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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos dosimétricos de tecidos duros e alimentos por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica / Dosimetric studies Food and Hard Tissues using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance.

Leonor, Sérgio Jacintho 23 March 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo e nas aplicações da dosimetria por Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônico (RPE). Em uma tentativa de realizar a dosimetria retrospectiva do esmalte dentário através do menor método invasivo possível utilizamos espectrômetros de Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônico (RPE), operando em Banda - X e Banda - K, visando determinar as condições que poderiam ser usados em casos de exposições acidentais. Primeiro, um pequeno prisma de esmalte foi removido e um almofariz de ágata foi utilizado para triturar este prisma até que as partículas atinjam um diâmetro de cerca de 0,5 mm. Este processo de extração do esmalte resultou em um menor sinal de artefato comparado com a extração de esmalte realizado diretamente com uma broca de abrasão diamantada. A moagem manual do esmalte não leva a qualquer sinal induzido de RPE, enquanto que o uso de uma broca diamantada mesmo em baixa velocidade aparecem rebarbas produzindo um sinal de artefato equivalente ao sinal dosimétrico induzido por uma dose de 500 mGy de radiação gama. Uma massa de 25 mg de esmalte foi removida de um dente molar previamente irradiado in vitro com uma dose de 100 mGy. Esta quantidade de esmalte foi suficiente para detectar o sinal dosimétrico em um espectrômetro de Banda - X padrão. Utilizando a Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica (RPE) espectros de goma arábica irradiados com doses entre 0,5 e 5 kGy foram estudados. A relação linear entre a dose absorvida e as intensidades dos espectros de RPE foi observada. Espectros de RPE irradiados de goma arábica apresentaram um decaimento das concentrações relativas dos radicais livres originados pela radiação produzindo pelo menos duas espécies de radicais livres com meia-vida de 3,3 e 125,4 horas. Os resultados das simulações encontradas para estes grupos radicais foram giso = 2,0046; A = 1,2 mT e gx = gy = 2,0062, gz = 2,0025. / In an attempt to make in vitro electron spin resonance (ESR) retrospective dosimetry of the tooth enamel a lesser invasive method, experiments using X-Band and K-Band were performed, aiming to determine conditions that could be used in cases of accidental exposures. First, a small prism from the enamel was removed and ground with an agate mortar and pestle until particles reach a diameter of approximately less than 0.5 mm. This enamel extraction process resulted in lower signal artifact compared with the direct enamel extraction performed with a diamond burr abrasion. The manual grinding of the enamel does not lead to any induced ESR signal artifact, whereas the use of a diamond burr at low speed produces a signal artifact equivalent to the dosimetric signal induced by a dose of 500 mGy of gamma irradiation. A mass of 25 mg of enamel was removed from a sound molar tooth previously irradiated in vitro with a dose of 100 mGy. This amount of enamel was enough to detect the dosimetric signal in a standard X-Band spectrometer. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of irradiated gum Arabic with doses between 0.5 to 5kGy were studied. A linear relationship between the absorbed dose and the intensities of the ESR spectra was observed. ESR spectra of irradiated gum Arabic showed a decay of relative concentrations of free radicals originated by radiation and the production of at least two species of free radicals with half-times: 3.3 and 125.4 hours. The results of spectral simulations for these radical groups were giso= 2.0046; A= 1.2mT and gx= gy= 2.0062, gz= 2.0025.

