Spelling suggestions: "subject:"granular activated carbon."" "subject:"cranular activated carbon.""
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The applicability of advanced treatment processes in the management of deteriorating water quality in the Mid-Vaal river system / Zelda HudsonHudson, Zelda January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this study was to determine the applicability of advanced water treatment processes namely granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption, ultraviolet (UV) light disinfectant and ozone in the management of deteriorating water quality in the Mid-Vaal River system for drinking purposes. Both the scarcity and the deteriorating quality of water in South Africa can be addressed by investigating advanced water treatment processes such as GAC adsorption, UV light disinfectant and ozone. Previously disregarded water resources have the potential to be purified and advanced treatments can improve water quality where conventional water treatments have failed. In addition, advanced treatment processes can be applied to treat used water.
The two sampling sites selected for the study, Rand Water Barrage (RWB) and Midvaal Water Company (MWC), are both located in the Middle Vaal Water Management Area with RWB upstream of MWC. RWB uses GAC adsorption and UV light disinfection and MWC uses ozone as pre- and intermediate treatment process steps for water purification.
The quality of the source water at both sampling sites was determined by analysing the physical and chemical characteristics as well as the algal and invertebrate compositions of the source water. The physical and chemical water quality variables measured included pH, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total organic carbon (TOC), total photosynthetic pigments (TPP), microcystin and geosmin.
The source water of both sites was characterised as hypertrophic on account of high chlorophyll concentrations. The water quality of the two sites was distinctly different and a downstream change was observed. The source water of RWB was characterised by high microcystin, geosmin, DOC, TOC and conductivity measurements and dominated by Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) and Cyanophyceae (blue-green bacteria). Problematic species that were present in the source water of RWB included Aulacoseira sp., other unidentified centric diatoms, Pandorina sp., Anabaena sp., Microcystis sp., Oscillatoria sp., Cryptomonas sp., Ceratium sp. and Trachelomonas sp. The source water of MWC was characterised by high pH, turbidity and TPP measurements and was dominated by Chlorophyceae (green algae) and Bacillariophyceae (diatom) species. Problematic algal species that were present in the source water of MWC included Cyclotella sp., Coelastrum sp., Pediastrum sp. and Scenedesmus sp. The source water of MWC was deemed to be of a better quality due to the lower Cyanophyceae concentrations and lower microcystin levels. The invertebrate composition of both sites was similar with Rotatoria as the dominant invertebrate group.
The efficacy of GAC adsorption/UV light disinfection/ozonation on restoring the physical and chemical characteristics of the source water at both sampling sites as well as the algal and invertebrate compositions was determined by ascertaining the nature of the change in or the percentage removal of a water quality variable. The potable water of both sites complied with the standards of water intended for domestic use except for the conductivity at RWB that was slightly elevated. The phytoplankton was removed effectively from the source water of both sites but the removal of invertebrates was unsatisfactory. GAC adsorption and filtration proved to be more effective in the removal of TPP, turbidity, DOC, microcystin and geosmin than ozone. Ozone effected an increase in DOC. UV light disinfection had no or little effect on restoring the water quality variables investigated in this study. / M (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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The extraction of precious metals from an alkaline cyanided medium by granular activated carbonNgoie Mpinga, Cleophace 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A 2 stage heap leach process to extract base and precious metals from the Platreef ore is currently being investigated industrially. A first stage bioleach is used to extract the base metals. In the 2nd stage, cyanide is used as the lixiviant at high pH to extract the platinum group metals and gold. By analogy with current gold recovery practices, the present study investigates the preferential and quantitative adsorption of precious metals (Pt, Pd, Rh and Au) over base metals (Cu, Ni and Fe) from an alkaline cyanide medium, by means of granular activated carbon.
Experiments were designed statistically to optimise the process parameters using synthetic alkaline cyanide solutions close in composition to those expected from plant leach solutions. The statistical approach allowed the development of a reliable quantitative approach to express adsorption as a response variable on the basis of a number of experiments. A 2IV(7-2) fractional factorial design approach was carried out in a batch adsorption study to identify significant experimental variables along with their combined effects for the simultaneous adsorption of Pt(II), Pd(II), Rh(III) and Au(I). The adsorbent was characterized using SEM-EDX, and XRF. Precious metals adsorption efficiency was studied in terms of process recovery as a function of different adsorption parameters such as solution pH, copper, nickel, free cyanide ion, thiocyanate, initial precious metal (Pt, Pd, Rh and Au) ion and activated carbon concentrations.
