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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os sambaquis submersos de Cananéia: um estudo de caso de arqueologia subaquática / The underwater shell middens of Cananéia: a case study of underwater archaeology

Flávio Rizzi Calippo 16 August 2004 (has links)
Em meio aos manguezais de Cananéia (extremo sul do litoral de SP), foram identificados, no âmbito do Programa Arqueológico do Baixo Vale do Ribeira, oito sambaquis que apresentam vestígios arqueológicos submersos. Com o objetivo de compreender a ocorrência desses sambaquis e de contextualizá-los espaço-temporalmente em meio às flutuações holocênicas do nível do mar, esta dissertação fundamentou-se em uma adaptação da técnica do Vibracoring, em métodos e técnicas da Arqueologia Subaquática, na abordagem geoarqueológica proposta por Waters (1992) e no estudo dos Processos de Formação adotados por Stein (1992). Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho pode identificar que o potencial de preservação e a distribuição dos sambaquis nessa região apresentam uma forte correlação com as oscilações do Nível Relativo do Mar, que ocorreram após o último máximo regressivo holocênico. Essas evidências indicaram também, que além de existirem chances reais de sambaquis totalmente submersos terem se preservado, nem sempre sítios relativos a um antigo nível marinho acabaram sendo destruídos ou ficando submersos. Em alguns casos, sambaquis que deveriam ter sido destruídos ou estarem submersos, encontram-se em terra, recobertos por sedimentos costeiros mais recentes ou protegidas por alguma formação geológica. Além de sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento e amadurecimento de uma Arqueologia Subaquática científica e para o estudo das curvas de Variação do Nível Relativo do Mar, esta pesquisa identificou algumas evidências importantes para a compreensão do fenômeno dos sambaquis, como por exemplo, a ocorrência de seqüências estratigráficas que atribuem diferenças funcionais e uma intencionalidade à construção de alguns sítios, assim como, datações que remetem a ocupação sambaquieira de Cananéia a uma antiguidade de quase 8.000 anos. / Among the Cananéia mangrove swamp (extreme south of São Paulo’s coastline), it was identified within the Archeological Programme of the Lower Ribeira Valley, eight shell middens within which could be found archeological submerged traces. Aiming at the understanding of these shell middens occurrence and the contextualisation in space and time in relation to the holocenic variations of the sea level, this monograph was based on an adaptation of the Vibracoring technique, underwater archeological methods and techniques, on the geoarcheological interpretation of Waters (1992), and on the studies of Formation Process adopted by Stein (1992). Thus, the shell middens preserving potential and distribution in this area shows a strong correlation with the sea related level changes, that occurred after the last holocenic regressive maximum. These evidences also indicated that not only were there real chances that completely submerged shell midden were preserved but also that it is not always that sites related to an ancient sea level ended up into being destroyed or kept submerged. In some cases, some that should have been destroyed or kept submerged, are seen in land covered by recent coast sediments or protected by any geological feature. Besides contributing to the development and maturation of the scientific underwater archeology and for the studies of the curves of the sea related level changes the research also identified some important evidences to the understanding of the shell middens phenomenon such as the occurrence of stratigraphic sequences that attach functional differences and an intention in building some sites, such as the one dated back to almost 8.000 years ago when Cananéia was first inhabited by the people of the shell middens

Géoarchéologie des ports antiques en contextes deltaïques : quelques exemples de Méditerranée et de mer Noire / Geoarchaeology of ancient deltaic harbours : lessons from the Mediterranean and the Black Seas

