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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protocole de routage basé sur des passerelles mobiles pour un accès Internet dans les réseaux véhiculaires

Ba, Amadou Adama 04 1900 (has links)
La rapide progression des technologies sans fil au cours de ces dernières années a vu naître de nouveaux systèmes de communication dont les réseaux véhiculaires. Ces réseaux visent à intégrer les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le domaine automobile en vue d’améliorer la sécurité et le confort sur le réseau routier. Offrir un accès Internet aux véhicules et à leurs occupants peut sans doute aider à anticiper certains dangers sur la route tout en rendant plus agréables les déplacements à bord des véhicules. Le déploiement de ce service nécessite que des messages soient échangés entre les véhicules. Le routage constitue un élément crucial dans un réseau, car définissant la façon dont les différentes entités échangent des messages. Le routage dans les VANETS constitue un grand défi car ces derniers sont caractérisés par une forte mobilité entraînant une topologie très dynamique. Des protocoles ont été proposés pour étendre Internet aux réseaux véhiculaires. Toutefois, la plupart d’entre eux nécessitent un coût élevé de messages de contrôle pour l’établissement et le maintien des communications. Ceci a pour conséquence la saturation de la bande passante entrainant ainsi une baisse de performance du réseau. Nous proposons dans ce mémoire, un protocole de routage qui s’appuie sur des passerelles mobiles pour étendre Internet aux réseaux véhiculaires. Le protocole prend en compte la mobilité des véhicules et la charge du réseau pour l’établissement et le maintien des routes. / The fast progression of wireless technologies has motivated the emergence of new communications system called VANETS (Vehicular Adhoc Networks). VANETS enable vehicles on the roadway to communicate with each other and with road infrastructure using wireless capabilities. The applications of VANETS include improving safety and comfort on the road. For example, by providing Internet to vehicles, traveling can be safer and more comfortable. To provide Internet connectivity, messages need to be exchanged between the vehicles. However, it is hard to design an efficient routing protocol for connecting vehicles to Internet with a reasonable cost due to high mobility in VANETS. Although, several existing routing protocols have been proposed in the open literature to extend Internet to VANETS, they generate considerable overhead. This leads to unfairly consumption of bandwidth decreasing network performance. We design a routing protocol to connect vehicles to Internet through mobile gateways with the objective to make efficient use of the network bandwidth. Indeed, the protocol significantly reduces the communication overhead required to establish and maintain the routes relying on the mobility of the gateways and the network’s load.

Uma solução para composição de serviços de gerenciamento de redes utilizando padrões web services / A Solution for network management services composition using web services standards

Vianna, Ricardo Lemos January 2007 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a tecnologia de Web Services vem sendo pesquisada nas mais diversas áreas da computação, incluindo a de gerenciamento de redes de computadores. A composição de serviços, uma nova funcionalidade surgida recentemente, parece ter a potencialidade de resolver diversos problemas de diversas áreas da computação, incluindo a área de gerenciamento de redes e seu respectivo protocolo padrão de facto, o SNMP. Através da composição de serviços, é possível construir serviços mais sofisticados, usando-se serviços mais simples como componentes. Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a composição de Web Services aplicada ao gerenciamento de redes de computadores. Para tanto, modelos e padrões para composição foram estudados e uma arquitetura de composição, usando o padrão WS-BPEL, aplicada ao gerenciamento foi proposta. Tal arquitetura permite iniciar uma cadeia de ações de gerenciamento em gerentes de nível mais baixo baseados em Web Services através de uma única requisição Web Service. Para definir novas composições, uma ferramenta Web foi desenvolvida, a qual gera automaticamente o código WS-BPEL. Além disso, foram realizadas avaliações de desempenho para verificar o impacto na rede das composições. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que composições podem reduzir o tráfego gerado na rede junto à estação de gerenciamento, pois permitem concentrar diversas informações em uma única requisição Web Services. O tempo de resposta também pôde ser reduzido em algumas situações devido às requisições nativamente paralelas do WS-BPEL. / In the recent years, the Web Services technology has been researched in many areas of computer science, including computers network management. Service composition, a new feature recently raised, seems to have the potentiality to solve several problems in computer science, including the network management field and its Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Through service composition, it is possible to build up more sophisticated services using simpler services as components. Therefore, this work aims at investigating Web Services composition applied to network management. Towards this goal, models and standards for composition were reviewed and a WS-BPEL-based composition architecture devoted to management was proposed. Such architecture allows starting a chain of management actions on lowerlevel Web Services-based managers through only one Web Services request. In order to define new compositions, a Web-based tool was developed to automatically generate the WS-BPEL required code. In addition, performance evaluations were carried out in order to verify the compositions’ impact on the managed network. The results showed that compositions can reduce the management traffic in the surroundings of the management station by aggregating several information in only one Web Services request. Response time could also be decreased in some situations due to the native parallel requests of WS-BPEL.

