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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oh chale : Two stance-taking strategies in Ghanaian Pidgin English

Lindmark, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
A common assumption is that language is used for conveying factual information, but linguistic forms also serve a way to communicate pragmatic features, such as speakers’ intentions and mental state. This study describes and analyses two strategies for stance-taking in GhaPE, more specific the use of discourse particles and complement-taking predicates. Such grammatical resources have been identified in the literature to play important functions in signalling how the speaker evaluates and positions him/herself and the addressee with respect to objects of discourse. The analysis and discussion of forms is informed by Du Bois’ (2007) ‘stance triangle’, which has proved to be a useful analytical device for investigating stance from a dialogical perspective. GhaPE is at times anticipated as fairly simple both by scholars and in the community where it is spoken. This thesis is thus an attempt to display aspects of the richness of the language.

En stilvalörsanalys : Substantiv i dystopi- och kriminalromangenren

Larsson, Kim January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to establish a connection between the dystopian literary genres and crime novels with certain stylistic characteristics by doing a comparative study using two books marketed as dystopian: Stjärnklart by Lars Wilderäng (2015) and Den nya människan by Boel Bermann (2014), and two marketed as crime novels: Till offer åt Molok by Åsa larsson (2013) and Levande och döda i Winsford by Håkan Nesser (2014). This is done by analyzing stylistic characteristics described in Stil, stilistik & stilanalys by Peter Cassirer (2003), and Stilistik by Per Lagerholm (2015), that can be found on the lexical linguistic level. The results of this investigation shows that there are certain stylistic characteristics that can be traced back to the dystopian genre through a qualitative analysis of the quantitative results gathered from the material. The authors individual writing styles has created issues reaching these conclusions, as they seem to dictate the largest differences in the use of certain stylistic strategies. Despite this there are consistent patterns in the quantitative results that facilitated the conclusions presented in this essay.

L'influence des méthodes didactiques sur la production orale en FLE : Comment les enseignants de français font parler les élèves

Bergström, Susanne January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of didactic methods on oral production in French as a foreign language. This is done by studying how three French teachers in Sweden use different didactic methods to encourage secondary school students to speak French. COLT observations and audio recordings were made at six occasions in three classes of sixth graders and three classes of ninth graders. The results show that the main didactic methods used to encourage students to speak were to ask questions, let students read aloud from textbooks and prepared presentations, let students repeat, and engage students in educational games. Asking questions is the most frequent method but produces a varied amount of oral production. Educational games engage most students and produces the most oral production. No pronounced difference was found between the use of didactic methods in sixth grade and ninth grade. The conclusion is that the choice of didactic method has an impact on oral production. Not only the method itself, but even more so in the way it is applied and adjusted to student’s level of knowledge. This might explain why the same didactic methods are used at different educational levels.

Things Fall Apart: An Analysis of Pre and Post-Colonial Igbo Society

Kenalemang, Lame Maatla January 2013 (has links)
Chinua Achebe (1930- 2013) published his first novel Things Fall Apart (TFA) in 1958. Achebe wrote TFA in response to European novels that depicted Africans as savages who needed to be enlightened by the Europeans. Achebe presents to the reader his people’s history with both strengths and imperfections by describing for example, Igbo festivals, the worship of their gods and the practices in their ritual ceremonies, their rich culture and other social practices, the colonial era that was both stopping Igbo culture and also brought in some benefits to their culture. TFA therefore directs the misleading of European novels that depict Africans as savages into a whole new light with its portrayal of Igbo society, and examines the effects of European colonialism on Igbo society from an African perspective. Hence this essay is an attempt to show an insight of pre and post colonialism on Igbo society. It is argued that the interaction between the whites and the Igbo people had both negative and positive consequences. It is evident in Achebe’s novel that the Europeans greatly influenced the lifestyle of Igbo society.

Attitudes and experiences in Parallel Languages at the department of History of Religion

Hengameh, Moadeli January 2011 (has links)
Attitudes and experiences in Parallel Languages at the department of History of Religion Hengameh Moadeli   Abstract The purpose of this case study is to obtain deeper knowledge about students´ and teachers´ beliefs and attitudes towards the arrangement of using two languages for study at university level in one humanities field. This case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with ten students and two teachers at the Department of History of Religion at Stockholm University. Our findings show that the majority of students perceive using two languages in one field as positive and that the (perceived) long-term benefits of being more proficient in English outweigh the immediate problems of more time-consuming reading. Both subject groups described using English as a medium in of education as a natural part of studying at a university and knowing academic English was perceived as a fundamental part of being a student. Although the teachers stated that the motivation behind using English textbooks was not to enhance the students’ language proficiency, most students believed that the advantage they could get from using English textbooks was to become more proficient in English or at least more familiar with academic English. One feature of this case study is to show the impact of having an inadequate knowledge of academic English which is rooted in insufficient training in the upper-secondary school system.       Key words: Internationalization, attitudes and beliefs, Parallel languages, English textbooks, Department of History of Religion

