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Regime-Switching GARCH 模型在短期利率波動行為上的再探討:波動度均數復歸的重要性張敏宜 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻在探究利率波動行為時多採用現貨市場利率做為研究對象,思及期貨市場交易成本較低且流動性也較高使其對新資訊的反應更為迅速下,本文改以短期利率期貨,三個月期歐洲美元定存利率期貨、三個月歐元存款利率期貨以及三十天期商業本票利率期貨的隱含利率作為樣本資料,進而探討美國、歐洲及台灣的利率波動行為。研究方法以Gray(1996)提出的一般化狀態轉換模型為基礎並加入可以反應不對稱性的Dispersion設定,此設定有二個優點,其一為當面臨極大衝擊時,可減少衝擊所造成的變異數持續性而產生波動度均數復歸的現象,此設計乃考量到樣本期間一半時期均處於高峰度狀態的情形不常見,當波動度處於高峰時,預期市場波動度會反轉成近似常態水準;其二為易於Student’s t分配之狀態轉換模型下自由度的參數化設定,使峰態可隨狀態轉換。另外亦加入槓桿效果設定來反應市場上正負消息對資產報酬波動度所造成的不對稱影響。
由AIC模型配適度選擇準則下,適合描述美國、歐洲以及台灣的利率模型分別為RS-GARCH-L-DF, RS-GJR-GARCH-L-DF與RS-GJR-GARCH模型,這三個模型在DM預測力檢定下亦顯示具較佳模型預測力,本文進一步透過此些模型來探測歷年來重大經濟事件與央行利率政策對利率波動度的影響與關聯性。
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Evaluating VaR with the ARCH/GARCH FamilyEnocksson, David, Skoog, Joakim January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify an appropriate model in forecasting Value-at-Risk on a morevolatile period than that one from which the model is estimated. We estimate 1-day-ahead and10-days-ahead Value-at-Risk on a number of exchange rates. The Value-at-Risk estimates arebased on three models combined with three distributional assumptions of the innovations, andthe evaluations are made with Kupiec's (1995) test for unconditional coverage. The data rangesfrom January 1st 2006 through June 30th 2011. The results suggest that the GARCH(1,1) andGJR-GARCH(1,1) with normally distributed innovations are models adequately capturing theconditional variance in the series.
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Volatility Forecasting of an Optimal PortfolioSaleemi, Asima January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to construct an optimal portfolio and model as well as forecast its volatility. The performance of the optimal portfolio is then compared to two benchmarks, namely, an equally weighted portfolio and the market index SP 500. The volatility is estimated by employing two GARCH-type models known as standard GARCH, and GJR-GARCH. The GJR-GARCH outperformed its counterpart in terms of Log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC. The forecast performance is compared based on two statistical errors, root mean squared error, and mean absolute error. The optimal portfolio outperformed its counterparts in both statistical errors. Moreover, standard GARCH gave lower statistics than GJR-GARCH. These empirical results are of important significance to portfolio management and risk management processes.
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Volatility Forecasting Performance: Evaluation of GARCH type volatility models on Nordic equity indicesWennström, Amadeus January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the volatility forecasting performance of six commonly used forecasting models; the simple moving average, the exponentially weighted moving average, the ARCH model, the GARCH model, the EGARCH model and the GJR-GARCH model. The dataset used in this report are three different Nordic equity indices, OMXS30, OMXC20 and OMXH25. The objective of this paper is to compare the volatility models in terms of the in-sample and out-of-sample fit. The results were very mixed. In terms of the in-sample fit, the result was clear and unequivocally implied that assuming a heavier tailed error distribution than the normal distribution and modeling the conditional mean significantly improves the fit. Moreover a main conclusion is that yes, the more complex models do provide a better in-sample fit than the more parsimonious models. However in terms of the out-of-sample forecasting performance the result was inconclusive. There is not a single volatility model that is preferred based on all the loss functions. An important finding is however not only that the ranking differs when using different loss functions but how dramatically it can differ. This illuminates the importance of choosing an adequate loss function for the intended purpose of the forecast. Moreover it is not necessarily the model with the best in-sample fit that produces the best out-of-sample forecast. Since the out-of-sample forecast performance is so vital to the objective of the analysis one can question whether the in-sample fit should even be used at all to support the choice of a specific volatility model. Read more
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Stock price reaction following large one-day price changes: UK evidenceMazouz, Khelifa, Joseph, N.L., Joulmer, J. January 2009 (has links)
No / We examine the short-term price reaction of 424 UK stocks to large one-day price changes. Using the GJR-GARCH(1,1), we find no statistical difference amongst the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of the Single Index, the Fama–French and the Carhart–Fama–French models. Shocks ⩾5% are followed by a significant one-day CAR of 1% for all the models. Whilst shocks ⩽−5% are followed by a significant one-day CAR of −0.43% for the Single Index, the CARs are around −0.34% for the other two models. Positive shocks of all sizes and negative shocks ⩽−5% are followed by return continuations, whilst the market is efficient following larger negative shocks. The price reaction to shocks is unaffected when we estimate the CARs using the conditional covariances of the pricing variables.
