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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die verhouding tussen gesag en sendingmotivering binne die Gereformeerde Kerke / Relation between authority and motivation for missionary involvement from within the Reformed Churches

Weyers, Mario 11 1900 (has links)
Title in English and Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In this dissertation an attempt has been made to investigate the means by which God is at work in our world. The researcher has acted on the assumption that God rules in our world, but investigates the content of such a belief The question whether God acts in our world from a basis of control, or from a motivation of shared interest is currently brought to the surface. Instrumental is the use of Critical Theory to investigate the above mentioned problem. With this instrument oppressive perspectives (paternalistic views) are identified and unmasked as well as new perspectives (stewardship) implemented. Biblical stewardship seems to be a perspective on how God wants to use the local church to assist in his plan of salvation for those in need. Authority with others rather over others seems to be the stewardship strategy God wants us to participate in. / In hierdie verhandeling word ondersoek ingestel na die wyse waarop God in die wereld betrokke is (Missio Dei). Daar word uitgegaan van die veronderstelling dat God in die wereld regeer en wil hierdie navorsing poog om te verstaan hoe God in die wereld regeer. Die problematiek wat deurgaans in hierdie studie hanteer word, hou verband met die vraag of God vanuit 'n beheerstelsel (pantokratiese stelsel) in die wereld betrokke is en of sy werksaamhede eerder vanuit 'n bestuurstelsel (oikonomos) verstaan moet word. In 'n poging om bogenoemde probleem op te los word gebruik gemaak van die Kritiese Teorie. Met hierdie instrument word enersyds gepoog om onderdrukkende perspektiewe (soos God as Pantokrator) te weerle, wat onderdrukkende ideologie instand hou. Andersyds word die Kritiese Teorie as instrument gebruik om alternatiewe te ondersoek (soos God as bestuurder van ons heil) wat nuwe perspektiewe daar kan stel. Bybelse rentmeesterskap hou gevolglik daarmee verband dat God die mens/kerk medeverantwoordelik maak in bogenoemde bestuursproses ten einde God se Missio Dei deelnemend te bestuur. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th.(Missiology)

Humanity's rejection of God, the creator, according to Romans 1:18-32

Remezov, Anatoly 01 January 2002 (has links)
The author of dissertation considers that dependence of behavior of people on their attitude toward God the Creator is perhaps the first and the most important topic that comes to mind during the study of the present passage of the most fundamental Paul's epistle. We believe it is necessary to explore "false foundations" as we see as Paul opposes to them his ideology - ideology of worship to God the Creator. We affirm that Paul sees the main reason of immoral behavior in such area of man's activity as thinking that, in its tum, denies the Creator of every living thing of Earth and because of its incapability to rule over human passions is forced to look for an ideological basis for its acts. This thesis has also practical meaning because it demonstrates Paul's methodology of disproval of false theories of that time revealing their illogicality and senselessness. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M. Th (New Testament)

Characterisations of YHWH in the song of the vineyard : a multitextural interpretation of Isaiah 5:1-7

