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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formulación y desarrollo de productos horneados libres de gluten a base de harina de arroz enriquecidos con proteínas

Matos Segura, María Estela 29 April 2013 (has links)
La creciente demanda de productos libres de gluten ha favorecido el desarrollo de numerosos productos de panadería buscando imitar las características de calidad de sus homólogos elaborados con trigo. Sin embargo, en dichos desarrollos ha primado la calidad tecnológica y se han obviado otros aspectos como el nutricional. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido el diseño científico de productos horneados sin gluten (panes y magdalenas) elaborados utilizando harina de arroz, integrando aspectos tecnológicos, sensoriales y nutricionales. El estudio incluyó la evaluación de panes libres de gluten de origen comercial y el diseño de nuevas formulaciones sobre las cuales establecer correlaciones entre las propiedades de las masas y los parámetros tecnológicos de los productos horneados. En el diseño de magdalenas se puso especial énfasis a la evaluación del rol de las proteínas sobre las propiedades reológicas de las masas formuladas y las características tecnológicas del producto final. Los panes sin gluten comerciales mostraron un perfil nutricional muy variable, en general con un bajo contenido en proteína y alto en grasa. Los productos formulados, tanto panes como magdalenas sin gluten presentaron un buen contenido de proteínas y gran variabilidad en las características tecnológicas. El análisis reológico de las masas libres de gluten y los parámetros tecnológicos y sensoriales de los productos horneados resultantes permitieron establecer correlaciones positivas entre las propiedades de hidratación de la miga y algunos parámetros de textura, y entre la dureza-TPA y los parámetros reológicos de las masas caracterizadas mediante el Mixolab, los cuales podrían utilizarse como predictores de la calidad para los panes libres de gluten. El estudio reológico de las mezclas formuladas para elaborar magdalenas a base de harina de arroz demostró que las propiedades reológicas de las masasbatidas estuvieron gobernadas por el tipo de proteína utilizada en cada formulación. En general, la presencia de clara de huevo confiere propiedades viscoelasticas a la masa-batida basada en harina arroz que permitierón obtener magdalenas con mejores características tecnológicas. / Matos Segura, ME. (2013). Formulación y desarrollo de productos horneados libres de gluten a base de harina de arroz enriquecidos con proteínas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/28273

