Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1genetic variation"" "subject:"cogenetic variation""
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Genetic variability and interactions of three sweetpotato infecting viruses /Mukasa, Settumba. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Domestication of wild roses for fruit production /Uggla, Madeleine, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Alnarp : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2004. / Härtill 9 uppsatser.
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Genetic variation and local adaptation in peripheral populations of toadsRogell, Björn, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2009. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Genetic characterisation and functional study of the NS gene of avian influenza virus /Zohari, Siamak. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Diversidade genética de Babesia bovis em bezerros naturalmente infectados das regiões de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, Brasil /Matos, Carlos António. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Rosangela Zacarias Machado / Banca: Marta Maria Geraldes Teixeira / Banca: Cláudio Lisias Mafra de Siqueira / Banca: Marcos Rogério André / Banca: Jesus Aparecido Ferro / Resumo: A babesiose é uma doença infecciosa economicamente importante que afeta o gado bovino em todo o mundo, endêmica e importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade em bovinos no Brasil. A doença é causada por Babesia bigemina e B. bovis, protozoários parasitas intraeritrocíticos do filo Apicomplexa, agentes de enorme importância econômica em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Merozoitos de B. bovis possuem em sua superfície, pelo menos, cinco glico-proteínas, que pertencem à família de antígenos variáveis de superfície do merozoíto (VMSA). A família VMSA de B. bovis inclui os genes msa-1, msa-2a1, msa-2a2, msa-2b e msa-2c. Estes antígenos são altamente imunogênicos e contêm epítopos sensíveis à neutralização e, por conseguinte, têm sido considerados como antígenos candidatos para o desenvolvimento de vacinas de subunidades contra B. bovis. No entanto, estes antígenos de superfície são geneticamente diversificados entre diferentes isolados de B. bovis, O que resulta em diferenças antigénicas entre vários isolados de B. bovis. A fim de avaliar a resposta imune humoral contra B. bovis e a diversidade genética de antígenos de superfície de merozoítos de B. bovis, amostras de soro e DNA de sangue de 30 bezerras, sendo 15 da Fazenda Pesagro, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, e outras 15 da Fazenda Germânia, Taiaçu, São Paulo, foram obtidas trimestralmente, desde o nascimento até aos 12 meses de idade. Os Anticorpos IgG para B. bovis foram detectados pelos testes de Imunofluorescência Indireta (... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Babesiosis, an economically important infectious disease that affects cattle worldwide, is endemic and important cause of morbidity and mortality of cattle in Brazil. The disease is caused by Babesia bigemina and B. bovis, apicomplexan intraerythrocytic protozoa parasites, which are agents of huge economic importance in tropical and subtropical regions. B. bovis merozoites present at least five (glyco-) proteins on their surfaces, which belong to a family of variable merozoite surface antigens (VMSA). The members of the VMSA family consist of merozoite surface antigen msa-1, msa-2a1, msa-2a2, msa-2b, and msa-2c. These antigens are highly immunogenic and contain neutralization-sensitive epitopes, and therefore have been considered as candidate antigens for developing subunit vaccines against B. bovis. However, these surface antigens are genetically diverse among different isolates of B. bovis, which results in antigenic differences among various B. bovis isolates. In order to evaluate the humoral immune response against B. bovis and genetic diversity of merozoite surface antigens of B. bovis, serum and DNA blood samples of 30 dairy calves, 15 from Seropedica, state of Rio de Janeiro, and the other 15 from a herd located in Taiaçu, state of São Paulo were obtained quarterly, since the birth up to 12 months of age. IgG antibodies to B. bovis were detected by Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) and Enzyme-Linked Immunoadsorbent Assay (ELISA) tests. Polymerase Chain Reaction... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Compilação e análise crítica sobre a utilização do DNA mitocondrial em casos forenses na população brasileira em comparação com outros países da América Latina e do mundo /Hyppolito, Caroline da Silva. