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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pescadores em processo de alfabetiza??o no PROEJA FIC: representa??es sociais das transforma??es na vida e no trabalho a partir do contato com a educa??o formal / Fishermen in Literacy process in PROEJA FIC Fishing: Social Representations of Transformations in the Life and Work from the contact to the Formal School

JESUS, Kl?berson Pierre Cardoso de 23 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-10-23T18:16:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Kleberson Pierre Cardoso de Jesus.pdf: 3751156 bytes, checksum: 0c424f9d847fa286d1ed6d5c84dbf1b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-23T18:16:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Kleberson Pierre Cardoso de Jesus.pdf: 3751156 bytes, checksum: 0c424f9d847fa286d1ed6d5c84dbf1b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-23 / This study here presented was accomplished with the fishermen involved in PROEJA FIC in IFMT Caceres campus, in order to raise the social representations of transformations arising from schooling. As subjects respondents were 63 students who participated in the survey in January 2013.This study aimed to identify and analyze social representations of two different moments of life of those subjects, using two instigating issues for this verification: What were the difficulties in life and work before entering the PROEJA FIC Fishing? What were the changes found in life and work after entering PROEJA FIC Fishing? It was used the technique of ALP as instruments of collecting data and thus the subjects evoked five words that were hierarchical and categorized for processing in software EVOC. It can thereby gather the corpus of social thought of the fishermen students. It was also presented the route of professional education and education of young people and adults in Brazil, registering the historic brands of exclusion of those workers in the educational process. Thus, shone through the worth and the importance of PROEJA FIC as historic achievement of the working class. For analysis, was elected as a theoretical foundation the Theory of Social Representations, by Serge Moscovici, having as a complement to the Central Nucleus Theory by Jean-Claude Abric, by the extraction capacity of the consensus of social thought. In the first question, it was ascertained the representation of the students difficulties due to the lack of the education, and from this is possible to find the appearing of the categories Qualification and Citizenship with attributes reading, work, learn and study. The appearing of these elements, in difficulties, leads to the understanding that these issues are absent and necessary in subject's lives. Living in a society where the work an essential element, it can not be admitted that the conditions for access to this right are curtailed the weakest layers, since these prerogatives are constitutional guarantees. There for, it can be observed that the difficulties presented are obstacles for the processing of the subjects' qualification, and this prevented them from the practical exercise of their citizenship. In other words, the lack of education, denied right, prevented the qualification and this is what allows improvement of work. On the other hand, the implantation of PROEJA FIC remounts the reparation of a debt and modifies the life of the subjects. In regard to the changes, it can be verified the appearing of learning, reading and writing, as elements of the central nucleus, synthesized in the categories Qualification and Autonomy. This result of evocations indicates that the PROEJA FIC contemplated the needs of qualification and autonomy of the fishermen. And so characterizes the verifiable transformations in the evocations and statements: changes in the relation of the subject