Giaime, Matthieu 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les deltas ont débuté leur édification il y a environ 7000 ans suite à la stabilisation du niveau de la mer. Ils offraient durant l’Antiquité une mosaïque d’environnements, plus ou moins protégés, favorables aux activités maritimes. Nous montrons que plusieurs types de ports deltaïques peuvent être identifiés en raison des différents contextes géomorphologiques offerts par les deltas. La mise en relation des résultats bio-sédimentologiques, avec les données archéologiques nous ont permis de détailler l’évolution des environnements portuaires de plusieurs sites antiques situés dans des deltas. La première étude a été menée à l’échelle du delta de la Kouban (Péninsule de Taman, Russie). Un carottage réalisé à l’extrémité orientale de la péninsule et sa comparaison avec d’autres études géoarchéologiques menées récemment dans le delta nous a permis de restituer l’évolution paléogéographique de la péninsule. Nous avons pu confirmer que cette dernière a constituée, suite à la remontée postglaciaire du niveau marin, un large archipel articulé autour de quatre îles. À Tel Akko (Baie de Haifa, Israël), notre étude nous a permis de restituer l’évolution côtière du site depuis l’Âge du Bronze. À Pollentia, cité romaine des Baléares, nous avons été en mesure de démontrer que le port était situé dans une lagune de faible profondeur située en marge distale d’un petit delta côtier. Enfin à Halmyris (Danube, Roumanie) nous avons été en mesure de démontrer que la forteresse romaine, installée sur un promontoire, était protégée des crues tout en bénéficiant d’un accès facilité au fleuve par l’intermédiaire d’un chenal secondaire au sein duquel son port aurait pu être installé. / River deltas began forming around 7000 years BP because of the stabilisation of the mean sea-level. The natural variety of wetland environments on clastic coasts, in particular deltas, explains in major part the important disparities in harbour contexts. The combination of earth sciences with archaeological tools allows us to investigate the environmental evolution of four ancient sites located on deltas. We investigate 7000 years of environmental changes on the Kuban delta (Taman Peninsula, Russia). A coring, from the eastern limit of the peninsula, and its comparison with other geoarchaeological studies undertaken on the delta, allow us to confirm that the Holocene marine transgression created an archipelago of four islands around 6000 years ago in the area of the present-day Taman Peninsula. In Antiquity, natural factors such as delta progradation and the evolution of spits and sand bars have considerably affected the landscape evolution and therefore human occupation of the peninsula. At Tel Akko, (Haifa Bay, Israel), we reconstruct the evolution of the coastal zone of the site since the Bronze Age. We propose different harbour locations over time. At Pollentia, a Roman city of Mallorca, we have been able to demonstrate that the harbour was situated in a shallow lagoon, probably dredged at the time of its foundation. At Halymris (Danube delta, Romania), our research supports the presence of a secondary fluvial-channel located close to the fortress where the harbour may have been installed. The fortress, located at the foot of a promontory, was protected from floods and provided easy access to the main channel of the river.

Approche géomorphologique de la vallée de Deli et étude géoarchéologique du site historique de Kota Cina (Sumatra Nord, Indonésie) / Geomorphological approach of the Deli Valley and geoarchaeoligical study of the historic site of Kota Sina (Sumatra North, Indonesia)

Chabot, Yohan 07 December 2017 (has links)
La reconstitution des paléoenvironnements et la compréhension des dynamiques géomorphologiques sont de plus en plus appréhendées au regard des recherches archéologiques. Toutefois, en Indonésie, cette approche est encore peu usitée. L’étude du site de Kota Cina (Sumatra Nord, Indonésie) entreprise dans le cadre de cette thèse, est un travail pionnier qui vise à comprendre les changements environnementaux à l’interface Homme/Nature, dans le but d’une reconstitution paléogéographique. Cet ancien comptoir commercial portuaire du Détroit de Malacca, actif entre les XIème et XIVème siècles AD, se trouve aujourd’hui à 7 km du rivage. Afin de s’interroger sur les variables de contrôle naturelles et anthropiques de l’évolution paysagère de la région, des investigations ont été menées à Kota Cina et dans la vallée de Deli. Deux approches ont été privilégiées : (1) une approche géomorphologique qui permet de reconstituer les dynamiques hydro-sédimentaires du site et de sa vallée ; (2) une approche biogéographique à travers une analyse du contenu phytolithiques des dépôts de Kota Cina, afin de renseigner l’évolution de la végétation du site. Cette étude met en exergue des évolutions paléoenvironnementales notables, en réponse à des forçages singuliers. Le volcanisme pré-holocène de la région a engendré par son détritisme un remplissage majeur de la vallée. La réponse hydro-sédimentaire holocène a modifié la géomorphologie de la région par une forte incision et un important transfert sédimentaire. Enfin, à l’époque historique, une nouvelle transformation paysagère a eu lieu avec l’anthropisation du milieu, notamment à partir du XIXème siècle avec l’essor des plantations coloniales. / Paleoenvironment reconstructions and geomorphological dynamics understanding are increasingly being considered with regards to archaeological research. However, in Indonesia, this approach remains unusual. The present study of Kota Cina site (North Sumatra, Indonesia) is a pioneering work that aims to understand environmental changes dynamics at the human/nature interface for the purpose of paleogeographic reconstruction. Kota Cina is an ancient trade harbour of the Strait of Malacca. It was active between the XIth and the XIVth centuries AD. Nowadays, the site is located at 7 km from the coast. In order to examine the implication of natural and anthropogenic factors in the landscape changes of the region, investigations were carried out at Kota Cina and the Deli Valley. Two approaches were developed: (1) a geomorphological approach to reconstitute the hydro-sedimentary dynamics of Kota Cina site and its valley; (2) a biogeographical approach to reconstruct the vegetation changes at Kota Cina from a phytolith analysis of the site deposits. This work highlights important paleoenvironment changes as response to unique forcings. The pre-Holocene volcanism of the region generated a major filling of the valley by its detritism. The Holocene hydro-sedimentary response has altered the geomorphology of the region through a strong incision and significant sediment transfer. Finally, during the historical period, new landscape changes took place with the environment anthropisation, especially from the XIXth century with the development of colonial plantations.

