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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intergeneric hybridisation between Fragaria vesca and Potentilla fruticosa

Silva, Tara January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Protoplast culture and somatic hybridisation of cultivated rice, Oryza sativa, and the wild relative of rice, Porteresia coarctata

Jelodar, Nadali Babaeian January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Selection for faster growing black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri

R.Doupe@murdoch.edu.au, Robert Gerard Doupe January 2004 (has links)
In Australia, the widespread clearing of native vegetation has resulted in large areas of once-productive agricultural land being affected by rising saline groundwaters. There is considerable interest among farmers and rural landowners throughout Western Australia, in the possibilities that inland saline aquaculture may offer for a potentially productive use of land and water resources that can no longer support traditional agriculture. Black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) appear to be an ideal candidate for the developing saline aquaculture industry of inland Western Australia, however their current maximum growth rates are too slow for profitable production. The high productivity of modern breeds of terrestrial livestock species is primarily due to genetic improvement programs utilising selective breeding, and similar gains have also been made where they have been implemented for aquatic species. Before the growth rate of black bream can be genetically improved, however, it is necessary to estimate both the extent of genetic improvement required and the extent of genetic (co)variation in those growth traits which will be subject to, or affected by, selection. The aims of this study were to: (1) Determine the extent of genetic improvement in growth rate required for black bream to be considered as a profitable aquaculture species. (2) Estimate the potential for growth rate to be improved through heterosis when different black bream strains are crossbred. (3) Estimate the additive genetic variation for growth rate, which exists within populations of black bream. (4) Estimate the genetic (co)variation which exists between growth rate and other production traits. A partial budget analysis investigated whether enhanced growth rates of black bream would improve profitability and justify a genetic improvement program. It was conducted for two different fish production systems; a commercial operation that incurred more operating expenses due to costs associated with farm initiation (stand-alone farm model) and an existing farm that diversified into aquaculture using the saline water resources of established farm dams (integrated farm model). Sensitivity analyses indicated that a 33% increase in growth rate to at least 200g/annum would allow either production system to return a profit at a farm-gate price of AUS$6/kg whole fish, with fish survival rates of 98% for the stand-alone farm and 65% for the integrated farm model. These results provided a breeding objective, being an improvement in growth rate by at least 33%. A complete diallel cross of two black bream populations was used to estimate the comparative advantages that might be gained from straight-breeding and crossbreeding. At 90 days of age, the growth traits of standard length, total length and wet weight, varied significantly among all straight-bred and crossbred lines, and among half-sib groups within lines. Differences among half-sib groups explained 6.8% of the total variance in standard length, 8.3% in total length and 7.1% in wet weight, giving estimated heritabilities over all lines of 0.27 ± 0.11 for standard length, 0.33 ± 0.13 for total length and 0.28 ± 0.12 for wet weight. There was no evidence for heterosis in any traits when straight-bred and crossbred lines were compared, and phenotypic (rP = 0.95 – 0.98) and genetic (rG = 0.63 – 0.69) correlations were high among all growth traits. I used the estimated heritability for wet weight of 0.28 to optimise a factorial mating design from a single population, and to estimate the contribution of additive genetic, nonadditive genetic and maternal effects to variation in growth traits of black bream at 75, 130 and 180 days of age in the hatchery. Maternal genetic and environmental effects were greatest at 75 days of age, accounting for 9.1% of total phenotypic variance in wet weight, 11.4% of variance in standard length and 8.8% of variance in total length. At later ages maternal effects were much reduced, explaining 0.8 – 3.7% of phenotypic variance in growth traits. Additive genetic effects were greatest at 130 days of age, when they accounted for 17.4% of total phenotypic variance in wet weight, 21.4% of variance in standard length and 18.7% of variance in total length. Additive genetic effects were negligible (<1%) at 75 days of age and 4.8 – 5.5% of total phenotypic variance in growth traits at 180 days of age. Non-additive genetic effects (which also included common environmental effects due to families being raised in the same tank) explained 5.8 – 7.3% of total phenotypic variance in growth traits at 75 days of age, but were much smaller at later ages. Variable stocking densities among tanks up to 75 days significantly affected all growth trait measurements below 180 days of age. One of the most important of these traits is feed conversion efficiency. Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) is the effectiveness with which feed is converted to saleable fish product. Feed costs are a major input to aquaculture production systems and genetic changes in FCE may therefore have an important influence on profitability. FCE is usually expressed by a composite measure that combines feed intake and growth rate. The two most common measures are feed conversion ratio (feed intake/weight gain over a specified time interval) and its inverse, feed efficiency. Feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency are measures of gross FCE, because they do not distinguish between the separate energy requirements of growth and maintenance. There is abundant evidence of substantial genetic variation in FCE and its component traits in terrestrial livestock species and, although data are few, the same is likely for cultured fish species. The major problems with selecting from this variation to genetically improve FCE in fish species are: • It appears impractical to measure feed intake on individual fish, so that family mean data must be used. • We do not know the optimal time period over which to test fish for FCE. • We do not know the genetic correlations between FCE under apparent satiation or restricted intake conditions, or between FCE at different times in the production cycle. I measured the relationships between feed intake to apparent satiety and weight gain in replicate half-sib families of black bream at four times over a 56-day test period. After 42 days, I found significant additive genetic variance in both weight gain and feed intake, and a stabilisation in family group variation in both traits. This indicates that 42 days is the minimum test period over which to measure genetic variation for FCE in black bream. There were high, positive phenotypic (and probably genetic) correlations between weight gain and feed intake after 42 days. There was no detectable genetic variation for either feed efficiency (weight gain/feed intake), or residual feed intake, which is the difference between the actual feed intake of an individual and the intake predicted from its body weight and growth rate. I argue that selection for improved FCE might be better achieved not by using a composite measure, but by using a weighted selection index that accounts for the genetic covariance among weight gain, feed intake and other correlated traits.