Composition and structure of gum Arabic in solution and at oil-water interfaces

Atgié, Marina 13 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Gum arabic, a tree exudate, is essentially used for its binding and emulsifying properties. This natural product is a complex mixture of covalently linked proteins and charged polysaccharides moieties, differing in their molecular mass and hydrophobicity. A large body of literature now exists on the structure and interfacial properties of gum Arabic but a comprehensive description of the relationship between interfacial composition, interfacial structuration and emulsion metastability remains elusive. In the literature, gum Arabic is described as a mixture of three fractions: an arabinogalactan rich polysaccharide fraction, a polysaccharide-protein conjugates fraction and a fraction of glycoproteins. The conjugate fraction is thought to be responsible for the emulsifying and stabilizing properties of the gum, with the protein part adsorbing at oil droplets surface and the carbohydrate moieties providing steric repulsion between droplets. In this work, we have investigated the microscopic behavior of the gum species in solution and at oil/water interfaces. The first step was to characterize the structure of gum Arabic species in solution. A twodimensional separation of the gum molecules was performed using size exclusion chromatography followed with by hydrophobic interaction separation, which confirmed the highly heterogeneous composition of the gum. Small angle X-ray and neutron scattering measurements on the gum and its fractions led us to propose a structural representation of the gum conjugated moieties. Then the composition of adsorbed gum Arabic films as compared to gum Arabic solutions has been investigated. An increase in the protein rate of the interfacial film showed the crucial role of the polypeptide moieties on the adsorption. The composition of the adsorbed film was shown to differ from the bulk but remained heterogeneous in size and hydrophobicity. A mass balance revealed a strong dependence between the emulsion formulation (gum concentration and physico-chemical parameters) and the surface concentration, while the composition of the interface was only slightly changed. These results suggest that gum Arabic adsorbing species must adopt conformational changes depending on emulsification conditions. In a third stage, we have addressed the stabilization mechanisms resulting from the adsorption of gum Arabic amphiphilic species. For that purpose, we have developed a method to recover the adsorbed species within an oil-in-water emulsion. This method allowed us to unveil a structuration of the adsorbed film. Species recovered from the interface displayed aggregation, the magnitude of which directly depended on the coverage density and protein rate of the adsorbed film. The metastability of emulsions, stabilized with gum Arabic, increased upon promoting interfacial structuration, i.e. when the aggregation rate of adsorbed species was enhanced. Such behavior has not been reported so far in the literature and we believe that it is a key mechanism of gum Arabic-based on emulsions. Finally, small angle neutron scattering experiments (contrast match between the continuous and dispersed phases) disclosed differences of structuration between two regimes of interface coverage. These observations were discussed in the light of the comparison with the scattering spectra of gum Arabic solutions. To conclude, this thesis revolves around the composition/structuration relationship in gum Arabic-stabilized emulsion stabilized and demonstrates that an original mechanism is at play in this complex system.

Rapid pyrolysis of sweet gum wood and milled wood lignin

Nunn, Theodore Robert January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE. / Bibliography: leaves 145-148. / by Theodore Robert Nunn. / M.S.

Composition and structure of gum Arabic in solution and at oil-water interfaces / Composition et structure de la gomme arabique en solution et aux interfaces huile-eau.

