Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5dammarnas""
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Characterisation of the Neutron Wall and of Neutron Interactions in Germanium-Detector SystemsLjungvall, Joa January 2005 (has links)
<p>A Monte Carlo simulation of the Neutron Wall detector system has been performed using Geant4, in order to define optimum conditions for the detection and identification of multiple neutrons. Emphasis was put on studying the scattering of neutrons between different detectors, which is the main source of the apparent increase of the number of detected neutrons. The simulation has been compared with experimental data. The quality of neutron gated γ-ray spectra was improved for both two- and three-neutron evaporation channels. The influence of small amounts of γ rays mis-interpreted as neutrons was investigated. It was found that such γ rays dramatically reduce the quality of neutron gated γ-ray spectra.</p><p>The interaction properties of fast neutrons in a closed-end coaxial and a planar high-purity germanium detector (HPGe) were studied. Digitised waveforms of HPGe preamplifier signals were recorded for time-of-flight separated neutrons and γ rays, emitted by a <sup>252</sup>Cf source. The experimental waveforms from the detectors were compared to simulated pulse shapes. In the analysis, special emphasis was given to the detection of elastically scattered neutrons, which may be an important effect to take into account in future spectrometers based on γ-ray tracking. No differences between neutron and γ-ray induced pulse shapes were found in this work.</p><p>A Monte Carlo simulation of the interactions of fast neutrons in the future 4π γ-ray spectrometer AGATA was also performed, in order to study the influence of neutrons on γ-ray tracking. It was shown that although there is a large probability of detecting neutrons in AGATA, the neutrons decrease the photo-peak efficiency of AGATA by only about 1% for each neutron emitted in coincidence with γ rays. The peak-to-background ratios in γ-ray spectra are, however, reduced to a much larger extent. The possibility of using AGATA as a neutron detector system was also investigated.</p>
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Characterisation of the Neutron Wall and of Neutron Interactions in Germanium-Detector SystemsLjungvall, Joa January 2005 (has links)
A Monte Carlo simulation of the Neutron Wall detector system has been performed using Geant4, in order to define optimum conditions for the detection and identification of multiple neutrons. Emphasis was put on studying the scattering of neutrons between different detectors, which is the main source of the apparent increase of the number of detected neutrons. The simulation has been compared with experimental data. The quality of neutron gated γ-ray spectra was improved for both two- and three-neutron evaporation channels. The influence of small amounts of γ rays mis-interpreted as neutrons was investigated. It was found that such γ rays dramatically reduce the quality of neutron gated γ-ray spectra. The interaction properties of fast neutrons in a closed-end coaxial and a planar high-purity germanium detector (HPGe) were studied. Digitised waveforms of HPGe preamplifier signals were recorded for time-of-flight separated neutrons and γ rays, emitted by a 252Cf source. The experimental waveforms from the detectors were compared to simulated pulse shapes. In the analysis, special emphasis was given to the detection of elastically scattered neutrons, which may be an important effect to take into account in future spectrometers based on γ-ray tracking. No differences between neutron and γ-ray induced pulse shapes were found in this work. A Monte Carlo simulation of the interactions of fast neutrons in the future 4π γ-ray spectrometer AGATA was also performed, in order to study the influence of neutrons on γ-ray tracking. It was shown that although there is a large probability of detecting neutrons in AGATA, the neutrons decrease the photo-peak efficiency of AGATA by only about 1% for each neutron emitted in coincidence with γ rays. The peak-to-background ratios in γ-ray spectra are, however, reduced to a much larger extent. The possibility of using AGATA as a neutron detector system was also investigated.
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Design And Development Of A Liquid Scintillator Based System For Failed Fuel Detection And Locating System In Nuclear ReactorsSumanth, Panyam 05 1900 (has links)
Failed fuel refers to the breach in the fuel-clad of an irradiated fuel assembly in a nuclear reactor. Neutron detection or gamma detection is commonly used in Failed Fuel Detection and Locating (FFDL) system to monitor the activity of the coolant. Though these methods offer specific advantages under different conditions of the coolant, providing both types of detectors in FFDL system is impractical. This limitation is the motivation for the detector system developed in the present work.