Avaliação de características tecnológicas de madeira para serraria em progênies de polinização aberta de eucalipto e implicações para o melhoramento genético. / Evaluation of technological properties of wood in open-pollinated progenies of eucalypt and its implication for sawn timber breeding program.

Santos, Paulo Eduardo Telles dos 08 May 2002 (has links)
Foram avaliadas 41 progênies de polinização aberta de Eucalyptus grandis procedência Luís Antônio (ex-Atherton, Austrália), em dois experimentos instalados na área experimental da empresa Votorantim Celulose e Papel, em Altinópolis-SP. Um dos experimentos era constituído de 20 progênies e outro de 21 progênies, ambos no delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 3 repetições e parcelas lineares de 6 plantas. A avaliação experimental foi realizada no ano 2000, à idade de 8 anos. Para isso foram escolhidas 2 árvores de cada parcela, caracterizadas por uma maior aptidão visual para serraria. No total foram avaliadas 242 árvores, 299 toras e 1.200 tábuas. De cada árvore foram retirados 3 discos de madeira, um em cada posição (base, meio e topo) a intervalos aproximados de 2,60m, para determinação da densidade básica e da umidade natural. As toras foram avaliadas quanto ao volume sem casca, excentricidade, teor de casca, rachaduras de extremidades e relação alburno/cerne. Posteriormente, as toras foram convertidas em tábuas na serraria industrial da empresa Eucatex S/A Indústria e Comércio, em Salto-SP, sendo o desdobro primário efetuado em serra de fita dupla e o secundário em serra múltipla circular. As tábuas foram avaliadas na condição verde quanto aos empenamentos e, nas condições verde e seca (12% de umidade), quanto às rachaduras de extremidades. As propriedades físico-mecânicas foram avaliadas na condição seca em corpos-de-prova oriundos da tábua mais externa. Os caracteres avaliados foram: massa específica, compressão paralela, cisalhamento paralelo e flexão estática. Os dados experimentais foram submetidos a análises estatístico-genéticas, como uso do programa estatístico SAS ® , aplicando-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML) para a estimação dos componentes de variância. Foram detectadas diferenças estatísticas significativas para os caracteres densidade básica, rachaduras de tora, relação alburno/cerne, encurvamento, massa específica, compressão paralela e flexão estática, os quais mostraram ser promissores para o melhoramento, com herdabilidades entre médias de progênies de 0,34; 0,31; 0,39; 0,39; 0,61; 0,57 e 0,50, respectivamente. Para os caracteres umidade natural, rachaduras de tábuas, volume de tora sem casca, excentricidade de tora, teor de casca, arqueamento e cisalhamento paralelo não foi detectada a ocorrência de variação genética. Detectou-se também a existência de correlações genéticas de magnitudes medianas a altas entre as propriedades físico-mecânicas e entre os caracteres densidade básica e rachaduras de tora, densidade básica e encurvamento, massa específica e encurvamento, relação alburno/cerne e encurvamento, volume de tora e encurvamento, volume de tora e rachaduras de tora. As estimativas dos ganhos esperados com a seleção entre médias de progênies, numa intensidade de 20%, indicaram a possibilidade de ganhos para os caracteres volume de tora (0,59%), densidade básica (- 2,15%), rachaduras de tora (- 7,69%) e encurvamento (- 2,65%), considerando que para os três últimos a seleção é para a redução das médias. Verificou-se também que um índice de seleção composto por esses quatro caracteres pode proporcionar ganhos de mesma magnitude daqueles que seriam obtidos individualmente para os três últimos caracteres. Quanto aos aspectos tecnológicos, as seguintes constatações foram observadas: a) o padrão de variação da densidade básica foi de um grande decréscimo inicial seguido de um pequeno aumento e, no caso da umidade natural, de um contínuo decréscimo; b) os caracteres teor de casca, relação alburno/cerne, encurvamento e rachaduras de extremidades de tora e de tábuas foram bastante influenciados pela posição de amostragem na árvore; c) um comportamento semelhante entre as primeiras e as segundas toras em relação às rachaduras e ao arqueamento da madeira serrada produzida. / Forty-one open pollinated progenies of Eucalyptus grandis provenance Luís Antônio-SP (ex-Atherton, Australia) were evaluated in two field trials established in an experimental area belonging to the private company Votorantim Celulose e Papel, at Altinópolis-SP. One trial was composed by 20 progenies and the other by 21 progenies, both in a completely randomized blocks design. A total of 242 trees, 299 logs and 1,200 boards were evaluated. Three discs from each tree were provided, each one corresponding to a different position (bottom, middle and top), 2.60m apart, in order to determine the basic density and the moisture content. The logs were evaluated for volume without bark, eccentricity, bark content, end splits and sapwood/heartwood proportion. The primary and secondary mechanical processing of the logs were carried out in an industrial sawmill equipped with a twin band saw and a two shafts circular saw, respectively. The boards were evaluated in green condition for warping and in green/dried (12% of moisture) condition for end splits. Wood samples from the outer boards of the logs were used to determine their physical-mechanical properties, such as: specific gravity, parallel compression, shear strength and static bending. The experimental data were submitted to statistical-genetic analysis by using the SAS ® software and, to estimate the variance components, the Restricted Maximum Likelihood Variance Components Estimation (REML) method was used. Significant differences were detected for the traits basic density, log end splitting, sapwood/heartwood proportion, bowing, specific gravity, parallel compression and static bending, which showed promising for breeding purposes, with estimates of heritability coefficients of 0.34, 0.31, 0.39, 0.39, 0.61, 0.57 and 0.50, respectively. Genetic variation was not detected for the traits moisture content, board end splitting, volume of log without bark, log eccentricity, bark content, crooking and shear strength. Estimates of genetic correlations, ranging from intermediate to high, were also observed among physical-mechanical properties and between the traits basic density and log end splitting, basic density and bowing, specific gravity and bowing, sapwood/heartwood proportion and bowing, volume of log and bowing and volume of log and log end splitting. The expected response to selection among progenies, under a selection intensity of 20%, revealed the perspective of immediate gains for the traits volume of log (0.59%), basic density (- 2.15%), log end splitting (- 7.69%) and bowing (- 2.65%), considering that for the latter three traits the selection was oriented to reduction of the means. It was also observed that a selection index composed by these four traits could give similar responses to those predicted by selecting each one of the latter three individually. In relation to technological aspects, the following findings were observed: a) the pattern of variation along the first part of the bole was of a large initial decrease followed by a small increase for basic density, and a continuous decrease for moisture content; b) the traits bark content, sapwood/heartwood proportion, bowing, log end splitting and board end splitting were very influenced by the position of sampling on the tree; c) a similar performance among the first and second logs in relation to end board splitting and crooking.

