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Le renouveau du modèle spécifique de la gendarmerie française, un atout pour l’Europe ? / The updating of the defining characteristics of the French gendarmerie model - a trump card for Europe ? / Il rinnovamento del tipo specifico della gendarmeria francese, una carta buona per l’Europa ?Bédiez, Philippe 15 November 2010 (has links)
Force militaire chargée de missions de police et de sécurité, gendarmes tenus d’occuper les logements concédés par nécessité absolue de service en caserne formant maillage territorial, présence des familles et régime juridique propre,sont les spécificités du modèle français de gendarmerie. Entré en crise dans notre pays, il a connu des évolutions diverses dans des pays partenaires. La première partie met en évidence ces aspects mal connus.La seconde partie entend démontrer que la Gendarmerie nationale connaît une phase d’évolutions et de renouveau.L’introduction dans la commande publique du contrat de partenariat, nouvel instrument du partenariat public-privé réformé par la loi du 28 juillet 2008, constitue un espoir.Jusqu’ici, les collectivités locales sont intervenues dans le secteur de l’immobilier locatif surtout grâce au bail emphytéotique administratif, mais l’état du logement domanial reste préoccupant et la condition militaire ne peut être une priorité absolue pour la nation. La loi du 3 août 2009 consacre les spécificités de la gendarmerie et la place sous l’autorité du ministre de l’Intérieur qui voit sa position renforcée (abandon de la réquisition légale). Notre modèle de gendarmerie est un atout pour l’Europe de la Défense car seule une force comme la gendarmerie peut idéalement assurer les actions civilo-militaires indispensables dans la gestion des crises. La France a ainsi pu prendre l’initiative de créer la Force de Gendarmerie européenne. / A military organization entrusted with policing and security responsibilities, gendarmes whose terms of service make itan absolute necessity that they live with their families in dedicated accommodation within the national network of barracks, a body operating within a distinct legal framework, these are the particular characteristics of the French gendarmerie model. Created in crisis times in our country it has undergone differing developments in partner countries.The first part highlights these little known aspects.The second part endeavours to show that the national Gendarmerie is going through a phase of evolution and renewal.The introduction of partnership contracts within the arena of public sector contracting, a new aspect of the private finance initiative reformed by the law of 28 July 2008, provides an element of hope.Up until now local authorities have intervened in the rented accommodation sector through emphyteutic long leases but the state of the national housing stock remains a concern, and its military dimension cannot claim to be a fundamental national priority. These aspects were enshrined in the law of 3 August 2009 which placed the Gendarmerie more directly under the authority of the Minister of the Interior whose position was strengthened with the abolition of the legal framework of former requisitioning procedures. Our gendarmerie model is a trump card for Europe’s defensive collective security dimension since only a force such as the Gendarmerie is capable of delivering a paramilitary response when crisis management makes it indispensable. France has thus been able to take the initiative in creating theEuropean Gendarmerie Force. / Forza militare incaricata di missioni di polizia e di Pubblica Sicurezza, gendarmi tenuti a occupare gli alloggi concessiper necessità assoluta di servizio in caserma formando rete territoriale, presenza di famiglie e regime giuridico proprio,sono le specificità del tipo francese di gendarmeria. Entrato in crisi nel nostro paese, ha conosciuto evoluzioni diverse inpaesi collaborati. La prima parte mette in evidenza questi aspetti mal conosciuti.La seconda parte vuole dimostrare che la Gendarmeria nazionale conosce una fase di evoluzioni e di rinnovamento.L’introduzione nell’ordinazione pubblica del contratto di collaborazione, nuovo strumento della collaborazionepubblica-privata riformata dalla legge del 28 luglio 2008, costituice una speranza.Finora, le collettività locali sono intervenute nel settore dei beni immobili in affitto soprattutto grazie alle enfiteusiamministrative, ma lo stato dell’alloggio demaniale rimane preoccupante e la condizione militare non può essere unapriorità assoluta per la nazione. La legge del 3 agosto 2009 consacra le specificità della gendarmeria e la pone sottol’autorità del ministro degli Interni che vede la propria posizione rafforzata (abbandono della requisizione legale). Ilnostro tipo di gendarmeria è una carta buona per l’Europa della Difesa perchè solo una forza come la gendarmeria puòidealmente realizzare le azioni civili-militari indispensabili nella gestione delle crisi. La Francia ha così potuto prenderel’iniziativa di creare la Forza di Gendarmeria europea.