Analyse et dimensionnement de réseaux hétérogènes embarqués / Analysis and dimensioning of embedded heterogeneous networks

Ahmed Nacer, Abdelaziz 09 March 2018 (has links)
Avec l’apparition des nouvelles technologies de communication, le nombre des systèmes embarqués avionique et automobile est en constante augmentation. La gestion des communications entre ces systèmes devient alors de plus en plus complexe à mettre en oeuvre dans un contexte où les contraintes temporelles et environnementales sont très fortes et où le taux d’échanges de messages en augmentation continuelle. L’utilisation optimale des réseaux pour acheminer les données tout en respectant les contraintes temporelles imposées est essentielle du point de vue de la sûreté de fonctionnement. Historiquement, pour répondre aux problématiques d’efficacité et de sûreté, les industriels ont développé une palette de réseaux embarqués dédiés à leurs applications cibles (CAN, LIN, . . . ). Ces réseaux présentaient des débits relativement faibles à un moment où un besoin croissant en bande passante se faisait ressentir. le choix d’utiliser le concept de composants dit ‘sur étagères’ (off the shelf COTS) permettait alors de pallier à ce nouveau besoin. Dans un souci de conservation des capacités des réseaux à garantir les contraintes temporelles imposées par les systèmes embarqués temps réel, les industriels ont dû adapter ce concept de composants sur étagères aux systèmes embarqués. L’intérêt de l’utilisation de ces composants est un gain non négligeable en bande passante et en poids pour des coûts de développements relativement faibles. L’introduction de ces composants nouveaux s’est faite de telle sorte que leur impact sur les standards préexistants et les systèmes connectés soit minimal. C’est ainsi que les réseaux dit ‘hétérogènes’ ont vu leur apparition. Ces réseaux constituent une hybridation entre les technologies embarquées historiques et les composants sur étagère. Ils consistent en des réseaux d’extrémité utilisant des technologies éprouvées (telles que le CAN) interconnectés via des passerelles à un réseau fédérateur (backbone) utilisant des composants sur étagères. Dès lors, le défi majeur à relever lors de l’utilisation d’un réseau fédérateur est de respecter les contraintes temporelles des applications sollicitant les différents réseaux. L’objectif est mis à mal sur les points d’interconnexion des réseaux hétérogènes (Passerelles). Ainsi l’approche principale utilisée pour le passage d’un réseau à un autre est l’encapsulation de trames. Pour atteindre l’optimalité de performance de cette technique plusieurs paramètres sont à prendre en compte tels que le nombre de trames à encapsuler, les ordonnancements utilisés, le coût en bande passante ainsi que l’impact sur les distributions de délais (gigue). Dans l’optique de préservation des performances des réseaux, l’objet de nos travaux porte sur l’étude, la comparaison et la proposition de techniques permettant l’interconnexion de réseaux hétérogènes temps réels à la fois pour des applications à faibles et à fortes contraintes temporelles. Après un état de l’art sur les réseaux temps réel, nous spécifions différentes techniques d’interconnexion de réseaux hétérogènes, puis, nous présentons une étude de cas basée sur une architecture réseau interconnectant différents bus CAN via un réseau fédérateur sans fil Wi-Fi. L’étude que nous avons menée montre, par le biais de différentes simulations, que cette architecture réseau est une bonne candidate pour la transmission de flux à contraintes temporelles faibles. Une architecture réseau interconnectant différents bus CAN via un réseau fédérateur Ethernet commuté est ensuite considérée dans une seconde étude de cas ciblant les applications à fortes contraintes temporelles. Dans un premier temps, nous prenons en compte le cas d’un réseau fédérateur Ethernet-PQSE et, dans un second temps, le cas d’Ethernet-AVB. Cette étude nous permet de montrer l’impact des différentes techniques d’interconnexion sur les délais des flux du réseau. / With the emergence of new communication technologies, the number of avionics and automotive embedded systems is constantly increasing. The management of communications between these systems becomes increasingly complex to implement in a context where temporal and environmental constraints are very strong and where messages exchange rate is continuously increasing. The optimal use of networks to transmit data while fulfilling the imposed temporal constraints is essential from a safety point of view. Historically, in order to address safety and efficiency issues, manufacturers have developed a range of embedded networks dedicated to their target applications (CAN, LIN, . . . ). These networks have relatively low bit rates at a point of time where a growing need for bandwidth was felt. To overcome this new need, the choice of using the concept of so-called ’off-theshelf’ components (COTS) has been made. In order to preserve the networks abilities to guarantee the temporal constraints imposed by the real time embedded systems, manufacturers had to adapt the concept of off-the-shelf components to embedded systems. The benefits of using these components is a non-negligible gain in bandwidth and weight for relatively low development costs. The introduction of these new components has been made in such a way that their impact on pre-existing standards and connected systems is minimal. thereby, so-called ’heterogeneous’ networks have emerged. These networks are a hybridization of historical embedded technologies and off-the-shelf components. They consist of stub networks using proven technologies (such as CAN) interconnected via gateways to a backbone network using off-the-shelf components. Thus, the major challenge while using a heterogeneous network is to respect the temporal constraints of the applications requesting the different parts of the networks. This objective can be damaged at the interconnection points of the heterogeneous networks (Gateways). The main used approach to pass frames from one network to another is the encapsulation. To achieve the optimum performances of this technique, several parameters have to be considered such as the number of frames encapsulated, the used scheduling policy, the bandwidth cost as well as the impact on delay distributions (jitter). In order to preserve networks performances, the aim of our work is to study, compare and propose techniques ennabling the interconnection of real-time heterogeneous networks for application with both soft and hard temporal constraints. After a state of the art on real-time networks, we have specified different techniques for the interconnection of heterogeneous networks, then we have presented a case study based on a network architecture interconnecting different CAN buses via a wireless backbone network (Wi-Fi ). The study we conducted shows, through various simulations, that this network architecture is a good contender for the transmission of flows with soft temporal constraints. A network architecture interconnecting different CAN busses via a switched Ethernet backbone is considered in a second case study targeting applications with hard temporal constraints. Two different Ethernet backbone networks are taken into account. We studied first, the case of a switched Ethernet-PQSE backbone network. Then the case of a switched Ethernet-AVB backbone is considered. This study enabled us to highlight the impact of the different used interconnection techniques on network flows delays.

