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Tuberkulose blandt børn og unge i arktis : set fra et grønlandsk perspektiv / Tuberculosis among children and youth in the arctic : from a Greenlandic point of viewSkifte, Turid Bjarnason January 2008 (has links)
Introduktion: Tuberkulose er fortsat en sygdom, man skal tage alvorligt i Grønland. Forekomsten er høj med 150-200 tilfælde per 100.000 indbyggere årligt, hvoraf 20-30 % er børn og unge. Trods BCG-vaccination af nyfødte samt en ihærdig indsats med hensyn til kontaktopsporing, behandlings-kontrol, forebyggelse og smitteopsporing har incidensen været vedvarende høj i de seneste 10 år. Formål: at undersøge, hvordan forekomsten af TB blandt børn og unge i Grønland havde udviklet sig fra 1988-92 og til 2002-06. Videre at sammenligne TB incidensen blandt grønlændere med inuitbefolk-ningerne i Alaska og Canada med særligt fokus på territoriet Nunavut, hvor den største andel af canadiske inuit bor. Endelig var det formålet at belyse om de TB-ramte børn og unge adskilte sig fra andre på tilsvarende alderstrin, set i relation til social baggrund og levevilkår, samt endelig at opgøre dækningen af BCG. Materiale og metode: Anmeldelser af TB tilfælde fra 1988-92 og fra 2002-06 blev sammenlignet. Registerdata fra Alaska og Canada blev sammenholdt med data fra Grønland til belysning af forekomsten af TB blandt inuit. Data fra et case-control studie foretaget i perioden fra 1.marts 2004 til 28.februar 2007 bestående af anmeldeskemaer, spørgeskemaer til belysning af sociale forhold og levevilkår samt oplysning om BCG-vaccination fra journaler blev analyseret. Resultater og konklusion: TB incidensen var fra 1988-92 til 2002-06 steget fra 67 til 141 tilfælde pr. 100.000/år. Størst stigning sås blandt børn og unge, idet den forholdsmæssige andel af 0-19 årige steg med 6 %. En stigende andel af TB tilfælde i byerne syntes snarere at være forårsaget af flytning fra bygd til by i de hårdest ramte distrikter end et ændret smittemønster. Inuit i de undersøgte arktiske regioner har stærkt forhøjet TB incidens i forhold til den øvrige befolkning, og incidensen var højest i Grønland. Andelen af TB syge i alderen 0-19 årige var i Grønland 27 %, kun overgået af Nunavut (33 %). De vanskelige levevilkår er fælles for inuit i Nunavut og Grønland, men årsagerne til smittespredning er komplekse. Resultaterne af case-control studiet var pga. den lille population ikke statistisk signifikante, men tyder på en sammenhæng mellem levevilkår og TB, såsom højt antal beboere pr. m² og rygning, som også fundet af andre. Studiet indikerer en beskyttende effekt af BCG hos mindre børn (<10 år). Mange smittede og syge børn er et tegn på aktiv smittespredning, og de smittede børn vil være kilde til fremtidens TB. Der derfor god grund til at følge udviklingen blandt børn og unge nøje, samt at igangsætte initiativer for at bremse fortsat smittespredning. / Introduction: Tuberculosis is still a disease to be taken seriously in Greenland. The occurrence is high with 150-200 cases yearly per 100,000 inhabitants, 20-30 % of these are children and young people. The latest 10 years the incidents have been high continuously, in spite of BCG-vaccination of new-borns, and a persistent effort as regards contact tracing, control of treatment, preventive interventions, and tracking sources of infection. Objective: To examine how the occurrence of TB among children and young people in Greenland has developed from 1988-92 and up till 2002-06. Further to compare the TB incidence among Greenlanders to that among Inuit populations in Alaska and Canada, with special focus on the territory of Nunavut, where the largest share of Canadian Inuit live. Furthermore, it was the intention to examine whether the TB-infected children and young people differed from the population in general at the same age level, in relation to social background and living-conditions, and finally to estimate the coverage of BCG. Material and method: Notifications of TB-cases from l988-92 and from 2002-06 were compared. Register data from Alaska and Canada were related to data from Greenland to illustrate the occurrence of TB among Inuit people. Data from a case-control carried out in the period from March 2004 to February 2007 were analysed, consisting of notification forms, questionnaires regarding social conditions and living-conditions, plus information about BCG from case records. Results and conclusion: The TB-incidence from 1988-92 to 2002-06 increased from 67 to 141 incidents per l00,000. The largest increase was seen among children and young people, as the relative share of 0-19 yearers increased by 6 %. An increasing share of TB incidents in the towns seemed more likely to have been caused by migration from settlement to town in the districts most affected, rather than by a changed pattern of infection. In the arctic regions examined, Inuit people have a strongly increased TB-incidence compared to the remaining population, and the incidence was highest in Greenland. In Greenland 27 % of TB patients were at the age of 0-19 years, and only surpassed by Nunavut (33 %). Difficult living-conditions are common for Inuit in Nunavut and in Greenland, but the causes of the spread of infection are complex. Because of the small population involved, the results of the case-control study were not statistically significant, but they indicate a correlation between living-conditions and TB, such as crowding and smoking, as also found by others. The study indicates a protective effect of BCG on small children (< 10 years). Occurrence of many infected and ill children indicates active spreading of the disease, and the infected children will be the source of TB of the future. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the development among children and young people closely, and to launch initiatives to prevent further dissemination of infection. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-41-2</p><p></p><p></p>
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Satellitbaseret vegetationskortlægning i VestgrønlandTamstorf, Mikkel P. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.d.-afhandling. Københavns Universitet, 2001. / Haves kun i elektronisk udg.
