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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling rating curves from close-range remote sensing data : Application of laser and acoustic ranging instruments for capturing stream channel topography

Lam, Norris January 2017 (has links)
A rating curve provides a functional relationship between water height (i.e. stage) and discharge at a specified cross-section in a river. Used in combination with a time series of stage, rating curves become one of the central components for generating continuous records of streamflow. Since developing and maintaining rating curves can be time consuming, hydraulic models have shown potential to reduce the effort required for developing rating curves. A central challenge with modeling procedures, however, is the acquisition of accurate stream channel and floodplain topography. From this perspective, this thesis focuses on the real-world application of close-range remote sensing techniques such as laser-based ranging technologies (i.e. Light detection and ranging or LiDAR) or acoustic based ranging technologies (i.e. acoustic Doppler current profiler or ADCP) to capture topographic information for hydraulic modeling applications across various spatial scales. First, a review of the current LiDAR literature was carried out to identify potential ways to take full advantage of these novel data and technologies in the future. This was followed by four interconnected studies whereby: (i) a low-cost custom laser scanning system was designed to capture grain size distributions for a small stream; (ii) synthetically thinned airborne laser scanning (ALS) data was applied in a physically-based hydraulic modelling framework to develop rating curves; (iii) low-resolution national-scale ALS was coupled with ADCP bathymetry to be used in conjunction with a hydraulic model to develop rating curves; and (iv) the impact of measurement uncertainties on generating rating curves with a hydraulic model were investigated. This thesis highlights the potential of close-range remote sensing techniques for capturing accurate stream channel topography and derive from these data, the necessary parameters required for hydraulic modeling applications. / En avbördningskurva tillhandahåller ett funktionellt förhållande mellan vattendjup (dvs. vattenstånd) och flöde vid ett specifikt tvärsnitt i ett vattendrag. Avbördningskurvan blir en central komponent för generering av kontinuerliga tidsserier av vattenföring från tidsserier av vattenstånd. Eftersom det är tidskrävande att utveckla och underhålla avbördningskurvor erbjuder hydrauliska modeller attraktiva möjligheter att minska den insats som krävs för att utveckla avbördningskurvorna. En central utmaning för sådana modelleringsförfaranden är emellertid tillgången till noggrann topografidata av strömfåran och de omgivande stränderna. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på tillämpningen av fjärranalystekniker för avståndsmätning på nära håll, såsom laserbaserade teknik (dvs. Light detection and ranging eller LiDAR) och akustisk baserat teknik (dvs. acoustic Doppler current profiler eller ADCP), för att fånga topografisk information för hydraulisk modellering av vattendrag i olika rumsliga skalor. Först presenteras en litteraturstudie av den nuvarande LiDAR-litteratur för att identifiera potentiella sätt att dra full nytta av dessa nya data och tekniker i framtiden. Detta följs av fyra sammanlänkade studier: (i) tillämpning av ett lågkostnads-laseravsökningssystem för att fånga kornstorleksfördelningar i ett litet vattendrag, (ii) syntetiskt förtunnad flygburen laserskanningsdata (ALS) applicerad i en fysiskt baserad hydraulisk modell för att utveckla avbördningskurvor, (iii) lågupplösta ALS från Svensk nationell höjdmodell kopplade med ADCP-batymetri för att ta fram en avbördningskurva med en hydraulisk modell, och (iv) undersökning av effekterna av osäkerheter på mätdata för att generera avbördningskurvor med en hydraulisk modell. Denna avhandling belyser potentialen för fjärranalystekniker för avståndsmätning på nära håll, för att fånga strömfårans exakta topografi och ifrån dessa data härleda de parametrar som krävs för hydrauliska modelleringstillämpningar. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

