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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Areál sportovního jezdeckého klubu v obci Tereziny Dary / The Area of the Horseback Riding Club in the Village Tereziny Dary

Vitík, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is design an area of a horseback riding club in the village Tereziny Dary in form of project documentation. The area will be used for comfortable housing of small amount of horses and their training for military competition. There are an accommodation for staff, an accommodation for guests, a meeting place for club´s members, a stable for horses, an outdoor riding school and an indoor riding school in the area. For purpose of the thesis the building SO01 – Club Facilities was processed in detailed design documentation. The buildings SO02 – Stable and SO03 – Indoor Riding School were processed in architectural study documentation.

Sistemas logísticos reversos na indústria da construção civil - estudo da cadeia produtiva de chapas de gesso acartonado. / Reverse logistics system in civil construction industry - study of gypsum board chain.

Marcondes, Fábia Cristina Segatto 17 August 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, as legislações ambientais e os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigentes e restritivos em relação ao adequado tratamento dado aos resíduos industriais. Neste contexto, a logística reversa tem por objetivo gerenciar os fluxos reversos, fazendo com que bens e produtos com pouco uso após a venda, com ciclo de vida útil ampliado ou após extinta a sua vida útil, retornem ao ciclo produtivo, readquirindo valor em outros mercados. Baseado em uma revisão bibliográfica, um estudo exploratório e um trabalho de campo, composto por entrevistas, analisa-se as possibilidades de aplicação do conceito de logística reversa na cadeia produtiva da Construção Civil, particularmente em relação aos fluxos de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição - RCD, como forma de contribuir para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído. Expõe-se de forma ampla, os fatores intervenientes no processo de implantação dos sistemas logísticos reversos para RCD e os condicionantes e benefícios decorrentes desta aplicação, considerando os aspectos técnicos, econômicos e ambientas do reaproveitamento de RCD. A partir do estudo das práticas atuais de gerenciamento de RCD em empresas construtoras e de algumas experiências estrangeiras, conclui-se sobre as necessidades de avanço das práticas e legislações brasileiras relacionadas ao gerenciamento de RCD, e sobre o papel dos fornecedores no estabelecimento e consolidação de sistemas logísticos reversos - SLR. A aplicação do conceito é realizada na cadeia produtiva de Chapas de Gesso Acartonado - CGA, para a qual é proposto um sistema logístico reverso - SLR-CGA, englobando-se a caracterização dos agentes, as tecnologias de aproveitamento para resíduos de CGA e os mercados disponíveis para a sua reinserção, dentre outros pontos. São realizadas simulações de viabilidade econômica de possíveis cadeias reversas de CGA. A partir das alternativas viáveis, conclui-se sobre o efeito da implantação destas sobre a cadeia produtiva de CGA. Conclui-se que a implantação de um sistema logístico reverso consiste em uma ferramenta organizacional que pode ajudar companhias a resolver impactos econômicos e ambientais e criar novos negócios na cadeia produtiva da Construção Civil. / Currently, environmental legislation and pressure of consumer awareness are getting more stringent and restrictive in relation of the proper treatment gave to the industrial wastes. In this context, reverse logistics systems aims to manage the reverse flow, making with that facilities and products with little use after sales, useful life cycle extended or extinct, return to the productive cycle, to regain value still incorporated in them. Based on a bibliographical research and a survey, the possibilities of application of reverse logistics concept in Civil Construction productive chain is analyzed with focus on construction and demolition wastes (CDW).This analyze contribute for the sustainability in Civil Construction. The intervenient factors in the reverse logistics systems implementation is discussed, such as the benefits from the application, taking into account technical, economical e environmental aspects of recycling. The analyze of current CWD management system, mainly in building sites, avoids to conclude about Brazilian necessities and the important role that producers can have in this systems. The application of the concept is done in the drywall gypsum board supply chain. For this chain, a reverse logistics syste for gypsum board wastes (GBW) is proposed approaching the stakeholders, technologies of GBW and markets for recycled product, among another aspects. Economic liability simulations of possible GBW reverse chains are conduced and for that liable, the impact of its implementation is discussed. The implementation of reverse logistics systems is considered like an organizational tool that can help the companies to solve environmental and costs impacts on production and problems surroundings this issues.

