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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis and control of parabolic partial differential equations with application to tokamaks using sum-of-squares polynomials / Analyse et contrôle des équations aux dérivées partielles parabolique aide de polynômes somme des carrés avec une application sur les tokamaks

Gahlawat, Aditya 28 October 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous abordons les problèmes de l'analyse de la stabilité et de la synthèse de contrôleur pour une Equation aux Dérivées Partielles (EDP) parabolique linéaire de dimension 1. Ces problèmes sont résolus avec des méthodologies analogues au cadre des inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI) pour les équations différentielles ordinaires (EDO). Nous développons une méthode pour EDP paraboliques dans laquelle nous testons la faisabilité de certaines LMIs utilisant la programmation semi-définie (SDP) pour construire des fonctions de Lyapunov quadratiques et des contrôleurs. Le cœur de notre démarche est la construction de fonctions de Lyapunov quadratiques paramétrées par les opérateurs définis positifs sur les espaces de Hilbert de dimension infinie. Contrairement aux matrices positives, il n'y a pas de méthode unique paramétrisant l'ensemble des opérateurs positifs sur un espace de Hilbert. Bien sûr, nous pouvons toujours paramétrer un sous-ensemble des opérateurs positifs en utilisant, par exemple, des scalaires positifs. Cependant, nous devons nous assurer que le paramétrage des opérateurs positifs ne doit pas être conservatif. Notre contribution est de construire une paramétrisation qui a seulement une petite quantité de conservatisme comme indiqué par nos résultats numériques. Nous utilisons des polynômes en somme des carrés (SOS) pour paramétrer l'ensemble des opérateurs positifs, linéaire et bornés sur les espaces de Hilbert. Comme son nom l'indique, un polynôme SOS est celui qui peut être représenté comme une somme de polynômes carrés. La propriété la plus importante d'un polynôme SOS est qu'il peut être représenté au moyen d'une matrice (semi-)définie positive. Cela implique que, même si le problème de polynôme (semi-)positif est NP-difficile, le problème de vérifier si polynôme est SOS (et donc (semi-)positif) peut être résolu en utilisant la SDP. Par conséquent, nous nous efforçons de construire des fonctions de Lyapunov quadratiques paramétrées par les opérateurs positifs. Ces opérateurs positifs sont à leur tour paramétrés par des polynômes SOS. Cette paramétrisation SOS nous permet de formuler le problème de faisabilité pour l'existence d'une fonction de Lyapunov quadratique comme un problème de faisabilité LMI. Le problème de la faisabilité LMI peut alors être adressé à l'aide de SDP. Dans la première partie de la thèse nous considérons analyse de stabilité et la synthèse de contrôleur aux frontières pour une large classe d'EDP paraboliques. Les EDP ont des coefficients de transport distribués spatialement. Ces EDP sont utilisés pour modéliser les processus de diffusion, de convection et de réaction de quantités physiques dans les milieux anisotropes. Nous considérons la synthèse de contrôleurs limite à la fois pour le cas de retour d'état et le cas de retour de sortie (à l'aide d'un observateur). Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous concevons un contrôleur distribué pour la régulation du flux magnétique poloïdal dans un tokamak (procédé de fusion thermonucléaire par confinement magnétique). Tout d'abord, nous concevons un contrôleur régulant la pente des lignes de champ magnétique (le facteur de sécurité). La régulation du profil du facteur de sécurité est importante pour supprimer les instabilités MHD dans un tokamak. Ensuite, nous concevons un contrôleur maximisant la densité de courant bootstrap généré en interne. Une proportion accrue du courant bootstrap conduirait à une réduction des besoins énergétiques exogènes pour l'exploitation d'un tokamak. / In this work we address the problems of stability analysis and controller synthesis for one dimensional linear parabolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). To achieve the tasks of stability analysis and controller synthesis we develop methodologies akin to the Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) framework for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). We develop a method for parabolic PDEs wherein we test the feasibility of certain LMIs using SDP to construct quadratic Lyapunov functions and controllers. The core of our approach is the construction of quadratic Lyapunov functions parametrized by positive definite operators on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Unlike positive matrices, there is no single method of parametrizing the set of all positive operators on a Hilbert space. Of course, we can always parametrize a subset of positive operators, using, for example, positive scalars. However, we must ensure that the parametrization of positive operators should not be conservative. Our contribution is constructing a parametrization which has only a small amount of conservatism as indicated by our numerical results. We use Sum-of-Squares (SOS) polynomials to parametrize the set of positive, linear and bounded operators on Hilbert spaces. As the name indicates, an SOS polynomial is one which can be represented as a sum of squared polynomials. The most important property of an SOS polynomial is that it can be represented using a positive (semi)-definite matrix. This implies that even though the problem of polynomial (semi)-positivity is NP-hard, the problem of checking if polynomial is SOS (and hence (semi)-positive) can be solved using SDP. Therefore, we aim to construct quadratic Lyapunov functions parametrized by positive operators. These positive operators are in turn parametrized by SOS polynomials. This parametrization using SOS allows us to cast the feasibility problem for the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function as the feasibility problem of LMIs. The feasibility problem of LMIs can then be addressed using SDP. In the first part of the thesis we consider stability analysis and boundary controller synthesis for a large class of parabolic PDEs. The PDEs have spatially distributed coefficients. Such PDEs are used to model processes of diffusion, convection and reaction of physical quantities in anisotropic media. We consider boundary controller synthesis for both the state feedback case and the output feedback case (using and observer design). IN the second part of thesis we design distributed controllers for the regulation of poloidal magnetic flux in a tokamak (a thermonuclear fusion devise). First, we design the controllers to regulate the magnetic field line pitch (the safety factor). The regulation of the safety factor profile is important to suppress the magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in a tokamak. Then, we design controllers to maximize the internally generated bootstrap current density. An increased proportion of bootstrap current would lead to a reduction in the external energy requirements for the operation of a tokamak.

