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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Graffiti in Potsdam : aus der Sicht von Sprayern und jugendlichen Rezipienten im Land Brandenburg /

Stahnke-Jungheim, Dorothea, January 1900 (has links)
Diss.--Berlin, 2000. / Bibliogr. p. 215-230.

Street Art & Graffiti Art: Developing an Understanding

Hughes, Melissa L 16 July 2009 (has links)
While graffiti is revered as an art form to some, it is often seen as an unwanted nuisance by others. While vibrantly rich in history, graffiti has a controversial past, present, and future that will likely continue to be the subject of debate, especially with the insurgence of street art, an art form that often overlaps graffiti art in subject matter, media, aesthetic appearance, and placement as a public form of art. Distinguishing between street art and graffiti art proves quite challenging to the undiscerning eye, yet through a series of interviews and thorough investigation, I questioned the contexts of street art and graffiti art. By introducing non-traditional forms of art that are engaging to adolescent students, street art and graffiti art can expand the secondary art curriculum by helping students become more cognizant of current social, visual and cultural aesthetics in their own visual world.

Street Art & Graffiti Art: Developing an Understanding

Hughes, Melissa L 16 July 2009 (has links)
While graffiti is revered as an art form to some, it is often seen as an unwanted nuisance by others. While vibrantly rich in history, graffiti has a controversial past, present, and future that will likely continue to be the subject of debate, especially with the insurgence of street art, an art form that often overlaps graffiti art in subject matter, media, aesthetic appearance, and placement as a public form of art. Distinguishing between street art and graffiti art proves quite challenging to the undiscerning eye, yet through a series of interviews and thorough investigation, I questioned the contexts of street art and graffiti art. By introducing non-traditional forms of art that are engaging to adolescent students, street art and graffiti art can expand the secondary art curriculum by helping students become more cognizant of current social, visual and cultural aesthetics in their own visual world.

Cultura, movimento e hip-hop: produ??es alternativas e resist?ncia cultural em Feira de Santana

Silva, Renata Carvalho da 29 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-08-05T21:30:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Carvalho da Silva - Disserta??o.pdf: 3335119 bytes, checksum: 33a37cb5b2e6b6d50a74d34ef61c2f14 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-05T21:30:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Carvalho da Silva - Disserta??o.pdf: 3335119 bytes, checksum: 33a37cb5b2e6b6d50a74d34ef61c2f14 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-29 / This research aims reflecting about the artistic hip-hop productions and performances groups in Feira de Santana. Hip-hop is understood today, as the articulation of four teams / artistic elements that are part of the creative essence of the movement, they are: the disk jockey, the master of ceremonies, the break dancer and the graffiti artist, we can still consider a fifth team that is one relating to political activism. In the context of the city, we see the increasing presence of two of these elements, these are graffiti and rap?s manifestations. Over the past decade the hip-hop has been working in the cultural scene of Feira de Santana with the presence of two participative groups, the H2F association and the crew of graffiti artists NDF. These, in turn, have changed the relationship of subjects in the city, building artistic interventions and creating new spaces for dialogue and articulations. We find in Feirense scene, the emergence of independent cultural projects built by the hip-hop groups, which are organized to keep up culturally "alive" in the artistic context of the city. These groups demonstrate a preocupation to provide training (discussion) between their participants and lay hold of the effort and collective support for the dissemination of productions of rap groups, graffiti and break, and for the financing and organization of events, such as making shows , task forces, lectures and speeches. Considering hip-hop?s importance as a movement able to modify the models of creative participation and provide visibility peripheral culture, we try to understand, how was the hip-hop?s emergence and diffusion in the city of Feira de Santana, analyzing how they are organized groups in the construction of production and how young people fall into the hip-hop culture, as well as what the meanings are attributed to artistic practices within the social dimension Feira de Santana of hip-hop. It was used the qualitative research methodology, collections and observations being employed, using social networks and specialized websites as source of information and participants? identification. As collection instruments semi-structured interviews were conducted, photographs and notes in notebook. Speeches and photographs? analysis is based on the ethnographic method. / A pesquisa busca estabelecer uma reflex?o acerca das produ??es art?sticas e performances dos grupos de rap e grafite em Feira de Santana. O hip-hop ? compreendido na atualidade, como a articula??o de quatro elementos art?sticos, que fazem parte da ess?ncia criativa do movimento, s?o eles: o disk jockey, o mestre de cerim?nia, o dan?arino de break e o grafiteiro, podemos ainda considerar, em alguns grupos, uma quinta forma??o referente ao ativismo pol?tico. Nos ?ltimos dez anos o hip-hop vem ganhando espa?o na cena cultural de Feira de Santana com a presen?a de dois grupos participativos, a associa??o H2F e a crew de grafiteiros NDF. Esses, por sua vez, t?m modificado as rela??es dos sujeitos com a cidade, construindo interven??es art?sticas e criando novos espa?os de di?logos e articula??es. Encontramos na cena feirense a emerg?ncia de a??es culturais independentes, constru?das pelos grupos de hip-hop que se articulam para manterem-se culturalmente ?vivos? no contexto art?stico da cidade. Esses grupos demonstram uma preocupa??o em proporcionar forma??o (discuss?o) entre seus participantes e lan?am m?o do esfor?o e apoio coletivo para a divulga??o das produ??es dos grupos de rap e grafite, e para o financiamento e organiza??o dos eventos, como a realiza??o de shows, mutir?es, palestras e interven??es.Considerando a import?ncia do hip-hop enquanto um movimento capaz de modificar os modelos de participa??o criativa e proporcionar visibilidade a cultura perif?rica, busca-se compreender, como se deu o surgimento e a difus?o do hip-hop na cidade de Feira de Santana, analisando como se organizam os grupos na constru??o das produ??es e de que forma os jovens se inserem na cultura hip-hop, bem como quais os sentidos e significados s?o atribu?dos ?s pr?ticas art?sticas dentro da dimens?o social do hip-hop de Feira de Santana. Na metodologia foi utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa, sendo empregadas coletas e observa??es, usando as redes sociais e sites especializados como fonte de informa??o e identifica??o dos participantes. Como instrumentos de coleta foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, fotografias e anota??es em caderno de notas. A an?lise das falas e fotografias ? baseada no m?todo etnogr?fico.