In the present work, effort has been made for realising a detector system for simultaneous measurement of neutron and gamma activity of the coolant, thus offering a two-parameter basis for failed fuel detection. NE213 liquid scintillator was chosen for this work as it has good detection capability for both neutrons and gammas. Additionally, the neutrons and gammas interacting with NE213 detector can be separated based on pulse shape discrimination.
The work reported in this thesis includes fabrication details and different steps followed in assembling the NE213 detector. Details of experimental set-up developed for pulse height analysis and pulse shape analysis are covered. Results of experiments carried out to study the response of the NE213 detector to gamma and neutron sources using pulse height analyser are presented. The absolute gamma efficiency and relative gamma efficiency of NE213 detector are calculated. Neutron–gamma separation capability of NE213 detector based pulse shape analysis system is reported.
Application of the developed detector system to analyse the coolant activity in FFDL system in a reactor is described. Response of the detector is compared with the existing FFDL system at different power levels of the reactor. Since failed fuel is a rare event, it was simulated using neutron and gamma sources. Pulse shape analysis spectra obtained under simulated failed fuel condition are presented.
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Determination of fission product yields of 235U using gamma ray spectroscopyLu, Christopher Hing 05 March 2013 (has links)
It is important to have a method of experimentally calculating fission product yields. Statistical calculations and simulations produce very large uncertainties. Experimental calculations, depending on the methods used, tend to produce lower uncertainties. This work set up a method to calculate fission product yields using gamma ray spectroscopy. In order to produce a method that was theoretically sound, a simulation was set up using OrigenArp to calculate theoretical concentrations of fission products from the irradiation of natural uranium. From these concentrations, the fission product yields were calculated to verify that they would agree with expected values. Moving forward in the work, the total flux at the point of irradiation, in the pneumatic transfer system, was calculated and determined to be 3.9070E+11 ± 6.9570E+10 n/cm^2/s at 100 kW. Once the flux was calculated, the method for calculating fission product yields was implemented and yields were calculated for 10 fission products. The yields calculated were in very good agreement (within 10.04%) with expected values taken from the ENDF-349 library. This method has strong potential in nuclear forensics as it can provide a means for developing a library of experimentally-determined fission product yields, as well as rapid post-nuclear detonation analysis. / text
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Calibration astronomique du Valanginien et de l'Hauterivien (crétacé inférieur) : Implications paléoclimatiques et paléocéanographiquesMartinez, Mathieu 03 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Une calibration orbitale du Valanginien et d'une partie de l'Hauterivien (Crétacé inférieur) est présentée au cours de ce travail. Celles-ci sont basées sur l'identification des cycles de l'excentricité à partir d'analyses spectrales menées sur des proxies climatiques mesurés à haute résolution sur des alternances marne/calcaire hémipélagiques.Cinq coupes de référence sont analysées dans le Bassin Vocontien (Sud-Est de la France), couvrant l'ensemble de l'étage du Valanginien. Une durée de 5,08 Ma est proposée pour cet étage à partir de l'identification du cycle de l'excentricité de 405 ka. Le cadre temporel proposé, combiné aux âges radioisotopiques disponibles, montre que la perturbation en 13C du Valanginien moyen (événement Weissert) est antérieure à la mise en place des trapps du Paraná-Etendeka. La forte expression de l'obliquité dans la partie supérieure du Valanginien pourrait refléter la mise en place de calottes polaires de faible extension.La transition Hauterivien-Barrémien de Río Argos (Sud-Est de l'Espagne) est traitée par une analyse multi-proxies (cortèges argileux et susceptibilité magnétique ou SM). Par comparaison avec les bancs calcaires, les interbancs marneux sont enrichis en kaolinite et en illite, appauvries en smectite et possèdent de fortes valeurs de SM. Cela reflète des conditions tropicales humides lors du dépôt des marnes tandis que les calcaires se déposent en climat semi-aride. Les durées des zones d'ammonite à P. ohmi et à T. hugii sont respectivement estimées à 0,78 Ma et 0,54 Ma. L'événement anoxique Faraoni a une durée comprise entre 100 et 150 ka. Par corrélation avec d'autres coupes, Río Argos apparaît être le meilleur candidat GSSP
