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Lowering the Technological Barrier in Developing, Sharing and Installing Web GIS ApplicationsKhattar, Rohit Kumar 22 June 2022 (has links)
Portability of web applications between web servers of different organizations can be challenging and can complicate sharing and collaborative use of such tools. Given the distributed nature of the web, this lack of portability is usually not a concern because a user in one organization can link to and use a web application hosted by another organization. However, access control or differentiation may be needed by an organization in terms of area of interest, input data, analytical techniques, access control, presentation, branding, and language. This is true for many government organizations, and their associated web sites, and servers. In such cases, there are compelling political, branding, security, and privacy motivations that require each organization or agency to host and manage web applications on their own servers rather than using third party web sites over which they have little or no control. Also, web applications are classically developed by setting up a local software development and testing environment which can be challenging for new developers, be restricted by the software and hardware availability, cost significantly to obtain software development licenses and compatible hardware and is prone to code and data loss due to hardware damage or software corruptions. To simplify the discovery, deployment of web-based applications, I present the design, development, and testing of a system for discovering, installing, and configuring environmental analysis web applications on localized web servers. The system works with applications developed using Tethys Platform, which is an open-source software stack for creating geospatially enabled web-based applications. The developed Tethys App Store includes a Tethys application user interface that allows a server manager to retrieve applications from the central repository and install them on a local server with relatively simplicity, similar to the installation of a mobile application to a mobile device from a mobile application store. Next, I present the design concept of a cloud-based web application development platform, Tethys App Nursery, that attempts to overcome the above hurdles associated with localized development environments. A prototype of this system is developed and presented which is tightly integrated with Tethys platform and various cloud technologies provided by Amazon Web Services. The developed app nursery allows users to register for new Tethys portal instances in the cloud, develop new applications and test existing applications, without installing any local dependencies or development tools. Various cloud components used in this service's development as well as their associated costs are described. These systems were developed to support development of water and environmental analysis web apps for the international Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Global Water Sustainability (GEOGloWS) initiative of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and several partner organizations.
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Implementace GIS služby WPS / Implementation of the WPS ServiceMaďarka, Dušan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to design and implement web mapping service Web Processing Service. The purpose of this service is to provide geospatial oriented calculations on the internet. Introduction part is dedicated to analysis of existing mapping services implementations and defined standards. Thereafter conclusion was drawn and the service was implemented, with respect to computing system efficiency, pluggable design and simplicity of integration in client applications. The interface for work with geographic information system GRASS GIS is also part of the implemented service and it brings the possibility to use the tool from service. The last chapter describes the testing of implemented service in term of functional and performance tests.
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Automated Discovery, Binding, and Integration Of GIS Web ServicesShulman, Lev 18 May 2007 (has links)
The last decade has demonstrated steady growth and utilization of Web Service technology. While Web Services have become significant in a number of IT domains such as eCommerce, digital libraries, data feeds, and geographical information systems, common portals or registries of Web Services require manual publishing for indexing. Manually compiled registries of Web Services have proven useful but often fail to include a considerable amount of Web Services published and available on the Web. We propose a system capable of finding, binding, and integrating Web Services into an index in an automated manner. By using a combination of guided search and web crawling techniques, the system finds a large number of Web Service providers that are further bound and aggregated into a single portal available for public use. Results show that this approach is successful in discovering a considerable number of Web Services in the GIS(Geographical Information Systems) domain, and demonstrate improvements over existing methods of Web Service Discovery.