Mountain centered icefields in northern Scandinavia

Fredin, Ola January 2004 (has links)
Mountain centered glaciers have played a major role throughout the last three million years in the Scandinavian mountains. The climatic extremes, like the present warm interglacial or cold glacial maxima, are very short-lived compared to the periods of intermediate climate conditions, characterized by the persistence of mountain based glaciers and ice fields of regional size. These have persisted in the Scandinavian mountains for about 65% of the Quaternary. Mountain based glaciers thus had a profound impact on large-scale geomorphology, which is manifested in large-scale glacial landforms such as fjords, glacial lakes and U-shaped valleys in and close to the mountain range. Through a mapping of glacial landforms in the northern Scandinavian mountain range, in particular a striking set of lateral moraines, this thesis offers new insights into Weichselian stages predating the last glacial maximum. The aerial photograph mapping and field evidence yield evidence that these lateral moraines were overridden by glacier ice subsequent to their formation. The lateral moraines were dated using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide techniques. Although the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide signature of the moraines is inconclusive, an early Weichselian age is tentatively suggested through correlations with other landforms and stratigraphical archives in the region. The abundance and coherent spatial pattern of the lateral moraines also allow a spatial reconstruction of this ice field. The ice field was controlled by topography and had nunataks protruding also where it was thickest close to the elevation axis of the Scandinavian mountain range. Outlet glaciers discharged into the Norwegian fjords and major valleys in Sweden. The process by which mountain based glaciers grow into an ice sheet is a matter of debate. In this thesis, a feedback mechanism between debris on the ice surface and ice sheet growth is presented. In essence, the growth of glaciers and ice sheets may be accelerated by an abundance of debris in their ablation areas. This may occur when the debris cover on the glacier surface inhibits ablation, effectively increasing the glaciers mass balance. It is thus possible that a dirty ablation area may cause the glacier to advance further than a clean glacier under similar conditions. An ice free period of significant length allows soil production through weathering, frost shattering, and slope processes. As glaciers advance through this assemblage of sediments, significant amounts of debris end up on the surface due to both mass wastage and subglacial entrainment. Evidence that this chain of events may occur, is given by large expanses of hummocky moraine (local name Veiki moraine) in the northern Swedish lowlands. Because the Veiki moraine has been correlated with the first Weichselian advance following the Eemian, it implies a heavily debris charged ice sheet emanating from the mountain range and terminating in a stagnant fashion in the lowlands.

Basal boundary conditions, stability and verification in glaciological numerical models

Helanow, Christian January 2017 (has links)
To increase our understanding of how ice sheets and glaciers interact with the climate system, numerical models have become an indispensable tool. However, the complexity of these systems and the natural limitation in computational power is reflected in the simplifications of the represented processes and the spatial and temporal resolution of the models. Whether the effect of these limitations is acceptable or not, can be assessed by theoretical considerations and by validating the output of the models against real world data. Equally important is to verify if the numerical implementation and computational method accurately represent the mathematical description of the processes intended to be simulated. This thesis concerns a set of numerical models used in the field of glaciology, how these are applied and how they relate to other study areas in the same field. The dynamical flow of glaciers, which can be described by a set of non-linear partial differential equations called the Full Stokes equations, is simulated using the finite element method. To reduce the computational cost of the method significantly, it is common to lower the order of the used elements. This results in a loss of stability of the method, but can be remedied by the use of stabilization methods. By numerically studying different stabilization methods and evaluating their suitability, this work contributes to constraining the values of stabilization parameters to be used in ice sheet simulations. Erroneous choices of parameters can lead to oscillations of surface velocities, which affects the long term behavior of the free-surface ice and as a result can have a negative impact on the accuracy of the simulated mass balance of ice sheets. The amount of basal sliding is an important component that affects the overall dynamics of the ice. A part of this thesis considers different implementations of the basal impenetrability condition that accompanies basal sliding, and shows that methods used in literature can lead to a difference in velocity of 1% to 5% between the considered methods. The subglacial hydrological system directly influences the glacier's ability to slide and therefore affects the velocity distribution of the ice. The topology and dominant mode of the hydrological system on the ice sheet scale is, however, ill constrained. A third contribution of this thesis is, using the theory of R-channels to implement a simple numerical model of subglacial water flow, to show the sensitivity of subglacial channels to transient processes and that this limits their possible extent. This insight adds to a cross-disciplinary discussion between the different sub-fields of theoretical, field and paleo-glaciology regarding the characteristics of ice sheet subglacial hydrological systems. In the study, we conclude by emphasizing areas of importance where the sub-fields have yet to unify: the spatial extent of channelized subglacial drainage, to what degree specific processes are connected to geomorphic activity and the differences in spatial and temporal scales. As a whole, the thesis emphasizes the importance of verification of numerical models but also acknowledges the natural limitations of these to represent complex systems. Focusing on keeping numerical ice sheet and glacier models as transparent as possible will benefit end users and facilitate accurate interpretations of the numerical output so it confidently can be used for scientific purposes. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> / Greenland Analogue Project

