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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FLUKA Simulation of the Radiation Environment on the Surface of Mars

Northum, Jeremy 16 December 2013 (has links)
Uncertainties persist regarding the assessment of the carcinogenic risk associated with galactic cosmic ray (GCR) exposure. The GCR spectrum peaks in the range of 300 MeV/n to 700 MeV/n and is comprised of elemental ions from H to Ni. While Fe ions represent only 0.03% of the GCR spectrum in terms of particle abundance, they are responsible for nearly 30% of the dose equivalent in free space. Because of this, radiation biology studies focusing on understanding the biological effects of GCR exposure generally use Fe ions. Acting as a thin shield, the Martian atmosphere alters the GCR spectrum in a manner that significantly reduces the importance of Fe ions. Additionally, albedo particles emanating from the regolith complicate the radiation environment. The present study uses the Monte Carlo code FLUKA to simulate the response of a tissue-equivalent proportional counter on the surface of Mars to produce dosimetry quantities and microdosimetry distributions. The dose equivalent rate on the surface of Mars was found to be 0.18 Sv/y with an average quality factor of 2.9 and a dose mean lineal energy of 18.4 keV/µm. Albedo neutrons accounted for 25% of the dose equivalent. Additionally, differential energy spectra were generated in order to determine the fractional contribution to frequency, dose, and dose equivalent for each elemental ion from H to Ni on the surface of Mars. Fe ions were found to account for just 1.3% of the dose equivalent while H and He ions were found to account for 32% and 17%, respectively. It is anticipated that these data will provide relevant benchmarks for use in future risk assessment and mission planning studies.

Investigation of neuroprotection by NAD+ in response to deep space radiation

Shelerud, Lukas M. 08 June 2020 (has links)
BACKGROUND: As space programs such as NASA prepare for interplanetary missions to Mars, the potential hazards of long-term space travel are being increasingly considered. Of these hazards, astronaut exposure to galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) is of specific concern. Despite increased efforts to study the consequences of deep space radiation exposure, studies have been inconsistent in their dosage and types of radiation used. This study marks the first to use a simulated form of GCR, accurately representing the dosage and full spectrum of ions astronauts would encounter on an extended journey to Mars. The disruption of cognition and behavior by radiation has been a hallmark of previous investigations, however, it is unknown whether accurate full-spectrum GCR causes similar impairment. Additionally, reports exploring the efficacy of radioprotectant drugs are lacking despite their potential utility in deep space travel. Nicotinamide Mononucleate, an NAD+ precursor, shows promise for radioprotection, as its roles in promoting DNA repair and longevity pathways in mice are well established. OBJECTIVE: To define behavioral responses to accurate full-spectrum Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR) in mice and test the neuroprotective potential of an NAD+ booster, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). METHODS: Male C57BL/6 mice (n=48) began NMN treatment (600 mg/kg daily) and GCR radiation exposure at six months of age. Mice (n=24) were exposed to GCR for 24 total days for a total dose of ~49.92 cGy before being shipped to Harvard Medical School for analysis. Between nine and 11.5 months of age, all mice underwent a series of behavioral assays. Learning and memory behaviors were assessed using the Barnes Maze test and measured by comparing time spent at the target hole and target quadrant. Anxiety and motility were assessed using the Open Field test and measured by comparing the % time spent in the center of the maze and total distances traveled. Dominance and aggression were assessed using the Tube Dominance test and measured in total number of bouts won by each mouse. RESULTS: Mice from all four groups showed no difference in percentage of time spent at the target hole or in percentage of time spent within the target quadrant, indicating that mouse learning and memory were unaffected by chronic GCR and NMN treatment. Mice from all four groups showed no difference in percentage of time spent in the center of the maze, or in total distance traveled, suggesting that mouse anxiety and motility were unaffected by chronic GCR and NMN treatment. Irradiated mice were found to be significantly more dominant than non-irradiated mice as determined by the Tube Dominance test. When comparing irradiated mice +/- NMN, it was found that NMN treated mice scored 90.9% lower in dominance. CONCLUSIONS: Behavioral results indicate very limited potential for neurological impairment by accurate, full-spectrum GCR in mice, however, further research is needed to confirm this. Mouse dominance behavior was found to be affected by GCR, suggesting future behavioral studies should include dominance and aggression analyses. NMN shows potential as a novel radioprotective agent that should be further investigated. / 2022-06-08T00:00:00Z

