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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Objeektem jååhkesjidh jallh ij jååhkesjh, åarjelsaemien gïelesne

Joma, Liv Karin January 2018 (has links)
Ulmie goerehtimmine goerehtidh mejtie soptsestæjjah, mah åarjelsaemiengïelem mubpine gïeline utnieh, raajesh nulle objeektine jååhkesjieh, jallh dah voestesgïeleste tsavtseme jïh eah raajesh nulle objeektine jååhkesjh. Soptsestæjjah aalterisnie 18 jïh 56 jaepieh meatan goerehtimmesne orreme, jïh referaansedåehkesne soptsestæjjah mah joekoen væjkele åarjelsaemien gïelesne. Goerehtimmie vuesehte voestesgïelen soptsestæjjah daejrieh guktie dah maehtieh nulle objeektem nuhtjedh. Men dah mah åarjelsaemien gïelem mubpine gïeline utnieh moenedieh guktie maahta nulle objeekth nuhtjedh mij vuesehte dah voestes gïeleste tsavtseme. / Målet med denne studien er å undersøke om testgruppen som har samisk som andrespråk aksepterer setninger med null objekt, eller om de er påvirket av transfereffekten av førstespråket og ikke tillater setninger med null objekt. Undersøkelsen er gjennomført på personer mellom 18 og 56 år, og referansegruppen består av talere med god kompetanse i sørsamisk. Undersøkelsen viser at de som har språket som førstespråk har god kunnskap om hvordan null objekt brukes. De som samisk som andrespråk gjetter i bruken av null objekt noe som viser at de er påvirket av sitt førstespråk.

Investigating the tonal contours of Sawi nouns : A contrastive analysis with established tonal features of Palula

Gomes, Andrew January 2014 (has links)
This study explores whether or not tonal contours are a contrastive feature in Sawi nouns. It aims to provide evidence towards the claim that Sawi has lost contrastive tones and provide a basis from which further research into how the use of qualitative vowel differences may have replaced the pitch accent system still found in Sawi’s closest relative, Palula. This was done through the analysis of a corpus of Sawi nouns with a computer program that visually stylizes prosodic and tonal features in audio samples of the language. This corpus was then analyzed for trends within itself as well as compared to known trends in the Palula lexicon. The findings support the original hypothesis that Sawi nouns do not have contrastive pitch accents, as found in Palula; and that further research may reveal a regular or semi-regular tonal contour accentuating the final mora of each noun.

Se men inte höra

Thomasson, Sophie January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Infants' ability to form verb-action associations

Marklund, Ellen January 2008 (has links)
Four- to eight-month-old infants (n=56) were examined on their ability to acquire verb meaning. In a visual preference procedure they were tested on their ability to form verb-action associations by detecting the correlation between auditory speech stimuli and actions presented in short movie clips on a screen. If associations were formed, they were expected to significantly modify their looking behavior after exposure, looking closer to the target than during baseline. Instead of measuring total looking time as response, distance to target was the chosen measure. Eight-month-olds as well as a reference group of adults acquired the verb-action associations. Thus, eight months is the youngest age at which verb meaning acquisition could be demonstrated so far.

En studie av blickar och pekningars språkliga funktion hos barn i interaktion.

Söderstedt, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur blickar och pekningar förhåller sig till barns verbala yttranden. Jag har använt ett videoinspelat material där 8 hörande barn med typisk utveckling mellan 0;8 och 5;10 år interagerar. Ur detta har jag klippt sekvenser som passar min frågeställning, implementerat dem i annotationsprogrammet ELAN, och sedan annoterat och analyserat materialet. Av 77 deklarativa-informativa pekningar i det slutliga materialet fann jag 68 ha den tidigare kända funktionen för denna pekningstyp, att förekomma i en vanlig påståendesats. De återstående 9 hade ett blickmönster som skilde sig från dessa. Jag anser att dessa pekningar tillför yttrandet en betonande funktion. Jag fann även ytterligare 7 pekningar i samband med interrogativa satser som inte är tidigare beskrivna. De följde samma blickmönster som de betonade pekningarna. De slutsatser jag drog var att blickar i kombination med pekningar hos barn kan ha en betonande och en interrogativ funktion.