A Generalized H-Infinity Mixed Sensitivity Convex Approach to Multivariable Control Design Subject to Simultaneous Output and Input Loop-Breaking Specifications

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: In this dissertation, we present a H-infinity based multivariable control design methodology that can be used to systematically address design specifications at distinct feedback loop-breaking points. It is well understood that for multivariable systems, obtaining good/acceptable closed loop properties at one loop-breaking point does not mean the same at another. This is especially true for multivariable systems that are ill-conditioned (having high condition number and/or relative gain array and/or scaled condition number). We analyze the tradeoffs involved in shaping closed loop properties at these distinct loop-breaking points and illustrate through examples the existence of pareto optimal points associated with them. Further, we study the limitations and tradeoffs associated with shaping the properties in the presence of right half plane poles/zeros, limited available bandwidth and peak time-domain constraints. To address the above tradeoffs, we present a methodology for designing multiobjective constrained H-infinity based controllers, called Generalized Mixed Sensitivity (GMS), to effectively and efficiently shape properties at distinct loop-breaking points. The methodology accommodates a broad class of convex frequency- and time-domain design specifications. This is accomplished by exploiting the Youla-Jabr-Bongiorno-Kucera parameterization that transforms the nonlinear problem in the controller to an affine one in the Youla et al. parameter. Basis parameters that result in efficient approximation (using lesser number of basis terms) of the infinite-dimensional parameter are studied. Three state-of-the-art subgradient-based non-differentiable constrained convex optimization solvers, namely Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method (ACCPM), Kelley's CPM and SolvOpt are implemented and compared. The above approach is used to design controllers for and tradeoff between several control properties of longitudinal dynamics of 3-DOF Hypersonic vehicle model -– one that is unstable, non-minimum phase and possesses significant coupling between channels. A hierarchical inner-outer loop control architecture is used to exploit additional feedback information in order to significantly help in making reasonable tradeoffs between properties at distinct loop-breaking points. The methodology is shown to generate very good designs –- designs that would be difficult to obtain without our presented methodology. Critical control tradeoffs associated are studied and compared with other design methods (e.g., classically motivated, standard mixed sensitivity) to further illustrate its power and transparency. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2018