Reproduktionens inverkan på det slutliga tryckresultatet med djuptryck på MF-papper

Sundman, Birgitta January 2003 (has links)
To get an optimal print result with rotogravure on improved newsprint, MF-paper, knowledge aboutwhat adjustment that should be done through the whole production is needed. This degree project investigatesthe reproduction’s effect on the final print result.A test print is done at Quebecor World Nordic Interprint´s regular print unit. The evaluation of theprint shows how important the use of a unit adjusted ICC-profile is for the print quality. A comparisonbetween the two separation methods GCR and UCR shows that Interprint´s present ICC-profile, usingUCR as separation method, gives less missing dots. When the cylinder that prints the black ink isengraving whit a slower speed than normal the result shows that the colour becomes a little darker, thedetails becomes clear but the difference is very small.

Acceptabel och effektiv färgreducering i tryck : Utvärdering av färgreduceringsresultat från Alwan CMYK Optimizer ECO / Acceptable and efficient ink reduction in print : Evaluation of the result of ink reduction with Alwan CMYK Optimizer ECO

Forsell, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Tryckeribranschen är en ekonomiskt pressad bransch som söker nya besparingsmetoder. En av metoderna är att minska insatsvaran tryckfärg med färgreduceringsprogramvara. Rapporten undersöker möjligheterna med färgreduceringssystem. Detta genom att studera hur man använder sig av färgreducering och hur det påverkar trycket. Studien avser besvara: • Hur stor färgminskning kan man använda sig av utan negativa konsekvenser på bildkvalitén? • Hur går man tillväga för att skapa den färgminskningen? • Överensstämmer total färgförändring och visuell bedömning av tryck? För att få svar på dessa frågor togs en testform fram med nödvändiga bilder och färgfält som sedan genomgick en rad färgreduktioner. Testformen utvärderades digitalt med avseende på TAC och total färgförändring. Därefter trycktes testformen och utvärderades visuellt av en testgrupp och uppmättes för att visa färgförändring efter tryck. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det går att färgreducera tryck utan avsevärda negativa konsekvenser på bildkvalitén. En reducering från 300 % TAC till en TAC mellan 240 % och 210 % är fullt möjlig för att få en besparing och vara inom standard för total färgförändring. Detta går att göra väldigt lätt med en programvara som Alwan CMYK Optimizer ECO, med enbart förvalda inställningar och en inställd Total Ink Limit mellan 240 % och 210 %. Resultatet visade även en stark korrelation mellan den visuella bedömningen och den totala färgförändring, som tyder att både metoder är lämpliga för bedömning av tryck.

