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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche de déformation dans des noyaux riches en neutrons / Search for deformation in neutron rich nuclei

Mancuso, Clément 04 July 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, le noyau de l'atome sert dans diverses utilisations courantes. Pourtant, notre compréhension que de cet objet n'est pas complète. C'est pourquoi la recherche nucléaire est nécessaire. Parmi cet ensemble vaste, ce manuscrit s'intéresse à l'étude des changements de forme dans les isotopes riches en neutrons des séries Ru et Sr. Le sujet est d'abord cerné dans un chapitre de concepts théoriques de la physique nucléaire. Un second chapitre décrit l'expérience permettant de produire les isotopes d'intérêt. Cette expérience de spectroscopie gamma est réalisée avec un multidétecteur HPGe composé à partir d'EXOGAM et complété de cristaux GASP et LOHENGRIN. Cette expérience consiste en la fission du 241Pu induite par neutrons froids fournis par le réacteur de l'Institut Laue Langevin. Elle fait partie de la campagne EXILL. Le deuxième chapitre traite également de la pré-analyse des données. Après avoir montré les effets d'une pré-sélection des événements en multiplicité, les résultats obtenus concernant les isotopes 108Ru à 115Ru, et 92Sr à 96Sr sont abordés dans le troisième chapitre. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre replace ces résultats dans des ensembles plus larges des parties riches en neutrons des deux séries. Ces séries sont également replacées dans le contexte de leur région de masse.La région d'intérêt est riche en changement de forme, avec l'enrichissement neutronique ou avec l'excitation des noyaux. Ces changements sont plutôt bien décrits par certains modèles, mais ces derniers peinent encore à en décrire les limites. Leurs déterminations précises est essentielle pour contraindre les modèles / Nowadays, the atomic nucleus is used in a variety of common way. Nevertheless, this object is not fully understood yet. This is why nuclear physics research is still needed. Among the large number of nuclear physics topics, this work is interested in the study of shape changes in neutron rich Ru and Sr isotopes. The subject is figured out in the first chapter, dealing with theoretical concepts about nuclear physics. A second chapter describes the experiment permitting to produce the isotopes of interest. This gamma-ray spectroscopy experiment has been realized with a HPGe multidetector made from EXOGAM and completed by GASP and LOHENGRIN detectors. This experiment consists of the cold neutron, supplied by the reactor of the Institute Laue Langevin, induced fission of 241Pu. This experiment is a part of the EXILL measurement campaign. The second chapter also deals with the data pre-analysis of this experiment. After showing the effects of a multiplicity cut on event preselection, the obtained results concerning 108Ru to 115Ru and 92Sr to 96Sr isotopes are presented on the third chapter. Finally, the fourth chapter puts these results in a wider part of the neutron rich side of both series. These last ones are also placed in their mass region context.The region of interest is rich in shape change, whether with neutronic enrichment or with excitation energy. These changes are rather well described by certain models, but the latter still have difficulty to describe the limits. Their precise determinations by experiment is essential to constrain models

Experimentální studium pole neutronů v podkritickém urychlovačem řízeném jaderném reaktoru / Experimental Investigation of the Neutron Field in an Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor

Zeman, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on irradiations of a spallation set-up consisting of more than half a ton of natural uranium that were executed by a 660 MeV proton beam at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch in Dubna. Two types of irradiations were arranged: with and without lead shielding. Both types were arranged with threshold activation detectors (Al-27, Mn-55, Co-59, and In-nat) located throughout the whole set-up both in horizontal and vertical positions and activated by secondary neutrons produced by spallation reaction. The threshold activation detectors were analysed by the method of gamma-ray spectroscopy. Radionuclides found in the threshold detectors were analysed and reaction rates were determined for each radionuclide. Ratios of the reaction rates were determined from irradiation of the set-up with and without lead shielding. Subsequently, the neutron spectra generated inside the spallation target at different positions were calculated using Co-59 detector. The experimental results were compared with Monte Carlo simulations performed using MCNPX 2.7.0.

