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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem da combustão de carvão em um forno de queda livre

Zimmer, Leonardo January 2012 (has links)
O estudo de parâmetros cinéticos para a queima de carvão se dá através de utilização de equipamentos laboratoriais como o forno de queda livre (DTF). O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento e análise de um modelo numérico unidimensional de um DTF. A modelagem é realizada a partir de dados da literatura, e as equações discretizadas que caracterizam os fenômenos do escoamento, da transferência de calor e da combustão do carvão foram programadas na linguagem FORTRAN 90. Os resultados são comparados com um modelo de referência e com dados experimentais, e apresentaram boa concordância. Um estudo de sensibilidade é realizado para entender o comportamento da queima de carvão frente a mudanças de alguns parâmetros de operação do DTF. A análise de sensibilidade mostrou a versatilidade do modelo e, consequentemente, do experimento. A partir da variação da concentração de O2, da temperatura de operação e das vazões de entrada pode-se obter uma gama de resultados. O uso do modelo aqui apresentado concomitante com resultados experimentais resulta em um estudo aprofundado dos parâmetros cinéticos de combustão de carvão. / The study of kinetic parameters for coal combustion occurs through use of laboratory equipment such as drop tube furnace (DTF). The present work shows the development and analysis of a one-dimensional numerical model of a DTF. The modeling is developed from literature works, and the discrete equations that characterize the flow, heat transfer and coal combustion are programmed in FORTRAN 90 language. The results are compared with a reference model and experimental data, and showed good agreement. A sensitivity study is performed to understand the behavior of coal combustion due to changes of some working parameters of the DTF. The sensitivity analysis showed the versatility of the model and thereby the experiment. From the variation of the O2 concentration, operating temperature and input flow rates a range of results can be obtained. Using the model presented here together with experimental results leads to a detailed study of the kinetic parameters of coal combustion.

Estudos de misturas de carvões e biomassa visando a combustão em alto-forno

Barbieri, Cláudia Caroline Teixeira January 2013 (has links)
A tecnologia de injeção de carvão pulverizado nas ventaneiras dos altos-fornos (PCI) é utilizada por siderúrgicas integradas no mundo inteiro visando a redução do consumo de coque e, consequentemente, a redução das emissões de CO2 e do custo do gusa. Como o Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de ferro- gusa em altos-fornos a carvão vegetal, torna-se grande o interesse pelo aproveitamento dos finos de biomassa gerados no processamento de carvão vegetal, a chamada moinha. Uma boa alternativa para aproveitamento dessa biomassa seria sua injeção em altos-fornos a coque. A alta combustibilidade é essencial para um carvão destinado à injeção, pois reduz a formação de char (carvão incombusto). Devido à dificuldade de queima completa na zona de combustão, o carvão a ser injetado deve gerar um char altamente reativo ao CO2, para que seja consumido na cuba do alto-forno, gerando gases termorredutores. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a combustibilidade e a reatividade ao CO2 de carvões e misturas binárias de finos de carvão vegetal com carvões fósseis visando PCI. O estudo se deu através de análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Foram utilizados três carvões fósseis de diferentes procedências e ranks para a formulação das misturas. Os carvões foram cominuídos abaixo de 90 μm, uma granulometria típica de injeção. Inicialmente fez-se uma avaliação da combustibilidade e da reatividade ao CO2 dos finos de carvão vegetal com o intuito de estabelecer a granulometria adequada para as misturas. Foi observado que basta o carvão vegetal estar em granulometria inferior a 1 mm para serem alcançados resultados superiores de combustibilidade e reatividade em relação aos carvões fósseis abaixo de 90 μm. A elaboração das misturas binárias foi feita, portanto, pela adição de carvão vegetal abaixo de 1 mm aos carvões fósseis abaixo de 90 μm. A elaboração das misturas binárias foi feita, portanto, pela adição de carvão vegetal abaixo de 1 mm aos carvões fósseis abaixo de 90 μm. As proporções testadas foram 10, 20 e 50% em massa de carvão vegetal. As misturas apresentaram um aumento de combustibilidade e de reatividade ao CO2 em relação aos carvões fósseis individuais. Além disso, considerando-se a composição química dos carvões em estudo em termos de teor de cinzas, matéria volátil, enxofre e poder calorífico, pode-se considerar que misturas binárias entre os carvões fósseis deste trabalho e moinha de carvão vegetal seriam satisfatórias para PCI nas proporções avaliadas. / The technology of pulverized coal injection into the blast furnace tuyeres (PCI) is used by integrated steel mills worldwide in order to reduce the consumption of coke and thereby the reduction CO2 emissions and the cost of pig iron. As Brazil is the world’s largest producer of pig iron in charcoal-based blast furnaces, it becomes great interest in the use of fine biomass generated during charcoal processing. A good alternative for harnessing this biomass would be the injection into coke-based blast furnaces. The high combustibility is essential for a coal to injection. Moreover, the char (unburnt coal) generated should be highly reactive to CO2, so that it is possible its consumption in the stack of the blast furnace, generating gas for iron ore reduction. This work aimed to evaluate the combustibility and reactivity to CO2 of binary blends of charcoal fines and coals with purpose to PCI. The study was carried out by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Three coals from different sources and ranks were used to the formulation of the blends. The coals were ground and sieved to a size less than 90 μm diameter. At first were done an assessment of combustibility and reactivity to CO2 of fines charcoal in order to set the suitable particle size to the blends. It was observed that charcoal less than 1 mm is enough to achieve superior results to those found in the coals below 90 μm. The proportions tested were 10, 20 e 50% by mass of charcoal. The blends showed an increase in combustibility and reactivity of its chars in relation to individual coals. Furthermore, considering the chemical of coals under study in terms of ash, volatile matter, sulfur and calorific value it can be considered that binary blends between the coals and charcoal of this work would be satisfactory to PCI in the proportions evaluated.

