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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Modelling of Cement Grout Degradation in a Single Rock Fracture / Numerisk Modellering av Cementbruknedbrytning i en Enskild Bergsspricka

Tisselli, Francesco January 2024 (has links)
The construction of infrastructures such as dams requires for the foundations to lay on stable ground. One way to do so is to grout the rock fractures present in the bedrock using concrete, and this also ensures that lower amounts of groundwater reach the infrastructure itself. However, the continuous flow of groundwater carrying various dissolved chemical compounds, will trigger over time the deterioration of the concrete grout by dissolving the mineral phases resulting from the hydration process. This study aims at determining the variations in porosity and hydraulic conductivity induced by the dissolution of portlandite content present in the grout following the groundwater flow. Eight different cases have been simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics®, based on various combinations of fracture geometry (rough and smooth), hydraulic gradient, and inflowing groundwater composition. Each model has two main components, one for the flow simulation and one for the reactive transport. The modules implemented from COMSOL Multiphysics® are Darcy’s Law, Chemistry, and Transport of Diluted Species in Porous Media. The software PHREEQC has been used to determine the chemical species concentration for both the initial and boundary conditions. The results show that, at the end of a 100-day period, the mineral concentration decreases from 56.27% to 61.27% depending on the simulation considered. This leads to an increase in porosity ranging from 1.94% to 2.23%, while hydraulic conductivity displays a minimum growth of 6.42% and a maximum of 7.43%. The sensitivity analysis results reveal that the most influencing factor on the degradation is the hydraulic gradient, which is followed by the fracture geometry, while the inflowing groundwater composition impact is not as high as the previous ones. / Byggandet av infrastrukturer som dammar kräver att grunden läggs på stabil mark. Ett sätt att uppnå detta är att fylla sprickor i berggrunden med betong, vilket också säkerställer att mindre mängder grundvatten når infrastrukturen. Det kontinuerliga flödet av grundvatten, som bär med sig olika lösta kemikalier, kan dock med tiden leda till att betongen bryts ner genom att mineralfaserna som bildas vid hydratiseringsprocessen löses upp. Denna studie undersöker hur porositeten och den hydrauliska ledningsförmågan förändras när portlandit i betongfogar löses upp av grundvattenflödet. Åtta olika scenarier har simulerats i COMSOL Multiphysics® med olika kombinationer av sprickgeometri (grov och slät), hydraulisk gradient och inkommande grundvattensammansättning. Varje modell består av två huvuddelar: en för flödessimulering och en för reaktiv transport. Modulerna från COMSOL Multiphysics® som används är Darcys lag, kemi och transport av utspädda ämnen i porösa medier. Programvaran PHREEQC har använts för att fastställa koncentrationen av kemiska ämnen för både initiala och gränsvillkor. Resultaten visar att efter 100 dagar minskar mineralkoncentrationen med mellan 56,27% och 61,27%, beroende på simuleringen. Detta leder till en ökning av porositeten med 1,94% till 2,23%, medan den hydrauliska ledningsförmågan ökar med minst 6,42% och högst 7,43%. Känslighetsanalysen visar att den hydrauliska gradienten är den mest påverkande faktorn för nedbrytningen, följd av sprickgeometrin. Sammansättningen av det inkommande grundvattnet har inte lika stor påverkan.