It was shown that adsorption rates within the first 60 minutes were very high (giving more than 90% extraction of precious metals) and thereafter the adsorption proceeds at a slower rate until pseudo-equilibrium was reached. Among the different adsorption parameters, at 95% confidence interval, nickel concentration had the most influential effect on the adsorption process followed by the adsorbent concentration. Adsorption of Ni was found to proceed at approximately the same rate and with the same recovery as the precious metals, showing a recovery of approximately 90% in two hours. The kinetics of Cu adsorption were slower, with less than 30% being recovered at the 120 minute period. This suggests that the co-adsorption of Cu can be minimised by shortening the residence time.
Adsorption of Fe was found to be less than 5%, while the recovery of Rh was negligibly small. The effect of thiocyanate ion concentration was not as important as the effect of free cyanide ion concentration but still had some influence. The correlation among different adsorption parameters was studied using multivariate analysis.
The optimum experimental conditions resulted in a solution with pH of 9.5, [Cu(I)] of 10 ppm,
[Ni(II)] of 10 ppm, [CN ] of 132.44 ppm, [SCN ] of 98.95 ppm, [PMs] of 2.03 ppm and [AC]
of 10 g/L. Under these conditions, predicted adsorption percentages of Pt, Pd and Au were
approximately 98, 92 and 100%, at the level of 95% probability within two hours as an
effective loading time. The negative values of ΔG° for all ions under optimum conditions
indicate the feasibility and spontaneous nature of the adsorption process. Chemisorption was
found to be the predominant mechanism in the adsorption process of Pt(II), Pd(II) and Au(I).
Based on their distribution coefficients, the affinity of activated carbon for metal ions follows
the selectivity sequence expressed below.
Au(CN) > Pt(CN) > Pd(CN) > Ni(CN) > Cu(CN)
Finally, it is important that additional research and development activities in the future should
prove the economic viability of the process. Future work is also needed to investigate the
adsorption of precious metals (PMs) by comparing the efficiencies and kinetics of adsorption
when using sodium hydroxide (in this study) or lime, respectively, in order to control the pH. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ʼn Tweefasige hooploogproses vir die ontginning van basis- en edelmetale van die Platrif-erts word tans industrieel ondersoek. ʼn Eerstefase-bioloog word gebruik om die basismetale te ontgin. In die 2de fase word sianied gebruik as die uitloog by hoë pH om die platinum-groepmetale en goud te ontgin. Na analogie van hedendaagse goudherwinningspraktyke het die huidige studie die voorkeur- en kwantitatiewe adsorpsie van edelmetale (Pt, Pd, Rh en Au) bo basismetale (Cu, Ni en Fe) vanuit ʼn alkaliese sianiedmedium met behulp van korrelrige geaktiveerde koolstof ondersoek.
Eksperimente is op statistiese wyse ontwerp om die parameters van die proses te optimaliseer deur van sintetiese alkaliese sianiedoplossings wat in hulle samestelling nou ooreenstem met dié wat van oplossings van plant-loog verwag word, gebruik te maak. Die statistiese benadering het die ontwikkeling van ʼn betroubare kwantitatiewe benadering om adsorpsie as ʼn responsveranderlike op grond van ʼn aantal eksperimente uit te druk, moontlik gemaak. ʼn 2IV(7-2) -Fraksionele faktoriale ontwerp-benadering is tydens ʼn lot-adsorpsiestudie gevolg om beduidende eksperimentele veranderlikes tesame met hulle gekombineerde uitwerkings vir die gelyktydige adsorpsie van Pt(II), Pd(II), Rh(III) en Au(I) te identifiseer. Die adsorbeermiddel is met behulp van SEM-EDX en XRF gekenmerk. Adsorpsiedoeltreffendheid van edelmetale is bestudeer ten opsigte van proseskinetika en herwinning as ʼn funksie van verskillende adsorpsieparameters soos oplossing-pH, koper, nikkel, vry sianiedioon, tiosianaat, aanvanklike edelmetaal (Pt, Pd, Rh en Au)-ioon en geaktiveerde koolstofkonsentrasies.