Déterminisme génétique et environnemental des propriétés du bois de LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA : adaptation aux reboisements malgaches et apports à la production ligneuse / Genetic and environmental determinism of wood properties of Liquidambar styraciflua L. of Mandraka : adaptation to Malagasy reforestation and timber production

Rakotovololonalimanana, Herizo 29 October 2013 (has links)
A part le défrichement pour l'agriculture, le comblement du déficit sur le marché local malgache en bois d'énergie et en bois d'œuvre fait partie des sources de la diminution de la couverture forestière à Madagascar. Afin de préserver les forêts naturelles malgaches, reconnues comme sources de méga-biodiversité, tout en remplissant les besoins en bois du marché local ; les forêts de plantation présentent un enjeu crucial pour Madagascar. Cependant, les bois provenant de la plantation forestière malgache, généralement dominée par les espèces du genre Eucalyptus et Pinus, offrent moins de choix et n'ont pas les qualités requises pour se substituer aux bois des forêts naturelles notamment pour l'ameublement et la menuiserie. Le bois de Liquidambar styraciflua est utilisé dans de nombreux pays en ameublement, emballage ou pour la fabrication de contreplaqués. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de contribuer à l'amélioration du Liquidambar styraciflua pour une sylviculture et une utilisation de son bois adaptées au contexte malgache. L'approche ici est originale car elle combine l'étude des caractères de croissance au champ, la production et la qualité grainière, la croissance juvénile et les propriétés des bois tout en considérant la variabilité génétique de l'espèce. Pour ce faire, les données d'inventaire annuels de l'essai de provenances de Liquidambar à Mandraka ont permis d'évaluer l'adaptation de l'espèce et la variabilité intraspécifique de sa croissance. Des échantillonnages de graines accompagnés de tests de germination et de croissance en pépinière ont été effectués pour évaluer la faculté de multiplication et sa variabilité afin de pouvoir se prononcer à la possibilité de vulgarisation de l'espèce. Enfin, ce travail porte également sur la caractérisation des propriétés physico-mécaniques et de durabilité naturelle du bois de Liquidambar. A l'issue de ces essais et de ces expérimentations, ce travail de thèse à mis en évidence que le Liquidambar de Mandraka montre une bonne adaptation avec une croissance élevée par rapport aux essais internationaux de provenances de Liquidambar promus par le Commonwealth Forestry Institute. De plus, la croissance de Liquidambar à Mandraka est semblable à celle des espèces du genre Eucalyptus mais meilleure par rapport à celle des Pinus quand ils sont plantés dans les mêmes conditions écologiques. La production grainière du Liquidambar de la Mandraka est plus élevée que dans son aire naturelle de distribution. Les graines de Liquidambar de la Mandraka présentent une vitesse et un taux germination élevé respectivement de 75% et de 83%. Ceci confirme la bonne adaptation de l'espèce dans les conditions d'étude. Nos travaux suggèrent que les arbres de grande dimension produisent des graines plus fertiles et les semis ont une croissance juvénile plus rapide (jusqu'à l'âge de 425 jours) par rapports aux semis issus des arbre-mères de taille plus petite. Ce travail de thèse a mis également en lumière que les méthodes indirectes de caractérisations du bois comme la Spectrométrie Proche Infra-Rouge, les ultrasons se sont avérées efficaces pour estimer les propriétés physico-mécaniques du bois de Liquidambar en plus des mesures standardisées également utilisées. Les propriétés physico-mécaniques du bois de Liquidambar sont moyennes parmi celles des bois communément utilisés. Les extractibles du bois de Liquidambar sont à l'état de traces et son bois n'est pas durable face aux attaques des termites du genre Reticulitermes et aux champignons Coniophora puteanea et Coriolus versicolor. Des corrélations phénotypiques faibles à fortes ont été observées entre les propriétés physico-mécaniques du bois de Liquidambar ; ce qui suggère qu'une amélioration sylvicole ou génétique visant à augmenter la valeur d'une propriété (physique ou mécanique) donnée pourrait avoir pour conséquence d'augmenter ou de diminuer la valeur d'autres propriétés physico-mécaniques. / Beyond the clearance for agricultural, the filling of the deficiency of wood as energy and material for the Malagasy local market takes part in the reduction of the forest cover in Madagascar. In order to preserve Malagasy natural forests, known to be a mega-biodiversity reservoir, with also full-filling the local demand in wood, the plantation forests represent a crucial challenge. Nevertheless, the timbers coming from the planted Malagasy forest, generally dominated by Eucalyptus and Pine species, offer less choice and do not have the required qualities to substitute the timber from natural forest, especially for carpentry, joinery and furniture manufacturing. Liquidambar styraciflua timber is used in many countries for packaging, veneer, plywood and furniture production. The objective of this work is to contribute to the improvement of Liquidambar styraciflua for a forestry and end-use in adequation with the Malagasy context. The approach used is original because it combines the study of the growing characteristics in the field, the production and the quality of the seeds, the juvenile growth and the wood properties, with considering also the genetic variability of the species. In order to do so, the inventory annual data of the provenance trial of Liquidambar in Mandraka has allowed evaluating the adaptation of this species and the intra-specific variability of its growth. Seed samplings, germination tests and tree nursery growth tests have been performed to evaluate the multiplication ability and its variability in order to state about the vulgarization possibility for this species. Finally, this work was also about the characterization of physic-mechanical and natural durability properties of Liquidambar timber. Once these trials and experiments completed, this work showed that Liquidambar from Mandraka presents a good adaptability associated with an important growth compared to other Liquidambar international provenance trials done by the Commonwealth Forestry Institute. Moreover, the growth of Liquidambar from Mandraka is similar to Eucalyptus species and better than Pinus species when planted in the same ecological environment. The seed production of Liquidambar from Mandraka is higher than in its natural distribution area. Its seeds present a high speed and rate of germination of 75% and 83%, respectively. This confirms the good adaptation of this species for the considered studied conditions. Our study suggest that tallest trees produce more fertile seeds and seedlings have a more rapid juvenile growth (up to 425 days) compared to seedlings coming from smaller mother tree. This work has also brought into light that indirect methods such as Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy, ultrasonic methods were efficient to estimate the physic-mechanical properties of Liquidambar timber, in addition to the standardized methods used. The physico-mechanical properties of Liquidambar timber are average compared to the most commonly used. Liquidambar timber extractible content is very low and it is not durable neither towards Reticulitermes termites, nor Coniophora puteanea and Coriolus versicolor Basidiomycete fungi. Low to strong phenotypic correlations between the physic-properties have been observed ; suggesting that a genetic or silvicultural improvement aiming to up-grade a property (physic or mechanic) could, in consequence, increase or decrease the value of another physic-mechanical property. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to get adequate experiments (test descendance from cross experiments) to estimate the genetic correlations. Concerning the variability, the physico-mechanical properties of Liquidambar timber follow a linear or logarithmic tendency from pith to bark, and normal, as well as tension wood was observed. The growing and multiplication characteristics of liquidambar are more variable than its physico-mechanical properties.

