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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methodology of Measuring Particulate Matter Emissions from a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine

Mireault, Phillip 19 March 2014 (has links)
A gasoline direct injection engine was set-up to operate with a dynamometer in a test cell. Test cycle and emissions measurement procedures were developed for evaluating the regulated and non-regulated gaseous emissions. Equipment and techniques for particulate matter measurements were adapted for use with the gasoline direct injection engine. The particulate matter emissions produced by the engine were compared between two different fuels; gasoline and E10 (10% ethanol and 90% gasoline). The gaseous emissions generated by the engine when it was run on gasoline and E30 (30% ethanol and 70% gasoline) were also compared. Particle number decreased with E10 for hot start conditions, while the opposite was observed for cold start conditions. Particulate matter emissions were found to track with acetylene and ethylene emissions.

Methodology of Measuring Particulate Matter Emissions from a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine

Mireault, Phillip 19 March 2014 (has links)
A gasoline direct injection engine was set-up to operate with a dynamometer in a test cell. Test cycle and emissions measurement procedures were developed for evaluating the regulated and non-regulated gaseous emissions. Equipment and techniques for particulate matter measurements were adapted for use with the gasoline direct injection engine. The particulate matter emissions produced by the engine were compared between two different fuels; gasoline and E10 (10% ethanol and 90% gasoline). The gaseous emissions generated by the engine when it was run on gasoline and E30 (30% ethanol and 70% gasoline) were also compared. Particle number decreased with E10 for hot start conditions, while the opposite was observed for cold start conditions. Particulate matter emissions were found to track with acetylene and ethylene emissions.

Experimental Determination of Inlet Conditions for Dynamically Modelling Liquid Fuel Sprays during Injection Transients

Hillstrom, David Roger 12 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Why should 3D Gait Analysis be included in the Walking Pattern Assessment of individuals with Spinal Cord Injury? : Biomechanical analysis of gait and gait patterns in individuals with spinal cord injury / Varför bör tredimensionell rörelseanalys ingå i den kliniska utvärderingen av gång hos personer med ryggmärgsskada? : Biomekanisk analys av gångfunktion och gångmönster hos personer med ryggmärgsskada

Pollicini, Chiara January 2022 (has links)
Background: The yearly incidence of people with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is between250,000 and 500,000, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The injury often reduces the ability to walk. Various consequences affect the nervous system and, thus, the entire body. Therefore, the patient population with SCI is highly heterogeneous also in their gait patterns. Multiple tools are used to classify and understand the walking impairments caused by the injury. Objective: To underline the added value brought by the integration of 3D gait analysis to more standard methods (GDI, GPS, GVS, spatiotemporal parameters, ASIAgrade, muscle strength, and spasticity) in the evaluation and interpretation of gait patterns of subjects with SCI. Methods: 3D gait analysis with a passive optical motion capture system (Vicon)and four force plates was performed in 7 control subjects and 3 with SCI. The model used for marker placement and pre-processing was CGM 2.3. Matlab was used to analyze and plot the kinematic and kinetic joints’ data and calculate the GDI, GPS, and GVS indexes and spatiotemporal parameters for subjects with SCI and the control group. A specialized physiotherapist conducted the clinical assessment of the patients with SCI in a rehabilitation center. This included: ASIA grade and review, muscle strength, and spasticity with Daniels Whorthingham scale and Modified Ashworth scale, respectively. The evaluation of the result was qualitative. Results: The integration of 3D gait analysis show further understanding in the assessment of walking impairments. The indexes resumed the impairments and classified the subjects but lacked temporal and functional perspective. Gait phases and spatiotemporal parameters suggested difficulties in stability and balance but could not identify the problem’s origin. Lastly, clinical assessment enlightened the singular motor and sensory function impairments. 3D gait analysis contextualized these results identifying gait patterns and functional implications. Conclusion: Integrating 3D gait analysis might give a deeper understanding of subjects with SCI’s gait strategies and impairments. Indeed this complex technique links the other methods’ results, contextualizing them and gaining information.

