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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desempenho de camadas de proteção para geomembranas / Performance of protective layers for geomembranes

Geroto, Regis Eduardo 17 October 2008 (has links)
A eficiência das geomembranas como barreiras para controle e desvio de fluxo está diretamente relacionada com a integridade de sua superfície. Nos sistemas de impermeabilização basal, como utilizados em aterros sanitários, as geomembranas podem entrar em contato com materiais perfurantes e cortantes, como a brita do sistema de drenagem. Para prevenir perfurações e outros danos em geomembranas, são empregadas camadas de proteção, como geotêxteis não-tecidos e areia. Este estudo avalia o desempenho de geotêxteis não-tecidos de fibras curtas de poliéster (PET) e de polipropileno (PP), além de uma configuração com areia, como camadas de proteção para geomembranas de policloreto de vinila (PVC) e de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD). Foram realizados ensaios índices, ensaios de puncionamento hidrostático e ensaios de carregamento estático em grande escala, para verificar os mecanismos de ruptura das geomembranas e o comportamento da resistência ao puncionamento com a adoção de camadas de proteção. Os resultados demonstraram desempenho superior, como elemento de proteção, dos geotêxteis de maior resistência mecânica e mecanismos de rupturas diferenciados entre geomembranas de PEAD e de PVC. / The efficiency of geomembranes as barriers for flow diversion is directly related to its integrity. In basal lining systems, such as those used in landfills and waste disposal lagoon, geomembranes can get into contact with sharp materials, such as gravel from the drainage system, which can induce excessive deformation and holes. To prevent geomembrane damage, nonwoven geotextiles and sand are usually employed as protective layers. This paper deals with the performance of polyester (PET) and polypropylene (PP) nonwoven geotextiles and a sand layer, as protective layers for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes. Index, hydrostatic puncture and large-scale uniaxial compression tests were performed and have allowed understanding the geomembrane damage mechanism and the influence of protective layers properties in increasing the geomembrane performance against puncture. The test results have shown that the behavior in puncture protection is related to the mechanical resistance of geotextile and that the rupture mechanism is different for the different types of geomembrane used in the study.

Deformações dependentes do tempo em muros de solo reforçado com geotêxteis / Time-dependent deformations in geotextile reinforced soil walls

Costa, Carina Maia Lins 17 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre deformações de geotêxteis ao longo do tempo, considerando interações entre reforço e solo confinante em muros de solo reforçado. O programa experimental desenvolvido para esse fim envolveu duas etapas básicas. Na primeira etapa, um novo equipamento foi desenvolvido na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos/USP, para a realização de ensaios de fluência com um elemento de solo reforçado. O equipamento desenvolvido permite simular o mecanismo típico de transferência de carga em estruturas de solo reforçado, isto é, o solo solicita o geotêxtil. Esse equipamento também possibilita que solo e geotêxtil apresentem deformações ao longo do tempo de forma interativa. Nessa etapa, o programa de ensaios foi conduzido utilizando-se uma areia pura e um geotêxtil de polipropileno. Na segunda etapa deste trabalho, modelos de muros de solo reforçado foram ensaiados em centrífuga na Universidade do Colorado em Boulder, EUA. Os referidos modelos foram construídos utilizando-se uma areia e mantas de poliéster e de polipropileno. Alguns modelos foram carregados até a ruptura com acréscimo de aceleração, enquanto outros foram observados, no decorrer do tempo, sob aceleração constante. Nos ensaios para investigação de fluência, deformações significativas foram observadas, ocorrendo, inclusive, a manifestação de ruptura em determinados modelos, após algumas horas de ensaio. Os ensaios realizados nas duas etapas do trabalho revelaram aspectos importantes relativos à interação solo-reforço. Com base na interpretação dos resultados experimentais, apresenta-se uma discussão sobre mecanismos de deformação, em função do tempo, em muros de solo reforçado. / This thesis presents a study on the time- ependent deformations of geotextiles in reinforced soil walls considering the long-term interactive behavior between the reinforcement and the confining soil. The experimental program comprised two distinct phases. In the first phase, a new equipment was designed and constructed at the School of Engineering at Sao Carlos/USP, Brazil, in an attempt to perform creep tests with an element of reinforced soil. This equipment simulates the typical load transfer mechanism in reinforced soil structures, that is, the load is transferred from the soil to the reinforcement. This equipment also allows long-term interactive deformations between the soil and the geotextile. The testing program of this phase was conducted using a pure dry sand and a polypropylene geotextile. In the second phase of this research, models of reinforced soil walls were tested in a centrifuge facility at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. The models were built using a pure dry sand and a polyester or polypropylene geotextile. The models were either loaded until failure increasing the centrifugal acceleration or tested under constant acceleration. Considerable strains were observed in the creep tests, and some of the models failed after a few hours. The testing programs carried out in this study revealed important aspects of the soil-reinforcement interaction. Based on the analyses of the experimental results a broad discussion on long-term deformation mechanisms in reinforced soil walls is made herein.

