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Karaktärsdesign på gott och ont : Ett främmande objekts påverkan av en karaktärAlm, Andreas, Larsson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete handlar om hur ett främmande objekt kan påverka en betraktares uppfattning av en karaktärs förhållande till gott och ont. Kandidatarbetet utforskar ämnen som stereotyper, former, fördomar och intryck. Olika metoder används i framtagandet av karaktärerna, där bland annat former används för att förstärka uppfattningen av karaktärens ställning till gott och ont. Karaktärerna skapades i två versioner, en utan det främmande objektet och en med. En enkät skickades ut och deltagare fick poängsätta karaktärer för att sedan motivera sina val med kommentarer. Resultatet visade att ett främmande objekt har möjlighet att påverka betraktaren, där betraktarens relation till objektet har en avgörande roll i hur karaktären vinklas åt gott eller ont. / This thesis describes how a foreign object can affect an observer's perception of a character's relation to good and evil. The thesis explores topics like stereotypes, forms, prejudices and impressions. Various methods are used in the development of the characters, which include shapes that are used to enhance the perception of the character's position between good and evil. The characters were created in two versions, one without the foreign object and one with the foreign object. A survey was created and the participants had to score the characters and then justify their choice with comments. The results showed that a foreign object is able to influence the viewer, where the viewer's relationship to the object has a crucial role in how the character is angled towards good or evil.
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Esquisse d'une éthique perfectionniste et universalisteAllard, Guillaume January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Institutional Transformation: A Case Study of an Urban Midwestern UniversityGrassadonia, Jane M. 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study is a case study of an institutional transformational change effort in an urban research university. The study's focus is on the impact of The Milwaukee Idea on faculty and students as the soul of the university. Literature on transformational change in higher education focuses on the processes for launching this type of change and the role of formal change leaders. Less is known about the impact of transformational change on faculty and students. Relevant literature on change and institutional culture informed this study, including Kotter (1996), Wilber (1998), Cutright (2001), Peterson and Spencer (2000), Kezar and Eckel(2000), and Astin (2001). National projects sponsored by ACE and the Kellogg Foundation are also reviewed. Sense-making emerges as a critical construct in understanding the culture and values of students and faculty.Findings reveal that the change agenda brought cultural values around civic engagement, interdisciplinary work, and collaboration to the forefront of the institutional agenda. Faculty has engaged in new and enhanced work as a result of The Milwaukee Idea initiatives, while traditional university structures, including the faculty reward system, have been maintained. Students were recipients of the change agenda, but not active in its development. Community members have new expectations for their involvement in the university and the university's ability to contribute to the public good. There is an understanding in the community and at the university that their two fates are linked.The aggregate of faculty and student participants do not report a deep, pervasive impact on their culture and experiences. The Milwaukee Idea brought change to the university in new programs and centers, but it was not transformational. What The Milwaukee Idea did do is bring forward values within the culture and establish the university as a more visible presence and force in the local community.
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Voluntary contributions to a public good and endowments redistribution : An experimental study / Contributions volontaires à un bien public et redistribution des revenus : Une étude expérimentaleRouaix, Agathe 05 July 2012 (has links)
Les inégalités de revenu affectent-elles la fourniture des biens publics ? Warr a établi en1983 un théorème de neutralité : sous certaines conditions, une redistribution marginale des revenus entre agents n'affecte pas la quantité de bien public fournie par leurs contributions volontaires. Les généralisations de ce résultat par Bergstrom et al. (1986), ont permis de mieux comprendre ce phénomène : les redistributions neutres sont de " faible "amplitude de sorte que les agents dont le revenu a été amputé ont toujours la possibilité de maintenir leur dépense en biens privés, et les ajustements des contributions individuelles laissent inchangée la contribution agrégée au bien public. Itaya et al. (1997) se sont intéressés aux conséquences d'une redistribution non neutre sur le bien-être. Dans les deux premiers chapitres de cette thèse nous testons ces prédictions en laboratoire grâce à un jeu de bien public avec utilités quadratiques. Le premier chapitre considère une redistribution de " faible " amplitude qui ne devrait pas entrainer une modification de la quantité de bien public. En revanche dans le chapitre 2, la redistribution est d'une amplitude telle qu'elle affecte la quantité de bien public fournie et le bien-être de la société. Bien que nous retrouvions en laboratoire certaines prédictions théoriques, notamment au niveau de la modification ou non de la quantité de bien public produit et du bien-être, les prédictions concernant les comportements et les gains individuels sont rarement vérifiées. En particulier, nous observons que, suite à la modification de leur revenu, certains joueurs réduisent ou augmentent moins leur contribution que la théorie ne le prédit et que les agents pauvres sur-contribuent. Il semble enfin que l'émergence d'inégalités n'affecte pas de la même façon les comportements que lorsque ces inégalités préexistent et donc que le sens de la redistribution, selon qu'elle crée ou diminue les inégalités, importe. Dans le chapitre 3, nous étudions plus précisément une redistribution créatrice d'inégalités dans un jeu de bien public linéaire et nous regardons si les hommes et les femmes réagissent de la même façon à ce changement et quelles conséquences cela entraine sur la quantité de bien public fournie. Nous montrons que lorsque les femmes bénéficient de la redistribution,la quantité de bien public produit diminue. Il apparait aussi que les comportements sont modifiés lorsque les sujets connaissent le genre de ceux qui se sont enrichis. / Do income