Atgié, Marina 13 March 2018 (has links)
La gomme arabique est un exsudat d’arbre qui est essentiellement utilisée pour ses propriétés stabilisantes et émulsifiantes. Ce produit naturel est un mélange complexe de protéines et de polysaccharides liés de façons covalentes, qui différent de part leur masse molaire et leur hydrophobicité. Malgré le grand nombre d’études existantes dans littérature sur la structure et les propriétés interfaciales de la gomme arabique, la compréhension de la relation entre la composition interfaciale, la structuration interfaciale et la métastabilité d’émulsions restent mal comprises à ce jour compliquée. La gomme arabique est classiquement décrite comme un mélange de trois fractions : une fraction riche en polysaccharide (arabinogalactan), une fraction composée de conjugués protéine-polysaccharides et enfin des glycoprotéines. Les propriétés émulsifiantes et stabilisantes de la gomme sont attribuées à la fraction de conjugués dont la partie protéinée s’adsorbe à la surface des gouttes d’huiles et les espèces carbonées apportent des répulsions stériques entre les gouttes. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le comportement microscopique des espèces de la gomme en solution et aux interfaces huile/eau. La première étape a consisté à caractériser la structure des molécules de la gomme en solution. Une séparation bi-dimensionnelle de la gomme a été réalisée par exclusion stérique suivie d’une séparation par affinité hydrophobe, ce qui nous a permis de confirmer la nature très hétérogène de la gomme. Des expériences de diffusion des rayons-X et des neutrons aux petits angles sur la gomme arabique et ses fractions nous ont amené à proposer un modèle structural des espèces conjuguées. Nous avons ensuite étudié la composition de films de gomme arabique adsorbés en émulsion en la comparant avec celle de la gomme en solution. Une augmentation du taux de protéine dans le film interfacial a montré le rôle crucial des espèces polypeptidiques sur l’adsorption. Nous avons observé que la composition du film adsorbé diffère de la gomme en solution mais reste hétérogène en taille et en hydrophobicité. Un bilan massique a révélé une forte dépendance entre la formulation d’émulsion (concentration en gomme et paramètres physicochimiques) et la concentration surfacique alors que la composition de l’interface a très peu changé. Ces résultats suggèrent une modification de conformation des espèces adsorbées en fonction des conditions d’émulsification. Dans un troisième temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes de stabilisation provenant de l’adsorption des espèces amphiphiles de la gomme arabique. Pour cela, nous avons développé une méthode permettant de récupérer les espèces adsorbées dans une émulsion huile dans eau. Cette méthode nous a permis de mettre à jour une structuration du film adsorbé. Les espèces récupérées de l’interface ont montré la présence d’une agrégation, dont l’intensité dépend directement du taux de couverture et du taux de protéine de l’interface. La métastabilité d’émulsions stabilisées par de la gomme arabique est ainsi favorisée par l’augmentation de la structuration interfaciale, i.e. quand le taux d’agrégation des espèces adsorbées augmente. Un tel comportement n’a pas encore été reporté dans la littérature et nous pensons qu’il s’agit d’un mécanisme clef dans le cadre d’émulsions stabilisées par la gomme arabique. Enfin, des expériences de diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles (avec un contraste identique entre les phases continue et dispersée) ont révélé des différences de structuration entre deux régimes de concentration surfacique. Ces observations ont été discutées au regard des spectres de diffusion de la gomme en solution. Pour conclure, cette thèse porte sur la relation entre composition et structuration dans des émulsions stabilisées par la gomme arabique et démontre notamment un mécanisme original de stabilisation qui joue un rôle important dans ce système complexe. / Gum arabic, a tree exudate, is essentially used for its binding and emulsifying properties. This natural product is a complex mixture of covalently linked proteins and charged polysaccharides moieties, differing in their molecular mass and hydrophobicity. A large body of literature now exists on the structure and interfacial properties of gum Arabic but a comprehensive description of the relationship between interfacial composition, interfacial structuration and emulsion metastability remains elusive. In the literature, gum Arabic is described as a mixture of three fractions: an arabinogalactan rich polysaccharide fraction, a polysaccharide-protein conjugates fraction and a fraction of glycoproteins. The conjugate fraction is thought to be responsible for the emulsifying and stabilizing properties of the gum, with the protein part adsorbing at oil droplets surface and the carbohydrate moieties providing steric repulsion between droplets. In this work, we have investigated the microscopic behavior of the gum species in solution and at oil/water interfaces. The first step was to characterize the structure of gum Arabic species in solution. A twodimensional separation of the gum molecules was performed using size exclusion chromatography followed with by hydrophobic interaction separation, which confirmed the highly heterogeneous composition of the gum. Small angle X-ray and neutron scattering measurements on the gum and its fractions led us to propose a structural representation of the gum conjugated moieties. Then the composition of adsorbed gum Arabic films as compared to gum Arabic solutions has been investigated. An increase in the protein rate of the interfacial film showed the crucial role of the polypeptide moieties on the adsorption. The composition of the adsorbed film was shown to differ from the bulk but remained heterogeneous in size and hydrophobicity. A mass balance revealed a strong dependence between the emulsion formulation (gum concentration and physico-chemical parameters) and the surface concentration, while the composition of the interface was only slightly changed. These results suggest that gum Arabic adsorbing species must adopt conformational changes depending on emulsification conditions. In a third stage, we have addressed the stabilization mechanisms resulting from the adsorption of gum Arabic amphiphilic species. For that purpose, we have developed a method to recover the adsorbed species within an oil-in-water emulsion. This method allowed us to unveil a structuration of the adsorbed film. Species recovered from the interface displayed aggregation, the magnitude of which directly depended on the coverage density and protein rate of the adsorbed film. The metastability of emulsions, stabilized with gum Arabic, increased upon promoting interfacial structuration, i.e. when the aggregation rate of adsorbed species was enhanced. Such behavior has not been reported so far in the literature and we believe that it is a key mechanism of gum Arabic-based on emulsions. Finally, small angle neutron scattering experiments (contrast match between the continuous and dispersed phases) disclosed differences of structuration between two regimes of interface coverage. These observations were discussed in the light of the comparison with the scattering spectra of gum Arabic solutions. To conclude, this thesis revolves around the composition/structuration relationship in gum Arabic-stabilized emulsion stabilized and demonstrates that an original mechanism is at play in this complex system.