Utvärdering av ICC-profiler och profil-inställningar för HP Indigo Press 1000

Astrén, Johanna January 2003 (has links)
Det nystartade digitaltryckeriet Digaloo planerar att inom en snar framtid införa ICC-hantering i sittarbetsflöde. Med anledning av detta har en studie utförts där antalet erfordrade ICC-profiler undersöktssamt vilka akromatiska inställningar som bäst lämpar sig för tryckeriets HP Indigo Press 1000.Testtryckning utfördes på sex av Digaloos mest använda papperskvaliteter. Genom inläsning av testkartorhar de olika papperskvaliteternas reproducerbara färgrymder åskådliggjorts. Grundat på resultatetfrån denna testtryckning framställdes ICC-profiler för valda papperskvaliteter. Dessa genereradesmed olika inställningar för akromatisk repro och TIC (Total Ink Coverage). Vid en andra testtryckninganvändes dessa ICC-profiler för konvertering av mellanton-, natt- och snöbilder, vilka trycktespå olika papperskvaliteter.Resultatet från den första testtryckningen visar att HP Indigo Press 1000 återger störst förgrymd påpapperskvaliteten Silverblade Silk, tätt följd av Silverblade Art. De minsta färgrymderna reproduceraspå Lessebo Linné Gultonat och Lessebo Linné Naturvit.Vid perceptuell bedömning av de olika bilderna blev resultatet att bäst tryckresultat uppnås medpappersspecifika ICC-profiler. Detta gäller dock endast i två av tre fall. Vid bedömning av bäst lämpadTIC ansågs den idag på Digaloo använda nivån som mycket dålig. Genom att antingen sänka eller höjadenna nivå bedömdes tryckresultatet öka i kvalitet.Slutligen visar studien även att akromatik i form av UCR ger bäst bildåtergivning i mellanton- ochnattbilder på de valda papperskvaliteterna. De olika graderna av GCR i snöbilder anses dock passaolika bra beroende på vilken papperskvalitet som används.

Development of Tools Needed for Radiation Analysis of a Cubesat Deployer Using Oltaris

Gonzalez-Dorbecker, Marycarmen 01 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Currently, the CubeSat spacecraft is predominantly used for missions at Low- Earth Orbit (LEO). There are various limitations to expanding past that range, one of the major ones being the lack of sufficient radiation shielding on the Poly-Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). The P-POD attaches to a launch vehicle transporting a primary spacecraft and takes the CubeSats out into their orbit. As the demand for interplanetary exploration grows, there is an equal increase in interest in sending CubeSats further out past their current regime. In a collaboration with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), students from the Cal Poly CubeSat program worked on a preliminary design of an interplanetary CubeSat deployer, the Poly-Picosatellite Deep Space Deployer (PDSD). Radiation concerns were mitigated in a very basic manner, by simply increasing the thickness of the deployer wall panels. While this provided a preliminary idea for improved radiation shielding, full analysis was not conducted to determine what changes to the current P-POD are necessary to make it sufficiently radiation hardened for interplanetary travel. This thesis develops a tool that can be used to further analyze the radiation environment concerns that come up with interplanetary travel. This tool is the connection between any geometry modeled in CAD software and the radiation tool OLTARIS (On- Page iv Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation In Space). It reads in the CAD file and converts it into MATLAB, at which point it can then perform ray-tracing analysis to get a thickness distribution at any user-defined target points. This thickness distribution file is uploaded to OLTARIS for radiation analysis of the user geometry. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the tool, the radiation environment that a CubeSat sees inside of the current P-POD is characterized to create a radiation map that CubeSat developers can use to better design their satellites. Cases were run to determine the radiation in a low altitude orbit compared to a high altitude orbit, as well as a Europa mission. For the LEO trajectory, doses were seen at levels of 102 mGy, while the GEO trajectory showed results at one order of magnitude lower. Electronics inside the P-POD can survive these doses with the current design, confirming that Earth orbits are safe for CubeSats. The Europa- Jovian Tour mission showed results on a higher scale of 107 mGy, which is too high for electronics in the P-POD. Additional cases at double the original thickness and 100 times the original thickness resulted in dose levels at orders of about 107 and 104 mGy respectively. This gives a scale to work off for a “worst case” scenario and provides a path forward to modifying the shielding on deployers for interplanetary missions. Further analysis is required since increasing the existing P-POD thickness by 100 times is unfeasible from both size and mass perspectives. Ultimately, the end result is that the current P-POD standard does not work too far outside of Earth orbits. Radiation-based changes in the design, materials, and overall shielding of the P- POD need to be made before CubeSats can feasibly perform interplanetary missions.