Influence of intestinal microbiota in celiac disease pathogenesis and risk

Olivares Sevilla, Marta 14 December 2015 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic enteropathy triggered by cereal gluten proteins in genetically predisposed individuals. The etiology is strongly associated with the genes of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) encoding the DQ2/DQ8 molecules. Most CD patients carry this genotype but this is also present in the 40% of the general population and only a small percentage develops the disease. Thus, the HLA-DQ genotype is necessary but not solely responsible for the disease development. Gluten is the main environmental trigger but its intake neither fully explains the onset nor its clinical manifestations. Other environmental factors (e.g. early feeding practices, infections, intestinal microbiota) have been associated with the risk of developing CD. The only treatment for CD patients is the adherence to a gluten free diet (GFD), but the compliance with this dietary strategy is complicated because gluten is present in many foods. Therefore, the identification of modifiable environmental factors that contribute to CD onset is critical for the development of strategies to reduce its incidence. Observational studies in CD patients revealed imbalances in the intestinal microbiota which could contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. It has been proposed that these imbalances are not only a secondary consequence of the disease but could also be a predisposing factor. To understand whether gut microbiota imbalances play a role in CD onset and pathogenesis, in vitro, animal and human prospective and intervention studies have been conducted in the context of the present PhD Thesis. The global aim of this Thesis has been to improve the understanding of the role played by intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis and risk of CD, and the possibilities of contributing to disease prevention and treatment by modulating gut microbiota composition. Chapter 1 includes two in vitro studies investigating the influence of components of the gut microbiota (bifidobacteria and enterobacteria) on the maturation and functions of immunocompetent cells (dendritic cells), and on gluten toxicity in the intestinal epithelium (Caco-2 cells). We have observed that some Bifidobacterium strains are able to reduce the activation of dendritic cells and ameliorate the toxicity of gluten on intestinal epithelial cells. In Chapter 2 the effects of the administration of Bifidobacterium longum CECT 7347 was evaluated in an in vivo model of gluten induced enteropathy in newborn rats, resulting in a reduced proinflammatory cytokine production in the small intestine and CD4+T cell numbers in peripheral blood. Chapter 3 includes two observational studies in humans to unravel whether breast-feeding and human milk composition and/or the host genotype (HLA-DQ) are related to the microbiota, thereby influencing the later development of CD. We concluded that both factors may contribute to the early intestinal colonization of the infant's gut, influencing the Bifidobacterium spp. numbers. Human milk composition also varies in CD and non-CD mothers, modifying the supply of bifidobacteria and protective immune factors to the offspring. Finally, in Chapter 4 we have studied the potential beneficial effects of the administration of B. longum CECT 7347 in addition to the GFD to children with newly diagnosed CD. This study demonstrates that the bifidobacteria slightly reduces serum inflammatory markers and restored the gut microbiota composition. / [ES] La enfermedad celíaca (EC) es una enteropatía crónica de carácter autoinmune que sufren individuos genéticamente predispuestos tras la ingesta de gluten. La etiología está asociada con los genes del sistema "Antígeno Leucocitario Humano" (HLA) que codifican las moléculas DQ2/DQ8. Los pacientes con EC presentan este genotipo, sin embargo este también está presente en ¿40% de la población general y sólo un pequeño porcentaje desarrolla la enfermedad. Por lo tanto, el genotipo HLA-DQ resulta necesario pero no suficiente para que se desarrolle la enfermedad. El gluten es el principal desencadenante pero su ingesta tampoco explica su desarrollo ni sus manifestaciones clínicas. Otros factores ambientales (p.e. la lactancia, infecciones, microbiota intestinal) se han asociado con el riesgo de desarrollar la EC. El único tratamiento para los pacientes celíacos es el seguimiento de una dieta exenta de gluten (DEG), sin embargo su cumplimiento es complicado debido a que el gluten está presente en la mayoría de los alimentos procesados. Por ello, la identificación de factores ambientales modificables que contribuyan al desarrollo de la enfermedad, resulta fundamental para desarrollar estrategias que permitan reducir su incidencia. Estudios observacionales realizados en pacientes con la EC, han demostrado la existencia de desequilibrios en su microbiota intestinal, que podrían contribuir a la patogénesis de la enfermedad. Se ha propuesto que estos desequilibrios no son sólo una consecuencia secundaria de la EC, sino que podrían ser un factor predisponente. Para entender si la microbiota está implicada en el desarrollo y patogénesis de la EC, en la presente Tesis se han desarrollado estudios in vitro, con animales y estudios prospectivos y de intervención en humanos. El objetivo de esta