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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ニホンザルの洞窟利用と化石化過程 (予案)

Senokuchi, Yoshitaka, Abe, Yuji, Kashiwagi, Kenji, 瀬之口, 祥孝, 阿部, 勇治, 柏木, 健司 03 1900 (has links)

Sedimentological and ichnological characteristics of Dur At Tallah siliciclastic rock sequence, and their significance in the depositional environment interpretation of tidal-fluvial system (Upper Eocene, Sirt Basin, Libya)

Abouessa, Ashour 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dur At Talah sedimentary sequence, located at the southern side of the Sirt Basin in central Libya, is composed of 150 m thick of mainly siliciclastic rocks. The importance of this sequence is linked to the importance of the Sirt Basin as one of large hydrocarbon reservoirs in Libya. The sequence is also an excellent site for vertebrate fossils of Late Eocene, the age of the sequence. Previous studies, though very limited compared to the importance of this area, are focused on its paleontological content. Sedimentology received only scant attention before this project. This thesis is an outcrop based study in which the focus is given to the sedimentary and biogenic (trace fossils) structures, aiming at defining and interpreting depositional facies which building up the sequence. The study is mainly based on field data which are analyzed on the light of related published literature and on the comparison with modern sedimentary environments. Results of facies analysis have led to splitting the entire sequence into three genetically related intervals. The oldest, we called the New Idam Unit (around 80m), is composed of very fine sandstones to mudstones. New Idam Unit is unconformably overlain by the Sarir Unit (around 50m), composed of medium grained cross bedded sandstones (the lower 25-30 m) changes up to very coarse and microconglomeratic sandstone (the upper 20-30 m). Thus, the Sarir Unit is split into the lower Sarir Subunit and upper Sarir subunit. The New Idam Unit presents both classical and unusual sedimentary and biogenic indicators that attribute this unit to estuarine depositional environment. It starts with outer estuarine (the lower 35 m) and ends up with inner estuarine (the upper 45 m). Maximum flooding surface is located in between. Above this surface the fluvial indicators increase and tidal indicators decrease, thus providing clue for basinward (North) migration of the shoreline. The lower Sarir subunit which was previously interpreted as fluvial deposits, preserves multi-scale sedimentary structures that undoubtedly belong to tidal processes. This is especially evidenced at the lower part of the lower Sarir Subunit (LLS). Fluvial indications over dominates the tidal ones in the upper part of the lower Sarir (ULS). Due to this configuration the whole lower Sarir subunit is interpreted as shallow marine, deltaic, depositional system, occurred during sea level ¨normal¨ regression. This time, maximum flooding surface is located between the LLS and ULS. The lower Sarir subunit is terminated by subaerial unconformity, with evidences of subaerial exposure preserved at the top of the ULS. These are intruded by the upper Sarir subunit which presents clear evidences of strictly fluvial environment of deposition. The deposits of the upper Sarir subunit record the low stand system tract part of the Dur At Talah sequence. In addition to the outlined results, the sequential pattern of the depositional events is suggested for the entire sequence of Dur At Talah. This study provides a valuable information regarding the depositional and sequential aspects of the Sirt Basin during the late Eocene, it also provide an unique case study for the better understanding of the shallow marine tidal deposits.