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Implementação de um sistema eletrônico para medir taxa de fluência de energia de radiação na faixa de radioterapia com sensor piroelétrico /Pontes, Wesley. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecido Augusto de Carvalho / Banca: Cláudio Kitano / Banca: Walter Katsumi Sakamoto / Banca: Tony Inácio da Silva / Banca: Giuliano Pierre Estevam / Resumo: Sensores piroelétricos podem ser utilizados para medir a taxa de fluência de energia (intensidade) da radiação X na faixa de diagnóstico médico e de ortovoltagem. Neste trabalho, foi implementado um sistema eletrônico que pode medir taxa de fluência de energia de radiação gama de 1,25 MeV e fótons X de 6 MV e 15 MV. O sistema é constituído por um sensor piroelétrico, um conversor corrente-tensão de alta sensibilidade e um instrumento para registrar a forma de onda e medir o pulso do sinal produzido pelo sensor. Este instrumento pode ser um osciloscópio, um circuito microcontrolado associado a um display de cristal líquido, ou um módulo de aquisição de dados e um laptop. O sensor piroelétrico e o conversor corrente-tensão foram alojados em uma câmara piroelétrica blindada. Seis tipos de sensores piroelétricos foram avaliados, sendo três cerâmicas e três compósitos. Os resultados obtidos com o sistema eletrônico, utilizando os diferentes tipos de sensores, possibilitaram caracterizá-lo em termos de precisão, resolução e sensibilidade. O sistema apresentou resposta linear com a taxa de fluência de energia da radiação, precisão melhor que 3 % e resolução de 5,56 nW/m2. As constantes piezoelétricas d33 dos sensores utilizados não sofreram alteração após os mesmos terem sido irradiados com 45 Gy de radiação na faixa de radioterapia. Estas características, associadas à importância de se medir a taxa de fluência de energia de radiação ionizante, podem tornar o instrumento piroelétrico muito útil no monitoramento de radiação produzida por equipamentos de radioterapia / Abstract: Pyroelectric sensors have been be used to measure the energy fluence rate (intensity) of x-radiation in the range of medical diagnosis and orthovoltage. In this work, we implemented an electronic system that can measure the energy fluence rate of 1.25 MeV gamma radiation, 6 MV and 15 MV X-photons. The system consists of a pyroelectric sensor, a high sensitivity current-to-voltage converter and an instrument for measuring and recording the waveform of pulses produced by the pyroelectric sensor. This instrument may be an oscilloscope, a microcontrolled circuit associated with a liquid crystal display, or a data acquisition module connected to a laptop. The pyroelectric sensor and the current-tovoltage converter were placed in an shielded pyroelectric camera. Six types of pyroelectric sensors were evaluated, three ceramics and three composites. The results obtained with the electronic system, using different types of sensors, allowed us to characterize it in terms of precision, resolution and sensitivity. The system has linear response to the energy fluence rate of radiation, precision better than 3 % and resolution of 5,6 nW/m2. The piezoelectric constant d33 of the sensors used have not changed after these have been irradiated with 45 Gy of radiotherapy radiation. These characteristics, associated with the importance of measuring the ionizing radiation energy fluence rate may make the pyroelectric instrument very useful in monitoring radiation produced by radiotherapy equipments / Doutor
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Etude des objets transitoires à haute énergie dans l'univers dans l'ère des observations multi-messager / Study of the high-energy transeint objects in the Universe in the era of the multimessenger observationsTurpin, Damien 07 December 2016 (has links)