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Lesser victories: a study of the Philippine Constabulary and Haitian GendarmerieMihara, Robert Yoshio 15 May 2009 (has links)
Determining what constitutes the proper role and characteristics of a constabulary has received renewed interest in recent years as the international community increasingly involves itself in peace and stability operations. The U.S. invasion of Iraq has further stimulated discussion over how foreign powers should go about establishing security institutions within a host nation, particularly in one as turbulent as Iraq. Recent events in both Iraq and Afghanistan have made clear the importance of indigenous police forces, or constabularies, to pacification and state-building operations. Effective constabularies can perform the key role of separating insurgents from the population and giving substance and legitimacy to federal and local government. This thesis examines two U.S.-organized paramilitaries: the Philippine Constabulary (1901-1917) and the Haitian Gendarmerie (1916-1934). It argues that in both the Philippines and Haiti, the constabularies became armies, and the instruments of autocratic rule, because American military officers allowed the militarization of the police forces to become institutionalized without also establishing normative constraints on the use of military power. The thesis contends that American military authorities undermined the constabularies’ suitability for enforcing civil law by aggressively developing their military capabilities to meet the challenges of fighting violent insurgencies. Both organizations generalized their pragmatic responses to immediate circumstances without considering the long term implications for them as institutions. The historical experience of the Constabulary and Gendarmerie testify to the real temptation for leaders to stretch an organization beyond its mandate or capabilities by focusing on success and victory over purpose and the ends for which the organization exists.
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Lesser victories: a study of the Philippine Constabulary and Haitian GendarmerieMihara, Robert Yoshio 15 May 2009 (has links)
Determining what constitutes the proper role and characteristics of a constabulary has received renewed interest in recent years as the international community increasingly involves itself in peace and stability operations. The U.S. invasion of Iraq has further stimulated discussion over how foreign powers should go about establishing security institutions within a host nation, particularly in one as turbulent as Iraq. Recent events in both Iraq and Afghanistan have made clear the importance of indigenous police forces, or constabularies, to pacification and state-building operations. Effective constabularies can perform the key role of separating insurgents from the population and giving substance and legitimacy to federal and local government. This thesis examines two U.S.-organized paramilitaries: the Philippine Constabulary (1901-1917) and the Haitian Gendarmerie (1916-1934). It argues that in both the Philippines and Haiti, the constabularies became armies, and the instruments of autocratic rule, because American military officers allowed the militarization of the police forces to become institutionalized without also establishing normative constraints on the use of military power. The thesis contends that American military authorities undermined the constabularies’ suitability for enforcing civil law by aggressively developing their military capabilities to meet the challenges of fighting violent insurgencies. Both organizations generalized their pragmatic responses to immediate circumstances without considering the long term implications for them as institutions. The historical experience of the Constabulary and Gendarmerie testify to the real temptation for leaders to stretch an organization beyond its mandate or capabilities by focusing on success and victory over purpose and the ends for which the organization exists.