Debus, Carolina dos Santos 01 July 2008 (has links)
This research was developed through the Research Line in Education and Arts of the Education Post-Graduation Program, in the Education Center at the Federal University of Santa Maria/RS/Brazil. This research investigated the non-formal education practice through the regional historical patrimony. This patrimony was located into a paleontological area called Chácara das Flores, in Santa Maria/RS, and the research used as basis the petrified tree fossils in the development of creative processes. These creative processes intended to create an alternative space where education and fashion design interacted and socially contributed to preservation and valorization of historical and practical-educative patrimony in design. The review of theoretical ideas was based on non-formal education theories (Freire 1981, 1983, 1992, 1993, 1996; Gadotti 1991, 1997, 2000, 2001; Gohn 1999, 2004), emphasizing the social inclusion, income generation and performance places. It also used the theories of Malfatti and Agostini (2006), Sommer and Scherer (1999), that are related to petrified tree fossils, Environmental Protection Laws and possible cultural, scientific and social contributions. In the same way, this research was based on the ideas of the following authors: Munari (1987, 1990), Redig (1983), Löbach (2001), Lipovetsky (2006) the concepts, visual languages, creative processes and applications. The research methodology was organized from qualitative approach and outlined through a case study with the collaborators of the research, women that live at Chácara das Flores District, in Santa Maria/RS/BRAZIL. This investigative process involved the comprehension and description of the context where they live, as well as the collective arrangement of the knowledge-making of fashion design, creating their engagement with possible changes in a shared and cooperative action. The instrumental used to collect data was composed by documental analysis, semistructured interviews, social-anthropological interviews, real observations, diary notes and portfolio. Through these qualitative-interpretative analysis it was intended to show that these acquirements can improve the society with the return of new possibilities of income generation, consciousness and patrimony preservation, reflecting the new view of fashion design built by the research collaborators in the constitution of their cultural identities. / Este estudo foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa em Educação e Artes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, do Centro de Educação, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria /RS. A presente pesquisa buscou investigar a prática educativa não-formal através do patrimônio histórico regional, situado no sítio paleontológico Chácara das Flores em Santa Maria (RS), tendo como referência os fósseis de árvores petrificadas no desenvolvimento de processos criativos, buscando-se um espaço alternativo onde educação e design de moda interajam e contribuam socialmente na preservação e valorização do patrimônio histórico e prático educativo em design. No referencial teórico pesquisado buscaram-se pressupostos referentes à educação não-formal, Freire (1981, 1983, 1992, 1993, 1996), Gadotti (1991, 1997, 2000, 2001), Gohn (1999, 2004) destacando-se os espaços de atuação, inclusão social e geração de renda. Também os fósseis de árvores petrificadas, Malfatti e Agostini (2006), Sommer e Scherer (1999), leis de proteção ambiental e possíveis contribuições sociais, científicas e culturais. Do mesmo modo, o design com base teórica em Munari (1987, 1990), Redig (1983), Löbach (2001), Lipovetsky (2006), subsidiada nos conceitos, linguagens visuais, aplicações e processos criativos. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi a abordagem qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso, onde se buscou a participação das colaboradoras da pesquisa, mulheres moradoras do Bairro Chácara das Flores, localizado em Santa Maria (RS), num processo investigativo envolvendo instrumentos pertinentes a compreensão e descrição do contexto em que vivem, assim como a organização coletiva do saber/fazer do design de moda, gerando um compromisso das mesmas com possíveis mudanças numa ação compartilhada e cooperativa, como também visando os processos criativos produzidos. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram a análise documental, entrevista semi-estruturada, entrevista sócio-antropológica, observação participante, diário de campo e portfólio. Por meio de análises qualitativas interpretativas pretendeu-se que estes saberes além de beneficiarem a sociedade através dos conhecimentos construídos retornassem à mesma em forma de novas possibilidades na geração de renda, conscientização e preservação patrimonial, refletindo num novo olhar no design de moda construído pelas colaboradoras da pesquisa na constituição de suas identidades culturais.

Caracterização litoestratigráfica e paleontológica do Membro Boacica da Formação Batinga, Neocarbonífero da bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas