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Responses of marine plankton to pollutant stress : integrated community studies of structure and functionHjorth, Morten. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.d.-afhandling, Roskilde Universitet, 2005. / Haves kun i elektronisk udg. Thesis (Ph.D.). 6 ill., 1tabel; approx. 50 ref. Summaries (Da, En).
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Forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende arbejde i Kalaallit Nunaat 1996-2007 / Preventive and Health Promotion work in Kalaallit Nunaat 1996 - 2007Karlshøj Poulsen, Bodil January 2010 (has links)
Baggrund: Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) har opbygget en unik organisering af det forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende arbejde, hvor centralt og lokalt niveau er forbundet gennem et forebyggelsesudvalg og en forebyggelseskonsulent i hver kommune. Paarisa, Center for Folkesundhed, havde lederskabet og har udviklet en uddannelse for forebyggelseskonsulenterne. Formål: At samle og analysere indhentede erfaringer fra arbejdet med organiseringen af det forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende arbejde i perioden 1996 til 2007. Metode: Officielle dokumenter blev analyseret ved et retrospektivt, deskriptivt og eksplorativt casestudie. Semistrukturerede interviews med udvalgte nøglepersoner og anbefalinger til det fremtidige forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende arbejde, som blev givet af forebyggelses-konsulenterne på et seminar i 2007, blev ligeledes inkluderet. Endelig blev der gennemført et litteraturstudie med henblik på at analysere partnerskaber som et redskab til at højne folkesundheden. Dette studie blev anvendt til triangulering af resultaterne. Resultater: For at fremme af folkesundheden lokalt skal der arbejdes tværsektorielt og være vilje til koordinering og samarbejde. Dette kan ske ved netværksarbejde, men formelle partnerskaber anbefales. For at opnå succes, skal der desuden være forbindelse mellem centralt og lokalt niveau / Background: Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) has built up a unique organization of the preventive and health promotion work in which central and local level are linked through a preventive board and a consultant in each municipality. Paarisa, the Public Health Center, had the leadership and developed an education for the local consultants. Aim: To collect and analyze acquired experiences of the process of organizing the preventive and health promotive work in the period from 1996 to 2007. Method: Official documents were analyzed in a retrospective, descriptive and explorative case study. Semi-structured qualitative interviews with key-persons and recommendations to the future preventive and health promotion work provided by the preventive consultants at a seminar in 2007 were likewise included. A literature study was conducted in order to analyze partnerships as a tool to strengthen public health. This study was used for triangulation of the results. Results: In order to promote public health locally, it is necessary to work cross-sectorial and have the will to coordinate and cooperate. This can be in form of networking, but formal partnerships are recommended. To achieve success, there should be connections between central and local level. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-91-7</p>
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A Matter of Honour : Conflicts Between Royal Servants in Danish-Norwegian Colonial Greenland 1728-1731Andersen, Emil January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is a micro-historical study of the role of honour in interpersonal conflicts in the Danish-Norwegian crown colony of Greenland between 1728 and 1731. In the two settlements that constituted the colony, the highest-ranking officials, including the governor, were all oath-sworn royal servants; they were also almost constantly embroiled in personal quarrels. The thesis asks why and how this strife arose, how it developed over time, and what its consequence was for the short- lived crown colony. The argument is that the strife was due to a volatile combination of cramped living quarters in an inhospitable milieu, an ambiguously defined leadership structure, the remoteness of the colony, and, above all, the royal servants’ tendency to view their charge as being closely linked to their personal honour. Furthermore, there was not a sufficiently developed legal system in the colony to handle the strife and attempts by the colonial council to do so made the conflicts worse instead of settling them. The ongoing strife divided the colonists between those loyal to the governor and those loyal to his enemies, but over time the governor became increasingly politically isolated in the face of a united colony council. Ultimately, the thesis argues that, as a final consequence of the antagonism, a sort of silent coup was carried out against the governor. This, in turn, contributed to the termination of the Greenland crown colony. Honour was not the main cause of conflict, but it helped the conflict to grow from technical disagreements into bitter grudges and anxieties, and finally into an attack on the integrity of the colonial leadership structure itself. / Activating Arctic Heritage, National Museum of Denmark