Study of the Gasoline Direct Injection Process under Novel Operating Conditions

Bautista Rodríguez, Abián 11 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] La inyección de combustible es, entre los temas de investigación de motores, una de las piezas críticas para obtener un motor eficiente. El papel es aún más significativo cuando se persigue una estrategia de inyección directa. La geometría interna y el movimiento de la aguja determinan el comportamiento del flujo del inyector, que se sabe que afecta enormemente al desarrollo externo del spray y, en última instancia, al rendimiento de la combustión dentro de la cámara. La conciencia sobre el cambio climático y los contaminantes ha ido creciendo, impulsando el esfuerzo en motores más limpios. En este sentido, los motores de gasolina tienen un margen más amplio para mejo- rar que los motores diesel. La evolución de los antiguos PFI a las modernas estrategias de inyección directa, que se utilizan en los motores de nueva generación, demuestra esta tendencia. Los sistemas GDI tienen el potencial de cumplir con las estrictas emisiones y aumentar el ahorro de combustible, sin embargo, todavía se enfrenta a muchos desafíos. Este trabajo implica el uso de dos inyectores, uno es una moderna tobera de GDI de investigación designada por el Engine Combustion Network (ECN), y el otro es una unidad de inyección de producción (PIU) con la misma tecnología y una geometría ligeramente diferente. Ambos equipos se someten a una completa caracterización (flujo interno y externo) que abarca las técnicas más avanzadas en diversas instalaciones experimentales. Además, se diseña y construye una nueva instalación para realizar experimentos en condiciones de evaporación instantánea (cuando la presión de vapor del combustible inyectado es superior a la presión del volumen de descarga). La instalación construida está diseñada para simular un ambiente de descarga en ciertas condiciones del motor en las que podrían producirse fenómenos de flash boiling. Así, debido a las propiedades típicas del combustible de gasolina, era un requisito operar con presiones de cámara de 0,2 a 15 bares. Además, la temperatura ambiente se controlaba mediante la implementación de una resistencia que puede calentar el gas ambiente. La instalación funciona en un bucle abierto, pudiendo renovar el volumen de gas entre las inyecciones. Por último, se construyeron tres amplios accesos ópticos para acomodar muchas técnicas de diagnóstico óptico como DBI, MIE, shadowgraphy o PDA, entre otros. Para la evaluación del flujo interno se determinó la geometría de las toberas y la orientación de los agujeros, el movimiento de la aguja y, por último, la caracterización del ratio de inyección (ROM) y el momento de inyección (ROI) de ambas toberas. La geometría de las toberas y la elevación de la aguja se midieron mediante técnicas avanzadas de rayos X en el Laboratorio Nacional de Argonne (ANL). Las mediciones de ROI y ROM se realizaron utilizando las instalaciones de CMT-Motores Térmicos siguiendo los conocimientos técnicos aplicados en los inyectores de gasóleo y adaptándolos a las toberas de GDI. El ROI nos permitió comparar las boquillas, cuyo número de orificios y geometría eran diferentes, aunque entregan aproximadamente la misma cantidad de combustible. Se ensayó la respuesta a condiciones típicas de motor como variaciones en la presión del rail, la presión de descarga, la temperatura del combustible, etc. Para el inyector de investigación "Spray G", se desarrolló un modelo 0-D de la velocidad de inyección que permite obtener la señal para diferentes condiciones y duración de la inyección, lo cual es útil para la calibración del motor y la validación del CFD. Además, para la caracterización de la ROM, se desarrolló la metodología de la técnica de deformación plástica para obtener la orientación del cono del spray y orientar adecuadamente los chorros de combustible para la medición de ROM. En el análisis hidráulico se combinaron los datos para estudiar los bajos valores del coeficiente