Evaluation of Efficiency of Various Materials to Shield from Radiation in Space Using the Monte Carlo Transport Code Called FLUKA

Savinov, Roman 01 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to improve spacecraft shielding from radiation in space. It focuses on the evaluation of shielding efficiency of different materials. The efficiency of a shield is evaluated by the dose profile within the shield and the amount of dose absorbed by a target using the Monte Carlo transport code called FLUKA. The output of this code is validated by recreating the experiments from published papers and comparing the results. Once the FLUKA’s output is validated, the efficiency of sixteen materials, subject to SPE and GCR sources, are evaluated. The efficiency comparison is made by fixing the area density of a shield. It was found that polyethylene, water, carbon and silicon outperform aluminum – the primary metal used in spacecraft. In case of composite shield, made of layers of different materials, the 3Carb-9Al combination has better performance than the shield made just of aluminum. This holds true for both Solar Particle Events (SPEs) and Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR). However, the choice of material is more efficient at shielding from SPE particles rather than from GCR. In case of GCR, the choice of materials is found to have rather small effect on the efficiency of a shield. The percent difference between the rate of dose absorption by a target, shielded by different materials, is within about 9%. Secondary particles make a significant contribution to the target’s dose. For SPEs, the secondary particles are primarily electrons and neutrons. For GCRs, the secondary particles are primarily pions, α-particles and electrons. Protons contribute more than 50% to the target’s dose in both cases.

Toward better image reproduction in offset

Enoksson, Emmi January 2010 (has links)
This thesis has focused on color reproduction processes in the graphics field and is based on theoretical research and practical studies. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how new tools and tools adapted to a specific production set-up can be used to raise awareness regarding the quality and workflow of images and image processing for sheet-fed offset within the graphic industry. The work is divided in to the following three study areas with several sub-studies: 1) The first research goal of the thesis is to identify knowledge levels regarding color separation of images and demand specifications within printing houses. 2) The second research goal is to investigate whether novel tools and new terminology can help to increase the knowledge level regarding color management 3) The third goal is to investigate whether process specific adaptation of key color control tools can improve quality levels Three surveys about color reproduction (focusing on level of knowledge concerning color separation, the use of ICC-profiles and demand specifications for controlled color reproduction) at printing companies in Sweden were made between 2000 and 2004. The surveys indicated a serious problem in the graphic arts industry, involving both an insufficient understanding of color management and a lack of communication. An important part of the work was to assist in make color management understandable for users and thereby optimize printing. For this purpose, digital test forms have been developed. The developed tools, together with descriptive material, will facilitate the understanding of color management issues. Definitions within the field of color separations have been examined, and changes have been suggested. A new term for separation “Compensation by Black”, CB, has been suggested, instead of e.g. GCR and UCR. Is it possible to adapt the different parts of the process chain in order to achieve an improved production? Yes! This work has developed the method for adaptation of the scanne rtest chart, the printing test chart for image categorization and the control strip forsheet-fed offset using gray balance. This thesis suggests that it is possible to produce a custom-made IT8 target test chart for scanners and achieve a result at least similar to or even better than the standard test charts on the market. This work has also shown that itis possible to adapt the test chart for printing to image category. The result showed that low-key image separated by the image-adapted test chart showed more detail in the dark areas than a low-key image separated by the standard test chart, in the prints on a coated paper. The result from the adaptation of a control strip for sheet-fed offset showed that gray balance can be used as a control parameter for quality control in sheet-fed offset. / QC20100617

Migration du deutérium dans le graphite nucléaire : conséquences sur le comportement du tritium en réacteur UNGG et sur la décontamination des graphites irradiés / Deuterium migration in nuclear graphite : consequences for the behavior of tritium in Gas Cooled Reactors and for the decontamination of irradiated graphite waste