Estudos mecânicos e elétricos em madeiras envoltas com manta geossintética e impregnadas com resina poliuretana / Mechanical and electrical analysis of wood wrapped in geosynthetic blanket impregnated with polyurethane resin

Assagra, Yuri Andrey Olivato 31 March 2011 (has links)
Nas redes de distribuição de energia, as cruzetas sofrem uma exposição direta a intempéries, particularmente à ação da umidade, o que acelera seu processo de degradação. A higroscopicidade da madeira facilita a absorção de água, com significativa perda de suas características mecânicas e elétricas. Para minorar os problemas relacionados a absorção de umidade foi desenvolvido um novo processo de revestimento e impregnação da madeira e, neste trabalho, é apresentada uma investigação das características mecânicas e elétricas desse novo compósito. Para tanto, ensaios mecânicos de flexão estática foram executados em três materiais: na madeiras em estado natural (sem tratamento), na madeira resinada e no novo compósito; e, com intuito de estudar as características elétricas, ensaios de resistividade superficial e volumétrica foram realizados em amostras secas e molhadas. Também fez parte deste estudo o desenvolvimento de uma prensa mecânica para duas toneladas, cujo programa computacional pode ser facilmente adaptado para outras cargas. / In the electrical distribution system, the crossarms suffer direct exposure to weather conditions especially humidity, which can accelerates the degradation process. The hygroscopicity of wood facilitates the absorption of water, with significant loss of its mechanical and electrical characteristics. To reduce the problems listed above; we develop a new process of coating and impregnation of wood. Thus, we present in this work several studies on mechanical and electrical properties of these new composite. With this in mind, bending mechanical tests were performed in three materials: wood in natural state (no treatment), resin-impregnated wood also on the new composite. In addition, to study the electrical characteristics, tests of surface and volume resistivity were carried out in dry and wet samples. Furthermore, a two-ton mechanical press (whose computer program can be easily adapted for other tonnages) development was part of this work.

Geovala: um novo processo construtivo para dutos enterrados / Geovala: a new constructive technique for buried pipes

Viana, Paulo Márcio Fernandes 27 May 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma técnica construtiva inédita para dutos enterrados intitulada Geovala. Esta técnica consiste na instalação de um geossintético sobre uma vala, preenchida ou não com material fofo, localizado acima do duto com o principal objetivo de reduzir os esforços que atingem a estrutura. Para contribuir na avaliação do sistema proposto foi realizado um programa de ensaios em pequenas e grandes dimensões no laboratório de geossintéticos da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos EESC/USP. Neste programa de ensaios foi possível verificar que o sistema Geovala pode reduzir drasticamente as tensões na parede do duto e na envoltória de solo ao redor do duto. Além disso, um método analítico foi proposto para prever os deslocamentos verticais, deformações e esforços de tração gerados no geotêxtil, durante o rocesso construtivo e sobrecarga. Finalmente, verificou-se que os deslocamentos do geotêxtil previstos pelo método foram similares aos deslocamentos registrados nos ensaios experimentais. / This thesis presents the development of an unpublished constructive technique for buried pipes entitled Geovala. This technique comprises of the installation of a geosynthetic over a trench, filled or not with soft material, located above the pipe with the main objective of reducing the loads on the structure. To evaluate the proposed technique small and large scale testing programs were carried out at the laboratory of geosynthetics of the School of Engineering at Sao Carlos EESC/USP. In this testing program it was possible to verify that the Geovala system can reduce drastically the loads on the walls of the pipe and in the surrounding soil. Besides, an analytical method was proposed to predict the vertical displacement, deformations and tensile stress on the geosynthetic, during the constructive process and surcharge. Finally, it was verified that the displacements of the geotextile predicted by the analytical method were similar to the displacements recorded in the experimental tests.