Daar is aangetoon dat adsorpsietempo‟s binne die eerste 60 minute baie hoog was (het meer as 90% ekstraksie van edelmetale opgelewer) en daarna het die adsorpsie teen ʼn stadiger tempo voortgegaan totdat pseudo-ekwilibrium bereik is. Onder die verskillende adsorpsieparameters, by 95%-vertroubaarheidsinterval, het nikkel-konsentrasie die grootste invloed op die adsorpsieproses gehad, gevolg deur konsentrasie van die adsorbeermiddel. Daar is bevind dat die adsorpsie van Ni teen nagenoeg dieselfde tempo en met dieselfde herwinning as die edelmetale voortgegaan het, wat ná twee uur ʼn herwinning van nagenoeg 90% getoon het. Die kinetika van Cu-adsorpsie was stadiger, met minder as 30% wat teen die 120-minute-tydperk herwin is. Dit dui daarop dat die ko-adsorpsie van Cu tot die minimum beperk kan word deur verkorting van die verblyftyd.
Daar is bevind dat die adsorpsie van Fe minder as 5% is, terwyl die herwinning van Rh onbeduidend klein was. Die uitwerking van die konsentrasie van die tiosianaatione was nie so belangrik as die uitwerking van die konsentrasie van vry sianiedione nie maar het steeds ʼn mate van invloed gehad. Die korrelasie tussen verskillende adsorpsieparameters is met behulp van meerveranderlike analise bestudeer.
Die optimale eksperimentele toestande het gelei tot ʼn oplossing met ʼn pH van 9.5, [Cu(I)] van 10 dpm, [Ni(II)] van 10 dpm, [CN] van 132.44 dpm, [SCN] van 98.95 dpm, [EM‟e] van 2.03 dpm en [AC] van 10 g/L. Onder hierdie toestande was die voorspelde adsorpsiepersentasies van Pt, Pd en Au nagenoeg 98, 92 en 100%, op die vlak van 95%-waarskynlikheid binne twee uur as ʼn doeltreffende laaityd. Die negatiewe waardes van ΔG° vir alle ione onder optimale toestande dui op die uitvoerbaarheid en spontane aard van die adsorpsieproses. Daar is bevind dat chemiesorpsie die deurslaggewende meganisme by die adsorpsieproses van Pt(II), Pd(II) en Au(I) is. Gebaseer op hulle distribusiekoeffisiënte volg die affiniteit van geaktiveerde koolstof vir metaalione die selektiwiteitsvolgorde soos hieronder voorgestel.
Au(CN) > Pt(CN) > Pd(CN) > Ni(CN) > Cu(CN)
Laastens, dit is belangrik dat addisionele navorsing en ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite in die toekoms die ekonomiese haalbaarheid van die proses bewys. Werk in die toekoms is nodig om die adsorpsie van edelmetale (EM‟e) te ondersoek deur vergelyking van die doeltreffendhede en kinetika van adsorpsie wanneer natriumhidroksied (in hierdie studie) of kalk, onderskeidelik, gebruik word ten einde die pH te beheer
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Comportamento de sistemas pós-filtros adsorvedores na remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e subprodutos da desinfecção. / Behavior of post-filter adsorbers in the removal of organic precursors and disinfection byproducts.Pereira, Claudia Mota Santos 14 August 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de pós-filtros adsorvedores constituídos de Carvão Ativado Granular (CAG) na remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e na formação de subprodutos da desinfecção, em particular dos trialometanos (THM) na Estação de Tratamento de Água Alto da Boa Vista (ETA ABV), abastecida por reservatórios de água bruta com elevado grau de eutrofização. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em ETA Piloto composta por tanque de reservação de água filtrada, ozonizador, tanque de reservação de água ozonizada e 4 pós-filtros adsorvedores, sendo duas unidades dotadas de CAG de origem mineral e duas unidades dotadas de CAG de origem vegetal. Os filtros foram operados em paralelo, sendo que duas colunas foram alimentadas com água filtrada da ETA ABV (Filtro F3 CAG de origem mineral e Filtro F4 CAG de origem vegetal) e as outras duas alimentadas com água filtrada e ozonizada (Filtro F1 CAG de origem mineral e Filtro F2 CAG de origem vegetal). A avaliação da remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e formação de subprodutos da desinfecção foi feita através de análises de carbono orgânico total (COT), UV-254 nm e formação de THM. A análise dos resultados gerados de julho de 2007 a dezembro de 2008 permitiu concluir que 93% do THM é formado nas primeiras 24 horas de contato da amostra com o cloro, simulando a pós cloração e pós alcalinização da ETA ABV. O processo de oxidação por ozônio não foi efetivo na remoção de THM instantâneo, visto que a média dos 38 valores de THM instantâneo para a água filtrada (17,8 ± 5,6 g/L) foi igual a média obtida para o THM instantâneo na água ozonizada. A remoção de THM pelos filtros de CAG foi mais significativa nos primeiros três meses de operação do sistema, apresentando remoção de 80% para os filtros com CAG de origem mineral e 70% para os filtros com CAG de origem vegetal, a partir do quarto mês de operação do sistema a remoção de THM caiu para um valor médio de 34%, o que mostra uma iminente saturação do leito adsorvedor. Os pós-filtros adsorvedores constituídos de CAG de origem mineral apresentaram melhor comportamento com respeito a remoção de THM e COT quando comparado com os pós-filtros dotados de CAG de origem vegetal. / The main purpose of this work was