Utilização de carepas como componente da carga de um forno elétrico a arco

Silva, Anderson Badia da January 2012 (has links)
As atividades industriais geram uma série de resíduos, muitos dos quais passíveis de reciclagem. Na indústria siderúrgica, em operações de lingotamento e conformação mecânica, forma-se uma casca sólida quebradiça, conhecida como carepa, a qual é originada a partir da oxidação da superfície do aço quando submetido ao gradiente térmico. Constituída por óxidos de ferro, portanto, carrega o elemento essencial para fabricação do aço. Esse trabalho se utilizou de análises, ensaios laboratoriais e testes industriais para direcionar a reciclagem da carepa de uma usina siderúrgica no próprio forno elétrico a arco. Foram analisadas as propriedades físicas e químicas do material, e nos ensaios de redutibilidade em laboratório o comportamento da carepa foi observado frente à mistura com um agente redutor. Em escala industrial a carepa foi introduzida no forno elétrico a arco juntamente com a sucata de carregamento, e o comportamento das principais variáveis do processo foram avaliadas. Pelo entendimento da sua influência sobre o processo foi possível determinar a viabilidade de promover a reciclagem do resíduo no próprio processo siderúrgico. As carepas geradas na planta siderúrgica se distinguiram, essencialmente, quanto ao tamanho de partícula e teor de umidade. Quimicamente, as amostras são semelhantes, com teor de ferro mínimo de 70%. Na sua composição, predominaram óxidos de hematita, magnetita e wustita, sendo este último o de maior importância. Nos ensaios de autorredução em laboratório, foram constatados melhores resultados para fração reagida e grau de metalização quanto mais alta a temperatura de ensaio. Nos testes em escala industrial, a adição de 1% de carepa na carga comprovou que não houve influência sobre o consumo de energia elétrica e o teor de FeO da escória. A desfosforação do aço líquido foi positivamente afetada com percentual médio de fósforo reduzido em 15% com utilização de carepa. Por outro lado, o indicador de rendimento metálico sofreu impacto negativo, evidenciando a necessidade de avaliações complementares para determinar a reciclagem deste resíduo no forno elétrico a arco. / Industrial processes generate several residues and many of them are suitable for recycling. In the steel industry, casting operations and mechanical forming originate a solid brittle layer of oxide known as scale, which is produced by oxidation of the steel surface when exposed to a thermal gradient. Consisting of iron oxides, it therefore holds the essential element for steel manufacturing. This study performed analysis, laboratory trials and industrial tests to investigate scale recycling in an electric arc furnace. Chemical and physical properties of the material were analyzed and, at reducibility laboratory trials, the behavior of the scale was observed when mixed with a reducing agent. In industrial tests, the scale was introduced in an electric arc furnace mixed with the loaded scrap and the behavior of the main process variables was evaluated. By understanding its influence on the process, it was possible to determine the feasibility of scale recycling in steelmaking. The scales generated in the steel plant were distinguished mainly by the particle size and moisture content. Samples were chemically similar, with minimum 70% iron content. In its composition predominate hematite, magnetite and wustita oxides, the latter being the most important. In self-reduction laboratory tests, the best results for fraction reacted and metallization grade were reached with the highest temperatures. In industrial tests, with 1% scale added to the scrap, there was no influence in the electric energy consumption or FeO content of the slag. The liquid steel dephosphorization was positively affected since the average phosphorus percentage was reduced by 15% with the scale utilization. However, the yield indicator suffered negative impact, suggesting the need for further assessments to determine the scale recycling feasibility in electric arc furnace process.

