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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspekte van die openbare beleidproses in Suid-Afrika met spesiale verwysing na die waterbeleid (1994-1999)

Van Wyk, Jo-Ansie Karina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents aspects of the public policy process in South Africa with specific reference to water policy between 1994 and 1999. For the purposes of this research, the definition of water policy coincides with the government's definition as contained in the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), the Growth, Employment and Redistribution Programme (GEAR), white papers, bills and legislation. Water policy is a broad subject and is approached from a social sciences focus in this study, in that it uses the fulfilment of human needs as a point of departure. Water policy that applied before 1994 was based on water legislation of 1956, as well as some eighty different Acts that were fragmented between a number of institutions. The focus was on water rights, linked to property rights from which the majority of South Africans were excluded. In the implementation of policy attention was mainly paid to engineering achievements. The acknowledgement that water resources are limited in South Africa, as well as in the rest of the world, and the increasing demands on these sources, focused the attention anew on responsible water policy. Since South Africa's transition to an inclusive political democracy in 1994, a variety of far-reaching changes took place with regard to political decision-making and the public policy process. Not only did the policy-making process change, but policy goals, actors, structures and organisations also changed. It is clear that the policy agenda differs significantly from that of the period preceding 1994. In this study, the context within which policy renewal took place in South Africa since 1994, has been presented, and the policy process that new water legislation was subjected to, is described. The role of policy actors and communities - in line with the principles of the Constitution of 1996 that encourage public participation in the democracy - is considered. The implementation of the new water policy could unfortunately not be evaluated as it has only been promulgated a year ago. This study serves as an introduction to a research area which has received little attention thus far and that has potential for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word aspekte van die openbare beleidproses in Suid-Afrika ondersoek met spesiale verwysing na waterbeleid tussen 1994 en 1999. Waterbeleid is vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie omskryf soos in die regering se HOP, GEAR, witskrifte, wetsontwerpe en wetgewing. Waterbeleid is 'n breë onderwerp wat in hierdie studie vanuit 'n sosiaal wetenskaplike hoek benader is, naamlik dat daar aan basiese menslike behoeftes voldoen moet word. Die waterbeleid wat voor 1994 gegeld het, was gebaseer op die Waterwet van 1956, asook wetgewing wat oor tagtig wette versprei was en deur 'n aantal instellings gefragmenteer is. Die klem het geval op waterregte, gekoppel aan eiendomsregte waarvan die grootste deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking uitgesluit was. Klem is ook gelê op ingenieursprestasies in die uitvoering van beleid. Die besef dat waterbronne wêreldwyd en in Suid-Afrika beperk is met toenemende aansprake wat daarop gemaak word, het opnuut die aandag op verantwoordelike waterbeleid gevestig. Sedert Suid-Afrika se oorgang na 'n inklusiewe politieke demokrasie in 1994 is verskeie verreikende veranderings ten opsigte van politieke besluitneming en die openbare beleidproses ingestel. Nie alleen het die beleidmakingsproses verander nie, maar beleidsdoelwitte, -akteurs, -strukture en -organisasies het ook verander. Kortom, die beleidagenda verskil van die periode voor 1994. In hierdie studie is die konteks van beleidvernuwing in Suid-Afrika na 1994 geskets, en die beleidproses waardeur nuwe waterwetgewing gegaan het, is beskryf. Die rol van beleidakteurs en -gemeenskappe - in lyn met die beginsels van die Grondwet van 1996 wat openbare deelneming aan die demokratiese bestel aanmoedig - is ondersoek. Die implementering van die nuwe waterbeleid kon egter nie geëvalueer word nie, aangesien dit skaars 'n jaar gelede gepromulgeer is. Hierdie studie dien as 'n inleiding tot 'n navorsingsveld wat steeds braak lê met moontlikhede vir verdere navorsing.

Critical analysis of the post-apartheid South African Government's discourse on infromation and communication technologies (ICTs), poverty and development

Moodley, Gunasagren 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning ))—University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This study comprises a discursive analysis of the underlying assumptions, rhetorical devices and the latent agendas masked within: (i) the burgeoning international ICT, poverty and development literature; (ii) the policy agendas of the major players in international development; and (iii) the ICT, poverty and development discourse of the post-apartheid South African government. The aim of the study is to move beyond the current enthusiasm for derivative description and technological determinism, and to introduce a deeper, more balanced understanding of the relationship between ICT, poverty and development.

The role of governments in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: a case study of South Africa.

Mngomezulu, Skhumbuzo Julius January 2005 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease that needs to be addressed with immediate effect before serious damage can occur. Because the government has a responsibility over the health of its citizens, everybody expects the government to take a lead in the fight against this epidemic and from the look of things the government's strategies are not making the desired impact on the epidemic. The author attempted to highlight that the South African government has not played a satisfactory role in the fight against this pandemic, which threatens to alter history to a degree not seen in the world.