Controladores adaptativos não-lineares com critério H \'INFINITO\' aplicados a robôs espaciais / Adaptive nonlinear H \'INFINITE\' controllers applied to free-floating space manipulators

Tatiana de Figueiredo Pereira Alves Taveira Pazelli 24 November 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, o equacionamento dinâmico de um manipulador espacial de base livre flutuante é descrito a partir do conceito do manipulador dinamicamente equivalente para que as técnicas de controle desenvolvidas sejam experimentalmente validadas em um manipulador convencional de base fixa. Dois tipos de controle de movimento são considerados. O primeiro foi desenvolvido no espaço das juntas e realiza o comando direto de posicionamento das juntas do manipulador; o segundo foi desenvolvido no espaço inercial e o controle é direcionado para o posicionamento do efetuador no espaço Cartesiano. Nos dois casos, o problema de acompanhamento de trajetória de um manipulador espacial com base livre flutuante sujeito a incertezas na planta e perturbações externas é proposto e solucionado sob o ponto de vista do critério de desempenho H \'INFINITO\'. Considerando métodos de controle para sistemas subatuados, três técnicas adaptativas foram desenvolvidas a partir de um controlador H \'INFINITO\' não-linear baseado na teoria dos jogos. A primeira técnica foi proposta considerando a estrutura do modelo bem definida, porém calculada com base em parâmetros incertos. Uma lei adaptativa foi aplicada para estimar esses parâmetros utilizando parametrização linear. Redes neurais artificiais são aplicadas nas outras duas abordagens adaptativas. A primeira utiliza uma rede neural para aprender o comportamento dinâmico do sistema robótico, considerado totalmente desconhecido. Nenhum dado cinemático ou dinâmico da base é utilizado neste caso. A segunda abordagem considera a estrutura do modelo nominal do manipulador bem definida e a rede neural é aplicada para estimar o comportamento das incertezas paramétricas e da dinâmica não-modelada da base. O critério H \'INFINITO\' é aplicado nas três técnicas para atenuar o efeito dos erros de estimativa. Resultados experimentais foram obtidos com um robô manipulador de base fixa subatuado (UArmII) e apresentaram melhor desempenho no acompanhamento da trajetória e no consumo de energia para as abordagens baseadas em redes neurais. / In the present work, the dynamics of a free-floating space manipulator is described through the dynamically equivalent manipulator approach in order to obtain experimental results in a planar fixed base manipulator. Control in joint and Cartesian spaces are considered. The first acts directly on joints positioning; the second control scheme acts on positioning the end-effector in some inertially fixed position. In both cases, the problem of tracking control with a guaranteed H-infinity performance for free-floating manipulator systems with plant uncertainties and external disturbances is proposed and solved. Considering control methods for underactuated systems, three adaptive techniques were developed from a nonlinear H-infinity controller based on game theory. The first approach was proposed considering a well defined structure for the plant, however it was computed based on uncertain parameters. An adaptive law was applied to estimate these parameters using linear parametrization. Artificial neural networks were applied in the two other approaches. The first one uses a neural network to learn the dynamic behavior from the robotic system, which is considered totally unknown. No kinematics or dynamics data from the spacecraft are necessary in this case. The second approach considers the nominal model structure well defined and the neural network is applied to estimate the behavior of the parametric uncertainties and of the spacecraft non-modeled dynamics. The H-infinity criterion was applied to attenuate the effect of estimation errors in the three techniques. Experimental results were obtained with an underactuated fixed-base planar manipulator (UArmII) and presented better performance in tracking and energy consumption for the neural based approaches.