Uma solução para composição de serviços de gerenciamento de redes utilizando padrões web services / A Solution for network management services composition using web services standards

Vianna, Ricardo Lemos January 2007 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a tecnologia de Web Services vem sendo pesquisada nas mais diversas áreas da computação, incluindo a de gerenciamento de redes de computadores. A composição de serviços, uma nova funcionalidade surgida recentemente, parece ter a potencialidade de resolver diversos problemas de diversas áreas da computação, incluindo a área de gerenciamento de redes e seu respectivo protocolo padrão de facto, o SNMP. Através da composição de serviços, é possível construir serviços mais sofisticados, usando-se serviços mais simples como componentes. Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a composição de Web Services aplicada ao gerenciamento de redes de computadores. Para tanto, modelos e padrões para composição foram estudados e uma arquitetura de composição, usando o padrão WS-BPEL, aplicada ao gerenciamento foi proposta. Tal arquitetura permite iniciar uma cadeia de ações de gerenciamento em gerentes de nível mais baixo baseados em Web Services através de uma única requisição Web Service. Para definir novas composições, uma ferramenta Web foi desenvolvida, a qual gera automaticamente o código WS-BPEL. Além disso, foram realizadas avaliações de desempenho para verificar o impacto na rede das composições. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que composições podem reduzir o tráfego gerado na rede junto à estação de gerenciamento, pois permitem concentrar diversas informações em uma única requisição Web Services. O tempo de resposta também pôde ser reduzido em algumas situações devido às requisições nativamente paralelas do WS-BPEL. / In the recent years, the Web Services technology has been researched in many areas of computer science, including computers network management. Service composition, a new feature recently raised, seems to have the potentiality to solve several problems in computer science, including the network management field and its Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Through service composition, it is possible to build up more sophisticated services using simpler services as components. Therefore, this work aims at investigating Web Services composition applied to network management. Towards this goal, models and standards for composition were reviewed and a WS-BPEL-based composition architecture devoted to management was proposed. Such architecture allows starting a chain of management actions on lowerlevel Web Services-based managers through only one Web Services request. In order to define new compositions, a Web-based tool was developed to automatically generate the WS-BPEL required code. In addition, performance evaluations were carried out in order to verify the compositions’ impact on the managed network. The results showed that compositions can reduce the management traffic in the surroundings of the management station by aggregating several information in only one Web Services request. Response time could also be decreased in some situations due to the native parallel requests of WS-BPEL.