Le Guillou, Maël 15 October 2014 (has links)
En France, 23 000 tonnes de graphites irradiés générés par le démantèlement des réacteurs nucléaires de première génération Uranium Naturel-Graphite-Gaz (UNGG) sont en attente d'une solution de gestion à long terme. Cette thèse porte sur le comportement du tritium, l'un des principaux contributeurs à l'inventaire radiologique des graphites à l'arrêt des réacteurs. Afin d'anticiper des rejets de tritium lors du démantèlement ou de la gestion des déchets, il est indispensable d'obtenir des données sur sa migration, sa localisation et son inventaire. Notre étude repose sur la simulation du tritium par implantation de l'ordre de 3 % at. de deutérium jusqu'à environ 3 μm dans un graphite nucléaire vierge. Celui-ci a ensuite subi des recuits jusqu'à 300 h et 1300 ° C sous atmosphère inerte, gaz caloporteur UNGG et gaz humide, dans le but de reproduire des conditions proches de celles rencontrées en réacteur et lors des opérations de gestion des déchets. Les profils et la répartition spatiale du deutérium ont été analysés via la réaction nucléaire 2H(3He,p)4He. Les principaux résultats montrent un relâchement thermique du deutérium se produisant selon trois régimes contrôlés par le dépiégeage de sites superficiels ou interstitiels. L'extrapolation des données au cas du tritium tend à montrer que son relâchement thermique en réacteur pourrait avoir été inférieur à 30 % et localisé à proximité des surfaces libres du graphite. L'essentiel de l'inventaire en tritium à l'arrêt des réacteurs serait retenu en profondeur dans les graphites irradiés, dont la décontamination nécessiterait alors des températures supérieures à 1300 °C, et serait plus efficace sous gaz inerte que sous gaz humide / In France, 23 000 t of irradiated graphite that will be generated by the decommissioning of the first generation Uranium Naturel-Graphite-Gaz (UNGG) nuclear reactors are waiting for a long term management solution. This work focuses on the behavior of tritium, which is one of the main contributors to the radiological inventory of graphite waste after reactor shutdown. In order to anticipate tritium release during dismantling or waste management, it is mandatory to collect data on its migration, location and inventory. Our study is based on the simulation of tritium by implantation of approximately 3 at. % of deuterium up to around 3 μm in a virgin nuclear graphite. This material was then annealed up to 300 h and 1300 °C in inert atmosphere, UNGG coolant gas and humid gas, aiming to reproduce thermal conditions close to those encountered in reactor and during waste management operations. The deuterium profiles and spatial distribution were analyzed using the nuclear reaction 2H(3He,p)4He. The main results evidence a thermal release of implanted deuterium occurring essentially through three regimes controlled by the detrapping of atomic deuterium located in superficial or interstitial sites. The extrapolation of our data to tritium suggests that its purely thermal release during reactor operations may have been lower than 30 % and would be located close to the graphite free surfaces. Consequently, most of the tritium inventory after reactor shutdown could be trapped deeply within the irradiated graphite structure. Decontamination of graphite waste should then require temperatures higher than 1300°C, and would be more efficient in dry inert gas than in humid gas

A PLAUSIBILITY PROBE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL INTEGRATION AND REFUGEE RELATED VIOLENCE. : Cases from countries piloting the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework in Africa.

Nyende, Keith Mark January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, the author attempts to establish whether there is evidence supportive of an implicit postulation in scholarship on refugee local integration suggesting a relationship between refugee local integration and refugee related violence. Employing integrated education service as a proxy for refugee local integration, the thesis carries a plausibility probe of a hypothesis stating that “Refugee local integration provides avenues for interdependent interactions that contribute to the mitigation of refugee related violence”. The hypothesis is constructed with the aid of scholarship on intergroup relations, particularly: social identity theory and realistic group theory. To carry out the plausibility probe, the author employs the case study method of Structured Focused Comparison to compile and analyse research data on the cases of CRRF implementing countries, Kenya and Uganda, that is later compared. The thesis concludes that there is evidence indicative of a relationship between local integration and refugee related violence. However, its only through further studies, disaggregating the various components of local integration and refugee related violence, that the afore mentioned relation can be confirmed.

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