprogram is often expressed informally by describing in English or someother natural language the mission of a part of the program code.Usually program verification is then done by manual code review,simulation and extensive testing. But this does not guarantee that allpossible execution cases are captured. Deductive program proving is a complete way to ensure soundness of theprogram. Here a program along with its specificationis a mathematical object and its desired properties are logicaltheorems to be formally proved. This way, if the underlying logicsystem is consistent, we can be absolutely sure that the provenproperty holds for the program in any case.Generation of verification conditions is a technique helpingthe programmer to prove the properties he wants about his programs.Here a VCG tool analyses a program and its formal specification andproduces a mathematical formula, whose validity implies the soundnessof the program with respect to its specification. This is particularlyinteresting when the generated formulas can be proved automatically byexternal SMT solvers.This approach is based on works of Hoare and Dijkstra and iswell-understood and shown correct in theory. Deductive verificationtools have nowadays reached a maturity allowing them to be used inindustrial context where a very high level of assurance isrequired. But implementations of this approach must deal with allkinds of language features and can therefore become quite complex andcontain errors -- in the worst case stating that a program correcteven if it is not. This raises the question of the level ofconfidence granted to these tools themselves. The aim of this thesis is to address this question. We develop, inthe Coq system, a certified verification-condition generator (VCG) forACSL-annotated C programs.Our first contribution is the formalisation of an executableVCG for the Whycert intermediate language,an imperative language with loops, exceptions and recursive functionsand its soundness proof with respect to the blocking big-step operational semantics of the language.A second contribution is the formalisation of the ACSL logicallanguage and the semantics of ACSL annotations of Compcert's Clight.From the compilation of ACSL annotated Clight programs to Whycertprograms and its semantics preservation proof combined with a Whycertaxiomatisation of the Compcert memory model results our maincontribution: an integrated certified tool chainfor verification of C~programs on top of Compcert. By combining oursoundness result with the soundness of the Compcert compiler we obtaina Coq theorem relating the validity of the generated proof obligationswith the safety of the compiled assembly code.

Vérification dynamique formelle de propriétés temporelles sur des applications distribuées réelles / Dynamic formal verification of temporal properties on legacy distributed applications

Guthmuller, Marion 29 June 2015 (has links)
Alors que l'informatique est devenue omniprésente dans notre société actuelle, assurer la qualité d'un logiciel revêt une importance grandissante. Pour accroître cette qualité, l'une des conditions à respecter est la correction du système. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux systèmes distribués mettant en œuvre un ou plusieurs programmes exécutés sur plusieurs machines qui communiquent entre elles à travers le réseau. Dans ce contexte, assurer leur correction est rendu plus difficile par leur hétérogénéité mais également par leurs spécificités communes. Les algorithmes correspondants sont parfois complexes et la prédiction de leur comportement difficilement réalisable sans une étude avancée. Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse mettent en œuvre la vérification dynamique formelle de propriétés temporelles sur des applications distribuées. Cette approche consiste à vérifier l'implémentation réelle d'une application à travers son exécution. L'enjeu majeur est de réussir à appliquer les techniques associées au Model checking dans le cadre d'une vérification sur des implémentations réelles d'applications distribuées et non plus sur des modèles abstraits. Pour cela, nous proposons dans un premier temps une analyse sémantique dynamique par introspection mémoire d'un état système permettant de détecter des états sémantiquement identiques. Puis, nous mettons en œuvre la vérification dynamique formelle de certaines propriétés temporelles : les propriétés de vivacité, formulées à l'aide de la logique LTL_X, et le déterminisme des communications dans les applications MPI. Une évaluation de chacune de ces contributions est réalisée à travers plusieurs expériences / While computers have become ubiquitous in our current society, ensuring the software quality takes on an increasing importance. One of the requirements to enhance this quality is the system correctness. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in distributed systems implementing one or more programs executed on several machines which communicate with each other through a network. Ensuring the system correctness is more difficult in this context, due to their heterogeneity but also their common characteristics. Corresponding algorithms are sometimes complex and the prediction of their behavior may be difficult to realize without an advanced study. The work done during this thesis implement the dynamic formal verification of some temporal properties on legacy distributed applications. This approach consists of checking the real implementation of an application by its systematic execution. The challenge in this approach is how to apply the methods derived from Model checking in the context of the verification of legacy distributed applications (without access to source code) and no longer on abstract models. For that, we propose in a first step a dynamic semantic analysis of a system state permitting the detection of identical states. Then, we implement the dynamic formal verification of some temporal properties: liveness properties, specified with the LTL_X logic, and the communications determinism in MPI applications. These contributions are experimentaly validated and evaluated with different series of experiments