Permafrost carbon in a changing Arctic : On periglacial landscape dynamics, organic matter characteristics, and the stability of a globally significant carbon pool

Weiss, Niels January 2017 (has links)
Organic matter (OM) in arctic permafrost ground contains about twice as much carbon (C) as is currently present in the atmosphere. Climate change is particularly strong in the Arctic, and could cause a considerable part of the OM in permafrost to thaw out, decompose, and be released as greenhouse gases; further enhancing global warming. The exact size of the northern circumpolar C pool remains unclear, and processes that control decomposition and mineralization rates are even more uncertain. Superimposed on the long-term release of C through microbial decomposition of OM in the gradually deepening active layer, is the rapid release of currently sequestered OM through geomorphological processes. This thesis considers the quantity, quality, and availability of permafrost C, and explores interactions and common controls. To better understand the potential effects of thawing permafrost, it is vital to: i) obtain more accurate size and distribution estimates of permafrost C stocks, and develop methods to accurately and efficiently implement these in models, ii) identify OM characteristics that control decomposition, specifically for permafrost material, and iii) determine and quantify key geomorphological processes that cause large amounts of OM to become available for rapid decomposition. Detailed C quantifications are valuable to increase our fundamental understanding of permafrost soil processes and C sequestration, but including high levels of heterogeneity in models is challenging. Simple upscaling tools based on e.g. elevation parameters (Paper I) can help to bridge the gap between detailed field studies and global C models. Permafrost OM quality is controlled by different factors than those commonly observed in temperate soils (without permafrost). We observed an unexpected (significant) correlation in upper permafrost samples, where material that is generally considered more recalcitrant showed the highest CO2 production rates per g C, indicating high lability (Paper II). In ancient Pleistocene permafrost, labile samples related significantly to OM that was enriched in decomposed microbial remains, whereas less-decomposed plant material was more stable (Paper III). Investigation of multiple incubation datasets revealed that the unusual relationship between %C and CO2 production occurred in contrasting field sites throughout the Arctic, indicating important permafrost-specific controls over OM quality (Paper IV). We discuss several possible explanations for the observed high lability of permafrost OM, such as a pool of labile dissolved organic C in the upper permafrost, or increased lability caused by past decomposition. In order to conclusively identify causal relationships, and to answer the question whether or not the same mechanisms control OM quality in different environments, further investigation of permafrost-specific OM quality is required. Geomorphology plays a key role in C reworking and OM decomposition. Vast amounts of OM can be released abruptly (e.g. in thaw slumps and thermokarst lakes, Paper II), resulting in C turnover that will likely outweigh decomposition through gradual active layer deepening. Climate change could enhance this rapid release of C, and changes in surface hydrology and increased fire activity are expected to become the largest contributors to C loss from permafrost regions. Together with C quantity and quality, availability through gradual and abrupt processes must be parameterized and included in models in order to accurately assess the potential permafrost C climate feedback. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Land use effects on greenhouse gas emissions from boreal inland waters