Complementation of adjectives : A corpus-based study of adjectival complementation by that- and to-clauses

Kaatari, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
This corpus-based study investigates adjectives that allow complementation by both that- and to-clauses. The study is concerned with arriving at a structural and functional description of the distribution of adjectives that allow complementation by both to-infinitive clauses and that-clauses, based on the various syntactic and semantic manifestations of these two clause types and the adjectives that are complemented by them. The study reveals that there is a strong correlation between the semantics of different adjectives, the grammatical patterns they allow and their differing valency possibilities. Furthermore, the study shows that to-clauses are primarily used when the subject of the complement clause does not need to be explicitly marked. Conversely, that-clauses are primarily used when the subject of the complement clause is required. Other factors influencing the choice between that- and to-clauses include the ability to mark modality and tense on the finite verb in that-clauses as well as differing register distribution. The ability to mark modality on the finite verb in that-clauses functions as a strong factor favouring the use of that-clauses. The differing register distribution reveals that post-predicative to-clauses typically are represented by complex matrix subjects in the academic register whereas the matrix subjects post-predicative to-clauses in fiction and the spoken register typically are represented by anaphoric personal pronouns. Furthermore, the register distribution of adjectives complemented by that- and to-clauses has been linked to differing functions of these clauses in different registers. The study shows that  extraposed to-clauses are frequently complementing epistemic matrix adjectives in the academic register. In the spoken register, on the other hand, post-predicative that-clauses with that omission are typically complementing evaluative predicates.

The PhonicStick Nursery Study : Can phonological awareness be initiated by using a speaking joystick?

Lindström, Nina, Peronius, Irmeli January 2010 (has links)
The PhonicStick Project

Musik som ett språkutvecklande verktyg med barn i förskoleåldern : ”Skogen skulle vara väldigt tyst om bara den bästa fågeln sjöng” / Music as a language development tool with children in preschool age : “The forest would be very quiet if only the best bird sang”

Hammarstedt, Caroline, Ericsson- Medin, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att studera vilken inverkan musiken kan ha på språkutveckling hos barn i förskoleåldern och att belysa fördelar med att använda sig av musik som en del av de vardagliga aktiviteterna och undervisningen. Vidare undersöks också pedagogers kunskap och trygghet i att använda sig av musik som språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolan och i förskoleklass. Metoden som användes var enkäter som delades ut till verksam personal på 2 skolor och 6 förskolor. Resultatet visar att respondenterna i enlighet med studerad litteratur, framhöll att musik har en positiv inverkan på barns språkutveckling, samtidigt som de ser musiken som glädjeskapande uttrycksmedel. Musik används mer eller mindre på förskolor och i förskoleklasser. Däremot svarar fler respondenter att de inte tycker sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper i användandet av musik som språkutvecklande verktyg. De anser alltså att musiken är språkutvecklande men vet inte riktigt hur de ska använda musiken i språkutvecklande syfte. Pedagogernas bristande kunskaper tyder alltså på att utbildningen inte gett tillräckliga kunskaper för användande av musik i språkutvecklande syfte.

Bilingual from Birth  : Is There a Right or Wrong Way to Raise a Child in a Bilingual Family?

Jonsson, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Negation in Japanese

Nyberg, Joacim January 2012 (has links)
Negation has fascinated thinkers and scholars for some 2,500 years.However, within linguistics, it is only in the recent years that negation has been given the attention it deserves. Within language typology, the main subject of investigation has been the notion of standard negation. This is well covered and data from several languages has been presented.When it comes to Japanese, it has proved hard to come across a detailed description of negation. There is a rich general literature covering many aspects of Japanese grammar, but there seems to be a lack of a work that investigates and collects all negation phenomena in one place. Furthermore, the general grammars do not take the typological perspective of negation into consideration. The aim of this thesis is to describe various negation strategies and related phenomena in the Japanese language and to put them in a typological perspective. To carry this out, a questionnaire for describing negation is used. Information and examples are extracted from grammars, articles, and a corpus. This is a descriptive text, and the analyses and conclusions presented can clearly contribute to the already existing literature on negation in Japanese, with the addition of a typological perspective.

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