Tesis ha sido avanzar en el conocimiento de la función que la microbiota intestinal desempeña en la patogénesis de la EC, así como, acerca de las posibilidades de tratar o prevenir esta enfermedad mediante la modulación de la composición de la microbiota intestinal. El Capítulo 1 incluye dos estudios in vitro en los que se ha estudiado la influencia de componentes de la microbiota intestinal (bifidobacterias y enterobacterias) en la maduración y las funciones de células inmunocompetentes (células dendríticas), y en la toxicidad del gluten en el epitelio intestinal (células Caco-2). Hemos observado que algunas cepas de Bifidobacterium son capaces de reducir la activación de las células dendríticas y de reducir la toxicidad del gluten sobre el epitelio intestinal. En Capítulo 2 incluye el estudio de los efectos de la administración de B. longum CECT 7347 en un modelo de enteropatía inducida por gluten en ratas recién nacidas, observándose una reducción de citoquinas proinflamatorias en el intestino y de células T CD4+ en sangre periférica. El Capítulo 3 incluye dos estudios observaciones en humanos en los que se ha investigado si la lactancia y composición de la leche materna y/o el genotipo (HLA-DQ) están relacionados con la microbiota y, si así, podrían influir en el desarrollo de la EC. Concluimos que ambos factores contribuyen a la colonización intestinal del niño en los primeros meses de vida, afectando especialmente al número de Bifidobacterium spp. La composición de la leche maternal varía entre madres celíacas y sanas, lo que podría modificar el aporte de bifidobacterias y factores inmunológicos protectores al lactante. Por último, en el Capítulo 4 incluye el estudio del potencial efecto beneficioso de la administración de B. longum CECT 7347 junto con la DEG en niños recién diagnosticados de EC. Este estudio demuestra que la bifidobacteria ligeramente reduce los marcadores inflamatorios en sangre periférica y contribuye a restablecer la composición de la microbiota intestinal. / [CA] La malaltia celíaca (MC) és una enteropatia crònica provocada per les proteines del gluten de cereals en individus predisposats genèticament. L'etiologia està fortament associat amb els gens de l'antigen leucocitari humà (HLA). Pacients amb MC porten aquest genotip però també està present en aproximadament el 40% de la població general i només un petit percentatge (1-3%) es desenvolupa la malaltia. Per tant, HLA-DQ genotip és necessària, però no l'únic responsable. El gluten és el principal desencadenant ambiental però la seva ingesta no explica completament l'inici ni les seves manifestacions clíniques. Altres factors ambientals, com la microbiota intestinal, s'han associat amb el risc de desenvolupar CD. Els estudis observacionals en pacients amb MC van revelar desequilibris en la microbiota intestinal que podria contribuir a la patogènesi de la malaltia. S'ha proposat que aquests desequilibris no només són una conseqüència secundària de la malaltia, però també podria ser un factor predisponent. Per entendre si els desequilibris microbiota intestinal podrien tenir un paper en l'aparició de CD, un estudi prospectiu amb el nen en risc la família està en marxa. L'únic tractament per als pacients amb EC és l'adherència a una dieta lliure de gluten, però el seu compliment és complicada a causa del gluten està present en molts aliments. La identificació de factors ambientals modificables que contribueixen a l'aparició de CD és fonamental per a les estratègies de desenvolupament que porten a una reducció de la incidència. Aquest pot ser el cas per als components de la microbiota intestinal, l'adquisició podria ser modulada per factors ambientals i dietètics. L'objectiu global de la tesi és desentranyar els coneixements actuals sobre el paper exercit per la microbiota intestinal en la patogènesi de l'EC, i les possibilitats de contribuir a la prevenció i tractament de la malaltia mitjançant la modulació de la composició de la microbiota intestinal En el Capítol 1 hem estudiat l'ús de models in vitro de la influència de la microbiota intestinal durant la maduració i funcions del sistema immunològic (cèl·lules dendrítiques), i les interaccions entre el gluten i intestinal intestí i la resposta de l'epiteli intestinal resultant d'aquesta interacció. Hem observat que alguns ceps de Bifidobacterium són capaços de reduir l'activació del sistema immune i millorar la resposta nociva de l'epiteli intestinal a l'estimulació amb gluten. En el Capítol 2 hem estudiat els efectes de l'administració d'una soca de Bifidobacterium (B. longum CECT 7347) per a un model animal de rates nounades. El tractament amb els bacteris es va associar amb una reducció en la producció de citocines proinflamatòries i la resposta immune de cèl·lules T CD4 +. En el Capítol 3 es va descriure que alguns genètic (HLA-DQ genotip) i factors ambientals (llet materna) influeixen en la colonització intestinal primerenca, especialment en Bifidobacterium spp., que poden influir en l'aparició de CD més tard. Finalment, en el Capítol 4 s'ha estudiat l'efecte probiòtic de l'administració de B. longum CECT 7347 en nens acabats diagnosticats d'EC i el seu paper en el restabliment de la salut intestinal. / Olivares Sevilla, M. (2015). Influence of intestinal microbiota in celiac disease pathogenesis and risk [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58768 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

