Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geotechnical engineering."" "subject:"ceotechnical engineering.""
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Geotechnical reinforcement work for foundation of extending an existing residential building / Grundförstärkning av grundläggning vid påbyggnation av ett befintligt bostadshusKarlbom, Malin, Hallman, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
The last hundreds of years there has been a land elevation that causes an increased distance between the groundwater level and the buildings founded on wooden piles. When wooden piles are exposed to air, rot fungus occurs which causes the pile to lose its bearing capacity. With the critical problem of housing shortage, the demand can be met if an innovative solution is created by extending a superstructure on top of an existing building within the city center of Stockholm. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether it is profitable to extend an existing building with a superstructure when reinforcing an existing foundation. By an extensive literature survey, a model is created and exposed to several analyzes containing both analytical and numerical calculations. Based on the acquired knowledge, the model reflects the most common building built within the city center of Stockholm, that was founded on wooden piles, where the geological conditions consist of clay. A new foundation has been designed consisting of drilled end-bearing steel piles. For the two pile dimensions of RD220/12.5 and RD170/10, the possible load transfer methods of full niches, ground beam with half a niche, yoke beams and slab with half a niche are analyzed, respectively. These methods were combined differently to obtain the possible combinations performed in this building, that in turn, gives the difference in the amount of work and costs. An intended superstructure consisting of four storeys in wood is then applied on the existing building to once again, obtain the differences in amount of work and costs. Comparing these two cases, the profitability is determined. The study shows for the larger pile that the superstructure entails no difference in the required amount of piles and therefore, no difference in the total cost compared to the existing building. However, for the smaller pile, the superstructure entails a small increase in the required amount of piles and the cost. The study resulted that the larger pile provides the cheapest geotechnical reinforcement work, regardless if the superstructure is applied or not, compared to the smaller pile. The thesis show that it is profitable to extend an existing building when the existing foundation is strengthened, due to the great revenue of the superstructure, which entails that the profitability is a fact. / Under de senaste hundra åren har det skett en landhöjning i Stockholm. Detta medför att byggnader som är grundlagda med träpålar får ett avstånd till grundvattennivån. Träpålarna utsätts då för luft som i sin tur leder till försämrad bärförmåga, vilket innebär att grundläggningen behöver förstärkas. En annan stor utmaning i Stockholm är bostadsbristen. En lösning för att kunna möta efterfrågan på bostäder är att bygga på höjden ovanpå en befintlig byggnad inom Stockholms innerstad. Detta kräver att grundläggningen klarar av att bära en påbyggnation, vilket leder till syftet för denna studie. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det är lönsamt att bygga på en befintlig byggnad när man samtidigt grundförstärker byggnaden bestående av träpålar. För att besvara studiens syfte har två modeller skapats och analyserats ur fler perspektiv som därefter jämförts. Modellerna baseras på en omfattande litteraturundersökning och återspeglar en befintlig byggnad i form utav den vanligaste byggda byggnaden i Stockholms innerstad med en grundläggning av träpålar. Den första modellen innefattar endast den befintliga byggnaden och den andra modellen innefattar den befintliga byggnaden med en påbyggnation av fyra våningar bestående av trä. En ny grundläggning behövs, då det är svårt att kontrollera bärkapaciteten hos dessa befintliga träpålar. Den nya grundläggningen består utav borrande ändbärande stålpålar där två olika dimensioner undersöks, RD220/12.5 och RD170/10. För dessa två dimensioner har olika lastöverförings- metoder analyserats separat, varav de möjliga metoderna för denna typbyggnad är hela nischer, markbalk med anfang, ok-balk och platta på mark med anfang. Dessa metoder för respektive dimension har kombinerats för att erhålla det totala grundförstärkningsarbetet som i sin tur genererar en skillnad i både mängd arbete och kostnad för de två olika modellerna. Därefter bestäms lönsamheten genom en jämförelse mellan de två olika modellerna. Studien visar att en påbyggnation inte medför någon skillnad i varken erforderlig mängd arbete eller kostnad för den större dimensionen. För den mindre dimensionen erhölls en ökning i både arbete och kostnad. Studien resulterande i att den större dimensionen ger totalt det billigaste grundförstärkningsarbetet, oavsett om en påbyggnation sker eller inte, i jämförelse mot den mindre dimensionen. Vid en grundförstärkning visar studien att det är lönsamt att samtidigt utföra en påbyggnation ovanpå en befintlig byggnad.
