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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Femoral Osteohistology in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) Reveals High Variation in Growth and Facilitates Interpretation of an Early Pliocene Alligator

Gunnin, Davis 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Histological analysis of long bone thin sections is commonly used to infer growth rates and ecology of extinct vertebrates, particularly within Archosauria. However, most comparative neontological studies have used small samples of captive individuals, limiting the scope of variation. To fill this gap, 44 femoral thin sections of wild Alligator mississippiensis were prepared and analyzed. Comparison of slides revealed that larger individuals from cooler climates tend to show more LAGs compared to southerly A. mississippiensis of similar size, however, there is considerable variation. This pronounced variation in wild specimens emphasizes the need to use caution when interpreting paleohistological data with little modern comparative samples. Finally, thin sections of early Pliocene Alligator sp. fossils from the Gray Fossil Site (GFS), Washington Co., Tennessee were prepared. The GFS Alligator grew more slowly than A. mississippiensis examined and may have reached reproductive maturity at smaller sizes.

Metabolic rates of cultured skeletal muscle of Coturnix quail selected for different rates of growth

Cooper-Mullin, Clara January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Dissipated Energy at a Bimaterial Crack Tip Under Cyclic Loading

Daily, Jeremy S. 12 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Plasticity of Growth Rate in the High-Back Pygmy Swordtail, <i>Xiphophorus multilineatus</i>, in Response to Social Context and Maternal Effects

Murphy, Alexander D. 26 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Numerical study of micro-scale damage evolution in time dependent fracture mechanics

Oh, Joonyoung 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Linear stability of an interface between two incompressible fluids

Fu, Yun 14 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Dominance/Suppression Competitive Relationships in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Plantations

Dyer, Michael E. 20 November 1997 (has links)
Data from three long-term field studies with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations were used to examine inequality (Gini coefficient) trends in diameter and the relationship between diameter relative growth rate (r) and initial size. Analysis with two spacing studies shows inequality increases with increasing density. For a given initial density, inequality initially decreases and then begins to increase as trees compete for resources. The slope of the linear relationship between r and relative size also increases with increasing density. The slope is initially negative and switches to positive as competition intensifies. The switch in the slope of the r/size relationship occurs when the crown projection area exceeds 1.05 or when the crown ratio falls below 0.75. These results are consistent with the resource pre-emptive or dominance/suppression theory of intra-specific competition. The r/size trends are not evident when calculations are based on class means as opposed to individual trees. The slope of the r/size relationship is a function of stand height, density, and to a lesser extent, site quality. Density reduction through mid-rotation thinning tends to decrease the slope coefficient. The r/size trends are used to develop a disaggregation model to distribute stand-level basal area growth over an initial tree list. This approach compares well with two other disaggregation models but tends to over predict growth on the largest trees. / Ph. D.