Farias, Ricardo Monteiro 22 February 2013 (has links)
The Boacica Member of the Batinga Formation, in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin, occurs on the high structural Japoatã (SE), Penedo and Palmeira Alta (AL), characterized by rhythmic intercalation of laminated siltstones, shales and very fine sandstones, assigned to a system depositional deltaics fronts and prodeltas. Despite very poor fossiliferous content, some analyzes recovered palynomorphs characteristic from the Eo Mesopennsylvanian (Neocarboniferous), and some levels are locally abundant ichnofossils. Ichnological associations are poorly diversified, represented by traces of rest or locomotion. The discovery of trace fossils associated with the emergence of new outcrops, allowed the new studies lithostratigraphic and paleontological detailed in this unit. This study had to perform the characterization lithostratigraphic and paleontological in two outcrops of this unit, Batinga 5 and Pescocinho 3. The sections are characterized by rhythmic intercalations of shales, siltstones laminated and massives of whitish gray color, with very fine sandstones cream colored, sometimes showing cyclical patterns of coarsening upward prays fining upward reflecting changes in the depositional process. The sandstones generally show structures climbing-ripples. According to the stratigraphic succession raised in these outcrops, eight sedimentary facies were observed, confirming that the deposits of facies suggest prodelta, delta front, turbidite lobes, lake bottom, fluvial, crevasses and the debris englaciais. The ichnofossils were observed along some facies and analyzed in different lithologies (shales, siltstones and sandstones) but are not as abundant in Batinga 5. The ichnofossils presented themselves as bioturbation structures, featuring brands resting, locomotion and pasture. Traces are reduced sizes and present as bilobates thrails, straight or curved, oval, in a "coffee beans" form and other tracks irregular with random crossing. The traces were classified as belonging to the ichnospecie Isopodichnus problematica Schindewolf, 1921 and ichnogenus Rusophycus Hall, 1852, Helminthoidichnites Fitch, 1850, Aulichnites Fenton & Fenton, 1937, are more common in siltstones and shales. The ichnospecie Paganzichnus carboniferus Pazos, 2000 together with ichnogenus Gordia Emmons, 1844 and Scoyenia White, 1929, are more common in sandy prodeltaic facies, although also found in siltstones-shale facies. Probably these traces were generated by activities of the arthropods, branchiopods crustaceans and organisms nematomorph. It was also verified that one morphotype was named as Morphotype A . This morphotype displays small short lines with elongated shapes, with a straight path to curve slightly, with differents directions and is preserved in convex hyporelief or concave epirelief both being frequent in muddy facies prodeltaics as in sandy facies of deltaic front. The association of the traces studied here features a subaqueous environment, muddy, shallow and relatively calm may represent the ichnofacies Mermia (lake) and Scoyenia (transitional). / O Membro Boacica da Formação Batinga, da bacia de Sergipe-Alagoas, ocorre entre os altos estruturais de Japoatã (SE), Penedo e Palmeira Alta (AL), sendo caracterizado pela intercalação rítmica de siltitos laminados, folhelhos e arenitos muito finos, atribuídos a um sistema deposicional de frentes deltaicas e prodeltas. Apesar do conteúdo fossilífero ser muito pobre, algumas análises recuperaram palinomorfos característicos do Eo a Mesopensilvaniano (Neocarbonífero), e alguns níveis são localmente abundantes em icnofósseis. As associações icnológicas são pouco diversificadas, representadas por icnitos de repouso ou locomoção. A descoberta de icnofósseis, associada ao surgimento de novos afloramentos, favoreceu a realização de novos estudos litoestratigráficos e paleontológicos mais detalhados nesta unidade. Esse estudo teve como principal objetivo realizar a caracterização litoestratigráfica e paleontológica em dois afloramentos desta unidade, Batinga 5 e Pescocinho 3. As seções caracterizam-se por intercalações rítmicas de folhelhos, siltitos laminados e maciços de coloração cinza esbranquiçada, com arenitos muito finos de coloração creme, exibindo padrões cíclicos ora de coarsening upward ora de fining upward refletindo mudanças no processo deposicional. Os arenitos de maneira geral apresentam estruturas de climbing-ripples. De acordo com sucessões estratigráficas levantadas nestes afloramentos, oito fácies sedimentares foram observadas, constatando-se que os depósitos sugerem fácies de prodelta, frente deltaica, lobos turbidíticos, fundo de lago, crevasses, fluviais e detritos englaciais. Os icnofósseis foram observados ao longo de algumas fácies analisadas e em diferentes litotipos (folhelhos, siltitos e arenitos), porém não são tão abundantes em Batinga 5. Os icnofósseis apresentaram-se como estruturas de bioturbação, caracterizando icnitos de repouso, locomoção e pastagem. As pistas são de tamanhos reduzidos apresentando-se como pistas bilobadas, retas ou curvas, ovaladas, impressões em forma de grãos de café e outras pistas irregulares com cruzamentos aleatórios. Os traços que foram classificados como pertencentes à icnoespécie Isopodichnus problematicus Schindewolf, 1921 e aos icnogêneros Rusophycus Hall, 1852, Helminthoidichnites Fitch, 1850 e Aulichnites Fenton & Fenton, 1937 são mais frequentes nos siltitos e folhelhos. A icnoespécie Paganzichnus carboniferus Pazos, 2000 juntamente com os icnogêneros Gordia Emmons, 1844 e Scoyenia White, 1929 são mais frequentes nas fácies arenosas do prodelta, embora também sejam encontrados em fácies sílticosargilosas. Provavelmente, esses traços foram gerados por atividades de artrópodes, crustáceos branquiópodos e organismos nematomorfos. Também foi verificado um morfotipo não identificado nomeado Morfotipo A que exibe pequenos traços curtos com formas alongadas, com uma trajetória reta a pouco curva, com direções variadas e estão preservados em hiporrelevo convexo ou epirrelevo côncavo estando frequentes tanto em fácies lamosas prodeltaicas quanto em fácies arenosas da frente deltaica. A associação dos traços aqui estudados caracteriza um ambiente subaquoso, lamoso, relativamente calmo e raso podendo representar as icnofácies Mermia (lacustre) e Scoyenia (transicional).

