Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hardening"" "subject:"gardening""
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Estudo comparativo da qualidade da água de chuva coletada em cobertura convencional e em telhado verdeBudel, Marcel Aramis 31 March 2014 (has links)
CAPES / O estudo consiste em uma comparação da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em duas formas distintas de captação: um sistema composto por um telhado inclinado com telhas de concreto, nomeada (casa 1) e o outro composto por uma cobertura plana com telhado verde, ou seja, vegetado, nomeada (casa 2). Tem por objetivo caracterizar os sistemas utilizados nas duas formas de cobertura, analisar a qualidade da água da chuva captada nos dois sistemas e fazer o acompanhamento da qualidade da água armazenada para posterior uso ao longo do estudo com o intuito de verificar a eficiência e comportamento dos sistemas de captação. Objetiva ainda encontrar relações nas variáveis envolvidas e apresentar os resultados de forma a estabelecer uma comparação qualitativa no desempenho das duas coberturas. O estudo foi realizado em duas casas localizadas na região noroeste da cidade de Curitiba, capital do Paraná. Na casa 1, com telhas de concreto, a água da chuva que escoa pelo telhado é primeiramente coletada por uma calha, seguindo por um duto vertical até o nível do solo, no qual se encontra um filtro simples, então a água é encaminhada para uma cisterna, onde é armazenada, para posterior uso na torneira externa para onde a água é bombeada. Já na casa 2, com cobertura plana vegetada, a água da chuva após passar pelo telhado verde é conduzida por dutos verticais até a cisterna de concreto no nível do solo, então uma eletrobomba recalca a água até um reservatório localizado na cobertura, acima do nível do telhado verde, para armazenamento e posterior uso na torneira externa. As amostras coletadas em nove eventos (17/05/2013 a 03/12/2013) foram analisadas quanto à: pH, turbidez, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, que foram medidos no próprio local. Demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), amônia, nitrito, nitrato e fosfato foram amostrados e analisados no laboratório de Saneamento da UTFPR, Campus Ecoville. Ainda quanto à presença de coliformes totais e termotolerantes (E. Coli), foram realizados em um laboratório terceirizado. Observou-se que o telhado convencional da casa 1 apresentou maior qualidade no parâmetro turbidez e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), já o telhado verde diminuiu a acidez natural da água da chuva. As duas coberturas se mostraram eficientes pela concentração de amônia e nitrato, contudo indicaram concentrações elevadas de fosfato. Nos parâmetros microbiológicos os dois telhados não obtiveram qualidade suficiente para atender a NBR 15.527/2007. Desta forma, tomadas as devidas precauções, se recomenda o uso da água proveniente dos telhados, vegetados e convencional, para descargas de bacias sanitárias, irrigação de gramados e plantas ornamentais, lavagem de veículos, limpeza de calçadas e ruas, limpeza de pátios, espelhos d'água e usos industriais, conforme estabelecido na norma. / The study consists of a comparison of the quality of rainwater collected in two distinct ways of catchments: a system composed of a pitched roof with concrete tiles and another consisted of a vegetated flat coverage, as known as green roof. It aims to characterize the systems used in both forms of coverage, to analyze the quality of rainwater captured in the two systems and to monitor the quality of water stored for later use throughout the study in order to verify the efficiency and performance of catchment systems. It also aims to find relations in the involved variables and to present the results in order to establish a qualitative comparison in the performance of two coverages. The study was conducted in two houses located in the northwest region of the city of Curitiba, capital of Paraná. The appointee, house 1, has a pitched roof with concrete tiles, the rainwater that seeps through the roof is first collected by a trough, followed by a vertical duct to the ground level, with a simple filter, then the water is sent into a tank where it is stored for later use in the external faucet where the water is pumped. However, at house 2, with vegetated flat roof, after passing through the green roof the rainwater is driven by vertical ducts to the concrete tank at ground level, then an electric pump represses the water to a reservoir located on the roof, above the green roof ́s level for storage and later use on the external tap. Samples collected in nine events (17/05/2013 to 03/12/2013) were analyzed for pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and temperature, they were measured in situ. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate were sampled and analyzed in the laboratory of Sanitation UTFPR Campus Ecoville. Nevertheless, for the presence of total and fecal coliforms (E. coli), tests were performed on an outsourced laboratory. As for the results obtained, the conventional roof house 1 rainwater had higher quality in turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) parameter, whereas in house 2 the green roof reduced the natural acidity of rainwater. The two covers were effective in the concentration of ammonia and nitrate, though indicated high concentrations of phosphate. Microbiological parameters in neither roofs met the NBR 15.527/2007 quality. Thus, taken due precautions, it is recommend the use of water from roofs, vegetated and conventional, to flush toilets, to irrigate lawns and ornamental plants, to wash vehicles, to clean sidewalks and streets, to clean patios, water mirrors and to industrial uses, as defined in the standards.