L'Univers est continûement le théâtre d'événements explosifs capables de relâcher une énorme quantité d'énergie sur des courtes échelles de temps. Ces sources transitoires comme les sursauts gamma, les supernovae ou les noyaux actifs de galaxie sont souvent associées à des objets extrêmes comme des étoiles à neutrons ou des trous noirs. De manière générale, ces sources émettent des radiations électromagnétiques dans une large bande spectrale voire sur la totalité du spectre pour les cas les plus extrêmes. Dès lors, une analyse multi-longueur d'onde est vitale pour étudier et comprendre la physique complexe de ces objets. De plus, au voisinage de ces sources, des particules (rayons cosmiques, RC) pourraient être efficacement accélérées jusqu'à des énergies très elevées dans des processus de chocs violents. L'interaction de ces RCs avec l'environnement peut conduire à la production d'un nombre significatif de neutrinos de hautes énergies. Par conséquent, l'étude des objets transitoires par le biais de l'astronomie neutrino offre la possibilité d'identifier enfin la nature des puissants accélérateurs cosmiques.Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de deux sources transitoires parmi les plus extrêmes dans l'Univers : les sursauts gamma (en anglais, Gamma-Ray Bursts : GRBs) détectés il y a ~ 50 ans et les sursauts radio (en anglais, Fast Radio Bursts : FRBs) fraîchement découverts il y a ~ 15 ans. Ces sources sont caractérisées par l'émission "prompte" d'un flash gamma (keV-MeV) durant de quelques ms à plusieurs secondes dans le cadre des GRBs et d'un flash intense en radio (GHz) durant quelques ms pour les FRBs. Dans le cas des GRBs une émission rémanente dite "afterglow" est observée dans une large gamme spectrale (X, visible et radio) alors que jusqu'à présent aucune autre contrepartie électromagnétique provenant d'un FRB n'a été découverte. Ces dernières années des modèles d'émission multi-longueur d'onde et multi-messager ont été développés afin d'expliquer ces 2 phénomènes. L'objectif majeur de ce travail de thèse est de tester ces modèles d'émission afin de contraindre la physique et la nature de ces deux objets. Pour cela, une analyse détaillée des propriétés physiques de l'émission afterglow des GRBs a été menée grâce à un large échantillon de données collectées ces 20 dernières années par diverses télescopes. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les lacunes et les réussites du modèle GRB dit "standard" mais aussi les liens physiques subtils existant entre l'émission prompte des GRBs et leurs rémanences. Une recherche de signal neutrino en coïncidence avec les GRBs/FRBs a aussi été réalisée avec le télescope à neutrinos ANTARES. Les résultats sont décrits dans cette thèse ainsi que les contraintes apportées sur les processus d'accélération des particules durant ces phénomènes transitoires. Enfin, ce manuscrit rend compte des différents programmes d'observations innovants qui ont été engagés sur les télescopes optiques TAROT et Zadko et le télescope à neutrinos ANTARES afin de contraindre la nature des progéniteurs des GRBs/FRBs. / The Universe is continuously the scene of explosive events capable of releasing a tremendous amount of energy in short time scales. These transients like Gamma-Ray Bursts, Supernovae or Active Galactic Nuclei are often associated with extreme objects such as neutron stars or black holes. Generally, these sources emit light in a large spectral energy range and sometimes in the whole electromagnetic spectrum for the most extreme cases. Thus, a multi-wavelength analysis is crucial to study and understand the complex physical processes at work. Furthermore, in the vicinity of these sources, particles (cosmic-rays, CRs) could be efficiently accelerated up to very high energies by violent shock mecanisms. The interaction of these CRs with the surrounding environment may lead to a substantial production of high-energy neutrinos. Therefore, the study of the high-energy transient objects through neutrino astronomy offer the possibility to finally identify the nature of the powerful cosmic accelerators a hundred year after the discovery of the cosmic-rays.This thesis is dedicated to the study of two transient sources among the most extreme ones observed in the Universe: the Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) detected ~ 50 years ago and the Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) newly discovered ~ 15 years ago. These sources are characterised by the "prompt" emission of a gamma-ray flash (keV-MeV) lasting few ms up to few seconds for GRBs and an intense pulse of radio light (GHz) lasting few ms for FRBs. In the case of GRBs a late broadband afterglow emission is observed in X-rays/optical/radio domain while up to now no other electromagnetic counterpart has ever been detected in coincidence with any FRBs. These last years, many models predicting a multi-wavelength and a multi-messenger emission from these two phenomena have been developped. The main goal of this thesis work is to