Addition of Soybean Lipoxygenase to All-Purpose Flour and its Effects on Dough Gluten Strength and Bread Quality

Danielson, Erin Marie 10 July 2007 (has links)
The goal of this research is to determine the effects of added soybean lipoxygenase (LOX) on bread dough rheological properties and physical properties of bread loaves compared to controls, and to determine sensory attributes of bread loaves using quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). Protein fractions were obtained through the use of isoelectric precipitation. The pH 4.8 precipitate was found to yield the greatest LOX activity when compared with other fractions (p<0.05). The addition of pH 4.8 precipitate improved rheological properties of bread dough, examined in a farinograph, when compared to the all-purpose control (p<0.05). Addition of soy flour also increased the gluten strength of all-purpose flour (p<0.05). The addition of pH 4.8 precipitate to all-purpose flour did not improve bread loaf volume or texture. Sensory panelists described pH 4.8 supplemented bread as having firmer crumb when compared with controls (p<0.05). There were slight color differences among the loaves. The crust and crumb of bread flour loaves was lighter in color than any other sample. It was concluded that the addition of pH 4.8 precipitate to all-purpose flour greatly improved the rheological properties when compared with all-purpose flour alone. / Master of Science

Characterization and functionality of carob germ proteins

Smith, Brennan M. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute - Animal Science & Industry / Fadi M. Aramouni, Bean, Scott R. / The biochemical, physical and baking properties of caroubin, the main protein in the carob bean, were characterized. The biochemical properties of caroubin were analyzed using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), size exclusion chromatography coupled with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALS) and micro-fluidics analysis. The physical and baking properties of caroubin were characterized via SE-HPLC, laser scanning confocal microscopy, farinograph mixing, and texture profile analyzer analysis. Using a modified Osborne fractionation method, carob germ flour proteins were found to contain ~32% albumin and globulin and ~68% glutelin with no prolamins detected. When divided into soluble and insoluble protein fractions under non reducing conditions it was found that caroubin contained (~95%) soluble proteins and only (~5%) insoluble proteins. As in wheat, SEC-MALS analysis showed that the insoluble proteins had a greater Mw than the soluble proteins and ranged up to 8x107 Da. These polymeric proteins appeared to play a critical role in protein network formation. Analysis of the physical properties of carob germ protein-maize starch dough showed that the dough’s functionality was dependent on disulfide bonded protein networks, similar to what is found in wheat gluten. When baked into a bread these proteins were shown to have a possible improving affect by decreasing staling in gluten-free breads. This was evident when compared to a gluten-free batter bread, and a wheat bread over a five day period.

Evaluation of four sorghum hybrids through the development of gluten-free beer

Veith, Kirstin Nicole January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute, Grain Science and Industry / Jeffrey A. Gwirtz / There is a limited market of gluten-free beer for the 1% of the US population that is diagnosed with an autoimmune response to gluten protein known as celiac disease. Sorghum can be malted and used in the brewing process to replace malted barley, a grain toxic to celiac patients. The objective of the study was to develop an optimum brewing procedure for a gluten-free ale-style beer. Four different sorghum hybrids (82G63, 83G66, RN315, and X303) were malted and used in brewing gluten-free ale and evaluated for physical and chemical property differences. The four sorghum hybrids were characterized first as grain and then as malt using proximate analysis, single kernel characterization system (SKCS), amylose, α-amylase, and β-amylase contents. Isolated starch from unmalted and malted samples was evaluated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Malt was evaluated throughout the malting process and percent nitrogen, percent moisture, 72 hr germinative energy, steep out moisture, germination-end, and malting loss were measured. Malted sorghum hybrid samples were milled into grist, and employed in a double mash, double decoction brewing process. Following the brewing process the wort was evaluated for specific gravity, Brix, pH, color and free α-amino nitrogen (FAN). Wort was also analyzed using HPLC for ethanol and glucose content. The fermented beer was analyzed for specific gravity, Brix, pH, alcohol by volume, and color. HPLC was also used to measure ethanol and glucose content. Results of analysis found that a significant difference (p=0.05) was found for the DSC data onset temperature, which ranged from 61.75 to 65.51, illustrating the difference in starch gelatinization temperature compared to other cereals. A significant difference was found in α-amylase content (p=0.05) which ranged from 0.16 to 058 in unmalted sorghum and 71.63 to 96.44 in malted sorghum. In addition, α-amylase and β-amylase contents increased during malting. HPLC analysis of wort indicated a significant difference was found in percent maltose which ranged from 1.27 to 2.81. FAN content of wort was also significantly different and ranged from 65.15 to 151.37. HPLC of beer showed a significant difference in percent ethanol and percent glucose. Percent ethanol in the final beer ranged from 3.28 to 4.17 and percent glucose range from 0.16 to 0.31. Process development evaluation indicated a gluten-free ale style beer could be successfully produced with 100% sorghum malt.