Uma solução para composição de serviços de gerenciamento de redes utilizando padrões web services / A Solution for network management services composition using web services standards

Vianna, Ricardo Lemos January 2007 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a tecnologia de Web Services vem sendo pesquisada nas mais diversas áreas da computação, incluindo a de gerenciamento de redes de computadores. A composição de serviços, uma nova funcionalidade surgida recentemente, parece ter a potencialidade de resolver diversos problemas de diversas áreas da computação, incluindo a área de gerenciamento de redes e seu respectivo protocolo padrão de facto, o SNMP. Através da composição de serviços, é possível construir serviços mais sofisticados, usando-se serviços mais simples como componentes. Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a composição de Web Services aplicada ao gerenciamento de redes de computadores. Para tanto, modelos e padrões para composição foram estudados e uma arquitetura de composição, usando o padrão WS-BPEL, aplicada ao gerenciamento foi proposta. Tal arquitetura permite iniciar uma cadeia de ações de gerenciamento em gerentes de nível mais baixo baseados em Web Services através de uma única requisição Web Service. Para definir novas composições, uma ferramenta Web foi desenvolvida, a qual gera automaticamente o código WS-BPEL. Além disso, foram realizadas avaliações de desempenho para verificar o impacto na rede das composições. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que composições podem reduzir o tráfego gerado na rede junto à estação de gerenciamento, pois permitem concentrar diversas informações em uma única requisição Web Services. O tempo de resposta também pôde ser reduzido em algumas situações devido às requisições nativamente paralelas do WS-BPEL. / In the recent years, the Web Services technology has been researched in many areas of computer science, including computers network management. Service composition, a new feature recently raised, seems to have the potentiality to solve several problems in computer science, including the network management field and its Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Through service composition, it is possible to build up more sophisticated services using simpler services as components. Therefore, this work aims at investigating Web Services composition applied to network management. Towards this goal, models and standards for composition were reviewed and a WS-BPEL-based composition architecture devoted to management was proposed. Such architecture allows starting a chain of management actions on lowerlevel Web Services-based managers through only one Web Services request. In order to define new compositions, a Web-based tool was developed to automatically generate the WS-BPEL required code. In addition, performance evaluations were carried out in order to verify the compositions’ impact on the managed network. The results showed that compositions can reduce the management traffic in the surroundings of the management station by aggregating several information in only one Web Services request. Response time could also be decreased in some situations due to the native parallel requests of WS-BPEL.

An improved selection algorithm for access points in wireless local area networks : An improved selection algorithm for wireless iopsys devices / En förbättrad urvalsalgoritm för accesspunkter i trådlösa lokala nätverk : En förbättrad urvalsalgoritm för trådlösa iopsys enheter