Estudo da retração em argamassa com cimento de escória ativada. / Shrinkage of alkali-activated slag.

Antonio Acácio de Melo Neto 19 November 2002 (has links)
O uso de escória de alto forno como aglomerante alternativo ao cimento portland tem sido objeto de vários estudos no Brasil e no exterior. Além de representar vantagens ao meio ambiente por ser um resíduo, a escória apresenta boas possibilidades de emprego, principalmente pelo baixo custo e por suas vantagens técnicas das quais se destacam a elevada resistência mecânica, a boa durabilidade em meios agressivos, o baixo calor de hidratação. No entanto, o emprego deste material carece de estudos detalhados da retração, muito superior à do cimento portland. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a cinética das retrações autógena e por secagem não restringidas do cimento de escória ativada em função, principalmente, do tipo e teor de ativadores empregados. Para a retração autógena, o corpo-de-prova foi selado com papel alumínio protegido internamente com plástico. As medidas estenderam-se de 6 horas até 112 dias. O fenômeno da retração também foi analisado com base nos resultados dos ensaios de porosimetria, calorimetria, termogravimetria e difração de raios X. Foram empregados como ativadores: silicato de sódio, cal hidratada + gipsita, cal hidratada e hidróxido de sódio. Como referência foi adotado o cimento portland da alta resistência inicial CPV-ARI. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a ativação da escória com silicato de sódio apresentou retração por secagem e autógena superior à apresentada pelos demais ativadores e pelo cimento portland. A maior parte dessa retração medida ocorre até os 7 dias. A retração por secagem ocorre em dois estágios: o primeiro logo após a desmoldagem e o segundo a partir do início da formação dos produtos hidratados. O início da retração autógena coincide com o segundo estágio da retração por secagem. Com base nos ensaios de microestrutura, são determinantes para a elevada retração do cimento de escória ativada com silicato de sódio: a baixa porosidade, caracterizada pela predominância quase total de mesoporos; o elevado grau de hidratação e natureza dos produtos hidratados, com predominância quase total de silicato cálcio hidratado (C-S-H). Na ativação com cal e com cal mais gipsita, a composição diferente dos produtos hidratados (baixa formação de C-S-H e presença significativa de fases aluminato e sulfoluminato, respectivamente) altera a porosidade e a retração, principalmente a autógena que apresenta valores inferiores à do cimento portland. A ativação com hidróxido sódio é caracterizada pela elevada retração autógena e baixa formação de C-S-H, com presença significativa de fases aluminato. / The use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (BFS) as an alternative binder to portland cement has been the subject of numerous studies in Brazil and other countries. Because BFS is a residue, its use benefits the environment. Furthermore, BFS cement is less costly and shows technical advantages if compared with normal portland cement, namely the higher strength, good durability in aggressive environments, and low heat of hydration. On the other hand, the high shrinkage of BSF cement is often indicated as one of the major limiting aspects for its use. The objective of this research was to study the development of unrestrained autogenous and drying shrinkage of BSF cement as function, mainly, of the chemical activator types and dosages. Autogenous shrinkage was measured in fully aluminum foil and plastic sheet wrapped specimens. Measurements were taken from 6 hours up to 112 days. Shrinkage was also analyzed in conjunction with mercury posorimetry, conduction calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction tests. Activators used were sodium silicate, hydrated lime + gypsite, hydrated lime and sodium hydroxide. High early strength portland cement was used as reference. The results showed that autogenous and drying shrinkage were larger when BFS was activated with sodium silicate. Most of the shrinkage occurs before 7 days of hydration. Drying shrinkage occurs in two phases: the first phase immediately after demolding, and the second phase concurrently with the formation of the hydrated products. Autogenous shrinkage coincides with the second phase of the drying shrinkage. Based on microstructure analysis, determining factors could be identified that respond for the high shrinkage of sodium silicate activated BFS cement: low porosity, mostly mesopores; high degree of hydration and chemical nature of the hydrated products, essentially calcium silicate hydrate - C-S-H. Activation with hydrated lime and hydrated lime plus dehydrated calcium results low amounts of C-S-H and significant quantities of aluminate and sulphoaluminate phases, respectively. Porosity and shrinkage, mainly autogenous, are lower than that verified for portland cement mixtures. Activation with sodium hydroxide causes high autogenous shrinkage, small amounts of C-S-H and significant quantities of aluminate phases.