de descarga y / [CA] La injecció de combustible és, entre els temes d'investigació de motors, una de les peces crítiques per a obtindre un motor eficient. El paper és encara més significatiu quan es persegueix una estratègia d'injecció directa. La geometria interna i el moviment de l'agulla determinen el comportament del flux de l'injector, que se sap que afecta enormement el desenvolupament extern de l'esprai i, en última instància, al rendiment de la combustió dins de la cambra. La consciència sobre el canvi climàtic i els contaminants ha anat creixent, impulsant l'esforç en motors més nets. En aquest sentit, els motors de gasolina tenen un marge més ampli per a millorar que els motors dièsel. L'evolució dels antics PFI a les modernes estratègies d'injecció directa, que s'utilitzen en els motors de nova generació, demostra aquesta tendència. Els sistemes GDI tenen el potencial de complir amb les estrictes emissions i aug- mentar l'estalvi de combustible, no obstant això, encara s'enfronta a molts desafiaments. Aquest treball implica l'ús de dos injectors, un és una moderna tovera de GDI d'investigació designada pel Engine Combustion Network (ECN), i l'altre és una unitat d'injecció de producció (PIU) amb la mateixa tecnologia i una geometria lleugerament diferent. Tots dos equips se sotmeten a una completa caracterització (flux intern i extern) que abasta les tècniques més avançades en diverses instal·lacions experimentals. A més, es dissenya i construeix una nova instal·lació per a realitzar experiments en condicions d'evaporació instantània (quan la pressió de vapor del combustible injectat és superior a la pressió del volum de descàrrega). La instal·lació construïda està dissenyada per a simular un ambient de descàrrega en certes condicions del motor en les quals podrien produir-se fenòmens de flash boiling. Així, a causa de les propietats típiques del combustible de gasolina, era un requisit operar amb pressions de cambra de 0,2 a 15 bars. A més, la temperatura ambient es controlava mitjançant la implementació d'una resistència que pot calfar el gas ambiente. La instal·lació funciona en un bucle obert, podent renovar el volum de gas entre les injeccions. Finalment, es van construir tres amplis accessos òptics per a acomodar moltes tècniques de diagnòstic òptic com DBI, MIE, shadowgraphy o PDA, entre altres. Per a l'avaluació del flux intern es va determinar la geometria de les toveres i l'orientació dels forats, el moviment de l'agulla i, finalment, la caracterització del ràtio d'injecció (ROM) i el moment d'injecció (ROI) de totes dues toveres. La geometria de les toveres i l'elevació de l'agulla es van mesurar mitjançant tècniques avançades de raigs X en el Laboratori Nacional de Argonne (ANL). Els mesuraments de ROI i ROM es van realitzar utilitzant les instal·lacions de CMT-Motores Térmicos seguint els coneixements tècnics aplicats en els injectors de gasoil i adaptant-los a les toveres de GDI. El ROI ens va permetre comparar els filtres, el nombre d'orificis dels quals i geometria eren diferents, encara que entreguen aproximadament la mateixa quantitat de combustible. Es va assajar la resposta a condicions típiques de motor com a variacions en la pressió del rail, la pressió de descàrrega, la temperatura del combustible, etc. Per a l'injector d'investigació "Esprai G", es va desenvolupar un model 0-D de la velocitat d'injecció que permet obtindre el senyal per a diferents condicions i duració de la injecció, la qual cosa és útil per al calibratge del motor i la validació del CFD. A més, per a la caracterització de la ROM, es va desenvolupar la metodologia de la tècnica de deformació plàstica per a obtindre l'orientació del con de l'esprai i orientar adequadament els dolls de combustible per al mesurament de ROM. En l'anàlisi hidràulica es van combinar les dades per a estudiar els baixos valors del coeficient de descàrrega i del coeficient d'àr / [EN] Fuel injection is among the engine research topics one of the critical pieces to obtain an efficient engine. The role is