with the nature, the conquest of traits of autonomy and independence, the access of new knowledge and the emergence of school as space of interaction that improves the interpersonal relationships. This all confirms the importance of PROEJA FIC as a tool for inclusion, and the research contributes to reclaim the perennial of supply and the consolidation of the program to serve as a public policy for the layers and vulnerable communities. / Apresenta-se o estudo realizado com os pescadores part?cipes do PROEJA FIC, no IFMT Campus C?ceres, com o intuito de levantar as representa??es sociais das transforma??es decorrentes da escolariza??o. Totalizam-se como sujeitos respondentes: 63 estudantes, que participaram da pesquisa no m?s de janeiro de 2013. Objetivou-se identificar e analisar as representa??es sociais de dois momentos distintos da vida dos sujeitos, utilizando duas quest?es instigadoras para essa verifica??o: Quais as dificuldades na vida e no trabalho antes do ingresso no PROEJA FIC Pesca? E quais as mudan?as encontradas na vida e no trabalho ap?s o ingresso no PROEJA FIC Pesca?Utilizou-se a t?cnica de ALP como instrumento de coleta, e assim os sujeitos evocaram cinco palavras que foram hierarquizadas e categorizadas para processamento no software EVOC. Assim, p?de-se reunir o corpus do pensamento social dos estudantes pescadores. Apresentou-se ainda o percurso da educa??o profissional e da educa??o de jovens e adultos no Brasil, registrando as marcas hist?ricas da exclus?o dos trabalhadores do processo educacional. Com isso, destacou-se o valor e a import?ncia do PROEJA FIC como conquista hist?rica da classe trabalhadora. Para a an?lise, elegeu-se como fundamento te?rico a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais, de Serge Moscovici, tendo como complemento a Teoria do N?cleo Central de Jean-Claude Abric, pela capacidade de extra??o do consenso do pensamento social. No primeiro questionamento verificou-se a representa??o das dificuldades dos estudantes pela falta de escolaridade, e a partir disso foi poss?vel encontrar o comparecimento das categorias Qualifica??o e Cidadania com os atributos leitura, trabalho, aprender e estudar. O comparecimento desses elementos, nas dificuldades, nos conduzem ao entendimento de que essas quest?es s?o qualidades ausentes e necess?rias na vida dos sujeitos. Se se vive em uma sociedade em que o trabalho ? um elemento fundante, n?o se pode admitir que as condi??es para o acesso a esse direito sejam cerceadas das camadas mais fragilizadas, j? que essas prerrogativas constituem-se garantias constitucionais. Assim, observa-se que as dificuldades apresentadas obstaculizavam o processo de qualifica??o dos sujeitos, e isso lhes impedia o exerc?cio pr?tico de sua cidadania. Ou seja, a falta de escolaridade, direito negado, impedia a qualifica??o e esta ? que possibilita o aperfei?oamento do trabalho. De outro lado, implanta??o do PROEJA FIC remonta a repara??o de uma d?vida e modifica a vida desses sujeitos. No tangente ?s mudan?as, verifica-se o comparecimento dos atributos aprender, leitura e escrever, como elementos do n?cleo central, sintetizados nas categorias Qualifica??o e Autonomia. Esse resultado das evoca??es indica que o PROEJA FIC contemplou as necessidades de qualifica??o e autonomia dos pescadores. E, assim, caracterizam-se as transforma??es verific?veis nas evoca??es e nos depoimentos: mudan?as na rela??o dos sujeitos com a natureza, a conquista de tra?os de autonomia e independ?ncia, o acesso a novos conhecimentos e o surgimento da escola como espa?o de intera??o que melhora as rela??es interpessoais. Isso tudo ratifica a import?ncia do PROEJA FIC como instrumento de inclus?o, e a pesquisa contribui para reivindicar a perenidade da oferta e a consolida??o do programa como pol?tica p?blica para atendimento das camadas vulner?veis e de comunidades tradicionais.