Naturil Alfonso, Carmen 02 November 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The general aim of this thesis was to reproductively characterize females from a rabbit line selected for growth rate and to evaluate the effect of different nutritional strategies (ad libitum and restricted), in order to improve the reproductive performance. In chapter 1, the influence of maternal and embryonic genotype on prenatal survival and fetal growth was evaluated and contrasted with a maternal line. Prenatal survival, fetal weight and fetal placenta weight were affected by both embryonic and maternal genotype. Nevertheless, no differences were detected either at transcriptomic level in fetal placenta or in progesterone and IGF-I plasma levels in these females. It may be concluded that in rabbit females from paternal lines both embryonic and maternal genotypes are key factors in the reproductive performance of these females. The aim of chapter 2 was to explore the causes of ovulation failures in these rabbit females. Results showed that non-ovulated females presented lower LH plasma concentration as well as higher body weight and leptin and BOHB plasma levels than ovulated females. Thus, ovulation failures in females from line R could be attributed to decreased LH plasma concentrations in these females which may be related with their higher body weight and leptin levels. The following three chapters were focused on improvement of the reproductive performance of these females through a different nutritional strategy: a feed-to-appetite diet of these females after the rearing period and prior to insemination. The initial hypothesis was that the females are submitted to a restricted nutritional regimen which is not enough to cope with their needs during reproduction, causing long-term disturbances of energy balance which leads to the subsequent reproductive problems. Chapter 3 aimed to determine if a feed-to-appetite nutritional strategy would affect the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis and the quality of the produced oocytes, by transcriptomic analysis. While no differences were found in the microarray analysis of the hypothalamus-hypophysis, small differences were detected in the transcript expression analysis in oocytes of a group of genes selected. MSY2 was found to be downregulated in oocytes from restricted females. As a key regulator of maternal RNA transcription and translation, changes in this essential gene could explain some of the reproductive problems of these females. Whether the differences found at oocyte level were inherent at embryonic level and so involved in the drop of fertility was studied in Chapter 4. Although no significant differences were revealed in ovulation, embryo recovery, and implantation rate, higher fetal and gestational losses were found in restricted females, as well as lower fetal growth. Thus, we concluded that the nutritional strategy employed may have an impact on the oocyte (Chapter 3), but we also demonstrated that these changes were inherited by the embryo, and result in disturbances in gestational losses and fetal growth. The final chapter of this thesis was conducted to determine whether these effects on reproductive and metabolic elements were also evident in females following the common semi-intensive farm production system. Although the results obtained showed small variances in NEFAs and BOHB plasma levels, and also in body weight, no differences were detected in global reproductive performance in terms of fertility, prolificacy and productivity. The results obtained established that although differences are found at oocyte level and inherited by embryo and fetus, no improvements are reached with the proposed nutritional strategy in terms of reproductive performance when females selected for growth rate lead a normal semi-intensive production system. / [ES] El objetivo general fue la caracterización reproductiva de las hembras de una línea de conejo seleccionada por velocidad de crecimiento y el efecto de distintas estrategias nutricionales (ad libitum y restringidas), con la finalidad de mejorar el rendimiento reproductivo. En el capítulo 1 se evaluó la influencia de los genotipos materno y embrionario en la supervivencia prenatal y crecimiento fetal, entre las hembras de esta línea y una línea maternal. La supervivencia prenatal, peso fetal y el peso de la placenta resultaron afectados por los genotipos tanto embrionario como materno, pero no se detectaron diferencias sobre la placenta fetal a nivel del transcriptoma ni en los niveles de progesterona e IGF-I. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que en éstas tanto el genotipo embrionario como el materno son factores clave en su rendimiento reproductivo. El objetivo del capítulo 2 fue explorar las causas de los fallos reproductivos en estas hembras. Los resultados mostraron que las hembras que no ovularon presentaban menores niveles de LH, un mayor peso corporal y mayor concentración en sangre de leptinas y BOHB, que aquellas que había ovulado. Por ello, los fallos en ovulación detectados en estas hembras podrían estar relacionados con una reducción en los niveles de LH, consecuencia del mayor peso de estas hembras y de los incrementados niveles de leptinas. Los siguientes capítulos se enfocaron a la mejora del rendimiento reproductivo de estas hembras empleando una estrategia nutricional distinta: la ingesta ad libitum de alimento tras el periodo de crianza hasta el momento del comienzo de su vida reproductiva. La hipótesis de partida fue que estas hembras son sometidas a un régimen nutricional restringido que no es suficiente para satisfacer sus necesidades energéticas durante la reproducción, lo que causa alteraciones en su balance energético que se manifestarían en los problemas reproductivos observados. El capítulo 3 trató de determinar a través de un análisis trasncriptómico si la estrategia nutricional planteada afectaría el eje hipotalámico-hipofisario y la calidad de los ovocitos. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias en el análisis de un micrarray realizado sobre el hipotálamo-hipófisis, sí que se detectaron en la expresión génica de los ovocitos. El transcrito MSY2 mostró una menor expresión en los ovocitos de las hembras restringidas. Este gen es un regulador clave en la maduración ovocitaria, por lo tanto, cambios en la expresión de este gen podrían explicar algunos de los problemas reproductivos de estas hembras. En el capítulo 4 se estudió si las diferencias a nivel ovocitario eran heredadas por el embrión pudiendo causar la baja fertilidad de estas hembras. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias en las tasas de ovulación, recuperación embrionaria e implantación, sí que aparecieron diferencias en las pérdidas fetales y gestacionales, así como un menor crecimiento fetal en los embriones procedentes de hembras con restricción alimentaria. Por ello, concluimos que la estrategia nutricional empleada tiene unas consecuencias en el ovocito (Capítulo 3), y demostramos que estos cambios parecen continuar en el embrión, resultando en alteraciones en pérdidas gestacionales y crecimiento fetal. El capítulo final fue desarrollado para evidenciar si los efectos reproductivos y metabólicos observados en los capítulos previos se manifestaban en las hembras que se encuentran en un sistema de producción tradicional en granja. A pesar de que los resultados mostraron variaciones en los niveles circulantes de NEFAs y BOHB y de peso corporal, no se encontraron diferencias en el rendimiento reproductivo global a nivel de fertilidad, prolificidad y productividad. Los resultados obtenidos parecen indicar que a pesar de las diferencias encontradas a nivel ovocitario, embrionario y fetal, con el régimen nutricional propuesto no se logra alcanzar mejoras en la eficiencia reproductivo de las h / [CA] L'objectiu general va ser la caracterització reproductiva de les femelles d'una línia de conill seleccionada per velocitat de creixement i l'efecte de diferents estratègies nutricionals (ad libitum i restringides), amb la finalitat de millorar el rendiment reproductiu. En el capítol 1 s'avaluà la influència dels genotipus matern i embrionari en la supervivència prenatal i el creixement fetal, entre les femelles d'aquesta línia i les de una altra línia maternal. La supervivència prenatal, el pes fetal i el pes de la placenta resultaren afectats pels genotipus embrionari i matern, però no es detectaren diferències en la placenta fetal a nivell de trascriptoma ni en els nivells de progesterona i IGF-I. Per tant, en les femelles de conill seleccionades per velocitat de creixement, tant el genotipus embrionari com el matern són factors clau en el seu rendiment reproductiu. L'objectiu del capítol 2 va ser explorar les causes de les fallades reproductives en aquestes femelles. Les femelles que no ovularen presentaren menor nivells de LH, major pes corporal i major concentració de leptines i BOHB que aquelles que sí que hi havia ovulat. Per això, les fallades d'ovulació detectades en aquestes femelles podrien estar relacionades amb la reducció en els nivells de LH, com a conseqüència del major pes d'aquestes femelles i dels incrementats nivells de leptines. Els capítols següents s'enfocaren a la millora del rendiment reproductiu d'aquestes femelles mitjançant una estratègia nutricional distinta: la ingesta ad libitum d'aliment després del període de criança i fins al moment de l'inici de la vida reproductiva. La hipòtesi de partida fiu que aquestes femelles són sotmeses a un règim nutricional restringit que no és suficient per a satisfer les seves necessitats energètiques durant la reproducció, la qual cosa provoca alteracions en el balanç energètic que podrien manifestar-se en els problemes reproductius observats. El capítol 3 tractà de determinar mitjançant un anàlisi trasncritòmic si la estratègia nutricional plantejada podria afectar l'eix hipotalàmic-hipofisiari i la qualitat dels ovòcits. Metre que no es detectaren diferències en el anàlisi del microarray realitzat en el hipotàlem-hipòfisi, sí que es detectaren en l'expressió gènica del ovòcits. El transcrit MSY2 mostrà una menor expressió en els ovòcits de les femelles restringides. Aquest gen es un regulador clau en la maduració ovocitària, per aquest motiu, canvis en la seva expressió gen podrien explicar alguns dels problemes reproductius de les femelles. En el capítol 4 s'estudià si aquestes diferències a nivell ovocitari eren heretades per l'embrió i podrien causar la baixa fertilitat d'aquestes femelles. Encara que no se trobaren diferències en les taxes d'ovulació, recuperació embrionària i implantació, sí que es trobaren diferències en les pèrdues fetals i gestacionals, així com un menor creixement fetal en els embrions de les femelles provinents d'un règim alimentari restringit. Per això concloíem que l'estratègia nutricional emprada té conseqüències en el ovòcit (Capítol 3), i demostrarem que aquest canvis pareixen continuar en l'embrió, resultant en alteracions en pèrdues gestacionals i creixement fetal. El capítol final fou desenvolupat per evidenciar si els efectes reproductius i metabòlics observats en els capítols previs eren manifestats en les femelles que es troben en un sistema productiu tradicional de granja. Tot i que el resultats mostraren variacions en els nivells circulants de NEFAs i BOHB i pes corporal, no es trobaren diferències en el rendiment reproductiu global, en termes de fertilitat, prolificitat i productivitat. Els resultats obtinguts pareixen indicar que tot i que les diferències trobades a nivell ovocitari i embrionari amb un efecte significatiu en el desenvolupament i creixement fetal, amb el règim nutricional proposat no s'aconsegueix assolir millores en / Naturil Alfonso, C. (2016). EFFECT OF FEED RESTRICTION IN A RABBIT LINE SELECTED FOR GROWTH RATE ON REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE: OVULATION INDUCTION, OOCYTE QUALITY, EMBRYONARY AND FETAL LOSSES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73065 / Compendio

