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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vergers plurispécifiques : piloter l’enracinement des arbres en profondeur par l’association d’herbacées dès la plantation / Plurispecific orchards : shape in depth trees root system by association herbaceous crops at plantation

Forey, Oswaldo 13 December 2016 (has links)
L'agroforesterie consiste à mélanger sur la même surface des arbres et des cultures et nécessite que des relations de complémentarité s'établissent entre les deux espèces pour diminuer la compétition pour les ressources, notamment au niveau des interactions racinaires. L'objectif du travail de cette thèse était de tester et d'évaluer la possibilité de piloter l'enracinement de jeunes pêchers sous les racines de la culture associée (enherbement) afin d'établir une complémentarité dans l'utilisation des ressources du sol et en utilisant deux leviers: (i) un déficit hydrique modéré pour changer le patron d'allocation du carbone entre les compartiments aérien et souterrain en faveur des racines et (ii) la compétition interspécifique pour l'eau pour exclure les racines de l'arbre des horizons de sol superficiels et le contraindre à pousser en profondeur. Pour cela, un verger de pêchers composé de trois traitements (témoin bien irrigué, déficit modéré, déficit modéré + enherbement) a été installé en janvier 2013 et suivi pendant deux ans. La croissance du compartiment aérien a été suivie de manière dynamique sur la saison de croissance et des excavations racinaires ont été effectuées chaque année à la fin de la saison de croissance. Nos résultats montrent que tous les composants de la croissance ont été significativement réduit par le déficit hydrique très modéré. La combinaison d'un déficit hydrique modéré et d'un enherbement total ont réduit par quatre la taille des arbres au bout de deux années de croissance, réduction causée par deux mécanismes probablement additifs: (i) la compétition de l'herbe pour l'espace, réduisant le volume de sol prospectable par les racines de l'arbre et par répercussion le volume de l'appareil aérien et (ii) la compétition de l'herbe pour l'eau, qui en créant un dessèchement du sol, amène probablement le pêcher à générer des signaux racinaires à destination des parties aériennes pour réduire la transpiration par fermeture des stomates. Nos résultats sur les racines montrent que le développement du système racinaire du pêcher dans les conditions de notre étude pendant les deux premières années après la plantation est essentiellement plagiotrope. Le rapport racines/branches n'a pas été significativement modifié en faveur des racines sous l'effet du déficit hydrique mais la combinaison du déficit hydrique et de la compétition avec l'enherbement a diminué par trois la biomasse racinaire des arbres et exclu totalement les racines de l'horizon de surface (0-10 cm) au bout de deux ans. Cependant, la croissance racinaire se concentre majoritairement dans les 30 premiers cm de sol pour tous les traitements, mais une faible proportion du système racinaire totale (5%) des pêchers en condition hydrique non limitante dépasse les 70 premiers cm de sol (profondeur d'excavation maximale de l'étude) et est capable de prélever de l'eau jusqu'à 2 m de profondeur. Ainsi, nos résultats amène à penser que la séparation des systèmes racinaires entre l'arbre et la culture est très certainement une propriété émergente pilotable, à conditions de caractériser l'architecture racinaire de l'arbre et notamment sa plasticité chez des arbres jeunes. Des pratiques innovantes telles que l'installation des arbres par semis puis greffage au champ de la variété de production pourraient permettre de s'affranchir des traumatismes racinaires inhérents au mode de production des plants en pépinière. Il est également possible de moduler l'effet de la culture associée en sélectionnant des espèces et variétés dont la capacité compétitive souterraine est adaptée au stade de développement de l'arbre, en associant par exemple des espèces à faible capacité compétitive au début de son développement et à capacité compétitive graduellement plus importante au fur et à mesure qu'il grandit. / Agroforestry consists of association trees and crop in the same plot and requires that complementarity relationships be established between the two species in order to reduce competition, especially at the root level. The aim of this work was to test and evaluate the possibility of driving young peach tree roots under the roots of the associated crop (grass) in order to establish complementarity in resources uptake using two levers: (i) e moderate water deficit to change the carbon allocation pattern between shoots and roots in favour of roots and (ii) interspecific water competition to exclude tree roots from the first soil horizons and force them to grow at depth. To do so, we planted in January 2013 a peach tree orchard composed of three treatments (well-watered control, moderate water deficit and moderate water deficit + grass groundcover) which was monitored for two years. Shoot growth was dynamically monitored over the growing season and root excavations were performed each year at the end of the growing season. Our results show that all components of aerial growth were significantly reduced by the very moderate water deficit applied. The combination of a moderate water deficit and a grass groundcover led to a fourfold reduction in tree size after two years due to (i) grass competition for space, which reduced soil volume for the tree roots and consequently reduced shoot size and (ii) grass competition for water which by drying the soil led the tree to send root to shoot signals in order to reduce transpiration by stomatal closure. Our results on roots show that peach tree roots in the first two years of growth are mainly plagiotropic in the conditions of our study. The root/shoot ratio was not significantly modified in favour of roots under a moderate water deficit but combination of water deficit with grass competition led to a threefold reduction in root biomass et excluded tree roots from the topsoil horizon (0-10 cm) after two years. However, root growth mainly concentrated in the first 30 cm of soil in all treatments, but a small fraction of the root system (5%) in the control treatment was growing below the first 70 cm of soil (maximal excavation depth in our study) and was able to take up water up to 2 m depth. Thus, our results suggest that root system separation between trees and crop is a manageable emerging property, given that tree root architecture is characterized, and especially its plasticity in young trees. Innovating practices such as sowing trees and grafting them in the field could alleviate root injuries inherent to nursery practices. It is also possible to adjust the effect of the associated crop by selecting species and cultivars whose competitive ability is adapted to the tree age, by associating species with low competitive ability at the beginning of the tree development and with gradually more important competitive ability as the tree ages.