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Sistema de classificação da gestão ambiental pública municipal baseado em lógica nebulosa / Classification system of municipal environemntal management based on fuzzy logic.Ailton José Lima Martins Furtado 03 February 2011 (has links)
A partir da Lei n. 6.938 de 31 de agosto de 1981, que constituiu o Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente, criou-se o Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente e instituiu-se o Cadastro Técnico Federal de Atividades e Instrumentos de Defesa Ambiental, a gestão ambiental pública ganhou um espaço cada vez maior nas administrações municipais, com a implementação de instrumentos de gestão ambiental propiciando aos municípios a possibilidade de ações efetivas que contribuam para uma melhor qualidade de vida a população. Esse trabalho propõe a criação de um método de classificação municipal que indicará qual o nível da gestão ambiental do município. Verificando o número de instrumentos de gestão ambiental constituído e o número de problemas ambientais ocorridos em cada município na visão do gestor local nos anos de 2006/2008. E ainda qual a influência do IDH tanto na implementação de tais instrumentos de gestão ambiental, como nas ocorrências dos problemas ambientais. Tal classificação tem a intenção de verificar se o município encontra-se bem aparelhado no que se refere à gestão ambiental, auxiliando para futuras decisões nas ações da política ambiental local. O foco desse trabalho serão os municípios dos estados de Minas Gerais, Piauí e Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados serão processados via o software MATLAB utilizando lógica nebulosa (fuzzy) e apresentados em um website utilizando as linguagens de programação JSP, HTML, JavaScript e esse website armazenado em um servidor TomCat e tais resultados serão apresentados nas formas de valores alfanuméricos em tabelas e espaciais através de mapas temáticos em uma solução sig-web. Os dados estão armazenados em um Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados PostgreSQL com sua extensão espacial PostGIS, e o acesso aos mapas será feito através do servidor de mapas MapServer. / Since the law n 6.938 of august 31, 1981, created the Environmental National System, the Environmental National Council and Database of Federal Technical Activities and Instruments of Environmental Defense, the public environmental management gained a broader space in the municipal administrations, the implementation of environmental management instruments propitiating cities the possibility of effective actions to contribute for a better life quality to population. Checking the number of environmental management of instruments implemented in every city and the number of environmental problems according to the local manager in the years 2006/2008, and checking the influence of IDH either in the implementation of such instruments of environmental management and in the incidence of environmental problems, this work proposes the creation of one method of municipal classification that will show what the level of environmental management of the city is. Such classification has the intention of checking if the city is well set in term of environmental management, helping in future decisions making on the actions of local environmental policies. The focus of this work will be on the cities of Minas Gerais, Piauí and Rio de Janeiro states. The results will be processed through MATLAB software using fuzzy logic and showing them in a web site using the languages JSP, HTML, JavaScript, being this web site stored in a TomCat server. Such results will be shown in the forms of alphanumeric values into tables, and special forms into thematic maps through a gis-web solution. The data are stored into an PostgreSQL Database Manager System with its PostGIS spacial extension, and the access to the maps will be through the MapServer server of maps.
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Web Based Multi Participant Spatial Data Entry In Crime MappingAydin, Yunus Emre 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) development in crime analyses encourages sustainable platforms within various types of users and decision makers. Since patterns of crime incidents are pinpointed and analyzed in crime mapping, accurate data acquisition must be considered as a key concept to construct a successful GIS application.
Ankara City Police Department utilizes a semi-automated geocoding interface in which crime incidents including offenders and victims are pinpointed. However, this system has some accuracy errors during geocoding, because in this process point based data are located in the center of street line segments, and this may cause position errors up to 200 meters. Therefore, additional data editing must be done to reach a reasonable accuracy. In this context, real time data editing provides opportunity to gain time instead of expanding the GIS database within received hardcopy files from each police station. As the crime incidents occur daily, online editing must be used to maintain such an accurate and efficient spatial database.
In this study, for effective and accurate geocoding, a Web based data acquisition method is proposed. This online entry system enables real-time editing for GIS repository. In this way this study aims to provide a fast and reliable data acquisition system by constructing a multi participant platform enabling online data entry from each police station.
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Sistema de classificação da gestão ambiental pública municipal baseado em lógica nebulosa / Classification system of municipal environemntal management based on fuzzy logic.Ailton José Lima Martins Furtado 03 February 2011 (has links)
