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Quantificação do teor de char e finos de coque no pó de balão do alto-forno por difração de raios-XMachado, André da Silveira January 2011 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado (PCI — pulverized coal injection) nos altos-fornos (AFs) é uma tecnologia utilizada pelas usinas siderúrgicas para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir o consumo de coque no AF. Nas últimas décadas as taxas de injeção de carvão pulverizado aumentaram na maior parte dos AFs. O principal problema associado à utilização de altas taxas de PCI é a geração de char (carvão incombusto) na zona de combustão. Este material percorre um caminho ascendente junto ao fluxo gasoso, podendo acumular-se e assim prejudicar a permeabilidade do AF. A presença, nas amostras sólidas recolhidas do gás de saída do AF, de altos teores de char pode ser o resultado da injeção de um carvão pulverizado com uma combustibilidade inadequada e de uma operação instável do AF. Portanto, conhecer a proporção de char que sai do AF contribuirá na seleção do tipo de carvão utilizado e na otimização da prática de PCI. Análises químicas das amostras de pó do AF revelam, sem distinguir, a presença de materiais carbonosos. A microscopia ótica foi utilizada para estudar estas amostras sólidas, mas apresenta certas limitações. A difração de raios-X (DRX) é uma técnica padrão para caracterizar a estrutura cristalina dos materiais. Ela também pode ser utilizada para quantificar as dimensões dos cristalitos (Lc, La, etc.) dos materiais carbonosos. Uma vez que a estrutura do coque é mais ordenada que a do char, seria possível quantificar a proporção destes materiais nas amostras de pó do AF através da DRX combinada a análises químicas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os componentes carbonosos (char e finos de coque) presentes no pó de balão (PB) do AF, por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. O efeito da temperatura sobre a grafitização do coque também foi avaliado, a fim de identificar a possível origem dos finos de coque gerados no AF. Três amostras de PB coletadas de um AF, uma em operação a coque e duas a PCI, foram selecionadas. Os pós foram fracionados e analisados quimicamente. Após, as frações destas amostras foram moídas, desmineralizadas e analisadas por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. Amostras de char produzidas em laboratório e respectivos carvões foram utilizados como padrões para a quantificação. Amostras de coque foram tratadas termicamente a diferentes temperaturas, sendo posteriormente analisadas por DRX. Este estudo mostrou que a DRX pode ser usada como técnica padrão para identificar as estruturas do char e do coque podendo ser utilizada para quantificar a proporção destes materiais carbonosos no pó de balão do AF. Além disto, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura de tratamento térmico mais ordenada fica a estrutura cristalina do coque. / In a Blast Furnace (BF), Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is the most popular injection technology used worldwide to reduce coke consumption and to increase the productivity. In the last decades the PCI injection rates raised in the most of BFs. One of the problems during the PCI operation in BF is the unburnt char formation. Higher char levels in the BF stack could impact burden permeability. The off gas BF solid samples contain char, coke fines, metallic oxides, etc. The quantification of the carbonaceous materials content in these samples could be used to improve the PCI performance in operating BF. Chemical analysis in the BF dust samples reveal without differentiates some carbonaceous material. The optical microscopy was used to study these solid samples but with some restrictions. XRD (X-ray diffraction) is a standard means of characterizing the structure of materials. This technique has been utilized to determine the crystallite sizes (Lc, La, etc.), in carbonaceous materials. Since the coke structure is more ordered than the char structure, it would be possible to quantify the proportion of these materials in the off-gas BF samples by chemical analysis in combination with XRD. The aim of this work is to identify and quantify carbonaceous components (coal, char and coke fines) in the flue dust BF samples through the use of the XRD technique and ultimate analysis. Besides, the effect of temperature on coke graphitization will be studied aiming to identify the possible origin of coke fines in the BF dust. Four dusts collected in the off-gas BF, two at all coke and two at PCI operations, were selected for this investigation. The dusts were fractioned and chemically analyzed. After the fractions were grounded, demineralized and analyzed by ultimate analysis and XRD. Besides, were investigated the atomic structure of raw coals and its laboratory char, and raw coke and its laboratory heattreated samples. This study has shown that the XRD technique could be used as a standard procedure to identify the char and coke structures and could be used to quantify the fines proportions of these carbonaceous materials in the BF flue dust. It was concluded that the bigger the annealing temperature the more ordered becomes the atomic coke structure.