Effect of sorghum flour treated with ozone and heat on the quality of gluten-free bread and cake

Marston, Kathryn G. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute, Animal Science & Industry / Fadi M. Aramouni / In order to improve the quality of products available for consumers who require a gluten-free diet, this study examined the effects of heat and ozone treatments on sorghum flour functionality in gluten-free bread and cake. In the ozone treatment experiment, commercially milled food-grade sorghum flour was subjected to ozone at the rate of 0.06 L/min for 15, 30, and 45 minutes. In the heat treatment experiment, commercially milled food-grade sorghum flour was subjected to dry-heat at two temperatures (95ºC and 125º) for 15, 30, and 45 minutes. Characterization of flour from each treatment included measurements of flour pH, color, and pasting properties. Evaluation of bread quality from each treatment included measurements of specific volume, color, crumb properties, and crumb firmness. Evaluation of cake quality from each treatment included measurements of specific gravity, volume, symmetry, uniformity, color, crumb structure, and crumb firmness. Bake testing using ozonated sorghum flour in a high-ratio white layer cake formulation showed that volume significantly increased (p<0.05) as ozonation time increased. Additionally, longer ozonation exposure times increased cells per slice area, lightness, and slice brightness values in gluten-free cakes while reducing crumb firmness. Despite improving lightness and slice brightness values, ozonation did not significantly increase (p>0.05) the specific volume of gluten-free batter based bread. In the heat treatment experiment, the optimum time and temperature relationship for improving sorghum flour was 125ºC for 30 minutes. This treatment level produced bread with the highest specific volume (3.08 mL/g) and the most cells per slice area (50.38 cells/cm2). This treatment level also produced cakes with the highest volume (72.17 cc) and most cells per slice area (79.18 cells/cm2). Additionally, cake and bread made from this heat treatment was deemed more acceptable in comparison to the control during consumer testing. The control sorghum flour in both studies produced breads and cakes with low volume, poor crumb properties, and dense textures. These results can assist in the product development process in advancing the quality of sorghum-based gluten-free foods for the consumers who require a gluten-free diet.

Modelagem e otimização de propriedades nutricionais e sensoriais de misturas protéicas através da metodologia estatística de superfície de resposta / Protein mixtures and their nutritional properties optimized by response surface methodology

Castro, Inar Alves de 16 December 1999 (has links)
Gelatina Hidrolisada (GH), Glúten de Trigo (GT) e Isolado Protéico de Soja (IPS) foram misturados em diferentes proporções com o objetivo de substituir proteínas lácteas em uma formulação alimentícia utilizada em programas institucionais de alimentação escolar, buscando-se uma redução de custos sem alterações significativas das propriedades nutricionais e sensoriais do produto final. A qualidade nutricional das misturas foi avaliada de acordo com os métodos \"Escore Químico corrigido pela Digestibilidade PDCAAS\" e \"Razão de Eficiência Protéica - NPR\". As misturas, aplicadas àformulação de uma bebida láctea, foram avaliadas sensorialmente através do método de \"Diferença Escalar do Controle\". Os resultados obtidos experimentalmente pelo delineamento simplex-centróide foram utilizados para modelar equações canônicas de Scheffé que pudessem descrever o efeito da proporção de cada componente na qualidade final. Todos os resultados foram correlacionados através de análise multivariada e representados na forma de Análise de Componente Principal (ACP). Uma \"solução de compromisso\" contendo 25% de GH, 15% GT e 60% de IPS foi selecionada na otimização conjunta das respostas nutricional, sensorial e econômica, resultando na redução média de 6% do custo do produto final sem alteração significativa de qualidade (p < 0,01). Estes resultados revelaram a eficiência da utilização de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas na otimização simultânea e na visualização das interações que ocorrem em processos complexos como sistemas biológicos. / Hidrolizated Gelatin (HG), Wheat Gluten (WG) and Soybean Protein Isolate (SPI) were mixed at different proportions in order to partially replace milk proteins in food formulation utilized in Food Programs to reduce its cost without significant decrease in its nutritional and sensorial properties. The nutritional quality of the mixtures was evaluated by the \"Protein DigestibilityCorrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)\" and \"Net Protein Ratio (NPR)\"methods. The sensorial quality of the mixtures was evaluated by the \"Scale Difference of Control\". The results obtained experimentally by simplex design were used to elaborate Scheffé\'s canonical equations that would describe the effect of the proportion of each component on the final nutritional quality of the product. Ali the results were correlationed by Multivariate Analysis and represented by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). A \"compromise solution\" containing 25% HG, 15% WG and 60% SPI was selected as multiresponse optimization. This mixture was applicated in food formulation and submitted to the evaluations of nutrition and sensorial quality. The final product showed about 6% of cost reduction without any significant change in its quality (p< 0,01). These results demonstrated the statistics multivariate methods efficiency in simultaneous optimization and visualization of interactions which are present in complex process like biological systems.