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Modelling of a compensated foundation in GeoSuite Settlement / Modellering av en kompensationsgrundläggning i GeoSuite SättningHermansson, Linnea, Söderberg, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The world today is constantly growing, creating a need of new roads and residential areas. New constructions lead to an increased load onto the soil, which can result in deformations when the soil layers underneath are compressed. To reduce the increased load on the soil, a compensated foundation can be used. This method is based on the principle that the load from the construction will be compensated by the excavated soil, often replaced by a lightweight material. As an example, this method can be used in areas with great clay layers and in sensitive projects where the rise of deformations can have undesirable consequences. It is of great importance to be able to understand the impact this method has on the soil and what long-term deformations that can be expected.GeoSuite Settlement is a tool for calculation of settlements and is frequently used in the Nordic industry of geotechnical engineering. In this study, the possibilities of modelling a compensated foundation in the software has been examined. Additionally, an analysis of parameters has been conducted in the aim of evaluating the importance of the parameters in the modelling process and the final results. Three different projects have been used as a basis, where one of them is a made-up case, based on the test site of Lilla Mellösa, and two actual cases designed by Structor Geoteknik Stockholm AB. Only one of these two projects have been completed, enabling post-construction measuring to be able to compare the calculated deformations with measured data, just about 16 months post-construction.Mainly three different approaches to the modelling of a compensated foundation has been studied in this work; unloading and loading, only loading corresponding to the total increase of load and with an edited soil profile adapted for a lightweight material (the description of the methods are to be found in Appendix 11.7). Similar patterns of deformations have been found in the results for the three methods, aside from one case where a slightly larger deformation occurred as a result of the lightweight material getting in contact with the underlying clay (instead of the filling/ dry crust). Based on this work, the simplest method is suggested to be used, i.e. only loading corresponding to the increased load.Due to the time limitations of this work, a decision to only study a few parameters in the analysis has been made and also to study them individually. Since the compressibility and creep characteristics of the clay is strongly dependent on the actual and former situation of the stress, the results of this parameter study are not directly applicable to any other case. However, this study clearly shows the importance of carefully evaluating the parameters of the clay, especially the preconsolidation pressure σ’c and the compressibility modulus M, which are important to obtain lifelike results. The importance of evaluating the time resistance value rS with respect to the current addition of stress has also been shown in this study. As expected, the groundwater level also plays an important role for the final settlements in the clay. / Vi lever i en värld som ständigt växer och detta skapar ett behov av nya vägar och bostadsområden. Nya konstruktioner som leder till en ökad belastning på jorden, kan ge upphov till sättningar när underliggande jordlager komprimeras. För att reducera belastningen på jorden kan en kompensationsgrundläggning användas, vilken bygger på principen att lasten från konstruktionen kompenseras av bortschaktad jord som ofta ersätts av ett lättfyllnadsmaterial. Metoden kan till exempel tillämpas i områden med mäktiga lerlager samt i känsliga projekt där uppkomsten av sättningar kan få stora konsekvenser. För att kunna dimensionera dessa är det av stor vikt att förstå dess påverkan på jorden och vilka långsiktiga sättningar som kan väntas uppkomma till följd av den nya konstruktionen.GeoSuite Sättning är ett beräkningsverktyg för sättningsberäkningar som idag används flitigt inom geoteknikbranschen. I detta arbete har möjligheterna att modellera en kompensationsgrundläggning med hjälp av programvaran studerats. Dessutom har en parameterstudie genomförts i syfte att undersöka vilka parametrar som är av stor betydelse för modelleringen och dess resultat. Som grund har tre projekt använts, varav ett är ett påhittat fall där jordprofilen baserats på den i testområdet Lilla Mellösa, och två är verkliga projekt tillhörande Structor Geoteknik Stockholm AB. I ett av dessa projekt har även beräknade deformationer jämförts mot uppmätta deformationer, cirka 16 månader efter konstruktion.Denna studie har främst studerat tre tillvägagångssätt för modellering av en kompensationsgrundläggning; av- och pålast, endast pålast motsvarande total lastökning samt av- och pålast med en redigerad jordprofil som anpassats till lättfyllnadsmaterialet (metoderna beskrivs i Bilaga 11.7). Resultaten har visat på ett snarlikt sättningsförlopp för de tre metoderna, bortsett från ett fall där en något större sättning uppkom till följd av att lättfyllningen i jordprofilen kom i kontakt med underliggande lera (istället för fyllning/ torrskorpelera). Utifrån detta arbete rekommenderas därmed att använda den enklaste metoden med endast pålast.På grund av arbetets tidsbegränsning har endast ett antal parametrar inkluderats i parameterstudien, dessutom har de främst utvärderats separat. Vilka parametrar för jordens kompressions- och krypegenskaper som har störst påverkan på resultatet är starkt beroende av spänningssituationen i det aktuella fallet och resultaten från detta arbete är därmed inte direkt applicerbart på andra projekt. Tydligt är dock att en noggrann utvärdering av jordens parametrar som dess förkonsolideringstryck σ’c samt kompressionsmodul M är väsentligt för att erhålla verklighetstrogna resultat. Studien har även visat på vikten av att utvärdera lerors kryptal rS med hänsyn till den aktuella tillskottsspänningen. Även grundvattennivån har visat sig ha en betydlig påverkan på uppkomsten av sättningar.