Sistemas logísticos reversos na indústria da construção civil - estudo da cadeia produtiva de chapas de gesso acartonado. / Reverse logistics system in civil construction industry - study of gypsum board chain.

Fábia Cristina Segatto Marcondes 17 August 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, as legislações ambientais e os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigentes e restritivos em relação ao adequado tratamento dado aos resíduos industriais. Neste contexto, a logística reversa tem por objetivo gerenciar os fluxos reversos, fazendo com que bens e produtos com pouco uso após a venda, com ciclo de vida útil ampliado ou após extinta a sua vida útil, retornem ao ciclo produtivo, readquirindo valor em outros mercados. Baseado em uma revisão bibliográfica, um estudo exploratório e um trabalho de campo, composto por entrevistas, analisa-se as possibilidades de aplicação do conceito de logística reversa na cadeia produtiva da Construção Civil, particularmente em relação aos fluxos de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição - RCD, como forma de contribuir para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído. Expõe-se de forma ampla, os fatores intervenientes no processo de implantação dos sistemas logísticos reversos para RCD e os condicionantes e benefícios decorrentes desta aplicação, considerando os aspectos técnicos, econômicos e ambientas do reaproveitamento de RCD. A partir do estudo das práticas atuais de gerenciamento de RCD em empresas construtoras e de algumas experiências estrangeiras, conclui-se sobre as necessidades de avanço das práticas e legislações brasileiras relacionadas ao gerenciamento de RCD, e sobre o papel dos fornecedores no estabelecimento e consolidação de sistemas logísticos reversos - SLR. A aplicação do conceito é realizada na cadeia produtiva de Chapas de Gesso Acartonado - CGA, para a qual é proposto um sistema logístico reverso - SLR-CGA, englobando-se a caracterização dos agentes, as tecnologias de aproveitamento para resíduos de CGA e os mercados disponíveis para a sua reinserção, dentre outros pontos. São realizadas simulações de viabilidade econômica de possíveis cadeias reversas de CGA. A partir das alternativas viáveis, conclui-se sobre o efeito da implantação destas sobre a cadeia produtiva de CGA. Conclui-se que a implantação de um sistema logístico reverso consiste em uma ferramenta organizacional que pode ajudar companhias a resolver impactos econômicos e ambientais e criar novos negócios na cadeia produtiva da Construção Civil. / Currently, environmental legislation and pressure of consumer awareness are getting more stringent and restrictive in relation of the proper treatment gave to the industrial wastes. In this context, reverse logistics systems aims to manage the reverse flow, making with that facilities and products with little use after sales, useful life cycle extended or extinct, return to the productive cycle, to regain value still incorporated in them. Based on a bibliographical research and a survey, the possibilities of application of reverse logistics concept in Civil Construction productive chain is analyzed with focus on construction and demolition wastes (CDW).This analyze contribute for the sustainability in Civil Construction. The intervenient factors in the reverse logistics systems implementation is discussed, such as the benefits from the application, taking into account technical, economical e environmental aspects of recycling. The analyze of current CWD management system, mainly in building sites, avoids to conclude about Brazilian necessities and the important role that producers can have in this systems. The application of the concept is done in the drywall gypsum board supply chain. For this chain, a reverse logistics syste for gypsum board wastes (GBW) is proposed approaching the stakeholders, technologies of GBW and markets for recycled product, among another aspects. Economic liability simulations of possible GBW reverse chains are conduced and for that liable, the impact of its implementation is discussed. The implementation of reverse logistics systems is considered like an organizational tool that can help the companies to solve environmental and costs impacts on production and problems surroundings this issues.

Thermal and mechanical properties of gypsum boards and their influences on fire resistance of gypsum board based systems