Miller, David Jay 06 1900 (has links)
The Song of the Vineyard, Isaiah 5:1-7, portrays YHWH as a vinedresser who has carefully prepared land and planted a choice vine, a symbol of the people whom the deity has chosen. When the reasonable expectation that the vine produce good fruit is thwarted, the vinedresser destroys the vineyard. YHWH, the vinedresser, may seem to be characterised by these actions as a demanding god who will swiftly and harshly recompense any failure to meet expectations. This thesis poses the hypothesis that although this brief song may at first seemingly present a monochromatic characterisation of YHWH, it may actually present a spectrum of characterisations when viewed through multiple interpretive lenses. Socio-rhetorical criticism is the methodology used to examine this hypothesis. This methodology, developed by Vernon K. Robbins, encompasses diverse interpretive approaches, examining five aspects, or “textures,” of the text to obtain a broad interpretive spectrum. In this thesis, three of the textures, innertexture, intertexture, and socio-cultural texture, are considered in separate chapters. The chapter on innertexture examines the world of the text itself, in particular its progressive nature and emotive content. The next chapter examines the intertextural relationship between this Isaian song and two other ancient songs (The Song of the Reed Sea and the Song of Moses), associative references to Sodom, and parallels with the Song of Solomon. The chapter on the socio-cultural texture examines the portrayal of YHWH in light of the socio-economics and socio-cultural values of the world of the story, eighth century B.C.E. Judah. Through this interpretive lense, YHWH is seen as a patron or benefactor who has been dishonoured by his people. In socio-rhetorical criticism, ideology is often presented as a separate texture; in this thesis, it is considered as part of the act of interpretation of all textures, since readers’ ideologies interact with the text. The sacred texture, the last of Robbins’ proposed textures, is presented as the conclusion, with a summary of the spectrum of characterisations of YHWH that the multi-lensed interpretive approach uncovers. The conclusion also includes suggested implications of these finds for the community of faith. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Purity : blessing or burden?

Depoix, D. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the history of Israel the concept of "purity" had developed as a way in which God's people could honour his holiness and draw nearer to him, as a sanctified nation. By the time of Jesus, in Second Temple Judaism, the purity system had become restrictive. This had been influenced by political and social developments, including an increased desire to withdraw from Hellenistic and other factors which were seen as contaminating the integrity of Judaism. There were diverse perceptions regarding the achievement of the purity of Israel, including militaristic confrontation and expulsion of alien occupation forces, stricter adherence to the Law and, in some cases, total withdrawal from general society (such as at Qumran). It was, however, particularly the Pharisaic imposition of the supplementary oral tradition, supposed to clarify the written Law, which imposed hardship on those who, through illiteracy or inferior social status, were unable to meet all the minute provisions which would ensure ritual purity. The expansion of the Law of Moses by the commentary of the rabbis, which over time became the entrenched oral "tradition of the fathers", was originally intended to promote access to God by clarifying obscure points of the Law, in the pursuit of purity. However, this oral tradition had, in fact, become an instrument of alienation and separation of the ordinary people not only from the Pharisees, who considered themselves as the religious elite, but also from God. The common people, that is, a large section of the population, felt rejected and on the outside of both religious and social acceptance. On the material level they also suffered under a heavy tax burden, from both Temple and State, which aggravated their poverty. It was this situation which Jesus confronted in his mission to change the ideological climate and to reveal the Kingdom of God as being accessible to all who accepted the true Fatherhood of God, in penitence and humility. He denounced the hypocrisy which professed piety but which ignored the plight of those who were suffering. Hark 7 : 1-23 symbolizes the difference between the teaching and practice of Jesus and that of the Pharisees, and provides metaphorically a pattern of Christian engagement which is relevant in the South African situation today. The Christian challenge is to remove those barriers, both ideological and economic, which impede spiritual and material well-being within society. By active engagement, rather than by retreating to the purely ritualistic and individualistic practice of religion, the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven, as inaugurated by Jesus, will be advanced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die geskiedenis van Israel het die konsep van reinheid ontwikkel as 'n wyse waarin die die volk van God Sy heiligheid kan eer en tot Hom kan nader, as 'n geheiligde volk. Teen die tyd van Jesus, tydens Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, het die reinheid sisteem beperkend geword. Dit is beïnvloed deur politieke en sosiale ontwikkelinge, insluitende 'n toenemende drang om te onttrek van Hellenistiese en ander faktore, wat beskou is as 'n besoedeling van die integriteit van Judaïsme. Daar was diverse persepsies aangaande die uitvoering van die reinheid van Israel, insluitende militaristiese konfrontasie en die uitwerping van vreemde besettingsmagte, strenger onderhouding van die Wet en in sekere gevalle, totale onttreking van die algemene samelewing (soos by Qumran). Tog was dit in besonder die Fariseërs se oplegging van bykomende mondelinge tradisie, veronderstelom die geskrewe Wet te verhelder, wat ontbering veroorsaak het vir die wat as gevolg van ongeletterdheid of minderwaardige sosiale status nie in staat was om aan elke haarfyn bepaling, wat rituele reinheid sou verseker, te voldoen nie. Die uitbreiding van die wet van Moses deur die kommentaar van die rabbies, wat met verloop van tyd die ingegrawe mondelinge "tradisie van die vaders" geword het, was oorsproklik bedoel om toegang tot God te verseker, deur die verheldering van onduidelike aspekte van die wet, in die nastreef van reinheid. Hierdie mondelinge tradisie het egter 'n instrument van vervreemding geword en skeiding gebring tussen gewone mense en die Fariseers, sowel as die wat hulleself beskou het as die religieuse elite. Dit het egter ook skeiding gebring tussen mense en God. Die gewone mense, dit is die meerderheid van die bevolking, het verwerp gevoel en aan die buitekring van beide religieuse en sosiale aanvaarding. Op materiële vlak het hulle ook gelyonder die juk van swaar belasting, van beide die Tempel en die Staat, wat hulle toestand van armoede vererger het. Dit was hierdie situasie wat Jesus gekonfronteer het in sy strewe om die ideologiese klimaat te verander en om die Koninkryk van God te openbaar as toeganklik vir almal wat die ware Vaderskap van God aanvaar, in berou en in nederigheid. Hy het die skynheiligheid verwerp wat aanspraak maak op vroomheid, maar die toestand van die lydendes ignoreer. Markus 7:1-23 simboliseer die verskil tussen die onderrig en die praktyk van Jesus en dié van die Fariseërs en voorsien metafories 'n patroon van Christelike verbintenis, wat relevant is binne die eietydse Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die uitdaging aan die Christendom is om die skeidslyne te verwyder, beide ideologies en ekonomies, wat geestelike en materieële welsyn binne die gemeenskap belemmer. Deur aktiewe betrokkenheid, eerder as om bloot te onttrek tot die suiwer ritualistiese en individualistiese beoefening van religie, sal die realisering van die Koninkryk van die Hemel soos ingehuldig deur Jesus, bevorder word.