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Settlement calculation for lime/cement column improved clay : Analytical and numerical analyses related to a case studyYederulh, Hulumtaye Kefyalew January 2018 (has links)
The dry deep mixing method is widely used to improve a soft clay soil to increase the shear strength as well as to reduce the time for consolidation. It is a mechanical mixing process that makes parts of the soil stiffer than its original strength. It is mainly applicable to soft clay or peat soil. In this master thesis, the objective was set to perform a comparative analysis on the prediction of the settlements of a clay soil improved by lime/cement columns (LCC). The theoretical settlement predictions were made using two analytical and numerical modeling. A case study was carried out on a part of Stockholm bypass project where LCC was applied to improve soft clay for a foundation of a concrete trough. Field measurements of the vertical deformation of the improved soil were performed using settlement plates to compare the analytical and numerical results. The first analytical method was performed based on the recommendation of TK Geo 13 (2013) while the second method was performed based on the concept of a composite ground. In the case of the numerical method, FEA was performed using 2D plane strain model in Plaxis simulation. The performance of the geometry and combined matching models were investigated to convert the axisymmetric to plane strain model. The variation in stiffness of the columns were taken into consideration by applying two stiffness values 30 and 33 MPa for the upper and lower half of the column respectively. A preload of 58 kPa was applied on the improved clay soil to simulate the time-dependent consolidation settlement due to the stress addition. A comparison was carried out between the results obtained from the analysis and a field measurement. The two analytical methods produced a better agreement with the field measurement regarding long-term consolidation settlement and a reasonable agreement concerning the rate of consolidation. The numerical analysis showed a good agreement with the benchmark concerning both the long-term consolidation settlement as well as the rate of consolidation. The geometry matching model gave a reasonable result regarding correctness of the result compared with the combined matching. Based on the results obtained in this study, the numerical methods had a better agreement with the measurements. / Jordförstärkning med kalkcementpelare är en vanlig metod för förstärkning av lösa jordar genom ökning av den blandade jordens hållfasthet samt minskning av konsolideringstiden. Metoden är en mekanisk process som ökar jordens styvhet och är främst tillämpbar i lös leror men även organiska jordar. Detta examensarbete har syftat till att jämföra sättningsberäkningar i lera som är förstärk med KC-pelare. De teoretiska beräkningarna har utförts genom två analytiska modeller samt numerisk modellering. En fallstudie har utförts på del av Förbifart Stockholm där jordförstärkning av lös lera med KC-pelare har använts inför grundläggning av ett betongtråg. Resultat från fältmätningar av installerade markpeglar har jämförts med resultat från de teoretiska sättningsberäkningarna. Den första beräkningsmetoden utfördes i enlighet med rekommendationer från TK Geo 13 (2013) och den andra metoden är baserad på principer för kompositjordar. Den numeriska beräkningen har utgjorts av FEM-modellering i 2D i programmet Plaxis. För att anpassa en plan-töjningsmodell till en axialsymmetrisk modell har inverkan av geometrin samt kombinerad anpassning av modell studerats. Hänsyn har tagits till KC-pelarnas styvhet genom att använda två olika värden (30 resp. 33 MPa) för KC-pelarnas övre respektive undre del. En överlast om 58 kPa applicerades på KC-pelarförstärkt området för att påskynda den tidsberoende konsolideringssättningarnas förlopp som orsakas av överlastens tillskottspänningar. Baserat på resultat från uppmätta sättningar jämfört med beräkningar, har följande slutsatser dragits. Jämförelser mellan resultaten har visat på en rimlig överrensstämmelse mellan de två analytiska metoderna och utförda fältmätningar avseende långtids konsolideringssättningar. Den numeriska beräkningen har visat en god överensstämmelse med fältmätningar med hänsyn till både konsolideringssättningar och konsolideringsgraden. Den geometriskt anpassade modellen visade ett rimligare resultat i förhållande till den kombinerade anpassade modellen. Sammanfattningsvis bedöms det att den numeriska modelleringen stämmer bättre överens med resultaten från uppmätta sättningar i förhållande till analytiska beräkningar.
