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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concentra??o da posse da terra e o Programa Nacional de Cr?dito Fundi?rio: uma an?lise para o Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, 2006 - 2012 / Concentration of land ownership and the National Program of Agrarian Credit : an analysis for the State of Rio Grande do Norte, 2006 2012

Santos, Reili Amon-h? Vieira dos 24 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:34:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ReiliAVS_DISSERT.pdf: 1893405 bytes, checksum: 68ecb5183237b71052c66ab4ebde9c9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-24 / O objetivo do trabalho ? propor um estudo sobre a rela??o do Programa Nacional de Cr?dito Fundi?rio - PNCF, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, e sua concentra??o fundi?ria. Ou seja, se o PNCF est? sendo direcionado, para as microrregi?es que apresentam maior ?ndice de concentra??o, de acordo com o ?ndice de Gini, e se as ?reas adquiridas atrav?s do cr?dito fundi?rio est?o emergindo nestas microrregi?es. Para isto, o estudo levantou a hip?tese de que o PNCF no estado do Rio Grande do Norte n?o est? sendo conduzida, de modo a reduzir a concentra??o fundi?ria, dentre as microrregi?es do estado. Ou seja, n?o existe correla??o entre o ?ndice de Gini, da concentra??o fundi?ria, e as ?reas adquiridas atrav?s do programa. Al?m disso, o trabalho buscou realizar uma discuss?o da literatura sobre os programas de reforma agr?ria assistida pelo mercado. Apresentando os autores que s?o exaltadores do modelo e das suas potencialidades, atrelando as causas dos problemas levantados como sendo de ordem t?cnica e operacional, onde os principais autores desta linha s?o: Van Zyl, Kirsten & Binswanger, (1996), Deininger & Binswanger, (1999). T?m-se tamb?m a apresenta??o da posi??o dos autores adeptos as pol?ticas fundi?rias pautadas na din?mica e libera??o dos mercados de terras, mas que visam contribuir com estudos que permitam uma redu??o para o custo elevado e a sua incapacidade de abarcar a esfera social, em decorr?ncia do pagamento ? vista e a pre?o de mercado aos donos das terras, s?o eles: De Janvry & Sadoulet (2002), Gordillo (2002), Banerjee (1999), Jaramillo (1998) e Burki & Perry (1997). Todavia, apresentou-se a corrente de autores que ressalta a natureza socialmente agressiva da Reforma Agr?ria Assistida pelo Mercado (RAAM), sendo os seus principais contribuidores: El-Ghonemy (2001); Barros, Schwartzman & Sauer (2003); Borras Jr. (2006, 2003 e 2003a); Garoz et al. (2005); Sauer & Pereira (2006); Pereira (2005, 2006 e 2010); Sauer (2010); Lahiff, Borras Jr. & Kay (2007). Em sequ?ncia, o trabalho apresentou a transi??o e caracter?sticas dos programas de acesso ? terra, no Brasil, a partir da d?cada de 1990, bem como, alguns indicadores do PNCF, no Brasil e o estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Apresentou-se tamb?m os indicadores da concentra??o fundi?ria, no Brasil e no estado. Atrav?s dos dados do Censo Agropecu?rio de 2006 foi poss?vel calcular o ?ndice de Gini da distribui??o fundi?ria nas microrregi?es no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Com os dados fornecidos pela Secretaria de Estado de Assuntos Fundi?rios e de Apoio ? Reforma Agr?ria - SEARA mostrou-se a distribui??o das linhas de cr?dito do PNCF e as ?reas adquiridas, entre os anos de 2006 e 2012. Por fim, o valor do coeficiente de correla??o simples (r) igual a (0,2865), que com base no teste bilateral da distribui??o de t de Student chegou-se no resultado para T calculado no valor de (1,2333), que ao ser comparado com o valor de T cr?tico igual a (2,898), com 17 graus de liberdade, a um n?vel de signific?ncia de 1%, pode aceitar a hip?tese de partida, ou seja, que o PNCF n?o estava sendo direcionado para diminuir a concentra??o fundi?ria no estado

Crescimento econômico e desigualdade de renda no estado de São Paulo: uma análise das disparidades regionais / Income Inequality in the state of Sao Paulo: an analysis of regional disparities