Nouvelles techniques pour l'instanciation et la production des preuves dans SMT / New techniques for instantiation and proof production in SMT solving

Barbosa, Haniel 05 September 2017 (has links)
Des nombreuses applications de méthodes formelles se fondent sur les solveurs SMT pour valider automatiquement les conditions à vérifier et fournissent des certificats de leurs résultats. Nous visons à la fois à améliorer l'efficacité des solveurs SMT et à accroître leur fiabilité. Notre première contribution est un cadre uniforme pour le raisonnement avec des formules quantifiées dans les solveurs SMT, dans lequel généralement diverses techniques d'instanciation sont utilisées. Nous montrons que les principales techniques d'instanciation peuvent être jetées dans ce cadre. Le cadre repose sur le problème de l'E-ground (dis)unification. Nous présentons une procédure de décision pour résoudre ce problème en pratique: Fermeture de congruence avec variables libres (CCFV}). Nous mesurons l'impact de CCFV dans les solveurs SMT veriT et CVC4. Nous montrons que nos implémentations présentent des améliorations par rapport aux approches à la fine pointe de la technologie. Notre deuxième contribution est un cadre pour le traitement des formules tout en produisant des preuves détaillées. Les principaux composants de notre cadre de production de preuve sont un algorithme de récurrence contextuelle générique et un ensemble extensible de règles d'inférence. Avec des structures de données appropriées, la génération des preuves ne crée que des frais généraux linéaires et les vérifications peuvent être vérifiées en temps linéaire. Nous avons également mis en œuvre l'approche en veriT. Cela nous a permis de simplifier considérablement la base du code tout en augmentant le nombre de problèmes pour lesquels des preuves détaillées peuvent être produites / In many formal methods applications it is common to rely on SMT solvers to automatically discharge conditions that need to be checked and provide certificates of their results. In this thesis we aim both to improve their efficiency of and to increase their reliability. Our first contribution is a uniform framework for reasoning with quantified formulas in SMT solvers, in which generally various instantiation techniques are employed. We show that the major instantiation techniques can be all cast in this unifying framework. Its basis is the problem of E-ground (dis)unification, a variation of the classic rigid E-unification problem. We introduce a decision procedure to solve this problem in practice: Congruence Closure with Free Variables (CCFV). We measure the impact of optimizations and instantiation techniques based on CCFV in the SMT solvers veriT and CVC4, showing that our implementations exhibit improvements over state-of-the-art approaches in several benchmark libraries stemming from real world applications. Our second contribution is a framework for processing formulas while producing detailed proofs. The main components of our proof producing framework are a generic contextual recursion algorithm and an extensible set of inference rules. With suitable data structures, proof generation creates only a linear-time overhead, and proofs can be checked in linear time. We also implemented the approach in veriT. This allowed us to dramatically simplify the code base while increasing the number of problems for which detailed proofs can be produced

Validation formelle des systèmes numériques critiques : génération de l'espace d'états de réseaux de Petri exécutés en synchrone / Formal validation of critical digital systems : generation of state space of Petri nets executed in synchronous