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Maria Barretto Cicarelli / Banca: Raquel Mantuaneli Scarel Caminaga / Banca: Joyce Aparecida Martins Lopes Ferraz / Resumo: O DNA mitocondrial é uma molécula circular, dupla fita, que se encontra na mitocôndria, uma organela responsável pela respiração e produção de energia da célula. Este DNA é herdado exclusivamente por via materna e possui polimorfismos que permitem diferenciar indivíduos, auxiliando nas investigações forenses e corroborando com outros exames de identificação humana. Devido à possibilidade de compatibilidade deste DNA entre indivíduos não relacionados por via materna, é necessário estimar as frequências haplotípicas utilizando bancos de dados populacionais. Com a finalidade de se compilar e avaliar a utilização do DNA mitocondrial no Brasil realizou-se um estudo sobre os haplótipos depositados no banco de dados do European DNA Profiling Mitochondrial DNA Population Database (EMPOP) e acessando artigos científicos sobre dados de populações brasileiras, observando os países participantes e seus respectivos dados depositados. Na avaliação dos dados do EMPOP, a América do Norte foi o continente com maior número de haplótipos depositados no banco, principalmente pela participação dos Estados Unidos. A América do Sul contém 3172 haplótipos, sendo 782 desse total correspondentes ao Brasil. Esses números parecem insuficientes para representar a população grande e miscigenada do país. Na literatura, encontrou-se um total de 2367 haplótipos, os quais foram organizados por haplogrupos e as regiões brasileiras correspondentes: Sudeste e Nordeste apresentaram-se similares, com predomínio de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA is a circular and double-stranded molecule found in the mitochondria, an organelle responsible for breathing and energy production of the cell. This DNA is exclusively inherited through maternal and has polymorphisms that allow differentiating individuals, it assists in forensic investigations and corroborates with other tests of human identification. Due to the possibility of compatibility of this DNA between unrelated individuals, it is necessary to estimate the haplotype frequencies through population databases. In order to compile and evaluate the use of mitochondrial DNA in Brazil, a study was carried out about the haplotypes deposited in the European DNA Profiling Mitochondrial DNA Population Database (EMPOP), and acessing scientific articles with data from Brazilian populations, verifying participating countries and their respective deposited data. In the evaluation of EMPOP data, North America was the continent with the highest number of data deposited in the bank, mainly by the participation of the United States. South America contains 3172 haplotypes, 782 of which correspond to Brazil. These numbers seem insufficient to represent the large and mixed population of this country. In the literature, a total of 2367 haplotypes were found, which were organized by haplogroups and the corresponding Brazilian regions: the Southeast and Northeast were similar, with predominance of African ancestry (44%), while the South had a predominantly European origin (6... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Variabilidade genética de cepas de Aspergillus flavus isoladas de amendoim. / Genetic variability of Aspergillus flavus strains isolated from peanut.Gabriela Martins Reis 08 December 2009 (has links)
O trabalho objetivou construir um dendograma filogenético das cepas de Aspergillus flavus isoladas de amendoim recém-colhido de quatro regiões de São Paulo (Cafelândia, Jaboticabal, Rosália e Tupã), avaliar o potencial toxigênico e agrupar as cepas quanto à produção de esclerócios. A técnica de AFLP foi utilizada para caracterização genotípica. O potencial aflatoxigênico foi avaliado pelo cultivo das cepas em meio de ágar coco, extração das aflatoxinas por clorofórmio, separação por CCD e quantificação por espectrodenditômetro CS-9000. A indução da produção de esclerócios foi feita pela incubação dos isolados em meio ágar Czapeck-DOX. AFLP gerou 78 fragmentos de 27 pb a 365 pb, sendo 13% não polimórficos. O perfil genotípico revelou 31 haplótipos e de 12 grupos no dendograma. A similaridade entre os isolados variou de 37 a 90 %. O potencial aflatoxigênico revelou 91,7 % de cepas produtoras, com níveis entre 39,27 mg/Kg e 28689,61 mg/Kg para AFB1 e 1,50 mg/Kg a 9781,09 mg/Kg para AFB2. Quanto aos esclerócios, 83,9% das cepas foram produtoras, sendo todas tipo S. / This study aimed to draw a phylogenetic dendogram of Aspergillus flavus strains isolated from fresh harvested peanut from four regions of São Paulo state (Cafelândia, Jaboticabal, Rosália and Tupã), to determine the toxigenic potential and to group them regarding the sclerotia production pattern. The AFLP thecnique was used for genotypic characterization. Aflatoxin production was evaluated by inoculation of fungi in coconut agar, extraction with chloroform, TLC segregation and quantification by spectrophotometer CS-9000. Agar Czapeck-DOX was used to evaluate sclerotia production. AFLP generated 78 fragments varying from 27 pb to 365 pb, 13 % of them were not polymorphic. The genotypic profile showed 31 haplotypes and 12 groups in the dendogram. The similarity among the isolates varied from 37 to 90 %. The aflatoxigenic potential showed 91,7 % of producer strains, with levels between 39,27 mg/Kg and 28689,61 mg/Kg for AFB1 and between 1,50 mg/Kg and 9781,09 mg/Kg for AFB2. Concerning the sclerotia production, 83,9 % of the strains were producers, all were S type.
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Genetic variation and clinical variables contributing to Schizophrenia in a Founder Population from South AfricaRoos, J.L. (Johannes Louw) January 2014 (has links)
Thirty publications are submitted. They deal with findings of the genetic architecture of schizophrenia in an Afrikaner founder population and clinical related variables pertaining to this population.