CaracterizaÃÃo dos lenÃÃis maranhenses e dunas inativas (fÃsseis): implicaÃÃes paleoambientais / Characterization of MaranhÃo and sand dune sheets (fossil): paleoenvironmental implications

Francisco Gleidson da Costa GastÃo 23 June 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / MudanÃas climÃticas na escala de tempo de sÃculos ou dÃcadas podem produzir variaÃÃes ecolÃgicas significativas, alterando os cenÃrios naturais do globo terrestre, assim como, comprometer o bem estar do homem e de outros seres vivos no planeta, por isso, torna -se importante estudar as evoluÃÃes climÃticas durante o perÃodo QuaternÃrio, pois se conhecido as alteraÃÃes do clima no passado recente pode-se, com mais seguranÃa, determinar as condiÃÃes futuras. Os campos de dunas eÃlicas inativas, com extensÃes regionais, tÃm sido considerados como indicadores geomorfolÃgicos e sedimentolÃgicos de mudanÃas paleoclimÃticas durante o QuaternÃrio. A zona costeira do estado do MaranhÃo à dona de um dos maiores registros eÃlicos da costa brasileira. Nela estÃo inseridos os corpos dunares mÃveis (LenÃÃis Maranhenses) e dunas inativas (fÃsseis) adjacentes, cuja Ãrea està em torno de 1.000.000 hectares. O trabalho consiste em realizar um estudo da evoluÃÃo destes corpos dunares, fazer uma relaÃÃo cronolÃgica dos diferentes tipos de dunas a fim de moldar as condiÃÃes climÃticas e paleoambientais pretÃritas e mostrar a atual situaÃÃo destes depÃsitos, bem como a interaÃÃo dos mesmos com outros ecossistemas, atravÃs de tÃcnicas de geoprocessamento aplicadas em imagens de sensoriamento remoto dos satÃlites Landsat 5, Landsat 7, QUICKBIRD, imagens de radar da missÃo SRTM, levantamentos de campo e anÃlises em laboratÃrio de sedimentos. A Ãrea possui pelo menos trÃs compartimentos de relevo, cada um com seu ecossistema ou unidade geoambiental correspondente e padrÃes de drenagem caracterÃsticos. Dividida em quatro estÃgios, a evoluÃÃo dos depÃsitos eÃlicos comeÃa, por volta de 123 mil anos antes do presente (A.P), Ãpoca correspondente ao mÃximo da penÃltima transgressÃo, quando o mar erodiu total ou parcialmente os depÃsitos continentais de estÃgios anteriores. As dunas deste estÃgio sÃo atualmente de cor avermelhada tÃpicas dos tabuleiros prÃ-litorÃneos e nÃo apresentam forma definida. O segundo estÃgio se encaixa nas evidÃncias da glaciaÃÃo ocorrida entre 70 e 60 mil anos A.P. O mar estava em nÃveis muito mais baixos do que o atual, disponibilizando material suficiente para a formaÃÃo de dunas. Um grande deserto de areia teria se formado. Estas dunas mÃveis do Pleistoceno sofreram processos de estabilizaÃÃo posteriormente no terceiro estÃgio, e hoje sÃo as dunas vegetadas que encontramos na Ãrea estudada. O quarto estÃgio à marcado pelo aparecimento das dunas mÃveis dos LenÃÃis Maranhenses que continuam a migra atualmente. As mudanÃas climÃticas e ambientais ocorridas durante o QuaternÃrio estÃo intrinsecamente ligadas à gÃnese e evoluÃÃo dos depÃsitos arenosos deste perÃodo, tomando como evidÃncia suas caracterÃsticas sedimentolÃgicas e sua disposiÃÃo morfolÃgica atual no espaÃo. / Climate change covering centuries or decades can produce important ecological variations altering the Earth natural scenarios, as well as, endangering human welfare and others being livings. For this reason, itâs important to study climatic evolutions during Quaternary, since trough the knowledge the weather conditions in the past we can anticipate future conditions. The inactive aeolian dune fields regionally distributed, are considered sedimentologic and geomorphologic indicators of paleoclimatic changes during Quaternary. The MaranhÃo state coast shows perhaps the greatest aeolian record of Brazilian littoral which includes active dune fields (LenÃÃis Maranhenses) inactive dunes (fossil) covering a 1,000,000 hectares surface. It was held in this dissertation a dunar evolution study, setting up the several dunes types formation chronology, climatic and paleoenvironmental conditions through remote sensing techniques using Landsat 5, Landsat 7, Quickbird and radar SRTM satellites images, field survey and laboratory analysis. The region morphology is composed of three types of relief: dune bodies (active and inactive), pre-coastal tabuleiros and dissect tabuleiros. Linear structures that occur in this region are responsible for morphologic features and control the hydrographic patterns: parallel, rectangular, dendritical and contorted. There are four evolution phases that correspond to the formation of aeolian deposits. The first one was formed 123.000 years B.P. during the highest of Last Transgression, when the sea eroded total or partially the ancient continental sediments. These dunes now have a reddish tint and they have lost the original form. The second phase has been developed during glaciations between 70 and 60 years B.P. and sea level was lower than the actual, providing sediments to produce a sand desert. These active dunes from Pleistocene were, subsequently fixed that correspond to the third phase. The last one is marked by the active dunes (LenÃÃis Maranhenses) that keep on moving. Climatic and environmental changes during Quaternary are related to the genesis and evolution of Aeolian sand deposits, according to the regional dunes sedimentology and morphology