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Možnosti kultivace orchideje Macodes petola technikami in vitro / In vitro cultivation possibilities of orchid Macodes petolaSVOBODOVÁ, Simona January 2007 (has links)
The orchid family covers 90 percent of the rarest plants under protection all over the world. The ecological and economic value of orchids has aroused public awareness. Since vegatitve propagation methods are available, development of in vitro methods are essential for conservation and commercialization of plants. Purposes work was elaboration progress of vegetative multiplication for tropical orchid Macodes petola in conditions in vitro. At research were proof 4 methods, which distinguish in using desinfection, in operating time and in using different nutritive mediums.
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A agricultura ecologica sob o angulo da qualidade de vida dos agricultores : abordagem comparativa entre duas regiões metropolitanas na França e no Brasil / L'agriculture écologique comme qualité de vie des agriculteurs : approche comparative entre deux régions métropolitaines en France et au BrésilSeidl, Renata Aparecida 16 November 2016 (has links)
Après la Révolution Verte, qui débuta dans les années 1960, l’agriculture a pris de nouvelles directions grâce à l’introduction de technologies et de pratiques agricoles modernes (modification génétique de semences, usage intensif d’engrais agricoles, mécanisation des coûts d’exploitation) qui ont permis d’intensifier la production et la productivité agricoles. Ce modèle de production s’est formé au sein de l’agriculture conventionnelle. Cependant, après moins d’un siècle de développement, ce modèle d’agriculture a généré un certain nombre de préoccupations quant à son impact sur l’environnement et la santé de la population. En tant qu’alternative à l’agriculture conventionnelle, l’agriculture écologique - qui se présente sous diverses dénominations (organique, agro-écologique, biologique, entre autres) - se distingue en termes de production et de commercialisation dans des systèmes agroalimentaires locaux et globaux. Son développement a été rendu possible grâce à des investissements économiques du fait aussi bien de grandes entreprises agroalimentaires que de petits agriculteurs qui ont converti leurs exploitations à un mode écologique de production. C’est dans ce contexte que l’on observe les motifs d’adhésion des petits agriculteurs à ce type d’agriculture. Nous privilégions dans cette analyse la place que représente la Qualité de Vie (QV) dans le choix de l’agriculteur familial brésilien et du paysan français, en l’occurrence des horticulteurs maraîchers dans deux régions métropolitaines, la Région Métropolitaine de Belo Horizonte (Brésil) et la Région Métropolitaine de l’Île-de-France (France). Ce questionnement recoupe l’idée de « durabilité », comprise non seulement comme la préservation de l’environnement et des écosystèmes, mais aussi comme la prise en compte du tissu social et des conditions de vie des individus, dans ce cas des agriculteurs. En d’autres termes, nous considérons que l’auto-estime et la satisfaction professionnelle sont intrinsèquement liées aux relations sociales et à l’organisation de l’espace dans lequel elles s’insèrent. A partir d’un échantillon intégrant des agriculteurs écologiques et conventionnels, on montre qu’au-delà de valeurs communes représentant une aspiration à une bonne qualité de vie (possibilités de développer un travail salubre - sans risque pour la santé -, prospère - avec un retour financier suffisant - et plaisant - en tant que source de satisfaction et de reconnaissance sociale -), certaines spécificités propres à chacun de ces groupes existent, par-delà l’appartenance régionale. Mais, dans le même temps, il apparaît également que le rapport à la QV vient renforcer la durabilité des exploitations lorsqu’il est incorporé ou relayé dans les projets de développement agricole local. Le rapprochement entre deux contextes régionaux métropolitains permet de comprendre en quoi il existe une spécificité brésilienne autour des questions de sécurité alimentaire et à quelles conditions certaines approches de gestion en France pourraient inspirer les politiques publiques de la région métropolitaine de Belo Horizonte. / After the Green