A partir da Lei n. 6.938 de 31 de agosto de 1981, que constituiu o Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente, criou-se o Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente e instituiu-se o Cadastro Técnico Federal de Atividades e Instrumentos de Defesa Ambiental, a gestão ambiental pública ganhou um espaço cada vez maior nas administrações municipais, com a implementação de instrumentos de gestão ambiental propiciando aos municípios a possibilidade de ações efetivas que contribuam para uma melhor qualidade de vida a população. Esse trabalho propõe a criação de um método de classificação municipal que indicará qual o nível da gestão ambiental do município. Verificando o número de instrumentos de gestão ambiental constituído e o número de problemas ambientais ocorridos em cada município na visão do gestor local nos anos de 2006/2008. E ainda qual a influência do IDH tanto na implementação de tais instrumentos de gestão ambiental, como nas ocorrências dos problemas ambientais. Tal classificação tem a intenção de verificar se o município encontra-se bem aparelhado no que se refere à gestão ambiental, auxiliando para futuras decisões nas ações da política ambiental local. O foco desse trabalho serão os municípios dos estados de Minas Gerais, Piauí e Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados serão processados via o software MATLAB utilizando lógica nebulosa (fuzzy) e apresentados em um website utilizando as linguagens de programação JSP, HTML, JavaScript e esse website armazenado em um servidor TomCat e tais resultados serão apresentados nas formas de valores alfanuméricos em tabelas e espaciais através de mapas temáticos em uma solução sig-web. Os dados estão armazenados em um Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados PostgreSQL com sua extensão espacial PostGIS, e o acesso aos mapas será feito através do servidor de mapas MapServer. / Since the law n 6.938 of august 31, 1981, created the Environmental National System, the Environmental National Council and Database of Federal Technical Activities and Instruments of Environmental Defense, the public environmental management gained a broader space in the municipal administrations, the implementation of environmental management instruments propitiating cities the possibility of effective actions to contribute for a better life quality to population. Checking the number of environmental management of instruments implemented in every city and the number of environmental problems according to the local manager in the years 2006/2008, and checking the influence of IDH either in the implementation of such instruments of environmental management and in the incidence of environmental problems, this work proposes the creation of one method of municipal classification that will show what the level of environmental management of the city is. Such classification has the intention of checking if the city is well set in term of environmental management, helping in future decisions making on the actions of local environmental policies. The focus of this work will be on the cities of Minas Gerais, Piauí and Rio de Janeiro states. The results will be processed through MATLAB software using fuzzy logic and showing them in a web site using the languages JSP, HTML, JavaScript, being this web site stored in a TomCat server. Such results will be shown in the forms of alphanumeric values into tables, and special forms into thematic maps through a gis-web solution. The data are stored into an PostgreSQL Database Manager System with its PostGIS spacial extension, and the access to the maps will be through the MapServer server of maps.
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Automatische Generalisierungsverfahren zur Vereinfachung von Kartenvektordaten unter Berücksichtigung der Topologie und EchtzeitfähigkeitHahmann, Stefan 15 September 2006 (has links)
Die mapChart GmbH bietet einen Softwaredienst an, der es ermöglicht, auf der Grundlage von teilweise kundenspezifischen Basisgeometrien vektorbasierte Karten zu erstellen. Primäres Ausgabemedium ist dabei die Bildschirmkarte des JAVA-Clients im Webbrowser. PDF-Export und Druck sind ebenso möglich. Bei der Kartenerstellung ist der Anwender nicht an vorgegebene Maßstäbe gebunden, sondern kann frei wählen, welches Gebiet in welcher Größe dargestellt werden soll. Hierdurch ergeben sich komplexe Aufgabenstellungen für die kartografische Generalisierung. Diese Probleme und deren bisherige Lösungen durch das Unternehmen werden im ersten Teil der Arbeit diskutiert, wobei verschiedene wissenschaftliche Arbeiten für spezielle Teilaufgaben der Generalisierung kurz vorgestellt werden.
Selektion und Formvereinfachung gelten als die wichtigsten Generalisierungsschritte. Während die Selektion mit den vorhandenen Methoden von Geodatenbanken relativ problemlos realisiert werden kann, stellt die Formvereinfachung ein umfangreiches Problem dar.
Das Hauptaugenmerk der Arbeit richtet sich deswegen auf die rechnergestützte Liniengeneralisierung verbunden mit dem Ziel, überflüssige Stützpunkte mit Hilfe von Algorithmen zur Linienvereinfachung einzusparen. Ergebnis sind schnellere Übertragungszeiten der Kartenvektordaten zum Anwender sowie eine Beschleunigung raumbezogener Analysen, wie z. B. Flächenverschneidungen. Des weiteren werden Verbesserungen in der Darstellung angestrebt.
Ein geeigneter Algorithmus zeichnet sich durch eine geringe Beanspruchung der Ressourcen Zeit und Speicherbedarf aus. Weiterhin spielt der erreichbare Grad der Verringerung der Stützpunktmenge bei akzeptabler Kartenqualität eine entscheidende Rolle. Nicht zuletzt sind topologische Aspekte und der Implementierungsaufwand zu beachten.
Die Arbeit gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über vorhandene Ansätze zur Liniengeneralisierung und leitet aus der Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile zwei geeignete Algorithmen für die Implementierung mit der Programmiersprache JAVA ab. Die Ergebnisse der Verfahren nach Douglas-Peucker und Visvalingam werden hinsichtlich der Laufzeiten, des Grades der Verringerung der Stützpunktmenge sowie der Qualität der Kartendarstellung verglichen, wobei sich für die Visvalingam-Variante leichte Vorteile ergeben. Eine Parameterkonfiguration für den konkreten Einsatz der Vereinfachungsmethode in das GIS der mapChart GmbH wird vorgeschlagen.