ContribuiÃÃo para uso da goma de cajueiro como um insumo industrial / Contribution to use of cashew gum as an industrial input

Arthur Claudio Rodrigues de Souza 06 June 2014 (has links)
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa AgropecuÃria / Gomas sÃo amplamente utilizadas em processos industriais. As gomas sÃo polÃmeros de alto peso molecular e podem ser provenientes de algas, sementes, animais ou microrganismos. A indÃstria de alimentos faz uso desses polÃmeros, principalmente goma arÃbica, para atribuir aos seus produtos algumas caracterÃsticas necessÃrias à sua melhor qualidade, atravÃs de modificaÃÃes e controle de viscosidade, estabilidade, textura, durabilidade e consistÃncia. A goma de cajueiro apresenta-se como uma possÃvel sucedÃnea à goma arÃbica e esta possibilidade vem sendo investigada com resultados muito promissores. Entretanto, nÃo hà metodologia ou estudo para a produÃÃo em larga escala de goma de cajueiro. Todos os mÃtodos trabalhados sÃo descritos para a escala de laboratÃrio. O presente trabalho se propÃe a trazer contribuiÃÃes para a produÃÃo em larga escala de goma de cajueiro e avaliaÃÃes da composiÃÃo e propriedades relevantes da goma que possam ser afetadas por tratamentos tÃrmicos durante o processamento industrial. Portanto, este trabalho consistiu na avaliaÃÃo de parÃmetros para a produÃÃo contÃnua e automatizada da goma de cajueiro, a qual apresentou a etapa de solubilidade e separaÃÃo da parte insolÃvel como principal obstÃculo no processo. AlÃm disso, a goma purificada foi submetida a tratamentos tÃrmicos e comparada à goma purificada sem tratamento tÃrmico como modo de observar possÃveis mudanÃas estruturais em decorrÃncia de produÃÃo ou usos industriais da goma de cajueiro. Os resultados mostraram estabilidade da goma nas condiÃÃes de teste, composiÃÃo semelhante à goma arÃbica, comportamento pseudoplÃstico com platà newtoniano a 3,3 mPa.s em soluÃÃo a 5%, altos teores de arabinose e Ãcido glicurÃnico e baixos teores de galactose quando comparados a valores relatados na literatura para goma de cajueiro do Brasil. / Gums are widely used in industrial processes. The gums are high molecular weight polymers and may be derived from algae, seeds, animals or microorganisms. The food industry makes use of these polymers to assign some of their products for their best quality characteristics through changes and control of viscosity, stability, texture, durability and consistency. The cashew tree gum is presented as a possible substitute for gum arabic and studies have brought very promising results. However there is no study or methodology for large scale production of cashew tree gum. All methods are described for laboratory scale. This paper aims to bring contributions to large-scale production of cashew tree gum and reviews the composition and relevant properties of the gum which can be affected by heat treatments during the manufacturing process. Therefore, this study was the evaluation of parameters for continuous and automated production of cashew tree gum, which presented the step of solubility and separation of insoluble part as the main obstacle in the process. Furthermore, the gum was purified and subjected to heat treatment compared to the purified gum without heat treatment so as to observe possible structural changes due to production or industrial uses of cashew tree gum. The results showed the gum stability under the test conditions. The composition of cashew gum is similar to gum arabic. A 5% solution shows shear thinning behavior and Newtonian plateau at 3.3 mPa.s The cashew gum has high levels of arabinose and glucuronic acid and low levels of galactose when compared to values reported in the literature for cashew gum from Brazil.