Experimental spectroscopic studies of metals with electron, ion, and optical techniques

Mäkinen, A. . (Ari ) 14 January 2014 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, different spectroscopic methods are used for studying metals. Electron spectroscopy is applied for the study of binding energy shifts between atomic vapor and solid metals. Photoionization and Auger decay of high temperature aluminum vapors are investigated. Ionization of atomic chromium metal vapor by light absorption is studied with synchrotron radiation and time-of-flight ion mass spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy is used for studying light emission from electric arc furnace plasma in experimental apparatuses developed during this work. Experimental techniques and sample preparation methods are presented.

A top-down approach for creating and implementing data mining solutions

Laurinen, P. (Perttu) 13 June 2006 (has links)
Abstract The information age is characterized by ever-growing amounts of data surrounding us. By reproducing this data into usable knowledge we can start moving toward the knowledge age. Data mining is the science of transforming measurable information into usable knowledge. During the data mining process, the measurements pass through a chain of sophisticated transformations in order to acquire knowledge. Furthermore, in some applications the results are implemented as software solutions so that they can be continuously utilized. It is evident that the quality and amount of the knowledge formed is highly dependent on the transformations and the process applied. This thesis presents an application independent concept that can be used for managing the data mining process and implementing the acquired results as software applications. The developed concept is divided into two parts – solution formation and solution implementation. The first part presents a systematic way for finding a data mining solution from a set of measurement data. The developed approach allows for easier application of a variety of algorithms to the data, manages the work chain, and differentiates between the data mining tasks. The method is based on storage of the data between the main stages of the data mining process, where the different stages of the process are defined on the basis of the type of algorithms applied to the data. The efficiency of the process is demonstrated with a case study presenting new solutions for resistance spot welding quality control. The second part of the concept presents a component-based data mining application framework, called Smart Archive, designed for implementing the solution. The framework provides functionality that is common to most data mining applications and is especially suitable for implementing applications that process continuously acquired measurements. The work also proposes an efficient algorithm for utilizing cumulative measurement data in the history component of the framework. Using the framework, it is possible to build high-quality data mining applications with shorter development times by configuring the framework to process application-specific data. The efficiency of the framework is illustrated using a case study presenting the results and implementation principles of an application developed for predicting steel slab temperatures in a hot strip mill. In conclusion, this thesis presents a concept that proposes solutions for two fundamental issues of data mining, the creation of a working data mining solution from a set of measurement data and the implementation of it as a stand-alone application.