Valor nutricional, perfil de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de genótipos de açaí (Euterpe oleracea)

Torma, Priscila do Carmo Marchioro Raupp January 2016 (has links)
O açaí (Euterpe oleracea) é um fruto proveniente do açaizeiro, uma palmeira nativa da Amazônia Brasileira, considerado uma “superfruta” devido ao seu alto valor nutricional, com destaque para as antocianinas, associadas a efeitos benéficos à saúde. Uma vez que genótipos de frutos desenvolvidos por programas de melhoramento têm sido avaliados a fim de identificar frutos com composição fitoquímica melhorada e potencial antioxidante, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito do melhoramento genético na composição química, perfil de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de seis genótipos de açaí (E. oleracea). Análises de composição química, perfil de antocianinas e carotenoides e de atividade antioxidante em diversos sistemas in vitro (método ABTS, oxidação da glutationa, teste da desoxirribose e células SH-SY5Y) foram realizadas em 6 genótipos e 1 amostra comercial utilizada como padrão. Com relação a composição química, de maneira geral, os genótipos apresentaram elevados teores de lipídeos (36,30 – 47,44%), fibras totais (11,31 – 15,88%), proteínas (7,78-9,50%) e cinzas (3,49 – 4,44%). Adicionalmente, as antocianinas cianidina 3-glicosídeo (12-43%) e cianidina 3-rutinosídeo (57-88%) foram identificadas nos genótipos avaliados e o genótipo L22P13 apresentou um incremento de 85% no teor de antocianinas totais. Com relação ao perfil de carotenoides, luteína, zeaxantina, α-caroteno e β-caroteno foram os principais carotenoides identificados nos genótipos avaliados, sendo que os genótipos BRS-PAMISTA e L22P13 apresentaram os teores mais elevados de carotenoides totais (125,39μg/g e 118μg/g). Com relação a atividade antioxidante, todos os genótipos reduziram a geração do radical ABTS em maior ou menor grau, embora diferenças significativas entre os genótipos e a amostra comercial não tenham sido observadas (IC50 = 73,98 – 175,7 vs. 121,7 μg/g). Entretanto, houve associação moderada e inversa entre a geração do radical ABTS e níveis de antocianinas e carotenoides. Ausência de diferenças significativas entre os extratos hidroetanólicos dos genótipos e a amostra comercial também foi observada no ensaio da desoxirribose (IC50 = 361,5 – 497,7 vs. 520,1 μg/g). Em cultura de células SH-SY5Y, os extratos hidroetanólicos na concentração de 50 μg/mL apresentaram um efeito protetor contra as espécies reativas geradas pelo H2O2 (ensaio DCFH-DA) e esse resultado foi associado ao teor de antocianinas dos extratos. Os resultados apontam genótipos promissores, com elevados teores de antocianinas e carotenoides, com potencial atividade antioxidante in vitro e um possível efeito protetor de células frente as espécies reativas. / The açaí (Euterpe oleracea) is a fruit of the açaizeiro, a native palm of the Brazilian Amazon, considered a "superfruit" due to its high nutritional value, especially anthocyanins, associated with beneficial health effects. Since fruit genotypes developed by breeding programs have been evaluated to identify fruits with improved phytochemical composition and antioxidant potential, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of genetic improvement in the chemical composition, bioactive compounds profile and antioxidant activity of six açaí (E. oleracea) genotypes. The analysis of chemical composition, anthocyanins and carotenoids profile and antioxidant activity in various in vitro systems (ABTS method, glutathione oxidation, deoxyribose test and SH-SY5Y cells) were performed in six genotypes of açaí and one commercial sample that was used as standard. Regarding the chemical composition, in general, the genotypes showed high levels of lipids (36.30 – 47.44%), total fiber (11.31 – 15.88%), protein (7.78-9.50%) and ashes (3.49 – 4.44%). In addition, the anthocyanins cyanidin 3-glucoside (12-43%) and cyanidin 3-rutinoside (57-88%) were identified in evaluated genotypes and L22P13 genotype showed an increase of 85% in total anthocyanin content. Regarding the carotenoid profile, lutein, zeaxanthin, α-carotene and β-carotene were the main carotenoid identified in genotypes, being that BRS-PAMISTA and L22P13 genotypes showed the highest levels of total carotenoids (125.39 μg/g and 118 μg/g). Regarding the antioxidant activity, all genotypes reduced ABTS radical generation in greater or lesser extension, although there were no significant differences between hydroethanolic extracts of different genotypes and the commercial sample (IC50 = 73.98 - 175.7 vs. 121.7 μg/g). However, an inverse and moderate association between radical ABTS generation and anthocyanins and carotenoids content was observed. Absence of significant differences between hydroethanolic extracts of evaluated genotypes and the commercial sample was observed also in the deoxyribose assay (IC50 = 361.5 to 497.7 vs. 520.1 μg/g). In culture of SH-SY5Y cells, hydroethanolic extracts at concentration of 50 μg/mL had a protective effect against the reactive species generated by H2O2 (DCFH-DA assay) and this result was associated with the anthocyanins content of the extracts. The results showed promising genotypes with high levels of anthocyanins and carotenoids with antioxidant potential in vitro and a possible protective effect of cells against reactive species.