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Laboratory Investigations of Frost Action Mechanisms in SoilsDagli, Deniz January 2017 (has links)
Phase change of the water in the soil skeleton under cold climate conditions (also known as frost action in soils) affects soil properties and can be responsible for serious alterations in a soil body; causing damages (due to the volumetric expansion known as frost heave) to structures on or below the ground surface such as foundations, roads, railways, retaining walls and pipelines, etc. In order to improve the current design methods for roads against frost action, the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has initiated a research program. The main goals of the program are to revise the existing frost heave estimation methods and improve the frost susceptibility classification system for subgrade soils. Literature was reviewed to gather the details of different freezing test equipment around the world and to identify common trends and practices for laboratory freezing tests. Based on the literature review and the collaboration with the University of Oulu, Finland an experimental apparatus was assembled for studying frost action in the laboratory. A detailed description of the experimental apparatus is given. Top to down freezing of specimens (of 10cm height and diameter) can be monitored while keeping track of water intake, vertical displacements (heave) and the temperature profile within the sample. Loads can be applied at the top of the sample to study the effects of overburden. Moreover, the test setup was modified with a camera system to have the option of recording the experiments. Disturbed samples of two different soil types were tested. Experiments with fixed and varying temperature boundary conditions were conducted to assess the validity of the assumptions for the frost heave estimation methods currently in use in Sweden. To this end, a qualitative relationship between frost heave and heat extraction rates based on theoretical equations was established. It was shown that there is a significant difference between the preliminary findings of the experimental work and the current system being used in Sweden to quantify heave. Image analysis techniques were used on two experiments that were recorded by the camera system. Image recording and correlation analyses provided detailed information about frost front penetration and ice lens formation(s) under varying temperature boundary conditions. Thawing has also been regarded in further studies. Results of the image analyses were compared to readings from conventional displacement measurements during the same test. Significant agreement between the results of image analyses and displacement measurements has been found. Image analysis was shown to be a viable method in further understanding of frost heave mechanisms. Shortcomings and disadvantages of utilizing the theoretical equations as well as the image analysis techniques were discussed. Potential remedies for overcoming the drawbacks associated with each approach are suggested. The work is concluded by discussing the potential improvements, planned upgrades (addition of pore pressure transducers) and the future experiments to be conducted. / Modellering av tjällossningsförlopp vid vägdimensionering
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Evaluation of influence from matedness on the peak shear strength of natural rock jointsAndersson, Emil January 2019 (has links)
In Sweden, the rock mass is commonly used for construction of tunnels and caverns. The rockmass is also used as a foundation for large structures such as bridge abutments and dams. Forthese structures, the understanding of the rock mechanical properties play a key role for reachingan acceptable safety level and minimizing cost. One of the properties that has a high uncertaintyis the shear strength of rock joints. These rock joints constitute the weakest link in the rock massand often govern it´s strength. The uncertainty lies in the amount of factors that affect the shearstrength such as the degree of weathering, the matedness, the roughness of the surface and thescale. Various authors have tried to develop a failure criterion that can predict the peak shearstrength of rock joints and takes into account the influence of the various factors.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the ability of the newly developed Casagrande et al.criterion to determine the peak shear strength for perfectly mated and natural rock joints withdifferent degrees of matedness. All samples analyzed in this thesis have been scanned andcustomized to run in the programmed version of the Casagrande et al. criterion. This iterativeprocess will stop as the application reach the apparent dip angle where the total shearing force issmaller than the total sliding force. This angle combined with the basic friction angle gives thepeak friction angle for calculations of the peak shear strength.The result show that the Casagrande et al. criterion can predict the peak shear strength forperfectly mated joint. However, for the natural rock joint, as the degree of matedness decreases,the accuracy of the prediction of the peak shear strength decreases. The conclusion of this studyis that the Casagrande’s criterion cannot determine the peak shear strength of natural rock jointsand that further development of the Casagrande et al. criterion is needed taking this parameterinto account. / Sverige är berg ett vanligt material för byggande av tunnlar och bergrum. För dessakonstruktioner spelar bergegenskaperna en nyckelroll för att nå en acceptabel säkerhetsnivåoch minimera kostnaden. En av de egenskaper som har stor osäkerhet är skjuvhållfastheten förbergsprickor. Osäkerheten ligger i de många faktorer som påverkar skjuvhållfastheten, såsomgraden av vittring, passning, ytans råhet och skala. Olika författare har försökt att anpassa ettbrottkriterium för bergsprickor som tar hänsyn till faktorernas inflytande och som kan användastill att uppskatta den maximala skjuvhållfastheten.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utvärdera förmågan hos det nyligen utveckladebrottkriteriet av Casagrande et al. att bestämma den maximala skjuvhållfastheten för perfektpassade sprickor och naturliga sprickor med olika grad av passning. Alla prover i detta arbetehar skannats in och anpassats för att köras i den programmerade algoritmen som beräknar denmaximala skjuvhållfastheten enligt kriteriet av Casagrande et al.. Kriteriet använder sig av eniterativ process som pågår tills algoritmen når den vinkel där den totala skjuvkraften är mindreän den totala glidkraften. Denna vinkel kombinerad med sprickans basfriktionsvinkeln ger denmaximala friktionsvinkeln för beräkning av skjuvhållfastheten.Resultaten visar att Casagrande et al. kan förutspå den maximala skjuvhållfastheten förperfekt passade sprickor. När passningsgraden minskar för naturliga bergsprickor minskar kriterietsförmåga att prediktera den maximala skjuvhållfastheten. Slutsatsen från detta arbete äratt kriteriet av Casagrande et al. kan prediktera skjuvhållfastheten för perfekt passade sprickormen saknar förmågan att beakta inverkan från passning, vilket leder till att skjuvhållfasthetenöverskattas om kriteriet användas på naturliga sprickor som inte är perfekt passade. Fortsattforskning krävs för att vidareutveckla kriteriet så att graden av passning kan beaktas.