Successeurs des dinosaures ? Paléobiologie et paléoécologie d’un oiseau géant terrestre du Paléogène / -

Angst, Delphine 17 November 2014 (has links)
Les Gastornithidae sont des oiseaux géants terrestres présents dans le Tertiaire (Paléocène- Eocène) d'Europe, d'Amérique du Nord et d'Asie. Bien que ces oiseaux soient connus depuis le 19ème siècle, leur écologie et les environnements dans lesquels ils vivaient sont encore très mal connus. Cette thèse propose donc d'apporter des réponses sur ces deux points afin de mieux comprendre ces oiseaux grâce à une approche pluridisciplinaire, combinant des études de morphologie-fonctionnelle, de géochimie isotopique, et de paléontologie. Nous avons pu déterminer que cet oiseau de deux mètres de haut devait peser entre 110 et 260 kg, et avait un déplacement relativement lent ne lui permettant pas de courir rapidement et longtemps. Le régime alimentaire des Gastornithidae, en débat depuis plus de vingt ans, a été ré-étudié grâce à une étude de géochimie isotopique combinée à une étude de morphologie fonctionnelle, permettant de conclure à une alimentation herbivore. Parallèlement, les paléo-environnements dans lesquels évoluaient cet oiseau ont également pu être étudiés grâce une étude de géochimie isotopique appliquée à des coquilles d'oeufs fossiles du Sud de la France attribuées à Gastornis dans cette thèse. Ces grands oiseaux vivaient donc dans un environnement relativement sec et chaud avec probablement une alternance de saison sèche et humide pour le Sud de la France, ce qui est différent de ce qu'on connait pour des environnements du centre de l'Allemagne où d'autres fossiles de Gastornis ont été trouvés, et où la végétation montre un environnement plus humide. Cela montre donc que cet oiseau avait une bonne capacité d'adaptation à différents environnements, ce qui lui a probablement permis de franchir le PETM sans être particulièrement affecté, comme le montre le registre fossile dans lequel aucune extinction, aucune variation géographique ou anatomique ne sont observées dans cette famille contrairement au cas de nombreux mammifères / Gastornithidae are a familly of large ground fossils birds present in the Tertiary (Paleocene- Eocene) from Europe, North America and Asia. Although these birds are known since the beginning of the 19th century, their ecology and the environment where they lived are still poorly known. Therefore, this PhD propose to bring some answers about this two points in order to better understand these birds using a multidisciplinary approach, including functional morphology, isotope geochemistry and paleontological studies. We have determined that this two meter high bird should weigh around 110 to 260 kg, and had a relatively slow locomotion not allowing him to run quickly and for a long time. The diet of the Gastornithidae, discussed since more twenty years, has been studied using an isotopic geochemical approach combine with a morphofunctional study, which permits to conclude to an herbivore diet. In parallel, paleo-environments where lived this bird have also been studied using isotopical analysis applied on fossils bird’s eggshells from the southern France, attributed to Gastornis in this thesis. Thus these large birds lived in an environment relatively dry and hot, with probably an alternance of dry and wet saison in the southern France, which is different than which is known in middle Germany environments where other Gastornis fossils were found, and where vegetation shows an environment wetter. Therefore, that shows that this bird had a good adaptability to different environments, which allowed him to cross the PETM without being particularly affected as shown in the fossil record, on the contrary to numerous mammals