SÃntese de nanopartÃculas à base de goma do cajueiro para aplicaÃÃo em sistemas de liberaÃÃo de fÃrmacos / Synthesis of nanoparticles based on cashew gum for application in systems for drug delivery

Raquel Evangelista de Moura 01 November 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / NanopartÃculas à base de goma de cajueiro foram obtidas por duas rotas. Na primeira rota, nanopartÃculas de goma de cajueiro foram sintetizadas atravÃs da reaÃÃo de enxertia com poliacrilamida (goma de cajueiro-g-poliacrilamida). Na segunda, a goma foi modificada pela reaÃÃo do polissacarÃdeo com anidrido propiÃnico. A formaÃÃo das nanopartÃculas atravÃs do derivado do polissacarÃdeo foi feita por auto-estruturaÃÃo atravÃs da aplicaÃÃo do processo de diÃlise. NanopartÃculas de goma de cajueiro-g-poliacrilamida foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia na regiÃo do infravermelho (IV), anÃlise termogravimÃtrica (TGA) e tamanho de partÃcula. A espectroscopia no IV confirma a enxertia de poliacrilamida na estrutura do polissacarÃdeo e indica que parte da poliacrilamida foi hidrolisada. A curva TGA da goma de cajueiro-g-poliacrilamida mostra 5 eventos de degradaÃÃo. Este modelo à muito diferente das curvas TGA da goma de cajueiro e da poliacrilamida, no qual foram observados apenas dois eventos de degradaÃÃo, confirmando a modificaÃÃo da estrutura da goma de cajueiro. A mudanÃa da razÃo goma/acrilamida/agente reticulante nÃo interfere no tamanho de partÃcula. NanopartÃculas com distribuiÃÃo unimodal e mÃdia de tamanho de 8 nm foram obtidas. As partÃculas tÃm a superfÃcie carregada negativamente, inferido pelo potencial zeta negativo observado. As nanopartÃculas mostraram propriedades sensÃveis ao pH. AgregaÃÃo foi observada apÃs a liofilizaÃÃo da suspensÃo de nanopartÃculas. Cloroquina, um fÃrmaco usado no tratamento da malÃria, foi incorporado Ãs nanopartÃculas. A liberaÃÃo do fÃrmaco revelou-se dependente do pH, sendo observado liberaÃÃo controlada durante 8 dias em pH 6,0. ModificaÃÃo da goma de cajueiro com anidrido propiÃnico foi conformado por espectroscopia na regiÃo do IV, ressonÃncia magnÃtica nuclear (RMN) de 13C e TGA. A estimativa do grau de substituiÃÃo (GS) de grupos propionato na goma de cajueiro foi calculado por RMN 13C e encontrou-se igual a 1,7. A formaÃÃo de nanopartÃculas atravÃs de diÃlise foi feita usando acetona ou DMSO como solvente para nanopartÃculas e Ãgua como nÃo-solvente. DistribuiÃÃo de tamanho de partÃcula unimodal foi observado em ambos os solventes. Tamanho de partÃcula entre 42 e 142 nm foi observado, dependendo da concentraÃÃo da soluÃÃo ou do solvente usado no processo de diÃlise. Menores partÃculas foram obtidas usando DMSO como solvente. NanopartÃculas mostraram-se estÃveis por um perÃodo de tempo de 120 dias. AgregaÃÃo foi observada depois da liofilizaÃÃo da suspensÃo de nanopartÃculas. / Nanoparticles based on cashew gum were obtained by two rotes. In the first rote, nanoparticles of cashew gum were synthesized by a graft reaction with polyacrylamide (cashew gum-g-polyacrylamide), in the second one the gum was modified by reaction of the polysaccharide with propionic anhydride. The formation of the nanoparticle from the propionic polysaccharide derivative was made by selfassembly applying the dialysis process. Nanoparticles from the cashew gum-graftacrylamide were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA) and particle size. Infrared spectroscopy confirms the graft of acrylamide onto polysaccharide structure and indicates that part of polyacrylamide has been hydrolyzed. TGA analysis of cashew gum-g-polyacrylamide shows five degradation events. This pattern is very different of the TGA curves from cashew gum and polyacrylamide where only two degradation events were observed, confirming the modification on the cashew gum structure. The change in gum/acrylamide/crosslinking agent ratio does not interfere on particle size. Nanoparticles with unimodal particle size distribution and average particle size of 8 nm were obtained. The particles have a negative surface; this was inferred by the negative zeta potential observed. The nanoparticle shows pH sensitive properties. Aggregation was observed after freeze-drying of nanoparticle suspension. Chloroquine a drug for malaria treatment was incorporated into the nanoparticles. The release of the drug shows to be pH dependent with a controlled released observed for 8 days been observed at pH 6.0. Modification of cashew gum with propionic anhydride was confirmed by FT-IR and 13C- nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy and TGA analysis. A estimative of degree of substitution (DS) of propionate groups on cashew gum was calculate by 13C-NMR and found to be equal to 1.7. The formation of nanoparticle through dialysis process was made using acetone or DMSO as solvent for nanoparticles and H2O as a non-solvent. Unimodal particle size distribution was observed in both solvents. Particle size ranging from 42 to 142 nm were obtained their size were found to depend on solution concentration or solvent used in the dialysis process. Small particles were obtained using DMSO as solvent. Nanoparticles were shown to be stable for a storage time up to 120 days. Aggregation was also observed after freeze-drying of nanoparticle suspension.