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Referral in Pregnancy : A challenge for Greenlandic womenMontgomery-Andersen, Ruth January 2005 (has links)
Referral practices within healthcare systems are seen as a means of heightening the quality of perinatal care and lessening perinatal mortality and morbidity. Perinatal death or the birth of child with a handicap can be debilitating for a family. Since January 2002 a new referral system has been instituted within Greenland sending all at risk pregnancy to the referral hospital in Nuuk. The aim of the study was to describe the women’s experience of referral by drawing on their experiences and using their voices to present referral from the women’s point of view. Interviews were conducted within arrival at the referral hospital and during fieldwork over a one-year period. Interviews were conducted, recorded and transcribed. The analysis of interview data was conducted within the narrative framework, using Coping theory and resiliency tools as the theoretical base for structuring the narratives. Through their narratives the women presented their identities as mothers, community members and caretakers. Acceptance of referral was described as a tool for protecting their unborn child. With acceptance of the referral the women found an inner source of strength to deal with their own anger joy anxiety and loneliness. Their ability to accept referral was directly connected to their family and community and the support that they found therein / Siden januar 2002 har Grønland instrumenteret nye perinatale retningslinier. Disse retningslinier har til hensigt til at nedbringe mortaliteten og morbiditeten hos de nyfødte og deres mødre. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i kvindernes oplevelse af visitationen. Det belyser de udfordringer som kvinderne præsenteres for samt de redskaber kvinderne er i besiddelse af, i forsøget på at besejre disse udfordringer. Kvinderne blev interviewet ved ankomsten til modtagelsessygehuset og under feltarbejde. Interviewene blev optaget på bånd og blev transskriberet løbende. Narrrative teorier er grundlag for analysen af interviewene og coping og resiliency faktorer er de teoretiske grundprincipper for præsentation af kvindernes tanker. Igennem narrativerne fremlagde kvinderne deres oplevelse af sig selv som mødre, som medborgere og omsorgspersoner. Det at acceptere visitationen beskrives som et redskab til at beskytte deres ufødte barn. Ved at acceptere visitationen oplevede kvinderne en indre styrke, som hjalp dem til at bearbejde følelser som vrede, glæde, bekymring og ensomhed. Støtte fra deres familier og deres lokalsamfund var afgørende for deres oplevelse af tiden på modtagelsessygehuset / <p>ISBN 91-7997-126-1</p>
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Made in Grønland : How can a designer facilitate the activation of a community in the face of top-down regeneration? / Tillverkad i Grønland : Hur kan en designer underlätta aktiveringen av en samfund i anseende av topstyrd nydaning?Miller, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
Cities are highly unequal systems and rapid, top-down development is increasingly causing segregation between people of different socio-economic statuses through gentrification. In response, a bottom-up, more community centred approach is often proposed, yet this method also not without significant issues. In this thesis I investigate the role of the designer as a mediator, facilitator and translator between the top-down and bottom-up approaches to urban development. Using Grønland, Oslo as a case study, I start by gathering high-level research in order to understand the large-scale strategies that the municipality and private developers have for the area. In the second section, I undertake on-the-ground research in order to understand the everyday issues that people who live in, or use, the area face. In the final section I propose a research laboratory and makerspace that can activate the local community, providing the resources in order for everyday people to be able to have a positive impact on their city, in addition to gathering long-term, in-depth research on the area in order to influence the future of Grønland. This thesis is written as a working document that can, and should, be used by a wide range of people, from the municipality to local residents, and is designed to be added to as the project develops.
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