Measurement of the photodissociation of the deuteron at energies relevant to Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Hannaske, Roland 28 April 2016 (has links)
Zwischen 10 und 1000 s nach dem Urknall bildeten sich während der Big Bang Nukleosynthese (BBN) die ersten leichten Elemente aus Protonen und Neutronen. Die primordialen Häufigkeiten dieser Elemente hingen von denWirkungsquerschnitten der beteiligten Kernreaktionen ab. Vergleiche zwischen den Ergebnissen nuklearer Netzwerkrechnungen mit astronomischen Beobachtungen bieten eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, etwas über das Universum zu dieser Zeit zu erfahren. Da es für die p(n,g)d-Reaktion, die eine Schlüsselreaktion der BBN ist, kaum Messungen im relevanten Energiebereich gibt, beruht deren Reaktionsrate in Netzwerkrechnungen auf theoretischen Berechnungen. Darin fließen auch experimentelle Daten der Nukleon-Nukleon-Streuung, des Einfangquerschnitts für thermische Neutronen sowie (nach Anwendung des Prinzips des detaillierten Gleichgewichts) der d(g,n)p-Reaktion mit ein. Diese Reaktion, die Photodissoziation des Deuterons, ist bei BBN-Energien (Tcm = 20–200 keV) ebenfalls kaum vermessen. Die großen experimentelle Unsicherheiten machen Vergleiche mit den präzisen theoretischen Berechnungen schwierig. In den letzten Jahren wurde die d(g,n)p-Reaktion und insbesondere der M1-Anteil des Wirkungsquerschnitts mit quasi-monoenergetischen g-Strahlen aus Laser-Compton-Streuung oder durch Elektrodesintegration untersucht. Üblicherweise verwendete man für Messungen des d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts entweder die auf wenige diskrete Energien beschränkte Strahlung des g-Zerfalls oder Bremsstrahlung, für die aber eine genaue Photonenflussbestimmung sowie der Nachweis von einem der Reaktionsprodukte und dessen Energie nötig ist. Da diese Energie im Bereich der BBN relativ gering ist, gab es bisher noch keine absoluten Messung des d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei Tcm < 5 MeV mit Bremsstrahlung. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist eine solche Messung mit einer Unsicherheit von 5 % im für die BBN relevanten Energiebereich und darüber hinaus bis Tcm ~ 2,5 MeV unter Verwendung gepulster Bremsstrahlung an der Strahlungsquelle ELBE. Dieser supraleitende Elektronenbeschleuniger befindet sich am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf und stellte einen Elektronenstrahl hoher Intensität bereit. Die kinetische Elektronenenergie von 5 MeV wurde mit einem Browne-Buechner-Spektrometer präzise gemessen. Die Energieverteilung der in einer Niob-Folie erzeugten Bremsstrahlungsphotonen wurde berechnet. Die Photonenflussbestimmung nutzte die Kernresonanzstreuung an 27Al, das sich mit deuteriertem Polyethylen in einem mehrschichtigen Target befand. Die 27Al-Abregungen wurden mit abgeschirmten, hochreinen Germanium-Detektoren nachgewiesen, deren Effektivität mit GEANT4 simuliert und durch Quellmessungen normiert wurde. Die Messung der Energie der Neutronen aus der d(g,n)p-Reaktion erfolgte mittels deren Flugzeit in Plastikszintillatoren, die an zwei Seiten von Photoelektronenvervielfachern mit hoher Verstärkung ausgelesen wurden. Die Nachweiseffektivität dieser Detektoren wurde in einem eigenen Experiment in den Referenz-Neutronenfeldern der PTB Braunschweig kalibriert. Die Nachweisschwelle lag bei etwa 10 keV kinetischer Neutronenenergie.Wegen der guten Zeitauflösung der Neutronendetektoren und des ELBE-Beschleunigers genügte eine Flugstrecke von nur 1 m. Die Energieauflösung betrug im d(g,n)p-Experiment 1–2 %. Leider gingen viele Neutronen bereits durch Streuung in dem großen Target verloren oder sie wurden erst durch Teile des kompakten Experimentaufbaus in die Detektoren gestreut. Beide Effekte wurden mit Hilfe von FLUKA simuliert um einen Korrekturfaktor zu bestimmen, der aber bei niedrigen Energien relativ groß war. Der d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts wurde daher nur im Bereich 0.7 MeV < Tcm < 2.5 MeV bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit anderen Messungen, Daten-Evaluierungen sowie theoretischen Rechnungen überein. Die Gesamtunsicherheit beträgt circa 6.5 % und kommt zu fast gleichen Teilen von den statistischen und systematischen Unsicherheiten. Die statistische Unsicherheit könnte durch eine längere FLUKA Simulation noch von 3–5 % auf 1 % verringert werden. Die systematische Unsicherheit von 4.5 % ist vorrangig auf die Photonenflussbestimmung, die Neutronen-Nachweiseffektivität und die Target-Zusammensetzung zurückzuführen.