Αποτελεσματικότητα εμποτισμού άμμων με αιωρήματα τσιμέντων

Παπαγεωργοπούλου, Σπυριδούλα 11 October 2013 (has links)
Μια μεγάλη κατηγορία μεθόδων βελτίωσης – ενίσχυσης εδαφών είναι αυτή των ενέσεων. Η παρούσα έρευνα αποτελεί μέρος μιας εκτεταμένης προσπάθειας αντικατάστασης των χημικών διαλυμάτων με τα οικονομικότερα και αβλαβή προς το περιβάλλον ενέματα τσιμέντου και κυρίως τα αιωρήματα λεπτόκοκκων τσιμέντων, λόγω της δυνατότητας διείσδυσής τους ακόμα και σε πολύ λεπτόκοκκες άμμους. Στόχος της διατριβής αυτής είναι η συγκριτική αξιολόγηση της βελτίωσης των υδραυλικών και μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων των εμποτισμένων άμμων με χρήση ευσταθών και ασταθών αιωρημάτων , αφού το τελικό ποσοστό εξίδρωσης φάνηκε να συνδυάζει επιμέρους παραμέτρους ( λόγος νερού προς τσιμέντο και μέγεθων κόκκων τσιμέντου) και συνεπώς κρίθηκε καθοριστικός ο ρόλος του στην επιτυχία του εμποτισμού. Για τις ανάγκες της εργαστηριακής διερεύνησης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τρεις τύποι τσιμέντου , ενώ εμποτίστηκαν τέσσερις καθαρές ασβεστολιθικές άμμοι διαφορετικής κοκκομετρικής διαβάθμισης καθώς και μία χαλαζιακής προέλευσης. Τα εμποτισμένα δοκίμια εξετάστηκαν σε δοκιμές διαπερατότητας και ανεμπόδιστης θλίψης και ακολούθησε παραμετρική διερεύνηση των μεγεθών αυτών για την ποσοτικοποίηση της επιρροής τους από μια σειρά παραμέτρων (λόγος νερού προς τσιμέντο, τελικό ποσοστό εξίδρωσης , κοκκομετρία και σύσταση άμμου, τύπος και κοκκομετρία τσιμέντων).Τελικά, ο λόγος νερού προς τσιμέντο αναδεικνύεται ως η σημαντικότερη παράμετρος επίδρασης των τιμών τόσο του συντελεστή διαπερατότητας όσο και της αντοχής σε ανεμπόδιστη θλίψη των εμποτισμένων άμμων. / Injections are one of the methods used for soil improvement and strengthening. This research is part of an extensive effort in order to replace chemical grouts with cheaper and harmless to the environment cement grouts; especially with microfine cement suspensions, because of their capability to penetrate even very fine sands. The aim of this study is to estimate the improvement of the hydraulic and mechanical properties of grouted sands using stable and unstable suspensions, since the bleed capacity seemed to combine individual parameters (water to cement ratio and cement grain size). Therefore, this factor was considered decisive for the success of grouting. During the laboratory investigation, three types of cement were used and four asbestolithic, clean sands of different grain gradation were grouted, as well as a quartz sand. Permeability and unconfined compression tests were performed on the grouted specimens. Then, a parametric study of the tests results was followed in order to quantify the influence of various parameters (water to cement ratio, bleed capacity, grain size and composition of sand, cement type and particle size). Finally, the water/cement ratio emerges as the most important parameter, which influences the values of both the coefficient of permeability and the unconfined compressive strength of the grouted sands.

Utvärdering av prediktion och utfall av inläckage i bergtunnel : Fallstudie E4 Förbifart Stockholm / Assessment of prediction and observation of groundwater inflow to a rock tunnel : A case study on road tunnels in Stockholm, Sweden