Análise, desenvolvimento e controle de uma plataforma de movimentos com 6 graus de liberdade / Analysis, development and control of a platform of movements with 6 degrees of freedom

Ricardo Breganon 19 May 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tem havido grande interesse em estudar manipuladores paralelos, aplicados principalmente em simuladores de voo, com seis graus de liberdade. O interesse em estruturas cinemáticas paralelas é motivado por sua alta rigidez e excelente capacidade de posicionamento em relação às estruturas cinemáticas seriais. Além disso, como os atuadores são posicionados em uma base, eles podem ser aplicados em cargas pesadas e ainda apresentam baixo consumo de energia, tendo em vista que vários atuadores atuam simultaneamente no mesmo corpo. A presente tese apresenta o projeto de três controladores, sendo eles, o controlador H infinito com realimentação de saída, o controlador PID e o controlador Fuzzy, com isto, esta metodologia poderá ser empregada na construção de um futuro simulador de voo. O modelo dos atuadores foi obtido através de uma entrada degrau de tensão nos motores, medindo os seus deslocamentos através dos encoders acoplados, individualmente, a cada um dos respectivos eixos dos motores. Sabendo-se a relação de transmissão do mecanismo de movimento entre o motor e cada haste dos atuadores obtém-se o deslocamento de cada haste a partir da rotação de cada motor medida pelo correspondente encoder e com isso obtém-se o modelo matemático de cada atuador em conjunto com seu sistema de transmissão. Entretanto, na prática, cada atuador é ligeiramente diferente dos outros, o que leva a comportamento e desempenho diferentes entre si. Isso afeta o comportamento da plataforma fazendo com que a trajetória final desejada não possa ser seguida adequadamente, algo que é extremamente necessário em simuladores de voo. Assim, uma das contribuições importantes deste trabalho é, em primeiro lugar, apresentar uma metodologia de padronização das respostas dos atuadores de modo a que todos eles tenham no final, um comportamento igual o mais próximo possível, particularmente em termos de velocidade e de posicionamento. Com os dados da cinemática e da dinâmica da plataforma compondo o modelo completo do sistema foram realizadas várias simulações que aplicadas na plataforma de Stewart real validaram o modelo e mostraram a eficiência das técnicas de controle aplicadas no controle de posição e orientação da plataforma. Para validar o projeto da Plataforma de Stewart como uma possível base de movimento de um simulador de voo, foi implementada a dinâmica longitudinal e lateral de um Boeing 747-100, e com o auxilio de um sensor inercial Xsens® MTi-G, foram realizadas as medições dos ângulos de Euler da Plataforma. Os resultados obtidos pelos três controladores foram satisfatórios e ilustram o desempenho e a robustez da metodologia proposta. / In recent years there has been great interest in studying parallel manipulators, mainly applied in flight simulators, with six degrees of freedom. The interest in parallel kinematic structures is motivated by its high stiffness and excellent positioning capability in relation to serial kinematic structures. Furthermore, since the actuators are positioned on a base, they can handle heavy loads and also have low power consumption, considering that several actuators act on the same platform. This thesis presents the design of three controllers, which are, H-infinity controller with output feedback, PID controller and Fuzzy controller, so that this methodology can be employed in building a future flight simulator. The actuators models were obtained by a step voltage input to the engines and measuring their displacements by the encoders that are coupled to each of the respective axes of the motors. Knowing the relation from the motion transmission mechanism between the motor and the spindle of each actuator, the displacement of each spindle is obtained from the rotation of each motor measured by the corresponding encoder and thus we obtain the mathematical model of each actuator together with its transmission system. However, in practice, each actuator is slightly different from others, which leads to different behavior and performance of each. This affects the behavior of the platform making the final desired trajectory cannot be properly followed something that is extremely necessary in flight simulators. Thus, one of the important contributions of this work is first to present a methodology to standardize the actuators responses so that they all have in the end a behavior equal a close as possible, particularly in terms of velocity and positioning. With the kinematics data and platform dynamics composing the complete system model, several simulations applied to the real Stewart Platform validate the model and show the effectiveness of control techniques applied to control the position and orientation of the platform. In order to validate the Stewart Platform design as a possible base for a motion flight simulator, the longitudinal and lateral dynamics of a Boeing 747-100 model were implemented, and with the aid of an inertial sensor Xsens® MTi-G, measurements of the Euler angles of the platform were performed. The results obtained by the three controllers were satisfactory and illustrate the performance and robustness of the proposed methodology.