The role of governments in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: a case study of South Africa.

Mngomezulu, Skhumbuzo Julius January 2005 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease that needs to be addressed with immediate effect before serious damage can occur. Because the government has a responsibility over the health of its citizens, everybody expects the government to take a lead in the fight against this epidemic and from the look of things the government's strategies are not making the desired impact on the epidemic. The author attempted to highlight that the South African government has not played a satisfactory role in the fight against this pandemic, which threatens to alter history to a degree not seen in the world.

The implementation of the integrated management of childhood illnesses strategy

Pillay, Udesvari 02 1900 (has links)
This non-experimental, descriptive, quantitative survey attempted to evaluate IMCI implementation in the eThekwini district of KwaZulu -Natal. The study focused on IMCI implementation by IMCI trained registered nurses, health facility support and follow-up and supervision. The research population comprised of all IMCI trained registered nurses working in health facilities in the eThekwini district. The convenient sample consisted of 40 research subjects. Data was collected by means of an interview schedule and a checklist, and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2007. Findings of the study revealed that many of the IMCI trained registered nurses were unable to assess, classify and treat the sick child comprehensively and consistently. The recommended follow-up visit at six weeks after completion of IMCI training, and lack of on-going supervision remains an area of concern. Recommendations were that district or clinic supervisors can enhance the skills of IMCI trained registered nurses through recommended follow-up visits and on-going supervision and the provision of updated IMCI chart booklets. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

The Department of Human Settlement’s policy on eradicating informal settlements in South Africa : a de- colonial feasibility analysis

Bosman, Beatrice Ntandose 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a decolonial feasibility study on the National Department of Housing’s (now National Department of Human Settlement) policy of eradicating informal settlements by 2014. In this thesis I argue that the policy intent of eradicating informal settlements by the proposed date of 2014 cannot be feasible without transcending the structure that produce these informal settlements in the first place. This is why even though we are towards the end of 2014 there is not yet clear evidence that the informal settlements are being eradicated or will be eradicated in the near future. In this dissertation, I argue that informal settlements are a product of a global power structure of coloniality (multiple forms of colonialisms that survive the demise of apartheid) that produces inequalities among human beings including the habitat sphere. I deploy the experience of Mshenguville informal settlement to demonstrate that the experience of informal settlement is just but a marker or sign of inequality among human beings in the age of Western-centred modernity. Thus those in informal settlement are considered to exist on the darker side of modernity as opposed to those in splashy suburb who experience the brighter side of modernity. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Evaluation of gender equity programme implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

Nkoana, Nthabiseng Martha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the democratic dispensation in South Africa, attempts were made in earlier studies to make recommendations for the implementation of gender equity in the labour markets. Until now companies and public service departments have done little to ensure gender equity. Most efforts made were merely window-dressing given that previous studies provide evidence of fewer female employments in Senior Management Service (SMS) positions across the public service. South Africa has introduced a legal framework to support the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). The study sets out to evaluate the extent of gender equity implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. The EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998) aims to redress employment inequalities previously experienced by racially, culturally and sexually marginalized South Africans. Departmental human resource processes are evaluated to establish equity measures necessary to achieve the purpose of the EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). This study reviews employment equity practices from various countries to establish best practice. Issues and proposed strategies for improvements surrounding employment equity legislation in South Africa are also highlighted. The study is extended to other departments to establish accountability standards as well as actions and penalties available for noncompliance. The findings from the study indicate that women are mostly employed in middle management while male employees continue to dominate the top management in spite of the Department of Public Service and Administration’s (DPSA) strategic goal to reach a 50% equal employment at SMS by 31 March 2009. Suggestions are provided to accelerate implementation of gender equity in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. Given that the study was based on a representative sample of a single public service department, the findings may as a result not be generalized to the entire South African public service. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die demokratiese bedeling in Suid-Afrika was pogings in vroeë studies aangewend om aanbevelings te maak vir die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die arbeidsmark. Tot dus- ver het maatskappye en staatsdiens departemente min gedoen om geslagsgelykheid te bevorder. Talle pogings wat aangewend was, is niks meer nie as uiterlike vertoon, gegee die feit dat vorige studies bewysstukke lewer van minder vroulike indiensneming in Senior Bestuursdiens (SBD) posisies deur die staatsdiens. Suid -Afrika het `n wetgewende raamwerk ingestel om die Gelyke Indiensnemingswet, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van1998) te ondersteun. Die studie het ten doel om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur te evalueer. Die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) beoog om die indiensnemings ongelykhede te herstel, wat voorheen ondervind was deur rasse, kulturele en geslagtelik gemarginaliseerde Suid-Afrikaners. Departementele menslike hulpbron prosesse word beoordeel ten einde die billikheidsmaatreëls te bepaal wat nodig is om die doelwitte van die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) te bereik. Hierdie studie raadpleeg gelyke indiensnemings praktyke van verskillende lande ten einde die beste praktyk te stig. Aangeleenthede en voorgestelde strategieë vir die bevordering van wetgewing oor gelyke indiensneming in Suid-Afrika word ook beklemtoon. Die studie word uitgebrei na ander departemente om standaarde oor aanspreeklikheid te bepaal, asook optrede en strafmaatreëls vir nie-voldoening daaraan. Die bevinding van die studie dui daarop dat vrouens meestal op middel bestuursvlak in diens geneem word, terwyl manlike werknemers aanhou om die top bestuursvlak te domineer, ten spyte van die Departement van Staatsdiens en Administrasie (DSDA) se strategiese doelwit om 50% gelyke indiensneming op SBD- vlak teen 31 Maart 2009 te bereik. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid te versnel in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Gegee die feit dat die studie gebaseer was op `n verteenwoordigende monster van `n enkele staatsdiens departement, mag die bevindinge gevolglik nie veralgemeen word met die totale Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens nie.