L'influence climatique et anthropique sur trois cours d'eaux bourguignons : géoarchéologie de sites de franchissement sur la Loire, la Saône et le Doubs au cours de l'Holocène / Climatic and anthropogenic influences on three burgundian watercourses : geoarchaelogy of crossing sites on Loire, Saône and Doubs during the Holocene

Steinmann, Ronan 02 July 2015 (has links)
Dans le but de mieux comprendre les facteurs agissant sur le milieu fluvial à l’échelle plurimillénaire, ainsi que les effets de la dynamique alluviale sur la préservation de l’information archéologique, une étude géoarchéologique a été menée sur quatre fenêtres des vallées de la Loire, de la Saône et du Doubs en Bourgogne (France). À partir de sites de franchissement romains et d’un pont médiéval, retrouvés dans le chenal actuel, puis en étendant les recherches à d’autres secteurs, l’évolution des lits mineur et majeur au cours de l’Holocène a été reconstituée. Des informations de natures diverses, datées et spatialisées, ont été croisées : pour les deux derniers siècles, principalement les plans et vues aériennes contemporains, tandis que les périodes plus anciennes sont abordées grâce aux indices archéologiques, à l’analyse géomorphologique du lit majeur et, principalement, aux archives sédimentaires. Ces dernières ont été analysées du point de vue de la sédimentologie de faciès afin d’identifier les processus à l’origine des dépôts. Les grandes étapes de l’évolution des trois grands cours d’eau étudiés, une fois identifiées et datées, ont été confrontées aux données existantes afin d’interroger l’influence qu’ont pu avoir les fluctuations climatiques et les activités humaines sur la dynamique alluviale. La reconstitution de l’évolution du milieu au cours de l’Holocène permet enfin d’aborder la question de la conservation des données archéologiques en domaine alluvial, propice à l’implantation humaine, mais où l’information est la plupart du temps masquée par une succession de processus taphonomiques. / A geoarchaeological study was led on four sections of the valleys of the Loire, Saône and Doubs rivers (Burgundy, France) in order to point out the factors influencing the alluvial dynamics on a multimillennial scale, and their effects on the preservation of archaeological information. Investigations started by roman and medieval remains of bridges discovered in active channels, were then carried out on larger parts of alluvial plains, and altogether allowed the evolutions of the channels during the Holocene period to be deducted. Various types of information on alluvial characteristics were crossed through time and space: ancient maps and XXth century or aerial photographs for centennial scale, archaeological data, geomorphological analysis, but mostly alluvial deposits for older periods. Facies analyses on fluvial sediments led to the identification and the reconstitution of successive sedimentary environments through time. The main steps of the evolution of the three rivers, after being identified and dated, were compared to previous studies in order to estimate the respective roles of climatic changes and anthropic influence on alluvial dynamics, on this regional scale, during the Holocene. Preservation of archaeological information in fluvial deposits is therefore discussed here, to reach a better understanding of taphonomic issues in such environmennts, which are potentially rich in archaeological remains.

A Geoarchaeological Investigation of Site Formation in the Animas River Valley at Aztec Ruins National Monument, NM

Caster, Joshua 08 1900 (has links)
This paper presents an investigation of sedimentary deposition, soil formation, and pedoturbation in the Animas River Valley to determine the provenience of archaeological deposits in an open field at Aztec Ruins National Monument, NM outside of the Greathouse complex. Four stratigraphic pedounits correlated with active fan deposition have been proposed for the lower terrace in the project area with only one of these units retaining strong potential for buried archaeological deposits from the Anasazi late Pueblo II/Pueblo III period. The distal fan on the lower terrace and the Animas River floodplain appear to show poor potential for archaeological deposits either due to shallow sediment overburden with historic disturbance or alluvial activity during or after occupation. Based on these findings, four other zones of similar fan development have been identified throughout the Animas Valley and are recommended for subsurface testing during future cultural resource investigations.