The DamX cell division protein of Escherichia coli: identification of amino acid residues critical for septal localization and peptidoglycan binding

Williams, Kyle Brandon 01 May 2010 (has links)
In the bacterium Escherichia coli, cell division involves the concerted inward growth of all three layers of the cell envelope: the cytoplasmic membrane, the peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall, and the outer membrane. This is a complex, highly regulated process that involves over 20 proteins. Four of these proteins contain a domain of ~70 amino acids known as a SPOR domain (Pfam no. 05036). One of these SPOR domains (from a protein named FtsN) has been shown previously to bind PG. In this thesis we show that six additional SPOR domains, three from E. coli and three from other bacterial species, also bind PG. Thus, PG binding is a general activity of SPOR domains. We then examine the SPOR domain from DamX of E. coli in detail. In collaboration with Dr. Andrew Fowler of the NMR Core Facility, we determined the solution structure of the domain. The domain adopts an "RNP fold," characterized by a four-stranded anti-parallel β-sheet that is buttressed on one side by α-helixes. Several mutant forms of the DamX SPOR domain were constructed and studied both in vivo and in vitro. These studies support the following inferences: 1) The β-sheet is the PG-binding site; 2) The β-sheet contains critical information for targeting the SPOR domain to the midcell; 3) The SPOR domain probably localizes to the midcell by binding preferentially to septal PG; and 4) It follows, then, that septal PG must differ from PG elsewhere around the cell. We suggest that further studies of the SPOR:PG interaction will yield novel insights into PG biogenesis during septation. This thesis also presents an in vivo characterization of several mutant forms of a cytoplasmic membrane protein named FtsW, homologs of which are found in all bacteria that contain a PG cell wall. FtsW recruits a PG synthase named FtsI to the division site and might also transport PG precursors across the cytoplasmic membrane. We systematically mutagenized each of FtsW's ten transmembrane (TM) helixes and investigated the ability of the mutant proteins to support division, localize to the division site, and recruit FtsI. This characterization leads us to propose that TM1 is involved in targeting FtsW to the division site, TM4 is involved in the putative transport activity, and TM10 is involved in recruitment of FtsI.