even more significant when a direct injection strategy is pursued. The internal geometry and pintle movement determine the injector flow behavior, which is known to hugely affect the external spray development and, ultimately, the combustion performance inside the chamber. Climate change and pollutants awareness has been growing, pushing forward the effort on cleaner engines. In this regard, gasoline en- gines have a wider margin to improve than diesel engines. The evolution from old Port Fuel Injectors to modern direct injection strategies, which are used in new generation engines, demonstrates this trend. GDI systems have the potential to comply with stringent emissions and increase fuel economy, however, it still faces many challenges. This work involves the use of two injectors, one is a modern research GDI nozzle appointed by the Engine Combustion Network (ECN), and the other is a production injector unit (PIU) with the same technology and slightly different geometry. Both hardware's undergo a complete characterization (internal and external flow) covering the state- of-the-art techniques in various experimental facilities. Furthermore, a new facility is designed and built to perform experiments under flash boiling conditions (when the fuel injected's vapor pressure is higher than the pressure in the discharge volume). The developed facility is designed to simulate a discharge ambient at certain engine conditions in which flash boiling phenomena could occur. Thus, due to typical gasoline fuel properties, it was a requirement to operate from chamber pressures from 0.2 bar to 15 bar. Also, the ambient temperature was controlled by implementing a resistor that can heat the ambient gas. The facility operates in an open loop, being able to renovate the gas volume between injections. Finally, three wide optical accesses were built to accommodate many optical diagnostic techniques such as DBI, MIE, shadowgraphy, or PDA, among others. For the internal flow description, it was determined the nozzles geometry and holes orientation, the pintle movement, and finally, the characterization of the rate of momentum (ROM) and rate of injection (ROI) of both nozzles. The nozzles geometry and needle lift were measured using advanced optical x-ray techniques at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The ROI and ROM measurements were performed using CMT-Motores Térmicos facilities follow- ing the know-how applied in diesel injectors and adapting it to GDI nozzles. The ROI allowed us to compare the nozzles, whose orifices number and geometry were different, although they deliver approximately the same amount of fuel. It was tested their response to typical boundary conditions such as rail pressure, discharge pressure, fuel temperature, etc. For the research nozzle "Spray G", it was developed a 0-D model of the rate of injection allowing to obtain the signal for different injection duration and conditions, which is useful in engine calibration and CFD validation. Furthermore, for the ROM characterization, the plastic deformation technique methodology was developed to obtain spray cone orientation and adequately guide the fuel jets for measuring ROM. The hydraulic analysis combined the data to study the low discharge coefficient and area coefficient values, which could result from low needle lift combined with novel hole designs in both nozzles that promote cavitation and air interaction from inside the orifice. In the external flow characterization, it was used the new developed vessel to study the external spray covering flash boiling conditions. It was employed four surrogate fuels to simulate different volatility properties of gasoline com- pounds and ultimately reproduce more extreme flashing conditions. It was used lateral visualization using DBI and Schlieren in addition to frontal MIE visualization. Some of t / Bautista Rodríguez, A. (2021). Study of the Gasoline Direct Injection Process under Novel Operating Conditions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167809