Preaching about the Last judgment in the New Testament? : a hermeneutical approach to the portrayal of the Last Judgment in Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15

Kuenstel, Annegret 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (M. Div.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment deals with the question of whether and how it is possible to preach about texts on the last judgment in the New Testament under the premise of a merciful God. This question will be approached from a hermeneutical angle. Therefore the researcher will, after some introductory comments, deal with two different texts about the last judgment (Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15) and investigate them exegetically. This will form a large part of the assignment. After the exegesis, a homiletical as well as a systematical reflection will be done on these specific biblical texts. Each of these chapters will conclude with a draft of a sermon on the texts, showing what a possible sermon on these texts may look like. In the last chapter, the researcher will summarize the approaches she used on her way from the biblical texts to the sermons. A general outline of different approaches depicting how a sermon on the last judgment in the New Testament can be done is followed. The researcher will come to the conclusion that it is possible to preach about the last judgment in the New Testament under the premise of a merciful God. She shows this in dealing with the biblical texts in exegetical and contextual, rhetorical and historical, theological and homiletical ways. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk handel oor die vraag of en inderdaad hoe dit moontlik is om te preek oor tekste wat handel oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament vanuit die veronderstelling van ‘n genadige God. Hierdie vraag sal benader word vanuit ‘n hermeneutiese hoek. In hierdie verband sal die navorser, na ‘n paar inleidende opmerkings, handel met twee verskillende tekste oor die laaste oordeel nl. Luk 16:19-31 and Openbaring 20:11-15. Hierdie tekste sal eksegeties ondersoek word en dit sal ‘n groot deel uitmaak van hierdie werkstuk. Na die eksegese sal ‘n homiletiese sowel as ‘n sistematiese refleksie gedoen word oor hierdie spesifieke Bybeltekste. Elk van hierdie hoofstukke sal afgesluit word met ‘n preekontwerp van die teks wat sal dien as voorstel hoe ‘n moontlike preek oor die betrokke teks sal kan lyk. Binne die laaste hoofstuk sal die navorser ‘n opsomming maak van al die benaderings deur haar gebruik op haar weg vanaf die Bybelse tekste na die preke. ‘n Algemene raamwerk van die verskillende benaderings wat voorstel hoe ‘n preek oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament gedoen kan word sal hierop volg. Die navorser sal dan tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat dit wel moontlik is om oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament te preek vanuit die veronderstelling van ‘n genadige God. Dit dui sy aan deur op ‘n eksegetiese en kontekstuele, ‘n retoriese en historiese, en op ‘n teologiese en homiletiese wyse te handel met die Bybeltekste.