Jeronymo Marcondes Pinto 13 December 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa realizar uma radiografia da desigualdade de renda no estado de São Paulo a partir da base de dados disponibilizada pelos Censos de 1991 e 2000. Nesse sentido, avaliar-se-á qual o valor dos indicadores de desigualdade de renda para os diferentes níveis de agregação existentes no Estado disponibilizados pelo Censo. No caso, a metodologia aplicada é a mesma utilizada por Bourguignon e Morrisson em seu trabalho seminal \"Inequality among world citizens: 1820 - 1992\" (2002), que ressalta o fato de que os estudos sobre a desigualdade mundial são, em sua maioria, simplistas demais ao só considerarem a desigualdade de renda entre países, mas não levar em conta desigualdade dentro dos mesmos. Assim, baseados nos indicadores tratados em Bourguignon (1979), os autores estimam a desigualdade entre países e dentro dos países, dado que a soma de ambas seria igual à desigualdade de renda total. A presente pesquisa faz a mesma análise, mas tendo como foco o estado de São Paulo ao invés do mundo e utilizando-se da variável rendimento mensal domiciliar - dada pelo Censo - dividida pelo número de moradores por domicílio. A radiografia da desigualdade de renda no Estado é feita nos seguinte níveis de agregação: Mesorregiões, Microrregiões, Municípios. Além disso, a presente pesquisa visa descrever a desigualdade de renda existente entre diferentes tipos de áreas existentes em um território - sendo essas delimitadas pelo IBGE - tentando avaliar como a dicotomia Urbano\\Rural se refletiria no que diz respeito à evolução da desigualdade de renda nesses setores. Por último, a presente pesquisa visa avaliar a desigualdade de renda domiciliar total existente entre domicílios com um mesmo número de moradores, visando mensurar a variação de bem-estar entre os anos de 1991 e 2000, a partir da pressuposição que a renda é uma boa proxy de bemestar. / This research aims to hold a radiography of the income inequality in the state of Sao Paulo from the database provided by the Censo of 1991 and 2000. Accordingly, it would assess what are the values of the wealth inequality indicators for the different levels of aggregation existing in the State - provided by Censo. In the case, the methodology is the same as used by Bourguignon and Morrisson in his seminal work \"Inequality among world citizens: 1820-1992\" (2002), which underscores the fact that the studies on global inequality are, in their majority, too simplistic to only consider the inequality of income between countries, but does not take into account inequality within the same. Thus, based on indicators treated in Bourguignon (1979), the authors estimate the inequality between countries and within countries, since the sum of both would be equal to the total inequality of income. This research makes the same analysis but focusing on the state of Sao Paulo instead of the world and using the variable household monthly income - given by Censo - divided by the number of residents per home. A radiograph of the wealth inequality in the state is made in the following levels of aggregation: Mesorregiões, Microrregiões, and Municipalities. Moreover, this research aims to describe the inequality of income between different types of areas existing in a same territory - these were defined by IBGE - trying to assess how the dichotomy Urban \\ Rural is reflected with regard to the evolution of income inequality in these sectors. Finally, this research aims to assess the home income inequality between households with the same number of residents, to measure the variation of well-being between the years of 1991 and 2000, from the assumption that the income is good proxy of welfare.

A ContribuiÃÃo das Parcelas do Rendimento Domiciliar para Desigualdade de Renda nos EspaÃos Rurais do Nordeste / The contribuition of the shares of household income for the income inequality in rural areas of the Northeast

Helder Pita Rocha 26 October 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / A desigualdade de renda no Brasil diminuiu nos Ãltimos anos. DÃvidas, entretanto, pairam sobre a universalizaÃÃo dessa queda em regiÃes ou Ãreas especÃficas, especialmente naquelas onde se verificam elevados Ãndices de analfabetismo, parcela significativa da populaÃÃo à pobre e/ou as oportunidades de empregos sÃo escassas sobretudo para mÃo de obra nÃo qualificada e o consequente fraco desenvolvimento econÃmico, ambiente propÃcio para a mà distribuiÃÃo de renda. Esta pesquisa se propÃs mostrar a evoluÃÃo da desigualdade na distribuiÃÃo da renda domiciliar per capita, medida pelo Ãndice de Gini e detectar quais foram as parcelas do rendimento mensal domiciliar que contribuÃram para a desigualdade, alÃm de determinar a contribuiÃÃo percentual dos componentes do rendimento domiciliar. Utilizou-se como metodologia a decomposiÃÃo do Ãndice de Gini em fontes de rendimentos. A base de dados utilizada teve como fonte a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicÃlios (PNAD), do perÃodo de 1997 a 2007. O meio rural da RegiÃo Nordeste nÃo metropolitana, do Estado do Cearà e da RegiÃo Metropolitana de Fortaleza foram as Ãreas de estudo desta pesquisa por se enquadrarem nesse contexto. Os resultados mostraram que a desigualdade de renda caiu, nÃo de forma permanente, na RegiÃo Nordeste. Nos outros dois espaÃos analisados, ela oscilou ao longo do perÃodo sem muitas mudanÃas. As parcelas como Outros Trabalhos, Aposentadorias e PensÃes Oficiais reforÃaram a desigualdade nas trÃs Ãreas geogrÃficas e os programas sociais de transferÃncia de renda aos mais carentes tiveram significativa participaÃÃo nas reduÃÃes contÃnuas do Ãndice de Gini, especialmente no Nordeste rural. / Income inequality in Brazil declined in recent years. Doubts, however, weaken the universalization of this fall in regions or specific areas, especially where there are high rates of illiteracy, a significant portion of the population is poor and / or job opportunities are scarce especially for labor unskilled and the consequent weak economic development, enabling environment for the maldistribution of income. This research aims to show the evolution of inequality in the distribution of household income per capita, measured by the Gini index and to detect what were the shares of household income contributed to inequality, and to determine the percentage contribution of the components of household income. Was used as a methodology to decompose the Gini index of income sources. The database used as a source the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), the period from 1997 to 2007. The rural areas of the Northeast not metropolitan, the State of Cearà and the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza were the areas of this research, since they fit in this context. The results showed that income inequality has fallen, not permanently, in the Northeast. In the other two areas studied, it varied throughout the period without many changes. The plots and Other Works, Retirement and Pensions officials reinforced the inequality in three geographical areas and social programs to transfer income to the poorest countries have had significant participation in the continual reduction of the Gini index, especially in the rural Northeast.