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Legionáři jako příslušníci četnického sboru v meziválečném Československu / Legionnaires as a mebmbers of a gendarmerie corps in the interwar CzechoslovakiaŠimek, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
The thesis analyses the role of legionaries who served in the gendarmerie corps and in the context of the First Republic era. The timeframe of the thesis is defined from the establishment of the Republic in 1918, respectively from the beginning of the recruitment of the first legionaries to the Gendarmerie Corps, until the end of the First Republic, with the addition of an outline of the situation in the Protectorate. Research questions include whether state- guaranteed benefits were applied in practice. Whether the legionary background helped gendarmes to advance in their careers and, last but not least, whether their service differed from that of other gendarmes (e.g., in the form of exemptions). Attention will be paid to the evaluation of the performance of legionary gendarmes by their commanders and subsequent comparison with the performance of other gendarmes. Time-wise, the thesis is divided into three blocks, according to the relevance to the phenomenon. In order to answer these questions, primary sources were worked with, especially the fonds of the General Commander of the Gendarmerie in the National Archives. In addition, sources stored in the Military Central Archive and the archives of the Ministry of the Interior were used. Secondary literature on the subject is, with few exceptions,...
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L'administration de la preuve en droit pénal français : exemple et pratique judiciaire de la gendarmerie nationale / Adducing of evidence in criminal law : exemple and judicial practice in the French Gendarmerie NationaleMichta, Céline 22 September 2017 (has links)
« Depuis la constatation d'une infraction jusqu'au jugement de son auteur, toute la chaîne pénale est articulée autour de la question cardinale de la preuve ». Placées au coeur du procès pénal, la preuve et son administration sont aujourd'hui confrontées à de nouveaux enjeux. La modernisation de la société et le développement exponentiel des nouveaux moyens de communications et des nouvelles technologies, en tous domaines, bousculent l'administration de la preuve et les règles qui la régissent. Dans un même temps, les droits processuels s'invitent désormais aux côtés des droits fondamentaux, résultat de la place prépondérante prise par la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme,mais aussi du droit pénal de l'Union européenne. Aussi, l’administration de la preuve doit profiter de cette période de crise d’identité pour se construire un socle juridique pérenne qui tient compte des nouvelles exigences juridiques, judiciaires et sociétales. Ainsi, l'administration de la preuve doit à la fois conduire à la manifestation de la vérité tout en garantissant les droits et les libertés fondamentales. Ensuite et afin de faire face aux enjeux et aux défis de son temps, l'administration de la preuve doit satisfaire à une double exigence, celle de la qualité et de l'efficacité de la loi. Tel est l'objectif de ces travaux, qui se voulant résolument pragmatiques, ont pour fil rouge la loi n°2011-392 du 14 avril 2011 relative à la garde à vue, et s'appuient sur la pratique judiciaire de la gendarmerie nationale, dont la mission ne se cantonne pas à la seule recherche de la preuve. En effet,cette Institution qui met en pratique quotidiennement les règles relatives à l'administration de la preuve se veut aussi être une force de proposition, notamment lors de la phase de conception de la loi. / Placed at the heart of the penal process, today the evidence and its administration are facing new challenges. The modernisation of society and the exponential development of new means of communication and new technologies in all fields are shaking up the administration of evidence and the rules that govern it. At the same time, procedural rights are now being invoked alongside fundamental rights, as a result of the predominant position taken by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and also of the European Union's criminal law. Thus, the administration of evidence must take advantage of this period of identity crisis to build a permanent legal basis that takes into account new legal, judicial and societal requirements. Consequently, the administration of evidence must lead both to the manifestation of the truth and to the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms. Then, in order to face the challenges and challenges of its time, the administration of evidence must meet two requirements: the quality and effectiveness of the law. This is the purpose of this work, which is resolutely pragmatic and has as its guide in the law no. 2011-392 of 14 April 2011 on custody, are based on the judicial practice of the Gendarmerie Nationale, the mission is not confined to the search for evidence alone. Indeed, on a day-to-day basis, this institution enforces and indulges in the rules of the administration of proof also needing to be a force of proposal, especially during the phase of conception of this law.