A aproxima??o entre educa??o escolar e trabalho: a experi?ncia da Casa do Menor Trabalhador

Pinto, ?rica Nazar? Arrais 16 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EricaNAP_DISSERT.pdf: 2915013 bytes, checksum: 839df88f5c925552ccb6d8a8653eb917 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-16 / It aims to consider the possible relationship between formal school education and work, from the experience of the State School House of the Minor Worker CMT of Natal-RN in this first decade of the 21st century. In this institution, children and adolescents are enrolled in the Fundamental Teaching sponsored by the State Public System studying the regular curriculum contents defined for this level of teaching, and in the opposite shift they take part in career workshops which are kept by members of a religious congregation. CMT has had as its object, since its foundation, to take children and adolescents from the streets and to provide them with a full time education associating basic education and training/qualification for the job market. In our research, we tried to learn a little bit of the expectations, concerns and knowledge of the young participants of two workshops: carpentry and bakery, so that we could gain sufficient understanding of the learning process of these youths, while still keeping an approximation with the reality of the aforementioned subjects. It was possible for us to conduct a description of the contexts and of characteristics of the subjects which make up CMT, capturing concrete aspects and aspects of the thoughts of students, teachers, instructors and coordinators. The main point of our research was: how does the approximation between formal school education and work take place in the House of the Minor Worker? To search for possible answers we have made use of basic techniques for the data construction - questionnaire, observation, conversation groups, assessment drills which allowed an approximation and a good dialogue with the participants. We also discussed the job world in the context of the capitalist exploration, from the contributions of M?sz?ros (2005), Frigotto (1989); (1993); (1999); (2002); Ferretti (1994); (2004); Kuenzer (1989); (1997), in order to understand the skills demanded of the worker and the necessity of an education which allows the professional qualification of youths eager to enter the job market, through the first job. In this perspective, the study that we have systematized here aims to show the relevance of an education which manages to take a firm and conscientious stand in connection with the hegemonic capitalist project and to provide for a humane, ethical, responsible, critical and civic background / Procura refletir acerca da rela??o poss?vel entre educa??o escolar e trabalho a partir da experi?ncia da Escola Estadual Casa do Menor Trabalhador - CMT de Natal/RN nessa primeira d?cada do s?culo XXI. Nesta institui??o as crian?as e adolescentes est?o matriculados no Ensino Fundamental mantido pelo sistema p?blico estadual estudando os conte?dos curriculares regulares previstos para este n?vel de ensino, e no turno oposto participam de oficinas profissionalizantes que s?o mantidas por iniciativa de membros de uma congrega??o religiosa e doa??es. A CMT teve por objetivo desde sua funda??o retirar crian?as e adolescentes das ruas e proporcionar a estes uma educa??o em tempo integral associando educa??o b?sica e forma??o/qualifica??o para o mundo do trabalho. Em nossa pesquisa procuramos conhecer um pouco das expectativas, preocupa??es e saberes dos jovens participantes de duas oficinas: marcenaria e panifica??o, para que assim tiv?ssemos subs?dios necess?rios ? compreens?o do processo formativo destes jovens, e ainda, manter uma aproxima??o com a realidade dos referidos sujeitos. Tornou-se poss?vel para n?s realizarmos uma descri??o dos contextos e de caracter?sticas dos sujeitos que comp?em a CMT, apreendendo aspectos concretos e dos pensamentos do alunado, professores, instrutores e coordenadores. A quest?o central de nossa pesquisa foi: como se processa na Casa do Menor Trabalhador a aproxima??o entre educa??o escolar e trabalho? Para buscarmos poss?veis respostas utilizamos t?cnicas b?sicas para a constru??o dos dados question?rio, observa??o, roda de conversa, exerc?cios avaliativos - que permitiram uma aproxima??o e bom di?logo com os sujeitos participantes. E ainda, discutimos o mundo do trabalho no contexto de explora??o capitalista a partir das contribui??es de M?sz?ros (2005), Frigotto (1989); (1993); (1999); (2002), Ferretti (1994); (2004), Kuenzer (1989); (1997), de modo a compreender as habilidades requeridas do trabalhador e a necessidade de uma educa??o que propicie a qualifica??o profissional de jovens em busca por inser??o no mundo do trabalho atrav?s do primeiro emprego. Nessa perspectiva, o estudo que aqui sistematizamos, objetiva mostrar a import?ncia de uma educa??o que procure se posicionar reflexivamente em rela??o ao projeto capitalista hegem?nico e viabilize uma forma??o humana, ?tica, respons?vel, cr?tica e cidad?

Recepce ruského formalismu v ukrajinské kultuře v meziválečném období (1921-1939) / Reception of Russian formalism in the Ukrainian culture in the interwar period (1921-1939)

Babak, Galyna January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the specific aspects of the reception of Russian formalism and the development of the Formal method in Soviet Ukrainian culture in the 1920s - the beginning of 1930s. Russian formalism in the process of reception becomes an important tool for the "modernization" of national culture and, as a result, an instrument for a new phase in the construction of national cultural identity. On that basis, the cultural-historical and ideological context of the development of Ukrainian literary criticism, criticism and (partially) literature of the late 19th - first decades of the 20th century is consistently reconstructed in eight chapters of the work. The first chapter highlights theoretical aspects of the study, reviews critical literature, reconstructs the history of reception of Russian formalism in Russian and Western criticism and the history of literature. The second chapter addresses the historical and theoretical premises of the reception of Formal theory in Ukrainian culture. The next chapter discusses historical and political context of the development of literature and literary criticism in 1917-1920 using the example of multinational post-revolutionary Kiev; a brief review of the theoretical and historical works of the 1920s also appears here. A special focus is put on the...

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