test these models in order to constrain the physics and the nature of the GRBs/FRBs. To do so, a detailed analysis on the physical properties of the GRB afterglow emission was made thanks to a large set of data collected these last 20 years by various facilities. The study reveals the major problems but also the successes encountered with the so-called "standard" GRB model. Subtle connections between the prompt and the afterglow emission are also discussed. In addition, a search for a neutrino signal from GRBs/FRBs was realised with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. The results are described in this thesis as well as the constraints on the particle acceleration mecanisms occuring during these transient phenomena.At last, this manuscript presents the different innovative observational programs realised in the optical domain with the TAROT and Zadko telescopes and in the astroparticle side with the ANTARES neutrino telescope in order to probe the nature of the GRBs/FRBs progenitors.
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Implementação de um sistema eletrônico para medir taxa de fluência de energia de radiação na faixa de radioterapia com sensor piroelétricoPontes, Wesley [UNESP] 25 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:22:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
pontes_w_dr_ilha.pdf: 799811 bytes, checksum: 398dc35d3e3ae3ef3dfe294f8ba6793c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Sensores piroelétricos podem ser utilizados para medir a taxa de fluência de energia (intensidade) da radiação X na faixa de diagnóstico médico e de ortovoltagem. Neste trabalho, foi implementado um sistema eletrônico que pode medir taxa de fluência de energia de radiação gama de 1,25 MeV e fótons X de 6 MV e 15 MV. O sistema é constituído por um sensor piroelétrico, um conversor corrente-tensão de alta sensibilidade e um instrumento para registrar a forma de onda e medir o pulso do sinal produzido pelo sensor. Este instrumento pode ser um osciloscópio, um circuito microcontrolado associado a um display de cristal líquido, ou um módulo de aquisição de dados e um laptop. O sensor piroelétrico e o conversor corrente-tensão foram alojados em uma câmara piroelétrica blindada. Seis tipos de sensores piroelétricos foram avaliados, sendo três cerâmicas e três compósitos. Os resultados obtidos com o sistema eletrônico, utilizando os diferentes tipos de sensores, possibilitaram caracterizá-lo em termos de precisão, resolução e sensibilidade. O sistema apresentou resposta linear com a taxa de fluência de energia da radiação, precisão melhor que 3 % e resolução de 5,56 nW/m2. As constantes piezoelétricas d33 dos sensores utilizados não sofreram alteração após os mesmos terem sido irradiados com 45 Gy de radiação na faixa de radioterapia. Estas características, associadas à importância de se medir a taxa de fluência de energia de radiação ionizante, podem tornar o instrumento piroelétrico muito útil no monitoramento de radiação produzida por equipamentos de radioterapia / Pyroelectric sensors have been be used to measure the energy fluence rate (intensity) of x-radiation in the range of medical diagnosis and orthovoltage. In this work, we implemented an electronic system that can measure the energy fluence rate of 1.25 MeV gamma radiation, 6 MV and 15 MV X-photons. The system consists of a pyroelectric sensor, a high sensitivity current-to-voltage converter and an instrument for measuring and recording the waveform of pulses produced by the pyroelectric sensor. This instrument may be an oscilloscope, a microcontrolled circuit associated with a liquid crystal display, or a data acquisition module connected to a laptop. The pyroelectric sensor and the current-tovoltage converter were placed in an shielded pyroelectric camera. Six types of pyroelectric sensors were evaluated, three ceramics and three composites. The results obtained with the electronic system, using different types of sensors, allowed us to characterize it in terms of precision, resolution and sensitivity. The system has linear response to the energy fluence rate of radiation, precision better than 3 % and resolution of 5,6 nW/m2. The piezoelectric constant d33 of the sensors used have not changed after these have been irradiated with 45 Gy of radiotherapy radiation. These characteristics, associated with the importance of measuring the ionizing radiation energy fluence rate may make the pyroelectric instrument very useful in monitoring radiation produced by radiotherapy equipments