Merzoug, Ibrahim 15 January 2018 (has links)
La méthodologie HILECOP a été élaborée pour la conception formelle de systèmes numériques complexes critiques ; elle couvre donc l'intégralité du processus, allant de la modélisation à la génération de code pour l’implantation sur la cible matérielle (composant électronique de type FPGA), en passant par la validation formelle. Or, si le modèle formel, les réseaux de Petri en l'occurrence, est par essence asynchrone, il est néanmoins exécuté de manière synchrone sur la cible. De fait, les approches d'analyse usuelles ne sont pas adaptées au sens où elles construisent des graphes d'états non conformes à l'évolution d'états réelle au sein de la cible. Dans l'objectif de gagner en confiance quant à la validité des résultats de l’analyse formelle, ces travaux visent à capturer les caractéristiques dites non-fonctionnelles, à les réifier sur le modèle et enfin à considérer leur impact à travers l’analyse. En d’autres termes, l’objectif est d’améliorer l’expressivité du modèle et la pertinence de l'analyse, en considérant des aspects comme la synchronisation d'horloge, le parallélisme effectif, le risque de blocage induit par l'expression conjointe d'un événement (condition) et d'une fenêtre temporelle d'occurrence, sans omettre la gestion des exceptions. Pour traiter tous ces aspects, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode d'analyse pour les réseaux de Petri temporels généralisés étendus interprétés exécutés en synchrone, en les transformant vers un formalisme équivalent analysable. Ce formalisme est associé avec une sémantique formelle intégrant toutes les aspects particuliers de l'exécution et un algorithme de construction d'un graphe d'états spécifique : le Graphe de Comportement Synchrone. Nos travaux ont été appliqués à un cas industriel, plus précisément à la validation du comportement de la partie numérique d'un neuro-stimulateur. / The HILECOP methodology has been developed for the formal design of critical complex digital systems; it therefore covers the entire design process, ranging from modeling to code generation for implementation on the hardware target (FPGA type electronic component), via formal validation. However, if the formal model, the Petri nets in this case, is inherently asynchronous, it is nevertheless executed synchronously on the target. In fact, the usual analysis approaches are not adapted in the sense that they construct state graphs that do not conform to the real state evolution within the target. In order to gain confidence in the validity of the results of the formal analysis, this work aims to capture the so-called non-functional characteristics, to reify them on the model and finally to consider their impact through the analysis.In other words, the aim is to improve the expressiveness of the model and the relevance of the analysis, considering aspects such as clock synchronization, effective parallelism, the risk of blocking induced by the expression of an event (condition) and a time window of occurrence, without omitting the management of exceptions.To deal with all these aspects, we have proposed a new method of analysis for extended generalized synchronous executed time Petri nets, transforming them into an analysable equivalent formalism. This formalism is associated with a formal semantics integrating all the particular aspects of the execution and dédicated state space construction algorithm: the Synchronous Behavior Graph.Our work has been applied to an industrial case, more precisely to the validation of the behavior of the digital part of a neuro-stimulator.

Verification of behaviourist multi-agent systems by means of formally guided simulations / Verificação de sistemas multi-agentes comportamentalistas através de simulações formalmente guiadas