Modelagem, simulação e otimização dinâmica aplicada a um processo de fermentação alcoólica em batelada alimentada / Modeling, simulation and dynamic optimization applied to an alcoholic fermentation process in fed-batch

Paulo Roberto Chiarolanza Vilela 09 October 2015 (has links)
O uso de etanol combustível no Brasil é hoje considerado o mais importante programa de combustível comercial renovável do mundo, sendo um potencial substituto aos derivados de petróleo. O aumento de rendimento fermentativo e a diminuição das perdas são objetivos de estudo em diversos centros de pesquisa, sendo o estudo da modelagem matemática e simulação do processo de grande importância para tal. A presente pesquisa apresenta como função identificar um modelo matemático para a linhagem isolada de Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2, de maneira a otimizar a maneira como é realizada a sua alimentação através de um controle H∞ por representação quasi-LPV. São realizados 9 ensaios de fermentação em 3 temperaturas distintas sob mesmas condições de concentração de substrato entrante. Após a finalização dos experimentos e análises, realiza-se a estimativa dos parâmetros componentes das equações diferenciais que modelam a cinética fermentativa, através de um algoritmo Quasi-Newton. De posse do modelo matemático, desenvolve-se um controle otimizado para a temperatura de 33ºC (temperatura usual de controle no processo industrial), considerando os parâmetros \"s\" e \"v\" variantes no tempo e os parâmetros x = 150 g/L e p = 70 g/L fixados, sendo valores médios obtidos durante o experimento. A utilização do controle desenvolvido possibilita um aumento de produtividade na faixa de 10% com relação a alimentação realizada em laboratório. Os resultados finais comprovam a eficiência do modelo matemático desenvolvido, comparado a outros estudos semelhantes, a influência da temperatura nos parâmetros cinéticos e a possibilidade de otimizar o processo através de um controle avançado do processo. / The use of ethanol in Brazil is considered the most important commercial renewable fuel program in the world, with a potential substitute for oil products. The increase in fermentation yield and losses reduction are objectives of study in various research centers, where the study of mathematical modeling and simulation of the process is of significant importance. This research presents as function to identify a mathematical model for the isolated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2, in order to optimize the way their substrate is fed, through a H∞ control based on quasi-LPV representation. Nine fermentation tests are performed at three different temperatures under the same conditions for incoming substrate concentration. After the experiments and analysis, it is carried out the estimation of parameters which are components of the differential equations that explain the fermentation kinetics, through a Quasi-Newton algorithm. With the mathematical model obtained, it is developed an optimal control for temperature 33°C (usual temperature control in the industrial process), considering the parameters \"s\" e \"v\" variyng in time and the parameters x = 150 g/L e p = 70 g/L set, which are average values obtained over the tests. The use of the control developed, applied to the flow variation, allows increasing productivity in 10% when compared with the flow performed in the tests conditions. The final results demonstrated the efficacy of the developed mathematical model, compared to other similar studies, the influence of temperature on the kinetic parameters and the possibility to optimize the process through an advanced process control.

Projeto de controladores H-infinito de ordem reduzida e compensação de saturação em estruturas flexíveis / Reduced order H-infinity controller design and saturation compensator in flexible structures