Simone, Diana Marie 14 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Traces of tar : A geoarchaeological investigation of ahistorical tar production site / Spår av tjära : En geoarkeologisk undersökning av en historisk tjärdal

Ericson, Claes January 2024 (has links)
Trots att tjära har använts av människan under en väldigt lång tid har tjärframställning ägnats förvånansvärt lite uppmärksamhet inom arkeologin. Trots att det i Sverige finns tusentals tjärframställningsplatser registrerade har endast ett fåtal av dessa grävts ut. Denna uppsats syftar till att addera kunskap om historisk tjärframställning och om spår av denna kan identifieras med hjälp av Miljö- och geoarkeologiska metoder. Genom att analysera jordprover från en historisk tjärdal demonstrerar denna uppsats hur fosfatanalys (CitP), magnetisk suceptibilitet (MS), röntgenfluorescens (XRF) och nära infraröd reflektansspektroskopi (NIRS) kan vara viktiga verktyg för arkeologisk forskning om historisk tjärframställning.

Géoarchéologie du delta du Tibre : Evolution géomorphologique holocène et contraintes hydrosédimentaires dans le système Ostie– Portus / Geoarchaeology of the Tiber delta : Holocene geomorphological evolution and hydrosedimentary pressure on the Ostia - Portus system

Salomon, Ferréol 24 June 2013 (has links)
Ostie et Portus sont deux villes portuaires emblématiques de la façade littorale de la Rome antique. Construites au contact du Tibre et de la mer Tyrrhénienne, elles se situent dans des milieux géomorphologiquement très instables (mobilité du fleuve et du trait de côte). Nous nous proposons dans cette étude de reconstituer les dynamiques hydrosédimentaires du Tibre deltaïque à l’époque romaine (principalement aux Ier s. av. – Ier s. ap. J.-C.) et d’en identifier les conséquences sur le système Ostie-Portus. Pour mener à bien ce travail, nous nous appuyons sur des données sédimentaires issues de carottages réalisés dans le paléoméandre d’Ostie et les canaux de Portus. Ces résultats sont ensuite confrontés aux données archéologiques et historiques. Le croisement des données sédimentaires, archéologiques et textuelles permet d’envisager une crise hydrosédimentaire d’origine anthropoclimatique dans le bassin versant du Tibre s’étalant de la seconde partie du Ier s. av. J.-C. au début du Ier s. ap. J.-C. A Ostie, cette crise s’exprime par : (1) une accumulation de sédiments à l’embouchure du Tibre qui conduit au comblement du port fluvial d’Ostie ; (2) plusieurs inondations importantes (parfois torrentielles – cf. Rome) ; et (3) peut-être une hausse des niveaux phréatiques. A cela s’ajoute, avant ou pendant cette crise, une forte variabilité latérale de l’embouchure et du paléoméandre d’Ostie, qui a pu affecter le développement d’Ostie. Contraint par une forte pression démographique à Rome et par le contexte socio-économique, Claude fonde Portus au milieu du Ier s. ap. J.-C. Cette ville portuaire maritime est conçue dans l’idée de pallier les insuffisances du port d’Ostie : (1) les capacités d’accueil du port sont considérablement accrues (bassin de 200 ha) ; (2) le site d’implantation est choisi 3 km au nord de l’embouchure du Tibre pour échapper aux contraintes hydrosédimentaires qui se posaient à Ostie. Pour des raisons logistiques (transport des marchandises vers Rome), la planification de Portus est accompagnée d’un système de canaux relié au Tibre. Les ingénieurs romains prennent cependant soin de dissocier le système des canaux de celui des bassins portuaires (gestion de la charge solide) et certains de ces canaux sont envisagés comme évacuateurs de crue (gestion des inondations). Les études sédimentaires menées permettent de décrire les modalités de fonctionnement et de comblement de certains de ces canaux (Canale Traverso, Canale Romano). Ce travail est complété par une réflexion méthodologique sur le diagramme de Passega et une modélisation de l’évolution holocène de la partie nord du delta du Tibre à partir de l’analyse de carottes. / Ostia and Portus are two important harbour cities located on theThyrrenian coast, near the ancient Rome. This location corresponds to a fastly changing landscape (river and coastline mobility). The aim of this study is to reconstruct the Tiber hydrosedimentary dynamics in its delta plain during Ancient times (mainly in the 1st c. BC - 1st c. AD) and to identify their impact on the system Ostia-Portus. To complete this work, we analyse sedimentary cores drilled in the palaeomeander of Ostia and the canals of Portus. These results are compared to the archaeological and historical data. Crossing sedimentary, archaeological and textual data allows to consider hydrosedimentary anthropoclimatic crisis in the Tiber River watershed, during the period between the second part of the Ist century BC and the beginning of the Ist century AD. This crisis is expressed in Ostia, by: (1) a sediment accumulation at the mouth of the Tiber River, leading to the filling of the river mouth harbour of Ostia; (2) several major floods (at Rome - sometimes torrential floods); and (3) perhaps an increase of the groundwater levels. During this hydrosedimentological crisis or before, a strong lateral mobility of the Tiber mouth and the palaeomeander of Ostia probably affect the development of the city. Obliged by a strong demographic pressure in Rome and by the socio-economical context, Claude built Portus in the middle of the 1st century AD. Portus is planned with the idea to overcome the shortcomings of Ostia’s harbour: (1) by an increased harbour basin area (200 ha), and (2) by its establishment, 3 km north of the Tiber mouth, to avoid the main hydrosedimentary constraints. For logistical reasons (goods transport to Rome), Portus includes a fluvial canal system, connected to the Tiber River. However, Roman engineers take care to separate the canal system and the harbour basins (sediment load) and some of these canals are considered floodways (flood management). Sedimentary analysis characterise the canal functioning and filling (Canale Traverso, Canale Romano). This work is complemented by a methodological reflection on the Passega diagram and by a modeling of the Holocene evolution of the Tiber delta’s northern part , based onthe analysis of core samples.