The transforming roles of management boards in non-profit social welfare organisations

Nefdt, Wendy Muriel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Universally social welfare organisations are under considerable pressure to perform in new and demanding ways. Continual change in one form or another is an inescapable part of both social and organisational life. After the political transformation of 1994, all South African non-profit social welfare organisations were called upon to participate in the development of an equitable, people-centred, democratic and developmental social welfare system. The process of reconstruction and development which is currently underway in South Africa requires non-profit social welfare organisations to transform their governance structures and approach in keeping with the new social developmental approach to service delivery such as the White Paper for Social Welfare (1997), the Non-profit Organisations Act (1997), the Public Finance Management Act (1999), the Codes of Good Practice for South African Non-profit Organisations (2001) and the Code of Corporate Governance - King II Report (2002). The political reforms in South Africa and the dramatic change in socio-economic policies and legislation such as the promulgation of the White Paper for Social Welfare (1997) illustrates how the external environment could impact on the provisioning of social welfare services in the non-profit sector. Social welfare organisations are therefore challenged to transform their governance structures to reflect the legislative changes in the country. In order for social welfare service providers to implement a developmental approach to social welfare, management boards of non-profit social welfare organisations need to adopt a proactive role in facilitating the transformation process. The management board is a policy making body of the organisation with a legal duty to ensure that the organisation's actions are consistent with the its goals and objectives. The motivation for the research study is to explore whether management boards of non-profit social welfare organisations had transformed their governance structure and practice in keeping with the transformed social welfare legislation and codes of practice. The literature review demonstrates that management boards of social welfare organisations have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. A more progressive perspective on the roles and responsibilities is linked to the management board's ability to respond to changing environments. According to theorists on modern governance (Carver, 1990, Abels and Murphey, 1981, and Herman, 1989), management boards should initiate, plan and manage the change process in order to improve the operational effectiveness of the organisation and to strive towards what ought to be for the creation of a just society. The White Paper for Social Welfare (1997) describes a just society as being one that facilitates the development of human capacity and self-reliance within a caring and enabling environment. The findings of the study conclude that the majority of management boards of social welfare organisations have transformed their governance structure however, they should be more informed about contemporary governance practices and social welfare transformation processes. Management boards need to develop an agenda for social transformation in order to respond more proactively to the call for a transformed social welfare practice in the country. The legislative framework of the South African Government makes provision for the formulation of principles and regulations that guide transformation practices in the non-profit social welfare sector. In order to ensure that transformation takes place within the sector, the government has mandated the Department of Social Development with the responsibility to monitor the process. The challenge that exists for the Department of Social Development is to create a structure for dialogue and feedback between the various role players in order to share the responsibility for the transformation of social welfare practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die algemeen is daar 'n redelike mate van druk op welsynsorganisasies om op nuwe en uitdagende maniere dienste te lewer. Voortdurende verandering in die een of ander vorm is 'n onvermydelike deel van beide die sosiale en organisatoriese lewe. Na die politieke transformasie van 1994 is daar 'n beroep gedoen op alle nie-winsgewende maatskaplike welsynsorganisasies in Suid Afrika om deel te neem aan die ontwikkeling van 'n gelyke, mens-gesentreerde, demokratiese en ontwikkelende maatskaplike welsynsisteem . Die proses van rekonstruksie en ontwikkeling wat tans in Suid-Afrika aan die gang is, vereis van nie-winsgewende welsynsorganisasies om hulle bestuurstrukture en benadering in ooreenstemming te bring met die nuwe maatskaplike ontwikkkelingsbenadering tot dienslewering soos vervat in die Witskrif vir Maatskaplike Welsyn (1997), Die politieke hervorminge in Suid-Afrika en die dramatise veranderinge in sosio-ekonomiese beleid en wetgewing, soos byvoorbeeld die uitvaardiging van die Witskrif vir Maatkskaplike Welsyn (1997), Wet op Organisasies sonder Winsoogmerk (1997), Wet op Openbare Finansiële Bestuur (1999), Kodes vir Goeie Praktyk vir Suid Afrikaanse Nie-Winsgewende Organisasies (2001) en die Kode vir Korporatiewe Bestuur- King II Verslag (2002), illustreer hoe die eksterne omgewing die voorsiening van maatskaplike welsynsdienste in die nie-winsgewende sektor kan beïnvloed. Maatskaplike welsynsoganisasies staan daarom voor die uitdaging om hulle bestuurstrukture sodanig te verander, dat dit 'n weerspieëling sal wees van die wetgewende veranderinge in die land. Om die maatskaplike welsyns-voorsieners in staat te stelom 'n ontwikkelings -benadering te implimenteer, moet bestuursrade van nie-winsgewende organisasies 'n pro-aktiewe rol speel om die transformasie proses te fasiliteer. Die bestuursraad is die beleidmaker van die organisasie en het 'n wetlike verpligting om seker te maak dat die organisasie se optrede in ooreenstemming is met die organisasie se doelstellings. Die motivering vir die navorsing is om ondersoek in te stelof bestuursrade van nie-winsgewende maatskaplike welsynsorganisasies hulle bestuursstrukture en praktyk aangepas het om in ooreenstemming te wees met die veranderde maatskaplike welsynswetgewing en praktyk kodes. Die literatuurstudie toon aan dat bestuursrade van maatskaplike welsynsorganisasies duidelike gedefinieerde rolle en verantwoordelikhede het. 'n Meer progressiewe perspektief op die rolle en verantwoordelikhede is gekoppel aan die bestuursrade se vermoë om te reageer op veranderende omgewings. Volgens skrywers oor moderne bestuur (Carver, 1990, Abels en Murphey, 1981, en Herman, 1989), moet bestuursrade die veranderingsproses inisieer, beplan en bestuur ten einde die operasionele effektiwiteit van die organisasies te verbeter en om te streef na wat behoort te wees vir die totstandkoming van 'n regverdige samelewing. Die Wit Skrif vir Maatskaplike Welsyn (1997) beskryf 'n regverdige samelewing as een wat die ontwikkeling , van die kapasiteit van die mens en sy vermoë tot selfstandigheid fasiliteer binne 'n ondersteunende en bemagtigende omgewing. Die wetgewende raamwerk van die Suid Afrikaanse Regering maak voorsiening vir die formulering van beginsels en regulasies wat die transformasie proses in die nie-winsgewende maatskaplike welsyn sektor begelei. Om te verseker dat transformasie wel plaasvind binne hierdie sektor, het die regering 'n mandaat gegee aan die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling om hierdie proses te monitor. Die uitdaging vir die Department van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling lê daarin om 'n struktuur daar te stel vir dialoog en terugvoering tussen die verskillende rolspelers sodat hulle gesamentlik verantwoordelikheid kan neem vir die transformasie van die maatskaplike welsyn praktyk.