"Authoritative" or "Neurotic" : A Study of Adjectival Descriptions of the Three Main Characters in Bridget Jones's Diary, with Special Reference to Gender Differences

Wirgell, Linnea January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

English in the Swedish Legal System and University Law Programme

Lindahl, Carolina January 2006 (has links)
This paper presents a critical overview of the current use of English within legal education and the legal profession in Sweden. In addition, it attempts to characterize attitudes towards the use of English within Swedish law practice. The paper will make use of information obtained from a selection of law firms, the Swedish National Courts Administration and the Swedish Public Office of Prosecution. It will also make use of comments and information from a selection of professionals and other bodies such as the European Commission, the Swedish Language Council and the Swedish Bar Association.  The central aim of this essay is to present a clear picture of the extent to which English is actually used within current Swedish legal practice. It directly addresses the question of whether the level of English that Swedish law graduates are exposed to in their legal studies adequately provides them with the skills required by the professional legal world. It is claimed that there is an apparent miscommunication between legal education and its corresponding profession, which is creating a very unfortunate situation for students. In addition, it is suggested that redesigning the Swedish law programme, as a response to the demands of English within the Swedish legal profession, is necessary to properly prepare students for legal practise in Sweden. The law programme must function as a platform for theoretical growth as well as the future, practical success of students. Striving for excellence among students should not be restricted to the theoretical aspect of a subject but must include the ability of students to put their theoretical knowledge to practical use. It is argued that English is a needed supplement in the successful practise of law in Sweden and as such must be an integrated part of the legal education program.

Grammatisk finithet i Cupeño

Ståhl, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i både traditionell och samtida syn på finithet har det uto-aztekiska språket cupeño studerats. Flera grammatiska markörer för såväl subjektskongruens som temporala, modala och aspektuella distinktioner definieras. Dessa markörer kan i huvudsatser i cupeño uppträda i antingen ett auxiliarkomplex i Wackernagels position eller som affix på verbet. Subjektskongruens och olika TMA-markörer definieras som två skilda grammatiska system. Framför allt markörerna för subjektskongruens kan bibehållas i underordnade satser, som också har speciella markörer för underordning. Även om skillnader finns mellan över- och underordnade satser så finns ingen distinktion mellan finita och icke finita verb. Förutom verbkonstruktioner i över- respektive underordnade satser definieras också verbkonstruktioner med nominal morfologi och imperativ som egna typer av verbkonstruktioner, som varierar i vilken utsträckning finita drag förekommer.

SKORR : möjliga orsaker till fenomenet / Skorr. : Dorsala realiseringar på Kuba, Puerto Rico och Dominikanska Republiken: möjliga orsaker till fenomenet.

Fougstedt, Mileydi January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats avser att kartlägga förekomsten av skorr i det spansktalande Karibien. Dorsala realiseringar av fonemet /r/, dvs skorr är ett fenomen som inte är belagt i europeisk spanska. Hur kommer det sig? Jag har försökt utröna de möjliga orsakerna till varför bakre /r/ förekommer i spanskan i den karibiska övärlden trots att det inte förekommer i standardspanska. Uppsatsen har visst fokus på Kuba, men berör också Puerto Rico och Dominikanska Republiken. Syftet har varit att försöka hitta en geografisk korrelation mellan olika språk och etniska grupper samt förekomsten av skorr i karibisk spanska. Resultaten är inte enhetliga. På Puerto Rico verkar skorr ha spritts sedan 1980-talet. På Kuba har fenomenet fått mer uppmärksamhet sedan 1970-talet. Beträffande Dominikanska Republiken var underlaget bristfälligt och det gick inte att dra säkra slutsatser. Enligt befintlig litteratur har fonemet /r/ i Karibien åtminstone sju dorsala realiseringar fördelade som följer: [n],[R],[ʁ],[x],[χ],[h]och [ɣ], varav de sista sex här betraktas som instanser av skorr. Ibland förekommer skorr i hela områden och ibland fläckvis. Ibland korrelerar skorr med någon av hypoteserna, och ibland inte alls. Resultaten är inte entydiga, men i stort korrelerar skorr med det faktum att den spanska övärlden har haft stora bosättningar av franska och fransk-kreoltalare, de enda grannar som konsekvent har skorr i sitt foneminventarium.  Ingen annanstans i Spanskamerika har skorr belagts.

The Use of Adjectives in Contemporary Fashion Magazines : A Gender Based Study

Morelius, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
This essay investigates how adjectives are used in fashion magazines in order to determine if the use differs regarding the targeted gender of the magazines, regarding the gender of the author of the article and regarding the gender of the person featured in the article. The aim is to determine if different types of adjectives are used, and if the frequency of the use of adjectives differs. A close reading of the articles was the method for identifying the adjectives, and the adjectives were classified as positive or negative in the context. In addition, all color terms and adjectives directly describing the person featured were identified separately. The results show that there are differences in terms of frequency. Women tend to use more adjectives than men. However, there are more adjectives included in magazines that target men and magazines featuring men. Men and women use different types of adjectives as well; positive adjectives are frequently used by women and negative by men. However, more negative adjectives are included in magazines targeting women whilst positive adjective are more frequently used in magazines targeting men. Regarding color adjectives, no clear differences are found. Adjectives describing the person featured differ regarding the gender of the author. Women are more frequent users. In addition, more adjectives are used to describe women than men. Women uses the types of adjectives describing the person featured more frequently. Adjectives describing personality are more common. Lastly, some differences between genders and adjectives that are viewed as restricted to women and men can been identified. It is possible to conclude that fashion magazines sustain gender roles in their representations.

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