Alkali Control in the Blast Furnace – Influence of Modified Ash Composition and Charging Practice

Olofsson, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
The enrichment of alkali in the blast furnace has been proven to be a catalyst of coke gasification and is thus a key parameter in the degradation of coke. Alkali also directly destroys the carbon structure, increases the risk of scaffold formation, increases the load and attacks the refractory. It is thus important to decrease the recirculation of alkali in the blast furnace and the gasification of coke to ensure sufficient strength of the coke. The aim of the present study was to examine possible ways of alkali control in the blast furnace. This was done by investigating if coke with a modified ash composition contributed to a higher capacity of binding alkali in stable phases, which can be drained via the slag. This would decrease the recirculation of alkali in the blast furnace and prohibit coke degradation. Two campaigns were studied to determine the distribution of alkali in the shaft when the charging differed, this to improve the understanding of alkali control in the blast furnace with respect to the charging practice. Three different test cokes were produced in pilot scale with a mineral addition of kaolin, silica or bauxite. The test cokes were together with base coke used as a reference, charged in baskets to LKAB’s Experimental Blast Furnace (EBF) at the end of a campaign. When the campaign was finished the EBF was quenched with nitrogen and the charged baskets were excavated. The influence of alkali on coke with a modified ash composition was examined with XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS and TGA. This was done in order to confirm any difference between the test cokes and the base coke in terms of chemical composition, phases in the coke ash, degree of graphitisation and reactivity. The results showed that the base coke in most cases had collected more alkali compared to the test coke with a mineral addition of kaolin and silica. For the test coke with addition of bauxite the alkali content was higher in three out of four samples compared with the corresponding base coke. Unreacted grains with bauxite were detected, which indicates that bauxite was completely or partly inactive in the capturing of alkali. All aluminosilicates detected in the coke samples contained alkali, which indicates that aluminosilicates contributes in the capturing of alkali in the EBF. The main mineral phases containing potassium in the coke were kalsilite, leucite and other aluminosilicates with varying alkali content. The carbon conversion and thus the reactivity increased with the alkali content in both the test coke and the base coke. The reactivity of the test coke was thus not decreased due to the mineral addition. No indications of an increased capacity of capturing alkali in stable phases could be seen in the test cokes, this could be due to the low amount of minerals added. The uptake of alkali in the different coke types was dependent of the horizontal and vertical position in the EBF, and thus the conditions the baskets had been exposed to and the distribution of alkali within the EBF. It was concluded that the charging had an impact on the alkali distribution in the EBF. During campaign 31 the alkali content was more evenly distributed over the horizontal section in the upper part of the furnace, in the lower shaft the alkali content increased towards the centre. During campaign 32 the alkali content was increasing towards the walls in shaft of the EBF. The content of alkali in the lower shaft was higher during campaign 32 compared with campaign 31.