Relationship between Firm’s PE Ratio and Earnings Growth Rate

He, Yuanlong 02 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Genes that underlie natural variation in growth rate and flowering time in local accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana

Malik, Zafar Iqbal January 2014 (has links)
Growth rate and flowering time are agriculturally important traits that are linked to fitness, productivity and reproductive success of plants. To study the genetic basis for natural variation in growth rate and flowering time between local accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, hybrids were produced between fast growing / late flowering and slow growing / early flowering parents. F3 and F5 hybrid families were grown under a range of conditions – under a constant controlled environment, outside over the winter and outside in spring and early summer. Growth rates were estimated from repeated images of rosettes. Flowering time, as number of leaves to flower, was also recorded both in control and natural conditions for F5 lines. Damage by slugs and stress-induced production of anthocyanin pigments were also recorded for plants grown outside. Broad-sense heritability estimates were higher for F5 families than F3, in which more loci will segregate, and ranged from 48% to 89%. No significant correlation between growth rates under different environments was observed in most cases for F3 populations, however significant correlations were detected for F5 families outside and under controlled conditions, suggesting that same genes can affect growth rate in more than one environment. The genotypes of F3 families were determined at thirty-nine SSLP (simple sequence length polymorphism) loci and used in regression with phenotype data to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL). Significant QTLs were detected in F3 families for growth rate, flowering time and anthocyanin production, but not for herbivore damage. To confirm QTL detected in the F3 and to detect additional loci, bulk segregant analysis was carried out in F5 families grown under different conditions. Potentially linked markers were tested further in individual F5 plants and QTL mapped on a finer scale in F5 families that remained heterozygous for candidate regions. VIP5 and LDL1 were selected as potential candidate genes for flowering time variation. These genes were sequenced for two parental alleles. A transposon insertion and 5’ UTR deletion were found in the LDL1 allele from the late flowering parent and SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) were observed throughout the gene. However both alleles appeared to be expressed at similar levels. Transgenic lines have been produced carrying the LDL1 allele from the early flowering parent (4D1) in the background of the later flowering parent (11C1). This work is on-going and will hopefully reveal whether LDL1 underlies differences in flowering behaviour seen between 11C1 and 4D1.

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