The state and the non-governmental organisation sector in South Africa, 1994-2001: a case study of the relations between the National Development Agency, the Labour Research Service and the Institute for Democracy in South Africa

Mgoqi, Nyameko Confidence January 2005 (has links)
This study was aimed at analysing structural relations between the State and the non-governmental organizations (NGO) sector. It focused on the relations between two NGOs, namely the Labour Research Service and the Institute for Democracy in South Africa on the one hand and the National Development Agency on the other. The National Development Agency is a State intermediary structure established to facilitate funding and policy dialogue between the State and the NGO sector. The three institutions have been included in order to analyse the way in which a state-designed institution relates with NGOs and in turn the NGOs responded in general.

Improving the effectiveness of the HIV/AIDS policy in City Power Johannesburg

17 April 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Public Management and Governance) / The study deals with the effectiveness of the HIV/AIDS policy in City Power Johannesburg (CPJ). HIV/AIDS is a worldwide pandemic. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst affected and very little is being done to suppress its destructive nature. All administrative spheres need to implement workplace policies, procedures and programs to curb and eventually eliminate any new infections and the spread of the pandemic. Whilst workplace policies are a statement of intent and are formulated to guide decision making, they are only effective when formulated, implemented, monitored and evaluated, and reviewed strategically. The methodological approach adopted in this study is qualitative by nature and interpretative. For this dissertation to achieve its purpose, the main study objectives were to determine the objectives of the current HIV/AIDS policy in CPJ, to determine how these objectives have been achieved and what measures could be taken if these objectives are not achieved? The dissertation proposed that in order to curb the pandemic in CPJ, the HIV/AIDS policy will only attain policy effectiveness if various interventions are implemented and adhered to.

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