Silva, Paulo Salem da 28 November 2011 (has links)
Multi-agent systems (MASs) can be used to model phenomena that can be decomposed into several interacting agents which exist within an environment. In particular, they can be used to model human and animal societies, for the purpose of analysing their properties by computational means. This thesis is concerned with the automated analysis of a particular kind of such social models, namely, those based on behaviourist principles, which contrasts with the more dominant cognitive approaches found in the MAS literature. The hallmark of behaviourist theories is the emphasis on the definition of behaviour in terms of the interaction between agents and their environment. In this manner, not merely re exive actions, but also learning, drives, and emotions can be defined. More specifically, in this thesis we introduce a formal agent architecture (specified with the Z Notation) based on the Behaviour Analysis theory of B. F. Skinner, and provide a suitable formal notion of environment (based on the pi-calculus process algebra) to bring such agents together as an MAS. Simulation is often used to analyse MASs. The techniques involved typically consist in implementing and then simulating a MAS several times to either collect statistics or see what happens through animation. However, simulations can be used in a more verification-oriented manner if one considers that they are actually explorations of large state-spaces. In this thesis we propose a novel verification technique based on this insight, which consists in simulating a MAS in a guided way in order to check whether some hypothesis about it holds or not. To this end, we leverage the prominent position that environments have in the MASs of this thesis: the formal specification of the environment of a MAS serves to compute the possible evolutions of the MAS as a transition system, thereby establishing the state-space to be investigated. In this computation, agents are taken into account by being simulated in order to determine, at each environmental state, what their actions are. Each simulation execution is a sequence of states in this state-space, which is computed on-the-fly, as the simulation progresses. The hypothesis to be investigated, in turn, is given as another transition system, called a simulation purpose, which defines the desirable and undesirable simulations (e.g., \"every time the agent does X, it will do Y later\"). It is then possible to check whether the MAS satisfies the simulation purpose according to a number of precisely defined notions of satisfiability. Algorithmically, this corresponds to building a synchronous product of these two transitions systems (i.e., the MAS\'s and the simulation purpose) on-the-fly and using it to operate a simulator. That is to say, the simulation purpose is used to guide the simulator, so that only the relevant states are actually simulated. By the end of such an algorithm, it delivers either a conclusive or an inconclusive verdict. If conclusive, it becomes known whether the MAS satisfies the simulation purpose with respect to the observations made during simulations. If inconclusive, it is possible to perform some adjustments and try again. In summary, then, in this thesis we provide four novel elements: (i) an agent architecture; (ii) a formal specification of the environment of these agents, so that they can be composed into an MAS; (iii) a structure to describe the property of interest, which we named simulation purpose; and (iv) a technique to formally analyse the resulting MAS with respect to a simulation purpose. These elements are implemented in a tool, called Formally Guided Simulator (FGS). Case studies executable in FGS are provided to illustrate the approach. / Sistemas multi-agentes (SMAs) podem ser usados para modelar fenômenos que podem ser decompostos em diversos agentes que interagem entre si dentro de um ambiente. Em particular, eles podem ser usados para modelar sociedades humanas e animais, com a finalidade de se analisar as suas propriedades computacionalmente. Esta tese trata da análise automatizada de um tipo particular de tais modelos sociais, a saber, aqueles baseados em princípios behavioristas, o que contrasta com as abordagens cognitivas mais dominante na literatura de SMAs. A principal característica das teorias behaviorista é a ênfase na descrição do comportamento em termos da interação entre agentes e seu ambiente. Desta forma, não apenas ações refl exivas, mas também de aprendizado, motivações, e as emoções podem ser definidas. Mais especificamente, nesta tese apresentamos uma arquitetura de agentes formal (especificada através da Notação Z) baseada na teoria da Análise do Comportamento de B. F. Skinner, e fornecemos uma noção adequada e formal de ambiente (com base na álgebra de processos pi-calculus) para colocar tais agentes juntos em um SMA. Simulações são freqüentemente utilizadas para se analisar SMAs. As técnicas envolvidas tipicamente consistem em simular um SMA diversas vezes, seja para coletar estatísticas, seja para observar o que acontece através de animações. Contudo, simulações podem ser usadas de forma a pertmitir a realização de verificações automatizadas do SMA caso sejam entendidas como explorações de grandes espaços-de-estados. Nesta tese propomos uma técnica de verificação baseada nessa observação, que consiste em simular um SMA de uma forma guiada, a fim de se determinar se uma dada hipótese sobre ele é verdadeira ou não. Para tal fim, tiramos proveito da importância que os ambientes têm nesta tese: a especificação formal do ambiente de um SMA serve para calcular as evoluções possíveis do SMA como um sistema de transição, estabelecendo assim o espaço-de-estados a ser investigado. Neste cálculo, os agentes são levados em conta simulando-os, a fim de determinar, em cada estado do ambiente, quais são suas ações. Cada execução da simulação é uma seqüência de estados nesse espaço-de-estados, que é calculado em tempo de execução, conforme a simulação progride. A hipótese a ser investigada, por sua vez, é dada como um outro sistema de transição, chamado propósito de simulação, o qual define as simulações desejáveis e indesejáveis (e.g., \"sempre que o agente fizer X, ele fará Y depois\"). Em seguida, é possível verificar se o SMA satisfaz o propósito de simulação de acordo com uma série de relações de satisfatibilidade precisamente definidas. Algoritmicamente, isso corresponde a construir um produto síncrono desses dois sistemas de transições (i.e., o do SMA e o do propósito de simulação) em tempo de execução e usá-lo para operar um simulador. Ou seja, o propósito de simulação é usado para guiar o simulador, de modo que somente os estados relevantes sejam efetivamente simulados. Ao terminar, um tal algoritmo pode fornecer um veredito conclusivo ou inconclusivo. Se conclusivo, descobre-se se o SMA satisfaz ou não o propósito de simulação com relação às observações feitas durante as simulações. Se inconclusivo, é possível realizar alguns ajustes e tentar novamente. em resumo, portanto, nesta tese propomos quatro novos elementos: (i) uma arquitetura de agente, (ii) uma especificação formal do ambiente desses agentes, de modo que possam ser compostos em um SMA, (iii) uma estrutura para descrever a propriedade de interesse, a qual chamamos de propósito de simulação, e (iv) uma técnica para se analisar formalmente o SMA resultante com relação a um propósito de simulação. Esses elementos estão implementados em uma ferramenta, denominada Simulador Formalmente Guiado (FGS, do inglês Formally Guided Simulator). Estudos de caso executáveis no FGS são fornecidos para ilustrar a abordagem.