Site Formation Processes at the Buttermilk Creek Site (41BL1239), Bell County, Texas

Keene, Joshua L. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The archaeological literature warns against trusting the context of artifacts found within a vertisol due to the constant mixing of sediments caused by the shrink/swell properties of clays. These churning processes were thought to be the defining characteristic of vertisols until only the past few decades. It is now apparent that vertisols vary drastically based on a wide spectrum of variables and are fully capable of forming without churning processes. The Buttermilk Creek Site, Block A represents a prime example of a minimally developed vertisol. In addition, the site itself is a heavily occupied lithic quarry that has been almost continuously inhabited since Clovis and possibly Pre-Clovis times. This thesis takes a detailed look at the sediments and distribution of lithic artifacts from Block A of the Buttermilk Creek site to address the two following research objectives: 1) to determine if the archaeological context within the floodplain sediments at Block A has been disturbed by post-depositional processes, and 2) to identify discrete occupation surfaces within the vertic floodplain sediments at the site. These objectives are addressed using a variety of methods, including: 1) plotting the stratigraphic position of diagnostic artifacts, 2) determining the size distribution of debitage and artifact quantities throughout the floodplain deposits, 3) examining the distribution of cultural versus non-cultural lithic material, 4) recording the presence or absence of heat alteration in the deposits, 5) creating maps showing the degree of fissuring across the site, 6) analyzing differences in patination on artifacts, and 7) analyzing the presence of calcium carbonate on artifacts from all levels. Results from these analyses show that, despite the classification of sediments at Block A as a vertisol, vertical displacement of artifacts is largely absent. Chronologically ordered diagnostic points, consistently size sorted artifacts, and a lack of constant mixing of calcium carbonate throughout the profile suggest that artifacts found as deep as 20 cm below the Clovis-aged horizon represent intact cultural horizons. These oldest components found in Block A may represent some of the earliest known evidence of people in the New World.

Irrigation and persistence in the dry zone of Sri Lanka : a geoarchaeological study

Gilliland, Krista January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an independent, sediment-based record of landscape change within an agricultural hinterland. Established historical and archaeological sequences document the primary occupation of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka’s ancient capital, beginning ca. 400 BC and lasting until it was largely abandoned in AD 1017. Anuradhapura is located in the island’s dry zone, which depends almost completely on the unpredictable Northeastern Monsoon for water. Oral history and historical narratives have long held that large-scale irrigated rice cultivation took place in the hinterland to produce an agricultural surplus that sustained the urban and monastic populations. However, until the onset of the Anuradhapura Hinterland Project in 2005, the archaeological record of the hinterland was undocumented, leaving existing narratives untested. The geoarchaeological research presented here was undertaken as part of the Hinterland Project, in order to document the chronology and cultural and environmental processes that contributed to the formation of this irrigated landscape. Optical dating of sediments demonstrates that the onset of large-scale irrigation began ca. 400 BC, and the construction of new works continued until Anuradhapura’s late occupation period. Sampled reservoirs and channels began to infill, indicating widespread disuse, within ca. 100 years of Anuradhapura’s abandonment. Soil micromorphology and bulk sediment characterisation document hinterland habitation, water management, and cultivation activities prior to the establishment of large-scale irrigation. This work illustrates the coping strategies that people employed to deal with the vagaries of the dry zone environment and demonstrates that hinterland land use changed throughout the primary occupation period. Although largescale irrigation works infilled relatively rapidly, cultural activity and land use re-emerged following this period of disuse.

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