Tuttle, Megan K. 17 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Graffiti på spel : En kvalitativ undersökning, via NUG, om graffitins autonomi

Appelsved, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Abstract   Comments regarding Swedish graffiti writer NUG’s film Territorial Pissing (2008) express how graffiti and art appear to be two different worlds and when these worlds come together the expression of graffiti seems to transform. This thesis, Graffiti at stake: a qualitative study, via NUG, about the autonomy in graffiti, aims to both examine and bring about a general discussion on whether graffiti is autonomous when it enters the art world. The thesis also discusses transformed content and expression in the works of NUG when performed in a different context; what is exhibited in an institutional art context and what positions does NUG occupy? The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieus conceptions field and autonomy has been used as a theoretical framework, and partly as method as well. By studying the works of NUG another expression has been found within an institutional art context – black irrational lines and cascades. These are interpreted as energy generated from the act of performing graffiti and have been discussed in relation to the graffiti- and art practice as well as the symbolic capital. The thesis argues that the autonomy is situated in what is recognized and acknowledged. The thesis also concludes that NUG is entering into a masculine, conventional and strong artist position, similar to Pollock. / Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning   Uppsatsen, Graffiti på spel: en kvalitativ undersökning, via NUG, om graffitins autonomi, tar avstamp i kommentarer rörande den svenska graffitiutövaren NUG:s videoverk Territorial Pissing (2008). Kommentarer som uttrycker att graffiti och konst tycks vara två separata världar och när dessa världar möts tycks uttrycket i graffiti inte vara detsamma – är det graffiti? Om graffiti är autonomt när det inträder i konstens fält är en generell diskussion som denna uppsats lämnar ett bidrag till. NUG har en magisterexamen i konst och tillhör de största namnen på Sveriges och Europas graffitiscener. Inom en konstinstitutionell kontext har ett annat uttryck, än de traditionella graffitibokstäverna, kunnat konstateras; irrationella streck och kaskader av svart sprayfärg. De förstås som energi, alstrad från akten att måla graffiti, samt framstår som en nödvändighet. Uppsatsen diskuterar en graffitipraktik och dess relation till konstfältet. I konstens fält står graffiti på spel och autonomin hamnar i det som igenkännes och erkännes. Detta är också en uppsats om hur NUG går från en manlig utövarposition, in till en manlig, konventionell och stark konstnärsposition, i förening med Pollock, samt hur NUG har en fot i ”graffitins fält” respektive en fot i konstens fält och hur han manövrerar dessa fält.

Veřejný prostor, jeho sociální parametry a nejen obrazové dimenze / Public space, its social parametres and not only visual dimensions

Krobová, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
KROBOVÁ, K. (2012). Public space, its social parameters and not only pictorial dimensions. Praha: Charles University, Faculty of Education, Art department, 122 pages. (Attachment: set of photography and object-totem) This thesis is corcerned with public space in its dimensions of visual, architectonic, pictorial, social and psychological. How does the space impact us and how do we influence it. This kinds of view are hold out with people in age of adolescent. I follow up with my bachelor work which was concerned with this age group in course of study in subculture graffiti and street art which I use now for examples and possible influnces on graphic design and illustration. I continue with refilling questionnaire and didactics project, partly practically maked in practice, after theory. This work is topped up with documentary of pictures in public space, object of my own and ritual in space like this. Key words: PUBLIC SPACE, COMUNICATION, CREATOR, SUBCULTURES, VIZUALITY, CONTEXT, ADVERTISMENT, GRAFFITI, STREET ART, ART, CULTURE, ART EDUCATION

Opuštěný prostor. Série nástěnných maleb v prostředí městské periferie. / An abandoned site (A serie of wall paintings in the environs of an urban outskirts)

MALÁK, Martin January 2010 (has links)
In this theoretic-practically focused diploma thesis I deal with the issue of an abandoned site and its potencial for the art creation itself. Firs I attempt to foreshow the modern aspects of the art in relation to the urban outskirts creation. I focus on the distinct graffiti phenomenon an its role within the cultural developement of the modern society. In connection with forementioned I aspire to define the phenomenon of site and space. Furthermore I adress the importance of the outskirts with reference to the environmental psychology. Afterwards I carry through a critical reflexion of the theoretical knowledge fragments and apply new findings while resolving the creative task. In the practical part of this thesis I create triptych of wall paintings in the environs of an urban outskirts on the topic of an abandoned site and consequently I carry out their explication.

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