to evaluate the performance of a Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) post-filter adsorbers in the removal of organic precursors and in the formation of disinfection byproducts, especially trihalomethanes (THM) in Alto da Boa Vista Water Treatment Plant (ABV WTP), which takes raw water from a highly eutrophized reservoirs. The tests was conducted on a Pilot WTP composed of filtered water tank, ozonator, ozonized water tank, and four post-filter adsorbers: two units with mineral GAC media and two units with vegetal GAC media. The filters were operated in parallel, with two columns fed with filtered water from ABV WTP (F3 Filter mineral GAC and F4 Filter vegetal GAC) and the other fed with ozonized water (F1 Filter mineral GAC and F2 Filter vegetal GAC). The evaluation of the removal of organic precursors and the formation of disinfection byproducts was made through analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC), UV-254 nm and THM formation. The results generated from July 2007 to December 2008 showed that 93% of THM is formed in the first 24 hours of contact with the chlorine in the sample, simulating the post chlorination and post alkalinization of ABV WTP in samples of filtered water, ozonized water, and post-filter adsorbers effluent. Ozone oxidation process was not effective in removing THM. Was found the same instantaneous THM values in the filtered water (17.8 g/L± 5.6 g/L) and in the ozonized water. During the first three months of post-filter adsorber operation, THM removal efficiencies were around 80% for F1 and F3 (mineral GAC media) and around 70% for F2 and F4 (vegetal GAC media). After four months of operation, THM removal efficiencies decreased to 34% average value, thus indicative of GAC saturation. Regarding THM and TOC removal efficacy, the mineral GAC performed better than the vegetal GAC.
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A LCA Study of Activated Carbon Adsorption and Incineration in Air Pollution ControlSaffarian, Saman January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to compare GAC adsorption method, VOCs incinerationmethod and Non-treatment alternative by using LCA to find which method or alternative isenvironmentally preferable. The LCA framework proposed by ISO 14040 (1997) has beenconsidered in this research. The comparison was made by considering a flue gas contaminatedby toluene (with three different concentration 100, 1000, 2000 mg/m3). The plant locationwhere the polluted flue gas is emitted has been assumed to be located in Borås, Sweden. Theflow rate of emitted flue gas was 10000m3/hr. The present thesis report contains two mainparts.The results of LCA showed that when the toluene concentration is low (< 100 mg/m3), GACadsorption method, Non-treatment alternative and VOCs incineration method are respectivelypreferable from environmental point of view. On the other side, when the tolueneconcentration of inlet stream is high (>1000 mg/m3), the order of GAC adsorption method,incineration and Non-treatment alternative is more desirable. Furthermore, the resultsillustrated that as toluene plays the role of fuel as a hydrocarbon, VOCs incineration methodis much more suitable when toluene concentration is high due to lower demand on additionalfuel. In the other words, high toluene concentration of influent leads to less environmentalimpact when VOCs incineration method is exploited. Conversely, the environmental impactof GAC adsorption method is increased when the inlet concentration of toluene is escalated.In overall, the weighted result showed that GAC adsorption method is the most preferablemethod while Non-treatment alternative is the worst.
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Remoção de agrotóxicos em uma instalação piloto de tratamento de águas de abastecimento do tipo convencional, associado à pré-oxidação e adsorção em carvão ativado granular / Removal of pesticides in a pilot plant for conventional drinking water treatment associated with pre-oxidation and adsorption on granular activated carbonGorza, Nadja Lima 07 December 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-12-07 / A contaminação das águas superficiais e águas subterrâneas com agrotóxicos é reconhecida por especialistas de vários países como um grande problema, devido à sua persistência no ambiente aquático e potenciais efeitos adversos à saúde. Entre as opções de tratamento de águas o processo eficaz para a remoção de agrotóxicos é a adsorção em carvão ativado, exceto para algumas substâncias polares. No entanto, a capacidade de adsorção do carvão ativado é afetada pela natureza e concentração dos contaminantes presentes na água bruta. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral avaliar a remoção/transformação dos agrotóxicos 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D), Clorpirifós, Glifosato, e de seus produtos de transformação, em uma instalação piloto de tratamento de água convencional (coagulação com sulfato de alumínio, floculação, sedimentação, filtração e desinfecção) associada à pré-oxidação com dióxido de cloro, cloro e adsorção em carvão ativado granular betuminoso.
Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os oxidantes promoveram parcial oxidação da matéria orgânica presente na água bruta, efeito observado por meio do decaimento da absorbância UV em 254 nm O tratamento convencional combinado à oxidação com dióxido de cloro e adsorção em carvão ativado granular, mostrou-se adequado para a remoção dos contaminantes 2,4-D, Clorpirifós e de seus produtos de transformação, o 2,4-diclorofenol (2,4-DCP) e Clorpirifós-oxon. Entretanto, a oxidação com cloro associada ao tratamento convencional, revelou ser mais eficiente na remoção do Glifosato e de seu principal metabolito, AMPA. Estudos sobre a capacidade de adsorção e o tempo de saturação do CAG foram também realizados revelando que o CAG betuminoso pode ser eficiente na remoção de Clorpirifós e 2,4-D.
Dada a dificuldade em qualificar e quantificar todos os subprodutos formados no processo de tratamento da água contaminada com agrotóxicos, ensaios de mutagenicidade (AMES) foram realizados na água tratada. Também foi pesquisada a formação de subprodutos de desinfecção tais como Trialometanos totais, Ácidos Haloacéticos totais, clorito e clorato / Contamination of surface water and groundwater with pesticides has been recognized as a major problem because of its persistence in the aquatic environment and potential adverse health effects. Among the options for water treatment process more effective for the removal of pesticides is the adsorption on activated carbon, except for the polar substances. However, the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is affected by the nature and concentration of contaminants in raw water. This study aims at evaluating the removal / transformation of the pesticide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), chlorpyrifos, glyphosate and its main metabolites in pilot plant for water treatment in complete cycle (coagulation with sulfate aluminum, sedimentation and filtration) with pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide and chlorine adsorption on activated carbon granular bituminous.
The results showed that the oxidant promoted partial oxidation of organic matter present in raw water, an effect observed through the decay of the UV absorbance (λ = 254nm) treatment combined with complete cycle of oxidation with chlorine dioxide and adsorption on granular activated carbon proved to be suitable for the removal of contaminants 2,4-D, chlorpyrifos and its transformation products, 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) and chlorpyrifos-oxon. However, oxidation with chlorine associated with the treatment in full cycle, proved to be more efficient in the removal of glyphosate and its metabolite, AMPA. Studies on the adsorption capacity and the saturation time of the AGC were also performed showing that the bituminous AGC can be effective in the removal of chlorpyrifos and 2,4-D.
Given the difficulty to qualify and quantify all the products formed in the process of treating water contaminated with pesticides, mutagenicity assays (Ames) were performed in treated water.
It was also investigated the formation of byproducts such as trihalomethanes disinfection total haloacetic acids total chlorite and chlorate
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Comportamento de sistemas pós-filtros adsorvedores na remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e subprodutos da desinfecção. / Behavior of post-filter adsorbers in the removal of organic precursors and disinfection byproducts.Claudia Mota Santos Pereira 14 August 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de pós-filtros adsorvedores constituídos de Carvão Ativado Granular (CAG) na remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e na formação de subprodutos da desinfecção, em particular dos trialometanos (THM) na Estação de Tratamento de Água Alto da Boa Vista (ETA ABV), abastecida por reservatórios de água bruta com elevado grau de eutrofização. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em ETA Piloto composta por tanque de reservação de água filtrada, ozonizador, tanque de reservação de água ozonizada e 4 pós-filtros adsorvedores, sendo duas unidades dotadas de CAG de origem mineral e duas unidades dotadas de CAG de origem vegetal. Os filtros foram operados em paralelo, sendo que duas colunas foram alimentadas com água filtrada da ETA ABV (Filtro F3 CAG de origem mineral e Filtro F4 CAG de origem vegetal) e as outras duas alimentadas com água filtrada e ozonizada (Filtro F1 CAG de origem mineral e Filtro F2 CAG de origem vegetal). A avaliação da remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e formação de subprodutos da desinfecção foi