Pinheiro, Diego Garrido 25 February 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The occurrence of short droughts, during the growing season of cassava in Rio Grande do Sul, may cause several soil drying cycles which induce physiological disorders in plants, affecting cassava productivity in the state. The objectives of this study were to verify the physiological mechanisms used by plants during the first and second soil drying cycle, the recovery of leaf area in plants under water stress after rehydration, the response of plants under one drying cycle with two distinct physiological ages and the possibility of acclimation of plants under two drying cycles, in sequence. Two experiments were conducted with cassava plants, Fepagro RS 13 cultivar, inside a plastic house at Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Planting dates were on 29/09/2011 for EXP 1 and 24/11/2011 for EXP 2. Water regimes for the two experiments were RH1, without water deficit during the two periods (control treatment); RH2, with water deficit during the two periods (two cycling cycles); RH3, with one drying cycle on P1, matching with the first drying cycle on RH2 and RH4, with one drying cicle on P2, matching with the second drying cycle on RH2. FTSW is the portion of available water in the soil which plants use in the transpiration. The physiological mechanisms that stood out on P1 of RH2 and RH3 and P2 of RH4 were the reduction of total leaf area and stomatal control of cassava plants. On P2 of RH2, it was the reduction of total leaf area (without leaf senescence). RH3 plants showed fast recovering after rehydration on P2, with high NFE and CFA, regarding RH1. The drying cycles with low (RH3) and high (RH4) physiological age presented no difference on FTSW threshold for TR and CFR. The high CT of RH2, on P2 of EXP1, indicates that plants had lower activation of stomatal control during high DPV periods. Thus, plants of RH2 acclimated to the second drying cycle with FTSW threshold of 0,09 to CFR and 0,13 to TR, presenting late CFR and TR declines in comparison with drying cycles of RH3 and RH4. / A frequente ocorrência de curtas estiagens, durante o período de cultivo da mandioca no Rio Grande do Sul, pode provocar vários ciclos de secamento do solo que causam distúrbios fisiológicos nas plantas, afetando a produtividade da cultura no Estado. Os objetivos desta dissertação foram verificar os mecanismos fisiológicos das plantas durante o primeiro e segundo ciclo de secamento do solo; a capacidade de recuperação da área foliar em plantas com estresse hídrico após a reidratação; a resposta de plantas submetidas a um ciclo de secamento do solo em duas idades fisiológicas distintas e a possibilidade de aclimatação das plantas submetidas a dois ciclos de secamento do solo subsequentes. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos com plantas de mandioca, cultivar Fepagro RS 13, dentro de um abrigo telado no Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. As datas de plantio do primeiro (EXP 1) e segundo (EXP 2) experimento foi 29/09/2011 e 24/11/2011, respectivamente. Os regimes hídricos do solo, para os dois experimentos, foram: RH1, sem deficiência hídrica nos dois períodos (testemunha); RH2, com deficiência hídrica nos dois períodos (dois ciclos de secamento do solo); RH3, com um ciclo de secamento no P1, coincidindo com o primeiro ciclo de secamento do RH2; e RH4, com um ciclo de secamento no P2, coincidindo com o segundo ciclo de secamento do RH2. A fração da água disponível do solo (FATS) é a parcela da água que a planta utiliza na transpiração. Os mecanismos fisiológicos mais evidenciados no P1 dos RH2 e RH3 e no P2 do RH4 foram a redução da área foliar total e o controle estomático das plantas de mandioca. Já, no P2 do RH2, foi a redução da área foliar total (sem senescência foliar). As plantas do RH3 demonstraram rápida recuperação após a reidratação no P2, com elevados NFE e CFA, em relação ao RH1. Os ciclos de secamento das plantas com menor (RH3) e maior (RH4) idade fisiológica não apresentaram diferença nas FATSc para TR e CFR. O elevado CT do RH2, no P2 do EXP 1, indica que as plantas tiveram menor ativação do controle estomático durante os períodos do dia de alto DPV. Com isso, as plantas do RH2 aclimataram-se ao segundo ciclo de secamento do solo com FATSc de 0,09 para CFR e de 0,13 para TR, apresentando os declínios de CFR e de TR mais tardiamente em comparação com os ciclos de secamento do RH3 e RH4.

Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas com aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) e Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW)