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Reliability – based analysis of embankment damsLiu, Xiaochen January 2019 (has links)
Embankment dams are widely used as water-retaining structures through the world. Two principal structural failure modes of embankment dams are internal erosion and slope instability. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of applying probabilistic methods in embankment dam assessment. Compared to deterministic methods, probabilistic methods considers the variability in material properties and the results are more assessable. Meanwhile, the derived sensitivity factors of the variables can be used to find the most influential one.Through a literature review, it is found that the difficulties in defining a limit state function for the full process of internal erosion for embankment dams hold back the application of reliability-based methods. However, reliability-based methods have been recognized as suitable for slope stability assessment.In this thesis, both deterministic and probabilistic calculations have been performed for a homogenous embankment dam. The deterministic calculation is carried out in Slope/W to first find out the most critical slip surface. The failure probability of this slip surface is estimated by both Monte Carlo simulations in Slope/W and FORM analysis in Comrel. Then, the 34 most critical slip surfaces from Slope/W are chosen to calculate the system reliability with simple bounds and applied integration. The results from the deterministic and probabilistic calculations showed that the studied dam has a higher risk of failure than allowed. In the system reliability calculation, simple bounds gives a wide range, especially the upper bounds. It was found that classification of different slip surfaces into different groups with respect to geometry and material was useful to simplify the calculations. Not much improvement in accuracy of the system probability of failure is found when increasing the numbers (from 1 to 5) of the most critical slip surfaces from each group. Even the combination of 1 slip surface from each group only gives an error of 6.5%. Categorizing slip surfaces before performing a system reliability analysis is a good way for simplification of the calculations. Due to this, the criteria used for categorization of the slip surfaces are of interest. In this work, it was found that the slip geometry in combination with the materials included in the slip surface constitute a possible way forward to do this. / Fyllningsdammar används ofta som dämmande konstruktioner runt om i världen. Två potentiella brottmoder för fyllningsdammar är inre erosion och släntinstabilitet.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka möjligheten att tillämpa probabilistiska metoder vid utvärdering av fyllningsdammars säkerhet för dessa brottmoder. Jämfört med deterministiska metoder betraktar probabilistiska metoder även variationen i materialegenskaper. Erhållna känslighetsfaktorer för ingående variabler kan även användas för att hitta de som har störst inverkan på det studerade problemet.I litteraturstudien framkom att det är svårt att definiera en gränsfunktion som beskriver inre erosion för fyllnadsdammar, vilket begränsar dess användbarhet med probabilistiska metoder. För analys av släntstabilitet är dock probabilistiska metoder användbara. Både deterministiska och probabilistiska beräkningar av släntstabiliteten för en fyllnadsdamm har genomförts inom ramen för detta arbete. De deterministiska beräkningarna har utförts med programmet Slope/W, där den mest kritiska glidytan först har analyserats. Brottsannolikheten för dammen har beräknats med både Monte Carlo-simulering i Slope/W och FORM-analys i Comrel. En begränsning med att enbart beräkna brottsannolikheten för den mest kritiska glidytan är att brottsannolikheten kan underskattas då inverkan från andra potentiella