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Splitting methods for autonomous and non-autonomous perturbed equationsSeydaoglu, Muaz 07 October 2016 (has links)
[EN] This thesis addresses the treatment of perturbed problems with splitting methods. After motivating these problems in Chapter 1, we give a thorough introduction in Chapter 2, which includes the objectives, several basic techniques and already existing methods.
In Chapter 3, we consider the numerical integration of non-autonomous separable parabolic equations using high order splitting methods with complex coefficients (methods with real coefficients of order greater than two necessarily have negative coefficients). We propose to consider a class of methods that allows us to evaluate all time dependent operators at real values of the time, leading to schemes which are stable and simple to implement. If the system can be considered as the perturbation of an exactly solvable problem and the flow of the dominant part is advanced using real coefficients, it is possible to build highly efficient methods for these problems. We show the performance of this class of methods for several numerical examples and present some new improved schemes.
In Chapter 4, we propose splitting methods for the computation of the exponential of perturbed matrices which can be written as the sum A = D+epsilon*B of a sparse and efficiently exponentiable matrix D with sparse exponential exp(D) and a dense matrix epsilon*B which is of small norm in comparison with D. The predominant algorithm is based on scaling the large matrix A by a small number 2^(-s) , which is then exponentiated by efficient Padé or Taylor methods and finally squared in order to obtain an approximation for the full exponential. In this setting, the main portion of the computational cost arises from dense-matrix multiplications and we present a modified squaring which takes advantage of the smallness of the perturbation matrix B in order to reduce the number of squarings necessary. Theoretical results on local error and error propagation for splitting methods are complemented with numerical experiments and show a clear improvement over existing methods when medium precision is sought.
In Chapter 5, we consider the numerical integration of the perturbed Hill's equation. Parametric resonances can appear and this property is of great interest in many different physical applications. Usually, the Hill's equations originate from a Hamiltonian function and the fundamental matrix solution is a symplectic matrix. This is a very important property to be preserved by the numerical integrators. In this chapter we present new sixth-and eighth-order symplectic exponential integrators that are tailored to the Hill's equation. The methods are based on an efficient symplectic approximation to the exponential of high dimensional coupled autonomous harmonic oscillators and yield accurate results for oscillatory problems at a low computational cost. Several numerical examples illustrate the performance of the new methods.
Conclusions and pointers to further research are detailed in Chapter 6. / [ES] Esta tesis aborda el tratamiento de problemas perturbados con métodos de escisión (splitting). Tras motivar el origen de este tipo de problemas en el capítulo 1, introducimos los objetivos, varias técnicas básicas y métodos existentes en capítulo 2.
En el capítulo 3 consideramos la integración numérica de ecuaciones no autónomas separables y parabólicas usando métodos de splitting de orden mayor que dos usando coeficientes complejos (métodos con coeficientes reales de orden mayor de dos necesariamente tienen coeficientes negativos). Proponemos una clase de métodos que permite evaluar todos los operadores con dependencia temporal en valores reales del tiempo lo cual genera esquemas estables y fáciles de implementar. Si el sistema se puede considerar como una perturbación de un problema resoluble de forma exacta y si el flujo de la parte dominante se avanza usando coeficientes reales, es posible construir métodos altamente eficientes para este tipo de problemas. Demostramos la eficiencia de estos métodos en varios ejemplos numéricos.
En el capítulo 4 proponemos métodos de splitting para el cálculo de la exponencial de matrices perturbadas que se pueden escribir como suma A = D + epsilon*B de una matriz dispersa y eficientemente exponenciable con exponencial dispersa exp(D) y una matriz densa epsilon*B de noma pequeña. El algoritmo predominante se basa en escalar la matriz grande con un número pequeño 2^(-s) para poder exponenciar el resultado con métodos eficientes de Padé o Taylor y finalmente obtener la aproximación a la exponencial elevando al cuadrado repetidamente. En este contexto, el coste computacional proviene de las multiplicaciones de matrices densas y presentamos una cuadratura modificada aprovechando la estructura perturbada para reducir el número de productos. Resultados teóricos sobre errores locales y propagación de error para métodos de splitting son complementados con experimentos numéricos y muestran una clara mejora sobre métodos existentes a precisión media.