feita através de análises de carbono orgânico total (COT), UV-254 nm e formação de THM. A análise dos resultados gerados de julho de 2007 a dezembro de 2008 permitiu concluir que 93% do THM é formado nas primeiras 24 horas de contato da amostra com o cloro, simulando a pós cloração e pós alcalinização da ETA ABV. O processo de oxidação por ozônio não foi efetivo na remoção de THM instantâneo, visto que a média dos 38 valores de THM instantâneo para a água filtrada (17,8 ± 5,6 g/L) foi igual a média obtida para o THM instantâneo na água ozonizada. A remoção de THM pelos filtros de CAG foi mais significativa nos primeiros três meses de operação do sistema, apresentando remoção de 80% para os filtros com CAG de origem mineral e 70% para os filtros com CAG de origem vegetal, a partir do quarto mês de operação do sistema a remoção de THM caiu para um valor médio de 34%, o que mostra uma iminente saturação do leito adsorvedor. Os pós-filtros adsorvedores constituídos de CAG de origem mineral apresentaram melhor comportamento com respeito a remoção de THM e COT quando comparado com os pós-filtros dotados de CAG de origem vegetal. / The main purpose of this work was to evaluate the performance of a Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) post-filter adsorbers in the removal of organic precursors and in the formation of disinfection byproducts, especially trihalomethanes (THM) in Alto da Boa Vista Water Treatment Plant (ABV WTP), which takes raw water from a highly eutrophized reservoirs. The tests was conducted on a Pilot WTP composed of filtered water tank, ozonator, ozonized water tank, and four post-filter adsorbers: two units with mineral GAC media and two units with vegetal GAC media. The filters were operated in parallel, with two columns fed with filtered water from ABV WTP (F3 Filter mineral GAC and F4 Filter vegetal GAC) and the other fed with ozonized water (F1 Filter mineral GAC and F2 Filter vegetal GAC). The evaluation of the removal of organic precursors and the formation of disinfection byproducts was made through analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC), UV-254 nm and THM formation. The results generated from July 2007 to December 2008 showed that 93% of THM is formed in the first 24 hours of contact with the chlorine in the sample, simulating the post chlorination and post alkalinization of ABV WTP in samples of filtered water, ozonized water, and post-filter adsorbers effluent. Ozone oxidation process was not effective in removing THM. Was found the same instantaneous THM values in the filtered water (17.8 g/L± 5.6 g/L) and in the ozonized water. During the first three months of post-filter adsorber operation, THM removal efficiencies were around 80% for F1 and F3 (mineral GAC media) and around 70% for F2 and F4 (vegetal GAC media). After four months of operation, THM removal efficiencies decreased to 34% average value, thus indicative of GAC saturation. Regarding THM and TOC removal efficacy, the mineral GAC performed better than the vegetal GAC.
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Avaliação da hierarquização na remoção de cianotoxinas por meio da adsorção em carvão ativado granularSilva, Maria Natália Costa e 26 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-03-10T13:44:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The greater input of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, from various anthropogenic
uses of watersheds is one of the causes of the high growth rate of algae and cyanobacteria.
Algae bloom impacts the quality of water causing taste and odor problems due to chemicals
and toxins, called cyanotoxins, produced by these microorganisms. This situation, observed in
sources of water supply, is worrying since the conventional treatment used by 70% of the
water treatment stations in Brazil are not able to effectively remove those toxins. Studies
performed by research groups around Brazil have shown the coexistence of two
cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, producers of the
cyanotoxins microcystin and saxitoxins, respectively, which justifies the study of the removal
of these toxins concomitantly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ranking in removing
microcystin-LR and saxitoxins-STX by adsorption on granular activated carbon (GAC) from
different sources and particle sizes. Two types of palm coconut shell charcoal with the
following mesh sizes 8x30 (FDG) and 12x40 (FDF) were used. A mineral charcoal with a
12x25mesh (FCM) was also used. The adsorption was made by filtration columns. The
cyanotoxins were extracted from cultures of pure strains of M. aeruginosa and C. raciborskii.