Particulate emissions from gasoline direct injection engines

Leach, Felix Charles Penrice January 2014 (has links)
Direct injection spark ignition (DISI) engines are the next generation of gasoline fuelled engines. Their greater fuel economy and reduced CO2 emissions compared with port fuel injection (PFI) engines has led to their popularity. However, DISI engines produce a greater number of particulate matter (PM) emissions than PFI engines. Concern over the health effects of PM emissions, and forthcoming European legislation to regulate them from gasoline powered vehicles has led to an increased interest in the study of PM formation, measurement, and characterisation. A model was developed by Aikawa et al, the PM index, correlating PM emissions with fuel composition. PM emissions are thought to be linked both to the vapour pressure (VP) and the double bond equivalent (DBE) of the components of the fuel. However, there was no independent control of these parameters and the study was undertaken on a PFI engine. In this thesis, experiments have been conducted to validate this model and extend it, as the PN index, to DISI engines. Fuels have been designed using Raoult’s law and UNIFAC (with careful consideration of octane number) such that the DBE and VP of the fuel mix could be varied independently. The design of the fuels was such that the component parts would co-evaporate upon injection into the cylinder, ensuring a homogeneous mixture of the components at the point of ignition. The PN index has been tested on a single cylinder engine, at a matrix of test points, using these model fuels, and their PM emissions have been analysed using a Cambustion DMS500. The results show that the PN index is followed closely using model fuels, provided that these model fuels contain a ‘light-end’ (in this case 5 % v/v n-pentane). Imaging of in-cylinder evaporation and in-cylinder measurement of hydrocarbons shows how the composition of model fuels affects their PM emissions. The PN index has also been tested using commercial fuels on a single cylinder engine and a Jaguar V8 engine; the results again show that the PN index is also an excellent predictor of PN emissions for market fuels from both of these engines. PN emissions have been evaluated from two fuels representing the EU5 reference fuel specification, developed using the PN index to give a difference in PM emissions. Testing these fuels on both a single cylinder engine and a Jaguar V8 engine has shown up to a factor of three variation in observed PN emissions. This has important implications for forthcoming European emissions legislation. The results of these tests were fed into the recommendations for the EU6 reference fuel specification. The PN index has also been investigated in a Jaguar V6 engine with five different fuels with a spread of calculated PN indices over a simulated NEDC. Here the PN emissions have been measured using two PN, and one PM instrument and the results compared. The results show that the trends of the PN index are followed, but not as closely as predicted. Detailed analysis shows that this discrepancy is due to other effects, for example cold start, dominating the PN emissions in certain phases. PN emissions have been measured from a highly boosted engine at a variety of operating points using 14 different fuels. It has been shown that for a large variety of engine operating parameters PN emissions from highly boosted engines behave as expected. When changing the fuels, the results show that a variation of over three orders of magnitude can be observed. The predictions of the PN index are inconclusive however, with further work suggested to fully evaluate the PN index on highly boosted engines.

Potential of the Empirical Mode Decomposition to analyze instantaneous flow fields in Direct Injection Spark Ignition engine : Effect of transient regimes / Potentiel de la décomposition modal empirique pour analyser les champs d'écoulement instantanés dans le moteur à allumage commandé par injection direct : Effet des régimes transitoires

Sadeghi, Mehdi 04 December 2017 (has links)
Cette étude introduit une nouvelle approche appelée Bivariate 2D-EMD pour séparer le mouvement organisé à grande échelle, soit la composante basse fréquence de l’écoulement des fluctuations turbulentes, soit la composante haute fréquence dans un champ de vitesse instantané bidimensionnel.Cette séparation nécessite un seul champ de vitesse instantané contrairement aux autres méthodes plus couramment utilisées en mécanique des fluides, comme le POD. La méthode proposée durant cette thèse est tout à fait appropriée à l’analyse des écoulements qui sont intrinsèquement instationnaires et non linéaires comme l'écoulement dans le cylindre lorsque le moteur fonctionne dans des conditions transitoires. Bivariate 2D-EMD est validé à travers différents cas test, sur un écoulement turbulent homogène et isotrope (THI) expérimental, qui a été perturbé par un tourbillon synthétique de type Lamb-Ossen, qui simule le mouvement organisé dans le cylindre. Enfin, Il est appliqué sur un écoulement expérimental obtenu dans un cylindre et les résultats de la séparation d'écoulement sont comparés à ceux basés sur l'analyse POD. L’évolution d’écoulement dans le cylindre pendant le fonctionnement du moteur transitoire, c’est à dire une accélération du régime moteur de 1000 à 2000tr/min en différentes rampes, sont mesurée en utilisant de PIV 2D-2C haute cadence. Les champs de vitesse sont obtenus dans le plan de tumble dans un moteur un moteur GDI mono-cylindre transparent et forment une base de données nécessaire pour valider les résultats de simulation numérique. / This study introduces a new approach called Bivariate 2D-EMD to separate large-scale organizedmotion i.e., flow low frequency component from random turbulent fluctuations i.e., high frequency onein a given in-cylinder instantaneous 2D velocity field. This signal processing method needs only oneinstantaneous velocity field contrary to the other methods commonly used in fluid mechanics, as POD.The proposed method is quite appropriate to analyze the flows intrinsically both unsteady and nonlinearflows as in in-cylinder. The Bivariate 2D-EMD is validated through different test cases, by optimize itand apply it on an experimental homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow (HIT), perturbed by asynthetic Lamb-Ossen vortex, to simulate the feature of in-cylinder flows. Furthermore, it applies onexperimental in-cylinder flows. The results obtained by EMD and POD analysis are compared. Theevolution of in-cylinder flow during transient engine working mode, i.e., engine speed acceleration from1000 to 2000 rpm with different time periods, was obtained by High speed PIV 2D-2C. The velocityfields are obtained within tumble plane in a transparent mono-cylinder DISI engine and provide a database to validate CFD.