glidytor inte beaktas. De potentiella glidytorna kan betraktas som ett seriesystem, där glidytorna är delvis korrelerade med varandra. För att studera denna fråga valdes de 34 mest kritiska glidytorna från Slope/W ut för att beräkna systemets tillförlitlighet. Resultaten från de deterministiska och probabilistiska beräkningarna visade att den studerade dammen hade en oacceptabel brottsannolikhet. I beräkningarna av gränserna för systemets brottsannolikhet visade resultaten att brottsannolikheten kan variera stort beroende på korrelationen mellan glidytorna. Genom att klassificera glidytorna i olika grupper med hänsyn till geometri och ingående material kan beräkningarna för systemets brottsannolikhet förenklas. Resultaten visade att noggrannheten i beräkningarna för brottsannolikheten av systemet inte förbättrades i någon större utsträckning när antalet valda glidytor (från 1 till 5) från varje grupp av likartade glidytor inkluderades i beräkningen. Kombinationen av 1 glidyta från varje grupp gav endast ett fel på 6,5% jämfört med om alla 34 glidytorna inkluderades. Kategorisering av glidytor av samma karaktär i olika grupper rekommenderas därför att genomföras innan systemets tillförlitlighet analyseras. I detta arbete framkom att glidytan geometri i kombination med ingående material i glidytan utgör ett lämpligt kriterium för att göra denna indelning.
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Reliability – based analysis of embankment damsLiu, Xiaochen January 2019 (has links)
Embankment dams are widely used as water-retaining structures through the world. Two principal structural failure modes of embankment dams are internal erosion and slope instability. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of applying probabilistic methods in embankment dam assessment. Compared to deterministic methods, probabilistic methods considers the variability in material properties and the results are more assessable. Meanwhile, the derived sensitivity factors of the variables can be used to find the most influential one.Through a literature review, it is found that the difficulties in defining a limit state function for the full process of internal erosion for embankment dams hold back the application of reliability-based methods. However, reliability-based methods have been recognized as suitable for slope stability assessment.In this thesis, both deterministic and probabilistic calculations have been performed for a homogenous embankment dam. The deterministic calculation is carried out in Slope/W to first find out the most critical slip surface. The failure probability of this slip surface is estimated by both Monte Carlo simulations in Slope/W and FORM analysis in Comrel. Then, the 34 most critical slip surfaces from Slope/W are chosen to calculate the system reliability with simple bounds and applied integration. The results from the deterministic and probabilistic calculations showed that the studied dam has a higher risk of failure than allowed. In the system reliability calculation, simple bounds gives a wide range, especially the upper bounds. It was found that classification of different slip surfaces into different groups with respect to geometry and material was useful to simplify the calculations. Not much improvement in accuracy of the system probability of failure is found when increasing the numbers (from 1 to 5) of the most critical slip surfaces from each group. Even the combination of 1 slip surface from each group only gives an error of 6.5%. Categorizing slip surfaces before performing a system reliability analysis is a good way for simplification of the calculations. Due to this, the criteria used for categorization of the slip surfaces are of interest. In this work, it was found that the slip geometry in combination with the materials included in the slip surface constitute a possible way forward to do this.