“Grön” Pannacotta : – Sensorisk profilering med vegetariska stabiliseringsmedel

Toledo, Nikko, Gergi, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial Structure and Population Genetic Variation in a Eucalypt Species Complex

King, Rachel, n/a January 2004 (has links)
In this study, the relative influences of selection, gene flow, and other evolutionary forces on the spatial structure of genetic variation within a eucalypt species complex (the spotted gums: genus Corymbia, section Politaria) were assessed. The study investigated the spatial genetic structure among four putative species of spotted gum (broad-scale), as well as within a single population (fine-scale)of one species, using both molecular and quantitative markers. The spotted gum complex occurs naturally across a range of 2500 km in eastern Australia. Spatial genetic variation within and between the four putative spotted gum species was examined using both chloroplast and nuclear markers. No significant differentiation was found between the three northern species of the complex, C. citriodora, C. variegata and C. henryi. The southern species, C. maculata, shared no haplotypes with any of the three northern species. These results disagree in part with those reported in a previous allozyme based study in which C. henryi was found to be significantly divergent from C. variegata (with which it is sympatric) and more closely aligned with C. maculata. Re-analysis of the allozyme data provided evidence of selection acting at the PGM2 locus within populations of C. variegata and C. henryi. The exclusion of this locus from the data set led to concordance between the cpDNA and nDNA analyses. Restricted gene flow and evidence of isolation by distance were identified as the dominant processes influencing the contemporary distribution of the cpDNA haplotypes. No geographic structure of haplotypes was found and complex genealogical relationships between haplotypes indicated the combined effects of past fragmentation, range expansion and possible long distance dispersal events. The variation and spatial structure in both neutral molecular markers and quantitative genetic traits were compared to explore the relative influences of dispersal and selection within a single eucalypt population. Both mature trees (n=130) from a natural population of C. variegata and their progeny (n=127) were sampled. A very high outcrossing rate (98%) was estimated for the population based on data from seven microsatellite loci. This suggested regular pollen–mediated gene flow into the population, further supported by the observed high levels of genetic diversity and polymorphism. Significant positive spatial structure was found between parent trees occurring up to 150 m apart in the natural forest, although genetic distance between these individuals suggested limited relatedness (i.e. less than half-sib relatedness). The effect of pollen-mediated gene flow appears, therefore, to swamp any effect of nearest neighbour inbreeding which has been reported in other studies of eucalypt populations and has been attributed to limited seed dispersal. Resistance to the fungal disease Sporothrix pitereka (Ramularia Shoot Blight) was measured on progeny from each of the population study trees. Substantial resistance variability was found, along with a high estimate in heritability of resistance (0.44 ± 0.06), indicating significant additive genetic variation within the population. Spatial analysis showed no significant spatial structure with resistant and susceptible genotypes apparently distributed randomly throughout the population. The lack of concordance between the molecular and quantitative markers suggests that there may be a cost to resistance. Temporal variation in the severity of disease outbreaks may have then led to differential selection of seedlings across many generations, maintaining variability in disease resistance and facilitating the apparent random distribution of disease resistant and susceptible genotypes throughout the population. C. variegata is an important commercial forestry species. The identification of strong genetic control in the disease resistance trait, as well as significant adverse genetic and phenotypic correlations between susceptibility and growth traits, will aid future breeding programs. Controlled crosses between resistant genotypes from this population should result in strong genetic gains in both resistance and growth, with little costs associated with inbreeding depression due to the highly outcrossed nature of the population.