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Observations de vestiges de supernovæ en coquille avec le Fermi Large Area Telescope / Observations of shell-type supernova remnants with the Fermi Large Area TelescopeCondon, Benjamin 05 October 2017 (has links)
Après plus d'un siècle d'étude des rayons cosmiques, des questions persistent à propos de leur origine. À l'échelle de notre galaxie, les vestiges de supernovæ sont d'excellents candidats en tant que sources de rayons cosmiques et il est aujourd'hui avéré que ces ondes de choc générées par l'explosion d'étoiles en fin de vie accélèrent des électrons jusqu'au TeV. Cependant, des preuves tangibles manquent toujours pour confirmer que les protons, qui représentent ~90% du rayonnement cosmique, y sont également accélérés. Ces preuves sont à chercher entre 100 MeV et 10 GeV où la forme spectrale de l'émission gamma nous renseigne sur la nature des particules accélérées.Ce domaine en énergie est observé par le satellite Fermi qui scrute le ciel à haute énergie grâce au Large Area Telescope (LAT), un instrument capable de détecter les rayons gamma d'énergies comprises entre 20 MeV et plus de 300 GeV. Avec la dernière version des données en date (Pass 8) rendue publique en 2015, la surface efficace a été sensiblement accrue, notamment à haute énergie. L'objet de cette thèse a été de mettre à profit les nouvelles performances du LAT pour étudier le rayonnement provenant de jeunes vestiges de supernovæ en coquille afin d'évaluer leur capacité à accélérer des particules à haute énergie. Au total, quatre vestiges de ce type ont été étudiés en détail : RCW 86, HESS J1731-347, SN 1006 et RX J1713.7-3946.L'analyse morphologique et spatiale de ces sources nous a menés à d'importants résultats : HESS J1731-347 et SN 1006 ont été détectés pour la première fois au GeV, nous avons mis en évidence une morphologie en coquille pour RCW 86 qui était précédemment détectée comme une source ponctuelle et RX J1713.7-3946 a révélé une forme spectrale plus complexe que ce qui était alors connu. Grâce à la modélisation de l'émission non-thermique de ces sources, en s'aidant des données au TeV obtenues par H.E.S.S., nous avons montré que leur émission gamma est très largement dominée par le rayonnement Compton inverse des électrons de haute énergie diffusant sur les champs de photons ambiants. Cependant, des modifications spectrales ont également été trouvées dans certaines parties de SN 1006 et RX J1713.7-3946 où l'onde de choc est en interaction avec des régions denses en matière, traçant la possible accélération de protons en leur sein. / After more than a century of cosmic-ray studies, questions about their origin remain unanswered. In our galaxy, supernova remnants are excellent candidates to be the sources of cosmic rays and it is now certain that these shock waves created by the explosion of dying stars accelerate electrons up to TeV energies. However, undeniable proof is still missing to confirm that protons, which represent ~90% of the cosmic radiation, are also accelerated. Such proof can be searched for between 100 MeV and 10 GeV, where the spectral shape of the gamma-ray emission changes according to the nature of the particles that are accelerated.This energy range is covered by the Fermi spacecraft which observes the high energy sky with the Large Area telescope (LAT), an instrument detecting gamma-rays from 20 MeV to more than 300 GeV. With the latest version of the data, released in 2015 (Pass 8), the effective area has been greatly improved, especially at high energy. The goal of this thesis was to take advantage of the improved performance of the LAT to study the radiation coming from young shell-type supernova remnants and to evaluate their ability to accelerate particles to high energy. Four such remnants were studied in detail: RCW 86, HESS J1731-347, SN 1006 and RX J1713.7-3946.Spatial and spectral analyses of these sources yielded important results: HESS J1731-347 and SN 1006 were identified for the first time in the GeV range, we detected a shell-like morphology for RCW 86 which was previously seen as a point source, and RX J1713.7-3946 revealed an unexpected spectral shape. Broadband modeling of the non-thermal emission of these remnants, using in particular TeV data obtained with H.E.S.S., showed that their gamma-ray emission is dominated by the inverse Compton scattering of electrons on ambient photon fields. However, we also found spectral modifications in some parts of SN 1006 and RX J1713.7-3946 where the shock is interacting with dense regions that could trace the acceleration of protons.