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Naissance de la gendarmerie nationale (1791-1801) : évolution de l'institution dans la décennie révolutionnaire : l'exemple du département du Gard / Birth of the national gendarmerie (1791-1801) : evolution of the institution in the revolutionary decade : the exemple of the GardSchmidt, Catherine 09 March 2015 (has links)
L'objet de la présente étude repose sur l'histoire de la gendarmerie dans le département du Gard. Cette histoire locale doit permettre de comprendre l'histoire générale de l'arme. Notre recherche s'appuie sur des archives manuscrites qui sont des correspondances entre les autorités locales, des lettres entre l'État et la Gendarmerie, des procès-verbaux, des registres, quelques pétitions des gendarmes. Les cavaliers de Maréchaussée puis les gendarmes se conforment aux lois issues du passé et obéissent aux nouvelles. Mais la Révolution distingue les pouvoirs de police, des pouvoirs de justice. Il faut concevoir des institutions capables d'en assurer la mise en œuvre. Quand est-il de la publication des lois et de leur diffusion? Les gendarmes obéissent à la loi. Les gendarmes doivent appliquer la loi et la faire appliquer. Comment empêcher l'exécution sommaire d'une personne lors d'une émeute de subsistance ? Notre travail, la naissance de la gendarmerie nationale dans le Gard se découpe en quatre parties. Dans un premier temps, j'ai essayé de répondre aux questions soulevées par l'implantation des gendarmeries dans le Gard. À travers la lecture des baux nous avons pu approfondir le rôle du procureur général syndic Griolet qui gère le maintien de l'ordre. Administrateur départemental, il gère le quotidien des gendarmes. La deuxième partie demeure un axe central de notre travail, il porte sur le salaire des gendarmes et leurs chevaux. C'est avec ces derniers qu'ils accomplissent les tournées journalières sur les grands chemins. La Convention Thermidorienne et le Directoire, malgré les conditions économiques désastreuses n'abandonnent pas les gendarmes. Dans la troisième partie, je me suis attachée à démontrer l'interaction de la gendarmerie et des événements politiques. La Convention est avertie du comportement suspect des gendarmes. À l'armée du Rhin, la contestation se manifeste par la désertion des gendarmes. Ils rentrent dans leur département sans congé, sans chevaux, sans manteau. Ces retours provoquent une incompréhension. Le Colonel Nacquard est accusé de fédéralisme, il est écroué. La dernière partie est centrée sur l'action des gendarmes. Leur intervention est au cœur du maintien de l'ordre et de la mise en application des lois. C'est un travail qui ressort du service ordinaire et extraordinaire. En conclusion, la gendarmerie est définitivement intégrée à l'armée, elle perd son indépendance et reste soumise au pouvoir exécutif. / The purpose of this study is based on the history on the history of the gendarmerie in the Gard department ; The local history is to understand the general history of the weapon. Our research is based on handwritten archives are correspondences between local authorities, letters between the state and the gendarmes, minutes, record, some petitions of the gendarmes. Riders of constabulary and the gendarmes comply with legislation from the past and obey the news. But the revolution distinguishes the police powers of the powers of justice. We must design institutions capable of ensuring implementation. When is the publication of laws and dissemination ? The gendarmes obey the law. The gendarmes should enforce the law and enforce it. How to disable the summary execution of a person during a riot of subsistence ? Our work : the birth of the gendarmerie in the Gard is divided into four parts. At first, I tried to answer the questions raised by the implementation of police stations in the Gard. Through the reading of the leases, we could deepen the role of the Attorney General Griolet which manages the law enforcement. County Administrator, it manages the daily gendarmes. The second part remains a central focus of our work, it covers the salaries of gendarmes and their herses. It is with them that they do daily tours on the highways. Thermidorian Convention and the Executive despite the dire economic conditions do not give the gendarmes. ln the third part I attached to demonstrate the interaction of the gendannes and political events. The Convention is notified of the suspicions behavior of the gendarmes. ln the army of the Rhine, the challenge is manifested by the desertion of the gendarmes. They leave without returning to their department, without herses, without a coat. These returns cause misunderstanding. The Nacquard colonel accused of federalism, it is emprisoned. The last part focuses on the actions of the gendarmes. Their intervention is central to the maintenance of order and the enforcement of laws. lt is a work that emerges from ordinary and extraordinary service. ln conclusion, the gendarmerie is definitely integrated into the army, it loses its independence and remains subject to executive power.