Development of Gluten-Free Baking Methods Utilizing Sorghum Flour

Boswell, Sara Elizabeth 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Increasing diagnosis and awareness of celiac disease and gluten intolerance has created a need for developing improved quality gluten-free sandwich breads. Sorghum is a naturally gluten-free grain with ideal baking qualities that is underutilized in the gluten-free baking industry. Research is needed on developing gluten-free breads utilizing sorghum flour that could be used in future research and commercial production. Three objectives were tested. Objectives evaluated feasibility of using egg white foam with leavening agents in yeast-free bread, optimum mixing time in a laboratory control bread utilizing sorghum flour, and maximizing the amount of sorghum flour that could be used in the control formulation. Four comparisons were tested for yeast-free breads and 5 were compared for yeast breads. Volume, hardness, and color were measured using 15 replications. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) was performed on selected treatments to evaluate crumb structure. Utilizing egg white foam for gluten-free breads produced acceptable volume, color, crumb structure and hardness compared to commercial gluten-free controls. Using egg white foam eliminates proofing time with increased production speed. Increasing mixing time in gluten-free yeast breads significantly (P<0.05) improved specific volume and overall loaf volume without negatively affecting crumb hardness in 10 and 15 minute mixing treatments. Crumb structure was significantly improved between 5 and 15 minute treatments. Evaluation with ESEM showed reduced clumping of ingredients in the crumb and thinner air cell walls. Specific volume and loaf volume were significantly (P<0.05) higher in 15 minute mixing (2.13 cm^3/g; 1845 cm^3) versus the commercial comparison (2.00 cm^3/g; 923 cm^3). Optimum mixing for yeast bread was 15 minutes and optimum percentage of sorghum used in the flour blend was 60 percent. Increasing the use of commodity grade gluten-free decorticated white sorghum flour will reduce cost of specialty milled ingredients. In future studies mixing for 15 minutes using the laboratory yeast bread formulation containing 60 percent sorghum should be used as the research control as it provided consistent optimum results.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD / Milk, gluten and ADHD : A literature review on the effect of milk and gluten in children with ADHD