Macro- and microfossils from the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada

McLachlan, Sandy Melvin Stuart 22 August 2017 (has links)
Heteromorph ammonites and dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous Northumberland Formation on Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada are examined. The collection and preparation of new material has enabled the recognition of eleven species of which only three have been reported from the locality. Of these taxa represented from three heteromorph ammonite families in the study area, five are new occurrences and three are new to science. This expansion of the Hornby Island ammonite fauna is presented alongside a pioneering taxonomic survey of dinoflagellate cysts from the same rocks. Together, these macro- and microfossils reinforce a late Campanian age for the Northumberland Formation with the upper extent of the section approaching the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (CMB) interval. The palaeoecology and evolutionary relationships of these heteromorph ammonoids are considered with new insights into their ontogenetic development and neritic palaeoenvironmental circumstances. The dinoflagellate cysts and associated terrestrial palynomorphs have also allowed for enhanced palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and depositional setting inference. The scope of the studied material, and the presence of key index taxa, enables refined biostratigraphy and a stronger basis for correlation of the Hornby Island succession with neighboring coeval biotic provinces. / Graduate / 2018-08-10

Dinoflagellate cysts across the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary in the North Pacific; biostratigraphy, diversity, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions

McLachlan, Sandy Melvin Stuart 31 August 2021 (has links)
The central objective of this study is to understand phytoplankton community response following the global mass extinction event at the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. The objective is approached through analysis of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages across the boundary interval in the North Pacific. Dinoflagellate cysts are powerful tools for deep time paleoenvironmental reconstructions and this group of microfossils has been vastly underutilized in this region of the world. On this premise, comprehensive marine palynological surveys were undertaken for the Oyster Bay Formation of eastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada and Shatsky Rise in the northwest Pacific. The Oyster Bay Formation work resulted in the discovery of the first K/Pg boundary succession west of the Rocky Mountains based on biostratigraphic controls and refined taxonomy for the genus Cannosphaeropsis found within these strata. Three new taxa are described: Cannosphaeropsis franciscana subsp. vacuoseptata subsp. nov., Cannosphaeropsis franciscana subsp. vesiculata subsp. nov. and Phelodinium fensomei sp. nov. The cyst assemblages reveal endemic associations and signals of transition between offshore coastal to estuarine settings in keeping with global eustatic trends. Oyster Bay Formation results and interpretations are compared to analyses of core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577 at Shatsky Rise. Contrast is seen between a diverse, highly productive coastal to estuarine environment in the Oyster Bay Formation as represented by organic-walled taxa and an oligotrophic bathyal environment at Shatsky Rise during the same interval as represented by a small number of calcareous taxa. These two regions form the basis for comparison between differing assemblages in order to ascertain the extent to which phytoplankton communities were affected by changes in sea-surface and water mass conditions in conjunction with the K/Pg event. The findings reveal measurable impacts of climate and paleoenvironmental change reflected by shifts in assemblage composition and cyst morphology. A lack of extinction among many forms is consistent with studies from around the globe as presented in an exhaustive review of the literature. The dinoflagellates were marginally impacted with the most specialized taxa presenting a record of sea-surface temperature fluctuation, nutrient supply and opportunistic niche exploitation. / Graduate / 2022-08-20

Geological and Paleontological Studies on New Pterosaur and Crocodyliform Fossils From the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Bahariya Formation, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt

Salem, Belal Shehta 05 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

The American Mastodon (<i>Mammut americanum</i>) at Wittenberg University

Chatfield, Evie 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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