Canahuire Cabello, Ruth Vanessa, 1983- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Luiz Serpa / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T12:10:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CanahuireCabello_RuthVanessa_D.pdf: 5994310 bytes, checksum: 0f754dbcbe2bce27101f33806ca7f190 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A síntese de controle H-infinito de estruturas flexíveis pode levar à obtenção de controladores de alta ordem. Estes controladores podem apresentar dificuldades para a implementação prática acarretando atrasos de resposta no sistema. Para evitar esse problema, este trabalho apresenta duas sínteses de controladores H-infinito de ordem reduzida por realimentação de saída. Para este propósito, são formulados dois problemas de otimização para a obtenção de controladores de ordem reduzida considerando que as matrizes de estado do controlador estão na forma canônica controlável e canônica modal. As duas sínteses propostas estão baseadas na minimização da norma H-infinito garantindo a estabilidade do sistema em malha fechada. Outro problema considerado neste trabalho são os efeitos de saturação dos atuadores sobre o sistema controlado. A saturação, quando presente no sistema, pode levar a uma perda de desempenho e as vezes à instabilidade da planta. Para tratar o problema de saturação é proposto um problema de otimização baseado no projeto de compensadores anti-windup. A abordagem proposta usa a síntese do problema H-infinito para minimizar diretamente os efeitos do sinal de saturação sobre o sinal de desempenho. Finalmente, as formulações são verificadas no controle ativo de vibração sobre um modelo teórico e em uma bancada experimental com uma viga de alumínio engastada-livre. Os métodos mostraram ter bom desempenho garantindo a estabilidade do sistema em malha fechada. Os problemas de otimização são resolvidos usando algoritmos genéticos e alguns aspectos numéricos são discutidos / Abstract: The H-infinity controller synthesis for flexible structures leads to full-order controllers. This can represent difficulties for practical controller implementation arising delay in the system response. To avoid this difficulty, this work presents two reduced order H-infinity controllers synthesis based on output feedback. For this goal, it is formulated two optimization problem to obtain a reduced order controller in its state-space controllable canonical form and state-space modal canonical form. The two proposed synthesis are based on the minimization of the H-infinity norm ensuring the stability of the closed loop system. Another problem considered in this work is related to the effects of saturation of the actuators on the controlled system. The saturation in the system can lead to a performance loss and occasionally to the instability of the plant. An optimization problem based on anti-windup compensator design is proposed to treat this problem. The proposed approach uses the H-infinity controller synthesis to minimize directly the saturation effects on the performance signal. Finally, the formulations are verified in the active control of vibration of a theoretical model and a cantilever aluminium beam is used on an experimental bench. The methods proposed presented good performance in terms of the stability of the closed loop system. The optimization problems are solved using genetic algorithms and some numerical aspects are discussed / Doutorado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Doutora em Engenharia Mecânica

Posicionamento de sensores/atuadores e escolha de funções de ponderação no controle H-infinito de vibrações / Placement of sensors/actuators and selection of weighting functions in H-infinity control of vibrations

Mourão, Kellen Taziani Fernandes 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Luiz Serpa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T02:31:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mourao_KellenTazianiFernandes_M.pdf: 2493356 bytes, checksum: 4d9ad466fb48ec6e3f81311c9fd467b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Neste trabalho foi utilizado o controle H'infinito' para atenuar vibrações em estruturas mecânicas. São utilizadas desigualdades matriciais lineares para encontrar o controlador ótimo. Sensores e atuadores são incorporados ao projeto e para determinar o melhor local onde devem ser fixados na estrutura são utilizadas duas metodologias: uma pela menor norma H'infinito' de malha fechada e a outra pela maior norma H''infinito' de malha aberta. Para modelar a estrutura a ser controlada é usado o método de elementos finitos. Após determinadas as posições ótimas para alocar sensores e atuadores, foram projetados controladores H''infinito' com filtros de ponderação escolhidos via algoritmos genéticos. Para projetar o controlador H'infinito' utilizou-se o modelo reduzido da planta, desconsiderando os modos residuais. São escolhidos filtros de ponderação via algoritmos genéticos para determinar as faixas de frequência de interesse com o intuito de projetar um controlador menos conservador e evitar o fenômeno de spillover, e consequentemente, que a malha fechada se torne instável. Os exemplos de aplicação foram realizados sobre uma estrutura flexível do tipo viga. Os resultados mostraram que os controladores projetados, após o posicionamento ótimo de sensores e atuadores e escolhidas das funções de ponderação via algoritmos genéticos, minimizaram a amplitude de vibração da estrutura garantindo a estabilidade do sistema / Abstract: In this work it was used the H'infinite' control to atenuate vibrations in mechanical structures. Linear matrix inequalities are used to find the optimal controller. Sensors and actuators are incorporated into the project. To determine the best place to allocate them in the structure two methods are used: the first is based on the highest closed-loop H'infinite' norm and the second is based on the lowest open-loop H'infinite' norm. The structure to be controlled was modeled through the finite element method. After determining the optimal placement to allocate sensors and actuators, the loop was closed and H'infinite' controllers were designed with weighting filters that were chosen via genetic algorithms for both cases of positioning. To design the H'infinite' controller, a reduced model of the plant was used, disregarding the residual modes. Weighting filters are found through genetic algorithms to determine the frequency bands of interest in order to design a controller with less conservatism and avoiding the phenomenon of spillover, and consequently, unstable closed loop. The application examples were based in a flexible beam structure. The results showed that the designed controllers, after the optimal placement of sensors and actuators and choosing the best parameters for the weighting functions, minimized the amplitude of vibration of the structure, ensuring system stability / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