inequalities affect the provision of public goods? Warr established in 1983 a theorem of neutrality : under some conditions, a marginal redistribution of endowments among agents does not affect the amount of public good provided by their voluntary contributions. Generalizations of this result by Bergstrom et al. (1986), helped to better understand this phenomenon: neutral redistributions are those of "low" amplitude, so that agents whose income decreases can maintain their consumption of private goods, and adjustments of individual contributions leave unchanged the aggregate contribution to the public good. Itaya et al. (1997) have focused on the consequences of a non-neutral redistribution on welfare. In the first two chapters of this thesis we test these predictions in the laboratory using a public good game with quadratic utility functions. The first chapter considers a redistribution of a "low" amplitude that should not modify the amount of public good supplied. However in Chapter 2, we run a redistribution of a "high" magnitude so that it affects the amount of public good provided and the social welfare. Although some theoretical predictions are found in the laboratory, such as the modification or not of the amount of public good and of the welfare, predictions on individual behaviors and payoffs are rarely verified. In particular, we note that following a modification of their endowment, some subjects decrease or increase their contribution less than theory predicts and that poor agents over-contribute. It further appears that the emergence of inequalities does not affect behaviors in the same way than when these inequalities preexist and thus that the direction of the redistribution, depending on whether it creates or decreases inequalities, matters. In Chapter 3 we study more precisely a redistribution that creates inequalities in a linear public good game and we test wether men and women respond similarly to the modification of their endowment and what are the consequences on the supply of the public good. We show that when women become rich, the quantity of public good provided decreases. It also appears that behaviors are modified when the rich gender is common knowledge.
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Komparace předsmluvní odpovědnosti v českém právu a v common law / A comparison of pre-contractual liability in Czech and Common LawNováková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to consider the importance of culpa in contrahendo which does not have a long tradition in the Czech law. However, since the 1 January 2014 it has become enshrined the Czech legal system. The instrument of culpa in contrahendo is connected with the need to protect the good faith of the parties to a contract which is an essential principle of modern contract law, particularly in continental legal systems. Despite the lack of the general duty to act in good faith while negotiating contracts in common law systems, we can see that English or American judges solve the practical problems resulting from dishonesty of one party to the contract through equitable principles such as misrepresentation or promissory estoppel. The importance of protecting good faith is visible even from international contract law documents that are important for the interpretation of national law. Chapter One contains the explanation of culpa in contrahendo as a practical instrument and I distinguish it from pre-contractual liability in the anglo-american legal systems. Despite the differences of the continental and common law systems of law, I consider, on the basis of the laws and court decision analysis, whether the Czech courts, in deciding the pre-contractual liability cases, are getting closer...
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Bezdůvodné obohacení podle anglické a české právní úpravy / Unjust Enrichment under English and Czech LawŠkvareková, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT UNJUST ENRICHMENT UNDER ENGLISH AND CZECH LAW The topic of presented thesis is "Unjust Enrichment under English and Czech Law". It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and comparison of legal rules governing unjust enrichment in English and Czech law. The thesis is systematically divided into four principal chapters which are further subdivided. The first chapter presents an introduction to unjust enrichment. It provides a brief historical overview and a description of legal nature of unjust enrichment. It also aims to bring a basic comparison of the common law system and the civil law system to which English law and Czech law belong. Unjust enrichment on the European level is analysed in the second chapter. Two chosen soft law instruments of the European private law are presented here, namely Draft Common Frame of Reference and Principles of European Law of Unjust Enrichment, which set forth non-binding rules for the functioning of unjust enrichment. The third chapter is focused on the English law of unjust enrichment. It primarily brings the analysis of the requirements of unjust enrichment under English law. These requirements, which are based on the case law of the English courts, are as follows: (1) benefit, (2) at the claimant's expense, (3) unjust factor, and (4) lack of defence....
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Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo) / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)Vlachová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Pre-Contractual Liability (Culpa in Contrahendo) Summary The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the issue of pre-contractual liability from the microcomparative perspective which subsequently serves as the tool to characterise the main features of pre-contractual liability in the realm of Czech Civil and Commercial Codes. The reason for my research is to prove the existence and importance of pre-contractual liability in the Czech legal order as well as in the sphere of the European Union in the light of its respective case laws. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of negotiation stage and pre-contractual liability. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology, methodology used in the thesis, scope, and aims. Chapter Two examines chosen foreign legal regulations of pre-contractual liability. The essential attention is given to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as those legal systems are very close to the Czech one (historically and geographically). The French view is also considered because legislators seek to prepare the reform of obligation laws. Finally, common law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America is discussed and challenged because of its adverse approach to pre-contractual liability....