revolution, which began in the years 1960, agriculture took new directions thanks to the introduction of technologies and modern practices (genetic modification of seeds, intensive use of manures, and mechanization of the farms) which made it possible to intensify the production and raise the agricultural productivity. This model of production was formed within the conventional agriculture. However, after less than one century of development, this model of agriculture generated a number of concerns as well for its environmental impact and as well on public health. As an alternative to the conventional agriculture, the ecological agriculture - with its various denominations (Organic, Agro-ecological, Biological, inter alia) - has created its own marks in terms of production and marketing in local and global agro- alimentary systems. Its development was maintained thanks to growing demand and investment of large agro- alimentary companies and family farmers who converted their surfaces to an ecological mode of production. In this context, the inclusion and the adhesion of the small farmers to this type of agriculture is the main framework of this research. The thesis proposes therefore to carry out a reflection around the social sustainability of the farmers with this main question: “Is ecological agriculture a sustainable solution for all?” - which emerges within a social perspective through the analysis of quality of life of Brazilian family farmers and the French peasants, actives within market-gardening inside metropolitan regions of Belo Horizonte (Brazil) and the Metropolitan region of the Ile-de-France (France). This questioning cross the idea of “sustainability”, understood not only like safeguarding of the environment and the ecosystems, but also as taking into account the "social factory" and the living conditions of the individuals, in this case, of the farmers. Thus, the question of the quality of life (QOL) of the farmers – where self-esteem and the job satisfaction are intrinsically related to the social relations and the organization of the space of which they form part – is analysed. The results show inter alia, that the permanence of the production units depends on the conditions given to its owner, taking account of possibilities of developing a salubrious work (without health risk), prosper (with a sufficient financial return) and pleasant (as a source of satisfaction and social recognition). Our work reaffirms thus that ecological agriculture is in fact sustainable for all when the variables of the QOL of the farmers are potentiated and incorporated in the local agricultural development. In addition it's observed that the relation between the values of the QOL and the regional contexts reflects as well in the capacities of the farmers to carry their work as in their feelings of pleasure and self-confidence, i.e. of personal and professional wellbeing. The specificities around the questions of food security in the Brazilian context direct the future research towards arrangements of management strategies used in France and liable to be adapted to the reality of the Belo Horizonte metropolitan region. / Após a Revolução Verde, iniciada na década de 1960, a agricultura tomou novos rumos graças à introdução de tecnologias e práticas agrícolas modernas (modificação genética de sementes, uso intensivo de insumos industriais, mecanização e redução de custo de manejo) que permitiram intensificar a produção e a produtividade agrícola. Esse modelo de produção conformou-se na agricultura convencional. No entanto, a menos de meio século de seu desenvolvimento, este tipo de agricultura tem causado preocupações sobre o seu impacto no meio ambiente e na saúde da população. Como uma proposta alternativa à agricultura convencional, a agricultura ecológica, sob diversos nomes (Orgânica, Agroecológica, Biologique, dentre outras) tem-se destacado no âmbito dos sistemas agroalimentares locais e globais, tanto em termos de produção quanto de área e comercialização. Seu desenvolvimento tem se sustentado por um mercado de investimentos econômicos, representado por grandes empresas agroalimentares e por pequenos agricultores, que converteram suas áreas para uma maneira ecológica de produção. Diante desse contexto, a inclusão ou adesão dos pequenos agricultores