ADELMO CRESPO MACHADO 03 October 2012 (has links)
[pt] Na presente tese, a equação de energia é resolvida para uma tira de aço bi-dimensional que se move com velocidade constante através de um forno contínuo e é submetida a várias condições diferentes de radiação de convecção. As equações de discretização foram obtidas utilizando a técnica de diferenças finitas com enfoque em volume de controle. O conjunto destas equações indicou os sete parâmetros adimensionais do problema. Por se tratar de uma equação elíptica, a solução foi inicialmente encaminhada para a determinação dos comprimentos de tira antes e após o forno, além dos quais desapareceria o efeito da condução de calor axial no interior da tira. Os resultados mostraram a possibilidade de substituição da condição de contorno após o forno, passando-se então a considerar uma seção transversal da tira situada próxima à saída do forno. A nova condição de contorno foi estabelecida por um balanço de fluxos de calor por condução, convecção e emissão radiativa na referida seção da tira. A partir da análise de influência de cada parâmetro adimensional sobre a distribuição e temperatura da tira, foram selecionados como mais importantes o número de Peclet relativo à taxa de produção do forno, o parâmetro de radiação incidente relativo ao consumo de combustível e parâmetro geométrico que exprime a razão entre as dimensões da tira. Uma análise da eficiência na transferência de calor foi então realizada, avaliando os citados parâmetros diante dos requisitos de obtenção de uma determinada temperatura média da tira e de uma elevada homogeneidade de temperatura em sua reação transversal localizada próxima à saída do forno. Ao promover-se a divisão do forno em três zonas e a adoção de diferentes fluxos de radiação incidente, foi possível simular situações operacionais típicas que ocorrem nos fornos de reaquecimento de placas de uma usina siderúrgica e efetuar comparações com dados disponíveis em literatura. / [en] In the present thesis the energy equation is solved for the temperature distribution in a two dimensional steel strip, which moves with Constant velocity through a furnace and is submited to several different radiation and convection fluxes. Steady state conditions are supposed to exist, if the reference frame is attached to the furnace walls. Thus, one more term arises in the energy equation to take into account the strip movement. The non-linearity of the problem is restricted to the radiation boundary conditions. The discretized algebraic equations are set up, utilizing a finite difference, scheme with the control volume approach. The complete set of equations has shown that there are seven non-dimensional parameters to be specified. Due to the elliptic nature of the equation, it was stabilished that at some distance before and after the furnace, the axial heat conduction in the strip would vanish. A first attempt was done in order to find these distances. The results have shown that the boundary condition after the furnace, the axial heat conduction in the strip would vanish. A first attempt was done in order to find these distances. The results have shown that the boundary condition after the furnace could be substituted, taking a section of the strip closer to the furnace outlet and simply stating the heat flux balance in terms of conduction, convection and radiant emission, considering that this is an end of the strip. Examining the resultant temperature profiles and the heat exchanged by the strip, the influence of each non-dimensional parameter was investigated. Three of them are believed to be the more important: the péciét number related to the furnace rate of production, the incident radiation parameter related to the rate of fuel consumption and the geometrical aspect ratio of the strip. A thermal abalysis of the furnace was then carried out, in order to achieve prescribed data on averade temperature of the strip at the furnace outlet, degree od temperature homogenelty in the strip and heat transfer efficiency. To make a more realistic simulation of the furnace, it was also subdivided into three cones of different incident radiation fluxes and then typical operational situations could be reproduced, as they usually occur in slab reheating furnaces. These simulations were compared with data available in the literature, showing a reasonable qualitative accordance with them.