Klaus, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Anthropogenic activities perturb the global carbon and nitrogen cycle with large implications for the earth’s climate. Land use activities deliver excess carbon and nitrogen to aquatic ecosystems. In the boreal biome, this is mainly due to forestry and atmospheric deposition. Yet, impacts of these anthropogenically mediated inputs of carbon and nitrogen on the processing and emissions of greenhouse gases from recipient streams and lakes are largely unknown. Understanding the ecosystem-scale response of aquatic greenhouse gas cycling to land use activities is critical to better predict anthropogenic effects on the global climate system and design more efficient climate change mitigation measures. This thesis assesses the effects of forest clearcutting and nitrate enrichment on greenhouse gas emissions from boreal inland waters. It also advances methods to quantify sources and sinks of these emissions. Short-term clearcut and nitrate enrichment effects were assessed using two whole-ecosystem experiments, carried out over four years in nine headwater catchments in boreal Sweden. In these experiments, I measured or modeled air-water fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), combining concentration, ebullition and gas-transfer velocity measurements in groundwater, streams and lakes. By using Swedish national monitoring data, I also assessed broad-scale effects of forest clearcutting by relating CO2 concentrations in 439 forest lakes to the areal proportion of catchment forest clearcuts. To improve quantifications of CO2 sources and sinks in lakes, I analyzed time series of oxygen concentrations and water temperature in five lakes on conditions under which whole-lake metabolism estimates can be inferred from oxygen dynamics given the perturbing influence of atmospheric exchange, mixing and internal waves. The experiments revealed that aquatic greenhouse gas emissions did not respond to nitrate addition or forest clearcutting. Importantly, riparian zones likely buffered clearcut-induced increases in groundwater CO2 and CH4 concentrations. Experimental results were confirmed by monitoring data showing no relationship between CO2 patterns across Swedish lakes and clearcut gradients. Yet, conclusions on internal vs. external CO2 controls largely depended on whether spatially or temporally resolved data was used. Partitioning CO2 sources and sinks in lakes using time series of oxygen was greatly challenged by physical transport and mixing processes. Conclusively, ongoing land use activities in the boreal zone are unlikely to have major effect on headwater greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, system- and scale specific effects cannot be excluded. To reveal these effects, there is a large need of improved methods and design of monitoring programs that account for the large spatial and temporal variability in greenhouse gas dynamics and its controls by abiotic and biotic factors.

Linking lake variability, climate, and human activity in Basotu, Tanzania

Higgins, Lindsey January 2017 (has links)
Paleoenvironmental investigations establish important baseline knowledge of the natural variability of lake systems, to better understand human impacts on the landscape, and the effects of climate change on water resources. By combining long-term environmental history with investigations into modern land use patterns and climatological events, a wider perspective can be reached that has practical applications in water governance. This thesis presents a case study of Lake Basotu (4.37°S, 35.07°E), a crater lake in the Hanang district of north-central Tanzania, which acts as an important source of freshwater for local people. A three-meter long sediment core from an interior crater of Lake Basotu was investigated using proxy records (diatoms, magnetic parameters, and carbon content) and radiometric dating (14C and 210Pb). The Lake Basotu record was then compared to other sediment-based reconstructions from East Africa and records of historical famines to better place it into the timeline and understanding of regional climate dynamics. This work was extended into modern times (1973–2015) by examining lake extent variations in the Landsat satellite archive. Shoreline boundaries for dry-season images were delineated and lake extent was calculated using GIS techniques. This remote sensing record was compared to climatological patterns, meteorological records, and the history of land-use changes in the surrounding district. As a whole, the Lake Basotu record indicates that major fluctuations in lake level are not abnormal; however, human influence has likely increased the lake’s sensitivity to climatic fluctuations. The timing of historical famines in East Africa were linked to periods of shallow lake conditions in Basotu, and the duration of the most extreme lake level changes correlate to a reversal in the 14C age-depth model. Recent variations in lake extent are likely connected to a mechanized wheat farming program implemented in the district as a foreign aid project in the early 1960s. To support the work done in Basotu, a preliminary investigation of sediment from the nearby Lake Babati was undertaken. Sediment from the two lakes indicates that their geographical location may be in a transition zone towards dryer conditions to the south during the Little Ice Age in East Africa. The results of this thesis support that Lake Basotu is an important location for understanding the potential impacts of climate change and human activity on water resources in this region. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Regulation of carbon dioxide emission from Swedish boreal lakes and the Gulf of Bothnia