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Seismic Analysis of Norra Tornen : A Comparison Based on the Requirements in Eurocode 8Barbaranelli, Andreas, Wallin, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
In Sweden, buildings are not designed to withstand earthquakes due to the rarity of an earthquake event and its consequential damage. However, the aim of this thesis was to study the seismic performance of some of the highest buildings in Stockholm, called Innovationen and Helix. The purpose of the study was to get an understanding of earthquake engineering for high rise buildings and to compare the behavior of the two towers during seismic action. In order to compare the two buildings and get an understanding of what will affect the seismic performance, Eurocode 8 was used. The Eurocode standard lists several properties that impacts the seismic resistance of buildings. One of the goals was to study how those factors influence the behavior of Innovationen and Helix and finally compare the results to each other in order to draw valid conclusions. The method to perform the analysis was a modal analysis using a finite element analysis program. The program used contains predefined response spectra’s based on Eurocode 8 which is used to define the seismic load acting on the structures. The extracted results are listed below: - Frequencies and mode shapes - Modal masses - Level and total masses - Accelerations - Displacements The conclusion of the study was that Innovationen and Helix have similar properties and some points from Eurocode 8 were better fulfilled by Helix and others by Innovationen: - Uniformity, symmetry and redundancy (Innovationen fulfills the requirements better than Helix) - Bi-directional resistance and stiffness (Innovationen fulfills the requirements better than Helix) - Torsional resistance and stiffness (Helix fulfills the requirements better than Innovationen) - Adequate foundation (Helix fulfills the requirements better than Innovationen) Of the two parameters studied, the height was the one with the most influence on seismic resistance.
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Evaluation of methods for rock mass characterization and design of rock slopes in crystalline rock / Utvärdering av metoder för karaktärisering av bergmassa och dimensionering av slänter i kristallint bergGottlander, Johanna Unknown Date (has links)
Construction of rock slopes is needed in many civil work projects. It is for example very common in road and railway cuts, but other applications include excavation for tunneling or building foundations, where perhaps sensitive constructions are present in the immediate vicinity. In Sweden the majority of the rock is hard crystalline bedrock of relatively good quality, and the fracture orientation have a large effect of the stability of the rock slope.If the geology is not properly considered for when the design of the slope is carried out, it can result in slope failure, with severe consequences. This applies especially if the rock slope is high, but unwanted effects like increased excavation and construction costs, could occur also in smaller slopes if the risks are not identified and managed. However, it is difficult to standardize design of rock slopes in fractured hard crystalline rock because of the uncertainties and variations in the geological conditions during the design phase.Rock mass characterization systems like Rock mass rating, RMR (Bieniawski 1989) and the Qsystem (Barton, Lien och Lunde 1974) are commonly used to describe the general rock mass quality. Whilst a good rock mass quality is generally easier to construct in, stability problems do occur due to structural geology in rock slopes even in good rock mass quality. The application of these systems in rock slopes can be problematic as they do not describe the geometry of the slope and how the fractures daylight in the slope face. Instead, stereonets can be used to visualize this, but fracture parameters of large importance for stability (persistence, roughness and alteration) are traditionally not presented in a stereonet analysis. Additionally, these parameters and the structural geological conditions can be difficult to predict and can vary significantly over short distances, why it can be difficult to forecast and predict failure in the design face.Slope instability due to large sliding and wedge failures have been observed in a large number of slopes in crystalline rock, and a standard method for design of rock slopes is lacking. This has given rise to the research question of how best to describe rock mass conditions, how to design slopes in crystalline rock and how to manage these risks during construction.To investigate this, three rock slopes where large failure had occurred were selected for the case study and were mapped, characterized and analyzed. The results from the case study showed that all rock slopes investigated had in common that failure had occurred along fractures of large persistence. This highlights the importance of evaluating the geology in the correct scale and suggest that lineament studies and other elevation based interpretation are perhaps more useful than previously thought. It also came to light that the planning and design process is inflexible which in many cases lead to large risks being overlooked or left unnoticed.A flow chart for risk classification was produced and suggested for aid in decision making aiming at simplifying project management of rock slopes, as well as aiding in visualization of the risk that rock slopes can be associated to.