a esse tipo de agricultura motiva uma investigação na esfera social. Assim, a proposta dessa tese é trazer uma reflexão acerca da sustentabilidade social dos agricultores, cuja questão: “A agricultura ecológica é uma solução sustentável para todos?” surge com uma perspectiva social sobre as condições de vida e de trabalho do agricultor familiar brasileiro, e do paysan francês, investidos na prática da horticultura ecológica. Este questionamento recai sobre a ideia de “sustentabilidade”, compreendida não somente no aspecto da preservação do meio ambiente e dos ecossistemas, mas também quanto ao tecido social e à qualidade de vida (QV) dos indivíduos, nesse caso, os agricultores. Desta forma, discute-se a QV dos agricultores, cujas autoestima e satisfação profissional encontram-se intrínsecas às relações sociais e às organizações do espaço ao qual eles se inserem. Os limites espaciais da pesquisa englobam duas regiões metropolitanas, a saber: 1) Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte – Brasil e; 2) Região Metropolitana de Île-de-France – França.
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Land-Based Coral Nurseries: A Valuable Tool for Production and Transplantation of Acropora cervicornisO'Neil, Keri L. 01 April 2015 (has links)
Coral nurseries have become a popular and successful method to produce coral fragments for reef-restocking and restoration projects worldwide. Numerous in-situ coral nurseries have been established and many studies have focused on the most effective way to produce coral fragments in offshore nurseries. In contrast, production of coral fragments in land-based nurseries is rarely studied despite a growing knowledge of coral husbandry and coral aquaculture. Little data exist on the success of tank-raised corals when transplanted back into reef environments. This thesis presents the results of a study designed to assess the use of land-based coral nurseries in production of fragments of the Atlantic staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis for the purposes of reef re-stocking and restoration.
The first objective of the study was to assess if A. cervicornis fragments can be produced in aquarium conditions at comparable rates to offshore nurseries. Fragments from the same wild donor colonies were placed in an offshore nursery and a land-based nursery and monitored for survival, growth, branch production, and branch thickness for 16 months. Survival was lower in the land-based nursery, largely due to a mechanical failure. Linear extension was lower in the land-based nursery until nursery conditions were evaluated and optimized. The optimization process included changes to water quality, temperature control, and lighting. Post-optimization, linear extension in the land-based nursery exceeded the offshore nursery, with a maximum monthly growth rate of 16.0 ± 5.3 mm month-1. The maximum monthly rate in the offshore nursery was 10.6 ± 4.1 mm month-1. Branch number and thickness were also lower initially in the land-based nursery, however both metrics increased rapidly after optimization. This experiment shows that A. cervicornis can be successfully grown in a land-based nursery, and that linear extension and fragment production can be higher than in offshore nurseries if environmental conditions are maintained within optimum ranges. This experiment highlights some of the conditions that promoted high linear extension rates in this species.
The second objective of this study was to examine the success of corals outplanted from land-based nurseries and to determine whether corals reared in a land-based nursery would show the same growth and survival after transplantation as those reared in a traditional offshore nursery. This was examined in two experiments. In the first experiment, small fragments were outplanted from colonies reared offshore and from colonies reared in a land-based system. In the second experiment, larger colonies reared in the two separate land-based systems were outplanted to the same location. All transplanted corals were monitored for survival, growth, branch number, and incidence of predation, breakage, and disease over one year. Two major storm events occurred during this portion of the study, so the potential for differences in breakage or storm damage were also assessed.