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Každodennost příslušníka četnického sboru v Čechách v první polovině 20. století / Everyday life of the gendarme in Bohemia in the first half of the 20th centuryBreburdová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on forms of everyday life of gendarmers in the first half of the twentieth century in Bohemia. The main goal of the thesis is to show the specifics of the gendarmerie profession in comparison with everyday life of normal population. The applied methods are based on established approaches of everyday life research and also on normative- comparative method. The historical sources come mainly from archive but the memoirs of gendarmers and members of their families were used as well. There are analysed gendarme service, their family life and leisure time and finally social and health care in three main thematic parts. The everyday life of married and unmarried gendarmers is researched separately (always in connection with gendarm service).
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Četnictvo za dob našich prababiček a pradědů / The Gendrarmerie in the Time of our Grandmothers and GrandfathersHADRAVA, Martin January 2007 (has links)
My diploma work named {\clqq}Četnictvo za dob našich prababiček a pradědů`` is focused in its introduction on history and progress of gendarmerie as a brach and than is focused on the conctrete duty on the gendarmery. Main sources from which my works proceeds are documents of official character. This documents came from the activities of many selected southbohemian gendarmeries and are saved in many SOkAs. The whole work have siw parts. First deals about beginning, history and progress of gendarmery. Second one is focused on gendarme, how can be enrol to gendarmerie and also on casern as a place, where he lived and worked. Third is focused on everydayness. In fourth chapter I describe gendarmerie in Cehnice and Strakonice, special part deals with outer perambulated duty. The point of the fifth chapter is gendarmeries duty and the most frequented delicts and trespasses to investigate. Last chapter I alludeto differences between gendarmeries in Cehnice and Strakonice.
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Sécurité intérieure et criminalité contemporaine en France / Contemporary crime and homeland securityChetrit, Thierry 02 April 2012 (has links)
Condition essentielle de l’exercice des libertés individuelles et collectives, la sécurité intérieure est au centre des préoccupations des citoyens et de leurs gouvernants. Dès lors, la criminalité contemporaine, phénomène multi-causal, a considérablement évolué, tant par son ampleur que par sa nature, nécessitant, dans le respect des libertés fondamentales, la mise en oeuvre d’une politique ambitieuse. Pour parer aux menaces ou aux manifestations de la criminalité contemporaine, des lois nombreuses et récentes sont venues reformuler le caractère prioritaire des orientations de l’Etat en matière de sécurité intérieure et de justice. Elles s’articulent autour des réformes structurelles, placées sous le signe d’une coopération approfondie entre les acteurs de la sécurité, mais aussi d’une volonté de leur fournir un cadre administratif et juridique rénové. Complétant ce dispositif global de lutte contre la criminalité contemporaine, la criminalité apparaît également comme un instrument qui joue un rôle indispensable dans la conduite des enquêtes pénales. Désormais, elle contribue, dans une large mesure, à l’administration de la preuve pénale, en cas de présomption de crime et d’autres infractions, au sein du dispositif global de sécurité intérieure. Mais, au-delà d’une simple aide apportée à la science de l’enquête, son avenir réside dans une meilleure exploitation, et donc efficacité de celle-ci. Ainsi, c’est par une politique s’appuyant aussi bien sur une rénovation ambitieuse du cadre institutionnel et juridique que sur les avancées concomitantes de la criminalistique que l’Etat pourra parvenir à infléchir la criminalité contemporaine. / The essential condition for the exercise of individual and collective freedoms roots itself in the notion of security, it is the cornerstone of the republican contract and the main concern of our leaders and citizens. It must be said that contemporary crime, a multi-causal phenomenon, has changed considerably, in its scope and in its basic nature, requiring, in respect of fundamental freedoms, the implementation of an ambitious security policy. Thus, some current legislation has been formulated on order to highlight the areas of highest priority for internal security and justice. Those legislations are base on one hand around some structural reforms under the sign of deepened cooperation between security bodies, and on the other hand, through a willing to provide an overall new legal and administrative framework. Adding to this throughout system which stands to fight against contemporary crime, criminalistics appears to be a key instrument. Notably playing an indispensable role in the conduct of criminal investigations, it is a leading force, to a large extent in the repression of crime and offenses in general within the overall system of internal security. Hence and notwithstanding the administration of criminal evidence by criminalistics is presented as a rational solution in the treatment of physical evidence in order to discover the truth. It is only a complementary solution and a simple help given to support the science of investigation. The future of the system lies in a greater exploration of this resource as it will enable the system to become more efficient. Thus, it is only through an uncompromising stance, utilizing knowledge from criminalistics and an ambitious advanced renovation of the institutional and legal framework, that the state will curb contemporary crime.