Algesten, Grete January 2005 (has links)
The global carbon cycle is subject to intense research, where sources and sinks for greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide in particular, are estimated for various systems and biomes. Lakes have previously been neglected in carbon balance estimations, but have recently been recognized to be significant net sources of CO2. This thesis estimates emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from boreal lakes and factors regulating the CO2 saturation from field measurements of CO2 concentration along with a number of chemical, biological and physical parameters. Concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was found to be the most important factor for CO2 saturation in lake water, whereas climatic parameters such as precipitation, temperature and global radiation were less influential. All lakes were supersaturated with and, thus, sources of CO2. Sediment incubation experiments indicated that in-lake mineralization processes during summer stratification mainly occurred in the pelagial. Approximately 10% of the CO2 emitted from the lake surface was produced in epilimnetic sediments. The mineralization of DOC and emission of CO2 from freshwaters was calculated on a catchment basis for almost 80,000 lakes and 21 major catchments in Sweden, together with rates of sedimentation in lakes and export of organic carbon to the sea. The total export of terrestrial organic carbon to freshwaters could thereby be estimated and consequently also the importance of lakes for the withdrawal of organic carbon export from terrestrial sources to the sea. Lakes removed 30-80% of imported terrestrial organic carbon, and mineralization and CO2 emission were much more important than sedimentation of carbon. The carbon loss was closely related to water retention time, where catchments with short residence times (&lt;1 year) had low carbon retentions, whereas in catchments with long residence times (&gt;3 years) a majority of the imported TOC was removed in the lake systems. The Gulf of Bothnia was also studied in this thesis and found to be a net heterotrophic system, emitting large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annual basis. The rate of CO2 emission was depending on the balance between primary production and bacterial respiration, and the system was oscillating between being a source and a sink of CO2.

Tree Rings as Sensitive Proxies of Past Climate Change

Grudd, Håkan January 2006 (has links)
In the boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere, time series of tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum density in the latewood (MXD) are highly correlated to local instrumental summer-temperature data and are thus widely used as proxies in high-resolution climate reconstructions. Hence, much of our present knowledge about climatic variability in the last millennium is based on tree-rings. However, many tree-ring records have a lack of data in the most recent decades, which severely hampers our ability to place the recent temperature increase in a longer-timescale perspective of natural variability. The main objective of this thesis is to update and extend the Torneträsk TRW and MXD records in northern Sweden. Local instrumental climate-data is used to calibrate the new tree-ring records. The results show that TRW is mainly forced by temperature in the early growing season (June/July) while MXD has a wider response window (June – August) and has a higher correlation to temperature. Two reconstructions of summer temperature are made for (i) the last 7,400 years based on TRW, and (ii) the last 1,500 years based on a combination of TRW and MXD. The reconstructions show natural variability on timescales from years to several centuries. The 20th century does not stand out as a notably warm period in the long timescale perspective. A medieval period from AD 900 – 1100 is markedly warmer than the 20th century. The environmental impact from a large explosive volcanic eruption in 1628/1627 BC is analysed in the tree rings of 14C-dated bog pines in south-central Sweden and in absolutely-dated subfossil pines from Torneträsk. The results show evidence of an impact in the southern site at approximately this time but no detectable impact in the North. Subfossil trees of Fitzroya cupressoides in southern Chile were 14C-dated to approx. 50,000 years BP and amalgamated into a 1,229-year TRW chronology. This tree-ring record is the oldest in the world. The variability in this Last-glacial chronology is similar to the variability in present-day living trees of the same species. These results suggest that the growth–forcing mechanisms 50,000 years ago were similar to those at present.

How elephants utilize a miombo-wetland ecosystem in Ugalla landscape, Western Tanzania