En kartläggning av svensk ull och dess framtida användning / A description of Swedish wool and its future applications

SammanfattningUppsatsen är utformad efter ett förslag från Anders Ryberg vid Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län. Förslaget var att lokalisera användningsområden för den ull som i dagsläget kasseras i Sverige. I början beskriver vi grundläggande fakta om ullfibern för att ge dig som läsare ett bättre begrepp om ullfiberns användningsområden som senare tas upp i arbetet. Detta följs av en beskrivning av de miljöaspekter som ullanvändningen medför, vilket dessutom är viktigt ur en marknadsföringssynpunkt. De ullkvalitéer vi har i Sverige beskrivs därefter kortfattat, följt av en presentation av svenska företag och projekt som arbetar med svensk ull. Därefter beskrivs Australiens, Storbritanniens och Norges ullindustrier. Deras marknadsfringsstrategier och infrastrukturer för ullhantering är viktiga att ta del av om den svenska ullindustrin ska kunna konkurrera i framtiden. Vi har även funnit många intressanta användningsområden för den svenska ullen. Däribland finner vi geotextil, isolering och ull i avfallshantering enklast att producera utifrån de förutsättningar vi har i Sverige. Våra slutsatser är att det krävs en hel del initiativ, framförallt från fårägarna i Sverige, för att skapa en större efterfrågan på svensk ull. Tillvägagångssättet är att skapa infrastruktur för uppsamling och sortering av ullen runtom i landet, sedan marknadsföra ullen med hjälp av information om dess unika egenskaper och positiva miljöaspekter. / <p>AbstractThe thesis is developed from a proposition by Anders Ryberg at the county administration board of Västra Götaland. The proposition was to evaluate new fields of utility for the Swedish wool which today is disregarded. First off we give a basic description of the facts concerning the wool fiber in order for you as a reader to better comprehend how the wool fiber applies in different fields of utility, which is brought up later in the thesis. This is followed by a description of the environmental aspects which comes with the usage of wool, which also is important from a marketing point of view. The different types of wool we have in Sweden are then briefly described, followed by a presentation of Swedish companies and projects who are working with Swedish wool. Thereafter we describe the wool industries of Australia, Great Britain and Norway. Their marketing strategies and infrastructures for wool handling are important to acknowledge if the Swedish wool industry are to be able to compete in the future. We have also found many interesting fields of utility for the Swedish wool. Among many we have found geotextile, isolation and wool in waste management the easiest ones to produce looking at the prerequisites we have in Sweden. Our conclusions are that a lot of initiative will be needed, especially from the Swedish sheep owners, to be able to create a larger demand for Swedish wool. The way to go about it is by creating an infrastructure for collecting and sorting of the wool around the country, then implicate marketing with information about the unique abilities of wool and its positive environmental aspects.</p><p>Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning</p>

Avaliação do uso de geossintético para o deságue e geocontenção de resíduos sólidos de estação de tratamento de água / Evaluation of the use of geotextile tubes for dehydrating and retaining slurry from a water treatment plant