Andersson, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Inläckage av grundvatten är ofrånkomligt i en bergtunnel, men måste vanligen begränsas för att inte medföra skador på både omgivning och den egna anläggningen. Denna begränsning uppnås genom tätning av tunneln och kontrolleras med mätningar av inläckaget. Vilka begränsningsvärden för inläckaget som är möjliga att uppnå, baseras på prediktioner av inläckaget och fastslås i tillståndet som ges för denna vattenverksamhet. Syftet med det här arbetet är att få förståelse för orsakerna till avvikelser mellan det faktiska inläckage som mätningarna visar (utfallet) och det predikterade inläckaget. För att göra detta kommer en fallstudie att genomföras på anläggningen av två ramptunnlar, Solhems- och Kälvestatunneln, i infrastrukturprojektet E4 Förbifart Stockholm. Baserat på fallstudien skapas en ny konceptuell modell av de två ramptunnlarna som inkluderar information om jord-, berg- och grundvattenförhållanden som framkommit till och med i byggskedet. Utifrån denna konceptuella modell görs nya prediktioner av inläckaget med en analytisk formel. Detta jämförs med den konceptuella modell i systemhandlingsskedet från vilken de ursprungliga prediktionerna gjordes. De nya beräkningarna predikterar genomgående ett högre inläckage än de ursprungliga och avviker mindre från utfallet på flertalet delsträckor. Orsakerna till avvikelserna utvärderas, framförallt med avseende på ansatt hydraulisk konduktivitet då detta visat sig ha stor effekt på prediktionerna. Utvärderingen visade att den hydrauliska konduktiviteten i berget generellt var för lågt ansatt, något som hade kunnat förutsägas med annorlunda datainsamling i ett tidigare skede. Mer specifikt orsakade en svaghetszon, som borttagits i tidigare skeden men som observerats i byggskedet, stora avvikelser mellan prediktion och utfall på åtminstone en delsträcka i Solhemstunneln. Om informationen om svaghetszoner tolkats annorlunda i ett tidigare skede hade även detta kunnat förutsägas. / Groundwater inflow to a rock tunnel is inevitable, but nonetheless important to limit. Otherwise both the surroundings and the tunnel itself risk becoming subject to damage. To prevent this, legal limitations are set for the inflow. Measurements are then made to ensure that the inflow does not exceed these limitations. When constructing a tunnel in hard rock, the limit objectives are hopefully met through the filling of rock fractures through grouting. Inflow predictions are made at an early stage of a tunnel project, both in order to establish the legal requirements but also as basis for grouting design. The aim of the work reported is to understand why these predictions in some cases deviate from the measured inflow. To accomplish this, a case study on two road tunnels in one of Sweden's most comprehensive infrastructure projects of all time, the construction of a motorway bypass around the capital Stockholm, is presented and assessed. Several causes of deviations between inflow predictions and observations in these two tunnels are suggested, most of them related to the hydraulic conductivity of the rock. Overall the rock quality seems to be worse than predicted. In one tunnel segment in particular, one cause of major deviations from inflow predictions is due to a fracture zone which has not been accounted for. These identified causes of increased inflow could have been foreseen in an early stage of the project, either through more extensive investigations or different interpretations of existing data. New inflow predictions have been made based on the suggested corrections. The result is consistently higher than the predictions made earlier and mostly less deviant from observations. This indicates that the real inflow is probably higher than initially predicted.

Estudo da interface bloco/graute em elementos de alvenaria estrutural / Study of the block/grout interface in concrete and clay block masonry structures