En el capítulo 5, consideramos la integración numérica de la ecuación de Hill perturbada. Resonancias paramétricas pueden aparecer y esta propiedad es de gran interés en muchas aplicaciones físicas. Habitualmente, las ecuaciones de Hill provienen de una función hamiltoniana y la solución fundamental es una matriz simpléctica, una propiedad muy importante que preservar con los integradores numéricos. Presentamos nuevos integradores simplécticos exponenciales de orden seis y ocho tallados a la ecuación de Hills. Estos métodos se basan en una aproximación simpléctica eficiente a la exponencial de osciladores armónicos acoplados de dimensión alta y dan lugar a resultados precisos para problemas oscilatorios a un coste computacional bajo y varios ejemplos numéricos ilustran su rendimiento.
Conclusiones e indicadores para futuros estudios se detallan en el capítulo 6. / [CA] La present tesi està enfocada al tractament de problemes perturbats utilitzant, entre altres, mètodes d'escisió (splitting). Comencem motivant l'oritge d'aquest tipus de problems al capítol 1, i a continuació introduïm el objectius, diferents tècniques bàsiques i alguns mètodes existents al capítol 2.
Al capítol 3, consideram la integració numèrica d'equacions no autònomes separables i parabòliques utilitzant mètodes d'splitting d'ordre major que dos utilitzant coeficients complexos (mètodes amb coeficients reials d'ordre major que dos necesariament tenen coeficients negatius). Proposem una clase de mètodes que permeten evaluar tots els operadors amb dependència temporal explícita amb valors reials del temps. Esta forma de procedir genera esquemes estables i fàcils d'implementar. Si el sistema es pot considerar com una perturbació d'un problema exactament resoluble, i la part dominant s'avança utilitzant coeficients reials, es posible construir mètodes altament eficients per aquest tipus de problemes Demostrem la eficiència d'estos mètodes per a diferents exemples numèrics.
Al capítol 4, proposem mètodes d'splitting per al càcul de la exponencial de matrius pertorbades que es poden escriure com suma A = D + epsilon*B (una matriu que es pot exponenciar fàcilment i eficientemente, com es el cas d'algunes matrius disperses exp(D), i una matriu densa epsilon*B de norma menuda). L'algorisme predominant es basa en escalar la matriu gran amb un nombre menut 2^(-s) per a poder exponenciar el resultat amb mètodes eficients de Padé o Taylor i finalment obtindre la aproximació a la exponencial elevant al quadrat repetidament. En este context, el cost computacional prové de les multiplicacions de matrius denses i presentem una quadratura modificada aprofitant la estructura de matriu pertorbada per reduir el nombre de productes. Resultats teòrics sobre errors locals i propagació d'error per a mètodes d'splitting son analitzats i corroborats amb experiments numèrics, mostrant una clara millora respecte a mètodes existens quan es busca una precisió moderada.
Al capítol 5, considerem la integració numèrica de l'ecuació de Hill pertorbada. En este tipus d'equacions poden apareixer resonàncies paramètriques i esta propietat es de gran interés en moltes aplicacions físiques. Habitualment, les equacions de Hill provenen d'una función hamiltoniana i la solució fonamental es una matriu simplèctica, siguent esta una propietat molt important a preservar pels integradors numèrics. Presentams nous integradors simplèctics exponencials d'orden sis i huit construits especialmente per resoldre l'ecuació de Hill. Estos mètodes es basen en una aproxmiació simplèctica eficient a la exponencial d'osciladors harmònics acoplats de dimensió alta i donen lloc a resultats precisos per a problemas oscilatoris a un cost computacional baix. La eficiencia dels mètodes s'il.lustra en diferents exemples numèrics.