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Quantificação do teor de char e finos de coque no pó de balão do alto-forno por difração de raios-XMachado, André da Silveira January 2011 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado (PCI — pulverized coal injection) nos altos-fornos (AFs) é uma tecnologia utilizada pelas usinas siderúrgicas para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir o consumo de coque no AF. Nas últimas décadas as taxas de injeção de carvão pulverizado aumentaram na maior parte dos AFs. O principal problema associado à utilização de altas taxas de PCI é a geração de char (carvão incombusto) na zona de combustão. Este material percorre um caminho ascendente junto ao fluxo gasoso, podendo acumular-se e assim prejudicar a permeabilidade do AF. A presença, nas amostras sólidas recolhidas do gás de saída do AF, de altos teores de char pode ser o resultado da injeção de um carvão pulverizado com uma combustibilidade inadequada e de uma operação instável do AF. Portanto, conhecer a proporção de char que sai do AF contribuirá na seleção do tipo de carvão utilizado e na otimização da prática de PCI. Análises químicas das amostras de pó do AF revelam, sem distinguir, a presença de materiais carbonosos. A microscopia ótica foi utilizada para estudar estas amostras sólidas, mas apresenta certas limitações. A difração de raios-X (DRX) é uma técnica padrão para caracterizar a estrutura cristalina dos materiais. Ela também pode ser utilizada para quantificar as dimensões dos cristalitos (Lc, La, etc.) dos materiais carbonosos. Uma vez que a estrutura do coque é mais ordenada que a do char, seria possível quantificar a proporção destes materiais nas amostras de pó do AF através da DRX combinada a análises químicas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os componentes carbonosos (char e finos de coque) presentes no pó de balão (PB) do AF, por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. O efeito da temperatura sobre a grafitização do coque também foi avaliado, a fim de identificar a possível origem dos finos de coque gerados no AF. Três amostras de PB coletadas de um AF, uma em operação a coque e duas a PCI, foram selecionadas. Os pós foram fracionados e analisados quimicamente. Após, as frações destas amostras foram moídas, desmineralizadas e analisadas por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. Amostras de char produzidas em laboratório e respectivos carvões foram utilizados como padrões para a quantificação. Amostras de coque foram tratadas termicamente a diferentes temperaturas, sendo posteriormente analisadas por DRX. Este estudo mostrou que a DRX pode ser usada como técnica padrão para identificar as estruturas do char e do coque podendo ser utilizada para quantificar a proporção destes materiais carbonosos no pó de balão do AF. Além disto, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura de tratamento térmico mais ordenada fica a estrutura cristalina do coque. / In a Blast Furnace (BF), Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is the most popular injection technology used worldwide to reduce coke consumption and to increase the productivity. In the last decades the PCI injection rates raised in the most of BFs. One of the problems during the PCI operation in BF is the unburnt char formation. Higher char levels in the BF stack could impact burden permeability. The off gas BF solid samples contain char, coke fines, metallic oxides, etc. The quantification of the carbonaceous materials content in these samples could be used to improve the PCI performance in operating BF. Chemical analysis in the BF dust samples reveal without differentiates some carbonaceous material. The optical microscopy was used to study these solid samples but with some restrictions. XRD (X-ray diffraction) is a standard means of characterizing the structure of materials. This technique has been utilized to determine the crystallite sizes (Lc, La, etc.), in carbonaceous materials. Since the coke structure is more ordered than the char structure, it would be possible to quantify the proportion of these materials in the off-gas BF samples by chemical analysis in combination with XRD. The aim of this work is to identify and quantify carbonaceous components (coal, char and coke fines) in the flue dust BF samples through the use of the XRD technique and ultimate analysis. Besides, the effect of temperature on coke graphitization will be studied aiming to identify the possible origin of coke fines in the BF dust. Four dusts collected in the off-gas BF, two at all coke and two at PCI operations, were selected for this investigation. The dusts were fractioned and chemically analyzed. After the fractions were grounded, demineralized and analyzed by ultimate analysis and XRD. Besides, were investigated the atomic structure of raw coals and its laboratory char, and raw coke and its laboratory heattreated samples. This study has shown that the XRD technique could be used as a standard procedure to identify the char and coke structures and could be used to quantify the fines proportions of these carbonaceous materials in the BF flue dust. It was concluded that the bigger the annealing temperature the more ordered becomes the atomic coke structure.