Axtelius, Mathias, Alsawadi, Rami January 2016 (has links)
Wireless devices search for access points when they want to connect to a network. A devicechooses an access point based on the received signal strength between the device and theaccess point. That method is good for staying connected in a local area network but it doesnot always offer the best performance, which can result in a slower connection. This is thestandard method of connection for wireless clients, which will be referred to as the standardprotocol. Larger networks commonly have a lot of access points in an area, which increasesthe coverage area and makes loss of signal a rare occurrence. Overlapping coverage zonesare also common, offering multiple choices for a client. The company Inteno wanted an alternativeconnection method for their gateways. The new method that was developed wouldforce the client to connect to an access point depending on the bitrate to the master, as wellas the received signal strength. These factors are affected by many different parameters.These parameters were noise, signal strength, link-rate, bandwidth usage and connectiontype. A new metric had to be introduced to make the decision process easier by unifying theavailable parameters. The new metric that was introduced is called score. A score system wascreated based on these metrics. The best suited access point would be the one with the highestscore. The developed protocol chose the gateway with the highest bitrate available, while thestandard protocol would invariably pick the closest gateway regardless. The developed protocolcould have been integrated to the standard protocol to gain the benefits of both. Thiscould not be accomplished since the information was not easily accessible on Inteno’s gatewaysand had to be neglected in this thesis. / Trådlösa enheter söker efter accesspunkt när de vill ansluta till ett nätverk. En enhet väljer enaccesspunkt beroende på den mottagna signalstyrkan mellan enheten och accesspunkten.Denna metod medför en stabil uppkoppling i ett lokalt nätverk, men medför inte alltid bästamöjliga prestanda, vilket kan resultera i en långsammare anslutning till Internet. Detta ärstandard uppkopplings metod för trådlösa klienter, vilket kommer refereras som standardprotokollen. Större nätverk har vanligtvis en mängd olika accesspunkter i ett område, vilketgör att signalstyrkan sällan förloras. Överlappande täckningsområden är också vanliga ochger en klient flera alternativa accesspunkter att välja mellan. Företaget Inteno ville tacklaproblemet genom att skapa en ny anslutningsmetod för deras nätverksnoder. Den nya metodenskulle tvinga klienter att ansluta sig till en accesspunkt beroende på bithastigheten mothuvudnoden, så väl som den mottagna signalstyrkan. Faktorerna påverkas av många olikaparametrar. Parametrarna var, brus, signalstyrka, länkhastighet, dataanvändning och anslutningstyp.Ett nytt mått behövde införas för att göra beslutsprocessen enklare, genom att förenade tillgängliga parametrarna. Det nya måttet som infördes var poäng. Ett poängsystemskapades och baserades på de önskade värdena. Den accesspunkten med högst poäng erbjödden bästa uppkopplingen till huvudnoden. Det utvecklade protokollet valde nätverksnodenmed den högsta överföringshastighet som var tillgänglig, medan standardprotokollet alltidvalde den närmaste nätverksnoden utan hänsyn till andra faktorer. Den utvecklade protokolletkunde ha integrerats med standardprotokollet för att utnyttja fördelarna av bägge protokollen.Detta var inte möjligt eftersom informationen inte var lättåtkomlig på Intenos nätverksnoderoch fick försummas i avhandlingen.

Outils et environnements pour l'amélioration incrémentale, la post-édition contributive et l'évaluation continue de systèmes de TA. Application à la TA français-chinois. / Tools and environments for incremental improvement, contributive post-editing and continuous evaluation of MT systems. Application to French-Chinese MT.

Wang, Lingxiao 14 December 2015 (has links)
La thèse, effectuée dans le cadre d'une bourse CIFRE, et prolongeant un des aspects du projet ANR Traouiero, aborde d'abord la production, l'extension et l'amélioration de corpus multilingues par traduction automatique (TA) et post-édition contributive (PE). Des améliorations fonctionnelles et techniques ont été apportées aux logiciels SECTra et iMAG, et on a progressé vers une définition générique de la structure d'un corpus multilingue, multi-annoté et multimédia, pouvant contenir des documents classiques aussi bien que des pseudo-documents et des méta-segments. Cette partie a été validée par la création de bons corpus bilingues français-chinois, l'un d'eux résultant de la toute première application à la traduction littéraire.Une seconde partie, initialement motivée par un besoin industriel, a consisté à construire des systèmes de TA de type Moses, spécialisés à des sous-langages, en français↔chinois, et à étudier la façon de les améliorer dans le cadre d'un usage en continu avec possibilité de PE. Dans le cadre d'un projet interne sur le site du LIG et d'un projet (TABE-FC) en coopération avec l'université de Xiamen, on a pu démontrer l'intérêt de l'apprentissage incrémental en TA statistique, sous certaines conditions, grâce à une expérience qui s'est étalée sur toute la thèse.La troisième partie est consacrée à des contributions et mises à disposition de supports informatiques et de ressources. Les principales se placent dans le cadre du projet COST MUMIA de l'EU et résultent de l'exploitation de la collection CLEF-2011 de 1,5 M de brevets partiellement multilingues. De grosses mémoires de traductions en ont été extraites (17,5 M segments), 3 systèmes de TA en ont été tirés, et un site Web de support à la RI multilingue sur les brevets a été construit. On décrit aussi la réalisation en cours de JianDan-eval, une plate-forme de construction, déploiement et évaluation de systèmes de TA. / The thesis, conducted as part of a CIFRE grant, and extending one of the aspects of the ANR project Traouiero, first addresses the production, extension and improvement of multilingual corpora by machine translation (MT) and contributory post-editing (PE). Functional and technical improvements have been made to the SECTra and iMAG software produced in previous PhD theses (P.C. Huynh, H.T. Nguyen), and progress has ben made toward a generic definition of the structure of a multilingual, annotated and multi-media corpus that may contain usual documents as well as pseudo-documents (such as Web pages) and meta-segments. This part has been validated by the creation of good French-Chinese bilingual corpora, one of them resulting from the first application to literary translation (a Jules Verne novel).A second part, initially motivated by an industrial need, has consisted in building MT systems of Moses type, specialized to sub-languages, for french↔chinese, and to study how to improve them in the context of a continuous use with the possibility of PE. As part of an internal project on the LIG website and of a project (TABE-FC) in cooperation with Xiamen University, it has been possible to demonstrate the value of incremental learning in statistical MT, under certain conditions, through an experiment that spread over the whole thesis.The third part of the thesis is devoted to contributing and making available computer tools and resources. The main ones are related to the COST project MUMIA of the EU and result from the exploitation of the CLEF-2011 collection of 1.5 million partially multilingual patents. Large translation memories have been extracted from it (17.5 million segments), 3 MT systems have been produced (de-fr, en-fr, fr-de), and a website of support for multilingual IR on patents has been constructed. One also describes the on-going implementation of JianDan-eval, a platform for building, deploying and evaluating MT systems.