Langages modernes pour la modélisation et la vérification des systèmes asynchrones / Modern languages for modeling and verifying asynchronous systems

Thivolle, Damien 29 April 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe à l'intersection de deux domaines-clés : l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM) et les méthodes formelles, avec différents champs d'application. Elle porte sur la vérification formelle d'applications parallèles modélisées selon l'approche IDM. Dans cette approche, les modèles tiennent un rôle central et permettent de développer une application par transformations successives (automatisées ou non) entre modèles intermédiaires à différents niveaux d'abstraction, jusqu'à la production de code exécutable. Lorsque les modèles ont une sémantique formelle, il est possible d'effectuer une vérification automatisée ou semi-automatisée de l'application. Ces principes sont mis en oeuvre dans TOPCASED, un environnement de développement d'applications critiques embarquées basé sur ECLIPSE, qui permet la vérification formelle par connexion à des boîtes à outils existantes. Cette thèse met en oeuvre l'approche TOPCASED en s'appuyant sur la boîte à outils CADP pour la vérification et sur son plus récent formalisme d'entrée : LOTOS NT. Elle aborde la vérification formelle d'applications IDM à travers deux problèmes concrets : 1) Pour les systèmes GALS (Globalement Asynchrone Localement Synchrone), une méthode de vérification générique par transformation en LOTOS NT est proposée, puis illustrée sur une étude de cas industrielle fournie par AIRBUS : un protocole pour les communications entre un avion et le sol décrit dans le langage synchrone SAM conçu par AIRBUS. 2) Pour les services Web décrits à l'aide de la norme BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), une méthode de vérification est proposée, qui est basée sur une transformation en LOTOS NT des modèles BPEL, en prenant en compte les sous-langages XML Schema, XPath et WSDL sur lesquels repose la norme BPEL. / The work in this thesis is at the intersection of two major research domains~: Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and formal methods, and has various fields of application. This thesis deals with the formal verification of parallel applications modelled by the MDE approach. In this approach, models play a central role and enable to develop an application through successive transformations (automated or not) between intermediate models of differing levels of abstraction, until executable code is produced. When models have a formal semantics, the application can be verified, either automatically or semi-automatically. These principles are used in TOPCASED, an ECLIPSE-based development environment for critical embedded applications, which enables formal verification by interconnecting existing tools. This thesis implements the TOPCASED approach by relying on the CADP toolbox for verifying systems, and on its most recent input formalism : LOTOS NT. This thesis tackles the formal verification of MDE applications through two real problems : 1) For GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous), a generic verification method, based on a transformation to LOTOS NT, is proposed and illustrated by an industrial case-study provided by AIRBUS : a communication protocol between the airplane and the ground described in the synchronous langage SAM designed at AIRBUS. 2) For Web services specified with the BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) norm, a verification method is proposed. It is based on a BPEL to LOTOS NT transformation which takes into account XML Schema, Xpath, and WSDL, the languages on which the BPEL norm is built.