Antonsson, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children. The report is a summary of research results on the effects milk protein and gluten have on children with ADHD.The majority of children with ADHD demonstrate decreased symptoms if they receive a diet without milk protein and gluten.If children with ADHD would be given a special diet excluding milk protein and gluten it is realistic to assume that their ADHD-symptoms might be reduced with a greater sense of well-being and quality of life as a result. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) är en allt mer vanligt förekommande diagnos hos förskolebarn. Uppfattningen om att en anpassad kosthållning kan lindra symtomen hos barn med ADHD har växt sig starkare de senaste åren. Barn med ADHD lider ofta av en irriterad tarm som har en störd matspjälkningsfunktion, vilket kan leda till att näringsämnen bryts ner ofullständigt och resulterar i näringsbrister och frisättning av ämnen som kan påverka oss negativt.Syftet med rapporten är att sammanställa och belysa kunskapen om hur kosten kan påverka symtomen hos barn med ADHD, med särskild inriktning på påverkan från mjölkprotein och gluten. Samt att belysa vilken nytta skolverksamheten kan ha av dagens forskning inom ämnet.Rapporten är en sammanställning av de forskningsresultat som finns inom ämnet ADHD-anpassad kost där mjölkprotein och gluten utesluts.Majoriteten av barn med ADHD påvisar en minskade symtom om de får en anpassad kost utan mjölkprotein och gluten.Om förskolan skulle erbjuda barn med ADHD en anpassad kost är det realistiskt att anta att deras ADHD-symtom skulle kunna minska med ett ökat välbefinnande som följd.

Hur upplevs och hanteras familjens vardag av mödrar till barn med celiaki? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / How everyday life for the family is perceived and handled among mothers of children with celiac disease : a qualitative interview study

Apell, Amandine, Burman, Viktoria January 2016 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Celiaki är en autoimmun sjukdom med en prevalens på 2/100 i Sverige. Enda behandlingen är att äta en kost fri från gluten. Gluten förekommer i spannmålen vete, råg, korn och att diagnostiseras med celiaki innebär ofta att en förändring av matvanor blir nödvändig. Att leva tillsammans med någon med celiaki har visat sig kunna vara problematiskt då familjelivet kan påverkas negativt och föräldrar till barn med celiaki upplever ofta oro och ängslan för sitt barn. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur mödrar till barn med celiaki upplever och hanterar familjens vardag i relation till barnets specialkost. Metod: Ett målinriktat urval användes och kvalitativa, semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio mödrar till barn med celiaki. Materialet spelades in och transkriberades ordagrant för att sedan analyseras med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Samtliga mödrar upplevde att vardagen hade anpassats efter barnet med celiaki och det fanns olika sätt att hantera den glutenfria kosten. Vissa valde att ha helt glutenfritt hemma för att undvika stress över rädslan att ge barnet fel mat. Andra valde att ha både gluteninnehållande och glutenfria livsmedel hemma p.g.a. ekonomiska skäl samt preferenser från övriga familjemedlemmar. Kunskapsnivån kring celiaki i samhället ansågs låg, vilket upplevdes försvåra vardagen för mödrar till ett barn med celiaki. Majoriteten av mödrarna uttryckte att bästa stödet fanns att tillgå via internet och sociala medier. Slutsats: Enligt mödrar till barn med celiaki innebar sjukdomen en del dilemman och vardagen upplevdes stundvis som orofylld, vilket kan påverka livskvaliteten. Internet och sociala medier sågs som ett bra stöd i vardagen. Ökad kunskap samt större förståelse från omgivningen skulle kunna förbättra familjernas vardag. / ABSTRACT                          Background: Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder with a prevalence of 2/100 in Sweden. The only treatment is a diet free from gluten. Gluten occurs in grains of wheat, rye, barley and being diagnosed with CD often means that a change in eating habits is necessary. Living together with someone with CD has been shown to be problematic. Family life may be negatively affected and parents of children with CD experience worry and anxiety for their child. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine how mothers of children with CD experienced and handled everyday life in relation to their child's gluten-free diet (GFD). Method: A targeted selection was used and qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine mothers of children with CD. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim and then analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: All participants felt that everyday life had been adapted to the child with CD and there were different ways to deal with the GFD. Some chose to have the home as a gluten-free zone to avoid the stress of risking to give the child wrong food. Others chose to have both gluten-containing and gluten-free foods at home because of economic aspects and preferences from other family members. The level of knowledge about CD in the community was considered low, which was perceived to complicate everyday life for mothers of a child with CD. The majority of participants expressed that best support was found through Internet and social media. Conclusion: According to mothers of children with CD, the disease involved some dilemmas and daily life was at times perceived as worrisome, which can affect quality of life. Internet and social media were considered as good support in everyday life. Increased knowledge in society and greater understanding from the environment could improve families everyday life.

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