Soto Izquierdo, Orieta 08 April 2015 (has links)
A construção de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural tem evoluído de maneira significativa no Brasil. Os edifícios têm se tornado cada vez mais altos, atingindo a marca de 20 pavimentos. Quanto mais altos os edifícios, maiores se tornam os níveis de compressão provenientes dos carregamentos verticais e a sua composição com as ações devidas ao vento e ao desaprumo, obrigando a um maior emprego da alvenaria estrutural armada. A aderência bloco/graute como fator limitante à capacidade do conjunto armadura/graute/bloco na absorção da compressão e tração simples ou da tração oriunda da flexão não é especificada nas normas tanto nacionais como internacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento da interface bloco/graute, tanto para blocos de concreto como cerâmicos e com a presença ou não de armadura, submetidos a solicitações que provocam tração e compressão. Recursos experimentais e numéricos foram realizados para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Foram feitos ensaios de caracterização dos materiais, dos componentes e da alvenaria, além de ensaios de \"push-out\" (empurramento) para determinar a resistência de aderência na interface graute/bloco e ensaios de \"pull-out\" (arrancamento) considerando-se a presença de barras de armadura para o estudo do comportamento do conjunto graute/bloco/armadura utilizados. Posteriormente foram realizadas modelagens computacionais no programa DIANA, que é baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para prever o comportamento estrutural dos modelos. A partir dos resultados experimentais e numéricos pôde-se concluir que existe uma boa aderência entre as paredes dos blocos de concreto e o graute, suficiente para evitar o escorregamento, sendo possível mobilizar toda a resistência de tração das barras de armadura de diâmetros usuais, desde que devidamente ancoradas. Já com os blocos cerâmicos observa-se uma menor aderência entre as paredes dos blocos e o graute, podendo ocorrer o escorregamento do material de enchimento, antes que a armadura alcance sua tensão de escoamento. O graute de maior resistência à compressão e menor fator água cimento (graute G30) apresentou maior resistência de aderência em relação ao graute mais fraco (graute G14) e de maior fator água/cimento. Quanto aos limites estabelecidos para a tensão de escoamento das armaduras, observa-se que, no caso de blocos de concreto, não deve haver restrição. Em contraposição, quanto aos blocos cerâmicos, o problema é mais complexo, cabendo a realização de mais ensaios para a confirmação de limites, com a variação de blocos e grautes. Os resultados do estudo paramétrico apontam limites que devem ser adotados no caso de diâmetro superior a 10 mm. De maneira simplificada, como ponto para futuras verificações pode-se propor: 75% para Ø 12,5 mm, 50% para Ø 16 mm e 25% para Ø 20 mm. As análises numéricas realizadas nos modelos ensaiados a push-out e pull-out representaram adequadamente o comportamentos observado em laboratório, permitindo a realização da análise paramétrica. / The construction of structural masonry buildings has evolved significantly in Brazil. The buildings have become ever higher, reaching the level of 20 floors. Higher buildings lead to lager compression levels, coming from the vertical loads combined to the horizontal actions due to wind and lack of verticality, obliging a greater use of reinforced structural masonry. The block/grout adherence is not specified in both national and international standards. This work aims to study the behavior of the block/grout interface, for both concrete and clay blocks, with and without reinforcement, submitted to tensile and compressive forces. Experimental and numerical resources were used to development of this study. The experimental program studied the masonry behavior using push-out specimens to determine the bond strength between the grout and the concrete unit, and pull-out specimens to study the behavior of the interface of the grout/block/reinforcement. Computational modelling was carried out using the FEM software Diana, which has a library with constitutive models suitable for civil engineering application, to complete the study and understand the structural behavior of the block/grout interface. The experimental results showed that there is a good bond between the concrete blocks internal faces and the grout, enough to prevent infill-slippage, and that the whole tensile strength of the usual reinforcement rebars is achieved provided they are properly anchored. Nevertheless, for clay blocks there is a low bond between the clay blocks internal faces and the grout, allowing the infill-slippage before the reinforcement bars reach their yield stress. The higher strength grout with lower water/cement ratio (grout G30) presented higher bond strength compared to the lower strength grout and higher water/cement ratio (grout G14). In the case of concrete blocks there should be no restriction limits on the yield stress of reinforcement, in a practical sense and considering other prescribed limits. In contradiction, in the case of clay blocks, additional tests should be carried out for establishing limits, with varying blocks and grouts. The parametric analysis indicates limits that should be adopted for a diameter larger than 10 mm. The authors of this research suggest 75% for Ø 12.5 mm, 50% for Ø 16 mm and 25% for Ø 20 mm as a reference point for future investigations. The numerical analysis showed that the computer models of the push-out and pull-out specimens represented adequately the behavior of the physical models, and thus can be used in parametric analysis.

Efeito da adi??o de cargas minerais leves na resist?ncia mec?nica de grautes para cimenta??o de po?os offshore