Teil der grossen Geschichte sein Die missiologische Bedeutung theologischer Narrative am Beispiel der “Reich Gottes Story” von N.T. Wright / To be part of the Bible's grand narrative The missiological importance of theological narratives,using the example of N.T. Wright's narrative approach to the "Story of the Kingdom of Heaven“

Roth, Tobias 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-144) / In dieser Masterarbeit wird die Korrelation zwischen der Narrativität des Reich Gottes und missiologischen Ansätzen untersucht. Am Beispiel von N.T. Wright wird ermittelt, welche Bedeutung Narrative des Reich Gottes in der Theologie haben und wie diese für einen narrativ-missiologischen-Ansatz nutzbar gemacht werden können. Die Untersuchung wird von der Forschungsfrage geleitet: Welche Bedeutung haben Reich Gottes Narrative von N.T. Wright für die Missiologie? Im ersten Kapitel werden die Rahmenbedingungen dieser Thesis dargelegt. Im zweiten Kapitel wird das Werk und die Person von N.T.Wright untersucht. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich der inhaltlichen Untersuchung und der Herausarbeitung eines Metanarratives des Reich Gottes bei Wright. Im vierten und letzten Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zusammengetragen. Diese münden in einen Entwurf eines narrativ- missiologischen- Ansatzes. Des Weiteren werden einige Aspekte von Wrights Ansatz kritisch reflektiert. Die Ergebnisse werden in den deutschen Kontext eingeordnet und darauf aufbauend erfolgt dann noch ein Ausblick auf weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten. / Hierdie meesterstesis bestudeer die verband tussen die teorie van die verhaal van die hemelse koninkryk en die missiologiese aanpassings daarvan. Op grond van die werke van N.T. Wright, is die doel van hierdie werk om te bepaal watter tipe belang die teorie van die verhaal van die hemelse koninkryk vir die teologie kan hê en hoe dit in missiologie toegepas kan word. Hierdie ontleding handel oor die hoofvraag: Watter belang moet in missiologie aan die verhale oor die hemelse koninkryk geheg word? Die eerste hoofstuk handel gevolglik oor die basiese raamwerk van hierdie werk. Hoofstuk twee fokus dan op die studie van die basiese inhoud van Wright se werk en hoe hy 'n metaverhaal kan skep op grond van die benadering van die hemelse koninkryk. Die derde hoofstuk is gewy aan die substantiewe ondersoek en verwerking van Wright se metaverhaal oor die koninkryk van God. Die vierde en laaste hoofstuk van hierdie werk bevat die hoofresultate van hierdie tesis voor dit na 'n konsep van 'n benadering tot verhalende missiologie lei. Verder word verskeie aspekte van Wright se benadering krities bespreek. Die resultate is dan in 'n Duitse konteks vasgelê wat tot 'n vooruitsig van toekomstige navorsingsgeleenthede kan lei. / This master thesis examines the correlation between the narrative of the kingdom of heaven theory and its missiological adaptations. Based on examples from the works of N.T. Wright, the purpose of this paper is to ascertain what kind of relevance narratives of the kingdom of heaven theory might have for theology and how they could be applied in missiology. This analysis revolves around the main question: What importance should be awarded to the kingdom of heaven narratives in missiology? Consequently, the first chapter deals with the basic framework of this paper. Chapter two then focuses on examining the basic contents of Wright’s work and how he is able to create a meta-narrative based on the kingdom of heaven approach. The third chapter is devoted to the substantive investigation and elaboration of a metanarrative of the kingdom of God defined by Wright. The fourth and last chapter of this paper is presenting the main results of this thesis before leading up to a draft of a narrative-missiological approach. In addition, various aspects of Wright’s approach are critically discussed. The results then are embedded in a German context which leads to a prospect of future research opportunities. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Humanity's rejection of God, the creator, according to Romans 1:18-32