Die Vereinfachung von Polygonnetzen stellt eine Erweiterung des Problems der Liniengeneralisierung dar. Hierbei müssen topologische Aspekte beachtet werden, was besonders schwierig ist, wenn die Ausgangsdaten nicht topologisch strukturiert vorliegen.
Für diese Aufgabe wurde ein neuer Algorithmus entwickelt und ebenfalls in JAVA implementiert. Die Implementierung dieses Algorithmus und damit erreichbaren Ergebnisse werden anhand von zwei Testdatensätzen vorgestellt, jedoch zeigt sich, dass die wichtige Bedingung der Echtzeitfähigkeit nicht erfüllt wird. Damit ergibt sich, dass der Algorithmus zur Netzvereinfachung nur offline benutzt werden sollte.:1 Einleitung
2 Kartografische Generalisierung
3 Algorithmen zur Liniengeneralisierung
4 Implementierung
5 Ergebnisse
6 Ausblick
7 Zusammenfassung / MapChart GmbH offers a software service, which allows users to create customized, vector-based maps using vendor as well as customer geometric and attributive data. Target delivery media is the on-screen map of the JAVA client within the web browser. PDF export and print are also supported. Map production is not limited to specific scales. The user can choose which area at which scale is shown. This triggers complex tasks for cartographic generalization. Current solutions by the company are discussed and scientific work for selected tasks will be presented shortly.
Selection and Simplification are known as the most important steps of generalization. While selection can be managed sufficiently by geo databases, simplification poses considerably problems.
The main focus of the thesis is the computational line generalization aiming on reducing the amount of points by simplification. Results are an increased speed of server to client communication and better performance of spatial analysis, such as intersection. Furthermore enhancements for the portrayal of maps are highlighted.
An appropriate algorithm minimizes the demands for the resources time and memory. Furthermore the obtainable level of simplification by still producing acceptable map quality plays an important role. Last but not least efforts for the implementation of the algorithm and topology are important.
The thesis discusses a broad overview of existing approaches to line simplification. Two appropriate algorithms for the implementation using the programming language JAVA will be proposed. The results of the methods of Visvalingam and Douglas-Peucker will be discussed with regards to performance, level of point reduction and map quality. Recommended parameters for the implementation in the software of MapChart GmbH are derived.
The simplification of polygon meshes will be an extension of the line generalization. Topological constraints need to be considered. This task needs a sophisticated approach as the raw data is not stored in a topological structure.
For this task a new algorithm was developed. It was also implemented using JAVA. The results of the testing scenario show that the constraint of real-time performance cannot be fulfilled. Hence it is recommended to use the algorithm for the polygon mesh simplification offline only.:1 Einleitung
2 Kartografische Generalisierung
3 Algorithmen zur Liniengeneralisierung
4 Implementierung
5 Ergebnisse
6 Ausblick
7 Zusammenfassung
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Automatische Generalisierungsverfahren zur Vereinfachung von Kartenvektordaten unter Berücksichtigung der Topologie und EchtzeitfähigkeitHahmann, Stefan 15 September 2006 (has links)
Die mapChart GmbH bietet einen Softwaredienst an, der es ermöglicht, auf der Grundlage von teilweise kundenspezifischen Basisgeometrien vektorbasierte Karten zu erstellen. Primäres Ausgabemedium ist dabei die Bildschirmkarte des JAVA-Clients im Webbrowser. PDF-Export und Druck sind ebenso möglich. Bei der Kartenerstellung ist der Anwender nicht an vorgegebene Maßstäbe gebunden, sondern kann frei wählen, welches Gebiet in welcher Größe dargestellt werden soll. Hierdurch ergeben sich komplexe Aufgabenstellungen für die kartografische Generalisierung. Diese Probleme und deren bisherige Lösungen durch das Unternehmen werden im ersten Teil der Arbeit diskutiert, wobei verschiedene wissenschaftliche Arbeiten für spezielle Teilaufgaben der Generalisierung kurz vorgestellt werden.
Selektion und Formvereinfachung gelten als die wichtigsten Generalisierungsschritte. Während die Selektion mit den vorhandenen Methoden von Geodatenbanken relativ problemlos realisiert werden kann, stellt die Formvereinfachung ein umfangreiches Problem dar.