Cabral, Kleber Cavalcanti 22 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:09:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KleberCC_TESE.pdf: 2548288 bytes, checksum: f214aa096a5ffb2a48cfa0e23356dfc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-22 / The preparation of cement slurries for offshore well cementing involves mixing all solid components to be added to the mixing water on the platform. The aim of this work was to study the formulation of pre-prepared dry mixtures, or grouts, for offshore oilwell cementing. The addition of mineral fillers in the strength of lightweight grouts applied for depths down to 400 m under water depths of 500 m was investigated. Lightweight materials and fine aggregates were selected. For the choice of starting materials, a study of the pozzolanic activity of low-cost fillers such as porcelain tile residue, microsilica and diatomaceous earth was carried out by X-ray diffraction and mechanical strength tests. Hardened grouts containing porcelain tile residue and microsilica depicted high strength at early ages. Based on such preliminary investigation, a study of the mechanical strength of grouts with density 1.74 g/cm3 (14.5 lb/gal) cured initially at 27 ?C was performed using cement, microsilica, porcelain tile residue and an anti-foaming agent. The results showed that the mixture containing 7% of porcelain tile residue and 7% of microsilica was the one with the highest compressive strength after curing for 24 hours. This composition was chosen to be studied and adapted for offshore conditions based on testes performed at 4 ?C. The grout containing cement, 7% of porcelain tile residue, 7% of active silica and admixtures (CaCl2), anti-foaming and dispersant resulted satisfactory rheology and mechanical strength after curing for 24 hours of curing / A prepara??o de pastas de cimento para po?os offshore envolve a mistura de todos os componentes s?lidos da pasta e a prepara??o da ?gua de mistura feita na pr?pria plataforma. O objetivo desse trabalho ? apresentar um estudo de formula??o de misturas secas pr?preparadas, ou grautes, para a cimenta??o de po?os offshore. Foi avaliado o efeito da adi??o de cargas minerais leves na resist?ncia mec?nica de grautes para cimenta??o prim?ria inicial (at? 400 m) com l?minas d ?gua acima de 500 m. Foi realizada uma sele??o de materiais leves e finos, em substitui??o aos agregados utilizados nos grautes da constru??o civil. Para a escolha dos materiais de partida, primeiramente foi realizado um estudo da atividade pozol?nica de materiais de baixo custo, como res?duo cer?mico de porcelanato, s?lica ativa e diatomita, por meio de difratometria de raios X e resist?ncia mec?nica ? compress?o. Verificou-se que as misturas com adi??o de res?duo de porcelanato e s?lica ativa apresentaram maiores resist?ncias nas primeiras idades. Com isso, foi desenvolvido um estudo da resist?ncia mec?nica ? compress?o de grautes com massa espec?fica 1,74 g/cm3 (14,5 lb/gal), curadas, inicialmente, a 27?C e compostas por cimento, res?duo de porcelanato e s?lica ativa, aditivadas com anti-espumante. Os resultados revelaram que a mistura com 7% de res?duo de porcelanato e 7% de s?lica ativa foi a que apresentou a maior resist?ncia mec?nica ? compress?o em ensaio realizado com 24 horas de cura. Escolhida a composi??o a ser estudada, ela foi adaptada ?s condi??es de po?o offshore, cujos ensaios foram realizados a 4?C. A mistura composta por cimento, 7% de res?duo de porcelanato e 7% de s?lica ativa foi aditivada com acelerador de pega (CaCl2), anti-espumante e dispersante. Os ensaios revelaram que essa composi??o mostrou-se satisfat?ria quanto ? resist?ncia mec?nica ? compress?o com 24 horas de cura, reologia, tempo de pega e volume de ?gua livre

Estudo da interface bloco/graute em elementos de alvenaria estrutural / Study of the block/grout interface in concrete and clay block masonry structures