Implementierung eines Feature Portrayal Service

Domeyer, Martin 07 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Fundamentale Voraussetzung für alle professionellen Kartendienste ist die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle der grafischen Präsentation. Aus diesem Grund besteht ein starker Bedarf an der visuellen Darstellung von Geodaten. Diese transformiert rohe Informationen in wichtige und entscheidungstragende Werkzeuge. Der Feature Portrayal Service (FPS) hat die Aufgabe, diese Anforderungen umzusetzen und damit wesentlich zur kartographischen Interoperabilität in Geodateninfrastrukturen beizutragen. Der Dienst entstammt dem internationalen Standard SLD 1.1.0 (Styled Layer Descriptor). Es handelt sich um einen Darstellungsdienst, der die interoperable Nutzung von Vektor-Daten, also von so genannten Features, ermöglicht. Dieser spezielle Web Map Service hat die Aufgabe, Geodaten von beliebigen Web Feature Services sowie rohe GML-Daten in einer gewünschten grafischen Ausprägung zu präsentieren. Dabei ist der jeweilige Nutzer in der Lage, eigene Darstellungen zu definieren und auf einen beliebigen Datenbestand anzuwenden. Datenquellen, Darstellungsvorschriften und der Feature Portrayal Service selbst sind insofern unabhängig voneinander, dass diese drei Komponenten auf verschiedenen und voneinander unabhängigen Servern liegen können. Diese Art der Implementierung bezeichnet man als Component WMS.

Evaluace metod vyhledávání klíčových bodů / Evaluation of Key Point Detection Methods

Kordula, Jaroslav January 2007 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to get familiarized with software component Microsoft .NET Framework and the problems of methods of interest point detection. On the basis of this knowledge, it is required to develop a method for the evaluation of used detectors and then implement a console application that is simply able to evaluate the results of interest point detection methods. Such evaluation is important in the process of development of the algorithms for the detection using projected method of evaluation. The interest points are searched in several images which represent the same scene from different angles of view. The requirements also inculde creation of graphic user interface that allows an easy way to setup the evaluation conditions.

Implementierung eines Feature Portrayal Service

Domeyer, Martin 30 August 2010 (has links)
Fundamentale Voraussetzung für alle professionellen Kartendienste ist die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle der grafischen Präsentation. Aus diesem Grund besteht ein starker Bedarf an der visuellen Darstellung von Geodaten. Diese transformiert rohe Informationen in wichtige und entscheidungstragende Werkzeuge. Der Feature Portrayal Service (FPS) hat die Aufgabe, diese Anforderungen umzusetzen und damit wesentlich zur kartographischen Interoperabilität in Geodateninfrastrukturen beizutragen. Der Dienst entstammt dem internationalen Standard SLD 1.1.0 (Styled Layer Descriptor). Es handelt sich um einen Darstellungsdienst, der die interoperable Nutzung von Vektor-Daten, also von so genannten Features, ermöglicht. Dieser spezielle Web Map Service hat die Aufgabe, Geodaten von beliebigen Web Feature Services sowie rohe GML-Daten in einer gewünschten grafischen Ausprägung zu präsentieren. Dabei ist der jeweilige Nutzer in der Lage, eigene Darstellungen zu definieren und auf einen beliebigen Datenbestand anzuwenden. Datenquellen, Darstellungsvorschriften und der Feature Portrayal Service selbst sind insofern unabhängig voneinander, dass diese drei Komponenten auf verschiedenen und voneinander unabhängigen Servern liegen können. Diese Art der Implementierung bezeichnet man als Component WMS.

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