Kalumanga, Elikana January 2015 (has links)
African elephants are ‘keystone’ species with respect to biodiversity conservation in Africa since they maintain habitats that support several animal communities by changing vegetation structure through foraging and by dispersing seeds between landscapes. Elephants are also ‘flagship’ species because, given their impressive size, they can make people sympathetic and stimulate local and international concerns for their protection. Economically, elephants contribute to national revenues as tourists are willing to pay to watch them. Despite all these factors, little is known however about elephant movement and how they utilize resources, especially in miombo-wetland ecosystems. This thesis investigates how elephants utilize resources in a miombo-wetland ecosystem in the Ugalla landscape of Western Tanzania over different protected areas containing different resource users. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) collars fitted to six elephants, it was observed that some elephant families are not confined in one protected area in the Ugalla landscape. Rather, they moved readily between different protected areas. Elephant movements were restricted to areas near the rivers, especially the Ugalla River, during the dry season and were dispersed widely during the wet season. As they move, elephants in the miombo woodlands of Ugalla selected the most abundant woody plants for browsing. Common to many woody plants, the browsed plants were short of mineral nutrients (e.g., sodium, calcium). Elephants obtained additional minerals by eating soils from certain termite mounds. Soils from termite mounds are richer in mineral elements (e.g., sodium, calcium, iron) compared to soils from the surrounding flood plain or compared to the browsed plants. However, the recorded termite mounds from which elephants eat soils were not evenly distributed in the landscape but confined mainly to the flood plains in the Ugalla Game Reserve. The Ugalla River, which is the main source of water for the elephants and other animals and also supports fishing activities by the local people in Ugalla during the dry seasons, is infested by the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Such infestation potentially limits access to these precious surface water supplies. In addition at the regional level, the Ugalla River is among the major rivers that flow into the Lake Tanganyika which is shared by the countries of Tanzania, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. Thus, the spread of water hyacinth if left unchecked threatens to impact Lake Tanganyika, affecting many countries and ecosystem services. This thesis highlights that sustainable conservation of biodiversity in different protected areas in the Ugalla landscape requires an integrated management approach that will embrace conservation of different interrelated landscape resources required by both wildlife and the rural poor populations for their livelihoods. Regular coordinated wildlife anti-poaching patrols should be initiated across the entire Ugalla landscape because the elephants, among other wildlife, utilize different protected areas in Ugalla. Local communities should also be engaged in conservation initiatives (e.g., controlling the spread of the water hyacinth) as these directly impact local livelihoods. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> / INTEGRATED NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

Subsurface fluxes of mass and energy at the accumulation zone of Lomonosovfonna ice cap, Svalbard

Marchenko, Sergey January 2018 (has links)
Glaciers cover ca 10% of the Earth's land and are found in the high altitudes and latitudes. They are important components of environmental systems due to the multiple feedbacks linking them with the atmosphere, hydrosphere and periglacial landscapes. The cold sloping surfaces of glaciers change the patterns of atmospheric circulation at different scales and at the same time glaciers are largely controlled by climate. They are commonly used as climatic archives for reconstruction of the past environmental changes based on evidences from the areas affected by glaciation at the moment and in the past. Glaciers are the largest fresh-water reservoirs on our planet and runoff thereof significantly affects the global sea level and life in glaciated catchments. However, melt- and rain-induced runoff from glaciers greatly depends on the subsurface conditions which thus need to be taken into account, particularly in a changing climate. This thesis focuses on the processes of subsurface mass and energy exchange in the accumulation zones of glaciers, which are largely driven by the climate at the surface. Results are largely based on empirical data from Lomonosovfonna ice cap, Svalbard, collected during field campaigns in 2012-2017. Observations of subsurface density and stratigraphy using shallow cores, video records from boreholes and radar surveys returned detailed descriptions of the snow and firn layering. The subsurface temperature data collected using multiple thermistor strings provided insights into several subsurface processes. The temperature values measured during three summer seasons were used to constrain the suggested parameterization of deep preferential water flow through snow and firn. The part of data recorded during the cold seasons was employed for an inverse modelling exercise resulting in optimized values of effective thermal conductivity of the subsurface profile. These results are then used to compute the subsurface water content by comparing the simulated and measured rates of freezing front propagation after the melt season in 2014. The field observations and quantitative estimates provide further empirical evidences of preferential water flow in snow/firn packs at glaciers. Results presented in the thesis call for implementation of description of the process in layered models simulating the subsurface fluxes of energy and mass at glaciers. This will result in a better understanding of glacier response to the past and future climatic changes and more accurate estimates of glacier runoff. / Stability and Variations of Arctic Land Ice (SVALI)

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