Pieper, Karla Maria Cypriano January 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a técnica de desaguamento de resíduos sólidos gerados em estações de tratamento de água utilizando tubos geotêxteis - Bags, que representam uma alternativa tecnológica para a redução do teor de umidade dos resíduos. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas: ensaios com Bags suspensos e com Bags dispostos sobre o solo. Nos estudos são abordadas as características mais relevantes do processo de desaguamento face às solicitações mecânicas e hidráulicas a que qualquer sistema está submetido, bem como são apresentados resultados e discussões sobre as características físico-químicas dos resíduos gerados, geocondicionados nos Bags geotêxteis e da água drenada. A técnica de desaguamento por Bags mostrou-se uma alternativa viável para a redução do teor de umidade, apresentando um melhor desempenho em relação às técnicas convencionais. Pode-se também utilizá-la em paralelo com outras técnicas já existentes para a otimização do processo de desaguamento. Ressalta-se que a correta operação da tecnologia garante a eficiência da drenagem, sendo, então, necessária a adição de polímeros como agentes coagulantes, de forma a promover a separação da fase líquida da fase sólida. Observou-se que os resíduos geocondicionados ao reduzirem o teor de umidade passam a concentrar alguns componentes químicos tais como: sílica, nitrogênio e alumínio. As dificuldades relacionadas à disposição de resíduos sólidos em estações de tratamento de água justificam esse estudo. A despeito dos resultados satisfatórios desse estudo, é importante salientar a necessidade de mais projetos que avaliem os resultados obtidos nos ensaios e o comportamento dos Bags com o passar do tempo, já que a técnica mostrou-se viável ambiental, econômica e tecnicamente. / The present study aims at evaluating the disposal process of slurry from a water treatment plant. In replacement to the conventional technique of disposing slurry in pools, a geotextile tube has been used to dehydrate and retain the slurry inside the Bag. This is achieved because the geotextile is permeable, yet soil-tight, and any excess water pressure is expelled from the tube. The work has been divided in two sets of tests: suspended Bags to define a treatment methodology and a prototype geoBag laid on the ground over a drained layer to simulate the treatment process. The mechanical, hydraulic and chemical responses associated with this process considering both solid waste and drained water contents have been evaluated and discussed. As a whole, the use of geoBags has proved to be a viable option to reduce the water content in slurry, as well as an attractive alternative to replace or to be combined with other techniques currently in use in Brazil. A critical aspect controlling the efficiency of the operation is the addition of polymers for flocculation before introducing slurry into the Bag so that liquid and solid phases are dissociated. Upon monitoring the process, it has been observed that solids retained inside the Bag exhibit concentrated levels of chemical components such as silica, nitrogen and aluminum. This study has been considered relevant in face of the environmental needs and public policy control of the disposal of solid wastes. In spite of being a promising alternative technique to slurry treatment, further investigation is needed to evaluate the trials results of this research and bag behavior as time goes by. So far, the technique has proved to be environmentally, economically and technically feasible.

Fluência de geotêxteis não tecidos através de ensaios confinados / Creep of non woven geotextiles on confined tests

Kamiji, Thelma Sumie Maggi Marisa 09 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de fluência de geotêxteis não tecidos executados em ensaios confinados. No equipamento utilizado, o reforço é confinado entre camadas de solo, permitindo que ambos os materiais tenham liberdade para apresentar deformações ao longo do tempo. Nesses ensaios, uma tensão vertical é aplicada ao solo que por sua vez solicita o reforço. Os ensaios foram realizados com três geotêxteis não tecidos, sendo dois de polipropileno e um de poliéster, e quatro tipos de solo confinante: três materiais granulares e uma argila silto-arenosa. Além disso, também foram executados ensaios de fluência não confinada para permitir comparação com os ensaios confinados. Os resultados indicaram que houve grande contribuição do confinamento na redução das deformações por fluência dos materiais ensaiados. Também foi avaliada a influência de alguns fatores na fluência confinada dos geotêxteis não tecidos, tais como: tipo de solo, tipo de geotêxtil e gramatura do reforço. Tais resultados são interessantes para avaliar o potencial de fluência do composto solo-geotêxtil que, normalmente, é baseado somente em ensaios no elemento isolado de reforço / This work presents results of creep tests on no woven geotextiles tested in confined lab tests. In the used equipment, the reinforcement is confined between two soil layers, allowing both materials to have freedom to deform with time. In those tests, a vertical stress is applied to the soil that transfers load to the reinforcement. The tests were performed using three no woven geotextiles, two of polypropylene and one of polyester, and four types of confining soil: three granular materials and sandy silty clay. Besides, unconfined creep tests were carried out to allow comparison with the confined tests. The results indicated that there was great contribution of the confinement in the reduction of the creep deformations of the tested materials. Also the influence of some factors was evaluated in the confined creep of the no woven geotextiles, such as: soil type, type of geotextile and mass per unit area of the reinforcement. Such results allow the evaluation of the potential of creep of the system soil-geotextile