There were no significant differences in survival or growth of fragments outplanted from a land-based nursery and an offshore nursery. Colony outplants from one land-based location had better survival and growth than colonies from a second land-based location. Tropical storm activity greatly increased the occurrence of breakage and tissue loss in all groups, resulting in decreases in colony volume and additional mortality. Survival ranged from 85% to 100% after six months, and survival ranged from 70% to 89% after one year and the passing of two tropical storms. Small (5 cm) transplants did not have significantly lower survivorship than large transplants. Overall, the transplant of fragments and colonies raised in land-based nurseries was successful, as measured by growth and survival rates that were comparable to or exceeded those observed for corals raised in offshore nurseries. Large colony transplants exhibited the best survivorship and extension rates, but were also highly prone to breakage.
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Empowerment of women in the Mangondi and Tshisahulu gardening projects in the Northern ProvinceRamabulana, Vusani 14 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / In the former Republic of Venda, many people lost their jobs when industries that had mushroomed during the 1980's pulled out of the area. This happened just prior to the collapse of the Bantustan government. The most affected were women who, because of lack of education, could not get employment within and outside of the province. As a way of alleviating poverty, people resorted to selfemployment and community development projects. Different community development projects were started throughout Venda. Some non-governmental organisations (NGOs) helped women who were unemployed by giving them training and help them to start projects such as sewing, knitting, chicken farming, creches and small-scale gardening. The training of people in different skills was done as a way of helping to equip communities so that they may start projects that they could manage, and that could become selfsustainable. The new South African government, through its Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), also assisted the poverty-stricken rural areas to start generating projects that would generate jobs for the people. These programmes involved the communities, the NGOs and the government through the RDP. Short and long term projects that were considered suitable by the members and community developers in the different areas were started. In order to maintain the smooth running and the co-ordination of all their projects, many communities instituted Community Development Committees (CDC). The CDC was an umbrella body within a community whose members had been elected by the community itself. The main task of the CDC was to help the different `Community Development Project' (CDP) committees responsible for the different projects within the community to obtain funds from different sources. They also helped to organise training for interested project members. In most cases, they worked hand in hand with the civic association committees and the traditional leaders, as well as the community members themselves. In this study, I have compared the activities of the community gardening projects within two rural communities. These two gardening projects are at Mangondi and Tshisahulu rural areas in Venda within the Northern Province. In their attempts to fight unemployment and poverty, these two communities (like many other communities within the Province and Venda in particular) embarked on the establishment of several community development projects, gardening being one of them. Most of the gardeners in these two projects are women. These women vary in age, education and family situations. The aim of this study was to establish the problems facing rural women in their attempts to free themselves from the grip of poverty and unemployment that continues to render them marginalised. The provision of government policy on the problem of women's rights on land ownership was also examined. The method of research used in the collection of data during field work was the interview method. This method was most preferred because it allowed me an opportunity to ask questions directly to these gardeners most of whom cannot read or write. A literature study was done on the role and activities of women in small gardening projects and the development process. It is my wish that this work be of assistance to the development workers and the policy-makers as well as the RDP officers of the Northern Province under which this area falls.
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IoT systém pro zahrádkáře / IoT system for gardeningMlčák, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and creation of a weather station suitable for gardeners. The created device is able to measure temperature, pressure, humidity, amount of precipitation, wind speed and direction, UV index and also temperature and soil moisture at several depths. The weather station is powered by a battery with auxiliary charging from a photovoltaic panel. The thesis is divided into several parts. The theoretical part describes the individual physical principles of measurement of the considered physical quantities. Subsequently, a comparison of available sensors is made and then a final selection is made. The third part deals with the design and implementation of the hardware circuitry including the creation of the PCB. In this section, the holders of each sensor are also designed for printing on a 3D printer, which are then printed. The fourth section deals with software design issues, which is described in more detail. Finally, the whole weather station is assembled, wired and the functionality of all components is verified by sending the measured data to Thingspeak.