Remezov, Anatoly 01 January 2002 (has links)
The author of dissertation considers that dependence of behavior of people on their attitude toward God the Creator is perhaps the first and the most important topic that comes to mind during the study of the present passage of the most fundamental Paul's epistle. We believe it is necessary to explore "false foundations" as we see as Paul opposes to them his ideology - ideology of worship to God the Creator. We affirm that Paul sees the main reason of immoral behavior in such area of man's activity as thinking that, in its tum, denies the Creator of every living thing of Earth and because of its incapability to rule over human passions is forced to look for an ideological basis for its acts. This thesis has also practical meaning because it demonstrates Paul's methodology of disproval of false theories of that time revealing their illogicality and senselessness. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M. Th (New Testament)

Characterisations of YHWH in the song of the vineyard : a multitextural interpretation of Isaiah 5:1-7

Miller, David Jay 06 1900 (has links)
The Song of the Vineyard, Isaiah 5:1-7, portrays YHWH as a vinedresser who has carefully prepared land and planted a choice vine, a symbol of the people whom the deity has chosen. When the reasonable expectation that the vine produce good fruit is thwarted, the vinedresser destroys the vineyard. YHWH, the vinedresser, may seem to be characterised by these actions as a demanding god who will swiftly and harshly recompense any failure to meet expectations. This thesis poses the hypothesis that although this brief song may at first seemingly present a monochromatic characterisation of YHWH, it may actually present a spectrum of characterisations when viewed through multiple interpretive lenses. Socio-rhetorical criticism is the methodology used to examine this hypothesis. This methodology, developed by Vernon K. Robbins, encompasses diverse interpretive approaches, examining five aspects, or “textures,” of the text to obtain a broad interpretive spectrum. In this thesis, three of the textures, innertexture, intertexture, and socio-cultural texture, are considered in separate chapters. The chapter on innertexture examines the world of the text itself, in particular its progressive nature and emotive content. The next chapter examines the intertextural relationship between this Isaian song and two other ancient songs (The Song of the Reed Sea and the Song of Moses), associative references to Sodom, and parallels with the Song of Solomon. The chapter on the socio-cultural texture examines the portrayal of YHWH in light of the socio-economics and socio-cultural values of the world of the story, eighth century B.C.E. Judah. Through this interpretive lense, YHWH is seen as a patron or benefactor who has been dishonoured by his people. In socio-rhetorical criticism, ideology is often presented as a separate texture; in this thesis, it is considered as part of the act of interpretation of all textures, since readers’ ideologies interact with the text. The sacred texture, the last of Robbins’ proposed textures, is presented as the conclusion, with a summary of the spectrum of characterisations of YHWH that the multi-lensed interpretive approach uncovers. The conclusion also includes suggested implications of these finds for the community of faith. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Dein Reich komme : eine missionstheologische Arbeit über den Zusammenhang zwischen Reich-Gottes-Verständnis und missionarischer Gemeindepraxis am Beispiel August Hermann Francke / Thy kingdom come : a missiological study on the relationship between the concept of the Kingdom of God and missionary church practice using the example of August Hermann Francke