The method used for quantification was the immunoassay ELISA. First, we analyzed the
removal efficiencies of MC-LR with each type of charcoal using samples of treated and
distilled water. The filters were operated at a 66.3 m
.d filtration rate. The results of this
first phase showed a more effective removal of FDF (67.3%), although the average removal
of FCM was higher (72.3%). In the second phase of the study, we analyzed the concomitant
removal of MC-LR and STX using FDF at a 35.1 m
.d filtration rate. The average
removals of 58.9% and 92.5%, respectively, showed that the removal of saxitoxins is better,
although we cannot assume that this toxin excels in the ranking. As for the difference between
the filtration rates, we found that the removal is better with filters operating at a lower rate. / O aporte maior de nutrientes como nitrogênio e fósforo provenientes dos diversos usos
antrópicos das bacias hidrográficas é um dos responsáveis pela alta taxa de crescimento de
algas e cianobactérias. O bloom desses microrganismos modifica a qualidade da água,
produzindo substâncias que conferem gosto e odor à água e até mesmo substâncias tóxicas,
como as cianotoxinas. Essa situação presente nos mananciais de abastecimento é preocupante
uma vez que o tratamento convencional utilizado por 70% das estações de tratamento de água
no Brasil não são efetivamente capazes de remover tais substâncias tóxicas. O registro por
grupos de pesquisa em todo país da presença conjunta de cianobactérias como a Microcystis
aeruginosa e Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, potencialmente produtoras das cianotoxinas
microcistinas e saxitoxinas, respectivamente, justifica o estudo da remoção dessas toxinas em
concomitância. O carvão ativado granular (CAG) é a tecnologia de tratamento avançado
utilizada nesse trabalho que objetiva avaliar a hierarquização da remoção de microcistina-LR
e saxitoxina STX por meio da adsorção em CAG de natureza e granulometrias distintas.
Foram utilizadas colunas de filtração com dois carvões de casca de coco de dendê com
granulometrias 8x30mesh (FDG) e 12x40mesh (FDF) e um carvão mineral com
granulometria 12x25mesh (FCM). As cianotoxinas foram extraídas de cultivos de cepas puras
de M. aeruginosa e C. raciborakii potencialmente produtoras e foi utilizado o método por
imunoensaio ELISA para quantificação. Primeiramente foram analisadas as eficiências de
remoção de MC-LR em cada tipo de carvão com águas de estudo formadas por água tratada e
água destilada. Os filtros foram operados com taxa de filtração 66,3m³/m².d e os resultados
dessa etapa evidenciaram remoção mais efetiva para o FDF (67,3%) apesar de a remoção
média do FCM (72,3%) ter sido maior. Na segunda etapa do trabalho foi analisada a remoção
em concomitância de MC-LR e STX e utilizou-se o FDF a uma taxa de 35,1m³/m².d em que
as médias de remoção de 58,9% e 92,5%, respectivamente, evidenciaram que a saxitoxina
apresenta melhor remoção, mas não se pode assumir que sobressai nessa hierarquia. Quanto à
diferença nas taxas de filtração aplicadas, encontrou-se melhor remoção nos filtros operados
com menor taxa.
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Application of Adsorption for Removal of Emerging Pollutants from Drinking Water2014 November 1900 (has links)
The potential human health issues resulting from the continuous consumption of drinking water containing low concentration levels of persistent emerging pollutants has raised some concerns. The presence of emerging pollutants in surface water bodies and ground-water in Canada together with absence of proper drinking water treatment processes in remote places has created the need for an effective and simple process for removal of emerging pollutants from drinking water. Low seasonal temperatures in regions such as Saskatchewan demand a removal process that is effective at temperatures lower than room temperature. Adsorption with granular activated carbon is a well-established and effective method for removal of organic compounds from drinking water. There are a large number of reports on removal of organic compounds by activated carbon in literature however, the effectiveness of adsorption of emerging pollutants with granular activated carbon is not clear. Effectiveness of ozone treatment for oxidation of emerging pollutants is reported in literature however, effectiveness of regeneration of adsorbents saturated with emerging pollutants with ozone has not been investigated extensively.
In the present work, effectiveness of adsorption with granular activated carbon for removal of emerging pollutants is investigated. Three model compounds of Ibuprofen, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and Bisphenol A reported at considerable concentration levels in Saskatchewan water bodies were selected as model compounds. Bituminous coal based and coconut shell based granular activated carbons with basic point of zero charge were selected as adsorbents. Isotherm adsorption of model compounds on adsorbents was conducted at 280, 288, and 296 K. The Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of adsorption were calculated using isotherm model parameters. Nitric acid pre-treatment was applied to reduce the point of zero charge of adsorbents. Adsorption isotherms were conducted with the acid treated adsorbents. Adsorption removal of model compounds in tap water was studied. Effectiveness of regeneration of saturated adsorbents with ozone was investigated.