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The Impacts of Index Futures on Stock Market in Chinachen, Jing-yu 27 June 2011 (has links)
After a long-time preparation, CSI 300 index futures has made a milestone in the financial market in China in the 16 of April, 2010. In order to know what kind of impact will bring to stock market after the appearance of stock index future, the study discusses volatility and volume separately. On one hand, the study applies Modified Levene and GJR-GARCH as the empirical model, and the result indicates that stock return fluctuation is a short-term phenomenon. However, the result shows that the stock return volatility has no difference in the long-run. Furthermore, it not only reduces the asymmetric return fluctuation from good and bad news cause but improve the information efficiency in the spot market after the introduction of the stock index futures. On the other hand, the study applies multiple regression model and panel model to examine the crowding-out effect and the volume difference after the stock index futures enters the market. First, there is no crowding-out effect in the stock market. Second, both the trading volume of the constituent and non-constituent stocks increase after the introduction of the stock index futures, whereas the level of increasing trading volume of the constituent stocks is larger than non- constituent stocks are. Read more
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Impact of the crises on the efficiency of the financial market : evidence from the SDMFakhry, Bachar January 2015 (has links)
The efficient market hypothesis has been around since 1962, the theory based on a simple rule that states the price of any asset must fully reflect all available information. Yet there is empirical evidence suggesting that markets are too volatile to be efficient. In essence, this evidence seems to suggest that the reaction of the market participants to the information or events that is the crucial factor, rather than the actual information. This highlights the need to include the behavioural finance theory in the pricing of assets. Essentially, the research aims to analyse the efficiency of six key sovereign debt markets during a period of changing volatility including the recent global financial and sovereign debt crises. We analyse the markets in the pre-crisis period and during the financial and sovereign debt crises to determine the impact of the crises on the efficiency of these financial markets. We use two GARCH-based variance bound tests to test the null hypothesis of the market being too volatile to be efficient. Proposing a GJR-GARCH variant of the variance bound test to account for variation in the asymmetrical effect. This leads to an analysis of the changing behaviour of price volatility to identify what makes the market efficient or inefficient. In general, our EMH tests resulted in mixed results, hinting at the acceptance of the null hypothesis of the market being too volatile to be efficient. However, interestingly a number of 2017 observations under both models seem to be hinting at the rejection of the null hypothesis. Furthermore, our proposed GJR-GARCH variant of the variance bound test seems to be more likely to accept the EMH than the GARCH variant of the test. Read more
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GARCH models applied on Swedish Stock Exchange IndicesBlad, Wiktor, Nedic, Vilim January 2019 (has links)
In the financial industry, it has been increasingly popular to measure risk. One of the most common quantitative measures for assessing risk is Value-at-Risk (VaR). VaR helps to measure extreme risks that an investor is exposed to. In addition to acquiring information of the expected loss, VaR was introduced in the regulatory frameworks of Basel I and II as a standardized measure of market risk. Due to necessity of measuring VaR accurately, this thesis aims to be a contribution to the research field of applying GARCH-models to financial time series in order to forecast the conditional variance and find accurate VaR-estimations. The findings in this thesis is that GARCH-models which incorporate the asymmetric effect of positive and negative returns perform better than a standard GARCH. Further on, leptokurtic distributions have been found to outperform normal distribution. In addition to various models and distributions, various rolling windows have been used to examine how the forecasts differ given window lengths.
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隨機波動度下選擇權評價理論的應用---以台灣認購權證為例 / Application of Option Pricing Theory Under Stochastic Volatility---The Case of Taiwan's Warrants曹金泉, Tsao, Jim-Chain Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 ………………………………………….1-1
第二節 研究問題與目的 ………………………………………….1-4
第三節 論文架構與流程 ………………………………………….1-5
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 隨機波動度模型 ……………………………………….2-1
壹 Hull & White(1987)模型 …………………………..2-1
貳 Wiggins(1987)模型 ………………………………..2-3
參 Johnson & Shanno(1987)模型 …………………….2-4
肆 Scott(1987)模型 …………………………………...2-5
伍 Stein & Stein(1991)模型 …………………………..2-6
陸 Heston(1993)模型 …………………………………2-8
第二節 GARCH體系---波動度估計之方法 ……………………2-10
壹 GARCH模型 …………………………………………2-10
貳 EGARCH模型 ………………………………………..2-10
參 GJR-GARCH模型 ……………………………………2-11
肆 N-GARCH模型 ………………………………………2-12
伍 T-GARCH模型 ………………………………………2-12
第三章 研究方法
第一節 波動度之估計方法 ……………………………………….3-1
壹 歷史波動度 ……………………………………………3-1
貳 GARCH(1,1)模型 ……………………………………..3-2
參 EGARCH(1,1)模型 …………………………………..3-3
肆 GJR-GARCH(1,1)模型 …………………………...3-5
伍 ARCH-M(1,1)模型 ………………………………..3-7
陸 隱含波動度模型(Implied Volatility) ………………3-8
第二節 選擇權評價公式之探討 ………………………………….3-24
壹 Black & Scholes的選擇權評價模型 ………………...3-24
貳 考慮交易成本極間斷性避險下的選擇權評價模型 ...3-25
第四章 實證結果與分析
第一節 波動度的估計與預測能力 ………………………………4-1
第二節 選擇權評價理論的實證結果 …………………………4-18
第三節 認購權證涉險值(VAR)之衡量與應用 ………………4-53
第五章 結論與建議 ……………………………………………….5-1
附錄 …………………………………………………………附-1
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………Ⅰ Read more
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以高頻率日內資料驗證報酬率與波動度之因果關係-以台灣期貨市場為證 / Use high-frequency data measuring the relationship between returns and volatility with Taiwan futures market data趙明威 Unknown Date (has links)
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