H Infinity - Based Robust Controller For Aerospace Vehicles

George, K Koshy 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

A Digital Signal Processing Approach for Affective Sensing of a Computer User through Pupil Diameter Monitoring

Gao, Ying 16 June 2009 (has links)
Recent research has indicated that the pupil diameter (PD) in humans varies with their affective states. However, this signal has not been fully investigated for affective sensing purposes in human-computer interaction systems. This may be due to the dominant separate effect of the pupillary light reflex (PLR), which shrinks the pupil when light intensity increases. In this dissertation, an adaptive interference canceller (AIC) system using the H∞ time-varying (HITV) adaptive algorithm was developed to minimize the impact of the PLR on the measured pupil diameter signal. The modified pupil diameter (MPD) signal, obtained from the AIC was expected to reflect primarily the pupillary affective responses (PAR) of the subject. Additional manipulations of the AIC output resulted in a processed MPD (PMPD) signal, from which a classification feature, PMPDmean, was extracted. This feature was used to train and test a support vector machine (SVM), for the identification of stress states in the subject from whom the pupil diameter signal was recorded, achieving an accuracy rate of 77.78%. The advantages of affective recognition through the PD signal were verified by comparatively investigating the classification of stress and relaxation states through features derived from the simultaneously recorded galvanic skin response (GSR) and blood volume pulse (BVP) signals, with and without the PD feature. The discriminating potential of each individual feature extracted from GSR, BVP and PD was studied by analysis of its receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC curve found for the PMPDmean feature encompassed the largest area (0.8546) of all the single-feature ROCs investigated. The encouraging results seen in affective sensing based on pupil diameter monitoring were obtained in spite of intermittent illumination increases purposely introduced during the experiments. Therefore, these results confirmed the benefits of using the AIC implementation with the HITV adaptive algorithm to isolate the PAR and the potential of using PD monitoring to sense the evolving affective states of a computer user.

Robustní řízení elektrických pohonů / Robust Control of AC Electrical Drives

Pohl, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this disertation is to introduce and demonstrate a new approach to robust control of AC electrical drives. The proposed robust control method takes advantage of a nonlinear nature of AC motor d-q equations to construct self-scheduled LPV stator current controller. The benefit of this approach is in maitaining the robustness without any increase in conservatism of the H infinity controller. The resulting controller achieves fast and consistent response in the entire range of operating speeds. Rejection of the load torque disturbance is achieved with nonparametric H infinity speed controller in the outter loop of the cascade structure. The combination of LPV current controller and H infinity speed controller was verified on real-time simulation platform dSPACE ds1103. Simulation results for both types of AC motors (PMSM and IM) shows that the proposed solution is not only robust with respect to operating speeds but also impervious to wide range of load disturbance values.

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