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<strong>AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE BASE AND SHAFT RESISTANCE OF PIPE PILES INSTALLED IN SAND</strong>Kenneth Idem (16032893) 07 June 2023 (has links)
<p> The base and shaft resistance of steel pipe piles installed in silica sand is affected by several factors; these include but are not limited to: shaft resistance degradation, shaft surface roughness, installation method, pile geometry, soil density and particle size, and setup. This thesis focuses on the first four factors, while also considering the effect of soil density within each factor. Several of the pile design formulas available do not consider the effects of shaft resistance degradation due to load cycles during installation of jacked and driven closed-ended pipe piles, plug formation and evolution during driving of open-ended pipe piles, the degree of corrosion or pitting corrosion on the shaft surface of a pile and its potential impact on setup, and the geometry of the tip of the pile. To assess the impact on pile capacity of some of these factors, a series of static compression load tests were performed in a controlled environment in a calibration chamber with a scaled down instrumented model pile. The air-pluviation technique with different combination of sieves assembled in a large-scale pluviator was used to prepare F-55 sand samples of different density in the calibration chamber. Slight changes were made to the experimental setup to study each factor: sand sample density, driving energy, mode of installation, and geometry and shaft roughness of the model pile.</p>
<p>The results from the experiments confirmed that each of these factors affects the pile resistance. Some of the important conclusions were:</p>
<p>i. The shaft resistance of the model pile is about 2.4 times greater for jacked piles than for driven piles in dense sand, due to the greater shaft resistance degradation in driven piles. </p>
<p>ii. Despite the effect of degradation, the shaft resistance of the non-displacement model pile which had no loading cycles was a ratio of 0.37 to that of the driven model pile in medium dense sand and 0.60 in dense sand, due to the absence of displacement.</p>
<p>iii. An increase in the surface roughness of the jacked model piles from smooth to medium-rough resulted in an increase of the shaft resistance, which had a ratio of 7.75 to the smooth pile in dense sand and 3.05 in medium dense sand. An increase from smooth to rough resulted in an increase of the shaft resistance, which had a ratio of 8.00 to the smooth pile in dense sand and 4.26 in medium dense sand.</p>
<p>iv. Although rougher interfaces produce greater interface friction angles than smooth interfaces with sand, once a limiting value of surface roughness is reached, shearing occurs in a narrow band in the sand in the immediate vicinity of the model pile, with the shaft resistance depending on the critical-state friction angle of the sand. This means the shaft resistance will not increase further with changes in pile surface roughness, due to the fact that the internal critical-state friction angle of the sand has been reached in the shear band during loading. </p>
<p>v. During installation, the conical-based pile had a higher penetration per blow compared to the flat based pile from 0 to 25.6<em>B</em> in medium dense sand and 0 to 20<em>B</em> in dense sand (<em>B</em> = base diameter). After the pile was installed beyond 25.6<em>B</em> in medium dense and 20<em>B</em> in dense sand, the penetration per blow was identical. </p>
<p>vi. The base resistance of a conical-based model pile was about 0.76 times that of a flat-based model pile in dense sand and 0.56 in medium dense sand. </p>
<p>vii. Jacked piles had similar base resistance ratio of about 0.93 to 0.95 of driven piles in dense sand and 0.98 to 1.05 in medium dense sand. However, they had a much higher shaft resistance ratio of about 1.67 to 2.07 in dense sand and 1.44 to 1.50 in medium dense sand. </p>
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