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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Does Grit Protect against the Adverse Effects of Depression?

Kilgore, Jenna 03 May 2019 (has links)
Grit, or the ability to persevere toward a long-term goal despite adversity, has been linked to academic success. Grit may also potentially buffer against the negative effects of depressive symptoms in an academic domain. The current study explores the relationship between depression, grit, and GPA, while also accounting for defensive responding, which has been proposed as a confound of grit but not empirically assessed in this context. We examined how social desirability affects the relationship between grit and GPA and hypothesized that social desirability would moderate the effect of grit between depressive symptoms and GPA. We found support for all hypothesized direct relationships. However, the interaction between depression, grit, social desirability, and GPA was non-significant. Results suggested modest construct validity of grit with it predicting GPA at low levels of social desirability but demonstrated no buffering effect against depression on GPA, highlighting the complexity of the relationship between these variables.

Grit and Second Language Acquisition: Can Passion and Perseverance Predict Performance in Japanese Language Learning?

Yamashita, Takuhiro 12 July 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines the relationship between grit and learners’ performance in Japanese language learning. Grit is one’s personality trait which is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goal” (Duckworth et al., 2007). The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine whether there were relationships between learners’ grit scores and their performance in two different types of Japanese language classrooms:teacher-centered beginning and intermediate Japanese language courses and student-centered Japanese extensive reading courses. Regarding the study of extensive reading courses, students’ subjective evaluation were used to observe their performance instead of an objective achievement test. There were 78 students who agreed to participate in total. Of all participants, 34 students were taking introductory level Japanese, 27 students were taking the intermediate level, and 17 students were taking a Japanese extensive reading course. The results revealed that participants’ grit scores did not appear to be related to their performance in the introductory language course. Interestingly, in the intermediate course, perseverance subscores of grit measured by the 10-item grit scale were negatively correlated with the students’ performance, with no connection apparent between their grades and grit scores. The results might be attributed to some external factors: such as the process of language learning and students’ academic majors. On the other hand, in the student-centered Japanese extensive reading course, some tendencies of positive correlation were seen between participants’ grit scores and the changes of their subjective evaluation between the beginning and the end of the semester. These findings suggest the possibility that individuals’ grit scores are related to their performance in different ways between teacher-centered and student-centered Japanese language learning.

Testbaserat lärande och effekter av personlighetsdragen Grit och Need for Cognition

Schalling, Linnea, Österlund, Linn January 2015 (has links)
Tidigare studier har visat att inlärning genom övningstester med direkt feedback, så kallat testbaserat lärande, är effektivare än mer traditionella inlärningmetoder. Dessutom har personlighetsdrag visat sig påverka inlärningsstilar. Den aktuella studiens syfte var att replikera testbaserat lärande som metod och utvärdera personlighetsdragen Grit (uthållighet och passion för att nå sina mål) och Need for Cognition (viljan att kognitivt elaborera) i relation till testbaserat lärande. Vidare undersöktes om och hur testdeltagarnas upplevda ansträngning och svårighetsgrad i förhållande till testbaserat lärande hade något samband med prestationen. En kvasiexperimentell studie genomfördes där 44 gymnasieelever fick lära in och återge 30 ordpar på svenska/swahili. Hälften av deltagarna tilldelades testbaserat lärande som inlärningsmetod medan resterande tilldelades traditionell omläsning som inlärningsmetod. Studiens resultat styrker att testbaserad inlärning är en robust inlärningsteknink som inte påverkas av personlighetsdragen Grit och Need for Cognition. Dessutom framkommer tvetydiga resultat angående huruvida en högre grad av upplevd ansträngning leder till bättre minnesprestation. Framtida forskning med större stickprov behövs för att vidare utforska och eventuellt styrka resultaten. / Previous studies have shown that learning by practice tests with direct feedback, so-called test-enhanced learning, is more effective than traditional methods of learning. Moreover, personality traits have been shown to affect learning styles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate test-enhanced learning and the personality traits Grit (persistence and passion to achieve ones goals) and Need for Cognition (an individual’s tendency to engage in and enjoy effortful thinking) in relation to test-enhanced learning. It was further examined if and how test participants’ perceived exertion and difficulty in relation to test-enhanced learning affected performance. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in which 44 high school students had to learn and reproduce 30 Swedish/Swahili word pairs. Half of the participants were assigned test-enhanced learning as a learning method, while the remainder was assigned traditional rereading as their learning method. The results of the study support the earlier findings in that test-enhanced learning is a robust learning method. The results also indicate that test-enhanced learning is not influenced by the personality traits Grit and Need for Cognition. Furthermore, ambiguous results were found regarding whether a higher degree of perceived exertion leads to better memory performance. Additional research with larger samples is needed to further explore and possibly support these results. / Den lärande hjärnan