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Etudes expérimentales et simulations Monte Carlo en spectrométrie γ : correction des effets de cascade et de matrice pour des mesures environnementales / Experimental and Monte Carlo study of gamma-ray spectrometry : correction of cascade and matrix effects in environmental measurementsDziri, Samir 29 May 2013 (has links)
Les mesures fines des faibles radioactivités par la spectrométrie gamma nécessitent l’optimisation de la géométrie de détection et la connaissance du schéma de niveaux des raies gamma. Ainsi, on peut augmenter le taux de comptage et par conséquent, réduire l’incertitude statistique des pics spectraux exploités pour le calcul de l’activité des radio-isotopes en rapprochant le plus possible l’échantillon du détecteur. Cependant, l’augmentation du volume de l’échantillon demande une correction de l’auto-absorption des émissions par l’échantillon même, et le rapprochement du détecteur est à l’origine du phénomène de pic-somme. L’utilisation de MCNPX a permis de mettre en évidence les effets séparés de la densité de l’échantillon et le nombre atomique effectif dans l’atténuation des photons d’énergie inférieure à 100 keV. Les facteurs de correction du pic-somme sont obtenus par MCNPX, GESPCOR et ETNA. Ainsi, une base des données pour 244 radionucléides a été établie pour des géométries SG50 et SG500 au contact d’un détecteur. Dans une application à la radioprotection, des échantillons de matériaux de construction ont été analysés par la spectrométrie gamma. L’Uranium-238, le Thorium-232 et le Potassium-40 ont été identifiés et corrigés des effets sus-cités. La dosimétrie de leurs rayonnements gamma a permis d’évaluer les indices de risque, la dose absorbée et la dose efficace annuelle reçues provenant de ces matériaux. Les simulations par MCNPX corroborent le modèle de calcul de la dose absorbée. Il a permis aussi d'étudier la distribution de la dose dans les habitations de différentes dimensions. Les résultats obtenus sont en accord avec les limites règlementaires. / Precisely measuring weakly radioactive samples by gamma-ray spectrometry requires optimizing the detection geometry and knowledge of the gamma-ray decay scheme. One can thus increase the counting rate and reduce the statistical uncertainty of the spectral peaks used to determine radioisotope activities. However, an increased sample volume requires a correction for the self-absorption of y-rays in the sample itself, and approaching a sample to the detector gives rise to coincidence summing. MCNPX simulations permitted finding the separate influence of sample density and effective atomic number of the sample in the attenuation of photons with energies less than 100 keV. Peak-summing corrections were obtained with MCNPX, GESPCOR and ETNA. Thus a data base for 244 radionuclides could be established for SG50 and SG500 geometries in contact with a planar detector. In an application of the results to the health physics domain, construction materials were analyzed. Naturally-occurring Uranium-238, Thorium-232 and Potassium-40 activities were identified and corrected for the above-mentioned effects in order to evaluate the risk indexes, the absorbed dose and the annual effective dose received from different dimensions built of these materials. MCNPX simulations corroborated the model used to calculate the absorbed dose and gave its distribution in an enclosed space. The results obtained are within the recommended norms.
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