The initial research findings supported the appropriateness of the Afrikaner population for mapping complex traits using both linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LD) approaches. Basic sample descriptors and cardinal symptoms of schizophrenia in the US and South African populations were equivalent. It was concluded that the results from our genetic study of schizophrenia in the Afrikaner sample will be applicable to other populations.
It was found that early non-psychotic childhood deviance (in the first ten years of life) distinguished a distinct subtype of schizophrenia patient, and that the form of early deviance manifested, was meaningful linked to later disease outcome; and that it may be a possible endophenotypic marker in schizophrenia but not in bipolar disorder.
Schizophrenia genetic research used linkage analysis, association studies and exome sequencing studies as it became available in the last few years. We addressed the role of the individual genes from the 22q11 locus (prototype CNV described in schizophrenia). Systematic screening of the 26 genes residing in this locus identified PRODH2, ZDHHC8, NOGO Receptor 1 (RTN4R) gene as contributing to schizophrenia risk associated with this region. Linkage genome-wide scans, using both less dense (10cM) and more dense scans (2cM), identified a locus on chromosome 1 and 13. Recent fine mapping on chromosome 13q32-34 and brain expression analysis implicates MYO16 in schizophrenia (not included in the 30 publications). For the first time a probound with a uniparental disomy (UPD) of the entire chromosome 1, was identified, which further support the involvement of chromosome 1 in schizophrenia.
We confirmed the previous reported rate of 2% frequency of 22q11 deletions in adult schizophrenia Afrikaner patients and provided a two-stage screening protocol to identify these patients in clinical practice. As more patients were recruited for this study certain comorbid conditions became obvious including marijuana use/abuse and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive compulsive symptoms (OCS).
Approximately half of the male patients and a quarter of the female patients used or abused marijuana. Male users of marijuana with prominent early non-psychotic deviant behaviour in the first 10 years of life had the lowest mean age of criteria onset (18.4 years) with a poor prognosis. The prevalence of OCD/OCS in this population was 13.2% and differs from other ethnic groups in South Africa, and was associated with significant psychopathology and poor prognosis.
As the research progressed the emphasis has changed from familial cases with the disease to sporadic cases (non-familial). We offered the first clear view of the genetic landscape of schizophrenia. We found that rare de novo structural mutations at many different loci are significantly enriched and contribute to schizophrenia vulnerability in sporadic cases with the disease. We also demonstrated that genes contribute to familial schizophrenia, while new mutations are less prominent.
The study of schizophrenia in the Afrikaner founder population has helped to clear the view of the genetic landscape of schizophrenia. / Thesis (DSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Psychiatry / DSc / Unrestricted
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Ecophysiology and Genetic Variation in Domestication of Shpaeralcea and Shepherdia Species for the Intermountain WestSriladda, Chalita 01 May 2011 (has links)
Low-water landscaping is an essential tool for water conservation in the arid Intermountain West (IMW) for managing limited supplies and population-driven increased demand. The IMW harbors a large number of drought-tolerant native species that have potential for use in the low-water use landscape (LWL). However, many species are not available in the nursery trade due to their morphological confusion and establishment difficulty in the managed landscapes. The overall goal of this study is to elucidate morphological, ecophysiological, and genetic distinctions within two IMW native plant genera containing species with high urban low-water landscape potential.
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Genetic Variability in Hydrastis Canadensis L. Using Rapd AnalysisKelley, Kerry 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT GENETIC VARIABILITY IN HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS L. USING RAPD ANALYSIS FEBRUARY 2009 KERRY J. KELLEY, B.A. MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE M.A. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST Directed by: Professor Lyle Craker Hydrastis canadensis L. (goldenseal) is an endangered perennial wildflower species native to eastern North America. In this study, several populations of goldenseal, (both cultivated and wild type) were analyzed for genetic variability. The samples were collected from plant populations in North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia and preserved using silica gel during collection. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis technique was used to generate DNA profiles from individual plants and to estimate genetic variability between groups (cultivated and wild type), among populations within groups and within populations using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and a UPGMA clustering phenogram. Our results demonstrate that the bulk of genetic diversity may be within and among populations, but not between groups. This indicates the need for preservation and conservation efforts at the population level. The next step would be to study goldenseal populations more in depth for underlying causes of the genetic variability observed in this study. Further study of genetic variability with different molecular markers may be needed to clarify the level of diversity for the species at the group level. Increased knowledge of genetic variability and the identification of accessions of goldenseal would prove useful for reintroduction and cultivation strategies.
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