Specification and verification of security policies for smart cards

Schwan, Matthias 23 May 2008 (has links)
Chipkarten sind ein fester Bestandteil unseres täglichen Lebens, das immer stärker von der Zuverlässigkeit derartiger Sicherheitssysteme abhängt, zum Beispiel Bezahlkarten, elektronische Gesundheitskarten oder Ausweisdokumente. Eine Sicherheitspolitik beschreibt die wichtigsten Sicherheitsziele und Sicherheitsfunktionen eines Systems und bildet die Grundlage für dessen zuverlässige Entwicklung. In der Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf multi-applikative Chipkartenbetriebssysteme und betrachten neue zusätzliche Sicherheitsziele, die dem Schutz der Kartenanwendungen dienen. Da die Qualität des Betriebssystems von der umgesetzten Sicherheitspolitik abhängt, ist deren Korrektheit von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit einer Formalisierung können Zweideutigkeiten in der Interpretation ausgeschlossen und formale Beweistechniken angewendet werden. Bisherige formale Verifikationen von Sicherheitspolitiken beinhalten im allgemeinen den Nachweis von Safety-Eigenschaften. Wir verlangen zusätzlich die Betrachtung von Security-Eigenschaften, wobei aus heutiger Sicht beide Arten von Eigenschaften stets getrennt in unterschiedlichen Formalismen verifiziert werden. Die Arbeit stellt eine gemeinsame Spezifikations- und Verifikationsmethodik mit Hilfe von Observer-Modellen vor, die sowohl den Nachweis von Safety-Eigenschaften in einem TLA-Modell als auch den Nachweis von Security-Eigenschaften kryptografischer Protokolle in einem induktiven Modell erlaubt. Da wir alle Spezifikationen und Verifikationen im Werkzeug VSE-II durchführen, bietet das formale Modell der Sicherheitspolitik nicht nur einen abstrakten Blick auf das System, sondern dient gleichzeitig als abstrakte Systemspezifikation, die es in weiteren Entwicklungsschritten in VSE-II zu verfeinern gilt. Die vorgestellte Methodik der Integration beider Systemmodelle in VSE-II führt somit zu einer erhöhten und nachweisbaren Qualität von Sicherheitspolitiken und von Sicherheitssystemen. / Security systems that use smart cards are nowadays an important part of our daily life, which becomes increasingly dependent on the reliability of such systems, for example cash cards, electronic health cards or identification documents. Since a security policy states both the main security objectives and the security functions of a certain security system, it is the basis for the reliable system development. This work focuses on multi-applicative smart card operating systems and addresses new security objectives regarding the applications running on the card. As the quality of the operating system is determined by the underlying security policy, its correctness is of crucial importance. A formalization of it first provides an unambiguous interpretation and second allows for the analysis with mathematical precision. The formal verification of a security policy generally requires the verification of so-called safety properties; but in the proposed security policy we are additionally confronting security properties. At present, safety and security properties of formal system models are verified separately using different formalisms. In this work we first formalize a security policy in a TLA system specification to analyze safety properties and then separately verify security properties using an inductive model of cryptographic protocols. We provide a framework for combining both models with the help of an observer methodology. Since all specifications and proofs are performed with the tool VSE-II, the verified formal model of the security policy is not just an abstract view on the security system but becomes its high level specification, which shall be refined in further development steps also to be performed with the tool. Hence, the integration of the two approaches within the tool VSE-II leads to a new quality level of security policies and ultimately of the development of security systems.

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