Schultze, David Kurt Hilmar 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, English and German summaries / Die Masterthesis zeigt auf, wie das Reich-Gottes-Verständnis die Theologie und die missionarische Praxis im hallischen Pietismus bei August Hermann Francke beeinflusst hat. Mittels einer Literaturarbeit wird in missionstheologischer Perspektive das hallische Gottesreich-Verständnis erforscht sowie aus missionsgeschichtlicher Sicht die Praxis der hallischen Pietisten dargestellt. Beide Blickwinkel werden miteinander in Verbindung gesetzt, so dass die Zusammenhänge zwischen Reich Gottes und Gemeindepraxis herausgearbeitet werden. Es zeigt sich, dass die Reich-Gottes-Rede die Rahmenbedingungen, den Bezugspunkt, die menschliche Partizipation, die Ganzheitlichkeit sowie die Reichweite des missionarischen Handelns in Halle maßgeblich beeinflusst hat. Auf Basis der Forschungsergebnisse werden Schlüsse und Praxisimplikationen für die heutige Diskussion um den Reich Gottes Begriff und die missionarische Praxis gegeben. / This study shows how the concept of the Kingdom of God has influenced the theology and missionary church practice of August Hermann Francke. By means of a literature study, the concept of the Kingdom of God in Halle Pietism is researched from a perspective of mission theology. In addition to that the church practice of Francke will be presented from a perspective of mission history. Both points of view are linked to each other so that the relations between the Kingdom of God and church practice are worked out. It is obvious that the view of the Kingdom of God has decisively influenced the framework, the point of reference, human participation, the holistic approach, as well as the range of missionary activity in Halle. On the basis of the research results, conclusions and practical implications for today’s discussion about the concept of the Kingdom of God and missionary practice are given. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Das Volk des Exodus als Gegenkonzept zur imperialen Macht Ägyptens : ein alternativer Gesellschaftsentwurf / The Exodus people as a counter-concept to Egyptian power : an alternative model of society

Rudolph, Benjamin 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in German and English / Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag aus der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft zur gegenwärtigen Situation der westlichen Kirche zu leisten. Dabei soll der Text von Exodus 1-15 als Grundlage dienen, um das alternatives Bewusstsein herauszustellen, das dem Volk Gottes zu allen Zeiten helfen kann, sich in herrschenden Machtstrukturen zu verstehen und sich seiner Identität und Aufgabe bewusst zu bleiben. Die Untersuchung folgt einem literaturwissenschaftlichen Interesse, das die „Endgestalt“ zum Ausgangspunkt hat. Die Erzählung weist bewusst verwendete Strukturen und Stilmittel auf, die für die Interpretation von Bedeutung sind. Die Untersuchung soll jene Stilmittel herausstellen, welche für das Thema der Arbeit signifikant sind. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die Exoduserzählung zum Aufbau eines alternativen Bewusstseins dient, auf dessen Basis Lebenspraxis und Zukunft von Gottes Volk geformt wird. So verstanden helfen die Texte auch der westlichen Kirche, sich in unterschiedlichen dominanten Kontexten als »Kontrastgesellschaft« zu verstehen. / The goal of this dissertation is to make a particular contribution from Old Testament research to the present situation of the Church in the Western world. Exodus 1-15 serves as a foundational text for establishing an alternative consciousness which helps the People of God, throughout all times, to maintain an understanding of themselves in the midst of other prevailing power structures and to remain aware of their identity and mission. The research uses the methodology of literary criticism, where the “final stage” of the text serves as the starting point. The exodus narrative reveals intentional structuring and stylistic devices which are important for interpretation. Each of the literary devices significant to this dissertation topic will be identified. The dissertation shows that the exodus narrative creates an alternative consciousness which in turn influences the life praxis and future of the People of God. Likewise these texts can also help the Church in the Western world to understand itself as a “counterculture” amongst its own dominant environments. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

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