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Quantificação do teor de char e finos de coque no pó de balão do alto-forno por difração de raios-XMachado, André da Silveira January 2011 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado (PCI — pulverized coal injection) nos altos-fornos (AFs) é uma tecnologia utilizada pelas usinas siderúrgicas para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir o consumo de coque no AF. Nas últimas décadas as taxas de injeção de carvão pulverizado aumentaram na maior parte dos AFs. O principal problema associado à utilização de altas taxas de PCI é a geração de char (carvão incombusto) na zona de combustão. Este material percorre um caminho ascendente junto ao fluxo gasoso, podendo acumular-se e assim prejudicar a permeabilidade do AF. A presença, nas amostras sólidas recolhidas do gás de saída do AF, de altos teores de char pode ser o resultado da injeção de um carvão pulverizado com uma combustibilidade inadequada e de uma operação instável do AF. Portanto, conhecer a proporção de char que sai do AF contribuirá na seleção do tipo de carvão utilizado e na otimização da prática de PCI. Análises químicas das amostras de pó do AF revelam, sem distinguir, a presença de materiais carbonosos. A microscopia ótica foi utilizada para estudar estas amostras sólidas, mas apresenta certas limitações. A difração de raios-X (DRX) é uma técnica padrão para caracterizar a estrutura cristalina dos materiais. Ela também pode ser utilizada para quantificar as dimensões dos cristalitos (Lc, La, etc.) dos materiais carbonosos. Uma vez que a estrutura do coque é mais ordenada que a do char, seria possível quantificar a proporção destes materiais nas amostras de pó do AF através da DRX combinada a análises químicas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os componentes carbonosos (char e finos de coque) presentes no pó de balão (PB) do AF, por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. O efeito da temperatura sobre a grafitização do coque também foi avaliado, a fim de identificar a possível origem dos finos de coque gerados no AF. Três amostras de PB coletadas de um AF, uma em operação a coque e duas a PCI, foram selecionadas. Os pós foram fracionados e analisados quimicamente. Após, as frações destas amostras foram moídas, desmineralizadas e analisadas por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. Amostras de char produzidas em laboratório e respectivos carvões foram utilizados como padrões para a quantificação. Amostras de coque foram tratadas termicamente a diferentes temperaturas, sendo posteriormente analisadas por DRX. Este estudo mostrou que a DRX pode ser usada como técnica padrão para identificar as estruturas do char e do coque podendo ser utilizada para quantificar a proporção destes materiais carbonosos no pó de balão do AF. Além disto, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura de tratamento térmico mais ordenada fica a estrutura cristalina do coque. / In a Blast Furnace (BF), Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is the most popular injection technology used worldwide to reduce coke consumption and to increase the productivity. In the last decades the PCI injection rates raised in the most of BFs. One of the problems during the PCI operation in BF is the unburnt char formation. Higher char levels in the BF stack could impact burden permeability. The off gas BF solid samples contain char, coke fines, metallic oxides, etc. The quantification of the carbonaceous materials content in these samples could be used to improve the PCI performance in operating BF. Chemical analysis in the BF dust samples reveal without differentiates some carbonaceous material. The optical microscopy was used to study these solid samples but with some restrictions. XRD (X-ray diffraction) is a standard means of characterizing the structure of materials. This technique has been utilized to determine the crystallite sizes (Lc, La, etc.), in carbonaceous materials. Since the coke structure is more ordered than the char structure, it would be possible to quantify the proportion of these materials in the off-gas BF samples by chemical analysis in combination with XRD. The aim of this work is to identify and quantify carbonaceous components (coal, char and coke fines) in the flue dust BF samples through the use of the XRD technique and ultimate analysis. Besides, the effect of temperature on coke graphitization will be studied aiming to identify the possible origin of coke fines in the BF dust. Four dusts collected in the off-gas BF, two at all coke and two at PCI operations, were selected for this investigation. The dusts were fractioned and chemically analyzed. After the fractions were grounded, demineralized and analyzed by ultimate analysis and XRD. Besides, were investigated the atomic structure of raw coals and its laboratory char, and raw coke and its laboratory heattreated samples. This study has shown that the XRD technique could be used as a standard procedure to identify the char and coke structures and could be used to quantify the fines proportions of these carbonaceous materials in the BF flue dust. It was concluded that the bigger the annealing temperature the more ordered becomes the atomic coke structure.