Das Hauptaugenmerk der Arbeit richtet sich deswegen auf die rechnergestützte Liniengeneralisierung verbunden mit dem Ziel, überflüssige Stützpunkte mit Hilfe von Algorithmen zur Linienvereinfachung einzusparen. Ergebnis sind schnellere Übertragungszeiten der Kartenvektordaten zum Anwender sowie eine Beschleunigung raumbezogener Analysen, wie z. B. Flächenverschneidungen. Des weiteren werden Verbesserungen in der Darstellung angestrebt.
Ein geeigneter Algorithmus zeichnet sich durch eine geringe Beanspruchung der Ressourcen Zeit und Speicherbedarf aus. Weiterhin spielt der erreichbare Grad der Verringerung der Stützpunktmenge bei akzeptabler Kartenqualität eine entscheidende Rolle. Nicht zuletzt sind topologische Aspekte und der Implementierungsaufwand zu beachten.
Die Arbeit gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über vorhandene Ansätze zur Liniengeneralisierung und leitet aus der Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile zwei geeignete Algorithmen für die Implementierung mit der Programmiersprache JAVA ab. Die Ergebnisse der Verfahren nach Douglas-Peucker und Visvalingam werden hinsichtlich der Laufzeiten, des Grades der Verringerung der Stützpunktmenge sowie der Qualität der Kartendarstellung verglichen, wobei sich für die Visvalingam-Variante leichte Vorteile ergeben. Eine Parameterkonfiguration für den konkreten Einsatz der Vereinfachungsmethode in das GIS der mapChart GmbH wird vorgeschlagen.
Die Vereinfachung von Polygonnetzen stellt eine Erweiterung des Problems der Liniengeneralisierung dar. Hierbei müssen topologische Aspekte beachtet werden, was besonders schwierig ist, wenn die Ausgangsdaten nicht topologisch strukturiert vorliegen.
Für diese Aufgabe wurde ein neuer Algorithmus entwickelt und ebenfalls in JAVA implementiert. Die Implementierung dieses Algorithmus und damit erreichbaren Ergebnisse werden anhand von zwei Testdatensätzen vorgestellt, jedoch zeigt sich, dass die wichtige Bedingung der Echtzeitfähigkeit nicht erfüllt wird. Damit ergibt sich, dass der Algorithmus zur Netzvereinfachung nur offline benutzt werden sollte.:1 Einleitung
2 Kartografische Generalisierung
3 Algorithmen zur Liniengeneralisierung
4 Implementierung
5 Ergebnisse
6 Ausblick
7 Zusammenfassung / MapChart GmbH offers a software service, which allows users to create customized, vector-based maps using vendor as well as customer geometric and attributive data. Target delivery media is the on-screen map of the JAVA client within the web browser. PDF export and print are also supported. Map production is not limited to specific scales. The user can choose which area at which scale is shown. This triggers complex tasks for cartographic generalization. Current solutions by the company are discussed and scientific work for selected tasks will be presented shortly.
Selection and Simplification are known as the most important steps of generalization. While selection can be managed sufficiently by geo databases, simplification poses considerably problems.
The main focus of the thesis is the computational line generalization aiming on reducing the amount of points by simplification. Results are an increased speed of server to client communication and better performance of spatial analysis, such as intersection. Furthermore enhancements for the portrayal of maps are highlighted.
An appropriate algorithm minimizes the demands for the resources time and memory. Furthermore the obtainable level of simplification by still producing acceptable map quality plays an important role. Last but not least efforts for the implementation of the algorithm and topology are important.
The thesis discusses a broad overview of existing approaches to line simplification. Two appropriate algorithms for the implementation using the programming language JAVA will be proposed. The results of the methods of Visvalingam and Douglas-Peucker will be discussed with regards to performance, level of point reduction and map quality. Recommended parameters for the implementation in the software of MapChart GmbH are derived.
The simplification of polygon meshes will be an extension of the line generalization. Topological constraints need to be considered. This task needs a sophisticated approach as the raw data is not stored in a topological structure.
For this task a new algorithm was developed. It was also implemented using JAVA. The results of the testing scenario show that the constraint of real-time performance cannot be fulfilled. Hence it is recommended to use the algorithm for the polygon mesh simplification offline only.:1 Einleitung
2 Kartografische Generalisierung
3 Algorithmen zur Liniengeneralisierung
4 Implementierung
5 Ergebnisse
6 Ausblick
7 Zusammenfassung
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