Achievement Motivation Theory as a Model for Explaining College Athletes' Grit

Albert, Erin 08 1900 (has links)
This study examined the direct and indirect associations of the perceived coach-created motivational climate, athletes' implicit theory, and athletes' achievement goal orientation in relation to their levels of grit. Five hundred twenty-three Division I and II collegiate student-athletes (male = 246, female = 277) from five institutions across the south-central and southeast areas of the United States completed self-report measures assessing the previously described constructs. The measurement model fit the data well (SRMR = .055; CFI = .938; RMSEA = .067) and demonstrated invariance across the male and female athletes. The structural model demonstrated adequate fit (SRMR = .088; CFI = .918; RMSEA = .068). All direct and indirect paths in the model were significant in the expected direction, with the exception of the direct path from entity theory to ego goal orientation and the indirect path from ego-involving climate to ego goal orientation through entity theory, which were both non-significant. The mastery-incremental constructs accounted for 65% of the variance in grit. Results indicate that achievement motivation theory is an appropriate framework through which to examine grit, and achievement motivation constructs may be significant antecedents of grit's development. Limitations and future directions are discussed.

Mindset Matters: Understanding the Role of Grit and Mindset in the Helping Professions

Novotny, Bethany 06 September 2017 (has links)
Dr. Bethany Novotny, an assistant professor in ETSU’s Department of Counseling and Human Services, discusses grit, mindset and self-efficacy and their application for individuals in helping roles.

The sociology of grit: cross-cultural approaches to social stratification

Kwon, Hye Won 01 August 2018 (has links)
Grit, the concept consisting of perseverance and passion towards a desired long-term goal, has been spotlighted as a key psychological resource that is predictive of positive life outcomes including academic achievement, professional success and subjective well-being. Despite its popularity within and outside of academia, much more needs to be researched before we can understand its properties and sociological utility. This dissertation explores the potential location of grit within various sociological discourses, including literature on agency, stratification, and perceived meritocracy. In addition, I explore the relationship between social status, subjective agency, the social valuation of grit, and grit cross-culturally to place grit within proper cultural and structural contexts. In Chapter 2, I propose the psychological notion of grit as a potentially useful variable in sociological analysis and explore its potential for contributing to addressing sociological concerns including human agency and stratification. Grit could work as a “behavioral engine” transforming subjective beliefs about agency (e.g., sense of control) to agentic practices that potentially produce better life outcomes. In Chapter 3, using new cross-cultural data collected from South Korea and the United States, I test the current measure of grit, the Grit-S scale, that is developed and predominantly tested in the United States, in two different countries, South Korea and the United States. I find in both countries grit is better understood as the concept consisting of two separate dimensions, perseverance and passion, rather than a global concept. In addition, I find the perseverance facet of grit, but not the passion facet, shows the distinctive utility in explaining subjective well-being beyond subjective agency (i.e., sense of control) in both countries. In Chapter 4, I analyze novel cross-cultural data collected from four nations (France, South Korea, Turkey and the United States) and find an indirect linkage between a person’s socioeconomic status and the level of grit through positive associations with the sense of control. That is, people with a higher socioeconomic status tend to hold stronger beliefs about one’s agency, and those who are strong believers in one’s control over life outcomes, in turn, are more likely to develop grit in these four countries. In Chapter 5, using the same cross-cultural data used in Chapter 3, I investigate the social valuation of grit and whether and how the valuation of grit is associated with individual development of grit in South Korea and the United States. In both countries, grit is valued as a desirable virtue that leads to success in life. However, there is within-society variance: people from lower social statuses tend to value grit as a virtue that leads to success more than those from higher statuses in both country samples. In addition, I find people with a higher sense of control are more likely to value grit as a virtue, and valuing grit is positively associated with the individual development of perseverance in both countries.