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2017 (has links)
Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID) são materiais amplamente utilizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações desde a indústria química, de alimentos, petroquímica, naval, farmacêutica, energia nuclear e em muitos outros campos devido à combinação de suas excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Particularmente na indústria petroquímica, os aços AID’s são muito utilizados como materiais estruturais para a construção de gasodutos que transportam altos volumes de CO2 e na confecção das camadas internas dos tubos flexíveis (oleodutos offshore), utilizadas na produção de óleo. A soldagem a arco dos AID’s pode acarretar, dependendo das taxas de resfriamento envolvidas, a formação de precipitados de segunda fase que degradam suas propriedades mecânicas. Um processo alternativo para evitar o problema de precipitação de fases indesejáveis é a utilização do processo de soldagem/reparo por fricção com pino consumível (SFPC). O objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização metalúrgica e mecânica de juntas de solda de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 obtidas através dos processos SFPC e de soldagem de costura por fricção (SCF). Na soldagem SCF, o objetivo do estudo foi a verificação da influência do passo de soldagem na formação e alteração das estruturas e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com as propriedades obtidas do material base (MB) “como recebido”. A partir das juntas soldadas obtidas por fricção, foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de microtração e Charpy para avaliação da resistência mecânica e da resistência ao impacto. Análises da microestrutura em microscopia ótica (MO) e perfis de microdurezas ao longo da região de solda também foram realizadas. Verificou-se que os processos de soldagem SFPC e SCF provocam um intenso refinamento de grão na zona de mistura (região da interface entre material do pino e da base), modificando a estrutura lamelar de grãos alongados da matriz ferrítica/austenítica, ocasionado por uma ação conjunta de aquecimento e deformação plástica oriunda do processo de solda por fricção. Os resultados dos ensaios de microtração indicam que as juntas soldadas aumentaram sua resistência mecânica com relação ao material base, fato que se deve ao aumento da quantidade da ferrita na zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA), à formação de nitretos de cromo no centro dos grãos ferríticos e ao refino de grão. O aumento da quantidade de ferrita na ZTMA ocorre devido às altas taxas de resfriamento envolvidas no processo de soldagem e verificados por análise térmica. As elevadas taxas de resfriamento dificultam a difusão do nitrogênio que tem um importante papel no equilíbrio de fases da estrutura duplex (ferrita-austenita), na soldagem. O nitrogênio aprisionado no interior do grão ferrítico produz nitretos de cromo deixando de agir como elemento gamagênico aumentando a quantidade da fase ferrita. As juntas soldadas verificadas apresentaram tenacidade aceitável de acordo com o exigido pela norma ASTM A923. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are materials widely used for a variety of applications from the chemical, food, petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical, nuclear industry and other fields due to the combination of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Particularly in the petrochemical industry, the DSS’s steels are extensively used as structural materials for the construction of gas pipelines that carry high volumes of CO2 and making the inner layers of flexible pipes (pipelines offshore) used in offshore oil production. The arc welding of DSS's can lead, depending on cooling rates involved, the formation of second phase precipitates which degrade their mechanical properties. An alternative method to avoid the problem of precipitation of unwanted phase is to use the welding process Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP). The aim of this work is the metallurgical and mechanical characterization of joints welds of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel obtained through FHPP processes and Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW). In FTSW welding, the objective of the study was to verify the influence of the welding step on the formation and alteration of structures and mechanical properties. The test results were compared with the properties of the obtained base material "as received". From the welds joints obtained by friction welding, specimens for microtensile testing and charpy were extracted to evaluate the mechanical strength and toughness. Microstructural analysis in optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness profiles along the weld region were also performed. It was found that the welding process FHPP and FTSW causes an intense grain refinement in bonding zone, modifying the lamellar structure of elongate grains of matrix ferritic/austenitic, caused by action of heating and plastic deformation arising from the welding process by friction. The results of the microtensile tests indicate that the welded joints increased their mechanical resistance with respect to the base material, due to the increase in the amount of the ferrite in the thermomechanically affected zone (ZTMA), the formation of chromium nitrides in the center of ferritic grains and grain refining. The increase in the amount of ferrite in the ZTMA occurs due to the high cooling rates involved in the welding process and verified by thermal analysis. The high cooling rates difficult the nitrogen diffusion, which plays an important role in the phase equilibrium of the duplex structure (ferrite-austenite) in welding. The nitrogen trapped inside the ferritic grain produces chromium nitrides ceasing to act as gamogenic element by increasing the amount of the ferrite phase. The welds joints verified also had acceptable ductility and toughness according required by standard ASTM A923.

Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas com aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) e Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW)

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2017 (has links)
Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID) são materiais amplamente utilizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações desde a indústria química, de alimentos, petroquímica, naval, farmacêutica, energia nuclear e em muitos outros campos devido à combinação de suas excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Particularmente na indústria petroquímica, os aços AID’s são muito utilizados como materiais estruturais para a construção de gasodutos que transportam altos volumes de CO2 e na confecção das camadas internas dos tubos flexíveis (oleodutos offshore), utilizadas na produção de óleo. A soldagem a arco dos AID’s pode acarretar, dependendo das taxas de resfriamento envolvidas, a formação de precipitados de segunda fase que degradam suas propriedades mecânicas. Um processo alternativo para evitar o problema de precipitação de fases indesejáveis é a utilização do processo de soldagem/reparo por fricção com pino consumível (SFPC). O objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização metalúrgica e mecânica de juntas de solda de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 obtidas através dos processos SFPC e de soldagem de costura por fricção (SCF). Na soldagem SCF, o objetivo do estudo foi a verificação da influência do passo de soldagem na formação e alteração das estruturas e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com as propriedades obtidas do material base (MB) “como recebido”. A partir das juntas soldadas obtidas por fricção, foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de microtração e Charpy para avaliação da resistência mecânica e da resistência ao impacto. Análises da microestrutura em microscopia ótica (MO) e perfis de microdurezas ao longo da região de solda também foram realizadas. Verificou-se que os processos de soldagem SFPC e SCF provocam um intenso refinamento de grão na zona de mistura (região da interface entre material do pino e da base), modificando a estrutura lamelar de grãos alongados da matriz ferrítica/austenítica, ocasionado por uma ação conjunta de aquecimento e deformação plástica oriunda do processo de solda por fricção. Os resultados dos ensaios de microtração indicam que as juntas soldadas aumentaram sua resistência mecânica com relação ao material base, fato que se deve ao aumento da quantidade da ferrita na zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA), à formação de nitretos de cromo no centro dos grãos ferríticos e ao refino de grão. O aumento da quantidade de ferrita na ZTMA ocorre devido às altas taxas de resfriamento envolvidas no processo de soldagem e verificados por análise térmica. As elevadas taxas de resfriamento dificultam a difusão do nitrogênio que tem um importante papel no equilíbrio de fases da estrutura duplex (ferrita-austenita), na soldagem. O nitrogênio aprisionado no interior do grão ferrítico produz nitretos de cromo deixando de agir como elemento gamagênico aumentando a quantidade da fase ferrita. As juntas soldadas verificadas apresentaram tenacidade aceitável de acordo com o exigido pela norma ASTM A923. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are materials widely used for a variety of applications from the chemical, food, petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical, nuclear industry and other fields due to the combination of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Particularly in the petrochemical industry, the DSS’s steels are extensively used as structural materials for the construction of gas pipelines that carry high volumes of CO2 and making the inner layers of flexible pipes (pipelines offshore) used in offshore oil production. The arc welding of DSS's can lead, depending on cooling rates involved, the formation of second phase precipitates which degrade their mechanical properties. An alternative method to avoid the problem of precipitation of unwanted phase is to use the welding process Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP). The aim of this work is the metallurgical and mechanical characterization of joints welds of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel obtained through FHPP processes and Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW). In FTSW welding, the objective of the study was to verify the influence of the welding step on the formation and alteration of structures and mechanical properties. The test results were compared with the properties of the obtained base material "as received". From the welds joints obtained by friction welding, specimens for microtensile testing and charpy were extracted to evaluate the mechanical strength and toughness. Microstructural analysis in optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness profiles along the weld region were also performed. It was found that the welding process FHPP and FTSW causes an intense grain refinement in bonding zone, modifying the lamellar structure of elongate grains of matrix ferritic/austenitic, caused by action of heating and plastic deformation arising from the welding process by friction. The results of the microtensile tests indicate that the welded joints increased their mechanical resistance with respect to the base material, due to the increase in the amount of the ferrite in the thermomechanically affected zone (ZTMA), the formation of chromium nitrides in the center of ferritic grains and grain refining. The increase in the amount of ferrite in the ZTMA occurs due to the high cooling rates involved in the welding process and verified by thermal analysis. The high cooling rates difficult the nitrogen diffusion, which plays an important role in the phase equilibrium of the duplex structure (ferrite-austenite) in welding. The nitrogen trapped inside the ferritic grain produces chromium nitrides ceasing to act as gamogenic element by increasing the amount of the ferrite phase. The welds joints verified also had acceptable ductility and toughness according required by standard ASTM A923.

Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas com aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) e Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW)

Figueiredo, Arlan Pacheco January 2017 (has links)
Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID) são materiais amplamente utilizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações desde a indústria química, de alimentos, petroquímica, naval, farmacêutica, energia nuclear e em muitos outros campos devido à combinação de suas excelentes propriedades mecânicas e de resistência à corrosão. Particularmente na indústria petroquímica, os aços AID’s são muito utilizados como materiais estruturais para a construção de gasodutos que transportam altos volumes de CO2 e na confecção das camadas internas dos tubos flexíveis (oleodutos offshore), utilizadas na produção de óleo. A soldagem a arco dos AID’s pode acarretar, dependendo das taxas de resfriamento envolvidas, a formação de precipitados de segunda fase que degradam suas propriedades mecânicas. Um processo alternativo para evitar o problema de precipitação de fases indesejáveis é a utilização do processo de soldagem/reparo por fricção com pino consumível (SFPC). O objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização metalúrgica e mecânica de juntas de solda de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 obtidas através dos processos SFPC e de soldagem de costura por fricção (SCF). Na soldagem SCF, o objetivo do estudo foi a verificação da influência do passo de soldagem na formação e alteração das estruturas e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com as propriedades obtidas do material base (MB) “como recebido”. A partir das juntas soldadas obtidas por fricção, foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de microtração e Charpy para avaliação da resistência mecânica e da resistência ao impacto. Análises da microestrutura em microscopia ótica (MO) e perfis de microdurezas ao longo da região de solda também foram realizadas. Verificou-se que os processos de soldagem SFPC e SCF provocam um intenso refinamento de grão na zona de mistura (região da interface entre material do pino e da base), modificando a estrutura lamelar de grãos alongados da matriz ferrítica/austenítica, ocasionado por uma ação conjunta de aquecimento e deformação plástica oriunda do processo de solda por fricção. Os resultados dos ensaios de microtração indicam que as juntas soldadas aumentaram sua resistência mecânica com relação ao material base, fato que se deve ao aumento da quantidade da ferrita na zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA), à formação de nitretos de cromo no centro dos grãos ferríticos e ao refino de grão. O aumento da quantidade de ferrita na ZTMA ocorre devido às altas taxas de resfriamento envolvidas no processo de soldagem e verificados por análise térmica. As elevadas taxas de resfriamento dificultam a difusão do nitrogênio que tem um importante papel no equilíbrio de fases da estrutura duplex (ferrita-austenita), na soldagem. O nitrogênio aprisionado no interior do grão ferrítico produz nitretos de cromo deixando de agir como elemento gamagênico aumentando a quantidade da fase ferrita. As juntas soldadas verificadas apresentaram tenacidade aceitável de acordo com o exigido pela norma ASTM A923. / Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are materials widely used for a variety of applications from the chemical, food, petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical, nuclear industry and other fields due to the combination of their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Particularly in the petrochemical industry, the DSS’s steels are extensively used as structural materials for the construction of gas pipelines that carry high volumes of CO2 and making the inner layers of flexible pipes (pipelines offshore) used in offshore oil production. The arc welding of DSS's can lead, depending on cooling rates involved, the formation of second phase precipitates which degrade their mechanical properties. An alternative method to avoid the problem of precipitation of unwanted phase is to use the welding process Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP). The aim of this work is the metallurgical and mechanical characterization of joints welds of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel obtained through FHPP processes and Friction Taper Stitch Welding (FTSW). In FTSW welding, the objective of the study was to verify the influence of the welding step on the formation and alteration of structures and mechanical properties. The test results were compared with the properties of the obtained base material "as received". From the welds joints obtained by friction welding, specimens for microtensile testing and charpy were extracted to evaluate the mechanical strength and toughness. Microstructural analysis in optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness profiles along the weld region were also performed. It was found that the welding process FHPP and FTSW causes an intense grain refinement in bonding zone, modifying the lamellar structure of elongate grains of matrix ferritic/austenitic, caused by action of heating and plastic deformation arising from the welding process by friction. The results of the microtensile tests indicate that the welded joints increased their mechanical resistance with respect to the base material, due to the increase in the amount of the ferrite in the thermomechanically affected zone (ZTMA), the formation of chromium nitrides in the center of ferritic grains and grain refining. The increase in the amount of ferrite in the ZTMA occurs due to the high cooling rates involved in the welding process and verified by thermal analysis. The high cooling rates difficult the nitrogen diffusion, which plays an important role in the phase equilibrium of the duplex structure (ferrite-austenite) in welding. The nitrogen trapped inside the ferritic grain produces chromium nitrides ceasing to act as gamogenic element by increasing the amount of the ferrite phase. The welds joints verified also had acceptable ductility and toughness according required by standard ASTM A923.

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