Estudos biométricos em cana-de-açúcar nas microrregiões mata norte e litoral sul de Pernambuco

ALBUQUERQUE, Aurélia Pietrina da Costa 01 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (ana.araujo@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-06T15:55:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Aurelia Pietrina da Costa Albuquerque.pdf: 1587397 bytes, checksum: 4d39a4318ddb3add33ed27770d7ec304 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-06T15:55:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aurelia Pietrina da Costa Albuquerque.pdf: 1587397 bytes, checksum: 4d39a4318ddb3add33ed27770d7ec304 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In order to continually evaluate promising varieties or new clones, the experimentation become increasingly frequent behavior and to determine the feasibility of its use in commercial plantations. The objective of this study was analyze the behavior of eleven clones and fifiteen varieties in the sugarcane microrregion Mata Norte of Pernambuco. The study was conducted in the agricultural area of Sugar Mill Olho d’gua. Were used a randomized block experimental design with four replications. The variables analyzed were: pol tons per hectare, tons of cane per hectare, fiber, pol% corrected, purity, content of soluble solids and total recoverable sugar. Were conducted the variance analysis of the experiments, means were grouped by Skott& Knott test at 5% probability. In the first harvest season, stood out as more productive, RB92579, RB942991 RB867515 and in the second season RB93509, RB75126 and SP81-3250. And finally in the third cropping season stood out RB92579, RB93509 RB867515. / Com o intuito de avaliar continuamente as variedades ou novos clones, as experimentações tornam-se cada vez mais frequentes para determinar o comportamento e a viabilidade de seu aproveitamento em plantios comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento de 11 clones e 15 variedades de cana-de-açúcar na microrregião canavieira da Mata Norte de Pernambuco. O experimento foi conduzido na área agrícola da Usina Olho D’água, onde foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: toneladas de pol por hectare, toneladas de cana por hectare, fibra, pol % corrigida, pureza, teor de sólidos solúveis e açúcar total recuperável. Realizou-se a análise de variância conjunta dos experimentos, as médias foram agrupadas pelo teste de Skott&Knott ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Realizou-se a estimativa de parâmetros genéticos. Na primeira época, de colheita destacaram-se como mais produtivas, RB92579, RB867515 e RB942991. Na segunda época, a RB93509, SP81-3250 e RB75126. E, finalmente, na terceira época de colheita, destacaram-se RB92579, RB867515 e RB93509.

Análise dialética em algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) para tolerância à seca

Vasconcelos, Ubieli Alves Araújo 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-05-11T13:46:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Ubieli Alves Araújo Vasconcelos.pdf: 1747559 bytes, checksum: 9c92c8208f13fd0636cc2431631976dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Secta BC (secta.csu.bc@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-07-21T20:46:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Ubieli Alves Araújo Vasconcelos.pdf: 1747559 bytes, checksum: 9c92c8208f13fd0636cc2431631976dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Secta BC (secta.csu.bc@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-07-21T20:46:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Ubieli Alves Araújo Vasconcelos.pdf: 1747559 bytes, checksum: 9c92c8208f13fd0636cc2431631976dc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-21T20:46:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Ubieli Alves Araújo Vasconcelos.pdf: 1747559 bytes, checksum: 9c92c8208f13fd0636cc2431631976dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Cotton is a crop of large economic value at worldwide. The Brazilian production is around 1.5 million tons, coming mainly from the Mid West, Southeast and Northeast region, specially Cerrado areas. Despite to importance of crop to Brazil, there is a broad demand to investment in breeding area focusing on selection of promising genotypes as to yield and