Conclusions i indicadors per a futurs estudis es detallen al capítol 6. / Seydaoglu, M. (2016). Splitting methods for autonomous and non-autonomous perturbed equations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/71358
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Quantum transport and geometric integration for molecular systemsOdell, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Molecular electronics is envisioned as a possible next step in device miniaturization. It is usually taken to mean the design and manufacturing of electronic devices and applications where organic molecules work as the fundamental functioning unit. It involves the measurement and manipulation of electronic response and transport in molecules attached to conducting leads. Organic molecules have the advantages over conventional solid state electronics of inherent small sizes, endless chemical diversity and ambient temperature low cost manufacturing. In this thesis we investigate the switching and conducting properties of photoswitching dithienylethene derivatives. Such molecules change their conformation in solution when acted upon by light. Photochromic molecules are attractive candidates for use in molecular electronics because of the switching between different states with different conducting properties. The possibility of optically controlling the conductance of the molecule attached to conducting leads may lead to new device implementations. The switching reaction is investigated with potential energy calculations for different values of the reaction coordinate between the closed and the open isomer. The electronic and atomic structure calculations are performed with Density Functional Theory (DFT). The potential energy barrier separating the open and closed isomer is investigated, as well as the nature of the excited states involved in the switching. The conducting properties of the molecule inserted between gold, silver and nickel leads is calculated within the Non Equilibrium Green Function theory (NEGF). The molecule is found to be a good conductor in both conformations, with the low-bias current for the closed one being about 20 times larger than that of the open in the case of gold contacts, and over 30 times larger in the case of silver contacts. For the Ni leads the current for the closed isomer is almost 40 times larger than that of the open. Importantly, the current-voltage characteristics away from the linear response is largely determined by molecular orbital re-hybridization in an electric field, in close analogy to what happens for Mn12 molecules. However in the case of dithienylethene attached to Au and Ag such a mechanism is effective also in conditions of strong electronic coupling to the electrodes. In reality these molecules are in constant motion, and the dynamical properties has to be considered. In this thesis such a line of work is initiated. In order to facilitate efficient and stable dynamical simulations of molecular systems the extended Lagrangian formulation of Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics have been implemented in two different codes. The extended Lagrangian framework enables the geometric integration of both the nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom. This provides highly efficient simulations that are stable and energy conserving even under incomplete and approximate self-consistent field (SCF) convergence. In the density functional theory code FreeON, different symplectic integrators up to the 6th order have been adapted and optimized. It is shown how the accuracy can be significantly improved compared to a conventional Verlet integration at the same level of computational cost, in particular for the case of very high accuracy requirements. Geometric integration schemes, including a weak dissipation to remove numerical noise, are developed and implemented in the self-consistent tight-binding code LATTE. We find that the inclusion of dissipation in the symplectic integration methods gives an efficient damping of numerical noise or perturbations that otherwise may accumulate from finite arithmetics in a perfect reversible dynamics. The modification of the integration breakes symplecticity and introduces a global energy drift. The systematic driftin energy and the broken symplecticity can be kept arbitrarily small without significant perturbations of the molecular trajectories. / QC 20101202
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Approche hamiltonienne à ports pour la modélisation, la réduction et la commande des dynamiques des plasmas dans les tokamaks / Port-Hamiltonian approach for modelling, reduction and control of plasma dynamics in tokamaksVu, Ngoc Minh Trang 12 November 2014 (has links)