Uma anÃlise da importÃncia dos componentes de renda na reduÃÃo de sua desigualdade: um estudo comparativo do Cearà e regiÃes brasileiras. / An analysis of the importance of components to reduce their income inequality: a comparative study of Cearà and regions.

Raimundo Dias Loiola Filho 24 October 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / Ao utilizar dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicÃlios (PNADs), mostraremos como ocorreram as variaÃÃes na renda domiciliar per capita no Brasil, nas macro-regiÃes brasileiras e no Estado do CearÃ, no interstÃcio comparativo aos anos de 2001 e 2008, contribuindo para a reduÃÃo da desigualdade de renda em nosso paÃs. Em seguida à apresentada a metodologia de decomposiÃÃo das variaÃÃes dos Ãndices de Gini, quando a renda à estudada atravÃs das principais vertentes de sua constituiÃÃo. Essa metodologia identifica as seguintes clÃusulas: os rendimentos de todos os trabalhos, incluindo salÃrios e remuneraÃÃo de trabalhadores por conta prÃpria e empregados; os rendimentos de aluguel e doaÃÃes feitas por pessoas de outros domicÃlios; as aposentadorias e pensÃes pagas pelo governo federal ou por instituto de previdÃncia, assim como outras aposentadorias e pensÃes; e os valores que incluem juros,dividendos,transferÃncias de programas oficiais como o Bolsa FamÃlia ou renda mÃnima e outros rendimentos. Para o Ãndice de Gini, estima-se que no perÃodo analisado os rendimentos de todos os trabalhos, incluindo salÃrios e remuneraÃÃo de trabalhadores por conta prÃpria e empregados, foram decisivos atravÃs da participaÃÃo constitutiva da renda familiar per capita no Brasil, nas macro-regiÃes brasileiras e no Estado do CearÃ. Observamos, por fim, que os efeitos dos programas de transferÃncias de renda, por exemplo, Bolsa FamÃlia, mantivera-se em grande parte responsÃvel pela reduÃÃo da pobreza especificamente nas regiÃes do Nordeste, Norte e Centro-oeste do Brasil o que nÃo fora o caso para as regiÃes Sul e Sudeste do paÃs. / Using data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), we show how the variations occurred in income per capita in Brazil, the Brazilian macro-regions and the state of Ceara in the interstitium comparison to the years 2001 and 2008, contributing to reduction of income inequality in our country. Then presents the methodology of decomposition of changes in the Gini index, when income is studied through key aspects of its constitution. This methodology identifies the following terms: income from all jobs, including salaries and remuneration of own-account workers and employees, income from rent and donations by people from other households, pensions and pensions paid by the federal government or by institute pension, and other retirement and pensions, and the values that include interest, dividends, transfers of public programs such as Bolsa Familia or minimal income and other income. For the Gini coefficient, it is estimated that the period under review income from all jobs, including salaries and remuneration of own-account workers and employees, through participation were decisive constituent of household income per capita in Brazil, the macroregions and the Brazilian state of Ceara. We note finally that the effects of income transfer programs, for example, Bolsa Familia, it remained largely responsible for the reduction of poverty especially in the regions of Northeast, North and Midwest of Brazil, that was the case to the South and Southeast.