Effects Of Xanthan And Guar Gums On Quality And Staling Of Gluten Free Cakes Baked In Microwave-infrared Combination Oven

Koksel, Havva Filiz 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different gums, gum concentrations and their combination on quality and staling of gluten free cakes baked in microwave-infrared combination oven and conventional oven. In the first part of the study, the effects of different gums (xanthan and guar gum) at different concentrations (0.3%, 0.6% and 1.0%) and their blend on quality of gluten free cakes baked in microwave-infrared combination and conventional oven were investigated. The gelatinization properties of the cakes were also investigated. Among different gums, xanthan-guar gum blend addition to the cake formulation improved cake quality with increasing specific volume as well as decreasing weight loss and crumb hardness values for both types of baking methods. Gum blend addition also improved the cake acceptability in terms of texture, taste and the crust color of the cakes. The gelatinization degrees of cakes were found to decrease as the gum concentration increased, for both types of ovens. In the second part of the study it was focused on effects of different gums, gum concentrations and storage times on staling of cakes. Addition of gum blend decreased hardness, weight loss, retrogradation enthalpy and the change in setback viscosity values of cakes for both types of ovens and slowed down staling for 2 and 3 days for cakes baked in microwave-infrared combination and conventional oven, respectively. In microwave-infrared combination oven, it was possible to produce gluten-free cakes with similar quality with the conventionally baked ones even in a 75% shorter baking time.

Development of protein-polysaccharide complex for stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions

Kasran, Madzlan 05 February 2013 (has links)
Soy whey protein isolate (SWPI) – Fenugreek gum conjugates were developed and their molecular characteristics and emulsifying properties were investigated. SWPI was extracted from soy whey of tofu processing. SWPI exhibited excellent emulsifying properties comparable to soy protein isolate. However, to improve the emulsifying properties of SWPI for some applications, it was conjugated to fenugreek gum. The extent of conjugation was verified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and High performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). The SDS-PAGE of the conjugates showed polydispersed bands at the top of the separating gel in the conjugates suggesting the formation of high molecular weight products. Refractive index spectrum of HPSEC profiles showed a reduction of protein peak of unconjugated mixture and shifted a peak to higher molecular weight of the conjugates. Ultraviolet spectrum of HPSEC showed an increase of protein peak intensity at polysaccharide region. FTIR spectrum showed an amide band I and II were still observed in the conjugates after the unreacted proteins were removed. 1D NMR spectra showed that fenugreek gum was covalently bound to proteins through interaction between the reducing end of mannose residue and lysine. The protein solubility of SWPI – Fenugreek gum conjugates improved as compared to SWPI and SWPI – Fenugreek gum mixture when assessed in the pH range 3 to 8 at 22oC, especially at isoelectric point of protein (pl). A 1:3 and 1:5 ratio of SWPI – Fenugreek gum gave rise to better emulsion stabilization compared to 1:1 ratio. Particle size analysis revealed that conjugation of SWPI – Fenugreek gum at 60oC for 3 days was enough to produce relatively small droplet sizes in oil-in-water emulsions. SWPI – Unhydrolyzed fenugreek gum conjugates exhibited better emulsifying properties compared to SWPI – Partially hydrolyzed fenugreek gum conjugates. The conjugates improved emulsifying properties of SWPI, particularly around the pl of protein. The emulsifying properties were greatly increased by heating the conjugates before emulsification. The conjugates also improved emulsion stability at high salt concentration compared to SWPI. In summary, incorporation of SWPI into fenugreek gum improved emulsifying properties of SWPI near the pl of protein and at high salt concentration. / No / No

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