regional adaptation. In order to attend this demand, breeding programs have focused on generation of different lines by hybridization, using robust genitors, aiming broaden the genetic background of the lines and to favor the selection procedures. In this study we used 20 cotton lines, obtained through diallel crosses with parents of Moco and herbaceous types, aiming to estimate the GCC and SCC in materials tolerant to drought, based on agronomic traits. The study was carried out in semiarid environment, at Barbalha Station, CE, in dry season, using water supplementation. After the appearance of the first buds, plants were subjected to 23 days of water suppression, and re-established watering thereafter. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with 20 treatments and factorial scheme (20 x 2), and three replications. The variables evaluated were: plant height, Productivity, fiber percentage, Boll weight, Rising of first flower and Rising of first boll. Additionally, total chlorophyll content in leaves was determined. The statistical analysis wasperformed by GENE program. Analyses of combinatorial capacities were performed according to the method adapted by Griffing (1956), which estimates the effects of GCC of each parent and the effects of SCC. There was wide variation between the parents for the analyzed variables. The follow parents showed best estimates of GCA, and therefore, have more favorable alleles, based on traits studied: BRS 286, CNPA 5M and CNPA 7MH. To SCC, the hybrids BRS 286 X CNPA 5M, BRS RUBI X CNPA 5M and BRS 286 X BRS Serido demonstrated complementarity Plant hight and porductivity. The estimates of GCC and SCC presented in this paper provided valuable inputs to cotton improvement, as to both parents and hybrid selections. / O algodão é uma cultura de grande importância econômica mundialmente. No Brasil a produção encontra-se na faixa de 1,5 milhões de toneladas, oriundas principalmente das regiões Centro - Oeste, Sudeste e Nordeste, com maior área situada nos Cerrados. Apesar do crescimento da cultura em nível nacional, há necessidade de investimento na área de melhoramento genético com fins de selecionar genótipos promissores para produção e adaptação regional. Para tanto, os programas de melhoramento têm focalizado na geração de linhagens divergentes, por meio de hibridações com progenitores robustos, de modo a ampliar a base genética das linhagens e favorecer os procedimentos de seleção. Nesse trabalho utilizou-se uma população composta de 20 híbridos de algodão, obtida via cruzamentos dialelicos com genitores dos tipos arbóreo e herbáceo, objetivando estimar as CGC e CEC dos materiais tolerantes a seca, focalizando em caracteres agronômicos. O trabalho foi conduzido em ambiente semiárido, em Barbalha, CE, em regime de sequeiro com complementação hídrica.Após o surgimento dos primeiros botões florais, as plantas foram submetidas a 23 dias de supressão hídrica, sendo restabelecidas as regas após esse período. O delineamento experimental adotado foi de blocos ao acaso, com 20 tratamentos, com esquema fatorial 20 x 2, e três repetições. As variáveis avaliadas foram: Altura de planta, Produtividade, Percentagem de fibras, Peso de um capulho, Surgimento da primeira flor e Surgimento da primeira maçã. Adicionalmente, determinou-se o teor de Clorofila total nas folhas. As analises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo programa GENES. As análises das capacidades combinatórias foram realizadas de acordo com o modelo adaptado por Griffing (1956), que estima os efeitos da capacidade geral de combinação CGC de cada parental e os efeitos da capacidade específica de combinação CEC. Verificou-se ampla variabilidade entre os genitores para as variáveis analisadas. Os genitores que apresentaram as melhores estimativas de CGC e com maior número de alelos favoraveis para as principais características estudadas foram BRS 286, CNPA 5M e CNPA 7MH, enquanto que para CEC, os híbridos BRS 286 X CNPA 5M, BRS RUBI X CNPA 5M e BRS 286 X BRS SERIDO destacaram-se por demonstrar melhores estimativas de CEC e complementaridade para ALT e PROD em condições de estresse hídrico. As estimativas de CGC e CEC ofereceram contribuições valiosas no processo de seleção no melhoramento genético, tanto de genitores como de combinações hibridas.