EvoluÃÃo da desigualdade da distribuiÃÃo de renda no Brasil, grandes regiÃes e estados do nordeste entre 2001 e 2008 / Evolution of inequality of income distribution in Brazil, major regions and the northeastern states between 2001 and 2008

SÃrgio GonÃalves de Miranda 25 May 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho utiliza dados da PNAD para evidenciar o comportamento da desigualdade da distribuiÃÃo de renda nos estados do Nordeste, utilizando como medida o Ãndice de Gini dos anos de 2001 e 2008. Concluiu-se que houve uma melhoria da distribuiÃÃo de renda no Brasil, nas cinco grandes regiÃes do paÃs e nos nove estados do Nordeste nesse perÃodo. Utilizando-se a metodologia proposta por Hoffmann (2006) para decomposiÃÃo do Ãndice de Gini, foi avaliada a contribuiÃÃo de cada parcela da renda familiar per capita para esta queda do Ãndice de Gini. Estima-se que a grande responsÃvel pela queda da desigualdade foi a renda oriunda do trabalho, com participaÃÃo de 67% na queda do Ãndice no Brasil e 46% no Nordeste. Essa primazia da renda do trabalho ocorreu em cinco estados nordestinos: Rio Grande do Norte (66,92%), Cearà (62,56%), Pernambuco (58,76%), MaranhÃo (43,89%) e Sergipe (34,58%). No Piauà (63,31%) e na Bahia (50,74%), a parcela que contÃm a renda de juros, aplicaÃÃes e transferÃncias oficiais foi a maior responsÃvel pela reduÃÃo da desigualdade de renda. Jà em Alagoas e ParaÃba a maior contribuiÃÃo veio da renda de aposentadorias e pensÃes, com percentual de 119,59% e 60,27%, respectivamente, de participaÃÃo na queda do Ãndice de Gini. Apesar da renda do trabalho ter sido aquela com maior contribuiÃÃo para a queda da concentraÃÃo de renda no Nordeste, nÃo se pode desprezar o peso da renda advinda de juros, aplicaÃÃes e transferÃncias oficiais nesse processo, pois a mÃdia da contribuiÃÃo desta parcela na queda do Gini na regiÃo à mais que o dobro da participaÃÃo nacional. Essa contribuiÃÃo elevada ocorre mesmo com uma participaÃÃo relativamente baixa na formaÃÃo da renda, que atinge o pico de 4,22% da Renda Familiar Per Capita no estado de Alagoas. / This study uses data from the Statistical Officeâs annual national sample survey of Brazil (PNAD) to elucidate inequality of income distribution behavior in the Northeastern states using the Gini index for the years of 2001 and 2008 as standards. It has been concluded that income distribution in Brazil had been improved in the five large country regions and nine Northeastern states in this period. Using the methodology proposed by Hoffmann (2006) to decompose the Gini index, the contribution for each portion of family income per capita for the fall of the Gini index have been evaluated. It has been estimated that the major cause for the drop in inequality was the income from employment contributing 67% in the Brazilian fall and 46% in the Northeastern. This primacy of labor income occurred in five Northeastern states: Rio Grande do Norte (66.92%), Cearà (62.56%), Pernambuco (58.76%), MaranhÃo (43.89%) and Sergipe (34,58%). In Piauà (63.31%) and Bahia (50.74%), the portion that contains interest income, applications and official transfers were the main responsible for the reduction in income inequality. From another standpoint, in Alagoas and in Paraiba the largest contribution came from retirement income, with percentage of 119.59% and 60.27% stake, respectively. Although labor income have been the one with the largest contribution to the fall of income concentration in the Northeast, one can not disregard the weight of income arising from interest, applications and official transfers in the process, since the average contribution of this installment in the fall of the Gini in the region is more than double of national participation. This high contribution occurs even with a relatively low participation in the formation of income, which reaches a peak of 4.22% of family income per capita the state of Alagoas.