L'objectif principal de la thèse est d'établir un modèle sous forme hamiltonienne à ports pour la dynamique du plasma dans les réacteurs de fusion de type tokamak, puis de démontrer le potentiel de cette approche pour aborder les problèmes d'intégration numérique et de commande non linéaire. Les bilans thermo-magnéto-hydrodynamiques, écrits sous forme hamiltonienne à ports à l'aide de structures Stokes-Dirac, conduisent à un modèle 3D “ multi-physique ” du plasma. Ensuite, un modèle 1D équivalent au modèle de diffusion résistive est obtenu en supposant les mêmes hypothèses d'équilibre quasi-statique et de symétries. Un schéma symplectique de réduction spatiale de ce modèle 1D qui préserve la structure du modèle et ses invariants est établi. Il ouvre la voie à des travaux ultérieurs de commande non linéaire fondés sur la structure géométrique d'interconnexion et les bilans du modèle. La commande IDA-PBC (Interconnection and Damping Assignment - Passivity Based Control) basée sur la passivité du modèle est d'abord synthétisée pour ce système en dimension finie. Finalement, une commande IDA-PBC associée avec la commande à la frontière est proposée pour le système en dimension infinie. Les controlleurs sont testés et validés avec les simulateurs des tokamak (METIS pour le Tore Supra de CEA/ Cadarache, et RAPTOR pour le TCV de l'EPFL Lausanne, Suisse). / The modelling and analysis of the plasma dynamics in tokamaks using the port-Hamiltonian approach is the main project purpose. Thermo-mMagnetohydrodynamics balances have been written in port-Hamiltonian form using Stokes-Dirac interconnection structures and 3D differential forms. A simplified 1D model for control has been derived using quasi-static and symmetry assumptions. It has been proved to be equivalent to a classical 1D control model: the resistive diffusion model for the poloidal magnetic flux. Then a geometric spatial integration scheme has been developped. It preserves both the symplecticity of the Dirac interconnection structure and physically conserved extensive quantities. This will allow coming works on energy-based approaches for the non linear control of the plasma dynamics.An Interconnection and Damping Assignment - Passivity Based Control (IDA-PBC) , the most general Port-Hamiltonian control, is chosen first to deal with the studied Tokamak system. It is based on a model made of the two coupled PDEs of resistive diffusion for the magnetic poloidal flux and of radial thermal diffusion. The used TMHD couplings are the Lorentz forces (with non-uniform resistivity) and the bootstrap current. The loop voltage at the plasma boundary, the total external current and the plasma heating power are considered as controller outputs. Due to the actuator constraints which imply to have a physically feasible current profile deposits, a feedforward control is used to ensure the compatibility with the actuator physical capability. Then, the IDA-PBC controllers, both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional, are designed to improve the system stabilization and convergence speed. The proposed works are validated against the simulation data obtained from the Tore-Supra WEST (CEA/Cadarache, France) test case and from RAPTOR code for the TCV real-time control system (CRPP/ EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland).
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Numerical methods for dynamic micromagneticsShepherd, David January 2015 (has links)
Micromagnetics is a continuum mechanics theory of magnetic materials widely used in industry and academia. In this thesis we describe a complete numerical method, with a number of novel components, for the computational solution of dynamic micromagnetic problems by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. In particular we focus on the use of the implicit midpoint rule (IMR), a time integration scheme which conserves several important properties of the LLG equation. We use the finite element method for spatial discretisation, and use nodal quadrature schemes to retain the conservation properties of IMR despite the weak-form approach. We introduce a novel, generally-applicable adaptive time step selection algorithm for the IMR. The resulting scheme selects error-appropriate time steps for a variety of problems, including the semi-discretised LLG equation. We also show that it retains the conservation properties of the fixed step IMR for the LLG equation. We demonstrate how hybrid FEM/BEM magnetostatic calculations can be coupled to the LLG equation in a monolithic manner. This allows the coupled solver to maintain all properties of the standard time integration scheme, in particular stability properties and the energy conservation property of IMR. We also develop a preconditioned Krylov solver for the coupled system which can efficiently solve the monolithic system provided that an effective preconditioner for the LLG sub-problem is available. Finally we investigate the effect of the spatial discretisation on the comparative effectiveness of implicit and explicit time integration schemes (i.e. the stiffness). We find that explicit methods are more efficient for simple problems, but for the fine spatial discretisations required in a number of more complex cases implicit schemes become orders of magnitude more efficient.
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