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Krize v Ústavu pro studium totalitních režimů v českém periodickém tisku / Crisis in the institute for the study of totalitarian regimes in czech periodic pressSvorník, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to prove that the style of news coverage of one topic in three different Czech newspapers differs significantly, based on ideology of authors and newspapers too. News reporting should be informative, unbiased, without assessments of its author. However the resulting article is always biased in some way. The author doesn't have to use evaluating words to evaluate; he or she can affect the result by choosing right speakers, placing them in favorable or disadvantageous position or even cut them out of the text. The author can choose which story to tell and which frame to use. This thesis focuses on crisis in the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in April of 2013, when the director Daniel Herman was dismissed and new director Pavla Foglová was appointed. This event is suitable for the study of (hidden) evaluation and ideology, because it is closely connected with communist history of Czech nation - everyone has some opinion about it, journalists included. After the theoretical explanation of main terms and concepts like signification, discourse and ideology comes the analysis of three non-tabloid Czech newspapers: Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta DNES and Právo. Their story is the main subject of this thesis.
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Dobré mravy a veřejný pořádek jako limity autonomie vůle v občanském právu / Good morals and public order as the limits of the autonomy of will in civil lawVopěnková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with the principles of good morals and public order focusing on their role function as limits restricting the autonomy of the will. Although both principles are vague legal concepts, this thesis doesn't seek to define exactly not even cover all the practical possibilities of their application. The aim of the thesis was to bring the possible content of these principles and to highlight their importance in assessing the validity of legal actions or to specify further consequences of legal conduct, which would be contrary to these principles. The view on this topic is primarily from the Czech law perspective. On exemplary and a limited number of legal institutes, this thesis tries to capture the possibilities of using good manners and public order as correctives of autonomy of will. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The theme of the first chapter is the principle of autonomy of the will and its position in the Czech legal order. Such introduction was begun for the purpose primarily for understanding the whole thesis and to highlight the importance of this principle for the functioning of a democratic society. The second chapter deals with the principle of good morals. Different opinions on the content of this term are closer specified. Furthermore, this section discusses...
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Stratégies de limitation du portage sain des Escherichia coli producteurs de Shigatoxines (STEC) par les bovins. Potentiel bio-protecteur des bactéries lactiques en alimentation animale / Limitation of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) asymptomatic carriage by cattle, bio-protective potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria in cattle feedDuniere, Lysiane 14 February 2012 (has links)
Les Escherichia coli producteurs de Shiga-Toxines (STEC) sont responsables de maladies humaines sévères. Les ruminants sont considérés comme étant leur principal réservoir. La dissémination des STEC au sein des élevages est liée en partie à l’alimentation des animaux et donc potentiellement à l’ingestion d’ensilages contaminés. Les bactéries lactiques peuvent être employées comme agents technologiques ou dans des stratégies de bio-protection. Sur le plan de l’ensilage, elles jouent un rôle de préservation mais peuvent également représenter une barrière à la survie de pathogènes comme les STEC. Ce travail a permis de sélectionner des bactéries lactiques inhibitrices de la croissance de divers sérogroupes de STEC. Les études de compétitions ont mis en évidence un phénomène bactéricide sur certaines souches, dont le mécanisme reste encore non élucidé. Le potentiel inhibiteur des bactéries lactiques sélectionnées a été testé indépendamment dans des ensilages de maïs contaminés à différentes étapes de leur réalisation : à la mise en silos, à l’ouverture ou après une période d’exposition aérobie. En cas de contamination à la mise en silos, les souches de STEC testées n’ont pas survécu dans des ensilages correctement menés. Une souche de Ln. mesenteroides a permis de limiter la survie des souches de STEC dans les ensilages contaminés à l’ouverture. Cependant, après 144h d’aération, aucun additif n’a montré d’effet protecteur avéré. Le contrôle de l’alimentation animale afin de limiter l’entrée des STEC dans le cycle épidémiologique pourrait donc passer par l’emploi de bactéries lactiques ; sans négliger cependant les Bonnes Pratiques nécessaires à la réalisation de l’ensilage. / Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are responsible for severe human diseases. Cattle are considered as the main reservoir of this pathogen. STEC dissemination in farm environment is linked to cattle feed and potentially to ingestion of contaminated silage. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) could be employed as starters in fermentations or in strategies of bioprotection. In silage, LAB play a preservative role and could also represent a barrier for the survival of pathogenic bacteria such as STEC. The selection of LAB strains, able to inhibit the growth of several serogroups of STEC strains, was performed in this study. Competitions assays have shown a bactericidal effect on some STEC strains, but reasons of this phenomenon remain unclear. Inhibiting potential of the selected LAB strains was tested independently in corn silages contaminated at different steps of their realizations : at ensiling, at opening or after aerobic exposure. In case of contamination at ensiling, STEC strains tested did not survive in well-made silages. A Ln. mesenteroides strain allowed the limitation of the STEC strains survival in silage contaminated at opening. However, after 144 h of aerobic exposure, no inoculant showed any protective effect. Control of cattle feed, in order to limit STEC entry in their epidemiological cycle, could be reached through LAB utilization ; however, Good Manufacturing Practices involved in silage making should not be omitted.
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