Bias in Random Forest Variable Importance Measures: Illustrations, Sources and a Solution

Strobl, Carolin, Boulesteix, Anne-Laure, Zeileis, Achim, Hothorn, Torsten January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Variable importance measures for random forests have been receiving increased attention as a means of variable selection in many classification tasks in bioinformatics and related scientific fields, for instance to select a subset of genetic markers relevant for the prediction of a certain disease. We show that random forest variable importance measures are a sensible means for variable selection in many applications, but are not reliable in situations where potential predictor variables vary in their scale level or their number of categories. This is particularly important in genomics and computational biology, where predictors often include variables of different types. Simulation studies are presented illustrating that, when random forest variable importance measures are used with data of varying types, the results are misleading because suboptimal predictor variables may be artificially preferred in variable selection. The two mechanisms underlying this deficiency are biased variable selection in the individual classification trees used to build the random forest on one hand, and effects induced by bootstrap sampling with replacement on the other hand. We propose to employ an alternative implementation of random forests, that provides unbiased variable selection in the individual classification trees. When this method is applied using subsampling without replacement, the resulting variable importance measures can be used reliably for variable selection even in situations where the potential predictor variables vary in their scale level or their number of categories. The usage of both random forest algorithms and their variable importance measures in the R system for statistical computing is illustrated and documented thoroughly in an application re-analysing data from a study on RNA editing. Therefore the suggested method can be applied straightforwardly by scientists in bioinformatics research. (author's abstract) / Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics

A Powerful Correlation Method for Microbial Co-Occurrence Networks

Ziebell, Sara E. January 2015 (has links)
Motivation: Network interpretation using correlations has several known difficulties. Firstly, the data structure has discrete counts with an excess of zeros creating non-normal non-continuous data. Secondly, correlations, often used as similarity measures in network inference, are not causal. Thirdly, there is a masking effect of mutualism on commensalism and competition on amensalism in ecological networks that interfere with interpretation (Faust and Raes, 2012). More explicitly, the symmetric nature of correlations (cor(X,Y)=cor(Y,X)) can mask the affect of the asymmetric ecology relationship (commensalism and amensalism). We aim to solve the third issue which may speed up targeted drug therapies or disease diagnosis based on specific relationships in gut microbiomes. Methods: We apply a non-symmetric correlation method, Gini Correlations which should serve as a better classifier of ecological relationships revealing a fuller picture of microbiomes. First, create simulated correlated and independent Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial data. Second, validate Gini correlations by comparing Gini with Pearson Spearman and Kendall correlations; calculate false positive rate, true positive rate, accuracy, ROC, AUC after applying Benjamini-Hochberg (1995) multiple testing correction. Simulation Result: Gini is consistent and out performs other methods for small sample sizes of 10 and 25 producing consistently low false positive rates across 64+ simulation settings as well as consistently high accuracy rates. When sample size is increased to 50 Gini performs as well as other methods. Real Data Result: For well-defined microbial communities Gini correlations found novel biologically and medically relevant relationships. However, Gini's ability to unmask non-symmetric ecological relationships is yet to be determined.

The Impact of Immigration on Income Inequality : Evidence from Sweden and the United States

Castoe, Minna, Sanyal, Aalekhya January 2019 (has links)
This paper studies data from a 25-year period in the history of Sweden and the US, ranging from 1993 to 2017. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the impact of immigration on the income inequality of the respective countries while also considering the impact of other specific variables. In order to estimate the impact of the variables, both static and dynamic models were used, with the Gini coefficient being the dependent variable. With the ordinary least square giving short-run estimates and the error correction model providing short- and long- run estimates simultaneously, the main variable for immigration, being the foreign-born population, showed a strong positive relationship with income inequality. For the estimation, the immigration variable was also split into high- and low-skilled immigrants as well as different age groups. In conclusion, we find that immigration in Sweden and the US has high levels of influence on the income inequality for both countries.

Extracting real market behavior in complex adaptive systems through minority game

Ho, Ki-hiu., 何其曉. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Physics / Master / Master of Philosophy

Determinants of Young Adult Poverty: A ZIP Code Level Analysis

Misra, Kaustav 01 January 2007 (has links)
The war on poverty started in America in the early 1960s, and the poverty rate of 22.4 percent in the year 1959 decreased to 11.1 percent in 1973. Regrettably, this war did not last long enough, as poverty rate increased to 15.1 percent in 1993. In the year 2000 the US poverty rate declined, but always stayed above 11.1 percent. Kentucky also did not achieve success in this poverty war, and it resulted in growing numbers of poor people. Analysis of poverty has always aroused the interest of economists, sociologists and policy makers. Goal of this paper is to intricate appropriate strategies and invent effective prevention efforts to eradicate the young adult poverty. Estimation of Gini coefficients for various age groups indicates that the young adult population of Kentucky is at risk. The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors of young adult poverty, employing ZIP Code data in Kentucky. Data analysis reveals that rural young adults are more vulnerable than urban young adults in Kentucky. Some significant factors such as; male and female educational level, presence of minorities and type of employment are the primary determinants of poverty for this age group. Analysis of outcomes leaves suggestions for the policy makers to exterminate young adult poverty from Kentucky.

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