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Les prévôtés, de « la drôle de guerre » à « l'étrange défaite » (1939-1940). Personnels, missions, représentations / Provost gendarmerie, from “phoney war” to “strange defeat” (1939-1940)Sait, Aziz 29 June 2012 (has links)
Dès le déclenchement de la mobilisation générale, le 2 septembre 1939, des centaines de détachements prévôtaux sont affectés aux unités françaises et aux armées alliées. Ils sont chargés, pendant les dix mois de la campagne de 1939-1940, du maintien de l’ordre sur les deux fronts métropolitains de la zone des armées : le Nord-Est et le front des Alpes. Incluse dans le système de contrainte qui pèse sur les cinq millions de mobilisés français, la gendarmerie prévôtale est appelée à remplir plusieurs missions. Elle traque les réfractaires à la mobilisation en lutant contre la désertion, les absences illégales et les violences des militaires. Elle assure également la gestion des prisons militaires tout en effectuant les transfèrements de détenus. Comme auxiliaire du commandement militaire, la prévôté veille à l’application des mesures organisant la nation en temps de guerre. Elle régule et discipline ainsi la circulation des militaires, surveille et restreint celle des civils afin de permettre la fluidité sur les routes empruntées par les troupes. La crainte d’une action subversive aux armées, amène aussi les prévôtés à prévenir et à contrecarrer les menées défaitistes. Le déclenchement des opérations actives, le 10 mai 1940, met la gendarmerie prévôtale à l’épreuve de la guerre de mouvement. Après le choc des Ardennes et la déroute des armées du Nord, elle se réorganise pour répondre aux tâches les plus urgentes : aiguiller la retraite des troupes, enrayer la panique et lutter contre les pillage. L’objectif est double : remplir une mission « ingrate » et mettre fin à la « légende noire » des prévôtés, héritée de la Première Guerre mondiale. / From the launching of general mobilization, on september 2nd 1939, hundreds of provost detachments are appointed to french units and to allied armies. They are loaded, during the ten months of the campaign of 1939-1940, the maintaining of order in the two fronts of the zone of armies: the North-East and the Alps. Included in the system of constraint which weighs on the five millions French mobilized, the provost gendarmerie is called to complete several missions. It tracks down recalcitrant to the mobilization and it struggles against desertion, irregular absences and soldiers violence. She also assures the management of the military prisons and prisoners' transferences. As assistant helper of the military command, the provost gendarmerie watches in the application of measurements organizing the nation in times of war. It regulates and disciplines the circulation of the soldiers, watches and restrains that of the civilians to allow fluidity on roads borrowed by troops. The fear of a subversive action in armies, also leads provost gendarmerie to warn and to prevent led defeatists. The launching of active operations, on may 10th, 1940, puts the provost gendarmerie in the test of the war of movement. After the shock of Ardennes and the crushing defeat of the armies of the North, it reorganizes itself to answer the most urgent tasks: direct the retirement of troops, check panic and struggle against depredation. Objective is double: commit a "ungrateful" mission and put an end to the «black legend » of the provost gendarmes, inherited from the First World war.
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