Orieta Soto Izquierdo 08 April 2015 (has links)
A construção de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural tem evoluído de maneira significativa no Brasil. Os edifícios têm se tornado cada vez mais altos, atingindo a marca de 20 pavimentos. Quanto mais altos os edifícios, maiores se tornam os níveis de compressão provenientes dos carregamentos verticais e a sua composição com as ações devidas ao vento e ao desaprumo, obrigando a um maior emprego da alvenaria estrutural armada. A aderência bloco/graute como fator limitante à capacidade do conjunto armadura/graute/bloco na absorção da compressão e tração simples ou da tração oriunda da flexão não é especificada nas normas tanto nacionais como internacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento da interface bloco/graute, tanto para blocos de concreto como cerâmicos e com a presença ou não de armadura, submetidos a solicitações que provocam tração e compressão. Recursos experimentais e numéricos foram realizados para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Foram feitos ensaios de caracterização dos materiais, dos componentes e da alvenaria, além de ensaios de \"push-out\" (empurramento) para determinar a resistência de aderência na interface graute/bloco e ensaios de \"pull-out\" (arrancamento) considerando-se a presença de barras de armadura para o estudo do comportamento do conjunto graute/bloco/armadura utilizados. Posteriormente foram realizadas modelagens computacionais no programa DIANA, que é baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para prever o comportamento estrutural dos modelos. A partir dos resultados experimentais e numéricos pôde-se concluir que existe uma boa aderência entre as paredes dos blocos de concreto e o graute, suficiente para evitar o escorregamento, sendo possível mobilizar toda a resistência de tração das barras de armadura de diâmetros usuais, desde que devidamente ancoradas. Já com os blocos cerâmicos observa-se uma menor aderência entre as paredes dos blocos e o graute, podendo ocorrer o escorregamento do material de enchimento, antes que a armadura alcance sua tensão de escoamento. O graute de maior resistência à compressão e menor fator água cimento (graute G30) apresentou maior resistência de aderência em relação ao graute mais fraco (graute G14) e de maior fator água/cimento. Quanto aos limites estabelecidos para a tensão de escoamento das armaduras, observa-se que, no caso de blocos de concreto, não deve haver restrição. Em contraposição, quanto aos blocos cerâmicos, o problema é mais complexo, cabendo a realização de mais ensaios para a confirmação de limites, com a variação de blocos e grautes. Os resultados do estudo paramétrico apontam limites que devem ser adotados no caso de diâmetro superior a 10 mm. De maneira simplificada, como ponto para futuras verificações pode-se propor: 75% para Ø 12,5 mm, 50% para Ø 16 mm e 25% para Ø 20 mm. As análises numéricas realizadas nos modelos ensaiados a push-out e pull-out representaram adequadamente o comportamentos observado em laboratório, permitindo a realização da análise paramétrica. / The construction of structural masonry buildings has evolved significantly in Brazil. The buildings have become ever higher, reaching the level of 20 floors. Higher buildings lead to lager compression levels, coming from the vertical loads combined to the horizontal actions due to wind and lack of verticality, obliging a greater use of reinforced structural masonry. The block/grout adherence is not specified in both national and international standards. This work aims to study the behavior of the block/grout interface, for both concrete and clay blocks, with and without reinforcement, submitted to tensile and compressive forces. Experimental and numerical resources were used to development of this study. The experimental program studied the masonry behavior using push-out specimens to determine the bond strength between the grout and the concrete unit, and pull-out specimens to study the behavior of the interface of the grout/block/reinforcement. Computational modelling was carried out using the FEM software Diana, which has a library with constitutive models suitable for civil engineering application, to complete the study and understand the structural behavior of the block/grout interface. The experimental results showed that there is a good bond between the concrete blocks internal faces and the grout, enough to prevent infill-slippage, and that the whole tensile strength of the usual reinforcement rebars is achieved provided they are properly anchored. Nevertheless, for clay blocks there is a low bond between the clay blocks internal faces and the grout, allowing the infill-slippage before the reinforcement bars reach their yield stress. The higher strength grout with lower water/cement ratio (grout G30) presented higher bond strength compared to the lower strength grout and higher water/cement ratio (grout G14). In the case of concrete blocks there should be no restriction limits on the yield stress of reinforcement, in a practical sense and considering other prescribed limits. In contradiction, in the case of clay blocks, additional tests should be carried out for establishing limits, with varying blocks and grouts. The parametric analysis indicates limits that should be adopted for a diameter larger than 10 mm. The authors of this research suggest 75% for Ø 12.5 mm, 50% for Ø 16 mm and 25% for Ø 20 mm as a reference point for future investigations. The numerical analysis showed that the computer models of the push-out and pull-out specimens represented adequately the behavior of the physical models, and thus can be used in parametric analysis.

Estudio y modelamiento hídrico de geomanta e hidrosiembra como reemplazo de los emboquillados en la carretera Lima-Canta / Study and hydric modeling of geomanta and hydroseeding as a replacement for tipping on the Lima-Canta highway