Gör njutning dig mer uthållig? : Flow och dess relation till Grit

Quensel, Magnus January 2021 (has links)
Medan Flow är ett njutbart medvetandetillstånd där ens agerande tycks ske automatiskt så definieras Grit som uthållighet och passion i strävan mot ett långsiktigt mål. Studien undersökte om det fanns ett positivt samband mellan generell Flow och Grit samt mellan arbetsrelaterad Flow och Grit. Arbetsrelaterad Flow definieras av absorption, arbetsglädje och inre motivation. 75 yrkesverksamma personer, varav 50 coacher, deltog i studien genom att svara på en enkät som publicerades på sociala medier. Enkäten utgjordes av mätinstrumenten Flow Short Scale, WOLF (arbetsrelaterad Flow) samt Grit Scale. Materialet undersöktes med korrelationer och regressionsanalyser. Flow och absorption korrelerade positivt med både uthållighet och passion och arbetsglädje visade ett positivt samband med uthållighet. Flow hade det starkaste sambandet med uthållighet medan absorption visade den starkaste relationen till passion. En framtida studie skulle genom en intervention kunna undersöka hur Grit påverkas om förutsättningarna för Flow påverkas.

Personligt självkoncept och grit : En kvantitativ studie om personligt självkoncept och grit hos professionella och amatörmusiker / Personal self-concept and grit : A quantitative study of personal self-concept and grit in professional and amateur musicians

Mitnei, Claudia - Elena January 2021 (has links)
Personligt självkoncept och grit är två psykologiska fenomen som undersöks ofta men inte i relation med varandra och inte kopplade till musiker. Grit har associerats med akademisk framgång och goda resultat och det är en egenskap som framstående ledare inom alla professionella områden verkar ha. Den kännetecknas av passion och uthållighet och tros vara en större prediktor för akademisk eller professionell framgång än intelligens eller talang. Grit kan påverkas av olika psykologiska faktorer såsom självkoncept. Självkoncept innefattar individens globala uppfattningar av sig själv på alla nivåer: fysiskt, akademiskt, professionellt, socialt och personligt. Sättet en individ uppfattar sina privata och individuella aspekter kallas för personligt självkoncept. Studien har syftat att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan personligt självkoncept och grit hos professionella och amatörmusiker men också att förstå om det finns några skillnader i grit och personligt självkoncept mellan professionella och amatörmusiker och mellan kvinnor och män som är professionella eller amatörmusiker. Studien baserades på en kvantitativ metod och data samlades in genom en webbenkät som delades på sociala medier och mejl. I studien deltog 97 musiker med olika ålder, både professionella (n = 68) och amatör (n = 29), både män (n = 38) och kvinnor (n = 59) med internationell bakgrund. Studiens resultat visade en signifikant positiv korrelation mellan personligt självkoncept och grit hos musiker. Utifrån resultatet är dessa två fenomen kopplade till varandra, desto bättre självkoncept man har desto högre nivå på grit. Resultatet visade att det finns en signifikant skillnad i grit mellan kvinnliga och manliga musiker där kvinnliga musiker hade en högre nivå på grit än manliga musiker. Studiens resultat visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan professionella och amatörmusiker i avseende på grit, vilken kan tolkas som att professionella och amatörmusiker hade ungefär samma grit nivå. Utifrån studiens resultat finns det ingen signifikant skillnad i personligt självkoncept mellan amatör och professionella musiker eller mellan män och kvinnor som är professionella eller amatörmusiker. / Personal self-concept and grit are two psychological phenomena that are studied often but not in relation to each other and not linked to musicians. Grit has been associated with academic success and good results and it is a quality that prominent leaders in all professional fields seem to have. It is characterized by passion and perseverance and is believed to be a greater predictor of academic or professional success than intelligence or talent. Grit can be influenced by various psychological factors such as self-concept. Self-concept includes an individual's global perceptions of himself on all levels: physical, academic, professional, social and personal. The way an individual perceives his private and individual aspects is called personal self-concept. The study aimed to investigate whether there is a connection between personal self-concept and grit in professional and amateur musicians, but also to understand if there are any differences in grit and personal self-concept between professional and amateur musicians and between women and men who are professional or amateur musicians. The study was based on a quantitative method and data was collected through a web survey that was shared on social media and email. The study involved 97 musicians of different ages, both professional (n = 68) and amateur (n = 29), both men (n = 38) and women (n = 59) with an international background. The results of the study showed a significant positive correlation between personal self-concept and grit in musicians. Based on the results, these two phenomena are linked to each other, the better self-concept you have, the higher the level of grit. The results showed that there is a significant difference in grit between female and male musicians where female musicians had a higher level of grit than male musicians. The results of the study showed no significant difference between professional and amateur musicians in terms of grit, which can be interpreted as meaning that professional and amateur musicians had approximately the same grit level. Based on the results of the study, there is no significant difference in personal self-concept between amateur and professional musicians or between men and women who are professional or amateur musicians.