In terms of quality of fit to the isotherm adsorption data, Langmuir model was better than Freundlich model indicating monolayer adsorption of model compounds in all experiments. Higher Langmuir monolayer adsorption capacity (Qmax) of bituminous coal based adsorbent than coconut shell adsorbent for adsorption of model compounds was attributed to the higher porosity of bituminous coal based adsorbent. Adsorption of model compounds (i.e. IBP and BPA) present in molecular form in the pH condition of the experiments were more dependent on adsorbent surface functional groups e.g. carboxyl and carbonyl groups. The Qmax of adsorption of 2,4-D present in anionic form was proportional with the specific surface area of adsorbent. Adsorption at temperatures lower than room temperature was effective. Adsorbent with acidic point of zero charge was more effective in removal of model compounds than adsorbent with basic point of zero charge. Adsorption of BPA was higher in tap water in comparison to Millipore water due to the more neutral surface of adsorbent in tap water. Higher pH of tap water than Millipore water and the ionic interaction between the adsorbent and dissolved solids present in tap water caused the more neutral surface of adsorbent. Regeneration of adsorbents with ozone failed in restoration of adsorption capacity of adsorbents and excessive ozonation destroyed the pore structure of adsorbents.
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Remoção de 17α-etinilestradiol por meio de fotocatálise em reator de leito fluidizado / Removal of 17α-ethinylestradiol by photocatalysis in bed reactor fluidizedMartins, Fernanda Lisboa 22 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2017-12-04T13:25:24Z
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Dissertação - Fernanda Lisboa Martins - 2017.pdf: 4877141 bytes, checksum: 9bbe680537dbf0bf672e46c97951bc77 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Fernanda Lisboa Martins - 2017.pdf: 4877141 bytes, checksum: 9bbe680537dbf0bf672e46c97951bc77 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-22 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / This work compared the efficiency of removing the 17-α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) through advanced oxidative processes (POA) and granular activated carbon adsorption (CAG). EE2 is a synthetic female hormone common in domestic sewage and effluent from pharmaceutical industries. This hormone is a type of emerging pollutant that causes endocrine disruption in living beings even in concentrations of nanograms order. The EE2 removal was analyzed in a prototype of a 10 L reactor, with upward flow CAG fluidized bed, using four lamps emitting ultraviolet radiation, with batch time of 2 hours in each process. Photolysis showed 5% of efficiency, while photocatalysis removed 87% of EE2. The adsorption processes in CAG and titanium dioxide immobilized at CAG removed 82 and 89%, respectively. / Este trabalho comparou a eficiência de remoção de 17-α-etinilestradiol (EE2) por meio de processos oxidativos avançados (POA) e adsorção em carvão ativado granular (CAG). O EE2 é um hormônio feminino sintético comum no esgoto doméstico e no efluente de indústrias farmacêuticas. Esse hormônio é um tipo de poluente emergente que causa desregulação endócrina nos seres vivos mesmo em concentrações da ordem de nanogramas. Então foi analisada a remoção do EE2 em um protótipo de reator de 10 L, com leito fluidizado de CAG, de fluxo ascendente, utilizando quatro lâmpadas que emitem radiação ultravioleta, com tempo de batelada de 2 horas, cada processo. A fotólise apresentou 5% de eficiência, enquanto a fotocatálise removeu 87% de EE2, e os processos de adsorção em CAG e em dióxido de titânio imobilizado em CAG removera, 82 e 89%, respectivamente.
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Pretreatment options for municipal wastewater reuse using membrane technologyHatt, Juliette W. January 2012 (has links)
Increasing freshwater scarcity across the world means that wastewater reclamation is being considered as a key method in which to meet the growing demand. Evolution of water reuse schemes where high quality product is required such as for indirect potable reuse has led to the adoption in recent years of the integrated membrane scheme using a combination of microfiltration or ultrafiltration with reverse osmosis membrane. However, despite technological advancements, these membranes are still prone to fouling resulting in increased costs through cleaning or replacement. This thesis aims to look at pretreatment to reduce the fouling propensity of the microfiltration membranes via a 600m3 /d pilot plant which was commissioned to investigate indirect potable reuse. A range of pretreatments including pre-screening, pre-coagulation, powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon were assessed based on fouling amelioration, water quality improvement and cost analysis. Results showed that ferric sulphate dosing was the most effective in terms of reducing the reversible fouling rate especially at high turbidity loads enabling higher flux to be realised leading to a small cost benefit. Activated carbon proved the most effective pretreatment in terms of organic removal and a significant reduction in the irreversible fouling rate. However, the cost involved in using this as a pretreatment is significant compared to possible cost savings through reduced requirement for chemical cleaning. This pretreatment is only viable if it obviates the need for a separate organic removal process.
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