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Mediální obraz zahrádkářských kolonií ve vybraných českých denících / Media Analysis of the Allotment Gardens and Gardening in Czech Daily PressPěkná, Ester January 2015 (has links)
Mediální obraz zahrádkářských kolonií ve vybraných českých denících Abstract Abstract The aim of this thesis is the media presentation of gardening allotments phenomena in Czech Republic. The work is in a connection with a series of thesis published during previous years on Social and Cultural Ecology department of Faculty of Humanities, Charles Univerisity. These thesis were focused on qualitatative case studies research of garden allotments. Aim of this theis is a revelation of garden allotments image, based on processing of czech daily press articles mentioning allotment gardening. First, theoretical, part of the thesis is organized into four chapters: hermeneutics, allotment gardening, media and sustainable development. Each of the chapters provides a context of the main purpose of the work. Methodological anchor and the research and its results itself follow on at the third part of this thesis.
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VICEGENERACNI SOUZITI aneb MAME SE JAK NA ZAMKU / Multigenerational Coexistence / Happy Living in a CastleHabancová, Anežka January 2016 (has links)
Previously, the bulk of the population lived in rural areas. The whole family lived there together in the family house on the same property. Young helped the elderly and old to their offspring, with households with children, with the economy. With the advent of industrialization and mobilization, many young people moved into the cities, to work, to the newly constructed blocks of residential houses, which were rather less than they could live with a large extended family. Mutual cooperation was suddenly far away. The town has more people, more jobs and more older people, which the state took care of them - homes for the elderly - retirees concentration in one place, without daily contact with young, with family. Thanks to good quality of health care older people is increasing and this problem is must be solved. The country has still semi-detached houses and multigenerational houses, where the family lived with grandparents, but in the city is hard to find to buy or rent two apartments near each other. The main concept of my work is to create a semi-detached flats, flats with common vestibule, which connects one smaller and one larger apartment. Use the castle for this principle is more than appropriate - will be returned the housing for the family and each of generation finds in the castle grounds space for their activities or employment. This area still remains open to inhabitant of the city and offer them new possibilities for leisure (restaurants and an amphitheater).
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Eigenheimgärten: Feldstudie zur Gartenkultur in NeubaugebietenLieske, Heiko 01 November 2007 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift befaßt sich mit der Kultur der Gärten, wie sie alltäglich an unseren Eigenheimen stattfindet. Sie fragt danach, was uns unsere Gärten heute eigentlich bedeuten. Sind sie bloßes Abstandsgrün oder kleine Paradiese? Brauchen wir sie als Reste von Natur oder dienen sie uns als dekorierte Garagenzufahrten? Ziehen wir uns in ihre Idylle zurück oder präsentieren wir uns mit ihnen der Öffentlichkeit? Sind die Gärten Inseln der Kreativität oder ist alles schon vom Baumarktsortiment vorgegeben? Die Studie sucht nicht so sehr Antworten, sondern ist darauf gerichtet, die relevanten Fragen zu finden, die uns ermöglichen, das Phänomen Eigenheimgarten zu erschließen. Aufgrund des geringen Forschungsstandes zum Thema wurde ein Ansatz gewählt, der mit möglichst offenen, explorativen und interpretativen Mitteln das Feld erschließen kann, dabei aber ungeprüfte Annahmen und Vorurteile weitestgehend auszuschließen vermag. Mit Methoden der Qualitativen Sozialanalyse wurden Gartenbesitzer befragt und ihre Gärten interpretiert. Dabei wurden Interviewdaten, fotodokumentarische und plangrafische Daten erhoben und mit hermeneutischen Verfahren ausgewertet. Das Ergebnis der Studie ist eine Sammlung und Diskussion für die heutige private Gartenkultur relevanter Themenbereiche und Fragestellungen.
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Home gardens, cultivated plant diversity, and exchange of planting material in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve area, northeastern Peruvian AmazonLerch, Natalie Corinna. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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