Les mouvements de la "Réforme de la Vie" au contact de la culture et des traditions corporelles indiennes / The movements of the "Reform of Life" in contact with Indian culture and bodily traditions

Veloupoulé, Aurélie 31 March 2017 (has links)
Dès la fin du XIXe siècle, la Lebensreform (« réforme de vie ») recouvre trois aspects qui sont la modernité (ère industrielle), la crise des valeurs et l'émergence de nouvelles pratiques artistiques, culturelles et sociales dans les pays de l'espace germanophone. La Lebensreform est une réponse aux ruptures de la modernité ; de nouvelles formes de vie collectives voient le jour. Les espaces d'accueil fondent leur propre mode de vie autour du programme d'une réconciliation avec la nature, en adoptant plusieurs réformes de la vie. Parallèlement, l'Inde artistique et spirituelle évolue et influence l'art moderne occidental, d'où l'apparition de passerelles transculturelles. Les artistes de la Lebensreform adoptent de nouveaux modes d'expression corporelle qui s'inspirent de l'art indien (mudrâs, rythme, etc.). Il s'agit dans notre thèse d'aborder l' « esthétique du performatif » ; l’art de la danse moderne devient un mode de communication à part entière, c'est-à-dire un langage non verbal, traité sous l'angle du concept de performatif. L'art moderne, qui se développe dans l'espace germanophone, conduit à une nouvelle quête, celle d'une recherche de sa propre identité à travers l'exploration du mouvement. / From the end of the 19th century, the Lebensreform (Life reform) covers three aspects which are modernity (industrial era), crisis in values, and the emergence of new artistic, cultural and social practices in German-speaking countries. The Lebensreform is a response to the break with modernity; new collective lifestyles are born. Hosting places build their own lifestyle around a program of renewals and reconciliation with nature, adopting several reforms of life. At the same time, artistic and spriritual India evolved and influenced modern Western art from whence grew cross-cultural gateways and bridges. Artists from the Lebensreform adopted new corporal forms of expression inspired by Indian art (mudrâs, rythm, etc.). This thesis concerns itself with the « esthetic performative » with the knowledge that the art of modern dancing, viewed from the angle of the performative concept, may be said to have emerged as a global mode of communication, and a non verbal language. Modern art as developed in German-speaking community has also led to a new quest, a search for our own identity through an exploratory movement.

Návrh metodiky bezpečnosti informací v podniku provozující elektronický obchod / Draft of Information Security Methodology in Company Running Electronic Commerce

Mráčková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the analysis of security management in company selling goods trought the stone shop and the electronic commerce. The assets and threats affecting them were identified and an analysis of risks and selected measures was evaluated. The work is based on the theoretical background from series of standards ISO/IEC 27000 given in the first part of it.

Portály elektronických informačních zdrojů na českých univerzitách / Portals of electronic information resources at Czech universities

Baslová, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The overall theme of the thesis is the current state of Internet portals (gateways) dedicated to electronic information resources at Czech academic libraries. The purpose of such portal (or sites within academic library web pages) is to form a gateway to every electronic resource available within the university. In the theoretical part of the thesis history, purpose and components of such portals are described followed by the typology and organization of electronic information resources used at library portals in the USA and other mainly English speaking countries. The following part of the thesis is a practical application where 6 selected portals are first analyzed then compared with each other according to 5 criterions described in the previous part: organization of its resources, readability, consistency, usability and presence of additional functions or services. Subsequently by applying the method called "Thinking Aloud" usability testing of two selected portal is performed. The aim of the paper is not only to map the current state of portals but also to present methodology for analysis of other similar portals. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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