Mazco Cahuana, Diana Elizabeth, Lecussan Urteaga, Kriss Stephanie 27 October 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación consiste en evaluar y verificar la eficiencia anti-erosiva del revestimiento denominado geomanta e hidrosiembra como reemplazo de los emboquillados de piedra, presentes en las alcantarillas ubicadas en la carretera Lima - Canta. La primera metodología es de enfoque cualitativo, elaborada en campo mediante la recolección de datos mediante fichas, las cuales describen las características de 30 alcantarillas y la verificación del tipo de suelo. Seguidamente, se procesó la información recolectada donde se identificó 08 alcantarillas que presentaban problemas de erosión debido a la falla del emboquillado, posteriormente se procedió a obtener los caudales de diseño y se verifico su dimensionamiento. La segunda metodología presenta un enfoque cuantitativo, donde se determinaron los parámetros de velocidad y esfuerzo cortante generados por el flujo en la descarga de las alcantarillas, dichos valores fueron obtenidos mediante la aplicación de modelos hidráulicos en los programas HEC-RAS e IBER. Con la finalidad de proporcionar la solución adecuada que permita asegurar la estabilidad de la estructura, los valores de velocidades y esfuerzo cortante obtenidos fueron comparados con la resistencia brindada por el emboquillado y la geomanta. Los resultados permiten determinar que el emboquillado no presenta una resistencia adecuada para la protección en la descarga de las alcantarillas a media ladera. Finalmente, se recomienda el uso de geomanta e hidrosiembra para la protección de taludes de fuerte pendiente donde descarguen alcantarillas, en lugar de emboquillados los cuales no presentan resistencias adecuadas ante las velocidades y esfuerzos de corte producidas por el flujo de agua. / The present investigation consists of evaluating and verifying the anti-erosive efficiency of the lining called geomanta and hydroseeding as a replacement for the stone mouthpieces, present in the sewers located on the Lima - Canta highway. The first methodology has a qualitative approach, prepared in the field by collecting data sheets, which describe the characteristics of 30 sewers and the verification of the type of soil. Next, the information collected was processed where 08 culverts were identified that presented erosion problems due to the failure of the mouthpiece, then the design flows were obtained and their sizing was verified. The second methodology presents a quantitative approach, where the velocity and shear stress parameters generated by the flow in the discharge of the sewers were determined; these values were obtained by applying hydraulic models in the HEC-RAS and IBER programs. In order to provide the appropriate solution to ensure the stability of the structure, the values of speeds and shear stress obtained were compared with the resistance provided by the hole and the geomanta. The results allow to determine that the emboquillado does not present an adequate resistance for the protection in the discharge of the sewers to the middle slope. Finally, the use of geomatting and hydroseeding is recommended for the protection of steep slopes where culverts discharge, instead of troughs which do not present adequate resistance to the speeds and shear stresses produced by the water flow. / Tesis

Napjatostní analýza šachet zhotovených z tryskové injektáže / Stress analysis of jet grouted shafts

Tarbajová, Mária January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the stress analysis of the circular and elliptical shaft from material jet grouting. A new advanced constitutive Shotcrete model will be applied on the material jet grouting. In the thesis, the shaft tensile strength factor and the size of the ground pressures will be primarily examined. The practical part of the diploma thesis is completed by the comparison of the analytical and numerical calculation of the normal force of the circular and elliptical shafts.

Bytový dům "Vacek" / Apartment building "Vacek"

Vacek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
I have designed the construction of a apartment building with multifunctional usage. A significant element is the internal automatic parking system, which is a relief for the residents of the house on a street crowded with parked cars. On the ground floor is a lucrative cafe with sitting area and two bowling lines. The house contains 18 housing units for 4-6 people. People are attracted by prestigious location with views of the city Brno on the dominant historical monuments and are attracted by a pleasant interior of the apartments, too. They are logically divided into 4 zones - day, night, working and relaxing. For relaxation, they may use the spacious balconies, terraces and a common area in the garden with children's play area. One part of this work is a focus on securing of construction pit and foundation of a building, which is almost a technical delicacy.

Založení nové a sanované podpěry "Starého mostu" přes Dunaj v Bratislavě / Foundation of new and redeveloped supports "Old Bridge" over the Danube in Bratislava

Korec, Michael January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the reconnstruction of the "Old Bridge“ in Bratislava. Part of the reconstruction is the foundations of a new pier and redevelopment of an existing pier. The introduction provides an overview of methods used for the foundations within the river and from there onwards, the most suitable method haas been selected. The piers foundation is designed in several variants, coupled with the drawings. In conclusion, the variants were compared and the most suitable one was selected.

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