Att förstå, testa och utvärdera grit i en lärarpraktik

Nilsson, Ulrika January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om att undersöka hur lärare kan förstå, testa och utvärdera forskning kring grit i relation till sin lärarpraktik samt vilka lärdomar detta kan leda till. Aktionsforskning bedrevs i en fokusgrupp med fem medforskande lärare som har olika ämneskombinationer på gymnasiet. Fokusgruppen involverade elevgrupper som utfört aktiviteter kopplat till studiens frågeställningar och syfte. Studien visade att även om forskning kring grit kan relateras till didaktisk forskning och styrdokument så har aktionsforskningen lett till att lärare och elever ökade sin medvetenhet och kunskap om vikten av ansträngning. Under aktionsforskningen kom fokusgruppen att resonera om bland annat att se intelligens som utvecklingsbar, hur ansträngning kan premieras, hur elever tar sig an utmaningar och om elevers svårigheter att bibehålla koncentration och fokus. En slutsats var att det kan vara givande att låta lärare och elever resonera om elevers grit eller ihärdighet oavsett om man väljer att använda just begreppet grit eller ej. Att en del elever säger sig vilja försöka tänka på ett nytt sätt vid en utmaning kan ses som en vinst.

The Common Factors of Grit, Hope, and Optimism Differentially Influence Suicide Resilience

Clement, Déjà N., Wingate, Laricka R., Cole, Ashley B., O’keefe, Victoria M., Hollingsworth, David W., Davidson, Collin L., Hirsch, Jameson K. 02 December 2020 (has links)
No study to date has simultaneously examined the commonalities and unique aspects of positive psychological factors and whether these factors uniquely account for a reduction in suicide risk. Using a factor analytic approach, the current study examined the relationships between grit, hope, optimism, and their unique and overlapping relationships in predicting suicide ideation. Results of principle axis factor analysis demonstrated close relationships between these variables at both the construct and item level. Item-level analyses supported a five-factor solution (Stick-to-Itiveness, Poor Future, Consistency of Interest, Positive Future, and Poor Pathways). Four of the five factors (excluding Stick-to-Itiveness) were associated with suicide ideation. Additionally, results of a multiple regression analysis indicated that two of the five factors (Consistency of Interest and Positive Future) negatively predicted suicide ideation while Poor Future positively predicted suicide ideation. Implications regarding the interrelationships between grit, hope, and optimism with suicide ideation are discussed.

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