[pt] Muitos fornos de reaquecimento de placas de aço de indústrias siderúrgicas são dotados de modelos de simulação desenvolvidos para aumentar o seu desempenho na operação. Com este objetivo, foi desenvolvido um modelo de simulação térmica de um forno para aquecimento de uma tira metálica movendo-se continuamente. Neste forno, idealizado como um espaço fechado (enclosure), são alocadas chamas com temperatura, área e posição previamente definidas. Estas chamas fornecem energia por radiação térmica para aquecimento das superfícies das paredes refratárias e da tira metálica, e por convecção para o gás interno ao forno. Este gás troca calor por convecção com as paredes e a tira. As paredes refratárias são consideradas adiabáticas e foram subdivididas em zonas isotérmicas. A tira metálica foi subdividida em elementos de volumes de controle também isotérmicos. Casa elemento da tira, troca calor por condução e transporte de entalpia através das fronteiras internas, devido ao seu movimento. Um modelo computacional foi desenvolvido para obter o campo de temperaturas do forno (superfícies da tira, paredes refratárias e gás). O modelo também determina a potência fornecida ao forno para uma dada configuração operacional e a distribuição da temperatura interna da tira. / [en] Many reheating furnaces are provided with simulation models to enhance their performance in operation. With this objective it was developed a thermal simulation model for the heating of a continuosly moving strip within a furnace. The furnace is idealized as a enclosure having distributed along ti, flames having temperature, area and position previously defined. The flames provide heating energy by thermal radiation to the wall and strip surfaces, and by convection to the inner gas. This gas exchange heat by convection, with the strip and walls. The refractory walls are assumed to be adiabatic and were subdivided into isotermal zones. The strip was subdivided into control volume elements that are considered with constant temperature. Each strip elements exchange heat by conduction and entalpy transport through internal boundaries, due to its movement. A computational model was developed in order to obtain the field of temperature in the furnace (strip surfaces, refractory walls and gas). In addition, the model determines the power to supply energy for a given operational condition of the furnace and internal temperature distribuition in the strip.

Étude des Matériaux carbonés utilisés comme réducteurs pour la production des alliages de manganèse dans le four électrique / Study of carbonaceous materials used as reductants in the production of manganese alloys in the submerged electric arc furnace

Goncalves e Oliveira, Fernando Lucas 29 April 2010 (has links)
Notre travail est consacré à l’étude des matériaux carbonés utilisés comme réducteurs pour la production des alliages de manganèse dans le four électrique à arc immergé. Le choix du réducteur est important pour l’optimisation du procédé métallurgique et sa réactivité au CO2 est le paramètre le plus important utilisé par les producteurs de ferroalliages pour évaluer sa qualité. Les objectifs de notre travail sont : ? d’établir les critères de sélection du coke métallurgique ou réducteur de remplacement, utilisés pour la production des alliages de manganèse dans le four électrique, en utilisant la réactivité au CO2 comme le principal paramètre pour évaluer sa qualité ; ? d’un point de vue plus fondamental, apporter une meilleure compréhension des réactions du carbone dans le réacteur industriel. Dans l’optique d’une modélisation globale du four électrique, notre travail fournit des paramètres cinétiques d’une des réactions les plus importantes du procédé : la réaction de Boudouard. L’étude de la réductibilité des oxydes de manganèse pourrait donc être une nouvelle étape vers la construction d’un modèle global du réacteur industriel. Un troisième volet d’expériences utile à la modélisation serait l’étude de l’influence de la nature et du calibre du réducteur sur la résistivité électrique de la charge. / The main aims of our work have been to establish criteria useful for reductant selection, using coke reactivity to CO2 as the main parameter for reductant quality assessment and, from a fundamental point of view, to develop a better understanding of carbon reactions inside the industrial reactor. Therefore, Boudouard reaction has been studied on three increasing scales: intrinsic chemical reaction, coke lump, and coke bed scales. Several different types of carbonaceous materials have been studied. They represent the variety of reductants commonly used in the production of manganese ferroalloys in the electric furnace. It has been shown that this extended range of reductants introduces large differences between their characteristics, mainly between their reactivity to CO2. Regarding the coke lump gasification kinetics, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model has been used to represent the intrinsic rate of the Boudouard reaction. A good correlation has been found between the initial gasification rates of the coke beds and the single coke lumps. The difference between these rates increases with increasing reductant reactivity. It is possible to determine coke gasification regime inside the industrial electric arc furnace using single particle and coke bed gasification models. The overall rate at which coke reacts with CO2 inside the industrial reactor is probably limited by the intrinsic chemical reaction. Therefore, a reactivity index, based on the initial gasification rate of the reductant, measured in the chemical-kinetics controlled regime, seems to be adapted to the reductant quality assessment. An additional technique could be the microtextural analysis.

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