Valor nutricional, perfil de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de genótipos de açaí (Euterpe oleracea)

Torma, Priscila do Carmo Marchioro Raupp January 2016 (has links)
O açaí (Euterpe oleracea) é um fruto proveniente do açaizeiro, uma palmeira nativa da Amazônia Brasileira, considerado uma “superfruta” devido ao seu alto valor nutricional, com destaque para as antocianinas, associadas a efeitos benéficos à saúde. Uma vez que genótipos de frutos desenvolvidos por programas de melhoramento têm sido avaliados a fim de identificar frutos com composição fitoquímica melhorada e potencial antioxidante, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito do melhoramento genético na composição química, perfil de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de seis genótipos de açaí (E. oleracea). Análises de composição química, perfil de antocianinas e carotenoides e de atividade antioxidante em diversos sistemas in vitro (método ABTS, oxidação da glutationa, teste da desoxirribose e células SH-SY5Y) foram realizadas em 6 genótipos e 1 amostra comercial utilizada como padrão. Com relação a composição química, de maneira geral, os genótipos apresentaram elevados teores de lipídeos (36,30 – 47,44%), fibras totais (11,31 – 15,88%), proteínas (7,78-9,50%) e cinzas (3,49 – 4,44%). Adicionalmente, as antocianinas cianidina 3-glicosídeo (12-43%) e cianidina 3-rutinosídeo (57-88%) foram identificadas nos genótipos avaliados e o genótipo L22P13 apresentou um incremento de 85% no teor de antocianinas totais. Com relação ao perfil de carotenoides, luteína, zeaxantina, α-caroteno e β-caroteno foram os principais carotenoides identificados nos genótipos avaliados, sendo que os genótipos BRS-PAMISTA e L22P13 apresentaram os teores mais elevados de carotenoides totais (125,39μg/g e 118μg/g). Com relação a atividade antioxidante, todos os genótipos reduziram a geração do radical ABTS em maior ou menor grau, embora diferenças significativas entre os genótipos e a amostra comercial não tenham sido observadas (IC50 = 73,98 – 175,7 vs. 121,7 μg/g). Entretanto, houve associação moderada e inversa entre a geração do radical ABTS e níveis de antocianinas e carotenoides. Ausência de diferenças significativas entre os extratos hidroetanólicos dos genótipos e a amostra comercial também foi observada no ensaio da desoxirribose (IC50 = 361,5 – 497,7 vs. 520,1 μg/g). Em cultura de células SH-SY5Y, os extratos hidroetanólicos na concentração de 50 μg/mL apresentaram um efeito protetor contra as espécies reativas geradas pelo H2O2 (ensaio DCFH-DA) e esse resultado foi associado ao teor de antocianinas dos extratos. Os resultados apontam genótipos promissores, com elevados teores de antocianinas e carotenoides, com potencial atividade antioxidante in vitro e um possível efeito protetor de células frente as espécies reativas. / The açaí (Euterpe oleracea) is a fruit of the açaizeiro, a native palm of the Brazilian Amazon, considered a "superfruit" due to its high nutritional value, especially anthocyanins, associated with beneficial health effects. Since fruit genotypes developed by breeding programs have been evaluated to identify fruits with improved phytochemical composition and antioxidant potential, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of genetic improvement in the chemical composition, bioactive compounds profile and antioxidant activity of six açaí (E. oleracea) genotypes. The analysis of chemical composition, anthocyanins and carotenoids profile and antioxidant activity in various in vitro systems (ABTS method, glutathione oxidation, deoxyribose test and SH-SY5Y cells) were performed in six genotypes of açaí and one commercial sample that was used as standard. Regarding the chemical composition, in general, the genotypes showed high levels of lipids (36.30 – 47.44%), total fiber (11.31 – 15.88%), protein (7.78-9.50%) and ashes (3.49 – 4.44%). In addition, the anthocyanins cyanidin 3-glucoside (12-43%) and cyanidin 3-rutinoside (57-88%) were identified in evaluated genotypes and L22P13 genotype showed an increase of 85% in total anthocyanin content. Regarding the carotenoid profile, lutein, zeaxanthin, α-carotene and β-carotene were the main carotenoid identified in genotypes, being that BRS-PAMISTA and L22P13 genotypes showed the highest levels of total carotenoids (125.39 μg/g and 118 μg/g). Regarding the antioxidant activity, all genotypes reduced ABTS radical generation in greater or lesser extension, although there were no significant differences between hydroethanolic extracts of different genotypes and the commercial sample (IC50 = 73.98 - 175.7 vs. 121.7 μg/g). However, an inverse and moderate association between radical ABTS generation and anthocyanins and carotenoids content was observed. Absence of significant differences between hydroethanolic extracts of evaluated genotypes and the commercial sample was observed also in the deoxyribose assay (IC50 = 361.5 to 497.7 vs. 520.1 μg/g). In culture of SH-SY5Y cells, hydroethanolic extracts at concentration of 50 μg/mL had a protective effect against the reactive species generated by H2O2 (DCFH-DA assay) and this result was associated with the anthocyanins content of the extracts. The results showed promising genotypes with high levels of anthocyanins and carotenoids with antioxidant potential in vitro and a possible protective effect of cells against reactive species.