Vida-média do estado isomérico 7(-) do núcleo ímpar-ímpar 68Ga / Lifetime of the 7(-) isomeric state of the odd-odd nucleus 68Ga

Escudeiro, Rafael 13 April 2018 (has links)
Estados Nucleares isoméricos são estados que decaem com vidas-médias longas ( T1/2 > 10 ns) e revelam, em geral, uma grande mudança no momento angular no seu decaimento, um pequeno elemento de matriz ou uma baixa energia de transição. Através da medida da vida-média de estados nucleares é possível obter informações sobre a função de onda desse estado, representando um teste rigoroso para modelos nucleares. Neste trabalho foi utilizado um sistema desenvolvido no Laboratório Aberto de Física Nuclear (LAFN) da Universidade de São Paulo chamado SIStema para Medida de Estados Isoméricos (SISMEI), que utiliza coincidência atrasada entre partículas evaporadas numa reação nuclear e raios gama emitidos pelo estado isomérico. O SISMEI consiste de cintiladores plásticos para detecção das partículas, detectores de germânio hiperpuro (HPGe) e iodeto de sódio (NaI(Tl)) para raios gama, associados a uma eletrônica de coincidência, instalado no acelerador Pelletron (8UD) do LAFN. Neste trabalho, realizou-se um experimento para medir o estado isomérico 7(-) (E = 1229,87(4) keV) do 68Ga. A tomada de dados durou cerca de 80 horas com uma taxa de eventos de aproximadamente 80000 contagens por hora. O resultado obtido foi T 1/2 = 60, 8(11) ns, que é compatível com os resultados experimentais de outros trabalhos, porém, mais preciso. A estrutura desse núcleo foi calculada através do Modelo de Camadas em Larga Escala considerando-se duas interações residuais diferentes FPG e JUN45; os resultados foram comparados entre si, juntamente com os valores obtidos em outros trabalhos. Os cálculos realizados com o Modelo de Camadas reproduziram relativamente bem a energia e a ordem dos estados excitados do 68Ga, a interação FPG conseguiu descrever melhor a probabilidade de transição quadrupolar elétrica B(E2) diretamente ligada à vida-média do estado. / Isomeric nuclear states are nuclear states which decay with long lifetimes (T1/2 > 10 ns); their study generally reveals, a large change in angular momentum in its decay, a small matrix element or a small transition energy. By measuring lifetimes of isomeric states it is possible to obtain information about this states wave function, being a robust test for nuclear models. In this work, a system developed at the Laboratório Aberto de Fsica Nuclear (LAFN) of University of São Paulo called System for the Measurement of Isomeric States (SISMEI) was utilized. Delayed coincidence between evaporated particles in a nuclear reaction and the delayed gamma-rays emitted from the isomeric state was used to measure lifetimes. SISMEI is composed of plastic scintillators for particle detection, hiperpure germanium detectors (HPGe) and sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) for gamma-ray detection, coupled to a coincidence system, located on 30A beam line of the Pelletron (8UD) accelerator - LAFN. In the present work, an experiment to measure the 7 (-) (E = 1229.87(4) keV) isomeric state of 68Ga was performed. The experiment took about 80 hours with an event rate of about 80000 counts per second. The measured value was T 1/2 = 60.8(11) ns, which is compatible, but more accurate, with experimental results of other authors. The nuclear structure of this nucleus was calculated with the Large Scale Shell Model by using two different residual interactions FPG and JUN45; the results were compared with the known values. The structure calculated with LSSM described the energy states and the order of excited states relatively well; the FPG interaction was capable to describe better the quadrupolar electrical transition probability B(E2), which is direct related to predicting the state lifetime.