Estudos mecânicos e elétricos em madeiras envoltas com manta geossintética e impregnadas com resina poliuretana / Mechanical and electrical analysis of wood wrapped in geosynthetic blanket impregnated with polyurethane resin

Yuri Andrey Olivato Assagra 31 March 2011 (has links)
Nas redes de distribuição de energia, as cruzetas sofrem uma exposição direta a intempéries, particularmente à ação da umidade, o que acelera seu processo de degradação. A higroscopicidade da madeira facilita a absorção de água, com significativa perda de suas características mecânicas e elétricas. Para minorar os problemas relacionados a absorção de umidade foi desenvolvido um novo processo de revestimento e impregnação da madeira e, neste trabalho, é apresentada uma investigação das características mecânicas e elétricas desse novo compósito. Para tanto, ensaios mecânicos de flexão estática foram executados em três materiais: na madeiras em estado natural (sem tratamento), na madeira resinada e no novo compósito; e, com intuito de estudar as características elétricas, ensaios de resistividade superficial e volumétrica foram realizados em amostras secas e molhadas. Também fez parte deste estudo o desenvolvimento de uma prensa mecânica para duas toneladas, cujo programa computacional pode ser facilmente adaptado para outras cargas. / In the electrical distribution system, the crossarms suffer direct exposure to weather conditions especially humidity, which can accelerates the degradation process. The hygroscopicity of wood facilitates the absorption of water, with significant loss of its mechanical and electrical characteristics. To reduce the problems listed above; we develop a new process of coating and impregnation of wood. Thus, we present in this work several studies on mechanical and electrical properties of these new composite. With this in mind, bending mechanical tests were performed in three materials: wood in natural state (no treatment), resin-impregnated wood also on the new composite. In addition, to study the electrical characteristics, tests of surface and volume resistivity were carried out in dry and wet samples. Furthermore, a two-ton mechanical press (whose computer program can be easily adapted for other tonnages) development was part of this work.

Seismic Isolation Of Foundations By Composite Liners

Kalpakci, Volkan 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this research, the dynamic behavior of a seismic isolation system composed of high strength geotextile placed over an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) geomembrane (together called as composite liner) beneath the structure is investigated experimentally. The results of the shaking table experiments which were performed on model structures both under harmonic and modified earthquake motions with and without the seismic isolation (composite liner system), are presented in the thesis. The main focus is given on the potential improvement obtained by use of the composite liner system as compared to the unisolated cases. Based on the performed experiments, it is observed that the utilization of composite liner system provides significant reduction in the accelerations and interstorey drift ratios of structures under harmonic motions while signifant drop is obtained in the spectral accelerations under earthquake motions which provide noticeable improvement in the durability of structures under dynamic effects at the expense of increased translational displacements.

Geosynteter för hållbara vägar : Modell för jämförelse av vägöverbyggnader med eller utan geotextiler och/eller geonät