Rahmanian, Ima January 2011 (has links)
Gypsum board assemblies are now widely used in buildings, as fire resistant walls or ceilings, to provide passive fire protection. The fire resistance of such systems is fundamentally due to the desirable thermal properties of gypsum. Yet there is wide variability in reported values of thermal properties of gypsum at high temperatures and a lack of understanding of its integrity in fire. To evaluate the fire protection performance of gypsum board assemblies, it is essential to quantify its thermal properties and obtain information on its mechanical properties at high temperatures. Gypsum boards shrink and crack at high temperatures, and this leads to collapse of parts of the gypsum boards in fire. Fall-off of gypsum in fire affects the fire resistance of the assembly considerably, and cannot be overlooked when evaluating the fire resistance of gypsum board assemblies. The current research proposes a model to define the temperature-dependent thermal properties of gypsum boards at high temperatures. Thermal conductivity of gypsum is considered as the most influential parameter in conduction of heat through gypsum, and a hybrid numerical-experimental method is presented for extracting thermal conductivity of various gypsum board products at elevated temperatures. This method incorporates a validated one-dimensional Finite Difference heat conduction program and high temperature test results on small samples of gypsum boards. Moreover, high temperature mechanical tests have been performed on different gypsum board products; thermal shrinkage, strength and stress-strain relationships of gypsum products at elevated temperatures are extracted for use in numerical mechanical analysis. To simulate the structural performance of gypsum boards in fire, a two-dimensional Finite Element model has been developed in ABAQUS. This model successfully predicts the complete opening of a through-thickness crack in gypsum, and is validated against medium-scale fire tests designed and conducted as part of this research. Gypsum fall-off in fire is a complex phenomenon; however, it is believed that delaying the formation of through-thickness cracking will delay falling off of gypsum in fire, and hence improve the fire resistance of gypsum board assemblies. Finally, a study has been performed on the effects of various detailing parameters in gypsum board wall assemblies, and recommendations are offered for improving the fire resistance of such systems.

Test av brandskyddslösning på radhusvindar med innertak av råspont / Empirical experiment of fire protection solutions to rowhouses with ceilings of tongue and groove boards

Sälgström, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
Bränder i radhus har under en längre tid varit förödande, oftast med hela radhuslängor totalförstörda. Branden sprider sig upp till vinden för att normalt mötas av en bristande avskiljande vägg. För att förebygga dessa katastrofala bränder genomför räddningstjänster runtomkring landet inspektioner och tillsyner av radhusvindarna så att de klarar av minst 30 minuter. 30 minuter har tidigare varit den minimumtid som en avskiljande vägg på vinden ska stå emot en brand. Dessa tillsyner gjordes med bland annat lagligt stöd från 2 kap. 2 § i lagen om skydd mot olyckor som säger att ägaren ska i skälig omfattning vidta de åtgärder som behövs för att förebygga bränder. Detta innebär att vindar som tidigare haft godkänt brandskydd för 30 minuter, har efter tillsynerna bevisas inte klara av den påstådda tiden och behöver åtgärda denna brist.  En av lösningarna vid brister på radhus med innertak av råspont är att sätta en 60 cm lång gipsskiva ut ifrån den avskiljande väggen längst taket på båda sidorna av väggen. Detta är tänkt att hjälpa till att förhindra, inte stoppa, en brand så pass länge att den avskiljande väggen kan upprätthålla sitt brandskydd i minst 30 minuter. Enligt existerande teori ska en gipsskiva hålla i ca 15-20 minuter. Problemet är att detta lösningsförslag saknar empiriskt underlag. I denna rapport togs tre moduler fram för att undersöka om branden kunde ta sig över en oskyddad och skyddad avskiljande vägg. Som brandkälla anpassades en heptanbrand för att efterlikna brandkurvan ISO 834, även känd som standardbrandkurvan. Första brandförsöket med första modulen stötte på flera stora problem medan övriga två moduler, efter modifieringar, gav rimliga resultat. Resultatet visar att branden inte kunde ta sig över en oskyddad vägg men att en skyddad vägg höll sig bättre. Med ca 8 minuter för brand-gas, -rök att ta sig över men 38 minuter innan genombränning, öppen låga, för oskyddad avskiljande vägg. För skyddad avskiljande vägg tog det över 46 minuter innan brandgas började ta sig över avskiljande väggen.  Vidare analyseras och diskuteras resultatets trovärdighet utifrån uppmätt effekt och temperaturer samt modulens uppbyggnad. Temperaturkurvorna var för sig bedöms trovärdiga även om de skiljer sig ifrån varandra mellan testerna. Framtagna effekten höll sig överraskande väl mot antagna effektens värde. Slutsatsen blev att en brand inte kan ta sig genom en oskyddad avskiljande vägg inom 30 minuter men att en skyddad vägg stod anmärkningsvärt bättre emot branden. / Fires in row houses have under a long time had devastating consequences, often with several family’s homes total destroyed. Fires usually go up to the attic where it normally is meet with deficient firewalls that doesn’t prevent fire from spreading to adjacent attics.  To prevent these catastrophes fires, fire brigades all-around Sweden carry through inspections and oversight on these deficient firewalls so that it can stand against a fire for at least 30 minutes. By Swedish law, the owner of a house must, within reasonably scale, prevent fires from spreading. This includes buildings that previously had acceptably fire prevention for its time of construction but nowadays, with new information, can be proven to not maintains its alleged prevention time. 30 minutes were the minimal time that have previously been accepted as a firewall in the attic.  One of the solutions to deficiency with attic ceilings of so called “råspont”, translated to “tongue and groove boards”, is to extend a 60 cm gypsum board out from the firewall onto the ceiling, on both side of the firewall. This is to help prevent the fire from spreading to next attic within 30 minutes. The main principle is that a single gypsum board can withstand ca 15-20 minutes of fire before failing. The problem is that these solutions is only theoretical, and no empirical experiment have been done to test this solutions reliability. In this report, three modules were designed and tested to see if a fire could get through/over a firewall with, and without, a gypsum board protection within 30 minutes. As a source of fire, a heptane fire was designed to imitate ISO 834 fire curve, also known as standard fire curve. First test of the modules had quite a bit of problems and failure but the other two, after some rearrangement and fixes, delivered somewhat reliable results. The results shows that the fire couldn’t get through an unprotected firewall within 30 minutes, but a protected firewall withstand the fire considerably longer. The unprotected firewall let through smoke around 8 minutes and an open flame was visible around 38 minutes. The protected firewall started to let through smoke after 46 minutes mark. There after analyzed and discussed the reliability of the experiment according to measured heat release rate (HRR) and temperature curve. The temperature curves are each of they own reasonable and believable but differs from one another. The measured HRR were surprisingly accurate against the previously calculated HRR.  The conclusion was that a fire couldn’t get over an unprotected firewall within 30 minutes but that a protected firewall held considerably longer against a fire.

Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywall

Rosario Mabel, Andía Cabrera 10 December 2018 (has links)
La presente tesis es una “Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywall” desarrollada en una PYME del rubro construcción. La propuesta está basada en herramientas de ingeniería para contrarrestar el problema identificado en la empresa en estudio que es la demora en la entrega de proyectos de construcción. Para ello, en la presente tesis está estructurada en 6 capítulos. En el capítulo 1 se presenta el Marco teórico, en el cual se define el sistema constructivo drywall, metodologías y herramientas de mejora aplicables al proceso de planificación de proyectos de construcción y a la reducción y/o eliminación de demora en la entrega al cliente. En el capítulo 2 se presenta el diagnóstico, en el cual se describe la empresa, las condiciones en las que opera, el problema, los procesos involucrados con el problema, causas raíces, impacto económico y las herramientas aplicables a la reducción y/o eliminación del problema. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla la evaluación de alternativas de solución, en el cual se describe el plan de implementación de las herramientas 5S y Last Planner System. En el capítulo 4 se muestra la validación de la propuesta de mejora compuesta por juicio experto y la validación económica. En el capítulo 5, se muestra el impacto de la mejora en los stakeholders mediante una matriz Leopold. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la presente tesis. / This thesis is a "Proposal for improvement of the project planning process in a construction company with gypsum panel system" developed in an SME of the construction sector. The proposal is based on engineering tools to counteract the problem in the company in the study that is the delay in the delivery of construction projects. For this, in this thesis is structured in 6 chapters. Chapter 1 presents the theoretical framework, which defines the construction system of drywall, methodologies and tools to improve the planning process of construction projects and the reduction and / or elimination of the delay in delivery to the client. In chapter 2 the diagnosis is presented, in which the company is described, the conditions in which it operates, the problem, the processes related to the problem, the root causes, the economic impact and the tools applicable to the reduction and / or the elimination of the problem. Chapter 3 describes the evaluation of solution alternatives, and describes the implementation plan of the 5S and Last Planner System tools. Chapter 4 shows the validation of the improvement proposal composed of expert judgment and economic validation. In Chapter 5, the impact of the improvement on stakeholders is shown through a Leopold matrix. Finally, chapter 6 shows the conclusions and recommendations of this thesis. / Tesis

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