Vida-média do estado isomérico 7(-) do núcleo ímpar-ímpar 68Ga / Lifetime of the 7(-) isomeric state of the odd-odd nucleus 68Ga

Rafael Escudeiro 13 April 2018 (has links)
Estados Nucleares isoméricos são estados que decaem com vidas-médias longas ( T1/2 > 10 ns) e revelam, em geral, uma grande mudança no momento angular no seu decaimento, um pequeno elemento de matriz ou uma baixa energia de transição. Através da medida da vida-média de estados nucleares é possível obter informações sobre a função de onda desse estado, representando um teste rigoroso para modelos nucleares. Neste trabalho foi utilizado um sistema desenvolvido no Laboratório Aberto de Física Nuclear (LAFN) da Universidade de São Paulo chamado SIStema para Medida de Estados Isoméricos (SISMEI), que utiliza coincidência atrasada entre partículas evaporadas numa reação nuclear e raios gama emitidos pelo estado isomérico. O SISMEI consiste de cintiladores plásticos para detecção das partículas, detectores de germânio hiperpuro (HPGe) e iodeto de sódio (NaI(Tl)) para raios gama, associados a uma eletrônica de coincidência, instalado no acelerador Pelletron (8UD) do LAFN. Neste trabalho, realizou-se um experimento para medir o estado isomérico 7(-) (E = 1229,87(4) keV) do 68Ga. A tomada de dados durou cerca de 80 horas com uma taxa de eventos de aproximadamente 80000 contagens por hora. O resultado obtido foi T 1/2 = 60, 8(11) ns, que é compatível com os resultados experimentais de outros trabalhos, porém, mais preciso. A estrutura desse núcleo foi calculada através do Modelo de Camadas em Larga Escala considerando-se duas interações residuais diferentes FPG e JUN45; os resultados foram comparados entre si, juntamente com os valores obtidos em outros trabalhos. Os cálculos realizados com o Modelo de Camadas reproduziram relativamente bem a energia e a ordem dos estados excitados do 68Ga, a interação FPG conseguiu descrever melhor a probabilidade de transição quadrupolar elétrica B(E2) diretamente ligada à vida-média do estado. / Isomeric nuclear states are nuclear states which decay with long lifetimes (T1/2 > 10 ns); their study generally reveals, a large change in angular momentum in its decay, a small matrix element or a small transition energy. By measuring lifetimes of isomeric states it is possible to obtain information about this states wave function, being a robust test for nuclear models. In this work, a system developed at the Laboratório Aberto de Fsica Nuclear (LAFN) of University of São Paulo called System for the Measurement of Isomeric States (SISMEI) was utilized. Delayed coincidence between evaporated particles in a nuclear reaction and the delayed gamma-rays emitted from the isomeric state was used to measure lifetimes. SISMEI is composed of plastic scintillators for particle detection, hiperpure germanium detectors (HPGe) and sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) for gamma-ray detection, coupled to a coincidence system, located on 30A beam line of the Pelletron (8UD) accelerator - LAFN. In the present work, an experiment to measure the 7 (-) (E = 1229.87(4) keV) isomeric state of 68Ga was performed. The experiment took about 80 hours with an event rate of about 80000 counts per second. The measured value was T 1/2 = 60.8(11) ns, which is compatible, but more accurate, with experimental results of other authors. The nuclear structure of this nucleus was calculated with the Large Scale Shell Model by using two different residual interactions FPG and JUN45; the results were compared with the known values. The structure calculated with LSSM described the energy states and the order of excited states relatively well; the FPG interaction was capable to describe better the quadrupolar electrical transition probability B(E2), which is direct related to predicting the state lifetime.

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