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Mechanically induced degradation of diamondVan Bouwelen, Franciscus Maria January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv síry a grafitizačního očkování na strukturu a mechanické vlastnosti litiny s lupínkovým grafitem / Influence of sulphur and graphitizing inoculation on structure and mechanical properties of lamellar graphite cast ironKrál, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
Goal of this diploma thesis was to determine influence of graphitizing inoculation and chemical composition on structure and mechanical properties of gray iron. In terms of chemical composition, sulphur content was to be observed. Hardness and tensile strength were measured. Metallographic samples were analyzed by image analysis software.
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Understanding the Crystallinity of Carbon Black and its Effect on Filled Rubber CompoundsSaifee Valsadwala, Abbas 07 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effect of High Temperature Treatment on the Ablative and Flexural Performance of 2D Carbon-CarbonNitilaksh Alluri Prasad (19816485) 09 October 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Carbon-Carbon (C/C) composites have been shown to be a preferred material for high temperature applications as they retain their properties and performance at temperatures in excess of 2000°C. This study shows that High Temperature Treatment (HTT) at 2400°C for 4 hrs followed by two subsequent Polymer Infiltration and Pyrolysis (PIP) cycles using SC1008 phenolic resin changes the failure mechanism of 2D C/C which has been subject to directional ablation prior to flexural testing. The study observes that prior directional ablation of the non-HTT C/C condition decreases flexural strength by 50.2%, whereas negligible change for the HTT C/C condition was observed (6.6%). This is attributed to the significant degradation of the tensile surface of the non-HTT C/C during ablation corresponding to an average linear thickness loss of 0.321mm (Std Dev = 0.223mm) and average mass loss of 0.364g (Std Dev = 0.196g) while the HTT recorded 0.033mm (Std Dev = 0.005mm) and 0.032g (Std Dev = 0.008g) respectively. The difference in degradation is attributed to the microstructure which was characterised through X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy. It is shown that HTT transformed the carbon matrix from a glassy/amorphous matrix to a layered matrix with an indicative increased degree of graphitisation (from 0.52 to 0.69). This not only increased the average density from 1.511 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (Std Dev = 0.002 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) to 1.652 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (Std Dev = 0.003 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) but also increased the average thermal conductivity from 9.1 W/mK (Std Dev = 1.06 W/mK) to 13.3 W/mK (Std Dev = 1.32 W/mK). This ultimately contributed to a reduction in available sites for the oxidation reaction to occur, while also allowing for thermal energy to be conducted away from the ablation surface reducing the amount of heat related damage. For conditions without and with prior ablation damage, the non-HTT C/C is found to fail in matrix dominated tension with the fibres and matrix breaking in a single plane originating at the tensile surface and propagating towards the neutral axis whereas the HTT C/C is found to fail in shear at the neutral axis with the fibres-matrix debonding being the primary failure mechanism. The non-HTT C/C is found to have an average flexural strength of 88.8 MPa (Std Dev = 13.7 MPa) and flexural modulus 81.0 GPa (Std Dev = 10.5 GPa), where the HTT C/C has 196.7 MPa (Std Dev = 31.4 MPa) and 115.2 GPa (Std Dev = 3.3 GPa) respectively. Lastly, this study found that a square notch in the non-HTT C/C condition resulted in a 23.9% and 26.4% reduction in flexural strength for conditions without and with prior ablation damage, respectively. No change in the failure mechanism was observed for notched specimens compared to un-notched specimens, and the debit in strength was attributed to broken fibers created by the notch.</p>
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Electrical behaviour of submerged arc furnace’s charge materialsHietava, A. (Anne) 01 June 2018 (has links)
When producing ferrochrome, a submerged arc furnace (SAF) is used. The charge of an SAF consists of chromite pellets, coke, lumpy ore and quartzite as a slag modifier. The charge is pre-heated before it descends into the SAF where the charge eventually reduces and melts. The electrical conductivity of the charge is important because, among other things, it affects the productivity of the furnace. The electrical conductivity of the charge should ideally be low on the higher parts of the furnace and high near the electrode tip. This is to ensure that the electric current path travels through the metal bath via arcing, which provides the most effective heat transfer. Another option for the current path would be through the solid feed material via ohmic conduction, but since this zone is less reactive, the heat energy would be mostly wasted.