Fedorova, Katja January 2011 (has links)
The different material layers as part of a road construction fill all a function so theroad becomes durable, safe, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Recently, anew group of construction materials started to play an important role in roadconstruction – geosynthetics. This thesis addresses the two most common types ofgeosynthetics used in modern road construction, namely geogrids and geotextiles.The most common use of geogrids is reinforcement of poor subgrade by usinggeogrid soil reinforcement, which occurs when road material particles wedge inthe geogrid’s mesh. Geotextiles act partly as a barrier that prevents the finermaterial in the below ground from being mixed with coarser upper material andalso act as a load spreader.Road contractors often face a choice of whether geogrids and/or geotextiles areappropriate in a particular road project and also how much profit the choice mightbring. This phase in the tender calculation process is the intended scope of thisthesis. The thesis deals with both the "hard" cost-function aspects and the "softer" values e.g. ecology and social aspects. To facilitate the comparison, a comparative modelwas developed. The comparison is done for two different cases: Case A – roadconstruction on the bank and Case B – road construction in hill cutting. In Case A “with geogrid”, the amount of trenching becomes smaller due to saving ofreinforcement layer thickness.The completed cost comparison indicates an opportunity for significant savings forroad contractors that choose to strengthen the road’s superstructure with geogrid. In Case A “with geotextile”, no trenching saving is likely, but instead, bearingcapacity improvement is a long term financial gain. An estimated cost for Case B “hill cutting road”, is approximately SEK 600 000 which is less than the cheapestcase i.e. Case A “with geogrid”. After the use of geogrids, the function changes are as following: Traffic load distribution on the terrace has increased and lateral landmovements have reduced Filling material density has increased due to geogrid wedging mechanism Frictional resistance has increased due to the fact that pavement materialparticles have been extended due to geogrid’s wedging mechanism Superstructure’s total thickness has been reduced due reinforcement layerthickness’s reduction After the use of geogrids, the function changes are as following: The composition and function of the road pavement and terrace materialremains intact. (The words "remains intact" run true to the concept of"functional change" but in this case, it is meant that the materialcomposition and function could have been worse if not properly chosengeotextile was added to the design). The scenario "gritty mud" is avoided if the geotextile has been enteredcorrectly with the right overlap. Results concerning the ecological aspects show that the trenching reduction due touse of geogrids leads to fewer ground motion, lesser soil degradation and fewerenvironmental harmful emissions because the use of road construction equipmentdeclines. Reduced distribution excavation thanks to geotextiles leads to both thesame advantages as in the sentence above and partly to the fact that the amount ofmaterials that need become deposited decreases. In addition, the risk ofgroundwater lowering due to artificial drainage ditch is minimized. The road'stotal life cycle is extended, which contributes to reducing the environmentalimpacts arising from road repair and construction of a new road if the old onestops fulfilling its function. Degradation of geogrids and geotextiles is notenvironmentally harmful, but takes a long time in natural conditions, which meansthat in practice, the use must be documented and taken care of (regarding finalcombustion in a prudent manner).Regarding social sustainability, the following conclusion could be drawn: a roadthat has a higher carrying capacity leads to higher traffic safety due to minimalsubsidence, track formation and cracking. Road safety is seen by citizens not onlyas something that the private motorists are responsible for but also something thatroad authorities should consider when planning for a socially sustainable society.Another conclusion is road maintenance frequency and hereby the taxpayers' longtermeconomic gain. The road extended total life cycle contributes to the reductionof road repairs and new construction of roads. In other words, it is not just “oneroad construction company” that wins economically by minimizing their warrantywork. The discussion concerns the cases where geosynthetics are not economicallyoptimal bearing capacity choice, such as solid rock cutting or a stretch of roadwhich has weaker parties but for which, a filling material yet compensates for theexcavated. The report concludes with a special discussion of the Swedishgeosynthetics research. The geosynthetics industry is controlled by private actors(developers, manufacturers and others) and contractors who do not like releasinginformation that might reduce their competitiveness. Therefore, the independentresearcher’s role has been quite weak and mostly reduced to “play ‘catch-up’insofar as investigating the nuances of how geosynthetics work "(Koerner, 2005). Another reason for the lack of reports on geosynthetics benefit is the long term asa sharp research project takes to plan, implement, control and evaluate. WhilstTrafikverket’s and local municipalities’ play the leading role in the Swedish roadconstruction industries, it should be in their interest to start taking geosyntheticsmore seriously by implementing credible tests and full scale trials and publishpractically applicable documents based on objective tests of structures containing geosynthetics.

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