Influência do método de separação dos espermatozóides viáveis (swim-up) na eficiência de seleção do sexo de bovinos por gradiente descontínuo de densidade e o impacto no melhoramento genético animal

Lucio, Aline Costa de [UNESP] 31 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-07-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:33:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lucio_ac_me_jabo.pdf: 498660 bytes, checksum: f8a6a9a504926a49d1926ba32ce8e61e (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A produção de doses de sêmen, enriquecidas com espermatozóides portadores do cromossomo X ou Y, aumentará a contribuição da inseminação artificial para: o incremento do progresso genético, produtividade e retorno econômico nas atividades pecuárias, e para a prevenção de doenças ligadas ao cromossomo X, na espécie humana. Constituiu objetivo do presente trabalho: aplicar o método de “swim-up” associado à centrifugação em gradiente descontínuo de densidade para produzir amostras de sêmen enriquecidas com espermatozóides portadores do cromossomo X, em bovinos. Após os tratamentos, os espermatozóides foram submetidos ao controle de qualidade pela avaliação da integridade acrossomal e taxas de produção de embriões in vitro. A validação dos resultados foi feita pela análise da proporção sexual dos embriões produzidos in vitro através da amplificação de uma seqüência específica do cromossomo Y presente no genoma bovino. Após a análise dos resultados observouse que não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) no desvio da proporção sexual quando comparamos o grupo controle (45,20% de fêmeas) com os procedimentos de separação de espermatozóides (60,65% de fêmeas, em média). Os métodos de separação de espermatozóides, não prejudicaram a fertilidade dos espermatozóides (taxas de clivagem e blastocistos, em média, de 70% e 26% respectivamente). Este pode ser considerado um procedimento a ser utilizado na PIV de embriões bovinos. / The production of doses of semen enriched with X- and Y- bearing spermatozoa will increase the artificial insemination contribution for genetic progress, productivity and economic return in livestock production and prevention of diseases connected to X chromosome, in humans. The purpose of this work was associated the modified swimup method with the centrifugation in density gradient for separation of X-bearing spermatozoa. Quality control of centrifuged spermatozoa were evaluated by acrosomal integrity and in vitro embryo production. The results were validated by sex proportion of in vitro produced embryos using PCR by Y- specific sequences present in bovine male genomic DNA. After the determination of genetic sex of in vitro produced embryos, the results showed no statistical difference (P>0.05) on deviation of sex ratio when the control group (45.20% female) was compare with the others spermatozoa selection procedures (60.65% female). The spermatozoa selection methods didn’t impair fertility of X-bearing spermatozoa (cleavage and blastocyst rates: 70% and 26%, respectively) and would be considered methods of relevance to be introduced on in vitro produced embryos programs.

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