This work brings forth new information about the electrical behaviour of coke and chromite pellet is produced. The electrical conductivity was measured at room temperature for different simulated process conditions (different coke textures, different reduction degrees of chromite pellets, sulphur in atmosphere and replacing the coke used in chromite pellet production with charcoal). It was found out that unlike gasification with a CO/CO2 mixture, heat treatment at 950°C increased the degree of graphitization and changed the electrical behaviour of coke. Furthermore, it was observed that increasing the chromite pellets’ reduction degree reduced the electrical conductivity measured at room temperature. In the case of chromite pellets and sulphur in the atmosphere it was found that sulphur has an effect on the pellets’ electrical behavior and structure during reduction, which - in turn - has an effect on the SAF performance when raw materials with varying sulphur contents are used. Lastly, it was found that substituting coke with charcoal when producing chromite pellets affects the sintering behaviour, cold compression strength, and electrical conductivity of the chromite pellets. / Tiivistelmä
Uppokaariuuni on osa ferrokromin valmistusprosessia. Uppokaariuuniin panostetaan kromiittipellejä, koksia, palarikastetta ja kvartsiittia. Etukuumennusuunista panos laskeutuu uppokaariuuniin, jossa se pelkistyy ja lopulta sulaa. Uppokaariuunin panoksen sähkönjohtavuus on tärkeää uunin toiminnan kannalta, koska se vaikuttaa suoraan esimerkiksi tuottavuuteen. Jotta virran kulku tapahtuisi optimaalisesti sulan metallin kautta, panoksen sähkönjohtavuuden tulee olla pieni uunin yläosissa ja suuri alaosassa lähellä elektrodien päitä. Mikäli virran kulku tapahtuu uunin yläosassa, hukataan lämpöenergiaa ja uunin toiminta hankaloituu. Tässä työssä on selvitetty koksin ja kromiittipellettien sähköisiä ominaisuuksia. Sähkönjohtavuutta on tutkittu useilla simuloiduilla prosessiolosuhteilla (koksin eri tekstuurit, kromiittipellettien eri pelkistysasteet, rikin pitoisuus atmosfäärissä ja kromiittipellettien valmistuksessa on korvattu koksi puuhiilellä). Nämä mittaukset on tehty huonelämpötilassa.
Huomattiin, että toisin kuin koksin kaasutus, koksin lämpökäsittely (950°C) nosti grafitoitumisastetta ja vaikutti sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kromiittipelletin pelkistymisasteen noustessa huonelämpötilassa mitattu sähkönjohtavuus laski. Kun kromiittipelletit altistetaan atmosfäärille, jossa on rikkiä, pellettien sähköiset ominaisuudet muuttuvat samoin kuin rakenne pelkistyksen aikana. Tämä vaikuttaa uppokaariuunin toimintaan, kun käytetään raaka-aineita, joissa rikkipitoisuus vaihtelee. Kun kromiittipellettien valmistuksessa käytettävä koksi korvataan puuhiilellä, tämä vaikuttaa sintrausprosessiin, kylmälujuuteen ja sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin.
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微少量グラファイト化ラインの検討Nakamura, Toshio, Minami, Masayo, Kato, Tomomi, 中村, 俊夫, 南, 雅代, 加藤, ともみ 03 1900 (has links)
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グラファイト生成と炭素同位体比変動 : 鉄触媒とサルフィックス処理の効果Ohta, Tomoko, Nakamura, Toshio, 太田, 友子, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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